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Messages - Lina Knight


Linas ears folded at the mention of injections "ironic as it is, could we not discuss such things as needles while in the middle of combat? tense enough as it is, I really REALLY don't like needles" she flicked her tail anxiously "I never have it's silly I'm told. I'm an adult it's just a tiny prick yada yada. But I can't get over it, hell, I'm not even a full animal and the mention of a V. E. T is unnerving!" she frowns "is that silly? I used to be made fun of for such fears as a kid... heh. If they all could see me now..." she sighs and tries to relax tapping away at her station to keep everything and everyone updated on new readings


Lina nods to Ruth "that'd help a lot ma'am, sensitive ears are a problem at times. loud as some might say, 'obnoxious' music can be a pain. but getting used to it will help." she nods to Ian "will do sir." she quickly taps away to send the scans to them making sure not to miss a single detail for them as she keeps her eyes on all her work and mumbles a little as she taps away mostly talking to herself about little things in each of the scans and their details feeling most at home doing this at times

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on July 10, 2023, 09:32:39 AM

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO - Bridge - USS Challenger - A]

"Hey, if I'd been reprimanding you really you'd have known about it, this is just a mild observation, and don't do it again sort of thing." Ruth chuckled.  "You're right though, he is cute!"

The CSO considered Melly's other question put her head on one side and her eyes dancing with merriment answered "Boffins are people who are engaged in Scientific research.  It's our beloved Captain's favourite nickname for us because he prefers not to try getting his head around the quantum physics or whatever the way I barely know my way around a hyperspanner... I leave Engineering to the Engineers and he leaves the boffining to the Boffins!"

"Anytime, Chief.  We'll welcome you up here... go do what you do best! Well, second best!" Ruth winked as he left.  The last sentence was said more as a mutter that only Melly and Lina would have heard.  She'd explain away the giggles for them if they had heard!  "Kissing, I was deffo just talking about kissing! Or DJing... yeah DJing... def-in-ITE-elly DJing!" she said trying not to giggle herself.

"You still strapped in girls?!" she said quickly, looking to check before bracing herself.

Ruth was trying not to panic herself and had been using comedy to divert the feeling in the pit of her stomach that she always got going into battle.  Ian's comments however were contributing to the feeling that she wanted to giggle so it was becoming difficult not to laugh, she managed to control it to a smile... albeit she was probably grinning like a raving lunatic, it might be taken as a grimace at the turning of the ship and situation rather than she was finding the situation funny.  It wasn't the situation as much as she was finding humour where she could and utilising it to get her through it while she was trying to keep her head in the game while making sure the girls alongside her were fine.

The CSO couldn't help but laugh out loud at Captain Galloway's outburst of triumph, proving that even seasoned officers could lose their composure at times.  Plus his order for Scotland the Brave in full pipe band going through the ship.

Turning and tipping the Captain the wink.  She grinned and said "Any chance that there's a Battle 2 file too, that can be played if we need to have more battle worthy music?!  Special request for your lovely boffins?!" she said knowing he would realise she meant Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries'

"As for the Transwarp.  Miss Pwllgwyngyll that's your job, Miss Knight just keep on doing what you're doing great at!  I find concentration on the task at hand means you're less likely to worry about what's going on outside the ship. Well... I mean the explosions and such rather than us knowing exactly where our enemies are!"

"You, OK Lina?" the concerned CSO put a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder as she noticed the ears come forward and the distressed flicks of the tail "Good spot!" she said as the girl noticed the blip.

Ruth almost chuckled when Melly also cringed from the sound of the pipes.  "You girls will have to get used to that, it's our battle cry so to speak.  Mine is Ride of the Valkyries." she shrugged.  "Anyhow didn't you know the bagpipes are officially proclaimed a weapon of war?  Scared the living daylights out of people hearing a full contingent coming over a hill, and then seeing 100 or more ginger madmen in plaid skirts, known of course as kilts.  Be very sure you are going to win if you want to pick a fight with a Scot!"  she thumbed over her shoulder "Point in case..never get on his bad side.  Outside of battle, loveliest person you could know, if somewhat gruff... that comes with being a Highlander!"

The CSO adjusted the atmospheric scans to be more detailed and added that data to the other Science consoles and Helm's navigational to compensate on autopilot.  "Captain, I'm doing minute by minute adjustments to the atmospheric scans so that should help, it would be like we are running in calm waters on a flat sea so to speak now." she said 'de-boffin-ing' it specially for Ian.

Following the turns and dives automatically like any trained pilot, Ruth still was aching at the sudden movements and vowed to get back to do some flight training if only in the holodeck so she would ache less in such situations.

"Here goes nothing and everything." she said when the Captain mentioned 'calling on' the Jem'Hadar.

Still trying to use humour to cover her worry for the battle at hand she said "Knock, Knock... hello can we interest you in some pamphlets about our organisation, Starfleet Command... we can leave them with you, they come free with blowing your asses out of the sky..." she said in her best 'Mormon missionary' impersonation.

[OOC: FYI this wasn't a dig at the LDS missionaries.  I used to be LDS/Mormon so it's poking fun a little at friends of mine, who themselves were missionaries and agreed you could spot them a mile off as parodied by 'The Book of Mormon' musical!]

Lina looks to Ruth with a nod of thanks and relaxes after a bit "that was a bit jarring, must music be so loud?" she sighs and spins a little "but at least we got out of that trouble. frustrating as it is we have to keep an eye on all threats no matter how small. one lucky shot and we're done for" she grins a bit "but that's the thrill of battle yeah?"

Lina tried not to flinch at the sound of pipes and gunfire keeping to her tasks as her ears folded against her head tail curling around her waist "must we be so loud in our attack?" she sighs and notes a blip "sir something coming on our 4 o'clock." she shouts to ian as she taps away returning to focus as something caught her eye "coming in at due pace. might be a hostile." she flicks her tail in anticipation as she keeps up the work to make sure nothing goes wrong on her side


Lina would smile a bit tail flicking at the praise and nods "I'll do my best and avoid any big issues! I'd be shamed if I missed something that got us stranded" she grins like a cheshire a bit as she almost giddly gets back to work clearly loving being given praise, maybe she's used to being made fun of or treated like a freak... half breeds and all that fun stuff, kids aren't great with new things like that after all but she's found her zone and man was she happy to make sure that stayed that way.


Lina while focusing on work nods to the others "hectic day huh, but that's the kind of life you live when you work for the federation" she gives a toothy grin "hopefully we can all laugh about this later over some food." she sighs "anything on your end myne? nothing seems to be up for me." she turns to her small coworker and technical superior


Lina brightened a bit "yes ma'am, I'll make sure not to disrupt you unless it's urgent." she turns back to the task at hand punching in the necessary buttons and such to get the scans started on this specific task feeling reinvigorated to not be in the way. first time jitters would do that to you. "everything seems clear so far.." she muttered to herself tail flicking back and forth as she scanned thoroughly


Lina quietly watched the transpiring without making herself a bother. waiting for dismissal if necessary but not asking as to not intrude on the moment "this is all a bit sudden, may I take my leave Captain? I don't wish to intrude on discussions between my commanders. it's not my place as a new member. nor do I feel I should stay and be in the way." she shifted a bit in her seat not getting up without his permission. clearly awkward as hell for her "or maybe I should do a scan of pockets?" she looked to Ruth "just for before I go."

Quote from: Rin Amaya on June 27, 2023, 05:53:41 PM

[USS Challenger- Really dumb idea o'clock - Flight deck]
Rin would stretch and go in thought knowing she might be ridiculed for such a dumb idea. She was nervous and uncomfortable as she thought to themselves. She was thinking on her feet and would take a few deep breaths. "We can't risk another major turn like the evasive plans however what if we don't have to we just have to go straight in between a pair of gravitational eddies. In it's weakest pull area and vent plasma and torpedo's. Which in turn causes the eddie pulls to cause an unpredictable minefield while we fly through with a bit of turbulence but all we just got to do is fly through it straight through. I know engineering is going to kill me for suggesting that but it could be also we just risk making some more riskier turns around the plasma storms and just try and just out maneuver them." Rin would say sighing a little bit knowing this was probably a really risky idea. "However that depends on how much damage our SIF took and how much energy we have left for our shields and that field as well." Rin would say. "As if we do that we need to be at least able to survive going through the pulls."

Lina after nodding to her commander looked at the new pilot in abject horror "that's about as suicidal as it is brilliant. at this point we'd have as good a chance of dying to that as we do not doing it." she sighs as she runs some tests while keeping an eye on the scans "yeah, math checks out." she frowns "but it's not the worst idea I've ever heard."

Lina did her best to keep steady with the ship as she kept her work up "those shields can only handle so much... but they sure handle a lot." she sighs tail flicking anxiously as they worked their way through the situation. it wasn't easy to keep your cool but she sure tried her best, looking around the bridge it was chaotic, but it made her feel alive. She smiles as she broadens her haste with newfound vigor making sure to keep things steady lest she be the fault they blow up


Lina whilst still making sure to keep her focus on the scans gives her officer a nod tail flicking in anticipation as she kept herself as ready as possible for it. This was going to be a bit rough she could tell. Usually was mid an attack of course, but that's what training was for. Getting it drilled into your head that no matter what always prepare for the worst and keep things as they should be if you can. "all readings look clear ma'am." she says calmly as she can


Lina quickly got to work on her station making sure to not miss anything less it cause the end of all of them, high stress situations weren't fun but best not let it get the best of her before she braced for the warp from myne's alert careful not to miss anything still as scans were important and could mean a lot of different issues.


Lina would be getting some food during her break between work when the alert happened, realizing quickly this wasn't a drill this time she quickly went to the bridge to meet up with her coworker and their commanding officer. She did her best to move with a purpose and haste without making any mistakes or getting in the way. She'd soon arrive at the bridge "ma'am Lina Night reporting. awaiting orders to work as needed." she said normal pep and eagerness gone replaced with a focused and ready soldier

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 21, 2023, 03:03:51 PM

[Copied and trimmed from Holodeck post HERE]

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir - Sickbay - Deck 7]

Ruth giggled then her PADD pinged.  She held up one finger, and scanned the message.

She nodded and said "That can wait until I'm done here,..."  she turned to Melly in the bed, glanced around, turned back to Melly and conspiratorially whispered, "You haven't seen this, but we don't want this gorgeous blue man to have droopy antennae do we, now?!"

[...sometime later in the conversation...]

"Anyhow, I'll check with the Captain, the CMO, Dr Buehler or anyone else who is going to want to know about this but, while it might be mundane work there is a lot of data stuff that needs well... it's test results, they need logged in the right places and a report of the findings typed up.  Reckon you're up for that?  Like I say I'll have to get it cleared with certain people but if you're anything like me, you're going to be..."

Her mind quickly amended the words 'fit to be caged' to what she did say eventually, thinking on her feet as a responsible DH, the girl had been enslaved, she may have been caged, she didn't want to put back any progress being made to Melly being free in her mind as well as her body.

"...ah bored to tears in here with nothing to do.  Or you can see it as 3 days off and I can bring you puzzles and games to play, get some of the other Science staff to come in and play cards, chat or whatever... or some mixture of the two?!  After all even on full duties you'd only be working an 8 hour shift!"

She tapped some buttons on her PADD, sending a message first to the Captain, copied to the CMO, Dr. Buehler and Ship's Counsellor, and then a second to Lina.

TO: Captain I. Galloway, CO. USS Challenger-A
cc. Lt. J. Fellows, CMO, Lt. E. Buehler - Medical, Lt. G. Mill - Counsellor

Re: Patient Ensign M. Pwllgwyngyll /72 hr psych hold.

I have, in my capacity as CSO been to visit Ensign Pwllgwyngyll, and welcome her to the Science Department.  From what I can see she is of sound mind (inasfar as I can determine from chatting with her) enough to carry out basic tasks like data inputting of test results.

Would this be permissible/advisable?  I am not seeking to break her from her 72 hour hold, or release her from the Sickbay, merely give her something useful to do while she is there.  I have also offered some puzzles, books and other activities she can do in bed, if this is OK.

I did advise her that I would have to check with yourselves first and thus have not committed myself to anything beyond 'asking' (and a personal promise to visit when I can do so, which I believe doesn't require more than permission from the orderly on duty.)

Please advise at your earliest convenience.

Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO


TO: Ensign L. Knight
FROM: Lt. R. Sigurdsdottir, CSO
Re:  Meeting

Always a pleasure my dear.  I'm currently holed up in the Sickbay (visiting, don't worry!) Could you update me on what you are presently working on so I don't double you up on something  if you are already usefully employed.

Regards, Ruth


Lina smiled feeling a little better knowing her commanding officer was nicer than the cold hard logic of the AI. sending a message back 'I look forward to meeting you ma'am, I do hope we'll get along well.' she sighs before doing more tasks having a new skip to her step feeling a bit happier now that she didn't have to think about the demoralizing words of Hyperion
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 20, 2023, 06:04:46 PM

[Lt. Ruth Siggurdsdottir - CSO Office 0ffice - Deck 4 >> Deck 7 Sickbay]

Having arrived about 45 seconds before the Challenger departed DS9, Ruth had barely had half a minute to herself.

Being away for a while from the ship always had it's disadvantages and for her, the main three were these:

Firstly, because she had really wanted to teach the extended lecture series 'Comparisons of Reman, Romulan and Vulcan Languages and their impacts within the Federation and Trade' back at the Academy, she had taken a demotion to Lieutenant since it was limited to that rank.  She wasn't so bothered about that, she was still the Chief of Science on the Challenger and that meant she was where she wanted to be and with Lahr... not that she'd seen him yet.

Secondly, the mountain of PADDs she had to read and sign off on... which also included the subject matter of the third 'issue'.

Thirdly, (and the reason for her not having done more than dumped her bag in her quarters, had a quick sonic shower even though she preferred 'wet' showers, and got a fresh uniform on, then sent a quick message to Ian to say that she'd made it... just!) was that her reading material on the shuttle from the Academy to DS9 had been the personnel files for some new faces on her staff.

Ruth prided herself on getting to know her staff and endeavouring to help them be the best version of themselves, but to do that she needed to know both their service backgrounds, and get to know them off duty where possible to know what made them 'tick'.

"So," she mused to herself, muttering out aloud. "...two new minions.." she looked around quickly and grinned to herself.  Anyone that knew her, knew that she was only 'superior' to her staff when rank and position was something which had to be observed, for example 'Bridge Decorum'.

Ensign Lina Knight seemed to be a bread and butter 'Earth' type physicist with mathematics thrown in for good measure "Well, that's good, when I can delegate maths it always pleases me!" she said still talking to herself out aloud, smiled and sent a quick message.

TO: Ens. L. Knight, Sciences, USS Challenger-A
FROM: Lt. R. Sigurdsdottir, CSO, USS Challenger-A
Re: Getting to know you


Just checking in with everyone as I've not long got back to the ship.  I'd like to formally welcome you to the Challenger and get to know you a little better as I do with all newcomers to the Science family.  Would you be available sometime after your shift for about 30 mins or so, or sometime tomorrow during shift.

My door is always (metaphorically and literally, unless I'm having a private meeting with someone!) open.  Please drop by anytime, just give me a heads up so I can grab a fresh Ratkajino!

Regards, Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir.


The second new Ensign wasn't so cut and dried.  An Only?!  Well she knew Kyan MacKenzie from various Yuletide meetings on several stations, the twins were friends with her fellow CSO Hrafn Falleg's eldest Ruthie Falleg-Tekin, so the trio and their associates liked meeting up for pizzas and such when they all had shore leave together, and from serving with him on the Challenger.  But what was this?

She pushed at a tab heading on her PADD to read what looked to be a medical note. 'On a 72hr Psych hold?!' the CSO thought to herself, there's got to be more to it than this.

Ruth carefully read everything [OOC: Basically everything I read HERE ] and shrugged thinking there had to be more than the cut and dried to this, and the best way was to go to source.  Both the Ensign, the Ship's Counsellor and the CMO...all of whom were located in the Sickbay... or least she could leave messages for them there.

Grabbing herself a Ratkajino on route she took the turbolift to the Sickbay.

Ruth smiled as she exited the turbolift and spotted, through the Sickbay's glass, the shock of white hair, blue antennae and skin of her favourite person, beside the bed of what appeared to be a little girl. 'Thank Odin I read the file before coming up here!' she thought to herself.

Not seeing Jess or Evan around she walked over holding a finger to her lips to warn the Ensign in the bed to keep schtum so she could surprise Lahr.

"Rhooz!" she said suddenly and jokingly, just behind Lahr's ear, "If I'd had my axes on me you'd have been dead had you not been blue!" she winked at Melly in the bed giving her a warm smile.

"Don't worry Ensign Pwllgwyngyll, honestly that name is nearly as bad as mine...". Transferring the mug of Ratkajino to her left hand, she held out her right hand to introduce herself "Lt. Sigurdsdottir, Ruth... the Chief Science Officer on this here beauty of a ship, Chief Ch'Verret's partner and your boss!"  she quickly remembered what she had read in the file and thought the chi... no young woman... '"Ensign.." she was safe with that !!' she thought to herself.

She added "Oh it's ok, I'm just surprised to find Lahr here willingly and not covered in blood.  Sickbay isn't somewhere he visits normally unless he's half dead... these days at least!" she added, getting a little jab in at Lahr about his relationship with Chloe.  So far as she knew however, he'd been faithful to her ever since they'd got together after Will's death.

[OOC: Anything with Lahr/Melly will be conducted on the Holodeck as copying this there.  Responses to Lina/Ian/any medical staff etc who want to tag me will be answered here]

Lina nods softly at the kind albeit cold logic of hyperions words "thank you. that helps a bit weirdly." she'd check her messages seeing a ping surprised to see there's a new coworker. and apparently a vet of the ship at that as she texts 'I greatly appreciate the extention of good will. i hope we can get to know each other very well in our time together in the service of the Federation ma'am. I'll take that offer to always be welcome in your office to heart' she smiled softly sighing at the surprise and gets back to work
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