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Messages - T’prith

Holodeck / Re: Stellar (open to all)
May 23, 2023, 11:57:29 PM

[USS Challenger-mess hall]

T'Prith when she was able to leave went to the mess hall. She wasn't looking to get anything special as she had a tendency of getting what she would usually get. She got a hasperat and water. She sat down at one of the open seats. She figured that the mess hall would be so busy that it might not be as easy to find an open seat to sit. She was pleasantly surprised when she found somewhere that was open and she sat down in the open seat. She gave the other ensign a smile as she said "œgood day ensign I don't think that we've met I'm T'Prith the ops officer it's nice to finally meet you."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 26, 2023, 11:01:30 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian couldn't help but see the antics of the Onlie ensign and despite the tense confrontation, he frowned at the behavior.

"I'm goin' ta assume she has a reason for actin' in such a way. For now, it will have ta pass. After this is over however, we're ta have words."

He thought as he continued to observe the communication between Tekin and Sherem.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian thought furiously as Tekin and Sherem bantered.

"The fact that bleedin' station has transwarp means if'n Sherem chooses ta pursue, he'll be able ta run down the freighters regardless of what speed they manage. Tekin has got ta keep Sherem occupied a wee bit longer or we're ta end up like convoy PQ17."

Ian muted the communications and spoke to Ops.

"Send an encrypted, tight beam signal ta Admiral Gillespie of what and who we've encountered. Tell them we need reinforcements."

He then unmuted the comm and waited to see what would happen next.

[USS Challenger-bridge]

T'prith heeded the captain's orders as she proceed to send an encripted tight beam signal to Admiral Gillespie saying that they need reinforcements. It sure looked like they were in a sticky situation. She hoped that they could get the reinforcements in time before things took an unfortunate turn.


[USS challenger-bridge]

T'prith acknowledged lieutenant junior grade Mcnair as she went back to viewing the screen at her station. She proceeded to shunt the power from the integrity fields to the shields. She figured that the situation must be rather dire if the power had to be moved to the shields. If there was any other actions that needed to be taken then she would be prepared to act accordingly.

Quote from: Buck McNair on April 20, 2023, 07:04:52 PM

[Bridge | USS Challenger]

Buck took a firm grip of his station as the ship hit the slipstream, feeling the vibrations and the creaking as they traveled as a singular unit. He was no engineer but there had to have been something easier on the bones as they watched through the view screen. It was exciting, it was exhilarating to watch as space passed by at such great speeds, and to be part of it. Buck took the time to wonder whether his mother and father had such an experience, and that he probably would tell them whenever they caught back up at their house for a family meal.

They had just about dropped out of slipstream when they had received a transmission at their station. "Got a distress signal!"

Buck went about patching it through, the sound was not great; very garbled but enough to make out the panic in their tone and their need for urgent assistance. His brows furrowed as he looked over to the captain and commander to see if they could make sense of the message - hoping for a translation.

Cardassian pirates.


Were they in any state to combat pirates when they were sharing their ablative shielding?

Of course, though the Admiral would send them.

The Challenger, Discovery and the Intrepid, each one with their roles and needing to accompany each other to stave off the pirate menace. Buck looked towards the captain as he explained that it was better if they sent Challenger with the Beta Hull whilst Alpha and Gamma dealt with the issue. He fidgeted as he looked at his supervisor and then to T'Prith. "Uh, not to play devil's advocate, how much of this could be a potential threat to lure us into a trap?" It was a voiced concern, and probably one that he was thinking way above his pay grade about.

[USS Challenger-bridge]

"œFrom what I can tell there is a chance that this could be a potential threat to lure us into a trap." She looked over at the statistics and what she was looking at as she didn't want to give Buck a wrong estimate. She had a strange feeling about this but she needed factual proof and not just go by a gut feeling that she had. T'prith didn't want to overly judge as the distress signal could be someone actually needing their help. She also had a feeling that this could go horribly wrong.


[USS Challenger-bridge]

T'Prith was monitoring things at her station keeping a close eye out for anything that looks suspicious. She looked at the Lieutenant commander as she said "œeverything seems to look good so far here. I have been keeping a look out for anything that might seem out of sorts or suspicious." After she gave lieutenant commander Said the response she went back to attending to her station. If she saw anything unusual then she would make sure to tell the captain and the lieutenant commander immediately. She figured everything needed to be perfect and running smoothly for when the other ships arrive.


[USS Challenger-bridge]

T'Prith  wished the away team good luck as she hoped that nothing went wrong as they went and accomplished their objective. She was going to keep things running smoothly at the operations station on the bridge. She was sure that the ones on the ship were going to be in good hands. She feared that things would go wrong or the away team got caught.


[USS Challenger-bridge]

T'prith was doing her usual tasks as she was taking care of the other things while the other ops officer was preoccupied. She was proud of the officers that were promoted. She had the hopes of improving as a starfleet officer so that one day she would get promoted. She took a glance at the screen and she shook her head. She was curious if the audio would pick up anything suspicious.

Quote from: Buck McNair on January 31, 2023, 04:21:34 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Buck gave a thumbs up, knowing that it was better not to step on any toes and allow T'Prith to do her job. For they were all on the same vessel. "Well, that's good to hear. I'll be here if you're in need for anything." Buck scratched the back of his neck. "That old chestnut, eh? Hah. Thought you would have gotten sick of the story, I'm sure the crewmen are---"

He took a moment to glance around, "I guess I could tell you as to pass the time on route. Moreso that myself, Lahr and Commander Said had been tasked with finding whatever it was that fired the torpedo. No word of a lie, having space walked on the Hull was pretty darn cool--"

Though before he could react, there was a beeping on the screen which cut him off, pointing it out to T'Prith. "Deck 12. Jeffries Tube. Power outage."

=/\= Ensign McNair to Deck 12. Just receiving that a power outage has occurred, everything all good down there?  =/\=

[USS Challenger-bridge]

"œEnsign it is going to take a lot for me to get sick of hearing the story. It seems like you and PO1 Lahr had quite the adventure. I will take care of things here while you go to the lounge Ensign." She figured that whoever was needed in the lounge it was pretty important. Someone needed to stay here to sort out any problems. She hoped to hear more about what's going on.

Quote from: Buck McNair on January 29, 2023, 12:52:20 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Buck had accounted for everything after the eventful happenings of the crew's collective past with Commander Said's doppelgÁ¤nger and the destruction of the scientific vessel. It had been such a fun venture out onto the deck to find that that they did find what they were looking for, torpedo launcher and all.

And such he had repeated the story to those willing to listen.

Things were settling down and he had seen T'Prith turn into the doors which led to the bridge; and Buck jogged lightly and only stopped when at the bridge doors, watching them open and made his way over to where T'Prith was standing. "Hey T'Prith, need a hand with anything here?"

[USS Challenger-bridge]

"œHey Ensign McNair I got everything under control here. This might be a weird question but do you mind asking if you could tell that story it's okay if you don't want to." It was a usual check on the systems and so far she hasn't found anything unusual or something to make note of. If she needed help then she wouldn't have hesitated to ask the ensign for help. It wouldn't hurt to do a double check of everything. For now she turned her attention to the ensign so she could listen to what he had to say.


[USS Challenger-bridge]

T'prith entered the bridge and went towards the operations station. She made sure that everything was working and running smoothly. Since it so far it looked like it was going to be quiet non chaotic tour of the Romulan free state border it gave her plenty of time to make sure things were going smoothly and prepared in case things got eventful. She wouldn't have minded if her fellow operations officer Ensign McNair wanted to tell the story. She probably would have been annoyed if he told it too many times to where it got on her nerves and she was sick of hearing about it.

Season Five Missions / Re: S:5 E:10 - The Galloway Gambit
December 22, 2022, 12:12:36 AM

[USS Challenger-Lounge]

T'Prith was rather curious about the new scientists that she was present at the ceremony to meet. She was curious about their credentials and what research they have done so far. There was a part of her who wondered what these scientists were there to do. Her guessing was that it probably had something to do with scientific research. However she just had to wait and see to find out if she was proven right about her assumptions of the scientists.

Season Five Missions / Re: S:5 E:9 - The Naked When
November 20, 2022, 02:59:28 PM

[USS Challenger-bridge]

"œCopy that captain." Tprith heard the orders from the captain and diverted as much power as she could from the secondary warp core to the structural integrity field. She smirked as she thought things were going to get interesting. She hoped that it was enough power. She prepared for what was going to happen next. She surely didn't want to lose her footing.

Season Five Missions / Re: S:5 E:9 - The Naked When
October 22, 2022, 12:53:05 AM
Quote from: Nira Said on October 19, 2022, 08:57:17 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira got McNair's text reply just as Ian spoke at Thelal. Three minutes. Hopefully enough time...

"I will do you one better, Galloway," sneered Thelal. "I will give you one minute for you do you put it in Earth speak? Vamoose? ...before I empty a spread at you and your so-called 'friends' of the Free State and bring hope various pieces of scrap metal of varying age differences."

Behind Thelal, the assassin Nirreen only furrowed her brow deeper and kept looking back between her console and back up at Thelal. Nira could tell by her body language that she didn't want to fire upon the Challenger to satisfy the skipper's grudge.

[spoiler]Shit[/spoiler]. Nira thought to herself. She'll want to fire upon the adrift ships.

Not only that fact, but the fact that Thelal rebuffed Ian's generous offer, it would be a matter of seconds before Ian would order an open fire. Nira hastily sent a message to Tactical: Prepare weapons. Target Kranu's own weapon systems.

Then she looked back at Thelal and decided she had enough of the pompous blowhard.

"You know what?" Nira snarled. "I'll do you one better, ibn al Kalb!"

And she made a birdie in her hand at Thelal and Nirreen. She definitely got a new reaction out of the assassin. Of course she did; she studied Earth customs and was bound to recognize a human insult when she saw one. And she was bound to study Arabic if she had to study Nira, and thus she recognized the name she called.

Thelal only blinked in surprise and said, "Did you me a kelp?" Then he burst out laughing. "You definitely have to do better than that!"

Nira could only curl her lip, passing it off as an amused reaction. Thelal definitely didn't know human insults, let alone from her home turf.

[USS Challenger-bridge]

She chuckled for a brief moment at the creative insults that were shared. With the ship about to go into battle she made sure that everything was ready to go. It was important that for her at least to not waste any time when it came to the next move. She looked over at the other operations officer so that she could be on the same page when it came to what's going to happen next.

Season Five Missions / Re: S:5 E:9 - The Naked When
October 02, 2022, 09:18:39 PM

[USS Challenger-bridge]

T'Prith was very suspicious about the entire situation. It probably wasn't a good idea to give out confidential information because that information could land into the wrong hands and if it did it wouldn't be good for the crew. She had to wonder if they were potentially followed by another ship. It seemed kind of shady but it might be too early to judge.

Season Five Missions / Re: S:5 E:9 - The Naked When
September 14, 2022, 05:38:37 PM
Quote from: Nira Said on September 10, 2022, 11:29:33 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

An hour later, Nira met back with the rest of the departmental heads, though Tharn was replying via holo-communicators, given the busy state of things. Nira, of course, was at Espada's side when Tharn called.

"How are things down there, Commander?" Nira asked.

After a drawn-out, agitated and deep growl of a piglike squeal, Tharn replied, "Let me just say that the only thing that can do more damage than a whole engineering crew, plus a whole third of the crew under the influence would be a Cascade Virus. I don't know what the whole stinking third of the ship had done down there when it became a nightclub, but lots of the engineering systems have been screwed up! I'm looking at more work than expected in getting this up!"

"But the engines are online?" asked Nira patiently.

At that, at least Tharn didn't glower as much. "Well, that would be the good news on my end. We finished our cold start and we have impulse power by now."

"What about warp drive?"

"I'm having Mister ch'Verret looking at the warp core now," Tharn replied, "but I don't recommend going any higher than Warp Four."

"It'll be enough," said Nira. "We'll need to proceed slowly in any event while we retrace our course, that way, we won't miss the Captain's beacon."

"I can guarantee, however, that full warp capability will be available within the next hour," promised Tharn.

"Thank you, Commander," said Nira. "Keep on working your miracles."

Tharn smiled wider at that, being referred to as a "miracle worker," but Nira knew it was a common compliment regarding Engineers. When Tharn's image disappeared, Nira turned to Espada. "Have you figured out a backtracking course yet?" she asked.

"I have, Commander," he said.

"Good. Get us on course and take us to Warp Three point Five."

"Course laid in."

"Punch it."

The familiar hum of the ship certainly gave indication how it felt alive...after being so still and adrift for a while, Nira realized how much that hum indicated so...

"Okay, everybody else," said Nira, gesturing for them to join her in the briefing room. "Commander Catalan, you have the bridge...again. Mister McNair," she added, seeing McNair was still at work at the sensors, "the moment you pick up the Captain's signal, inform us and let Lieutenant Espada know where to change course."

Catalan shrugged as he took the big chair while Nira brought everybody else in. Gradually, they all came in: T'Kel and Zhuk, T'Prith, Davies, Randall, Savar and Hyperion.


"First off, thank you for releasing Misters Blackfeather and Mrekrerhas once you didn't need them for the moment," said T'Kel. "We were able to make our assessments faster. I sent the two ensigns to inspect the armory while I checked the phaser banks and arsenal."

"How bad was it?" asked Nira.

"The torpedoes were certainly locked out, and the ECH did a thorough job," said T'Kel. "Nothing from the warheads to propulsion was tampered with. Unfortunately, the phaser array has been gummed up. By don't want to know. Even more unfortunate: the targeting systems have been tampered with; we're likely going to have to aim manually if we go into battle. Fortunately, they're both being worked on, so we'll be able to have weapons functioning within normal parameters. Mister Mrekrerhas will fill you in with regards to the armory."

Once Nira heard Zhuk out, she turned to the rest of the officers to give their report, one per department (in the case of T'Prith and Davies, they alone represented their respective departments) Randall and Savar being backed up by Hyperion.

[USS Challenger-bridge]

While she was feeling frustrated she remained calm as she had to report what was going on. "œLieutenant commander looks like the replicators aren't functioning right. Unfortunately there are a few that are burnt out. The transporters however are functional but are scuffed and need to be cleaned. I've spent some time trying to fix the replicators that aren't functioning right." Luckily her frustration didn't shine through as she was giving her report. She figured that afterwards she could go back to work and figure it out. The last thing that they needed was operation systems that weren't working even after multiple ideas to try and fix them so they were functional.

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