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Messages - Jael Sherem

LOA Archives / Reserve Request - Jael Sherem
August 17, 2023, 06:51:04 AM

Character(s) affected: Jael Sherem
Assigned ship(s): Discovery

Any relevant comments: Am retiring the character and I felt to use this form to complete the character's ending. It's mostly because I haven't felt time to post the character or make good posts, even if the recent ones had been good. I may make a new character after having a break of writing two characters someday, but for now, I will be making Jael's character retirement official with this.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 15, 2023, 08:16:56 AM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Captain's Ready Room]

The Captain sat silently listening to the two of them.  It wasn't something he enjoyed doing, expecially when he took the PADD from Rayek and confirmed the word "RESIGNATION".  Jael had already been a recent conversation, and this threw a wrench in their discussion.  He debated whether he was going to go through with their agreed plan... he felt Rayek waiting for his go ahead.

Nevir looked at Jael, down to the PADD, and then looked up at Rayek.  No word, just a single nod.  And Rayek told her of their decision and promoted her.  He waited for her to finish, and then finally opened his mouth.

"Perhaps, a transfer is just what you need.  Embassy yes, a station, something more stable than a ship.  I hate to see you go, but your after-action report told me the entire story.  How about I relieve you of duty here on Discovery, and you can disembark either on DS9 or whichever spacedock we are instructed to go afterwards. Give yourself that time to think hard on what you want to do.  Believe me when I say, as a family man myself I understand the dilemma you have. Not to mention handling other... family arrangements." he said, trying not to reopen the wound of loss.

The Captain finally stood up, and held out his hand.  "It has been a pleasure to have you aboard Lieutenant.  I'm sorry to see you go." he said, reaching down and grabbing the PADD.

"Oh, and for this... let's just say for now, resignation denied.  I relieve you from duty effective immediately, with full recommendation for transfer."

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Ready Room | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

"That might be for the best, Captain. I would appreciate it," said Jael. "In fact...I just remembered that there's the Federation embassy on Cardassia. And if I more used my mother's name than my father's, perhaps I could be more welcomed...or if there is a post available on Deep Space Nine, if you say a station would be more stable than a ship, it'll be more acceptable..."

Jael thought long and hard and decided. "Yes, actually, I'll stay on Deep Space Nine. I was born there, after all. My mother felt the most home there before the end of the Occupation, in spite of what happened when it was Terok Nor. It could be a good place to raise a child, too, since it's become friendlier since the days of the Occupation."

Jael nodded and smiled appreciateively. "Thank you, Captain," she said. "It had been an honor serving with the both of you," she added, turning to Rayek. "The Prophets and the Elements smile upon you."

[Lieutenant Jael Sherem | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Jael stood at a window, thinking back to the funeral for her mother. The long ritual rites...and Jael had been surprised at how many Cardassians showed up for the funeral and offered condolences...and not just her old crew from her first ship to the Kalnak. Even Garak had been by to offer condolences himself and Jael thanked him, putting aside her feelings against him. She had been surprised that Admiral Kira recommended the spot for her mother's burial, and when it ended, Kira took her to a nearby grove and revealed why. She felt it touching that Rahab Sherem would be buried within proximity to Tekeny Ghemor, though not necessarily next to him.

Now at a window in the upper Promenade, Jael watched Discovery in docking, and in the distance, the Bajoran Wormhole opening. Somewhere on the other side was Katra Station, among other things. She smiled warmly. Then she sighed and turned away. It was time to go home. To her living quarters...and ready for the start of the new stage of her life, time to be a new surrogate mother. But she made one last look back at Discovery.

"Prophets bless you," she said tearily.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 14, 2023, 06:07:06 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell [USS Discovery - Deck Two - XO's office]
In his office while attempting to sort through the 153 messages, for a moment, Rayek missed the organizational skills of the Vulcan aide, Sorik, who had been assigned to him briefly while aboard the RFS Valdore.

After addressing the most critical messages and signing off on several transfer requests and new assignments, Rayek finally got around to his own after-action report.  Given the risks involved with the mission, the Romulan recommended commendations for the entire team - despite individual reckless actions.... those he would address separately.

Also amid the XO's messages were a number of promotion notifications that the Captain must have sought approval for during Rayek's week long bereavement leave.  Some, he felt were wholly deserved - others he had his doubts about; but as the decision had already been made there was little point to questioning the reasons why afterwards.  He would hand out the promotions later that afternoon if he could get through the bulk of his messages.

Sherem's request to meet with him and the Captain, came at an opportune time, since he needed to speak with her anyways in regards to a couple of things.

He found a time in his and the Captain's schedule and booked her in for later that afternoon.

[USS Discovery - Deck One - Captain's Ready Room]

Rather than sit for this meeting, Rayek had opted to remain standing At Ease to the side of the Captain's desk.  He had his hands clasped behind him.  He look much like a stoic guard.

The Lieutenant's appearance, with her red-rimmed eyes from crying, though understandable in light of her own familial loss, reflected poorly on the officer he felt.  Not that Rayek had fared any better at refraining from tears throughout his time of mourning.  No.  He merely had used eye drops earlier to keep his eyes clean and clear for moments like now.

The announcement of her resignation, caught him off guard.  The Romulan First Officer listened as she listed all the reasons why this was the best decision for her.  He had learned that morning about the tragic passing of her mother, but nothing in the file at all had mentioned the premature birth of a sibling.

When she slid over the PADD, Rayek reached out to look it over to be sure this wasn't some sort of prank.  After a moment to check that the resignation form was indeed valid Rayek, handed it to the Captain.   "It appears to be in order, sir."

He paused a moment looking towards the Captain seeking the Bajoran's go-ahead before he turned back to address the Cardassian officer.

"I can't speak to your inner turmoil of belonging - though I understand it well enough - but from Starfleet's perspective, despite your various infractions, you are viewed to be a worthy officer.  Before this resignation can be accepted, your form needs to be updated with your correct rank, Lieutenant Sherem."

As he spoke, stressing her promoted rank, Rayek brought forward from behind his back, the small pip box containing a solid gold pin.  He motioned her to rise and once she was standing, he stepped forward to remove the black center pip and replaced it with the solid pip that noted her thereafter as a Lieutenant.

"Starfleet thanks you for your service; and in regards to your resignation, wishes you well along your chosen path."

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Ready Room | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Now it was Jael's turn to be taken aback. A promotion? At this time? She was flabbergasted as she stood and had pips changed, but she weighed her options. As a Lieutenant, she'd have a little more prominence...

"I'm...I'm flattered by the promotion, sirs," said Jael. "But leaving so soon just after I've been promoted...I'm a little surprised...maybe my resignation won't be necessary, maybe a transfer to an embassy. Maybe the Cardassian embassy on Earth. A little easier to raise a baby that way...and he still needs care; he may have been born early, but he'll need to fully develop into an infant before going into an incubator..."

She shut up, realizing she was on the verge of rambling. Then she added, "thank you for the promotion."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 12, 2023, 10:32:16 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Jem'Hadar ship - Engineering] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 17:10 hrs)

The battle ended quicker than Rayek had thought possible.  His tactic had worked.  The Vorta, and the Jem'Hadar were dead.

He was surprised by Jael's praise.  He hadn't wanted to use his ability in that manner ever again.  But he'd run out of other options.

It was only as he listened to Jael describe the tragic outcome of the mass telepathic attack on Betazoid that had inspired his attempt, did he realized that what he'd done had more risk to himself than he'd first thought.  He was not a strong telepath by any stretch of the imagination.  He would have thought a naturally telepathic species would have fared better than him, with his aberrant genetics.

Recognizing that he still hadn't responded to her comments, Rayek gave a slight shrug.  "I was running out of workable ideas.  It seemed the best option.   I'm glad it worked."  He then looked to each of his team.  "Good job, everyone.  Secure the room and let's contact the Bridge to let them know they are good to get us out of here."

But before he could open a channel, Sisko contacted him, with news that there are been yet more cloaked Jem'Hadar... of course!  Fvadt!  And he'd left the Bridge basically undefended.  The Romulan scowled at his own mistake.

"Is everyone okay?" he asked then afterwards gave orders for the Bridge team to arrange for a meet up with the nearest Federation vessel.   Meanwhile, he and his security would a more thorough check of the ship and make sure there were no other Dominion forces aboard.

[USS Discovery] (Day 4 09:00)

It took hours after their debrief for Rayek to be able to arrange for a ship to return them to the Discovery, since the Jem'Hadar ship had been confiscated shortly after their meet up with the Valiant. Hearing about how badly Discovery had been damaged, Rayek was nearly beside himself with worry over Tess and Fvienn.

From the moment the team transported aboard, Rayek was all but running through the corridors in his haste to check on his family.

What he learned upon arrival prompted his absence from all duties for an entire week while he grieved with his wife over the loss of their unborn daughter.

Quote from: Lorut Vila on August 12, 2023, 11:59:02 PM

Jem'Hadar Ship-Discovery
Day 3

Finally, it was all over. Comms had been restored, the Jem'hader were dead, along with their Vorta leader. Melek Nor had exploded, taking war criminals with it.

Upon their return to the Discovery, she was forced into Medical. She'd taken a couple of good hits. Still, she was looking forward to some time at DS9-this time, she'd go home.

IF she was allowed to. She recognized that while her actions saved lives, she was wrong and fully expected punishment for it.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Engineering | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter]

"Ah, well, sometimes some ideas come at the spur of the moment," Jael said with a shrug. "My brother, Gid, he once said that it's why Engineers are often called miracle workers."

The comm Rayek sent was answered immediately by Sisko. "Understood, Commander...okay, I found one. The Starship Himishi's the closest, I'm sending in a transmission."

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Jael and Gid's Quarters | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

The debrief took Prophets-awful long, too long for Jael's liking. She was glad to have gotten back to the Discovery via the Himishi. She wasn't sure how well used she can get to those new Alita-class starships.

Still, she had a chance to relax, though she passed through the Discovery's ruined bridge. It pained her to see it like this. Still, she was glad she didn't have any immediate duties.

But when she got word of her mother's fatal wound, she was shocked. She had the news of her being on life support, but it only delayed the inevitable. For the rest of the day, she sobbed horribly.

Quote from: Nira Said on August 11, 2023, 06:30:06 PM

First Officer's Log, Stardate 78193.3. We're taking the most time we have of our remaining stay on Deep Space Nine before we have to make our return to the Romulan border. A time for shore leave is good for us for recuperation. Unfortunately, it's going to be marring to some. Before I have to join in on celebrating our victory, I have to be there for a fellow officer as she spends her last moments with a dying loved one.

[Commander Nira Said | Infirmary | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira had just walked into the infirmary just as Jael had almost bumped into her in a run, with her adopted Bajoran brother Gid in tow. Both have been summoned as Rahab Sherem spends her last dying moments in life.

"Mother!" she shouted. "I came as soon as I could! I wish I would've come sooner...!"

"It's all right, my little Jael," said Rahab soothingly on her deathbed. "I don't have much time left, in spite of what the good doctor has done. I wanted you to be there...along with the good woman who did so much to ensure I came back in one piece."

Nira grimaced at her words, and looked around with her eyes to ]see Doctor Bashir watching nearby, then back at Rahab.

"I'm sorry, Legate. Not necessarily in one piece..."

"Be it as it may, it's left peace to my family," said Rahab with a sigh.

"Not to us!" said Jael worriedly, gesturing to her and Gid. "Doctor, isn't there...?"

"I'm sorry, but there isn't anything I can do more," Doctor Bashir said. "Her wound was much too severe. The best I could do was give time. It's inevitable her time is up, that's why you were called here."

"Oh, Prophets!" wailed Jael, her tears welling.

"It's all right," said Rahab quietly, smiling reassuredly. "We could be together for the last time. At least I could die knowing that Nehor's death was assured...thanks to you, Nira," she added, looking at Nira.

"Believe me, Legate, I didn't want to take a life," said Nira, looking down. "But that man was evil..."

"I understand," said Rahab. "And for that, I thank you. Many Bajorans will want to thank you, Nira."

"But I hope not in a way to supplant Benjamin Sisko in the eyes of..."

"I know. The Bajorans regard Sisko as the Emissary. You're no Moses or Joan of Arc, Nira," said Rahab. And then she gasped. Jael came to her side, a hand taking her mother's.

"Mother!" said Jael, tears streaming.

"My know where to put me when I die," said Rahab with a reassuring smile.

"Yes, but..."

"Then show how our hearts belong to Bajor," said Rahab. "Be a part of Bajor, my children."

"We will," said Gid.

"Thank you, my children," said Rahab. "And...thank you, Nira."

She laid her head back, her hand still in Jael's, her eyes closing. Then, she let out a smile. " was so good. I was glad to be there...I will always treasure that moment...I bid farewell to I bid farewell to memory..."

She fell silent. Her smile was wide. And then her hand slipped from Jael's hand and draped limply over the bed. Rahab Sherem died with an amused smile on her face, feeling peaceful in spite of the wound. Nira had already figured she was replaying Nehor Sherem being sucked out into space like he was falling from a tower.

Jael buried her face on the side of her mother's body, letting out a wail of grief. Gid hugged Jael from behind and Nira gave a soft reassuring pat on Jael's shoulder, a tear down her own face.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Ready Room | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-40117-A]

=/\="Captain Tekin? Commander tr'Lhoell? I need to talk to you when you're both able to." =/\=

More than a week later, between the journey back to Deep Space Nine on tetherhooks and finally being at Rahab's bedside when she died, Jael was face to face with Captain Tekin and Rayek. Her eyes were red...or as typical of Cardassians...with tears. She had been in such extreme mourning. And there had been something more to catalyze her decision.

"Captain. Commander. I'm glad we could have this meeting," said Jael. She brought over her PADD.

"Sirs, I wish to tender my resignation. I've done some things as of late that have been offensive. In fact, plenty of things I have done for half the time since my graduation at the Academy have made me pull out my resignation papers. I had been feeling strongly of whether I even belong in Starfleet. However, something, some circumstance, had kept me from submitting them.

"But now I have a good strong reason to make my resignation now," said Jael. "I'm sure you'd know by now, whether from Nira Said or from Julian mother was killed by my father. Shot cruelly. Nira risked her life to bring her dying self from Melek Nor, and Doctor Bashir delayed her death as long as he could, long enough that we could say goodbye. But there's a reason for my tendering my resignation in light of my mother's death.

"You see," she continued, "my mother married her former first officer, Helem Kimnor. He was killed during the battle of Panora. She had been expecting a baby...and Doctor Bashir arranged for it to be born early to save my new baby brother, to keep him from dying with my mother. And this is why I must resign. I have a sibling to raise, to act as his mother in my own mother's place. But I don't have the time to raise a child while I am an officer. Oh, even if I could pull it off, like you would, Commander," she added, nodding at Rayek, remembering his wife and child, whom she had often seen in passing, "the pressure I've felt as an officer is too much on me. Amidst my inner turmoil of my wanting to belong...well, I just can't.

"I intend to bury my mother at Bajor," said Jael. "It's what she wants. But I intend to raise my baby brother on Earth. Earth was my one true home. Not Bajor. Nor Cardassia. I'm not welcome on Bajor because many Bajorans haven't forgiven the Cardassians for the Occupation. Nor would I be welcome on Cardassia because I still carry the Sherem name, and in light of his death, it would be as hurtful a reminder as the Occupation was to Bajoran memory."

And she put the PADD on the desk and slid it over to the two Commanding Officers.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 11, 2023, 04:23:29 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Jem'Hadar ship - Engineering] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 17:05 hrs)

Rayek glanced to Jael at her various suggestions. He was tempted to point out that they were down here clearing out the enemy nest because Gohun and the others on the Bridge were having trouble maintaining access to any of the controls because of the damn Vorta.  Like as if the Vorta would make it easy for them to lower the ship's shields.

No, they needed to clear this space out themselves, and given the sensitive nature of the engineering controls... a grenade was not a wise idea either.

His answer to Jael was just a single shake of his head.

For a moment, Rayek felt frustratingly trapped unable to do anything against the Jem'Hadar.  The genetically-engineered warriors were superior in speed, strength, constitution.. their only weakness had been ketracel-white and now perhaps not even that.  They were brutal - as evidenced by how harshly they had dealt with resistance on Betazed.

Oh wait!  That was it!  Telepathy! Rayek suddenly had a plan.

Rayek gestured to Jael to be ready with her disruptor.  He mouthed 'Vorta'.   While she took care of the 'leader', Rayek would aim for the nearest Jem'Hadar... and hope that Dranik and Dersch recognized the opening and did the same.

With his hand he counted down from Five... Four....   Rayek reached out with his mind throughout the room.   He dismissed the mental presences of those he knew - Jael, Dranik and Dersch, and focused his intent on every other mind and rather than reading their thoughts, he used a Reman trick he'd been taught during his time in the Tal'Shiar, implanting an idea -

Three - his count down continued

- something simple, something not contrary to their warrior nature but rather used that nature to bring them out into the open where his security team could have clear shots on them, and leaving the Vorta unprotected.   ~tele~ Step out and issue a challenge to your opponent.


The implanted thought was soft, subtle, yet compelling.

Almost as if as one, the Jem'Hadar warriors moved out from behind the engineering consoles that made aiming on them difficult, and called out to the Federation intruders to accept an honorable death at their hands.   The Vorta lifted his head from his task, shocked with their actions.


Rayek stood up from his cover and fired on the Jem'Hadar he'd selected as his target.  His dishonorable action infuriated the Jem'Hadar, who took two steps towards him before the concentrated disruptor fire took the Jem'Hadar down.

Rayek changed targets - to one who was lifting his weapon to take aim at Jael - recognizing her as a threat to his Vorta leader.  As the Romulan fired he changed his telepathic implanted thought to a more urgent order.  ~tele~ Hold your fire!

The order worked, causing the all the Jem'Hadar to hesitate in firing.  This hesitation gave Rayek the time he needed to drop that warrior.

As the Romulan looked for his next target, he took stock of what Jael and the others were doing.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Engineering | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter]

Jael saw Rayek mouth the word "Vorta." She nodded in understanding, she knew he wanted her to target him. And whatever happened, the opening proved opportune. The Jem'Hadar scooted, of sorts, giving themselves away, leaving the Vorta vulnerable...and Jael took her shot at the pointed-eared eel. The shot made a searing passage through his neck and he collapsed, wriggling until death claimed him.

Jael sent another shot at a Jem'Hadar and ducked down. Of course, the openings for Dranik and Dersch ensured an ending to the gunfight.

Once the battle was over and the Jem'Hadar lay in scorching heaps, Jael looked back at Rayek with a giggle.

"That was amazing!" she said. "Your telepathy, of course...I heard how the Dominion were expelled from Betazed, it was mentioned how the Jem'Hadar were vulnerable to telepathy...Holy Prophets, it makes me wonder if Nira...Commander Said..."

Then she shook her head and corrected herself. "No. I stand corrected. Nira would be a dead woman if she tried that en masse. Fifteen thousand Betazoids never woke up from comas after that mass telepathic attack that liberated Betazed."

Not to mention it was a rare indication of the least amount of casualties in the Federation during the Dominion War, she added to herself inwardly.

A comm came in from Commander Sisko. "Bridge to tr'Lhoell. I guess you got the Vorta. We had a brief problem, some shrouded Jem'Hadar, but it's all taken care of. We got a souvenir to bring home to remember the battle by."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 09, 2023, 02:16:30 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Jem'Hadar ship - Engineering] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 17:05 hrs)

Jael's sideline comment as to who Gohun's opponent was, had Rayek taking another quick look.  Fvadt!  He'd missed seeing the Vorta and its Jem'Hadar protectors.   Jael was likely right.  They needed to take out the Vorta, but anytime he attempted to peek out and take aim, he was spotted by the Jem'Hadar whose job it was, obviously, to protect their Vorta.  Their covering fire forced him to duck back to avoid being shot.

The bits of intel dropped as the Vorta reacted to the events of first the Breen base blowing up, and then the Nor-station imploded, gave Rayek a pretty good picture of the battle right now.   Seemed the Federation and their allies were winning.   That was good news, but it didn't help them any here and now.

That the Cardassian beside him hated her father so much that she openly stated that she'd have loved to see his demise, seemed cold.  Rayek, while not having a close relationship with his father (something Rayek hoped to improve upon with his own son Fvienn) he still had respected his father.  He'd couldn't imagine being pleased to hear of his death.

"You can celebrate later.  For now, I'll provide covering fire for you.  I need you to move up and get a shot on the Vorta." he whispered.

He waited for an acknowledgement before edging out from behind the console, drawing the fire of the Breen and Jem'Hadar.  He fired back but whereas he was twitchy in attempting to not get hit, the Jem'Hadar acted as a barrier between the Vorta and its enemies, the Federation invaders.

The Romulan could hear the weapons fire from Dranik and Dersch but they must have gone in towards the other side of the engineering room, so he didn't have eyes on them.

What they needed was an advantage...

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Engineering | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter]

Jael had noticed Rayek's reaction. She made a note to tell him later that Nehor Sherem was an evil man, and not just in terms of family.

"What if we set these disruptors to overload and use them as grenades?" asked Jael in the teensiest whisper she can manage, one quiet enough to sound just so soft in a Vulcan's - or a Romulan's - ear. "Or probably one of them? And we lobby them at the Jem'Hadar? Or we get Sisko to drop our shields so Federation reinforcements can beam in?"

[Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko | Bridge | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter]

As if it didn't get hairy enough, a door to the bridge opened and a pair of Jem'Hadar de-shrouded and attacked. Rebecca heard the bolts fire and ducked just in time. She whirled around and shot a phaser...and missed.

"Lorut! Gohun! Yoshi!" she shouted. She had to get back to the console, but now these shrouded lizards added more complications. She forgot about the damn shrouds.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 06, 2023, 02:18:22 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Ship - Bridge] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 17:00 hrs)

At arriving on the Breen ship, Rayek nodding his thanks to Lieutenant Commander Sisko.  The news of hostiles in the engineering was concerning and he nodded to Lieutenant Sherem at her comment.  "Take Dranik, and Dersch - make sure each as a proper weapon.  Then head down to engineering. Rout out those hostiles.  I'll be there shortly."

Rayek then turned to the others who were beamed off the Base with him.  "Lorut, O'Brien assist Ensign Gohun with the Bridge controls.  See if you can help keep those hostiles for regaining ship controls."

As the Security detail left to deal with the Breen resistance, Rayek turned toward Sisko.  "While I assist my team, I need you to get a message out to the entire fleet to disengage from attacking that base.  Those torpedoes are all timed to explode simultaneously.   I don't want any of our ships caught in the blast....  including yourselves, so move us away from here using whatever means you can."

Then he left to support the security team, but not before picking up O'Brien's engineering tool kit.  "I'm going to borrow this. It might come in handy down below."

Breen Ship - Outside Engineering]

Down in the bowels of the Jem'Hadar ship, Rayek at a sprint had caught up to the security team and together they found the entrance to the engineering section locked.  Obviously, whoever was in engineering were wanting to keep the Federation invaders out.

Moving to the wall panel beside the door, Rayek used the borrowed tools to pop open the panel.  He studied to layout of the door mechanism a moment before figuring out how the pneumatics worked on this design.  "Take cover and be ready to move in. I'm opening the door." he quietly informed.

A second later the door slid open and the doorway was crisscrossed with no fewer than 4 disruptor beams.  From his position flat against the opened wall panel, Rayek didn't have a good view into the room.  He didn't dare fire randomly, because that would risk the engines and might get them blow to hell, so instead he dropped to the floor halfway in front of the door.  The enemy might mistake that to be he'd been hit, yet from there the beams were firing above him while he took sideways aim on the nearest Breen inside the room.

He fired and then immediately curled himself and rolled in through the doorway - one roll, two roll before coming up in a low crouch and sprinted towards where the Breen had fallen and the cover it had been attempting to use.   He heard the air to his right sizzle and at the same moment he felt the searing heat at his ear.  It was painful but not incapacitating.  The smell of burnt hair assaulted his nose but he kept running until he achieved cover.   Only then as he ducked behind the engineering 'pooltable' did he feel pat at his head to determine how badly he'd been grazed

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge >- Engineering | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter]

"Acknowledged," said Rebecca from her console. "Oh, Lorut, can you man the visual sensor display in Dranik's place? Be the eyes, otherwise, we'll be flying blind."

Jael was certainly glad they made it to the bridge after the transporter room, a good rendezvous. She inspected Dranik's and Dersch's weapons as Rebecca made her call.

"Sisko to Starfleet ships, get clear of the Breen base, it's going to blow! I repeat, Sisko to Starfleet ships, friendlies aboard this ship, do not engage!"

Jael had been about to give the move-out order when

"Kira to Sisko," called Kira.


Returning to reality, Kira said, "Yes, are you all out?"

"Affirmative," Rebecca said. "Commander tr'Lhoell is currently tied up elsewhere on the ship, but he'll get to you shortly. Meantime, you'd best get clear of the Breen station. Otherwise, if anybody's around that station within a minute or so, they won't be needed warp speed to fly through sp..."

The door just shut as Jael and the security detail moved out.

As small as the ship was, they were so unfamiliar with it that they had gotten lost. Jael was quite surprised that there was no other Jem'Hadar aboard, much less a Changeling to get the jump on them. Among the times they had bumbling around getting lost, they ran into Rayek. Fortunately, once they got together, they were able to find Engineering much more easily. Rayek even handled the lock, and they went in guns blazing.

Jael managed to get a good look: She especially noticced a Vorta skulking behind them, sporting a visual sensor display. His enraged shouting and distracted look made it all the more easier to zero in on him visually.

"Founders blast these intruders!" he shouted. He turned his head and virtually flinched; Jael could see the display glowing so brightly, for one insane moment, she thought they had ended up with Melek Nor through a transwarp conduit and damn near a star's corona. And then followed a rumbling that caused Jael to hit the floor, but she rolled to Rayek's side to avoid the incoming fire.

"What?!? How?!? Founders help the Breen, how did THAT happen?!?"

Jael had followed Rayek's lead and laid on the floor just as he spoke, determining to evade the fire. The full comment caused Jael look aside at Rayek.

"I think it worked," whispered Jael.

"Our Cardassian ally looks to be doing better," added the Vorta. "Ah, damn the retreat order, we have to come to his aid. Take care of the intruders!"

Jael got a good look at the Vorta and what he's doing when she followed Rayek to the "pool table" and got to his side, seeing he was nursing a graze.

"Commander," she whispered, "I think I know who's fighting with Gohun from another computer. His goons are going to make it tricky to get to him..."

She got another fast look as she fired. She could see a Breen alongside the Vorta as well as the smattering of Jem'Hadar. She managed to see she had downed a Jem'Hadar before diving down. And then another surprised cry from the Vorta.

"What's happening? The Federation are bombarding the reactor...! NO! THE CARDASSIANS! What an implosion, they've been swallowed into transwarp nothingness!"

Jael raised her eyebrow facial structures and looked at Rayek. "Looks like Father is gone, too," she whispered. "Now that I would've loved to see."

Quote from: Lorut Vila on August 02, 2023, 11:12:41 PM

Day 3, Torpedo Bay

She stepped forward, offering her first-aid kit to the Counselor-it was likely useless, but she spoke up anyway. "Maybe try the gauze as a tourniquet," she said. "If you have this, I'll get on the task of getting these to go BOOM," she said, moving out of the way. She knew that too many hands made for the Devil's work, but she was still a bit concerned-she wasn't a total monster, and besides, she knew his mother, and knew that the woman would've appreciated it.

She crossed to the computer. "Do you want help, sir?" She said. She was no longer keeping a low voice-the Breen knew they were here, and there wasn't any point now. She pulled off the mask, and got to work, rerouting power to the torpedoes. "Rig them like old bombs from Earth is the plan, I guess," she said, to no one in particular. She pushed some buttons. "Counselor, how are you doing with Gimpy McGee?" She asked. "As soon as the Commander pushes that button," she pointed, "We'll have three minutes to get our sixes out of here or we'll meet the Prophets, and let me tell you what the Prophets have ever done for me-NOTHING. So let's start heading out. Commander, on your order...." she looked to tr'Lhoell for any last-minute things he had before he gave the order to jump.

Quote from: Lorut Vila on August 04, 2023, 10:33:47 PM

Day 3, Breen Ship, Torp Bay-Transporter Room

She didn't need to be told twice. She grabbed O'Brien by his good arm, pulling him along. "Hope you did your PTs lately," she said, going full speed out of the door. "Keep up, we have a Cardassian on our tails," she said. She was still tense as could be, but the last statement was more or less a joke. "But don't worry, I've outrun them before, and I can again," she said. They were halfway down the corridor already.

"Shrem, book it like you're hunting my people again," she called. "Don't let me get away. AGAIN," she laughed. It was an odd habit she had-laughing at inappropriate times. Oh well. A minute later, they were at the Transporter pads. "Shoot, I am out of shape," she breathed.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 04, 2023, 04:21:02 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 17:00 hrs)

Rayek having finished his conversation with Lt Cmdr Sisko, looked over to the Bajoran and nodded, passing off the console which he'd hacked into, to her for her to finish sabotaging the torpedoes.   He was impressed with how quickly she had everything completed.

He took note of the button she indicated.   "Excellent job, Ensign Lorut.  Your next task is to help get Lieutenant O'Brien out of here and to the nearest transporter room, in case Lieutenant Commander Sisko isn't able to locate our transporter enhancers. Junior Lieutenant Sherem will guard you both..."

Though it might seem that Rayek was sacrificing himself, he wasn't.  He'd assessed the team and determined he would be the fastest at moving through the halls at a full sprint to the awaiting transporter room.  He had greatest chance of
Hearing the engineer's helpful comment, Rayek couldn't resist commenting.  "I hope so... but it shouldn't take this long to secure a lock.  Head out with Lorut and Sherem to make for the transporter room.  That's an order."

Rayek had hoped to hear back from Sisko quickly regarding the transporter locks... but as the seconds ticked by with no word back, the need to get the others away and out of there was growing.

Once they were out the door Rayek began a two-minute countdown, during which he called Sisko.

=/\= "tr'Lhoell to Sisko.  The rest of the team are headed to the nearest transporter room.  They're going to need your ships coordinates and shield frequency, if you haven't secured the lock on our transporter enhancers yet." =/\=

At discovering that she had them on lock all this time, Rayek grimaced before he pressed the button Vila had indicated.
=/\= "Beam us out now." =/\=

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Torpedo Bay | Breen Base]

Jael pursed her lips at Lorut. This had to have been the most atheist Bajoran she had ever met, pretty much the exact opposite religious stance Jael had. Still, she kept cover as they proceeded, and she prayed to the Prophets, briefly going so far as to praying to the Emissary that his daughter act quickly...

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on August 04, 2023, 12:25:40 PM

Gohun was already at the engineering station when the order to lock the bridge was given. Unfortunately someone in engineering was trying to lock the bridge out from the rest of the ship. Had Gohun not been given the orders to loch down the bridge he would not have noticed but now it was a battle of who could code the best. While Gohun has been dong this longer the Jem'Hadar knew the computer layout better. So the battle went back and forth. The turbolift would start and stop. "œThere  are people in the engineering area who are also trying to take control of the ships. I keep locking them out they keep locking me out.'

[Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko | Bridge | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter | Breen Base Proximity]

", looks like we missed them," said Rebecca. "Pity there's no incapacitating gas, but we can't risk the rest of the team, but we could surprise them."

At the order to beam-out, Rebecca replied to Rayek, "Acknowledged, Commander." She initiated the transport, locking onto the enhancers. A moment later, they were aboard.

"Welcome aboard, Commander," she called to Rayek. "Be advised, there are hostiles in the engineering section, they're trying to take control of the ship. But I don't think they know you're aboard, yet," she added, smiling grimly. "I'll try to keep us out of the battle...and away from the base."

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Transporter Room | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter | Breen Base Proximity]

Jael was relieved at the change of scenery and that the rest of the team were aboard, though surprised at Rebecca's notification of hostiles in Engineering. She looked aside at Rayek at her news.

"Sounds like we have a little bit left to do, Commander," she said, readying her weapon, but standing by for orders.

Quote from: Dranik on July 30, 2023, 02:21:54 PM

"You'll need this, Dranik," she said. "It's a virtual sensory display, it's used on Dominion ships to see the space outside. If reinforcements arrive, you'll be able to see them coming. But, when the rest of the team arrive, you should see them, too. I'd wear it, but if a human wears one of these, particularly for a while, he or she will come down with a headache."

"I can live with a headache if that happens." Dranik replied with a faint smile. Right now a headache was the least of his problems. He hit the controls that would lock down the door and took the virtual sensory display and put it on.

He couldn't help but remember something from his studies on the Dominion and how their chain of command worked. The top of the chain was the founders, then the Vorta and then the Jem'Hadar. So far the only ones they had found aboard the ship were the Jem'Hadar.

"Sir, the only enemies we've found aboard have been Jem'Hadar. I believe it may be prudent to scan the vessel for additional life-signs. We don't know who or what else may be on board."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 02, 2023, 08:06:44 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 17:00 hrs)

As Rayek looked over the foreign console, he opened the comm from Lieutenant Commander Sisko, which he had not responded to earlier.

=/\= "tr'Lhoell.  We've just arrived at the torpedo bay.  It won't take us long to set these to blow.  Can lock onto our suits' transporter enhancers with the ship you got?" =/\=

Being transported aboard would save them a lot of count down time and lessen the chance that their sabotage would be discovered or disabled.

=/\= "If you can.. then launch now.  Keep a lock on us and I'll signal when to transport. I estimate less than 5 minutes. tr'Lhoell out." =/\=

[Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko | Bridge | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter | Breen Base]

"I'll see about finding a lock on you, Commander. Sisko out."

Saves trouble of waiting for them anyway if they can get rolling, Rebecca figured. She worked on the console, finding the transporter enhancers. She was glad she knew what she was looking for; they wouldn't be found by any sensor otherwise. It took her a moment, slightly more than a minute. There they were.

"Great, we got them!" she said. "Gohun, lock down the bridge. Dranik, be my eyes as I get this ship launched. I'll get us moving, and while I'm at it, I'll scan for additional lifesigns on the ship, we'll incapacitate them in due course."

She had the transporter lock held on the transporter enhancers at the helm console and she got to work. She was quite surprised to see an automatic authorization to launch; sound of things, it meant having to unload their payload of ships.

Outside, the launching ship was just many swarming out of the hangar, though it took off without the bulk of the Jem'Hadar crew led by their usual Vorta.

"The Founders damn them!" the Vorta snarled. "That's the fifth ship that took off without its crew! Whoever gave that authority too quickly I will drag personally to the Founders!"

"Actually, it was Neyos who authorized it," the Jem'Hadar First replied. The Vorta seethed.

In the "viewscreen" of the virtual sensor display, the ship was clearing the hangar while trailing behind Jem'Hadar fighters in formation flying off to swarm a trio of ships cruising past the lower pylons of Melek Nor above them. The damage to the transwarp-rigged Nor station was evident, though the reactor was glowing and flickering green.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Torpedo Bay | Breen Base]

"Right, Commander, on your order," said Jael to Rayek.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 28, 2023, 03:28:58 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 17:00 hrs)

Rayek, backing up the junior Lieutenant Cardassian,  also took note of the change in construction.  When Sherem remarked on the empty alcoves, the Romulan XO nodded his agreement - though it wasn't the Prophets he was thanking.  Rayek was not a particularly religious man, but there were times in the stress of a moment that he would call on the Elements in frustration.  An influence from his mother, he recalled.  His father had held no such beliefs at all.

He too was curious about the cold storage unit.  Sherem's comment of it being a 'cold fusion generator' was technically inaccurate.  Cold fusion referred to a nuclear reaction at 'room temperature' or at least what Human deemed as room temperature 20 Celsius or such.  What seemed to be present here was some sort of sub-zero fusion.

Soon they arrived at the torpedo room, oddly near the center of the borg portion of the Breen base.   There they encountered their first Breen since entering the Core room, no doubt because all other security had been sent to aid in the Melek Nor rebellion.   At the front of their team, Jael responded to the lead Breen's queries.

Rayek acknowledged Jael's pointed glance towards him, at the mention of the incoming Federation Fleet, with a nod.

Their time for subtlety and infiltration was done.   If the Fleet were moving in it was either because Sisko and the shuttle team had managed to get their call through to the Admiral, or the Melek Nor team had.  Either way they needed to take control of this room quickly.  There were 5 Breen in the room besides Rayek and his team.  One Breen per member of his team, though he had his doubts that the counselor would be an effective fighter.

Rayek gave a hand signal to the team members behind him to spread out throughout the room.   Telepathically he gave the team their orders.

~tele ~ "Take out the Breen.  Counselor, hang back.  Lorut, you have the phaser, you get her Breen as well as your own.  I've got the one on at the far back right."

As he telepathically spoke, his long stride was moving him into position alongside the Breen he'd 'tagged' as his opponent.

By the time he'd neared 'his' Breen, the others had begun their attack, and his Breen was attempting to pull a  disruptor out to deal with the attack.  Rayek rushed the individual and the Romulan grappled with the Breen's arm to keep the disruptor pointed up and away from his team members.

Romulans, like Vulcans were notably stronger than Humans, but so were Breen within their suits, so the outcome of the weapon grapple was by no means a sure thing.   Face to face, he struggled against the Breen, until an overly simple fighting tactic came to mind.   Rearing back for added momentum, Rayek slammed his helmeted head against his opponents at the junction where the snout of the mask met the with face of the helmet.  A loud crack sounded from both their helmets.   Refrigerant gas escaped from the crack in his opponent's face mask and the Breen officer began to gurgle as if drowning.  Its grip on the disruptor faltered and Rayek quickly took control of it, ending the Breen's suffering by firing on it point blank with its own weapon.

He glanced about to see how the rest of his team was doing.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on July 29, 2023, 03:06:31 AM

[as Kirayoshi]
[Breen Base]

Those were really big torpedoes Thought Kirayoshi as they arrived in the room. Keeping his phaser out, he scanned the room. With the Commander's telepathic orders, he nodded and sized up one of the shorter Breen, near the back. He was an engineer, not a fighter, but sizing up the Breen, he aimed for one of the weak spots in their armor; near the neck, and fired. A hiss escaped from the armor, It was a big enough distraction to kick the Breen's legs out from under them, sending their weapon skittering away. However, the Breen tossed out a dagger that caught Kirayoshi in the arm "Augh! That's it, ya bloody son of a- He clenched his arm to try and stop the bleeding.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Torpedo Bay | Breen Base]

Jael got Rayek's telepathic order. I hear - ish - you, Commander, she answered with a thought of her own.

She figured to try the same thing as earlier: Point blank. But her Breen shifted the moment she put the barren to his chest and only ended up hitting a side. Gas was steaming out from his suit. In fury, the Breen grabbed Jael's throat and lifted her up. But Jael brought her disruptor to his head. Her clumsy fumbling caused the disruptor's settings to go higher than usual, and as such, the resultant beam caused a decapitation.

Jael collapsed on the floor and looked up to see the suit of the Breen she saw crumple, smoke emitting from the neck, and the helmet landing near it. It prompted her to look around.

What, not even the Breen could bring the temperature of a Borg ship down to their liking,
she thought shrewdly.

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on July 29, 2023, 01:17:51 PM

Gohun grabbed the dagger that he had and stabbed the Jem'Hadar in the neck. Not knowing how many more Jem'Hadar clones there were in the area Gohun went to the engineering counsel. Finger print needed. Gohun cut one of the guards hands off and used it. Retina scan needed. Gohun went to the same guard and cut the eyes out. Finally it asked for a DNA scan. Gohun once again ran to the same guard and cut the guards tongue out. This did the job as systems booted up.

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on July 27, 2023, 03:07:46 AM

Gohun had training in zero gravity but really didn't do as good as other people. The key to zero gravity is not that you float it is that you go in any direction that momentum starts you. It was also making Gohun feel a little motion sick but that was ok because he had many nights of hangover training to compare. As Gohun floated up and down he finally managed to grab the floor.
Gohun looked around the room. If they could take the guards out they could just steal this ship. Today seems like a good idea for rash impulse decisions. Gohun nodded heads with everyone and started blasting. He shot two Jem'Hadar guards killing them before the Jem'Hadar near Gohun could react. At that point Gohun swung at the soldier with his weapon and the Jem'Hadar ducked.
Jem'Hadar "œI am an elder it wont be that easy to take me down."
Gohun tried to swing with his weapon and the Jem'Hadar blocked it unfortunately causing both weapons to be damaged and unable to be used. So Gohun went into his hand-to-hand training. Swinging wildly Gohun misses the Jem'Hadar as the Jem'Hadar punches Gohun in the stomach twice and grabs its weapon with the blade trying to stab Gohun in the stomach area. With no other recourse, Gohun took his weapon and slammed it down breaking the blade of the Jem'Hadar.

Quote from: Dranik on July 27, 2023, 08:47:31 PM

Jem'Hadar Fighter

Dranik was about to try and take the Jem'Hadar by surprise when Gohun opened fire on them. Dranik let out a low growl as he grabbed the breen rifle and took careful aim at the Jem'Hadar Elder and squeezed off a shot that took the Elder in the center of the chest. Moments later, he found himself forced to discharge his weapon as another Jem'Hadar came running at him with a bladed weapon. The shot took the Jem'Hadar right through the head just as he was getting a little too close to comfort.

"How many more?"

[Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko | Bridge | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter | Breen Base]

"Just a handful, Dranik," Rebecca replied, having downed a Jem'Hadar in point blank, and he was the only one she got. "Secure the door, don't let anybody in. I'll see about contacting tr'Lhoell and the rest. Gohun, get the systems online, we'll need to get this ready for our departure. Scan for Federation ships while you're at it, but if the fleet's already here, find Discovery or Challenger and then open communications. Oh, one more thing..."

She found what she was looking for: A virtual sensory display. Generally, this was the equivalent of a viewscreen, but there were generally two: One for the Vorta, one for the Jem'Hadar First, the commanders of each Jem'Hadar ship. It was small and helmet-like, typical for Jem'Hadar fighters; there was a bigger variant, one with a shoulder-mount, but those were reserved for bigger ships. Why it was was just one more big mystery.

"You'll need this, Dranik," she said. "It's a virtual sensory display, it's used on Dominion ships to see the space outside. If reinforcements arrive, you'll be able to see them coming. But, when the rest of the team arrive, you should see them, too. I'd wear it, but if a human wears one of these, particularly for a while, he or she will come down with a headache."

Once she gave the device to Dranik, she called Rayek. "Sisko to Commander tr'Lhoell. We secured a ship. No shuttle, I'm afraid, but we got the next best thing. We'll try to reach out to the Federation fleet. Meantime...well, as they say on Earth, we'll keep the getaway car warmed up for you. Please make sure you notify us when you get here...a code or something to let us know it's you."

As she talked, she momentarily wondered: If there were two headsets and one's for the Vorta...then where's the Vorta?

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 26, 2023, 06:51:57 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:55 hrs)

Rayek appreciated the Ensign's offer to secure the area and would have agreed if plans hadn't changed with the news of the Borg ship being at the center of the Breen base.  Priorities changed.

Confirmation that they had the database downloaded, meant that they could now destroy this place but first Rayek needed to ensure that Starfleet got the package before he got too far into his plan.   But how to do that with comms down occupied his thoughts.

Gohun's suggestions had been offered at a rather busy time, but they hadn't gone unnoticed;  and they even offered up an alternative means of communication with Discovery.

It was jarring to hear that the torpedo bay that he was heading them towards was part of the Borg ship.   Lieutenant Sherem's assurance that the transwarp coils were not present didn't lessen his need to destroy the base.   How had he not seen it prior?  He'd studied the schematics provided, yet hadn't recognized the Borg layout at all.  The Romulan frowned at his lapse.

Was his focus not what it should be because Tess and Fvienn - his pregnant wife and son - were present on the ship?  Discovery was not a Galaxy-class ship with a large contingent of civilians.  The Prometheus-class was a warship and Rayek struggled with knowing that by keeping his family with him on Discovery he was risking them.  He'd tried to convince Tess of this, but his wife was headstrong and when she refused to accept his suggestion of her returning to Baku to have the baby, there was nothing he could do to dissuade her.   Besides which, she outranked him.

Focusing back on the mission at hand, Rayek knew that to be effective the team would have to split up.  One group to head to the Torpedo Bay, the other to security their extraction.  Mr. Gohun's suggestion of stealing a shuttle was not altogether a bad idea, but ideally the transporter enhancers inside their Breen suits should be enough for Discovery to pick up on.   The away team just needed a means of letting Discovery know that they were ready for pick up.   A shuttles comm system, if not linked to the bases computer, should be able to send out a signal.

The sudden loss of gravity didn't detract the Romulan from his planning.  Though he had no clue who Peter Pan was - a human sounding name so possibly some less than famous admiral -  Rayek was very familiar with how to move in zero gravity.  He and the away team had practiced in the holodeck with this weightless scenario at least twice during their days of waiting for the mission to get the greenlight.

Floating, Rayek followed Jael on her route towards the Torpedo Bay.

However as they got to the junction he'd specified, he paused floating.
"Lt Cmdr Sisko, if you would please take command of Ensigns Dersch and Gohun, and Petty Officer Dranik.  I would like you four to find a shuttle and take control of it.  Contact the Discovery.  If they can beam us out as we destroy the base, great!  If not, then we will need to make our own escape in the midst of the chaos.   The rest of us, will continue to the Torpedo Bay and sabotage the base more permanently."

He waited a moment in case any of them had any questions, then nodded to each of the leaving teammembers.   "Glohhaasi' mnekha*"  (*Good hunting)

The two teams split and Rayek indicated for Jael to continue them down towards the Torpedo Bay.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Computer Core >- Torpedo Bay | Breen Base]

Seeing as she was going to play guide, Jael led the way. "Okay, all, this way," she said. "We're going to be heading into the Borg section of the base, so there's a good chance it'll be a maze."

As they proceeded, they eventually came to an extraordinary expanse of space. In the middle: A Borg sphere, with so much walkways, cables, tubes and clamps attached that it would've fooled anybody into thinking it was the station's reactor. At least, that's what they were seeing from looking up and down, not that they could see the whole sphere. Jael directed to one walkway under one such tube; it had to have been a torpedo tube.

And just like that, the scenery changed from Breen organic decor to Borg cybernetic metal.

"Thank the Prophets the alcoves are empty," Jael whispered as she noticed some alcoves in passing, but at one, she had to double-take. One alcove had something like a cold storage unit, only it looked more like a tank containing some kind of cold liquid, akin to Terran liquid nitrogen, though Jael figured this would be something way colder.

"Some kind of cold fusion generator, drawing power from the Borg?" she asked curiously. "It would be like the Breen to dabble with cold fusion." And she led on.

It was becoming apparent, however, that the more they progressed, the more tubes there were, especially connecting what had been Borg data nodes. It seemed less green and more bluish green, if anything.

Finally, they reached the torpedo bay. Jael briefly wondered if the nitrogen tubes would've guided them, but decided that sensors would've been better served; trying to follow one such tube would eventually lead to getting them lost.

Inside was something that would've looked like an Engineering section on a ship, or like a reactor in a Nor-class station. The thing in the middle of the room certainly looked like a big cold fusion generator, seated atop a squat pillar with drone alcoves attached, only they were loaded with torpedoes that seem to be charged with cold fusion. More nitrogen tubes snaked around, leading over to a disruptor array.

The room was deserted except for a handful of Breen who looked to be system monitors, just simply standing behind a console. One looked up and nodded a greeting.

"Hello there," he called. "Don't think I've seen you around here before."

"We're new," Jael responded, hoping to assuage suspicion. "This looks...intriguing."

"It certainly is, what with all the Borg technology helping to power all this," came the reply. "Though we have that Cardassian Sherem to thank for showing us how to utilize it."

"I see," said Jael, glad to be wearing a helmet to hide pursed lips. "Anything we can do to help?"

"Ordinarily, it wouldn't be necessary," said the Breen. "Automation makes it so at least one can operate the system here. The extra help can be appreciated, though, we have to get these weapons ready; the Cardassians are on our doorstep and Federation Starfleet is incoming. We'll need to get them ready as efficiently as possible."

Jael looked back at Rayek and her group; the fleet was coming.

[Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko | Hangar Bay >- Jem'Hadar Fighter Bridge | Breen Base >- Jem'Hadar Fighter]

Rebecca, with Dersch, Gohun and Dranik following along, wound their way to the hangar bay. It wouldn't necessarily be a shuttle bay; in point of fact, there were multiple individual bays for different Jem'Hadar and Breen fighters in the bay, each of them looking like one big Borg alcove system.

"Well, no shuttles," Rebecca muttered. "But I think we can make do with the next best thing."

She gestured to the nearest bay, where a Jem'Hadar fighter was enclosed in a docking space.

"Well, if you're wondering why not, well, it's easy to steal one of these," she said to her group with a shrug.

They got to a hatch guarded by a lone Jem'Hadar - overconfident, aren't they, being so secure? Rebecca thought to herself. The Jem'Hadar nodded at the approaching "Breen." Other than that, he didn't acknowledge them. Once inside, there were a handful more Jem'Hadar and they reached the bridge with no trouble. Again, there were only a handful, though one looked up...clearly the First.

"What are you doing here?" asked the First in quiet much surprise as a Jem'Hadar can display.

"Additional attachment to fight alongside our Dominion allies," answered Rebecca.

"Additional crew? I wasn't notified, but it'll be good to have additional backing," said the First as he turned back to his work. "As the Founders will it," he added.

This is tricky, thought Rebecca. The good news was that there were fewer than usual, but they had to be careful when they overpower them, not like that brief skirmish outside the computer core.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 21, 2023, 06:57:12 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:50 hrs)

Rayek gave a nod to his security team as they made it back to the Computer core room before the random gravity fluctuations began.

From the doorway where he was keeping watch, Rayek glanced back towards the three officers working together to access the Breen central computer core, so that the team could download what was believed to be Dominion plans for some manner of offensive against the Federation.    To ensure they didn't miss anything, the team was ordered to download the entire system.

At the same time to aid in their task a virus was being uploaded to the Breen systems to cause havoc and eventually wipe their entire system.   Timing was crucial so that the virus didn't wipe information before they had the chance to download it.

With his keen Vulcanoid hearing, Rayek had been listening to the Breen transmission with a growing frown.  That the station was built around Borg ship was of tremendous surprise.  Did it also have transwarp capabilities?  That thought was worrisome.

Initially, the mission plan had been to just download the Dominion plans, and implant the computer virus to wipe the plans from the computer and so that during the chaos they could escape.  Now Rayek was thinking that to ensure the safety of all Federation planets that this base would need to be completely destroyed just as much as the Cardassian Nor station.   But how to do so, if at the core of the base as a Borg ship?

One thing at a time... First the download, then the virus, then destroy the station.  "Thank you, Lieutenant Sherem.  Run a scan.  See if you can find where the nearest weapons' bay might be.  Large ordnance - torpedo warheads and the like."  They would need large explosives to take out this base.

The odd and out of place noise drew Rayek's attention.  "What sort of alarm is that?"

His attention however didn't stay with odd sound long as it was then that another roving patrol appeared around the corner and saw their fellow Breen guards trussed up in the hallway.  Seeing the open door that Dersch and Dranik were keeping watch through, they raised their weapons and fired at those inside the room.

Thankfully however, their attempts to call for backup met with silence.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 24, 2023, 03:55:13 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:50 hrs)

The virus was secondary in his mission priorities.   "Did we get the complete database?  We don't leave until that is fully downloaded." he queried, his attention on the engineers and Ops rather than the security team at their backs guarding them.

The Romulan was stunned when Ensign Lorut ignored his orders, leaving her position to go to the doorway and fire out of it with a weapon that she hadn't been issued.  None in the team had been issued firearms which was why Dranik was using the breen rifle he had picked up from the downed guard.   Where she had hidden the Federation phaser in her Breen suit was baffling to Rayek, but then he didn't really have time to worry about the ensign playing at being a security team member.  If she wouldn't do the task he assigned her, then he would have to locate the armament cache himself.   Not an easy task without a scanner, or with the base computers beginning to fail.   Concentrating on the memorized base schematics, Rayek tried to recall where the nearest torpedo bay was and the most expedient route there.

However, just as he was dredging up that information, he felt a tug at his arm.   "Excuse me, Ensign?  You are NOT in command here. Nor are you a Security team member.  I gave you a task and you ignored it to assume a role that is not yours."  He pulled his arm free and took in his surroundings.

He would deal with reprimanding her later.  He had a base to destroy.

"Sherem, take point.  The corridor that those guards came down... lead us to the far end then take a left at the T-intersection.  We going to take control of the torpedo bay."

O'Brien's remark that they couldn't make contact with the ship was troubling, but fortunate in its own way.    "We can't leave yet.  We have to ensure this base is completely destroyed.   Leaving the base intact with the borg ship within, can't be allowed."

That's when the corridor they were in suddenly lost gravity.  Phase one of the  virus - randomly altering the bases gravity.  Fvadt!  They didn't have time for this!

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Corridor near the Computer Core Entrance | Breen Base]

Jael had to look over between Lorut and Kirayoshi and Gohun when Rayek asked if the database was uploaded. It would be Prophets-awful embarrassing if they initiated the Cascade Virus before they copied the database. And judging from Rayek's reaction to Lorut after his reaction at Jael earlier...that should happen, Jael would not be surprised if Rayek started raging like a virtual volcano of a Pah-Wraith.

Jael focused on the job of scanning as she took point, and the scan showed promise.

"Okay, Commander," she said. "The torpedo bay is just a few levels below. And it's within the Borg ship, though the torpedo tubes have been elongated to extend out through the Breen portions. As to the transwarp, I'm detecting nothing from the transwarp chambers...I think it's safe to assume the coil has been removed. I wouldn't be surprised if that had been transferred to Melek Nor. Nor would I be surprised if that devil of a Father Dearest took it himself."

She ensured to say "Father Dearest" with wonton sarcasm to indicate her dislike toward her father.

Naturally, she put two and two together when Rayek asked about the torpedo bay and his utmost desire to destroy the base.

"I think I have a good idea how you want to accomplish that, Commander," Jael said, keeping her relish down. "You want to detonate the torpedoes, don't you? Or set them off in a way that they'll be coming back here..."

Just then, the gravity adjusted and they were all floating.

"Well, that won't be too hard to get to," Rebecca Sisko said. "We can just Peter Pan our way down there if we have to."

"Peter P...?" asked Jael. "Wait, never mind, I think I know what you mean."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 17, 2023, 03:53:11 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Corridor outside the Computer Core entrance] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:45 hrs)

The combat at the computer core entrance was swift from Rayek's perspective.  One moment, Rayek was engaged in melee combat, using his armored fist and Vulcanoid strength to hit hard and fast into the suspected 'weak points' in the Breen armor with Commander Sisko as his partner instead of the expected Jael; the next moment, the guard was down.  The Romulan looked around to take stock of the rest of the battle and saw that somehow Gohun, their engineer, had gotten involved in the battle and had to be saved by the Hirogen, Dranik, while dealing with two additional guards that had unexpectedly arrived on scene.

Dersch and Jael were on the last guard and before Rayek could question what the hell she was doing, Jael fired on the guard point blank with an energy weapon; something he had tried to drill into the team to not do, in order to avoid setting off any potential weapon discharge alarms.  Had she been paying attention at all during their training sessions?!

The Romulan grit his teeth inside his Breen mask as he tamped down on the urge to knock some sense into the Cardassian there in the hall, as not only did she fail to follow orders, but she mocked those who did.  Fisticuffs indeed.  His fist clenched... but the area was barely secure and more guards were likely on their way now because of her thoughtless action.  This was not the time nor the place for a physical reprimand.

The fuming Romulan looked towards the two engineers and ensign Lorut.  "This is the last door between us and the computer core.  Get it open and get us inside, by any means.  We're out of time and we just lost the element of surprise."

"Lieutenant Sherem, hand over your weapon to Petty Officer Dranik." His tone was abrupt with her.

"Dranik, Dersch, you will keep this corridor clear of all who approach." he ordered, before adding a slight warning.  "Her weapon's discharge may have activated a silent alarm, so you can thank Lieutenant Sherem if more guards show up here ready for a fight.  No matter what, they can't be allowed to get past you."  he emphasized the importance of this.  "Use whatever force is necessary."  He was certain they both knew what that meant.

The Romulan turned lastly to Sherem. "Your job now is to protect these three" Rayek indicated O'Brien, Gohun and Lorut,  "while they get into the computer core and upload the database.  Is that simple enough for you to understood?" He doubted it.  The Cardassian had a penchant for doing the opposite of his orders.

Well, not for long, if he had any say in it.

While the others attended to their tasks, Rayek began securing the Breen.  Three were unconscious.  However, the one that Jael had blasted point blank, Rayek could get no lifesign reading from.  Had the weapon been set on a lethal setting from the start?

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 19, 2023, 02:32:09 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Corridor outside the Computer Core entrance] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:50 hrs)

Rayek noted the security team's positions and nodded.  They seemed as ready as they could be.

Seeing his engineering wasting time with a disruptor rifle, Rayek moved to the man's side and held out his hand for the weapon.  "I think you forget what department you are in Mr. Gohun.  Your focus should be that door.   My men will keep you safe.  Trust them."

Once he had Gohun's attention back on the door and the weapon secured in his own hands, Rayek took up a guard position directly in front of those working on the door.

The Romulan nodded at the Hirogen's affirmation.  Time would tell if his team could live up to that statement.

Unexpectedly, an electronic squelch sounded from the helmet of one of the down guards.  Rayek frowned, looking to Gohun.  He had thought the engineer had set up a scanner to block transmissions. However, his keen eye noted that the engineer's scanner appeared damaged - likely from the scuffle with the Breen.

"Did anyone catch what that transmission said?" Rayek asked as he turned back on his translator - mentally berating himself for turning it off in the first place.

It was Rebecca who answered.  "They were calling for a status report.  They got a report of weapons fire... and something about rebellion on Melek Nor??"

Rayek considered that a moment - rebellion might be Nira and her team trying to complete there own mission - and being discovered. The Romulan then pointed Jael towards the downed guard.  "Sherem, you caused this mess.  Fix it.  Answer them with a lie that explains the energy signature."

While Jael attempted that, the doors were finally opened to the computer core.  Thankfully the room within was empty.  No techs, no guards just row upon row of Breen computer systems.  It was time for the Ops and the Engineers to do their stuff.   Downloading the entirety of the Changeling database.

=/\= "Acknowledged.  Dranik, Dersch fall back to the core room." =/\=   Anything outside the room would soon be having difficulty with gravity.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Corridor near the Computer Core Entrance | Breen Base]

Jael cringed. Then again, maybe she had allowed her bias against Breen to get the better of her. She didn't forget the drills, but her hatred of Breen...

The transmission Rebecca got certainly gave her pause. "Rebellion?" she said. "Legate Nural mentioned having a man's possible he couldn't be the only one. That's going to make things interesting for Nira."

She nodded at Rayek's order and took over the intercom. "Repeat that, we didn't acknowledge you."

"What just happened down there?" came the reply.

Jael was inwardly surprised; most of the away team had been having trouble with their translators, but somehow, hers was the only one that worked properly.

"Energy discharge near the computer core," she answered. "We're rectifying the problem now."

"Ensure the security, we're sending troops to Melek Nor as we speak to reinforce our Dominion allies," came the reply. "What caused the energy discharge?"

"Conduit overload," Jael answered.

"Again?" If it was possible for a Breen to sound exasperated, even in the translator, it could be it. "We keep telling Sherem that we have too much power in utilizing Borg technology. It's just as well we stopped accumulating our fleet recently, we would've lost power a long time ago with combining our technology, those of the Dominion and the methods Sherem showed us in Borg Technology, even if there had been doubts about our building our station around a Borg ship."

Jael had to bite her tongue to keep from yelping in surprise. "Well, the power in our hands can guarantee our place to rule the Alpha Quadrant, wouldn't it?" she answered coolly.

"Regardless, if some men can be spared from the Computer Core, Thot Malgh will need troops to join him on Melek Nor."

"We'll do what we can," Jael said. "Out."

She then scrambled back over to Rayek, now that they were in the computer core. In a whisper, she replied, "Commander...the transmission gave some interesting tidbits. This station has a drydock, but they stopped increasing their fleet recently. What's more, the station is built around a Borg ship. As to the external situation, Thot Malgh is heading to Melek Nor with Breen reinforcements. He'll want some guards from the computer core 'if they can be spared.' Thot Malgh, the Breen head honcho here, the Breen expert on the Borg?"

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 12, 2023, 03:15:08 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Corridor around the corner form the Computer Core entrance] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:45 hrs)

Rayek, his attention still on the guards around the corner, held up a hand in a shushing gesture to forestall the Lorut's suggestion.   When he glanced back towards the team, he fixed the Ops officer with a disbelieving stare (not that she could see that, given his helmet).
=/\= "No, Ensign.  We can't risk you at the moment.  Nor do I think 'sweet-talk' translates well into Breen.  Wait here with O'Brien, Willard and Gohun.   If any of you have a way of blocking the local communications down here that would be useful, but otherwise, leave the guards to us." =/\=

Rayek then selected out his security crew - Sherem, Dersch, Dranik - motioning them to him. He also motioned for Sisko to join them.

=/\= "We will approach the pair as if we are a patrolling unit - just like we practiced in the holodeck - then once we are passing in front of them, we engage and hit hard.  They cannot be allowed to sound an alarm.  No energy weapons usage or sensors will detect the discharge.  Understood?  Good.  Form up!" =/\=

Their 'form' consisted of him and junior Lt. Sherem upfront, Lt Commander Sisko immediately behind them a pace and Ensign Dersch and Petty Officer Dranik a pace behind her.  This spacing ensured that both guards could be taken down quickly by multiple opponents.  Sisko, in the middle between the two, could assess which pair needed assistance more to take down their designated guard.

During the practice sessions in the holodeck, Rayek had initially assumed that role - but realized quickly that the younger officer had the swiftest reflexes between them.  Strategy trumped ego.. and thus, Rayek assigned the role to her.  The key to this was working as team. Coordinating attacks with partner was not easy which is why Rayek had drilled the team as often as possible over the past several days.

Now it was time to see how well they truly worked together.

With a nod and a forward gesture, Rayek led the four other members in disguise down the corridor towards the computer core and the awaiting guards.

Quote from: J.B Dersch on July 13, 2023, 08:50:06 AM

Dersch Nodded and Formed up along with the others ready for whatever came next. If it came to a Fight, Dersch was ready, He was hopping it didn't come to that, But it looked like it. He took his place and Stood Ready to Move. well This is my first away mission so far its been a Interesting one to put it at that

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on July 14, 2023, 03:34:54 PM

Away team
Gohun configured his scanner to block transmissions in a short-range area. This means that the guards would not be able to call for help. Unfortunately, this also meant that there translators were non functioning somehow. Gohun would have to figure this out as the guards were in combat with the security team. Unfortunately there were two more guards that were hidden from the aways teams view and they were going to get the security team from behind. Gohun did what any brave warrior would do. the He pulled his arm back and threw the must cowboy haymaker one could ever throw and wow it landed. It hit right in the sport Gohun aimed to hit. Right in the metal helmet of the Breen Security guard. The sound was a weird metal bong with some bone breaking as either the metal helmet would give or Gohuns arm would give.
Fortunately Gohun brough something to help with small fractures as he keeps breaking bones on away missions. Right now he grabbed the guards rifle and smashed it back into its face. It was at that point the other guard hit Gohun in the stomach putting Gohun down for a second or so.

Quote from: Dranik on July 14, 2023, 06:46:36 PM

Breen Base
Corridor around the corner form the Computer Core entrance

Dranik rushed the guard that had hit Gohun in the stomach. He immediately grabbed the guard and slammed him repeatedly into the wall before hitting him with an uppercut. He grabbed the guard's rifle and quickly visually scanned the area to make sure there were no more guards.

He looked at Gohun. "Are you alright?"

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Corridor near the Computer Core Entrance | Breen Base]

This was one part she was anticipating. In their practices, it was simple: Hit them fast and leave non standing. The hatred of Breen stemmed strongly in Cardassians, and it stemmed still in Jael. Plus, Rebecca Sisko had more expertise in combat than Jael, so Jael didn't mind if Sisko was better than Jael was. But Jael opted for something simple. Just approach face to face and then blast the Breen in front of her point blank.

Rebecca, on the other hand, engaged the Breen alongside Rayek, just as they practiced. And it was over in the blink of an eye.

"We got 'em," she said. She allowed a brief smile that made her glad she was wearing a helmet.

Jael, of course, looked over at Gohun, hands on her hips though arms relaxed, loosened a bit, but giving a slight disapproval.

"Fisticuffs? Really? Thank the Prophets the big lug had your back," she said, nodding at Dranik, gesturing in relief.

"Thanks for saving Gohun's bacon, Mister Dranik," complimented Rebecca. She had to admit, she enjoyed being around the Hirogen. As one who had commonly encountered races from the Gamma Quadrant, she found it a nice change meeting somebody from the Delta Quadrant...aside from the occasional liberated Borg like Annika "Seven of Nine" Hansen. Then, remembering his favorite food from the time of getting to know him (and the rest of the team), she added, "And I owe you a pigs-in-a-blanket lunch when we get out of here."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 07, 2023, 05:14:26 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Emergency Stairwell & Service Tunnels] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:30 hrs)

With both Ensigns Lorut and Gohun working on the sealed hatch in the service tunnel it took next to no time at all for them to unlock the hatch giving them deeper into the service tunnel.

At Gohun's warning, Rayek nodded in acknowledgement and moved forward ready to back up Jael's point position.  Once all were ready, the Romulan gave the signal for the hatch to be opened and rapidly proceeded through following Jael.  A long service tunnel stretched out ahead them.  All seem quiet ahead; and other than additional warning ribbon flagged every so often there wasn't anything to differentiate this tunnel from any other they had been through so far on their route to the computer core.

Mentally aware that they were passing through an area with unsafe levels of radiation, Rayek felt his skin itch, but within the Breen suit there was nothing the Romulan could do to scratch at the phantom sensation.

Since brevity was key to keep their exposure limited, Rayek picked up his pace, encouraging Jael to do the same.  Sprinting unencumbered Rayek could have crossed the distance in about 20 seconds.  However, in a Breen suit his speed and agility were hampered, so it took nearly a full minute to reach the planned exit point - an air circulation vent down the corridor from the computer core.  However, Rayek discovered a significant problem at this point.

The exit out to main corridor from the compromised service tunnel had a force field blocking it.  Fvadt!

It made sense now that he was thinking of it.  The hatches were designed to block radiation...  not so air vents... which was why the forcefield would be in place.  This was a problem he hadn't accounted for.

"The exit has a forcefield. Lorut, are there any exits past the next hatch that would give us access to the computer core readily." he asked but his tone hinted that he already suspected he knew the answer as no.

"Suggestions anyone?  Gohun, O'Brien any chance you can disable that forcefield from inside here?" His tone was rushed.  He was very aware that as they stood about discussing the plan that they were continuing to be exposed to more and more radiation.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Emergency Stairwell & Service Tunnels | Breen Base]

They proceeded on until they got to a forcefield. Well. That was bound to be out of Jael's hands. She hoped the sooner they got to work on it, the better. She felt her skin tingling from the radiation.

Strange, all this radiation, she thought. I was expecting cold by now.

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on July 08, 2023, 12:14:45 PM

Gohun heard the rushed tone in the commanders voice. The team had another obstacle in the way. Last time Gohun made a lot of suggestions but this time he was just going to give simple ones. Being that Gohun was in the back of the group of the Jefferies tube Gohun had to crawl to the force field and started to scan. After thirty seconds of stepping on hands and maneuvering up to the force field Gohun starts to scan the field.
"œSir the first thing that I notices is the force field uses lethal force. Well the energy amount is enough to disintegrate any one of us so kill us." With that Gohun kept scanning the force shield to look for weaknesses.
"œWe could bypass the shield by cutting out of the tube and moving on from there. We could cut off the energy supply by causing a malfunction in the cabrodine cycle fusion is disrupted that would cause a quick period in which the shield is down. We could shutdown power in the section by tripping an emergency fire drill." After giving his report Gohun looked around at his companions some were still angry at Gohun for stepping on them.

She looked over at Gohun when he made his suggestion. It was sound for somebody who used to be in Security. "Well, I'm no engineer, but it sounds...well, reasonably sound," she said in agreement.

"Better than having to scurry with radiation for long," said Lt. Commander Sisko from the rear. "Let's leave the miracle workers to work. Miss Sherem, with me here. Keep an eye out for hostiles, just in case."

Jael looked over at Rayek; per chain of command, he was her immediate superior officer, even if Sisko was not literally even on the same ship they were.

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