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Messages - Kimiko Sugiyama

News Archive 2022 / Re: Head count
May 18, 2022, 11:06:45 AM

I occasionally lurk, but not sure if that counts!  :-[

Holodeck / Re: Divided We Fall - Discussion
November 22, 2021, 05:54:07 PM

Hi! So... Sirol is not feeling too well, so gave me permission to use Lonic to move forward the story a bit. I have also discussed the cause holding the ship in place with Xasik, so hopefully that last post is ok.

Best wishes to Sirol for a speedy return! **hugs**

Holodeck / Re: Divided We Fall
November 22, 2021, 05:51:38 PM

Lieutenant Lonic

Lieutenant Lonic worked through the diagnostic scenarios presented by his operations station.

"A gravity mine or torpedo is still logically the most likely explanation. We cannot move and there is no beam trace on any frequency.

Kimi bit her lip, deep in thought. "Yeah, Vetath said that... but unless they have something with the density of a star, or a singularity, how is it anchored in space?"

Lonic looked at her with those piercing eyes. "Do you have the list of anomalies I asked you to audit this morning?"

Kimi scowled. "Oh that was so boring. Yes, what for?"

"I have all these anomalies but cannot determine which might indicate a foreign device acting on the Courser."

Kimi got the idea quickly. "And mine can be discounted! Good idea, Lonic!"

She skipped to her station and sent back the file, then scrambled back next to the Betan. His long, artificial-looking fingers tapped at his console.

"Hmmm... I can't narrow it down to just one..."

Kimi smacked her hand to her forehead. "Of course!"

Lonic looked up at this exclamation. She continued, "Because it is more than one. That's how they are anchoring - against each other. Like magnets of opposite polarity creating a field between them, or the way nacelles generate the warp field. We are in a gravity net! Look at these fours points - outer hull - exactly opposed, like points of the compass. You are brilliant Lonic!"

The mild mannered Betan was rather startled by this pronouncement. "Just an application of logical process..."

But Kimi had already turned to Captain Addams.

"Sir, Ops has identified the impact sites of potential gravity torpedoes. They are projecting a kind of gravity field around us. You will need joint security-engineering teams to destroy each one. I suggest you set them to coordinate an exactly timed sequence, or we might start spinning out of control..."

Holodeck / Re: Divided We Fall - Discussion
November 14, 2021, 05:58:40 PM

Thanks Xasik - I hope everything is ok with Sirol?

After that last post I feel like a naughty schoolgirl.  ;D

Holodeck / Re: Divided We Fall
November 14, 2021, 05:56:46 PM

Kimi Sugiyama

Kimi dashed back to the bridge and skidded through the doors, then winced as she realised the Romulan had made it back before her.

Quote from: Xasik on November 14, 2021, 03:36:14 AM

Looking up as Lieutenant Sugiyama arrived back on the bridge, Willow gave her an acknowledging nod.
"œWelcome back to the Bridge, Lieutenant," ... "œI hope your excursion was fruitful,"

"Lieutenant Commander," began Kimi, breathlessly. "I know what you said, but the situation was changing rapidly... Arafe needed to get to Ten Forward... You weren't here... So, I cleared it with Captain Addams, and..." Kimi chose her words carefully. "He did not object."

She shifted from one foot to the other.

"And it was just as well. Arafe and I encountered two of the invaders! It was very lucky I was there to protect the civilian." Kimi looked away, avoiding eye contact at this moment. "We, errr, managed to take them alive."

Then the Romulan moved on.

Quote from: Xasik on November 14, 2021, 03:36:14 AM

"œLieutenant Lonic, I want to scan for warp signatures, let's see if we can trace them back to where they came from," Willow spoke as she looked over towards Lonic. She then looked around the bridge to the rest of the Bridge crew.
"œAny word yet on what's keeping us in place, Lieutenant Sugiyama?" She looked to Kimiko to see if she was at her terminal. "I still suspect that we might be stuck in place with gravity mines. Can you see if you can find out what's holding us?"

"Yessir!" Kimi dashed to her station and looked across to Lonic. "What have you got?"

This was probably more his specialty; there was bound to be a mechanical answer to this issue rather than a biological one, but it was true she was there to analyse any new scientific phenomena.

Once Vetath had stepped out of the bridge, Kimi scooted over to Lonic's station to look at the data with him.

"Gravity mines need an anchor, unless it is something we have not seen before. They didn't look that advanced to me, by their suits. I wonder if it is some kind of inertia beam... but how could they target us through the interference of the nebula?"

She stood up straight, abruptly. "Or a torpedo - maybe a missile that acts as a gravity mine upon impact! We might need to get outside on the hull to take a proper look..."

Holodeck / Re: Divided We Fall - Discussion
November 11, 2021, 10:16:37 AM

...too bad she's like most human women, hopelessly too skinny

@Ian hehehe I like Arafe he makes me giggle.  ;D
Holodeck / Re: Divided We Fall
November 08, 2021, 08:34:09 AM

Kimiko Sugiyama
Corridor 12 - USS Courser

With their captives safely transported away, Kimi turned to Arafe and offered a rather awkward handshake.

"Well, thanks again. I guess we did good... I'll see you in Ten Forward sometime soon."

She saluted the two security officers then hurried back to the bridge. Something told her she ought to get back, to help the rescue effort for the rest of their crewmates, and perhaps face the wrath of a certain Romulan...

Holodeck / Re: Divided We Fall
November 03, 2021, 06:48:43 PM

Kimi Sugiyama
[Corridor 12 - Amidships - USS Courser]

Kimi struggled in the grip of the invader while at the same time hearing the physical might of Arafe overwhelming his adversary.

"Nnngh, stop!" she called as she writhed. She really hoped the Bolian would not kill them.

Her own problems were mounting, and she feared the injector device would be puncturing her own skin any moment, when her attacker went limp. She looked again and saw that Arafe had beaten his man, and also stamped on her captor's hand.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 03, 2021, 01:57:10 PM


Kimi gladly accepted the offered hand and allowed herself to be pulled to her feet again. She looked at Arafe's handiwork and the two downed invaders.

"Wow," she said between recovering breaths. "That was... amazing."

She knew the hefty Bolian could probably defend himself, but had never seen so physical a display from him. He was always the life of the party, the jovial host, and she had occasionally been the subject of his practical jokes. But right now, she could have hugged him.

"You got one alive!"

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on November 02, 2021, 07:26:00 PM

May I get a new sig card for Kyle as XO of Challenger and Derek as Eng officer on Katra please?

Hi Kyle, I don't have access to the font. I had a look through what I have and can't quite get that square C etc. Here is an attempt with an angular kind of font. What do you think? Is it easy to read? Do you want me to experiment with some other space-age looking ones?

If this is ok I can swap in for that "personnel" word at the top, too.

Holodeck / Re: Divided We Fall - Discussion
November 03, 2021, 09:36:18 AM
Quote from: Xasik on November 03, 2021, 12:04:07 AM

uuhoh, Kimi might be in trouble with Willow. Better get her a fruit basket or something xD

"She was seething, the kind of furious that made her go silent as she considered her options and how to respond. He felt sorry for Kimiko but there was nothing he could do for her."

Yikes, I might be safer getting taken by the slavers lolol.  ;D

Don't be too harsh I was just trying to help...  :-[

News Archive 2021 / Re: WANTED: Signature Artist
November 02, 2021, 07:50:29 PM

Hi Kyle, your inbox is full but my reply is YES PLEASE.  ;D

Holodeck / Re: Divided We Fall
November 02, 2021, 07:34:38 PM

Kimi Sugiyama
Corridor 12 - amidships - USS Courser

The footsteps came around the corner as Kimi and Arafe whirled. Kimi caught her first sight of two of the aliens and her heart leapt into her mouth...

Humanoid shapes, covered in old, clunky space suits...

They halted, surprised to find Starfleet personnel, having already swept this section. One raised a wide-mouthed weapon of some sort. Kimi remembered the gooey paste and acted.

"Look out!" she gave Arafe a surprisingly fierce shove into the corridor wall one way, bouncing off him and hitting the far wall.

The alien weapon spat and a globule of the paste flew between them down the corridor, to smack into the door at the far end.

There was a momentary stand-off as both sets of beings considered one another. The invaders reloaded. Kimi remembered she did not have a phaser and bit her lip.

She strode toward them and raised her tricorder instead. "Hands up, or I'll scan you!" She tried to load menace into her voice.

The invaders cocked their heads to one side, confused. It bought Kimi and Arafe a precious few moments to close in and try and get past them.

An invader reached out for Kimi. This being now had what looked like a needle injector in one hand. The junior science officer yelped. On instinct she seized the outstretched hand, twisted her hips and floored the invader with a judo throw.

She glanced across to see how Arafe was doing, but then a powerful arm grabbed her legs. The invader had recovered and now tripped her up. She went down with a gasp.

The intruder was bigger and stronger - and heavier! - but also slower, and clumsy with the space suit. Kimi tried to wriggle free as the being hunted around on the floor for the dropped needle device with its other hand.

"Arafe!" she called.

Holodeck / Re: Divided We Fall - Discussion
November 02, 2021, 06:22:46 PM

Hi Don! I hope Florida was nice?

Well, we got closer to the signal, which seemed to come from an asteroid field. But then it seemed the fragments were from blasted starships - so maybe a previous battle? Then we got rammed and boarded by unknown aliens!

Vetath told me to stay on bridge.

Lonic and Hoffs-wood were talking about trying to physically shake off the ship that has latched onto us.

You look up, and I've gone anyway, teehee.

@Ian Galloway - TAG! Arafe give them a good punch please. I've put him in a nice civilian tunic. Is that right?

Holodeck / Re: Divided We Fall - Discussion
November 02, 2021, 08:18:15 AM
Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 31, 2021, 05:58:34 PM

Not even Lek would abandon you to slavers. :-)

Hahaha actually I have a feeling Lek would abandon me to slavers.  ;D

I know Xasik is chief-of-fighting and I don't want to take away from the main tactical action... but do you think it is ok for us two to write out our own little skirmish with a couple of invaders? No kills - they would probably get the order to withdraw once they have all the slaves they need.

Holodeck / Re: Divided We Fall - Discussion
October 31, 2021, 05:18:29 PM

@Ian Galloway - I'm glad Arafe decided to stay with me (for now), thank you. I think it will be more fun that way, and I used the opportunity to slightly edit.  :)

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