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Messages - Gideon Drake

LOA Archives / Reserve Request - Gideon Drake
May 11, 2022, 09:40:46 AM

Character(s) affected: Gideon Drake
Assigned ship(s): Katra Station
Date of last period of activity: A few months ago, I can't recall.

Been meaning to put in a reserve request for this alt for a long time now. I've lost a great deal of interest in the character, especially when it transpires an NPC made for Katra has proven more interesting than he is. Even with different ways of keeping him interested, being a Helmsman (Like making him a squadron leader, etc), I've lost complete interest in the character.

Holodeck / Re: S3-M12: The Battle Royale
March 10, 2022, 08:38:51 AM

[Lieutenant Gideon Drake | ???]

Gideon was befuddled. One moment, he was at the helm, and the next...where the blue blazes was he? Everybody seemed gathered like a masquerade ball, and Gideon found himself in RAF colours.

"Ahh...any idea what the bloody hell is going on?" Gideon asked.

"I'd like to say the same thing myself," said a familiar drawling voice. Gideon turned and was surprised to see Deej Cloten, the decietful little furball himself. But instead of his usual robes and dirtiness, he was covered head to toe in money, coins, gold-pressed latinum...he was basically a bloody walking pile of money.

"Okay, this has to be a bloody hallucination," he said.

"Then we gotta be sharing the same hallucination, flyboy," sneered Cloten. "You and everybody else."

Holodeck / Re: S3-M12: The Battle Royale
February 07, 2022, 07:51:36 AM
Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on February 01, 2022, 06:45:42 AM

Artificial Wormhole? That was... interesting. But then the one at Deep Space Nine didn't pull ships in. It didn't affect their systems either. Kyan thought about it for a moment. Something about this whole thing felt... wierd. For starters, this area of space was pretty well traveled. The Bajorans used it all the time to get from New Bajor to the Wormhole, and to Katra. The Dosi and the Karema were frequent visitors too. All that plus Starfleet had sent Science ships out this way to map things. And those egg heads... No... he couldn't call them that. It was.. as Kirok had once said.. "inappropriate to use derogatory epithets to refer to one's colleagues."

"Eh. Fook 'im" Kyan thought. Afterall, he was gone now and Jettis was in charge.., or at least he would be when he woke up. But then something struck him. Hrafn said that she was the XO of Katra now. So what was he then? Reassigned? Kyan felt... not good.. about that prospect. But he dismissed it for the moment. There were other things going on, which needed his attention. After a moment he decided.

"Aright Mister Drake, set course to the ship. Warp eight." he called out. "And whilst we're on our way..." he turned to Sirol. "...sure and we'd be after gettin some scans of the wormhole anomaly thing." Then, remembering that the little blue Diplomatic officer had given the thing an ID.. "And Mister Pev, ye can work with Sirol and the blue shirts on the wormhole anomaly. Ye can have T'Prith come an take yer station so.'

He then turned back in his seat to the Bajoran Ensign over his shoulder. "And Miss Saito, see if there be any other ships in the area the now... especially ones what might be a problem."

With all the orders given that he could think of, Kyan sat back in his chair. "Let's be about it then Mister Drake." he called to the Red Haired pilot. "Engage!"

[Lieutenant Gideon Drake | Bridge | Deck One | USS Lirpa]

"Aye, sir," said Gideon, and he brought the ship to warp. This was so bloody substantially different from flying his little bird Squall. At least on a small ship, he had an excellent feel for it. Here on a starship, it was different. Not only did everybody's lives hinged on making sure one didn't get in the way of something, there was just too much to take in.

Holodeck / Re: S3-M12: The Battle Royale
January 28, 2022, 10:30:04 PM
Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on January 27, 2022, 12:25:47 PM

[Bridge - USS Lirpa]

Having dumped personal belongings in her quarters before leaving Katra Station, Hrafn had very little 'on' her and those items were in the pockets of the tunic she still preferred wearing.  (OOC FYI: It is SF 'lore' now that there are some rather quirky things about Hrafn... this is one example.  In her pockets she keeps one of Nevir's cadet pips [Tidu now has the other for his bravery in a battle on Katra Station]... Hrafn's is now engraved with 'I love you' in Bajoran.  Also a small pencil and pad of paper, a tiny smooth pebble piece of quartz that Nerys had grown in her lab when she was just little, a tiny cog that Tidu had given her from some project and a tiny empty snail shell that Lamar found on Bajor.  Small momentoes of her family she could have in her pockets and rub with her fingers to feel close to them.  For the same reason she still had a pinky ring on a chain under her tunic from Lizzie Vaughan since she missed not serving with her friend.) Just because she now wore red didn't mean, with the exception of dress whites, she would forego wearing a lab coat, at least on patrol, over her uniform.  She could remove it in seconds if she was needed to look totally professional on a viewfinder or whatever.

She had, after a brief meeting in the Shuttlebay, made her way directly to the Bridge to meet with Commander Mackenzie and now, standing just in front of the turbolift doors she smiled around the assembled bridge crew recognising some faces.

Rather cheekily, she lifted one corner of her mouth and said "Permission to Enter the Bridge?  Lt. Commander Falleg-Tekin reporting for duty." She just hoped Sirol didn't sustain whiplash if the CSO hadn't heard that she and the extended family were coming 'home' to Katra!

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on January 28, 2022, 06:11:11 AM

:: Bridge | USS Lirpa ::

Its wasn't Kyan's first time sitting in the chair. He'd done bridge watches before, and even taken command briefly when the situation called for it. But is was the first time without someone higher in the chain of command looking over his shoulder. It was different somehow. Weird in a way that he hadn't expected and couldn't quite put a finger on. He thought about it as the people on the bridge went about their tasks, and conversed with one another. He almost missed Xasik rise from his seat and give some of Emerald's artwork to Eydis, Sirol, and Reisen.

He was still pondering the differences between his previous, albeit brief, forays into command and the current one when the turbolift doors swooshed open behind him.

From his seat in the middle of the Lirpa's bridge, Kyan had to lean forward and crane his neck to see Hrafn exit the turbolift. She was alone which was a little disappointing. Her usual entourage, which included her three young children, a nanny, and that civilian who had stormed an Orion pirate ship with him nearly a year ago always made for an entertaining time. Not that her presence was unwelcome of course. Kyan had decided that the quirky Trill scientist, despite her chosen field of work, was both useful and fun to have around. This despite their initial encounter, when he'd crashed her dinner party with a prisoner that he was transporting. She hadn't been happy about that and her friend, a white haired old grandma type, had come near to getting a free trip to the infirmary. But it all ended up ok.

And now she was back again, and having been promoted too! Kyan smiled enthusiastically as he made eye contact with the crimson haired scientist. "Merry Met again Mrs. Falleg-Tekin!" Kyan offered as greeting. "And it's a welcome sight ye are the now. I'm guessin that they sent you and yer lot back tae work on the station again?"

Before he got an answer, warning indicators began blinking on consoles all around him and the new Security Officer spoke up from behind him at tactical.

Kyan turned and looked back over his shoulder at the Bajoran as she spoke. She sounded like a robot, which almost made him laugh. Of course that wouldn't have been... "commanderish".. but he couldn't help but grin. This one was not long out of the Academy at all. "Probably still got that huge ring that they give out to everyone" he thought to himself. "But there's nothing for greenness but experience."

"Miss Gaito, can ye put the distress call on speakers?" he replied to the new arrival. Then he turned back around to see the Mission Operations console, which was set up for sciences. "And Sirol.. what's this anomoly?" Finally, he glanced back at Hrafn, still by the lift. "Ye can be takin the XO's spot there." he offered with a nod to the empty station just over his left shoulder.

It appeared that the quiet little patrol was about to become something a bit more interesting.

[Lieutenant Gideon Drake | Bridge | Deck One | USS Lirpa]

Gideon took a brief moment to meet the incoming party and was taken aback by the beautiful Security officer with them. He returned to the bridge and was surprised by the sight of another Security beauty, albeit a dark-haired one and certainly Bajoran. Gideon shook himself from the distraction and returned to the helm. He was just in time to see the unusual whatsits on the viewscreen.

"What the bloody HELL is that?" he asked, perplexed.

[Deej Cloten | Shuttlebay | USS Lirpa]

Cloten noticed Flyboy had come to greet the new party and waited longer than expected for the shuttle to clear. He then snuck his way to the shuttle to look for the hidden contraband. It was here...somewhere...unless it was the wrong shuttle.

Holodeck / Re: S3-M12: The Battle Royale
January 19, 2022, 06:37:25 PM
Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on January 18, 2022, 05:01:19 PM

[Several hours later...]

=/\=Shuttlecraft Bygone to USS Lirpa, requesting permission to dock, this is Ensign McCutcheon along with Lt. Commander Falleg-Tekin, Ensign Falleg-Tekin, Ensign Zerma and Science Specialist McCutcheon. Awaiting your instructions... =/\=

Quote from: Pev on January 19, 2022, 08:57:11 AM

One of Pev's large black eyes narrowed a bit. He hadn't been informed of a large influx of personnel expected to rendezvous with the ship.

"Lt. Drake," he called from Ops, "We have a shuttle, the Bygone, with additional personnel requesting permission to dock. Lt. Commander Falleg-Tekin, Ensign Falleg-Tekin, Ensign Zerma, Ensign McCutcheon, and Science Specialist McCutcheon? I have no orders around additional personnel and did not see them on the Lirpa's manifest. Orders?"

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on January 19, 2022, 05:04:10 PM

When he stepped through the doors again, he first noticed that there was a shuttlecraft on the viewscreen. For a split second he thought it might be Jettis, having recovered and come out to meet them. But he was quickly disabused of that notion when Pev read off the shuttle's occupants.

One of Pev's large black eyes narrowed a bit. He hadn't been informed of a large influx of personnel expected to rendezvous with the ship.

Falleg-Tekin and her brood were back? That was certainly good news. They hadn't got on well at first, but she'd turned out to be good people... and so had her kids. Kyan started for his chair. "Go ahead and let 'em in tae the shuttlebay Mister Pev. Sure and they're ok."

[Lieutenant Gideon Drake | Bridge | Deck One | USS Lirpa]

Gideon heard the communique and perked up with interest. Now there sounded like a beautiful woman on the other side of the line. Pev, of course voiced it out, but before Gideon could do something about it, he jumped momentarily at Commander Mackenzie's return from the loo.

He stepped up from the chair to let Mackenzie back in and then he asked, "Permission to greet the new arrivals, Commander?"

[Deej Cloten | Cargo Bay One >- Shuttlebay | USS Lirpa]

Once he's determined that the coast was clear, Cloten slipped from his hiding place and slunk his way through the ship. He memorized the layout as best as he could and used a modified/stolen Jem'Hadar shroud to hide from sight. Then he made his way to the shuttlebay.

He was informed by his contact that a shuttle would meet with the Lirpa, with a special cargo hidden inside. All Cloten had to do was wait in the bay for the shuttle to arrive. He didn't know what kind of vessel it'll be, the details are quite vague. He had arrived just as a Starfleet vessel arrived. He scowled in suspicion; surely a Starfleet vessel like that wouldn't be carrying hidden contraband, but he determined to search every nook and cranny once it was empty, just in case. But first, he had to wait, hiding in plain sight, thanks to the Shroud.

Holodeck / Re: S3-M12: The Battle Royale
January 14, 2022, 08:17:14 AM

[Lieutenant Gideon Drake | Bridge | Deck One | USS Lirpa]

Gideon was certainly amazed at how the Lirpa handles like a dream. The only difference between this and the Squall, aside from size, is the fact that there's a lot more people aboard.

Patrol was looking quite simple. It was a good chance for Gideon to get to know the Lirpa as he flies her. Somehow, he was more focused on a starship than he was on the Squall. Maybe because he was completely aware of just how many people there are on the Lirpa, or the fact that the Squall was something of a private pleasure craft in addition to a scoutship, which meant there was no privacy on the Lirpa when he was at the helm. Maybe it was the focus itself, that if something went wrong and the Lirpa hit something, the crew was in jeopardy.

He could keep thinking of reasons why he was so focused more on a starship, enough to not focus momentarily on birds, when he was surprised by Commander Mackenzie to man the conn. This was another first for Gideon. All while on his first time on the Lirpa.

"Aye," he said, and he took the Big Chair. He was quite surprised by it all. Then again, he realized he could likely be second officer on the Lirpa and Katra, and he partially felt ashamed of his getting drunk. Then again, Commander Jyur getting poisoned and thus incapacitated meant some unusual strings.

"Alright, bridge, status report," he said, given it was his first time on the conn.

[Deej Cloten | Cargo Bay 1 | USS Lirpa]

This was too good an opportunity for Cloten to miss. New starship on patrol, it means going where potential goodies might be. Especially when there are goodies tricky to reach or pick up where his usual boys couldn't.

It was very easy to sneak aboard and hide in the cargo bay. After all, the little Antican was using his height to his advantage. After all, one good thing about being small was that he could fit in one of those containers. And there were plenty of empty containers going aboard the Lirpa. Simple.

Now Cloten had to wait until there wasn't a lot of people, then he could sneak out. The container was also perfectly arranged beforehand, rigged with a mechanism to unlock the container from the inside in case he was locked in. So he could come and go as he pleased. He even had one or two goons, some bribed Orion officers who can assist him if they could get to whatever they could come across.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on January 04, 2022, 04:07:20 PM

Drake was right. He looked like shit and smelled worse. Ignoring the part about King being the most beautiful.. or not.. or whatever, Kyan looked up at his fellow ginger. "After you take a shower and burn that uniform, Ye can start by getting the Lirpa ready to go on patrol so ye can. If them visitors we have are telling the truth of things, then someone might be along later wantin tae be collectin them. Might be they're already out there waitin anyways."

[Lieutenant Gideon Drake | Brig | Starbase Katra]

Gideon perked up in interest. He was to be the helmsman of the Lirpa?

"Oh, certainly!" he said. "I'll be there, I'll be there."

[Lieutenant Gideon Drake | Bridge | Deck One | USS Lirpa]

Once Gideon freshened up, he made his way to the new ship. He had to admit, he was looking forward to helming an actual starship, after so much time of being used to piloting smaller craft like the Squall. This was going to be a first for him.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on January 04, 2022, 06:45:27 AM

Kyan neither understood, nor did he care to understand, why grups were always falling all over themselves to be someone's love interest. To his mind it was all a bit silly. So the guy's girlfriend up and left. It wasn't like there was a shortage of other females to drool after, or males either if that was the way Drake's compass pointed. Making such a spectacle of one's self wasn't going to bring Serena King back... which was a pity becayse Kyan had liked the quirk engineer.. as much as he liked any grup that is.

Well, that wasn't exactly true. He liked Xasik and Sirol more. But that was different. In any case, Serena King was gone. It was over. And in the little Miran's estimation, it was time for the silliness to end too.

"Aye and I'm glad you asked so I am." Kyan answered happily. "What I want the now is for you to get off yer arse and be useful. Yer girlfriend got reassigned. She's gone now. You threw yer tantrum like a baby and got put in here for it. But thats over too the now. It's time to get back to work." Kyan paused... perhaps to look for the right words. But since he wasn't a counselor.... "You're a Lieutenant in Starfleet." he told Drake. " Yer a good pilot and it's out there flying you aught to be, and not sulking in here. If you want to find yerself someone tae dip yer wick in, you do that on your own time, and ye don't let it interfere with yer duties. If ye want tae be gettin drunk and crying about yer bad luck with girls, ye do that after work too. But we got stuff tae be doin the now and we need you. So I'm letting you out."

Kyan eyed the depressed pilot for a moment before finishing. "And if I gotta be havin this talk with ye again, I'll have ye re-assigned to someplace where there ain't no girls tae get you in trouble... like the Tholian Embassy or something. Now, yer released. Get out of my cell and go do yer fookin job Lieutenant."

With that, Kyan opened the cell and waited for the pilot to come out.

[Lieutenant Gideon Drake | Brig | Starbase Katra]

Gideon took a good look, rapt with attention, at Commander Mackenzie. For somebody who looked like a teenager (Cloten often called him "Baby-Face"), he sure had quite a load of wisdom about him. But the idea of him being assigned to somewhere without girls certainly was enough to rouse him. He stood at attention and stepped out of the brig.

"Yes, of course, sir," he said. "I do greatly apologize; it's just that, there was only one Serena, she's the most beautiful woman in the galaxy, in my opinion. Ah, bloody hell, there's bound to be more women out there more beautiful than she is."

He stretched and took a whiff of his own hygiene. Crikey, he must've smelled worse than Cloten's establishment.

"Right, what do you want me to do, Commander?" he asked. "Once I freshen up, of course."

Old Topics / Re: January Role Call!
January 03, 2022, 06:21:01 PM
Quote from: Sirol on January 03, 2022, 12:45:40 PM

No problem! :)
I am not sure as to whether and what is planned for this month's main story arc, but what I can already offer would be two B-Plotlines we can have:
With Gideon being both, a pilot and a tactician, he might be interested in beta testing one of Sirol's new SIMM projects?
Alternatively, I could also offer Peylix doing some counselling (and mmmmaaaybe slighty invasive psychological investigations) on Drake due to his reported... Well... Incident last month. xD

That could work.  :) In fact, maybe a bit of both? Peylix would do some counseling with Gideon while he analyzes one of Sirol's SIMM projects. And, who knows, they'd both fall in love.

Out of curiosity, who does Peylix look like? If you don't have a faceclaim, I can make one if you'd like. :)

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on January 03, 2022, 08:29:45 AM

:: Brig | Starbase Katra ::

~ A few hours prior to the arrival of the Romulan Warbirds ~

Sadly - to him - Kyan hadn't been in the brig since being promoted. Apparently, as he was discovering every day in new ways, being the Executive Officer on a Space Station was a time consuming job. Somebody always wanted something. Something always wasn't working right, etc. etc. And it was his job to see that it got put right. A newly minted Ensign in Security had even come to wake him up in the middle of the night. He'd used his brand new "unlock doors" power to bypass the lock on Kyan's door so that he could inform the sleeping Miran of a dispute between a Boslic freighter Captain and one of the "security people" in Cloten's place. The bulkhead beside the door still had Kyan's knife sticking out of it, and the new Ensign was probably still shaking.

In addition to less sleep, which was bad enough on its own, Kyan had less time to meander around the station and talk to people, which he had done quite often as Chief of Security. It was a helpful exercise that produced intelligence about the goings on around the promenade and kept him from having to sit at a desk all day, which was akin to torture in his estimation. In fact, currently there wasn't even a desk in his office because he'd had it taken out the day he got the job. He'd replaced it with a circular chair thing with a built in personal computer terminal. He could lay down in the chair and move the monitor if he needed to call someone, or if he wanted to take a nap. It also had a holo interface which allowed him to do reports or other tedious administration tasks without having to sit behind a desk like he was in school or something. He'd seen one in a counselor's office once, although he couldn't remember their name now.

Today though, he['d broken free of the office and Ops to come down and sort out one Lieutenant Gideon Drake. He'd meant to do it previously but the whole Romulan refugee thing had ruined that plan. Walking up to the cell, he spied the erstwhile pilot laying on the bed slab.

"Good mornin to ye Mister Drake!" Kyan offered happily. "How's the jail food?"

[Lieutenant Gideon Drake | Brig | Starbase Katra]

Gideon was still asleep and bemoaning himself and still depressed from losing Serena when Commander Mackenzie walked in. He actually opened an eyebrow and realized he definitely wasn't dreaming the red uniform on him.

"Lousy," he muttered. "But no more than I deserve, bloody loveless lovesick [spoiler]bastard [/spoiler]I am. What do you want?"

Old Topics / Re: January Role Call!
January 02, 2022, 09:24:30 AM
Quote from: Sirol on January 01, 2022, 12:34:33 PM

Still slower than usual, but I'll be around and posting. ^^

I can try and find your character some work if you like. :D

I'd appreciate that, thanks.

Old Topics / Re: January Role Call!
January 01, 2022, 09:22:50 AM

Here, likely, assuming there will be somewhere where Gideon will be useful.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on December 17, 2021, 04:29:30 AM

=/\= Stelan T'Mas to Lieutenant Drake. What is your current location? I would like to meet and discuss the repairs to our flight systems. =/\=

[Lieutenant Gideon Drake | Brig | Deck Twelve | Katra Station]

Gideon was roused from his sleep in the brig by the call from his comm badge. He was surprised the comm badge was still on his person. He was dreaming of the new counselor, dreaming of whatever the hell better woman there was than Serena King. Somebody was calling to fix flight systems?

=/\="I would, except for one bloody problem," =/\= he said.  =/\="I'm locked in the brig for being an inebriated git." =/\=


[Lieutenant Gideon Drake | Brig | Deck Twelve | Katra Station]

24 hours later...

Gideon spent the whole night staring listlessly, almost in a moping tantrum, just staring into space. He only fell asleep out of sheer exhaustion. He probably would've slept a long time if a woman's voice didn't rouse him. He opened his eyes and saw a gorgeous looking figure. He scowled and sat up and was about to tell the woman to full on [spoiler]sod [/spoiler]off when he saw her face.

He was agog. She was beautiful. Even more beautiful than Serena. Hell, he didn't feel this way since the day he first met Serena. Despite the braids of hair, he was drawn into her looks.

"Lieutenant Drake?" she asked in a smooth purr. "I'm Counselor Sadira Amid. I'm here to assess your psychiatric health."

"Sadira...amid what?" asked Gideon gormlessly.

The counselor - who, judging from the lone pip, was an ensign - smiled at that, making Gideon's heart flutter a little.

"I get that all the time," she said. "Though it's preferable to go with the Arabic  'ahmid,' there's the pronounciation. My roommate also used to get something like that at the Academy, she's always getting 'Nira said what?' before she correct the pronounciation."

"You know Nira Said?" said Gideon. "One of the most beautiful women in the Academy?"

The counselor smiled wider. "Why, yes. In fact, that's what we used to both be referred to. The Sirens. Our dorm used to be called 'Aphrodite's Shell,' after the painting of the goddess of love. Did you meet her?"

I wish, Gideon thought to himself, also realizing he can't be this lucky. "No, but I heard plenty about her. Only met her briefly before she graduated."

"Yes, indeed, especially since we were neighbors and all...but what are we talking about her for?" asked the counselor. "Let's talk about you. You clearly have a problem."

You had to rub salt into the wound, Gideon thought instinctively, but he was too awestruck to lash out. "Uh, yeah...unfortunately."

"Ignoring your duties, especially since your promotion," she continued. "With your high rank and Lieutenant Ferris gone, I can't believe you would be next in line."

"Leftenant Ferris...?" Gideon blinked in surprise.

"And furthermore, drowning your sorrows in an establishment that has enough health code violations to turn heads 180 degrees," she continued. "I mean, had you been drinking typical synthohol, it would be understandable, but Romulan Ale? Especially in so many hours in the morning?"

"Well, there are Romulans on the station," said Gideon, repeating Cloten's usual excuse; he also raised eyebrows when he first saw Cloten's Romulan Ale, but the moment he tasted it, he had been requesting custom martinis made out of them since.

"That's no excuse to get yourself in this state," Sadira continued. "As I understand, you were heard ranting about women and breaking hearts before all the bouncers - all of them Orions - tried to subdue you. In other words, someone so important in your life left you and it left a hole. An emptiness."

Blimey. She understands me.
"Well, you're right on that account."

"Who was she?"

"Serena King, Leftenant, Engineering. Even had a wedding ring, going to propose to her and everything."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I'll have a word with the officer in charge. I'll speak with Commander Mackenzie if I have to, even Commander Jyur..."


"The new commanding officer of Katra Station. I'm not surprised you didn't know that, you've been spending weeks in that [spoiler]shit[/spoiler]hole. I'll negotiate your release, and then move things to better therapy sessions in my office."

"Good luck. The amount of charges..."

"I'll do my best."

As she left to have her word, Gideon was feeling elated. He hadn't felt this good in a long time, not since his snogs with Serena. In fact, he was feeling like his old self again. And with Lieutenant Ferris gone, that essentially meant he was acting Chief Flight Control Officer. Had he neglected his duties? He could see his dad and Uncle Boothby yelling at him if they knew. Newkirk Drake may have been retired from Starfleet to run Drake Shipping Limited, but he could still pull strings, especially with Uncle Boothby, wild as he was, still in Starfleet.

He hoped that this new beauty, Sadira Amid, was it? He hoped she could get him out. In fact, he should've known where to look. The Middle East and South Asia was certainly the best place to be for the most beautiful women on Earth...and potentially the quadrant, even the galaxy if he was lucky.

Quote from: Balan on November 02, 2021, 08:17:18 PM

[Katra - Cloten's pub]

The flight officer had stumbled from Balan attempting to stop him. As that was unfolding Cloten had slipped in his office to send a shock to the flyboy and it knocked him out. Balan was shocked what security the pub had.

"œHope that is a legal regulation security system you got" he told Colten . The security guard who was officially off duty stared down at the limped broken heart man.

Balan was figuring out that Gideon ex- girlfriend had left him. She was not part of station no more. He could look to see where she end up. Balan bent down to pick up the ginger head and fireman carry him to sick bay.  As they got in the sick bay Balan had laid Gideon down on the med bed.

The computer display showed Gideon heart was still working. "œHis heart is still working and not broken in many pieces." That was a small sense of humor he tossed out.

Then Cloten had explain he was not going to hold charges on Gideon. Then Balan who was wearing his casual clothes. Which was a turtle neck sweater and blue jeans with hiking boots. He knew Gideon was in good hands cause the Doctor was good and he liked her.

The truth was Gideon had brought this on himself. He never seen anyone act like a fool who yelled at the owner of a establishment cause he lost his girlfriend. He was not very experience in romance but he knew if everyone had acted like that. Then security would be to busy breaking up broken heart folks.

Balan had heard Gideon explain his story and called his ex a cow. That was a terrible thing calling someone a cow. Perhaps Gideon was unable to speak proper.

Then he waited to see if he was going to be dismiss cause a doctor would know. And Colten had not put charges on him. "œCloten I will need to a report from you. So we can file it," Balan had explained.

The best thing was he was able to see Xiiv once again, he knew she was happy that Katra was near New Bajor. However her missing sibling was not found yet. She had not total shared what the religious symbol had showed her.

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on November 02, 2021, 10:03:41 PM

[Katra Station | Medbay]

"Perhaps downing your sorrows was not the right activity for you," Xiiv said evenly. "I'm not sure I find calling the woman you were dating a cow appropriate either but we all grieve in our own way, I suppose. Good thing is, you'll live, though you might be sore for a little while. I'd suggest limiting your outbursts to your own domicile. Taking it public could get you or someone else injured, Mr Gideon."

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on November 02, 2021, 11:18:09 PM

:: Sickbay | Katra Station ::

After his meeting with Jyur, Kyan had gone back to his quarters and replicated a new uniform. It looked wierd. In nearly 50 years he had never worn anything but security or operations. Originally it was the maroons with the dark gold undershirt. Then later it was the mustard spandex jumpsuit thing. That was horrible. Wedgies were a constant companion in those days. So much so that he'd actually considered the skant. Eventually they had changed it to something else and the wedgies went away. And now he had red shoulders on his jacket and three pips.

Kyan had to admit that he looked kinda like a boss in these new threads. He kept his old shoes though. It was too hard to get new ones with his... erhm... modifications. They weren't mirror shined like Briggs' were either. Even though he was going to be the XO, Kyan wasn't going to let it go to his head like grups did! Well... not too much anyway. It definitely felt different though. As Security Chief, Kyan had always felt a kind of ownership of the station. But it never extended past keeping people safe. It was different now and he couldn't quite nail down how.

And no sooner than he'd swapped uniforms, he got a call from the Security office about an incident in Cloten's place. Something about Gideon Drake getting drunk and going off the rails. Balan had responded and now the whole lot were in sickbay. While he'd made definite progress with the counselors and Xasik and Sirol on his phobia of that place, it was still there. At least now he knew why. So aside from acting like an arse, Gideon now had him going to the one place on the station where he didn't want to go. In addition, he hadn't even spoken to Doctor Xiiv for more than a few seconds since his last trip to her dominion, the particulars of which were still hazy to him.

gods damned Drake and his drunken girl problems., he thought to himself as he stood outside the doors, flanked by two security crewmen. Why not just go to the holo suites and pretend she was still here and wanted to see him? Seemed perfectly reasonable to Kyan. He'd killed James Kirk more times than he could count on the holodeck. It was always fun. He'd mention that to the pilot, if he weren't still too blitzed.

Sighing, Kyan looked up at the crewmen. "All right then boyos. Let's be about it then. C'mon."

As the doors parted before them Kyan and the two crewmen walked in. There in the treatment area were Doctor Xiiv, Deej Cloten, Balan... in his off duty clothes. And then Gideon Drake was on the bed.

And now was the moment of truth. Surprisingly, Kyan wasn't too put off by being in Sickbay. Maybe it was his new position, or the crewmen flanking him. Maybe it was because he wasn't here to be treated for anything. But it was... ok. No walls closing in, no shortness of breath, no creeping fear. It was just... another place. in fact, the thought that weighed on him was how he was going to address the matter at hand. Having never been,,, "in love" himself, like Gideon was, he couldn't empathize with his feelings on the matter. And even as Security Chief, he wouldn't have been happy with someone getting drunk and tearing up a place of business. But now there was the whole other side too. What to do with Drake?

Truthfully, he knew exactly what to do with Drake. The only piece that gave him pause was that he remembered how he'd felt when it happened to him all those years ago. When he'd gotten into a fight, it was the brig. It sucked. And sometimes he felt that he didn't deserve it. Although in Drake's case, he'd started the whole thing. It was his fault. Having entered as she was speaking, Kyan caught the part about how Drake would live, and be sore for a few days. So it was all settled then.

"Doctor Xiiv! Merry Met again and I'll thank you fer yer tellin me what I was after askin even before I asked ye! Since Mister Drake here is fit enough to nae be needin further treatment from you, I'll get him out of here for ye." A nod to one of the Security Crewmen spurred he and his colleague over to Drake's bedside.

[Lieutenant Gideon Drake | Main Medbay | Deck Twenty-Two | Katra Station]

Gideon scowled. Doctor Xiiv calling him Mr. Gideon was a little unnerving. Only the servants at old Drake Hall ever called him Mr. Gideon. But he didn't bother to correct her. He was much too busy feeling miserable.

"She deserves it, Doctor," he said. "Most beautiful woman in the galaxy, leaving me so fast. Yes, she is a cow."

And he was just in time to see Lieutenant Mackenzie...hang on. He usually didn't wear red. And he usually didn't have three pips. Blimey. He got promoted. Then it looks like he's conducting his last arrest before apparently assuming First Officer duties.

"Let's get this over with...Commander," he said, still bleary, before realizing it was technically Lieutenant Commander, now that he got it close enough. He began walking gingerly along, the soreness feeling so emphasized. He deserved it, stuck in the brig, soreness from a beating. He took in Cloten's wide, toothy grin, seeing that the tables were turned, watching him getting arrested for once.

Cloten, meanwhile, turned back to the security chump...Balan, that was his name.

"Fine, if you'd like," he said. The main reason was that he wasn't pressing charges was that he would have to identify the kinds of synthohol Flyboy was chugging away. It wasn't just Romulan Ale, though he could give out the excuse that Romulans live on the station and some officers are Romulan. In fact, it was only the main ingredient to his powerhouse special, which consisted of a mixture of at least a dozen other illegal synthohols, with Romulan Ale as the main base for mixture. He did start his criminal career as a bootlegger at the Antican homeworld. He knew where to get his hands on liquids that could put a buzz into a person's head, but unfortunately, some of those liquid could permanently shut down any one of a person's organs, not just his heart. The trick was to know which was safe to consume. That was partly why Cloten was often a bartender, but his main business focus was the black market.

[Lieutenant Gideon Drake | Brig | Deck Twelve | Katra Station]

In no time at all, Gideon was dumped into a cell in the brig. He was way past the point of giving a [spoiler]shite [/spoiler]and so just dumped his arse onto the cot. He just scowled out the door, staring into space, but merely did it so everybody can see how heartbroken he was, how he will never love again. Let even the women get a good look at him. He was going to stay there. Long as it took to waste away. He had had it with women and life.

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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