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Messages - MoonDancer


After a relatively uneventful day, things started to get intense pretty fast. Discovery had launched into action very swiftly after detecting incoming ships. "œAlex, Moon, attack pattern delta. We don't want to be in one place for to long at a time." Dem stated confidently, even surprising himself. He turned to face the security station, currently operated by an officer that he didn't know. "œSecurity, fire weapons at your discretion". Dem ordered, trying to preserve his previous confidence. The ship took a sharp right turn, putting some stress on Dem's body. Even though there were inertial dampeners, you can still pull a few G's on a starship. Occasionally, the ship would rock, and sparks would plume from a ruptured conduit. Dem would always instinctively wince, fearing the worst, before launching back into action. At this point in time though it seemed like smooth sailing. No essential systems were damaged, and the small fleet was doing a sufficient job at carving though the Dominion forces. Dem was about to order the science officer to find weaknesses in the enemy ships, before realising that Kinley was technically a higher rank so he decided to use a calmer tone. "œKinley, would you mind scanning for weak spots in armor? There might be something we can punch through."

"Aye, sir. [Dang! This is getting crazy!]" Moon's hands tightened on the console for a moment before she settled in and got things going where they needed to go. [Meep!] Moon thought with a shiver as the ship weaved about.

Rayek had been waiting for the Caitian hybrid in the flight uniform to answer him.   But it was security at the door that spoke first, clearly coming to the rescue of the 'damsel-in-distress'.   "She's the new flight officer, sir. Her transfer papers are signed by Admiral Gillespie himself. " The crewman sounded a bit in awe of the man, but then continued with his explanation.  "We checked with Chief Malloy and she's assigned Ensign Moon Dancer - that's her name - " the crewman pointed out while smiling towards the cat-eared beauty.   "- to 2nd chair at Helm.  Apparently, the Chief wants CPO Graham to familiarize her with the MVA protocols."

Rayek glanced over towards talkative security crewman.  "Thank you Crewman." The man's name was Edwin Clarke - normally a quiet man.  Given the man's sudden reaction, Rayek almost wondered if the other species in the woman's geneology was Orion.  The Romulan gave a slight sigh before turning towards the felinoid.

"Welcome aboard Ensign Moon Dancer." Rayek offered in greeting.  "You can take your seat.  Though for future reference, I prefer it if you respond yourself when asked a direct question, rather than getting information from your would-be suitor."

Rayek turned back towards the touring group and noticed that the Captain had arrived on the Bridge at some point without it being called out. Neither Captain Torngate, nor Captain Solluk had been partial to that archiac naval protocol.  Rayek had yet to determine if it was something that Tekin preferred to ignore as well.  As such he called out, "Captain on the Bridge!"

Moon blushed a little at the suiter comment.

"Thank you, Sir. I'm sorry, Sir," Moon again lowered her head, glancing quickly at the Security Guard curiously.

[Ok...that was VERY weird!] Moon thought, although, she was a bit curious as to whether there might be something there.

Moon snapped to attention as Rayek called attention to the Captain's presence.


 =/\=Once more the doors to the turbolift open and he glanced over, noting the arrival of an unfamiliar felinoid... a Caitian hybrid he reasoned, given the mostly human features.  Distracted from the Legate, he watched as Security checked the Caitian woman's credentials and surprisingly allowed her entrance.

"Mr. Broadshire, if you would be so kind as to tour the Legate around the Bridge."

Rayek then stepped away and moved to intercept the Caitian.  "Who are you?  And who authorized your assignment to the Bridge?" =/\=

[Moon Dancer - Bridge - USS Discovery]

Moon eeped slightly at the angry words as a man walked into her way.

[Yeesh, Scare Master much?] Moon thought, suppressing a hiss.

"My name's Moon Dancer, Sir, and I'm for lack of a better description, second chair to flying this beautiful bird," Moon lowered her head respectfully, trying not to cause too much trouble her first day aboard.


[Moon Dancer-USS Discovery-Hallway-on way to Bridge]

True to her name, Moon Dancer flittered through the hallways on her way to the Bridge, excited to play 'second chair' on flying such a marvelous ship! While she was slightly sad for missing her chance at the main Helm, she was was content to be of service however she was able to be!
"Ooooohhhh! This is going to be so much FUN!!!" Moon squeaked excitedly.   


b]Character Details[/b]

Character Name:  Moon Dancer
Character Age: 27
Character DOB: 11/01/2374
Character Image:
Character Species: Human/Caitian
Gender: Female
Character Family: Human: Ranaldo Dancer, Mother: Caitian: Crystal Alura Dancer
Character Bio: Moon was born on Carpetous III, and was the only child to survive a terrible plague that wiped out all the children that were born within that year. No reason for the plague was ever found. Moon was a fast learner and advanced through school quicker than children older than herself. Moon took an interest in flying from an early age, and she was able to get her flying permit at thirteen instead of having to wait until she was seventeen as most would. Moon decided to enter Starfleet Academy to pursue her love of flying and see what else the Universe had to offer.

Your Details orange and brown cat ears and tail, white shoulder length hair (so, Calico colors) slanted yellow cat eyes, fangs and claws that can extend and retract, digitigrade feet, and a Snow Leopard tattoo on her right shoulder

Previous Role-Playing Experience: USS Chimera, USS Wayfarer, X-Men, Triton Seabase, Maelstrom, USS Artemis"¦and a few others
Department Preference: Flight Control Officer
Secondary Department Preference:
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: whatever a Senor Flight Control Officer would be"¦or start as a regular Flight Control Officer and move up?

Sample post: Moon swung her Katana at the Ninja, keeping her center of gravity low so as not to be thrown off balance. The Ninja dodged her attack and swung his own blade, missing her by mere inches as she ducked and stepped to the side, taking a piece of his outfit with her counter swing. "œHonestly, Moon! How long are you going to keep practicing?" Crystal, a friend of Moon's, laughed as she entered. Moon glanced at her, then ducked as the Ninja almost took her head off. "œComputer, end program. I had another half hour, Crystal! You of all people know I've got to stay in shape!" Moon smiled at her friend as she grabbed a towel and viciously rubbed her hair. "œYuck! One thing I do hate about training is all the SWEAT!" Moon chuckled softly. (it's a little short, but as @myne {Mr J-C} can tell you, I'm pretty good"¦er"¦if I can toot my own horn a tiny bit?)

Additional information:

How did you find Shadow Fleet? @myne{Mr J-C} invited me


Greetings. My name is Moon Dancer, pleased to make your acquaintance

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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