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Messages - Hyperion

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on January 29, 2024, 11:32:08 PM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 12 - Main Engineering]

Within the ship's new Chief Engineer gone on an Away Mission, the remaining staff were still tasked to work on coming up with a solution to the folding space problem.  This would have well and fine with Lahr (who normally would sit back with his feet up and toss in unrealistic suggestions) if there had been some leadership left behind, but as it was right now with no engineering position higher than Ensign on shift the engineering staff were looking to Lahr as CPO for that leadership; even the newbie ensigns were coming to him with their ideas since in their eyes he had he experience.

But there was a flaw in that deduction; Lahr being an enlisted had never gone to the Academy for years of theory... he'd done his time in Sec/Tac bootcamp. While he was okay at the mechanical side of engineering, the theories behind why things worked the way they did mostly went over his head.

Yeah, the Chief SO had provided Neva with a ream of data to 'help' the engineers figure out a plan but Lahr needed help deciphering it.  That's where his buddy Hyperion would be helpful.

"Alright folks listen up!" Lahr called out to the other engineers. "I'm gonna take a 15-minute mental health break; step away and ponder these wonderful suggestions.  Petty Officer T'roth, please watch my station.  I'll be back in a bit."

Lahr beat a quick retreat from Engineering and headed down to Stellar Cartography on Deck 15.

[USS Challenger - Deck 15 - Stellar Cartography]

As the doors to the Cartography lab open, Lahr didn't waste any time blurt out his problem to the AI typically working there.

"Hyperion, I need your help 'dumbing-down' the basics of space folding." he called out, only to realize a moment later that Hyperion wasn't alone.

"Um... hello." he gave an embarrassed wave to the Cardassian Science officer.

Quote from: Tora Zalos on January 30, 2024, 04:42:30 AM

[USS Challenger - Deck 15 - Stellar Cartography]

Oh god, the one thing Tora didn't really like about scientific work: what you did with data once you'd collected it. Anthropological studies yielded interesting stuff, like information about the subject culture's performance culture and so on at least. Astrometric data, on the other hand, was oodles and oodles of numbers and readings from anomalies and the like and combing through it had been one of her most hated necessary facets of her training.

At least, though, she'd had Hyperion to help her. God, did he do things fast. Well, he was an AI, of course he did things at the speed of a computer and then some. The work itself was mind-numbingly boring even then, though, and she'd honestly been ready to put her head down and nap before the Andorian walked in.

"Oh, uhm. Hello!" Tora smiled tiredly at the chief petty officer. "Dumbing down the basics of space folding? I'm sure we can manage that, chief. Hyperion?" She glanced sideways at her 'lab partner', who was still dilligently working away as usual.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on January 29, 2024, 11:32:08 PM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret

[USS Challenger - Deck 15 - Stellar Cartography]

As the doors to the Cartography lab open, Lahr didn't waste any time blurt out his problem to the AI typically working there.

"Hyperion, I need your help 'dumbing-down' the basics of space folding." he called out, only to realize a moment later that Hyperion wasn't alone.

"Um... hello." he gave an embarrassed wave to the Cardassian Science officer.

Quote from: Tora Zalos on January 30, 2024, 04:42:30 AM

[USS Challenger - Deck 15 - Stellar Cartography]

Oh god, the one thing Tora didn't really like about scientific work: what you did with data once you'd collected it. Anthropological studies yielded interesting stuff, like information about the subject culture's performance culture and so on at least. Astrometric data, on the other hand, was oodles and oodles of numbers and readings from anomalies and the like and combing through it had been one of her most hated necessary facets of her training.

At least, though, she'd had Hyperion to help her. God, did he do things fast. Well, he was an AI, of course he did things at the speed of a computer and then some. The work itself was mind-numbingly boring even then, though, and she'd honestly been ready to put her head down and nap before the Andorian walked in.

"Oh, uhm. Hello!" Tora smiled tiredly at the chief petty officer. "Dumbing down the basics of space folding? I'm sure we can manage that, chief. Hyperion?" She glanced sideways at her 'lab partner', who was still dilligently working away as usual.

[Stellar Cartography - USS Challenger]

Capable of performing dozens of calculations and operations at one time, Hyperion continued to digest the data regarding this new region of space as he practiced his 'light conversation' with the new ensign Tora. On hearing the stored voice print of the being who went by the title 'Lahr', he pivoted his head around to face the Andorian. He had to search for the term 'dumb down' but after less than a second, he understood the expression as Lahr intended its use.

"Hello Lahr. It is an interesting exercise to 'dumb down' such a complex topic. However, I believe the best answer to suit your query is as follow. Usually, a vessel must traverse the intervening distance between two points to reach a destination. For example if one were to depart Earth and head for its moon, one must travel 382,240 kilometers. A vessel using fold space technology would essentially 'fold' space-time so that the distance is reduced to a fraction of the actual distance thus reaching the destination without traversing the distance between the two points. It is only conjectured within the Federation, that these people here have managed a form of this technology is simply remarkable. Does this response adequately meet the criteria of your query?"

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on January 18, 2024, 11:25:12 AM

[USS Challenger - Deck 1 - > Deck 8 - > Deck 15 ]

The door slid open on deck 15, and he moved over to Stellar cartography. Eyes scanning almost cautiously, he tried to track down the little ant. "Hey, Hyperion! You swimming in data yet? Because you're about to be."

Quote from: Tora Zalos on January 18, 2024, 12:21:14 PM

[Ensign Tora Zalos|Science Labs|Deck 15|USS Challenger]

Tora's facial expression morphed into one of confusion as her department head decided to take over the entire show and send away the people she was supppsed to be on-boarding. Talk about tossing a huge wrench in the works. She opened her mouth to say something, but then he shepherded her into the stellar cartography lab - the seemingly empty cartography lab. Her amber eyes darted round the room, searching for whomever this Hyperion person was.

"Um, sir-" Tora finally managed to get out at last. Honestly, she felt a bit miffed that he'd interrupt her like that without warning. "Commander Kyan asked me to help the new personnel settle in, actually. About thirty minutes ago. Do you need me to put that on hold, or-"

[Stellar Cartography - USS Challenger]

On hearing his name, the small robot rotated its body around to identify the individual speaking to him. As his face was fixed and unable to convey thoughts or emotions, he could only use his extensive vocal capabilities to express himself in a way humanoids could understand.

"Lieutenant Jyur it is pleasing to see you again. I was very disappointed to learn of your transfer. I am aware of an exponential increase in data from long range sensors of the system cataloged as L7-425977. I can determine by your vocal inflections a certain intent at humor regarding an increase in workload for me. As I am typically an under utilized asset, I welcome additional work and responsibilities."

When Tora spoke up, Hyperion had sufficient mobility to cant his head as he regarded her.

"You are Ensign Tora Zalos. Science department with a specialty in anthropology. Welcome to USS Challenger. My designation is Hyperion. I am the ship's astrometrics specialist. It is pleasurable to make your acquaintance."

Quote from: Lina Knight on June 20, 2023, 05:34:19 PM

Lina felt herself deflate a bit hearing all the grand stuff that Hyperion has done in the pursuit of science, though being an advanced AI that could calculate much faster than a human in a nanosecond it wasn't a surprise. she thought on Hyperion's question a bit as she wondered herself about what drove her. "well, I guess since I was just a kit science always intrigued me, especially being a bit of a scientific anomaly myself. a human caitian hybrid isn't very common after all. so I wanted to learn more about how the various biomes of planets and systems worked. and the various stories the different life of each can teach us. there's still so much we don't know about the vast universe that could change everything we know about science." she smiled a bit as she studied a micro organism under a microscope a bit before adding a solution which caused it to become moldy and colorful

[Science Lab]

Hyperion's expression remained fixed as he processed Lina's answer before replying.

"The goal you seek will exceed your lifespan by several orders of magnitude. It remains however, a topic worth studying, especially given the wide range of biological species you will encounter will serving on Challenger. I have logged many new astrometric discoveries since my rescue from the nebula I was trapped in. Hopefully, you will be able to avoid such a fate as mine."

Quote from: Lina Knight on June 19, 2023, 09:42:56 PM

Lina's ears flick hearing the ships ai speak up "ah, hyperion was it? my research is going alright I suppose, nothing too important of note. That's not to say learning more of different fauna and flora of all worlds isn't a good idea. just it's nothing ground breaking in our learning."

[Science Lab - USS Challenger]

As Hyperion's face was immobile, he could not use expressions. He could however modulate his voice and that was the only way he could express what passed for emotions.

"Science is a comprehensive field of study. To truly understand any element of science takes decades. As each sub-section of science is always adding data, one must devote many hours to staying current on any topic. My specialties of study are astrometrics, astronomy, and cosmology. I have amassed eighty gigaquads of data over the 250 years of my existence. What is it you endeavor to learn?"

Season Five Missions / Re: S:5 E:10 - The Galloway Gambit
December 13, 2022, 12:01:38 PM
Quote from: T'Lara on December 12, 2022, 10:53:23 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

As she was running diagnostics on various sensors and systems on this ship's computer and familiarizing herself with each one, T'Lara looked up as the group entered the Bridge. She honestly felt she was almost as much a guest on this ship as they were, having come on board so recently. She did recognize a few scientists from the Academy, both Vulcan and Starfleet. They would have plenty of time to catch up later, but it seemed it was time for the group to move on. Overhearing Galloway speak to Brothath, T'Lara deduced the "special crewman" Galloway was referring to, having seen the AI on the roster and knowing its typical location. Hyperion must be it. Knowing that Ruth was currently occupied with showing people around, the deputy chief offered her help.

"Captain, I can accompany Doctor Brothath to see Hyperion in Astrometrics, and anyone else who would like to take part. A shift replacement to fill my absence will be arranged, of course."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian rotated the command chair to face the Science One station.

"That would be most acceptable Commander."

He knew he'd never be a Vulcan, but he did know they didn't indulge in small talk or platitudes.

[Astrometrics Lab - USS Challenger]

Hyperion ignored the opening of the doors to the lab as he was deeply engrossed in the study of Devari Nebula which was only eight light years away and very poorly charted and thus well worth his time. It was only when a gruff voice barked.

"Is this some sort of jest!"

That he pivoted from his station to see the newly arrived science officer Commander T'Lara and an unknown Tellerite female in civilian clothes. Choosing to ignore the civilian, Hyperion turned to face T'Lara.

"How may I be of assistance Commander?"

Season Five Missions / Re: S:5 E:9 - The Naked When
September 03, 2022, 11:49:15 AM
Quote from: Nira Said on September 03, 2022, 11:13:54 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Observation Lounge Corridor | Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

At least, upon arriving at the bridge, she found that it was the cleanest part of the ship. The Mark 8 was already there, although she was surprised to find Hyperion there.

"Hyperion? How did you get up here?"

Naturally, she had time while she waited for the department heads and the crewmembers she summoned to arrive, but she asked the Mark 8 to refrain from giving the account of what had happened, so he won't have to explain multiple times.

As the crew trickled in, the Mark 8 nodded cordially, although when he saw Lahr, he curled his lip and sneered sarcastically, "Ah, 'Captain' Lahr, welcome back from that hellhole you call a mosh pit."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Hyperion, unable to mimic expressions because of his fixed robotic face, nonetheless, gave Nira a look that spoke volumes.

"I was summoned to the bridge by the ECH when the crew began to show signs of erratic behavior. As it seemed that only the command program and I were the only beings unaffected by the phenomenon, I was directed to drop the ship out of warp and to set a sublight course that would keep the Challenger from becoming a hazard to navigation."


[Astrometrics Lab - USS Challenger]

When the data arrived from the bridge, Hyperion was able to quickly process the information and contacted Randall with his findings.

=/\= "Lieutenant Randall, backtracking the probe's course and radiation wake, it appears to have been launched from Kaimo IV on an extreme elliptical orbit designed to last through the flares and solar expansion. Materials analysis confirms that the probe was built of indigenous materials. Based on the level of development of the current inhabitants, it is impossible that they were responsible for the construction of this device." =/\=

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 30, 2022, 10:37:46 AM

[Astrometrics - USS Challenger]

"Seems a logical supposition, even in my more fallible human mind!" Ruth said with a grin.  "I don't know if we call your thinking processes a 'brain' or not, but yours is somewhat more logically inclined even given my scientific approach to things.  When we aren't concerned with mission stuff, I'd love to actually have a chat with you and potentially Lahr, about exactly how capable you are and well,.."

The CSO sighed and pulled a strange face before shrugging..."...there, perfect example, my brain fails me when I look for an apt word.  Basically I'm trying to say something along the lines of, I bet most of the tasks we give you are only using a fraction of your capability.  I mean if I told you to multiply 3,34099830.835 by a base of 908.4 you could probably do the calculation in a shorter time than it took me to say!" she grinned and patted Hyperion on a 'shoulder'.

"Either way, I'm glad to have you, not least to do my math for me!  And no, I don't think you're a glorified calculator, but that is a most useful feature!"

Ruth actually felt for the first time since the away team beamed down, a little more relaxed.

[Astrometrics Lab - USS Challenger]

As his face was immobile, Hyperion's expression did not change as Ruth spoke and when she had finished speaking, he replied.

"It is gratifying you found my input to be of value Commander. If you require any assistance with any mathematical equations, I am available should you need me.

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 27, 2022, 01:39:47 PM

[Astrometrics Lab - USS Challenger]

"Ugh, Math!"  chuckled Ruth.  "Definitely not my favourite subject generally but sadly part of Science!  I'll get the info, both regarding the math and your hypothesis on the locals up to the Bridge, the Captain can decide if it's pertinent information.  Thanks Hyperion, you dealt with that far faster than my brain could have ... you'll be rendering me defunct before long!"

She smiled at the AI but she wasn't sure if he could understand facial expressions, but knew he would be receptive to the positive lilt to her voice.

=/\=Astrometrics Lab to Bridge, CSO here... Hyperion has calculated that the data which ch'Verret sent up is a mathematical equation using base of 8, and has deduced that the local populace could have 3 fingers in addition to an opposable thumb. Could be relevant information.
Sigurdsdottir out.  =/\=

"Hey, Hyperion... was that extension regarding the fingers/thumb on the basis that the humanoid type of species like myself, or my good friend Commander Falleg-Tekin, a fellow scientist and a Trill...mostly, have 4 fingers and a thumb and we tend to count in decimal units... i.e. 10, or is this some computer thing.  I grasp binary, but when you start talking base 8 and stuff, I know the basics obviously but it's not my field of Science!" 

The CSO had a genuinely interested look on her face but was planning to actually learn something from Hyperion, it was both self interest and also a way of proving to the rest of the team his worth.

[Astrometrics Lab - USS Challenger]

Hyperion waited, expressionless as his robot body did not include a face capable of movement.

"It was supposition Commander. Most humanoids establish their basic math format based on the number of manual digits they possess. I fully accept my theory could be in error on closer examination of one of the local species. I will monitor all data sent by the away team and should my hypothesis prove incorrect, I will inform you immediately."

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 27, 2022, 12:03:17 PM


Ruth ambled into Astrometrics and found Hyperion.  "How's my favourite AI?  Has the info come in from La...Petty Officer ch'Verret yet?  And if so... have you had a chance to analyse anything yet?"

She caught the shifty looks from some of the other Science personnel in the area and she turned and gave them one of her 'eyebrow' looks.

"If any of you have a problem with Hyperion, please come and talk to me, he's as valued a member of my staff as any one of you are, so please, treat him with respect."

[Astrometrics Lab - USS Challenger]

The small yellow robot body pivoted to face Ruth as he was addressed. When she'd finished speaking, he answered with this typical aplomb.

"Yes, Commander, I have just received the data from the planet. The symbols are most interesting and after running a comparison to the Federation language database the translations are quite simple. The pictographs represent numbers and are elementary math equations in base eight.

"The progression is 1 + 1 = 2; 1+ 2 = 3; 4 +4 = 8; and 4 + 5 = 11 which is of course 9 in digital. The logical extension of using base eight is the local sentient lifeforms likely have three fingers in addition to an opposable thumb."

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 08, 2022, 12:32:32 PM

[Engineering - Robotics Lab - USS Challenger]

"Oh hi, Hyperion.  You're welcome to listen in on the question and add your thoughts to it if you like although I'm thinking of it as a sort of 'project' for Lahr which might, one - get him out of this Broom Cupboard a bit, legitimately and two, have him closer to me so his ... how did you put it mood indicators will be more vertical for a few months, that is if I can get it cleared with Tharn.  Basically, I'm going to throw the idea at Lahr and see if he thinks we could run with it!.. before fielding it to Tharn!"

[USS Challenger - Engineering - Deck 13 -  Lab off of Main Engineering  (aka 'The Broom Closet')]

"Well, like I say... I have noticed and if an AI - no offence meant Hyperion - recognises that your mood is 'off' then someone who gets to see you a lot more well it's plain as looking at a mirror and seeing my face... you really don't appreciate being shut down here."

She looked around and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

Walking along she grinned at his subterfuge at trying to get Hyperion to play I Spy.

"You know we have a Cetacean Lab? Well I was wondering if we could have a robotic dolphin which could do any vet work we need, observe the dolphins closer and so on.  I know we can 'talk' to them but to actually be able to get in and interact with them more closely.  I dunno it's just an idea..."

She tailed off realising the AI was taking a more than curious interest in the conversation.

"That's the other thing... could I please have a timetable of when Hyperion is going to be in anything Scientific.  Some of my staff aren't entirely happy with an AI when he just 'shows up'.  If we know he's going to be around it's fine.  I'm ok with it but I need to keep my staff happy and I'm not sure if he comes under Science, Engineering or a law unto himself called 'Robotics'!  I just need to know where I stand.  There's other stuff but that's more personal and we're on duty so I'll talk to you about that later.  It's totally unrelated to this." Ruth said with a weary smile.

"Everything has changed but we do have Nira here, and that's something I really need to address after this.  So... do you think you could 'escape' to the Aquatics Lab now and then if you want a break, see if Robotics couldn't fit in there somehow?"

[Engineering - Robotics Lab - USS Challenger]

As Hyperion's face was incapable of expression, it was impossible to know what he was thinking even when he canted his head, which he was not doing at the moment.

"Commander. My primary function aboard the ship is astrometrics, which is clearly part of the science department. I've been assigned to Engineering mainly for accountability and I suppose should I sustain damage, that engineering personnel would have a better chance of repairing me than the Medical department, thus from an efficiency point of view, my assignment to Engineering is logical.

"However, as my normal duty station is Astrometrics, I must therefore, in response to your query regarding my 'timetable of when Hyperion is going to be in anything Scientific' is now as I am in the process of reporting to Astrometrics as soon as I am dismissed.

"As Lieutenant Commander Tharn is also perplexed about my presence, she has given me full autonomy to work in Astrometrics whenever I chose. At least that is how I interpret her 'I don't care what it does as long as it stays out of my way' comment.

"Thus, unless you have anything else for me Commander, am I free to depart for my assigned place of duty?"

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on June 08, 2022, 04:35:57 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Engineering - Deck 13 -  Lab off of Main Engineering  (aka 'The Broom Closet')]

Hyperion's new voice and accent was a bit of surprise to Lahr, but it only highlighted to the Andorian that the AI's programming wasn't static. The AI was constantly learning... improving... evolving.

That Hyperion recognized that Lahr was upset and asked how it might help was a bit of a milestone.  Previously, Hyperion might have recognized Lahr's poor mood, but it would merely accept it as fact.  It would not have considered that a happy mood would be preferred... or that it was capable of influencing to a more positive mood through its actions.

Fortunately for Lahr, Hyperion's assessment while accurate didn't give the AI the understanding quite yet as to what it was that had the Andorian upset.   "No, sorry - there ain't really anything that can be done.  I just got to learn to adapt to a less than ideal situation."

But that was easier said than done... at least until Ruth arrived.   His antennae lifted almost immediately.  Her presence always made his day better.   A fact that Hyperion seemed to be aware of as well.

As with all things involving Ruth, she didn't come out and state plainly what she needed.. instead she danced around the topic; her words suggesting for him to get Lieutenant Commander Tharn's okay first for him to assist her.   Lahr really didn't want to waste his and Ruth's time with asking permission (and risk the Tellerite telling him no out of spite) so Lahr decided to avoid asking altogether.

"Deal. Where to?" he asked as he picked up his PADD, glancing at his task list.  Nothing seemed critical or unequivocally needing to be done in the Broom Closet.

"Hey Hyperion, it says here I need to test and calibrate your sensors today.  Let's do that with some external stimuli.  We can play 'I SPY' along the way as a start.  As we walk with Commander Siggurdsdottir, I want you to locate, measure, and identify all items that match the description of what I claim to have spied.  You will then send to my PADD, one at a time, your 'best guess' as to what you think I have 'spied'.  You get three guesses before the next spied item.  Understand the rules?"

Lahr waited for an affirmative before he motioned with a grin for Ruth to precede him and Hyperion out of the Broom Closet.  Then after a moment of pointedly looking around for a specific object, the Andorian turned to the robotic AI.  "I spy... something yellow."

Once Hyperion was occupied with his assigned task, Lahr divided his attention, in part keeping an eye on Hyperion's 'guesses' which would be displayed on his PADD, and Ruth.

"So what's this idea of yours?"

[Engineering - Robotics Lab - USS Challenger]

Hyperion took in Lahr's comments and had to scan his database to find the meaning of "I Spy" before he replied in the same new voice.

"My humanoid behavior algorithm deduces at 86% that you are engaged in some sort of subterfuge with this 'I Spy' task. Logic would dictate you wish to distract me from your conversation with Commander Sigursdottir. Rather than engaging in this task, I will ensure the calibration of my sensors via a self diagnostic and proceed to Astrometrics to assist with scanning the Kaimo system."

Hyperion then trundled off without another word.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on June 07, 2022, 01:14:26 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Engineering - Robotics Lab (aka 'The Broom Closet')]

With the arrival of Challenger's new XO - one Nira Said, a Betazoid, came a new system of organizing departments.  Originally named Chief Robotist as part of the Operations department, now Lahr was assigned to Engineering, in the Robotics division.

Lahr was not happy about the transfer.  Where once he'd been at the forefront of the Bridge, involved in everything; now he was little more than a peon kept out of sight in the bowels of the ship.  How Lek ever could stand to be down here day after day was mystery to Lahr.  Lahr had barely been down here two days, setting up his Robotics Lab - a tiny out of way room in the Engineering section, which Lahr sourly named 'The Broom Closet' - that he was to dedicate to monitoring Hyperion.

Lahr missed the Astrometrics lab... at that place had view.  But with Hyperion having a body now, it had been unilaterally decided by those higher than himself that it was best to maintain Hyperion with the rest of the machinery... down in Engineering.    Lahr missed the Bridge... even more so because now he couldn't sneak glances towards Ruth.

On top of that, as if things weren't bad enough,  Lahr was certain his new Department Head had it out for him.  He supposed the Tellerite hadn't appreciated his rather open and colorful opinion of his transfer.  Lahr would have thought if anyone would understand about complaints and insults it would be the Tellerite.   But he supposed like Lek, even she got protective of her 'precious engines' and her Department as a whole.

Yeah, Lahr wasn't a favorite among the engineers at the moment.

Worst of all, when he wasn't working with Hyperion, the Andorian was expected to assist with regular engineering duties.  Lahr was the first to admit he wasn't much of an engineer.  This assignment was gonna be Hellish.  As one might expect, Lahr's antennae were droopy.

Lahr looked over towards Hyperion, who was being measured for an external diagnostic alcove - the idea being adapted from a Borg design.  Lahr's glance was a bit bitter.  The robot would likely get to visit the Bridge more often than he would now.

"Alright, there you go.  All done." Lahr stated as he released the taxi yellow AI from the alcove.  "Go free my friend, escape while you can."

[Engineering - Robotics Lab - USS Challenger]

Hyperion stepped out of his charging alcove pausing to cant his head at Lahr's comments before replying in a voice he hadn't heard the AI use before. It was deeper with an accent that defied placing.

"Lahr, I have had much time to examine the Starfleet medical database on humanoid behavior and have constructed an algorithm that interprets voice inflection, tone, pitch, timbre, along with facial expressions and sensor readings of temperature. At this moment, the results of the algorithm predict with a 92% certainty that you are unhappy. As I am unaware of saying or doing anything to cause this state, it is therefore, easy to deduce that some outside influence has disrupted your typical jovial demeanor. Is there anything I can to alter your mood in a positive direction?"

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 07, 2022, 07:20:40 AM

[Chief of Science's Office - Deck 8 > Cetacean Labs - Deck 8, USS Challenger - A]

Ruth sat labouring over some reports she had to sign off on PADDs, various transfers had come in and out at Starbase 157, notably the new XO.  She had been sad to see Don leave but pleased that Nira got her chance at command.  Ruth was happy where she was but, this week at least she had a mountain of 'paper' work to complete and thus it was head down, in her office and 'babysitting' some new folk in restructuring of some departments that nominally came under the heading of 'Science'.

One thing she still wasn't certain about was Robotics where Lahr was stationed.  Now far as she knew AI was Scientific, but it involved wires and circuit boards and such so for that reason she grudgingly admitted that it was also the domain of Engineering and she wasn't about to argue with Dashlish on that one.  As a Tellarite she could be rather outspoken.  Come to think of it so would Lek have been.  Maybe it was just a trait of Chief Engineers.

As she felt the familiar shiver as the ship went to warp she smiled and rubbed her hand on the wall of her office.  "It's ok old girl, I'm not complaining about you... you've kept us alive and continue to do so... just prove your worth again to the new incumbents, they'll soon love you as much as Ian and I do!"

Stretching her arms as far as they'd go above her head, then pinching the bridge of her nose while scrunching her eyes shut and rolling her neck, she decided she needed a break and went in search of a replicator that wasn't the one in her office... the object being to stretch her legs too.

Stopping by the Cetacean Labs, as she always found that the dolphins calmed her, she pondered an idea and took it upon herself to wander to Engineering and specifically the Robotics Lab.  While it was an excuse to see Lahr, she also had a genuine question.

[Engineering - Robotics Lab]

Ruth dodged as a yellow taxi AI came out of the space called 'The Broom Closet' by those who worked there - namely Lahr - and those that knew it well. She heard what Lahr had said and muttered under her breath "Be grateful he didn't paint you half blue and half white and stick some grubby brownish plaid on you!"

"Knock, knock... " she said daring Lahr to make a joke based on what they'd gone thru in the Labyrinth.

"So this is where they have you hiding nowadays... I'd say wasted talent but it's not, just you don't know how good you are.  Now I have an actual question if Lt. Tharn can spare you for 20 mins or so...because it's not that easy to explain since I'm not an engineer I'll have to describe it in layman terms and you and whomever can then put it into geekspeak... deal?!"

When Ruth entered, Hyperion paused for several seconds before continuing.

"Commander Sigurdsdottir. It is pleasing to see you. Perhaps I can assist with this complicated question you have. I am familiar with most scientific and engineering matters and believe I would be most useful in your endeavor. I do know, based on Lahr's spike in temperature, he is pleased to see you and it is highly likely your presence will increase his mood indicators to return to baseline."

Season Five Missions / Re: S:5 E:6 - Signals
January 31, 2022, 05:22:01 PM
Quote from: Don Damien Addams on January 31, 2022, 12:40:38 AM

Don took a chance to go out of cover to shoot back with determination to stop the bastard Romulans.

Lowe was struck once again; Don was bitterly angry at the Romulans. He made volley shots, leaped out, rolled to Lowe to support the fallen officer. Lowe pale skin told Don that Lowe had his last mission. The Lt. Commander was angry that he had lost a man under his command. Ruth's aggressive vocabulary had pulled Don back to the situation they were in. He quickly placed his hand on Lowe's face to close the deceased eyes. Then he looked over to see Ruth tending the counselor, who seemed to be in bad shape.

Then silence fell upon them. Ruth stated she hated that. Don nodded to Ruth. "œWatch over them. I am going to sneak up," he told her. He figured he go, and Ruth was a commander too who could take over if something happened to him.

He stayed lower, moving from cover to cover, stopping to chuck a rock at the Romulan location, and he listened to see if there was any movement. He would quickly try to sneak on them, holding his phaser on them. Surprise attack if he was able or they injured

[Seku VI]

Lowe was the only casualty in the skirmish and when Don threw his rock, there was no response. The ridge was just 20 meters away and beyond it, the source of the alien signal.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on January 31, 2022, 02:49:45 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 4 - Astrometrics]

Lahr waited a few moments... as if expecting Captain Galloway to say more, but when the silence ticked on Lahr nodded a bit awkwardly.  It seemed the Captain was a bit camera-shy.. or so the Andorian assumed cause Lahr had never really known Galloway to be at a loss for words before.

Irregardless of that, they were there to get Hyperian up and working.  "Aye sir!" Lahr acknowledged the order then tapped on his padd screen activating the upload.  It only took a few moments.

Lahr watched Hyperion closely.  "Hyperion, do a self-diagnostic and report any problems."

[Astrometrics - USS Challenger]
There was a short delay as Hyperion ran its diagnostics and then the small robot's eyes lit up and it began to speak.

"Lahr, it seems that all systems are nominal."

It took a few tentative steps before moving to stand in front of Lahr.

"Thank you for supporting me. I would have been abandoned in the NGC-99832 star system if not for you. I believe the expression is, I owe you one."

Season Five Missions / Re: S: 5 E: 5 - Borderline
December 20, 2021, 04:46:39 PM
Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on December 20, 2021, 01:34:36 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
Chief Roboticist
[USS Challenger - Deck 4 - Astrometrics Lab]

To Lahr is seemed like Hyperion answered with next to no delay.  Like perhaps the AI might have already foreseen this outcome.  And maybe it had - its processors were designed to take in and compute tens of thousands of variables and come up with appropriate actions and responses.  It made one wonder where in its programming, taking hostages was considered reasonable.  Someone messed up somewhere.  But then maybe that's what made it sentient?  The ability to make mistakes.. and hopefully learn from them.

Lahr was glad that in Hyperion's response to the Captain's offer that the AI recognized that it would need to the trust of well... everyone.  Lahr's antenna leaned towards the AI's current cube and nodded, not that Hyperion could see that quite yet.. but soon!
"Alright then, let's get to it and hook you up."

The process of hooking up the AI's current cube form wasn't difficult at all.  A hardwire from one of the repurposed astrometrics consoles.  The console was locked out from Starfleet protected information, but provided Hyperion with access to all civilian level information as well as access to the ship's sensor grid."[/color]

Lahr moved to one of the Astrometrics consoles and began clearing it for use as Hyperion's access port.  As he started his work Hyperion asked a rather amusing question.  Lahr's antenna danced as he laughed.  "Yeah, wouldn't that be nice!  But I think it's just fancy title for what I'd already been doing - so I doubt it comes with any additional perks.  Besides which, we don't really 'get paid' for our work. Starfleet and the Federation covers basically all my living needs.   Mind you, there is a credit system - so yeah maybe I'll get a few extra credits with the new title and be able to send Ruth a nice gift for Yule."  Though he doubted it would make up for their being separated all this time.
Now Lahr was smart enough recognize an AI with the intelligence of Hyperion could, with time, unencrypt the lock outs on the Starfleet database so he put made sure to litter the access with warning flags, both obvious and hidden, that would alert Lahr if Hyperion was poking about where he'd had not been given permission to go.   At the same time, Lahr set up a 'kill switch' which would cut all power to the hardline if Hyperion went all HAL 9000 on them.   And Lahr was open to Hyperion about most of these precautions.

"So I've set up alert flags and a 'kill switch' to cut your access if you go poking about outside your permitted civilian access.  I'm hoping I never need to use them, but just letting you know - they are there.  It'll give the Captain and others some sense of security that you can't run rampant through our systems if you suddenly develop a mean streak or get taken over by some alien AI."  Lahr gave shrug and bit of an antenna waggle which because of Hyperion's access to internal sensors as well, it should have been able to sense.   "I've heard these sorts of things have happened in the past."

Lahr then tapped his comm.  =/\="Petty officer ch'Verret to the Bridge.  Hyperion now has civilian level access to the ship computers, as well as ship sensors and communications." =/\=

He then looked to Hyperions cube.  "It's up to you now.  Show the Captain what your capable of."

[Deck 4 - Astrometrics Lab - USS Challenger]

As it wasn't possible in his current configuration for Hyperion to sigh, but there was just the slightest of pauses before he replied.

"I appreciate your candor on the monitoring steps you have taken. I understand the precaution, but it is gratifying that you consider me sentient enough to tell me. Now that I have access to the ship's historical database, I have found the reference to the modern Federation's cashless society. When I was initially launched, the Federation economy was still founded on the credit as a medium of exchange. I can some merits to no longer using money, but I can see some complications as well. I shall have to devote some of my computing power to an analysis of the matter. However, to the task at hand."

There was a much longer pause as Hyperion scanned the system.

"I believe I can make a difference in the efficient distribution of resources here, but it is clear that the convoy, even with replicators running at full capacity, will be hard pressed to meet the needs of the NÁ´rÁ® populace."

Hyperion then began to relay a distribution plan to Lieutenant Commander CatalÁ¡n on the bridge.

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