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Messages - Savel


Ensign Savel
[USS Discovery | Deck 1 | Bridge]

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 18, 2023, 04:38:17 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

The Captain was still wincing a bit at the tongue-lashing both himself and Ian received from the Admiral.  He had to hold his tongue to keep from saying something that would reflect poorly on his ship, and luckily the Admiral accepted their plan.  Or wanted to see if it would fail.  Probably the latter.

Nevir entered the bridge after that call and the countdown was on its last legs.  Rayek had already made sure everything was good, and from Lek's report, they were ready.  He silently moved to the big chair and took his seat.

=/\= "All hands, this is the Captain.  We are about to attempt something highly dangerous.  I need full alerts from all teams as we attempt a multi-ship slipspace jump.  I will not lie, the odds are not in our favor, but I have faith in both my crew, as well as the crew of the Challenger, lead by a former first officer of this ship.  Whatever the path forward holds for us, know that I am honored to serve with each and every one of you.  Prepare for quantum slipspace." =/\=

Once the call was completed, it was time to be the stalwart captain the ship needed.  "Ops, give me a direct channel to the Challenger.  Engineering, bring the quantum slipstream online.  Helm, set a course for AR-558.  Science, activate the sensor merge for the two vessels, and tactical, bring the ablative armor online."

As the bridge crew reacted to his orders, he waited for the viewscreen to show the bridge of the Excelsior class ship, with many old faces staring back at him.

"Captain Galloway, Discovery is standing by for transwarp.  Just waiting on you."

There was a lot about this plan that made Savel... uncertain. Though there was nothing about it that he felt the need to speak up about. The decisions had been made, and the orders were given. When an order was directed at his station, he got to work. He began to tap at a few of the buttons on the console in front of him that controlled the ship's sensors.

After ensuring that the sensors were still in proper working order, he activated the merge between them and the Challenger. Everything on his consoles reflected an all-around success in that particular matter. Once it was done, he turned to face Captain Nevir.

"Sensors have been merged, Captain."


Ensign Savel
[USS Discovery | Bridge]

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 11, 2023, 07:22:09 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

The Captain nodded at the request to speak with Jael, and watched as the bluish hue from space bending heralded their entry into the slipstream.  Rayek seemed amazed, and he smirked.

"It takes nearly perfect calculation and the field needs to remain stable, but with an engineer like Lek, yes, our Slipstream is this smooth.  It did have a learning curve." he stated, while he monitored the stream and communications.

-Arrival at Ferenginar-

The blue hue of space faded like exiting a tunnel, showing not only regular space and stars, but the nearly always cloudy planet orbiting its sun, dancing with lightning around the planet. For a planetary scientist like himself, Ferenginar was a very fun planet to look at.

There were also Federation ships in the system, looking lost among the Ferengi vessels around the planet. They still did not have clear instructions, but at least there was an Admiral here.  Nevir frowned.

"What exactly are we doing here?"

Being assigned to a Starfleet vessel was an admirable and interesting posting in its own right. But being on a ship equipped with something like a slipstream drive made the Discovery even more special. Savel wasn't sure what to expect when traveling using the drive, so he was surprised by their journey's relative smoothness, especially given how quick it turned out to be.

There wasn't much for the science officer to do at his station, so he turned towards the bridge's main viewscreen that showed Ferenginar. The planet was intriguing, but the captain's question caught the Vulcan Ensign's attention more. He remained silent, observing the happenings on the bridge as the Captain and Commander disappeared back into the ready room.


Ensign Savel
[USS Discovery | Bridge]

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on April 10, 2023, 12:54:12 AM

[Bridge | RFS Valadore]
Dem had gotten so used to a pointy eared officer to be a Romulan, and was quite surprised when he replied in an calm and controlled voice. He liked him. When he posed the question however, he was not exactly sure of the answer. "œAh, very good. I'm sorry, I don't know much, only that we will be en route to a different location to address a pressing issue. I believe it to be classified at the moment. Sorry I can't be much help." Dem stopped himself from rambling. Considering that the commander and Captain were in their ready room, it suggested a classified problem. Additionally, he had noted that they will be getting underway shortly. He connected the dots for the fellow members of the crew. He glanced down at his console once more. 80 percent. only a few more sluggish officers need to report in.

"And Alexander is it? I believe you had the distinct pleasure of being conjoined, is that correct?" Dem stated with a hint of light hearted optimism.

Savel simply nodded slightly at the Lieutenant's response. "I see." Then he turned back to fully face his console, monitoring it until he heard the Captain coming onto the bridge. His focus then shifted to pay attention to any orders that might come there way, along with any answers as to what the ship and crew were preparing for now.
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 10, 2023, 06:46:31 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Nevir took his seat in the center chair, looking at the display on his seat with the ship status.  "Oh, Reyek, did you know that we no longer have to inform the crew that we are going past Warp 9?" he asked with a smirk, as he tapped the all-comm on his chair, hearing the chime that sounded throughout the ship.

=/\= "Crew of the Discovery, this is the Captain speaking.  Prepare for Quantum Slipstream and secure all stations." =/\=

"Ops, inform the station of our departure.  Helm, remove all moorings and set a course for Ferenginar." he stated, watching as the ship disconnected from the Starbase and moved to a safe distance.


The science officer raised one of his distinctive brows at the Captain's orders which revealed their destination and the seeming importance that they arrive there quickly. The orders were silently acknowledged before he turned back to his station, checking the consoles again to make sure everything was set for the start of their next mission.

Ensign Savel
[USS Discovery | Bridge]

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on April 08, 2023, 09:13:37 PM

[Bridge | USS Discovery]
"œYes sir" Dem could not help but smile at the captains "œhiding in plain sight" ploy. He looked over and rather awkwardly moved to sit in the first officers' chair. He looked over the bridge. A strange feeling washed over him, like he was just standing back, watching a holo novel. But instead, he was really sitting on the bridge, right in the "œaction".
After a few moments, the atmosphere on the bridge turned from energised to awkward. Should he make small talk? Is that what the commanding officer should do? Dem quickly reminded himself that he as not the commanding officer. He was in training and a junior grade. After glancing down at his console to learn barely 70 percent of alpha shift were at their posts, Dem decided to bite the bullet and speak.

"œSo, Savel. How are you enjoying your first assignment on Discovery? Oh, and excellent job by the way for your work on exchange. We managed to get out of a pretty tight spot."

Savel checked a few more things at his station before he heard Dem speaking, which caused his focus to shift toward the acting Second Officer.

"Thank you, Lieutenant. The crew did well to succeed." Turning fully to face Dem before continuing. "My time on board the Discovery has been acceptable." A glance was offered to the ready room where he assumed the Captain and XO might be. "Lieutenant, if I may ask a question. Why was alpha shift called to the bridge earlier than scheduled?"


Ensign Savel
[USS Discovery | Deck 10 | Science Labs]


[Bridge | USS Discovery]
"œAye sir." Dem looked down at the console below him and navigated to the ships communication area. He pushed a teal, rounded button and a channel was open to the Starbase crew.

=/\="œAll discovery personnel. Please report to your designated areas in preparation for departure." =/\= Dem was happy that another voice crack did not occur and was quite proud of the calm and measured speech he used to order them back. Realising he was not done yet; he tapped the console a few more times to isolate his signal to just alpha shifts. He did his best captain voice once more.  =/\="œAlpha shift, report to your posts immediately" =/\=. He could sense them all groaning as he used to because they would have report to their posts an hour early. After Dem cut the signal, he sat down, smiling at his petty accomplishment.

Savel had been inputting the last few notes in one of his reports for the day whenever the call came from the bridge that his shift was to report to the bridge. He checked the time to ensure he was not late, only to realize his shift was being called early. Strange. What could be the cause of that? Either way, he acknowledged the message.

=/\=Savel to Bridge, received. I'm on my way. =/\=

[USS Discovery | Bridge]

Savel stepped off the turbolift and onto the ship's bridge, which was still fairly new to the officer in the early stages of his career. A short moment was taken to look around to see who else had reported before he proceeded to his station. He checked into the console and ensured no obvious malfunctions before looking at Lt. Broadshire.

"All systems functioning normally, lieutenant."


Ensign Savel
[USS Discovery | Deck 10 | Science Labs]

The Vulcan ensign was finally getting settled in on the Discovery. Finally, he was more familiar with most of her crew and layout. His current assignments were a bit more mundane than his introduction to his new post; that was rather welcome. Instead of having to jump into a crisis to assist conjoined crew members, he was now a junior officer on some routine experiments and research projects being conducted on the ship.

Savel enjoyed these last few weeks of cataloging data and observations while on duty in the labs. Even though he was not an experienced officer with tons of time aboard a starship, he knew it was only a matter of time before the Discovery was asked to leave its current position and set off into the galaxy with some other mission to accomplish. Until that moment came, though, the Vulcan science officer would continue his current duties in the labs.


Ensign Savel
[RFS Valdore | Sickbay]


NPC Taev tr'Marrus
[RFS Valdore - Cargo Bay]
NPC Erein (Ante-centurion) Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay - Morgue]
[Hours prior to meet up]

The nearly the whole ship waited with baited breath, from the Bridge listening in and working the transporter controls, to Sick Bay where the corpse was rapidly decomposing due to nanites, to the Cargo Bay where personnel stood ready with phasers should the radiation and forcefield not be enough to stop the Borg nanites.  Only the engineers focused on adapting the other transporter units to do the conjoinment separation were too busy to care about nanites.

In the Cargo Bay, confirmation that transport worked meant that their task was up next.  Swathed in hazmat suits and innoculated against any stray radiation, they positioned the gamma radiation emitters around the cargo container and began with a short, 0.25 of a second burst.  The result was almost immediate.  The nanites in the container showed signs of agitiaton and began deconstructing the container.  Their numbers right now were few.  How destructive could they have been if the entire nanite population had been subjected to the radiation burst?

"Increase the burst time by another 0.25 seconds."

The process was not fast, and they were pressured by updates from the morgue on the condition of the decomposing body.  "We've had to set up a level 10 field around the stasis field to ensure none of the nanites figure out a way to escape the body."

However, after a radiation burst of 1.75 seconds, the small sample of nanites stopped all activity.  They had a total exposure of 7 seconds.  Which time was the crucial element?  A total exposure of 7 seconds or the single burst of 1.75?

"Alright prepate the next batch.  We'll start this one at a burst of 2 seconds."
In the end, it was determined that a single burst exposure of 2.5 seconds was necessary to deactivate the units.

"Beam in the remaining nanites.  Set exposure to 3 seconds - just to be safe."

As Saqa7 watched the last of the nanites being transported out of the almost gelatinous mass that was the remains of the Klingon-Sark corpse, she could only hope that the nanites pulled from living tissue would respond the same way.   Only time would tell.

Savel remained in Sickbay to help monitor the transport of all of the nanites during their testing. He was glad to learn that the idea he had formulated with Taev, thanks to work already done by the team before he became part of it, seemed to be working. The nanites were getting deactivated by the gamma radiation bursts, and the transporter solution cooked up by the medical team also looked like it would be successful.

At least he had not screwed up anything on his first mission with this crew. Maybe now he might even be able to settle down to learn more about them since they were not all in the middle of a crisis.


Ensign Savel
[RFS Valdore | Sickbay]


[Medical Bay | RFS Valadore]
"œWell you have made remarkable progress, Mr Savel." A chime emanated from the PADD he picked up upon entering the room. "œWell here we are, some schematics. Well Savel, you seem to be working on the transporters, so get as many people as you need to work on that. Everyone else can work on this radiation lead." Realising that storming in and taking charge was not a good look, the Doctor politely added, "œIf that's what you see best fit for this team, of course."

Savel gave a nod in response to the doctor, as if to say a silent thank you. "I defer the medical decisions to you, doctor. You are far more qualified to make those determinations. If you see it as a viable option for your patients, then I shall proceed."

Savel then turned to the console he was at once more, making the final preparations as he waited to hear that the cargo bay had everything in place as well.


[Sickbay - RFS Valdore ]

As Lek listened to the briefing, his trepidation about his new assignment turned into a boiling rage to learn what had been done to Helga. He didn't trust himself to speak coherently as he seethed internally,, but he managed to choke out.

"Let me go over those schematics, there has to be a way reverse this abomination."

Lek knew he'd never been so angry as he was at that moment and he vowed silently.

"I will have vengeance on whoever did this, regardless of cost, time or consequence."

Savel made his way over to the engineer that had joined them in sickbay. "Commander, I recommend a small amount of nanites be transported into the container first. If my theory fails, so shall the shield and the cargo container the nanites will be transported into." Having reviewed the records of the last attempt at transporting the nanites, they seemed to react poorly to being pulled away from their programmed task. The less they pulled away for the purpose of this initial test, the better.

Leaving the Ferengi engineer, the Vulcan science officer and Saqa7 to look over the schematics, the medics were left with the more immediate problem of dealing with the nanites which were rapidly decomposing the Klingon-Sark body.

Working together with t'Nennien on the Bridge who had access to the cargo bay transporters and forcefield emitters, the plan was to transport the nanites into a cargo container and immediately erect a level 10 forcefield around the container.  Thereafter the medics would then subject the nanites to an every increasing burst of gamma radiation to test the hypothesis that it would destroy the nanites.

If the gamma radiation failed, then the team would be out of options.

=/\= "Transporting now." =/\=

There was the briefest of pauses as Sunauth multitasked.  =/\= "Level Ten forcefield in place.  They are all yours now. We'll be monitoring your progress from the Bridge." =/\=

Savel heard that everything was in place over the comms so he reached up to press his badge in order to respond since he had requested those items be put in place.

=/\=Acknowledged. Standby for initial transport. Please forward any reports you receive from that carbo bay to sickbay. =/\=

Then he turned his attention back over to Commander Lek. "Shall we proceed, Commander?" Wanting to wait for his word that he had not found any flaws in the plans while going over the schematics for what had been proposed.

The Arcade Board / Re: Count to a million!!!
March 29, 2023, 12:28:59 PM


Ensign Savel
[RFS Valador | Sickbay]


NPC Taev tr'Marrus
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay - Morgue]

Word eventually came back to the waiting Science officer that the original medical team along with a new engineer would be on it's way.  He prayed to the Elements that they hurried.   He had no desire to be the next one gracing the Brig.

By the time the Cargo Bay called up the medical team and the engineer were in place.

Savel acknowledged the message from the Cargo Bay that the container was in position, and the transport coordinates for it had been sent to Sickbay. As he waited for the arrival of the medical team and word about the engineer, he continued to watch the nanites slowly destroying the conjoined Klingon-Sark corpse.

[Brig "" Medical Bay | RFS Valadore]

Dem has been sitting in the cell with his forearms splayed across his knees, carefully planning the things he would do the moment that he gets out of the wretched place. Just after realising that a snarky, sarcastic remark would be the best way to thank the guard for his service, the door opened, and Betaika stepped in. He jumped to his feet, beaming. As the force field scattered back into the emitters he took no time to walk towards the kindly Doctor leaning against the doorframe.
After a few moments, Dem turned around after finally formulating the best reply to the guard. He was shocked to see him put his hand across Gohuns path, indicating that he must stay. After Saq7 voiced her concerns, Betaika concisely replied:
"œAlright everyone, enough chit chat, we need to get to the medical bay, now. We will get Mr Gohoun out, but later, we will need all hands on deck shortly anyway. Is that understood?"
The party, now reduced in size, walked down the corridor, with bittersweet harmonica tones wishfully playing in the distance. Lastly, they arrived at the sickbay. Dem saw a science officer, but in Federation clothing. While it is one of the most mass produced uniforms in the galaxy, its appearance took him by surprise, it was like finding the needle in the haystack of gray clad Romulans. Betaika turned his gaze towards Savel.
"œGreetings, I'm Doctor Betaika, the CMO. It appears that you have made some progress on our work while we were "" absent."

Savel turned to the door as it opened, seeing the medical officers make their way inside. At last, they had someone of medical expertise to assist them. A nod was given in return to the CMO's greeting.

Potentially, yes. I am Ensign Savel. Allow me to brief you, Doctor." Savel waved over the group that had arrived so they could see the current state of the conjoined corpse. "As you can see, this body is decomposing at an increased rate; our working theory is the nanites are destroying the failed experiment. This leaves us little time to continue testing, even less than the time frame given to the infected away team members." Savel them directed everyone's attention to the viewscreen nearby the table.

"We plan to continue the original team's idea of transporting the nanites out. Only this time, as soon as they materialize inside of a shielded cargo container, they are hit with a burst of gamma radiation that could potentially disable the nanites all together. This should allow for you and your team time to reverse the condition they cause." Of course, it was only a theory by Savel and Taev that such a procedure would be possible at the moment. The medical team would have to confirm whether or not it could be done.


Ensign Savel
[RFS Valadore | Sickbay | Morgue]


Taev didn't have opportunity to speak his agreement - to the Vulcan's recommendation that the medical staff be released underguard - because of what he'd found under the sheet.

At hearing that it was the nanites breaking down the body, his concern matched that of the Vulcan's - of what would come next.

=/\= "Morgue to the Bridge.  We have a serious situation developing.  The nanites in the Klingon-Sark body appear to be rapidly decomposing its host despite the stasis field.  We believe we have a plan in which to contain them and destroy them, and at the same time potentially reverse the conjoinment; however we can't do it without the medical staff, and an engineer to oversee the containment field around the container as we subject it to bursts of gamma radiation." =/\=

Sunauth recognizing this was not a decision that she could make, comm'd the Riov's ready room and repeated the Science officer's call for Tekin to hear.
While Taev waited for the Bridge's response, he motioned to Savel.   "Call down to the Cargo Bay and have them ready an empty cargo container and to send us its transporter coordinates."
Savel focused on the table in front of him, watching the nanites start getting rid of the cojoined corpse that was sitting on it. He wanted to see just how quickly this process was going to go. There were a lot of questions that he had about this technology, but it seemed that they were rapidly losing any time to ask them; never mind finding any answers. He didn't believe there was anything to be done to slow the process. They had to act quickly, or they would lose their chance to test this theory.

After Taev's request, Savel nodded before reaching up to tap the combadge on his chest.

=/\= Ensign Savel to Carbo Bay. Please ready an empty cargo container, somewhere clear of personnel in a place we can further shield it. Then forward the transporter coordinates to the morgue in sickbay. =/\=

Savel then waited at the console for those coordinates to come through.


Ensign Savel
[RSV Valdor | Sickbay | Morgue]


Taev peered at the viewscreen as the Vulcan described a how gamma radiation could be used. It seemed a reasonable course of action. He considered what could be used as a container.  A review of the lab recordings showed just how adaptable and dangerous these nanites worked.  "Perhaps a reinforced cargo container could be used to hold the nanites long enough?"

Savel pondered the idea for just a few short moments before nodding affirmatively. "It may be our best option. As long as we can shield around it."

The Vulcan was asking all valid questions. "The ship only has a compliment of three physicians, at the best of times.  Doctor Betaika and your exchange officer Doctor Broadshire are in currently in the Brig.  While the third, your Doctor Belmont was assigned to the Field Team.  We're on our own, unless we ask the Riov to reconsider imprisoning the medical staff."

"I don't believe any of the researchers here or on Unroth had opportunity to deal with a live patient, to be able to study that.  All we have is this corpse.". He gestured to the tarp covered body, then paused looking towards the examination table and the puddle that was beginning to form at its base.

"Ugh... what is that?"  It looked suspiciously like decomp, but the stasis field surrounding the morgue bed should have slowed the process significantly.   Taev approached the bed and hesitantly lifted the sheet.  What he saw nearly made him gag. The body was not at all in the same state it was earlier this morning.   This was barely recognizable as a even a conjoined creature.

And what was more startling yet was that as he stared, it seemed like the body was breaking down right before his eyes.    He waved urgently to the Vulcan.   "Get a scanner; and start scanning this!"

The Vulcan Ensign nearly frowned whenever Taev mentioned the current state of the medical teams. Whatever their solution for the nanites turned out to be, they were certainly going to need medical treatment afterwards. Even if it were just to confirm they were in good health.

"If we can ensure the medical officers will administer whatever treatments are necessary to the patients, then we must free them to allow them to do so. Even if it's under conditions where they are guarded during the procedure." Savel knew his own medical skills were lacking for what was sure to be a complicated operation.

Savel's thoughts had started to focus more on what they were going to need in order to at least test out this method when Taev yelled for a scanner after inspecting the body once more. The science officer didn't waste any time running to grab a scanner that was close by before hurrying over to the body of the conjoined creature on the table. The scanner was quickly turned on and he began to study what was happening. Luckily he only had to look at the scanner and not watch the body decomposing before him.

"It seems the nanites are breaking down the tissue. Almost as if because the conjoining failed, they were programmed to destroy it. Concerning." As he continued to scan what was going on in an attempt to confirm his initial assessment, he further stated; "I cannot predict what the nanites will do once they are finished, which should be soon. I doubt this statis field will hold them though. Now is the time to try our idea."

He placed the scanner down and then focused on the table that the corpse was sitting on. "Perhaps that container could wait. We don't need to worry about preserving this body now. If we fail to act, it seems the nanites will take care of it for us regardless. Can we set up a stronger shield over the body and deliver a burst of gamma radiation while it's still on the table? If that does not disable the nanites, my recommendation is we destroy the body or remove it entirely from the ship before they finish breaking it down."


Starfleet Rank: Ensign
Name in full (this is player preference, in character forms of address is up to player specificity): Savel
Department assigned: Science
SIMM Assigned: USS Discovery
Photo (may be supplied if specific look required. If not, face claim may be used to modify to include Starfleet Uniform):


NPC Taev tr'Marrus
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay - Morgue]

With the incarceration of the Medical Chief, the Federation Science Chief and a number of other key personnel who had been working on the Klingon conjoined beast and it's Borg nanite source, the task had fallen to Taev to continue the work.    Taev, being a fond believer of delegation, called on his underlings to assist... especially the Starfleet Exchange officer that had arrived late - the Vulcan, Savel.

The pair were down in the morgue to take a look at the Klingon/Sark conjoined creature, hidden currently under a tarp thankfully, since he'd just recently eaten.  "Savel, let's first go over what the other team uncovered so far."

He looked over the Romulan tablet and read out the details. "It was discovered that amidst the fused body were thousands of dormant nanites.  And it was the theory that they are what initially conjoins the two bodies together, not unlike when a Borg 'assimilates' an individual.  The nanoprobes break down the tissue and remake it.  Makes sense, right?"

He scrolled along the PADD a bit more.  "Death results after about 6 hours because the immune response by each of the two bodies - rejects the other genetic material"  Again that made sense.

He continued to read and summarize. "It seems the team were working on two separate angles.   A virus to disrupt the nanites and knock out the blended creature....  and a transporter method of removing the nanites, separating the two differing DNAs and rebuilding the two subjects that way.  A third option was considered and then left untouched... and that was to reprogram the Borg nanites into unmaking the blend and separating the two source beings using the nanites."

Taev set the tablet down and looked to the Vulcan.  "What are your thoughts?"

Ensign Savel
[RFS Valdore - Sickbay - Morgue]

The Vulcan Ensign certainly did not have this in mind for an introduction to his new crew. He had yet to even step foot on their ship and now he was suddenly thrust into the center of quite the crisis. The only thing he could do now was get to work, forget having a chance to settle in.

Savel stood with Taev taking a moment to get a look at the covered creature that was hidden. He felt it was important to actually get a look at what these nanites actually did to conjoin two separate beings. It wasn't a pleasant sight, but a necessary one to take in to increase his already limited understanding. A brief glance was all that was taken though, as none of the affected crew members had the time for him to study the corpse in depth, otherwise they'd find themselves on a table of their own.

"The transport method would require somewhere secure for the nanites to be moved into. Has anyone attempted using gamma radiation to disable the nanites?"

Savel walked over to one of the consoles in the morgue, pulling up as much information as possible on nanites in general. Once the information was displayed on one of the viewscreens nearby, Savel invited Taev closer to inspect it with him.

"Gamma radiation, especially when delivered in bursts, is known to have strong effects on computers and electric systems. We would need a strong container that could be shielded. Both to keep the radiation and the nanites inside. As soon as they were transported into the container, a burst of radiation is pushed inside of the container; ideally leaving behind nothing but useless dead nanites."

That only solved the first half of the problem though. Rebuilding the DNA of two unique individuals was not as easy as administering a hypospray to someone. The qualified medical staff would need to be standing by. If Savel and Taev seemed to be the only ones around in Sickbay at the moment, the odds of that did not look good.

"Are there enough experienced medical personnel still on board to carry out those procedures? And have we seen what happens to patients when the nanites are suddenly ripped away?"

It was possible the nanites sustained the lives of those that get conjoined until the process is complete, which is when the nanites stop working to keep them alive. Though, death was certain if nothing was done as well.

LOA Archives / Savel - [April 1st-April 5th, 2023]
March 17, 2023, 04:12:24 PM

Character(s) affected: Savel
Assigned ship(s): Shadow Fleet Academy
Period of time absent: April 1st-April 5th, 2023
Date of last period of activity: March 31st, 2023
Date returning: April 6th, 2023

Any relevant comments: Practice LoA Request for Shadow Fleet Academy

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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