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Messages - Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 28, 2024, 03:03:44 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]  (enroute to Verallias II)

Rayek watched as the Sec/Tac chief rose from her station without a word.  The bridge crew however was like a well-oiled machine.  No sooner had Lachlyn stepped onto the turbolift then the auxiliary sec/tac crewmember - Petty Officer First Grade Bradley Strider in this instance - assumed her station.  Rayek nodded in approval, until he overheard Lachlyn's call to Lorut's combadge.

Well, he had suggested Lorut's involvement...  But had assumed organizing it could have been done there on the bridge.

Rayek's eyebrow rose at Lorut's statement to the Captain. The only Ops on today?! Had the Vulcan T'Prith and Petty officer Forscher called in sick to her while he was in meeting with Broadshire?  Such should have been reported to him. He'd have to deal with.

His surprise matched her own from a few moments earlier, as she com-called him even though he was standing by the Science station not 3 meters away. Was she mocking him?!  He looked towards the Bajoran woman with a slight frown but nodded.

"Yes, Lieutenant, I will cover your station until either you return or I secure another Ops personnel to cover it for you."

He moved away from the science station and stood by Lorut's chair indicating that she should vacate it.

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

The Captain watched Lorut leave and the look on Rayek's face, and he shook his head.

"Trauma, Rayek.  Our first mission after that horror show of Frontier Day and it ended up with officers shooting at each other again.  There have been at least 15 people in the last month who have requested a personal day, and most of them stay locked in their quarters. Better than the last 6 months, but still. Don't give Lorut too much of a hard time; she understands the trauma better than most.  Trust me on this." he stated, turning back to look out the screen.


Some time later...

Helm pulled the ship out of warp on his command, and they appeared within visual range of the planet in question.  There was evidence of past and recent warp travel, which only added to the questions, since there were no signs of subspace comms or even anything resembling exploration within and out of the system.  But the energy readings were hard to ignore; a very powerful reading in geosynchronous orbit of the planet.  The planet itself looked beautiful; like a larger Bajor or Earth.  Again though, it was devoid of communication satellites, waypoint stations, structures on its nearby moons, and the planet itself seemed to be completely uninhabited.

There was one thing, though.  The source of the signal.  It was something.  A large orbital docking station.

"Scan the planet directly." he ordered, standing up.  "This is only adding more questions."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 23, 2024, 06:13:28 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]

Upon his return, Rayek reviewed the bridge log and the department statuses that had been reported to the Captain.  Things appeared to be quiet with everyone seeming to be kept occupied with their day to day tasks. Even the Captain seemed lost in his report reading.  A side-glance showed that the report on the Captain's PADD appeared to be last night's long range science report on the Verallias 12 binary star system - the system they were swiftly approaching.  Tekin seemed engrossed in it.  Rather than disturb the Bajoran Captain, Rayek rose from his seat and toured the bridge.  Stopping briefly at each station to check in with each officer.

He circled counter clockwise, starting with his own preferred station of Tactical.  "Lieutenant, given our current lull, I think it would do our the sec/tac personnel some good to be run through an unexpected security drill.  Please coordinate with junior lieutenant Lorut in arranging that."

The First Officer looked over towards the Operations station to be sure that Lorut had overheard his orders to Tanner.  "Nothing too intense though, it shouldn't interfere with science's mapping task."

He then circled in front of the Helm station, nodding to both Malik and Mr. Graham.  A glance at their consoles as he walked past, told him that the ship was close to approaching the binary star system - a statement that one of them would likely be making shortly.  "Gentlemen.  Any concerns navigation-wise in entering the Verallias 12 system?"  Rayek knew that some systems - like the Sol system had an Oort cloud surrounding it - making navigation a bit more challenging.  He wondered if that were the case with the Verallias 12 system.
Rayek knew once the ship did arrive within the system, the quiet of the Bridge would be lost as every science personnel on shift dealing with the scan and mapping task would of course reach out to discuss their 'fascinating' discoveries with their Department Head - a position presently held by the Captain.  Oh well, the peace and quiet was pleasant while it lasted.

He paused by the Science station console where Ramort seated. "Mister Ramort, I am glad to see it is you who are manning the station for this shift." Rayek greeted as his stride took him around to the Science section of the Bridge.  "Is there anything on medium range scans that might be of particular interest?" he asked, but his glance had already moved on toward the back of Bridge where he noted the engineering station was vacant.

This puzzled Rayek as he knew from Lek's report yesterday that the engineering checks which had dominated the Ferengi's every waking moment for the past few weeks were done.  So surely someone from engineering could be spared to man the Bridge.

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Almost as if on cue, the sensors went off after picking up energy readings.  High energy readings. And they were emanating around the 2nd planet of the system. The Captain looked up and raised an eyebrow. After hearing the confirmation of the sensor readings, he frowned.

"Mr Reyak... the long-range sensors said this system was uninhabited.  What would create high energy readings?" he asked, partly as a question and partly as a rhetorical statement.  With a sign, he turned to Alex at the helm.

"Helm, adjust course for the second planet in the system. Mr. Ramort, run a level 4 diagnostic on all sensors; lets make sure we aren't chasing ghosts."


Captain's Log, Stardate 79439.95

Discovery has been assigned to deep space exploration near the Gamma Quadrant.  We are currently mapping the Verallias Sector, including the binary star system Verallias 12. While a big change from the missions that Discovery was built for, the lack of available ships has reassigned many of us to non-recovery efforts, in a show of confidence that Starfleet is still here and still on our primary mission.  At least that is the official reasoning; I have the distinct impression they are either hoping we run into the Keeper Clones again, or just to get rid of the nosy crew that exposed too much from Starfleet Intelligence.

Since we currently haven't found anything really interesting, I have put us on a course for Verallias 12 to let Astrometrics do their job.  I also recently received word of a rechristening of the USS Titan, the ship that fought against the fleet alone. While I respect the ship, I'm not too keen on what they did to her, and that makes me nostalgic for my part in the history of a certain name...


[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Holodeck 2]

Nevir sat in silence, feeling the leather cushion beneath him and really wishing Discovery was built for a bit more comfort.  He could honestly fall asleep here.  Just the sounds of the bridge were around him; the hum of the engines, the beeping of the scanners, and the acoustics that followed them.  The lights were brighter than the bridge of Discovery, but he had to remind himself that when he first took command, the lightning on the ship was nearly blinding.  Still, he would take the warm light of this bridge over the sharp light of the Prometheus and her sister ships any day.

"Computer, what is the time?"

=/\= "It is currently 1359 hours." =/\= came the response, in the old familiar computer voice of the bridge he was standing on.

As much as he would love to stay here, especially with the chair calling for him to rest, he had to at least show up to the bridge to show he was still on duty. Nevir stood up, walking over to the ship's dedication plaque. True history was before him as he looked at the engraving.  'To boldly go where no one has gone before.' Built at Utopian Planetia on Mars.  NCC 1701-D.  USS Enterprise-D.  The relic that saved the Federation, and which he had the honor of being part of the crew that manned her following Frontier day and her final travels, and finally to the Fleet Museum.

"Computer... end program." he stated, turning around and heading towards a bulkhead as the ship around him faded and showed the bare bone emitters of the holodeck.  The doors opened, and he left.

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Nevir returned to the bridge and took his seat, taking the awaiting report from the science teams monitoring the space around them.  He automatically called for a report from the bridge stations while he was reading, and really seemed to be on auto-pilot.

"The best thing about space; it is so very big.  The worst thing about space; it is so very big. With a lot of space between objects." he stated, shaking his head.


Relaxed to Active.

Quote from: Lek on May 29, 2024, 04:12:32 PM

[Main Engineering - USS Discovery]

Since this Captain had shown trust, Lek was inclined to do the same. Whispering to Lieutenant T'Farr. "Cover me." Lek stepped from cover with a tricorder. He stepped up to the two and ran the most extensive scan he could to try and find any signs of genetic drift in their DNA. When he didn't, he shrugged.

"Well, if you aren't the real deal, the fifty kilo head that created you really knows his stuff. What are your orders Captain? We're on the clock because a fake Rayek just cut comms with me. Knowing how conniving Rayek to be, I'm sure he's up to something. Not that he can. The warp and impulse systems are not only rigged to explode, they are disconnected from the ship's computer. Just needs a few connections to reconnect, I didn't get into active sabotage like last time, but he can play jiggery pokery all he wants, the engines are solidly locked down."

Quote from: Lorut Vila on May 31, 2024, 12:40:42 PM

She blinked once as Dem walked away. What the HELL? Oh, well.

Quickly, she implemented the first part of her plan. She rerouted essential power to sickbay and engineering, and then killed internal power to the rest of the ship. She deleted the stopgaps she'd installed, replaced them with codes specifically written in ancient Bajoran, and then clicked off, disabling her console-and thus, the rest of them, as well. Across the ship, you could hear cries of "what the hell?" as computers stared blankly back at their users.

Ok, assholes, attack us NOW.

She paused long enough to rearm herself, "borrowing" a phaser from one of the console seats as the Battle bridge exploded into chaos. She pulled herself to her feet. Quietly, she creeped along the corridors towards the clone Romulan. "Commander," she said, the phaser cocked and ready. "Fancy seeing you here. I assume that your Ferengi friend saw through your façade and that's why you're here?" She shook her head, a small smirk on her face. "He's many things, but stupid isn't one of them." Indeed, he was an intelligent man, even if his personality reminded her of a snail. "I hope you're up on your ancient Bajoran," she said. She clicked her comms on.

=/\=Can I get security to the Battle bridge? I have the clone in my sights. He's about to fire on the real Commanders tr'Lhoell and Grippen.=/\=

She clicked off, then opened a second channel.

=/\=Captain, if you could hurry, please, that'd be great. I can handle myself, but not the entirety of the Battle bridge under whatever mind control they have going on here. =/\= She was good. But she wasn't that good.

"What'll it be? Is today the day we both meet the Prophets?" She asked. Most of it was bluster. But the leftover bits of trauma that Vila hadn't had time to readdress with therapy when they set sail was bubbling to the surface. Six months had been a healing time. But it would take a lifetime of work. A backslide here and there was understandable but she wouldn't have that option if she were dead. She knew this. But she also knew she was tired.

[USS Discovery - Deck 11 - Main Engineering]

With relief, the Captain picked his rifle back up and slung it on his back, immediately walking to the pool table. "My counterpart is on my yacht firing at the ship.  The station is secured for the moment and we have the USS Zheng He on its way.  We need to restore power to the ship and keep it contained to Engineering for now.  Lorut has a plan to isolate Rayek's clone on the battle bridge." he stated, as he worked to help get full functionality restored before Lorut's plan.  The screens flashed and started showing in a blocky language, which prevented people from being able to read and understand the consoles.  Nevir was frustrated for a moment, but one of the symbols looked familiar.  Then another.  And he realized what it was.

"Lorut you're a genius!  Lek, the language has been changed to ancient Bajoran.  Luckily I can read it, thanks to Hrafn.  Use a binary 47-shift cypher and you should be able to access as normal.  Call out any unfamiliar term and I'll translate it."

"I can't remote access the yacht. We're going to have to disable it the hard way..." he stated, accessing weapons and targeting his own vessel.  The first couple of shots hit, but the effectiveness was starting to weaken.  And it wasn't Rayek or issues with their own weapons.

"Prophets... two science officers with command access... they know the tricks to evade weapons.  Lek, we need to narrowband the phasers!"

He tapped the comm to answer Lorut.  "I am literally trying to outsmart myself.  Its not as easy as it seems.  He's pulling all the tricks I know." he said, looking over the power systems.  Lorut's plan was initiated and it showed that everything was cut around the battle bridge.  He smiled for a moment but then came to a realization.

The transport inhibitors...


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 02, 2024, 02:31:28 AM

rRayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck Six - Battle Bridge]

The news of another ship incoming was troubling.  It might be best to cut their losses and just attempt to flee and cover their tracks.  rRayek was certain he could, with an hour or two head start, disappear without a trace.  Problem was they might not have the head start at this rate.
rRayek quickly realized that his attempt to access the Engineering controls was not going to work.  It was like the mainline and all sub-routes had been physically cut.  Damn that clever Ferengi!  It was a shame Lek hadn't been on the away team and cloned.

However for all of the Chief Engineering's threats, the Romulan's attempt to access the engines didn't trigger any explosion.  rRayek scowled at the realization that the Ferengi had been bluffing. That had been a waste of time!

Suddenly all the consoles in the Battle Bridge went dead.  In the moment that it took for rRayek to realize that the power had been cut to everything (including the transport inhibitor), the sound of a transporter effect could be heard.  Seated at the Ops console, rRayek didn't have time to hide though he did raise his weapon and readied to fire at the materializing Sec/Tac individuals.

The first wave of phaser fire was exchanged and though the rRomulan was hit, the last lingering effects of his adrenaline shot meant that he alone was still standing at the end of it.

It was time to go.

He had just tapped his comm calling on the clone-Tekin when he heard a movement behind him and the distinctive sound of a phaser powered up.

He remained with his back to her, though he craned his neck around to catch a glimpse of her.

While rRayek didn't understand ancient Bajoran, he was certain that his Tekin did.

"I have no intention of dying today." he answered the bold woman and dropped his phaser obligingly. ""But there is no way I'm going back to that station alive."

=/\= "Beam me out now, Captain." =/\= rRayek shouted as he plunged into the Bajoran's mind openly and painfully, attempting to startle the woman enough to drop her weapon or at least be unable to aim properly during the transport sequence.  He dodged to the left in case she fired anyways.

A moment later, he felt the transporter effect take hold and rRayek withdrew his mind, only to appear on the yacht a few seconds later.  "Get us out of here! Maximum speed while the Discovery's engines and bulk of her systems are offline and powered down."

[Captain's Yacht - Clone Tekin]

"Gamma emitters are at 100%.  Shields are leveling off at 26%.  But we won't be able to stop that other ship.  We need to get out of here.  Try to get the inhibitors offline."

"I'm working on it. Rayek is in trouble.  I think we're about to lose Discovery."

"Stand by, getting the transporters online.  I'll try to get as many as our people as I can."

It didn't take very long, as Hrafn turned and announced that the inhibitors just turned off on their own.  Then Rayek called in.

"Energizing!" he called, transporting Rayek, and as much of the cloned team as he could.  As soon as Rayek was materialized on the bridge, Tekin turned to Hrafn.

"Get us out of here!"

The yacht did one more strafing run, focusing on the nacelles, and then jumped to warp to who know where.  Leaving the ship and the originals to hover in space.


Captian's Log, Supplemental

The Zheng He has arrived to provide assistance, and unfortunately for us, it appears that we learned too much.  There is an investigation to see why the Discovery was sent, since there was too close a connection between us and what was happening on the station. We weren't supposed to be here, which leads us to believe that this was a setup.  While no charges will be filed, I will have to answer to Starfleet intelligence.  Just myself, as I have taken responsibility for everything that happened.

The yacht is long gone, our best estimates lead us to believe they are headed for the Gamma Quadrant. These replicants seemed to have a higher purpose, working genetically for a group called the Thinkers.  They believe there is a galactic threat, which does cause some concern, but the Federation has plenty of problems right now.

Computer, encode this and all associated logs with Intelligence Cyber Beta 4-7.

Quote from: Lorut Vila on May 23, 2024, 01:58:20 PM

Vila had calmed enough to think more clear-headed.

Ha! That's what he thought. She was good at tactical planning, and she had one, for sure. For now, she was holding steady with Ops. "Dem, what's the plan? Implement it FAST because I have some unfinished business to take care of," she said. She was planning a hunting trip. Only her game wouldn't be Hesperats, it would be clones.

She clicked on to her Comms and radioed the real Captain. =/\ soon as we get the Yacht out of the sky, meet me in Security. Remember our holodeck thing? It's time to implement that but in real life. =/\= The younger Bajoran was going to learn the Guerrilla tactics that had saved their people.

Quote from: M'Nia on May 26, 2024, 10:16:14 PM

M'nia, made her way to engineering alongside the captain, not knowing what she would find, she had grabbed a phaser. She more than likely would need it. The doors opened up and they was fired upon. She followed the captain.  "Sorry captain but looks like right now I'm all you got. Cmdr lek. It's M'nia and the captain. Are you ok?"

[USS Discovery - Deck 11 - Main Engineering]

The Bajoran fired back, taking down a few of the people who clearly didn't belong on his ship.  He was still under fire, but it wasn't as bad as it was earlier.  He sighed at Vila's call, and tapped his badge.

"Vila, if this is some fantasy of blowing away your Captain..."

"Understood.  Once I am done in Engineering, I'll be there.  But don't get used to ordering me around, Lieutenant." he said in a slightly teasing tone, as he fired back in the corridor.  At least this was better than having his ship ripped apart.

Thankfully, the cavalry arrived, and the Captain breathed a sigh of relief.  With the current threat ended, he gratefully pulled himself back and nodded. "Thank the Prophets... let's go."

Quote from: Lek on May 27, 2024, 11:24:56 AM

[Main Engineering - USS Discovery]

When to doors to engineering opened, a couple of the more jumpy engineers opened fire. When Lek saw that it wasn't an assault, he began shouting.

"Cease fire! Cease fire! Stop shooting you knuckleheads!"

The shooting did stop and that gave Lek time to see someone that looked like the Captain and someone that looked like M'Nia. Unfortunately, he didn't know either well enough to challenge them like he had with the fake Rayek and he didn't know how he would know if they were the real ones or clones.

"Okay, I know who you look like, but that doesn't mean much. Neither does your voice print or any access codes you might have. However, from what I understand, tricorders can detect traces of genetic drift in clones. If you are willing to drop your weapons and be subjected to a scan, we might have a way forward."

Quote from: M'Nia on May 28, 2024, 05:22:55 PM

"Umm, well I'm game. Captain, up to you?" M'nia said. She trusted lek and knew they'd be safe in his hands.

While he was relieved that Lek seemed okay, the phasers pointed at him was honestly not something he was comfortable with.  But... Lek was smart.  And with his suggestion, the Captain lowered his rifle and laid it on the ground, as well as his phaser.

"I know for a fact that you haven't been captured, Lek, so I'll trust you not to shoot me outright.  Go ahead and test me, but do it quickly.  My other self is currently firing on the ship."


Clone Tekin Nevir
[USS Tyson - Captain's Yacht of the USS Discovery]

"Jalat, we have an incoming ship... its another Starfleet vessel.  We're running out of-"

The ship shuddered as it was being impacted, which confused the occupants of the yacht. Discovery's shot were relatively low powered, and at this distance they couldn't use a higher power if they wanted to.  Which meant...

"Dammit, the station's defenses are active.  I would have thought they would have more important things to worry about." Nevir growled, tapping the comms on the ship to reach Rayek... but the clone rang him first.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 29, 2024, 03:15:40 AM

rRayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck Six - Battle Bridge]

The replicant silently cussed the ineptitude of the informant that had provided the background details of Rayek's relationships after their escape from the Thinker station. That was twice that the lack of proper intel had revealed his true nature to Starfleet. No matter.  The information the Ferengi provided gave him an idea.

He cut the comm to Engineering, not wanting to risk the Ferengi figuring out what he was up to by the background noise.

Despite the engineer's warning, rRayek began doing exactly what the Ferengi said he wouldn't be able to do.  He would either trigger the explosion... hopefully taking out the Ferengi at the same time... or surprise the engineer with his hacking skills.

As he did this he called on Tekin's clone.

=/\= "tr'Lhoell to Tekin.  I'm going to try hacking Lek's Engineering lockout.  Either I'll succeed or the Discovery will be a useless hunk of metal to us.  The transporter inhibitor will fail if the latter happens... be ready to beam me to the yacht." =/\=

"Make it quick!  We have the station firing on us and another Starfleet vessel on its way in!  Did not expect to fight off both ships and stations in something only slightly bigger than a shuttlecraft."

Hey T'Laar, I am Captain Tekin Nevir, the Science Academy instructor.  You can find your ATC here.

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on May 17, 2024, 08:53:38 PM

[Bridge | USS Discovery]

Dem hesitated for a moment too long as the ship shook from the raining fire. "Shields Shields yep, ok." He started to rather clumsily input the required information into his console. "Firing back, disabling shots only" He offered, before remembering that they still had an intruder onboard. "Find the clone, he's still on the bridge." He commanded with a renewed confidence, still acting like he was in command. He was still slightly hesitant towards the captain.

Quote from: Lorut Vila on May 18, 2024, 11:38:33 PM

USS Discovery

Vila shook her head. SHe'd managed to dodge the efforts to disarm her, though she didn't know how long she'd be able to hold them off. "CAPTAIN. I MEAN NOW." She said. "Someone get the REAL Captain off the bridge!" She shouted over the noise. Where the hell was the Vulcan?! She could really use Grippen or Rayek right now; both men were taller and stronger than she, and both knew her..."leadership" style and would possibly back her up.

She fired off several more phaser shots, unfazed by the "fake" Rayek's still standing. Killing the Bridge would render it all useless anyway. With luck, it could even cause an override code to take over, shutting down the clones' movements. So far, that didn't seem to be happening.

Dem's voice came into her ear over the sounds of phaser fire and the clones closing in. Luckily, in a beam of light, she appeared on Beta Bridge. "For fuck's SAKE," she said, sighing deeply. "What the HELL is going on?" It was a rhetorical question. "Sir, I really think it's best if you go hide in Engineering with Commander Lek," she said. She might dislike the Ferengi, finding him rather full of himself, but he had the same sort of passion she did, even if he channeled it to different things.

"Yeah, I am working on it," she said, her head bent over the Ops console. Because she had killed the other one, the one on Beta bridge was fritzing but it had enough power still to get a life signs scan. Perfect. She headed back for the Main bridge, pausing only long enough to extract a second weapon from a nearby hull locker. She had run several internal schematics before this had all happened, and knew where they all were. In case.

She arrived back at the Bridge to chaos. Quietly, she slipped beneath the closest bank of consoles, taking out the legs of the two people seated there, and firing on them. If she could get a vantage point, she could phaser the sucker on her own. Of course, it would be better if she had a hand.

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Of course the clone of Reyak was on the bridge, and the Captain was knocked back with a shot when phaser shots went wild.  It wasn't fatal, just a shoulder shot.  Prophets, he got those in the holodeck often enough.  He did a quick check to make sure it wasn't too dangerous, and then pushed himself back up, grabbing his weapon again.

"You only get this one, Vila!" he shouted back, as he moved to the tubolift as he heard the telltale sound of a transporter.  rRayek was on his way to another location.  Probably somewhere on the ship since the shields were up.

The Captain made it into the turbolift, but it stopped as the lockout occurred.  Great... now they were in a tug of war with command codes.

"Computer, override lockout.  Main Engineering." he ordered, and the turbolift started back up again.  "You can't control my ship while I'm here, Rayek." he muttered, as his comm chirped.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 21, 2024, 02:29:54 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Station - Operations Center

When Malik suggested the division of labor, Rayek went along with it, even though by Chain of Command the one contacting the SC should be him.  What harm was there for the Second officer to do it.  Malik had been present at the briefing same as Rayek, so he knew the mission was classified and that support was not likely to be coming.

=/\="tr'Lhoell to Discovery..." =/\=  Rayek frowned when his call to the ship went unanswered (because the main Ops console was down and the Bridge crew and Away Team were dealing with issues of their own).

He turned his attention to Malik and his message just as the Risian hit send.  Rayek facepalmed. "Um. Grippen.... I believe the clones were to be considered classified material"

When the response came back ...announcing that another ship was enroute,  Rayek didn't know whether to be happy to have support or worried that the lot of them were about to face a demotion.  Guess they would find out in 2 hours.

Rayek tried again to reach the Bridge this time, via the Captain's commbadge.

=/\= "tr'Lhoell to Tekin." =/\=  Rayek could hear the comm connecting.

=/\= "Station Ops has been secured and the self-destruct halted."  =/\=
Rayek wished that was the end of it but no..

=/\= "I need to inform you that that Starfleet Command has been contacted and they have sent the USS Zheng He to lend support" =/\=

It was then that the Romulan noticed the Captain's Yacht was detached and flying strafing runs against the ship itself.

"Commander,  can the firechain buoys be manually operated to select a specific target?"  Rayek knew it was possible with Katra's defense system... but he had learned that the two systems were not synonymous.
rRayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery]

[Deck One]
Unknown to Vila, the officers she was firing on were her own crewmates.  Elena from Ops, and the Bolian flight officer, Bok Char.  No one seemed safe from the rampaging Bajoran.  The only ones she didn't seem to be firing on were those who had arrived with her. Everyone else was fair game.

[Deck 6]
rRayek materialized on the Battle Bridge and was not surprised to find himself facing down a pair of security officers, left behind to secure the location from the rogue Captain.  The pair of ensigns seemed uncertain as to his status, friend or foe, so the rRomulan took advantage of that fact.  "The Bridge is under attack.  See for yourself. Computer, display main Bridge security camera."  When the pair turned their attention towards the activated viewscreen, rRayek fired on the pair with a wide beam from his phaser.  They dropped.

"Computer, activate transporter inhibitors on all three Bridges and initiate a security lockout."  He authorized it using the authorization code that he'd read from his original's mind.  That should give him some breathing room, until the Captain figured out that it was in effect and overrode his First Officer's clearance.

The rRomulan moved to the Ops console and began an assessment of the ship.  Engines were locked out. That would be Lek.  And the Captain's Yacht seemed to be coming about for another strafing run.


rRayek tapped his comm badge. =/\= "tr'Lhoell to Lek.  I need you to release the engine lockout, the station is about to self-destruction, and we need to distance the ship from it." =/\=

"The first bit of good news I've heard today..." the Captain started, stepping out of the turbolift and into the hallway.  A shot nearly missed him, and for a moment he wondering if he would going to end up taking down his entire crew.  But no... these looked like station personnel.  Evidently there were more clones on the ship.  That made sense... they couldn't take over Discovery let alone the station if they didn't have numbers.  Who knows how long they had been working on their plan.

The Captain held a grimace as he fired back and Rayek told him of the update.  "The Zheng He is a guardian ship... they could be either Intelligence or our back-up from Starfleet Command.  Either way, not great.  Keep information to a minimum.  If its one of our we'll be implicating them.  If they aren't, then we're going to be in deep soon.  See if you can use the station defenses to disable my yacht."

Soon, the Captain arrived in engineering, only for him to come under fire.  He dove, the lab scrub-clad Captain firing at station personnel clones on his ship.

"Dammit... I don't supposed I can get some help down here?" he called out to anyone who could hear him.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 09, 2024, 04:38:38 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Station - Transporter Room]

Rayek was somewhat surprised by Tekin's strong reaction and the Bajoran's willingness to let the station be destroyed - with all hands aboard.  He would have thought that the former science officer would have more understanding for the morally grey areas of some sciences and those who are ordered to do such studies.

"You won't need to look for an new First Officer.  I have no intention of dying here, sir.  Tess would kill me." he added with a slight amused smile.

Rayek then looked to Malik and was reminded that he'd suggested the Risan be in charge. "What are your orders, Mr. Grippen?  Do I stay and attempt to shutdown the self-destruct or do I go with the Away Team back to the ship, leaving hundreds to die without even an attempt to stop it?"

The question was unfair; biased even - but that was sort of situation command officers dealt with a lot of the time.  Rayek knew what his choice would be.  Question was:  what was Malik's decision?

While Rayek waited on Malik's response, the Romulan noted Lorut working diligently on the transporters.  He moved to look over her shoulder and was surprised by what the readings on the board showed.  While the ship was out of range, a 'bridge' of sorts seemed to have been made using the Captain's yacht and tractor beams between it and the station and it and the USS Discovery.

"Lorut, are you seeing the bridge?  Piggyback the transporter beam along the tractor beam." The Romulan advised, even though that was likely what the Bajoran Ops officer was already doing. She knew her job well.

Quote from: Lorut Vila on May 09, 2024, 11:14:38 PM

Unnamed station
Real Vila

"If I can blow up the lab, it'll buy us time, and probably also draw out at least one or two more clones-yours, hopefully," she responded, keeping her tone even. "I can figure something out--it'd be easiest to just set my phaser on the chemicals in here," she said. Guerrilla warfare was something she knew, and while she wasn't as eager as she'd once been, it WAS her strong suit, and a place where she could be useful currently.

They finally made their way to the Transport room, the sabotage forgotten. Apparently, it was set to self-destruct anyway. Damn the luck. She'd just have to blow things up in the holodecks, she guessed.

A "bridge" of sorts to the Disco had been made, and Vila got to work even before the Romulan spoke.

"Already on it, sir," she said, head bent over a console, typing furiously. "Captain...are you sure you don't want to try...I don't know, something a bit...not me?!" She asked the other Bajoran. While Lorut was often of the mind that evil people deserved the worst, she also did understand that clones weren't sentient, per se, and some of them likely weren't totally willing participants, much like the Comfort women on her own planet. After a moment or so, she raised her head, hazel eyes firing.

"SIR? I got the transporter up," she said. "I don't know how long Clone Captain will allow it so haul ass," she said. She made her way to the light beams.

Quote from: Malik Grippen on May 10, 2024, 08:45:15 AM


To Malik the decision was clear. "Starfleet would expect us to try. We must attempt to shut down the self destruct no matter the cost to us. We also need to update Starfleet Command asap on the situation here and request immediate reinforcements should Discovery escape with the clones onboard. I will stay with you to attempt to disable the countdown, everyone else get back to the ship and regain control by whatever means necessary. Good luck everyone.

[Station Transporters - Real Captain Nevir]

"The one time I am on your side in wanting to blow things up, you ask for a not-you solution?" Nevir said with a smirk towards Lorut as she worked.

"Doing anything to the lab will waste precious time, and may jeopardize attempts to stop the self-destruct or at least get people off the station.  Don't worry about my clone.  If he even notices what is happening he won't have time to process it.  By the time they break the connection, we'll already be on Discovery.  What I would be concerned with is where the clones transport.  Prepare for a fight." he stated, turning towards Rayek and Malik, and glancing at Vadok.

"I will try to get a transporter lock on you guys once we get Discovery back.  I will pull you out if you run out of time." he stated sternly, before turning towards the others and stepping on the pad.

"Listen up!  Discovery will be locked out to anyone below the rank of Captain. No one will be able to do anything until I lift the lockdown.  We don't really have a means of giving a heads-up to Discovery, nor any guarantee that they would believe its really us.  Be ready to fight your own crewmates, especially if you end up seeing yourself on the bridge. It will be easy to see which one of me is the real me; I'm the one out of uniform.  If my clone shows up, knock his ass out.  Keep weapons on stun; we're Starfleet.  Alright, energize." he stated, as his world of view shimmered.


[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

The Captain shimmered as he appeared on the ship, and mentally cursed the seconds it took to do so.  Someday they needed a millisecond type of transporter.  He ended up near a console in the front, facing the back, and was surprised when he saw Vadok by his chair.  Wait didn't he...?

The Captain dodged phaser shots as he dove behind the helm console, unsure if it was his own crew or the clones firing at him.  There were plenty of people in the away team, he didn't need to participate.

"Computer, recognize. Tekin, Nevir.  Captain, USS Discovery"

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on May 13, 2024, 02:50:32 AM

[Bridge | USS Discovery]

Being shot at is a hard thing to comprehend for anyone. It all happens so fast. The moment Dem's brain processed the muzzle flash from the commander's weapon, it had impacted and exploded the panel in front of him. Diving back well after the sparks had subsided, he covered his face from the heat of a direct blast. It took him a few moments to recover, but when he did he was met with an unusual sight. The commander and the entire team. This was even a little too overwhelming for Dem. "Everyone who has just arrived hands up. Hands up." He shouted, motioning to the existing crew to disarm them, while he scanned the room for the known hostile.

Nevir put down the rifle as he stood up and raised his eyes.  He stared at Dem, and calmly spoke.

"Computer, release Pegasus lockout, authorization Tekin two pi alpha gamma."

With an acknowledgment chime, the screens lit up with their normal functions, and the crew was given access. Crew quarters were unlocked, and Main Engineering had full controls restored.

"Dem.  Raise the shields." he said, not moving.  He kept his eyes on him.  "Trust me, raise the shields before-"

The Bridge shook as weapons fire hit it.  The Captain's Yacht had fired on Discovery.


[Captain's Yatch - Clone Tekin]

"Oh... so we are going to play, are we, Lek?  I should have taken you out when I had the chance..." Nevir growled as the ship's thrusters stopped and the reverse thrusters activated.  So Lek knew what he was doing.  Luckily for him (and the real away team it turned out), the ship was already comfortably in the range for the transporters.  To slow the ship's pull away from the station, both Nevir and Hrafn worked to strengthen the tractor beams, and even pulled a buoy or two to help with bridging power.

"Jalat... there is a second transporter beam."

"What?" he asked, looking over at Hrafn's monitor.  Sure enough, the power band readout for the transporter power was larger... much larger than just two individuals.

"Captain, you clever bastard.  We can't disrupt it without threatening our own Rayek."

"Yeah, let's not kill him to get your clone... we've been around longer than you.  Also the hull stress is increasing, we may want to deal with that first."

Nevir growled and jumped back into his seat, strengthening the integrity field until Hrafn announced that the transporter was complete.  "Alright, cut power to the beams and divert to weapons.  We can still disrupt them long enough to take over." he stated, as he activated the phasers and torpedoes.

"Lockout has been released.... Nevir, your original is there."

"Good... he's proving too dangerous to be kept alive.  Rayek was right.  Targetting the bridge, let's do a strafing run." he stated, as he fired on his own ship.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 04, 2024, 03:17:57 AM

rRayek tr'Lhoell
[Station - Operations Center] [Present]

The rRomulan waited.. but there seemed to be no response from the ship and it remained unmoving out of range of the transporters.
"Dammit Tekin, I need that ship in range," he muttered.

The replicant quickly considered his options. He looked to the Vulcan-clone.

"Help me rewrite some code.... and upload it to the defense buoys.  We're going to use them to boost the transporter signal to get us onto that ship."  The timing of this was going to be tight.

[Unknown location - USS Discovery]

The Bajoran slammed his hand on the panel, disrupting the semi-3d controls.  "Dammit Lek!" he growled, looking over the systems.  Weapons were online.  Propulsion was online.  Thats what the sensors said.  When the weapons were cold, and the engines were on standby, ignoring his own commands.  Lek apparently did not trust the Captain, no surprise.  But he needed to move the ship, now.  He heard the doors open, and Hrafn walked in.

"Good, our little Ferengi is trying to fool us.  We need to get the ship moving. Rayek already got the self-destruct started.  And I think there is enough confusion that they don't even want to try to rescue their crew on the station."

"On it." she stated, as the two of them ripped out panels and started rewiring and moving chips.  The two bounced ideas off each other as they tried to bypass different locks, and then an idea formed.

The first one was minor, and maneuvering thrusters were restored.  Activating them, the ship slowly... very slowly, started to move.  The sentry buoys that had been a threat to the station were dormant, and not responsive.  Then, they access the shuttle bay controls, and cleared the bay before decompressing it.  That gave the ship a boost in speed, and was bringing them closer to the station.  Now even if the thrusters were taken offline, the ship's momentum would carry.

Finally, the range of the tractor beam was increased, and Nevir and Hrafn took their seats in the cockpit of where they were hiding... the Captain's Yacht.  It disconnected and moved ahead of the ship, and then sent its own tractor beam out to impact the station.  The station was obviously much bigger and wouldn't move, but then the tractor beam from Discovery was activated from the Yacht, tracking onto the ship.  The bridge created, the Yacht was pulled towards the station, while Discovery was being pulled by its control on the Yacht.  Breaking a sigh of relief, he activated his comms to the clone Rayek.

=/\= "Discovery is moving.  Lek tried to trick us by faking systems online, so we had to find a more... creative solution.  I do not know how long we have, but we are preparing to take care of the rest of the crew.  Get to the Bridge and I'll release the lockout.  Discovery should know where Hrafn and I are by now." =/\=


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 06, 2024, 04:36:39 AM

rRayek tr'Lhoell
[Station - Operations Center]

The rRomulan was glad the call was audio only, his scowl at the officer's apology and all too convenient explanation might have given him away.  It was only when he heard the slight telltale thickening of the man's voice near the end did he realize the man was crying.  Maybe it wasn't a ploy? Ah but then came the question.

rRayek recognized the actor's name.  His original had been introduced to the 20th century actor by Saqa7 and her love of old action movies.  Tom Cruise, however, to his recollection had a long acting career spanning over 5 decades - naming one movie among over 30 would be next to impossible.

It was clear the question was intended to verify his identity.  He turned to the Vulcan-clone with a questioning look to see if the science officer's clone might have the memory of what film was being talked of.

While rRayek didn't have a clue what film the two might have decided on to watch, he did know his original's preferences - a mix of action and romance.

=/\= "My preference is still for either Legend, or Far and Away." =/\= Legend was a bit of cult-classic and played on the mythological theme.  Where as Far and Away was more a Western.

It was only after answering this, that rRayek realized that there was one other possible answer.  Ignoring preference - if this film name was a code word between the two... his original would have definitely used the name of the movie most appropriate to their situation.

=/\= "But I believe we settled on Oblivion." =/\= he added while still working diligently on writing code to extend the distance of the transporters.  There was no way he was going to die on this miserable station!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Station -  Cloning lab  >>  Vent  >> Transporter Room]

She and M'Nia moved, and together, they were able to get enough power for Vila to run the replicators, issuing five flight-suit uniforms. Once she and M'Nia were dressed, she killed the power to the remaining pods, and the rest of the labs. A quick round of phaser fire ensured that it would STAY off-the clones here would have difficulty rerouting power until the wires were fully fixed, buying them time.

"I've sabotaged the wiring," she said. She passed out the replicated uniforms.

Too many things happened far too fast for Rayek to have had time to change into the flight-suit that the Caitian had managed to replicate for him.  Escaping the self-destructing station seemed far more important - at least to the Romulan.

Since it seemed the others were about to leave the unconscious Malik-clone behind to die, Rayek handsigned to the two Lachlyn's to bring the unconscious body to the vent.

When Lorut flat-out refused to get into the air vent, Rayek was tempted to risk inhaling the anesthezine make it a direct order except doing that was just as likely to blow up in his face with another refusal, than actually help.  With Lorut, Rayek realized that direct force often had the opposite reaction.  He was about to suggest, ironically, that she remain behind then to sabotage lab of the self-destructing station when he was saved from uttering such a ridiculous order, by her sighing and climbing up into the area vent.

Eventually it was just himself and the Captain left to enter the vent.  Rather than waste precious time silently arguing who would be last to leave - both feeling it was their role to do so - Rayek jumped up, caught the edge of the opening and pulled himself up and into the vent.  He then turned and held out a hand back towards the Captain to help him up.

When he thought he was far enough from the anesthezine gas, Rayek risked taking his first breath of air.
The countdown to self-destruct was a mostly silent one.  There was just the occasional reminder from the station's computer that "all personnel were to evacuate."  Occasionally, as they traveled the air vents they could hear calls for help echoing through the vents.  It seemed that station personnel were trapped and unable to evacuate.  Rayek had his suspicions that such calls could be a ploy by some of the Thinker clones to delay their escape, but he still knew that not helping would haunt him afterwards.

Unaware that Lorut had spent precious time intended for escape, replicating comm badges as well as clothing, Rayek thought his ear comm was the only communication device the away team had.  As such, during their crawl, he attempted to contact the ship.  A call to the Bridge would be likely monitored.  But the personal communications of a lowly Ensign might be less so

=/\= "tr'Lhoell to Hansen.  I've found the original away team and we're... safe for the moment. Captain included." =/\=

He knew he had to be cautious in what he said because it was possible that his replicant was still listening in on all calls.  =/\= "Escaping on our own prior to the self-destruct might not be possible.  Please tell me Ramort managed to find the right frequency to scan through the station shields. The entire station staff may need an emergency beam out, if he did.  Get back to me on that." =/\=

In the tight crawlway, Rayek looked back towards Tekin. "Captain, it may still be possible to abort the self-destruct.  I feel I have an obligation to try."  Because this was his clone's doing, he felt responsible and he was seeking permission to leave the Away Team to attempt to stop the countdown.

[Clone Lab-en route - Station]

It was starting to become an easy way to tell if he was in a true Starfleet sickbay or not.  He woke up without already wearing some sort of medical clothing; and he was starting to despise that.  Getting something put on wasn't an issue, even if it wasn't his uniform.  That could be replicated later.  Or taken back from his clone.

He was so close to yelling at Lorut's refusal, but at this point, it would have been more dangerous, and luckily, she ended up complying.  He had the same thoughts of who should end up going through last, but Rayek took the high road and went in first, Nevir thankfully taking his hand and helping himself up.  Once they were far enough away, you could hear the sudden gasp of air from the away team.

"The easy answer is Regula, but at this point those types of stations have been built and rebuilt almost none of them are built like any others.  Plus SI having their own equipment makes it even more difficult.  That said, they should all have similar controls.  Relays, Ops, Infirmary, Engineering access, transporters and shuttles.  What are you thinking?" he asked in response to Lorut's question.

He however, sighed, when Rayek made his suggestion.  "Normally I am all for that... but I've been jerked around a bit too much by Starfleet Intelligence.  I'm half temped to blow this place up myself, which is how I know my clone is more than willing to do it at any time.  The only reason we are probably still alive is that your own counterpart is likely here on the station still.  I'm also holding out hope that Lek's normally pessimistic and distrustful nature will prevent me from being able to access weapons and transporters.  The lockout is useless if no one is able to activate the ship's systems.  Unless they reroute power from a bridged connection to the holodeck system and put it through the holo-systems and life support so that interfering with those relays would put the entire ship at risk, then they can use the deflector to... I better stop thinking.  If I can figure out this fast, so can he... and he probably has." the Captain said with a sigh, as they entered into a transporter room from the looks of things.

"See if you can extend the range... unless Discovery gets closer we won't be able to beam off." he ordered, turning towards Rayek.

"The right thing to do is try to stop the self destruct, and I have a feeling that its going to be one of us. I'd probably argue that it should be me, but I'm the only one that can access Discovery's systems right now.  If you try, it is very nearly a death sentence.  There are a number of things that can go wrong, and you're going to be relying on my ability to restore systems before the countdown is over.  I'm not ready to lose a First Officer because an echo from the past came back."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 24, 2024, 04:13:04 AM

rRayek tr'Lhoell
[Station - Operations Center]

At last, he had the frequency they needed!  He started on the transporter and self-destruct preparations.

The Tekin-clone's bid for leniency was a disappointment.

=/\= "Tekin," =/\=  rRayek purposefully left out the Bajoran clone's rank, to highlight that in this, HE was the one in charge.  =/\= "Did you think that Starfleet upon hearing that we escaped with one of their vessels would just leave us to go on our merry way?  No.  The only way this works is if no one knows we aren't the originals. Which means getting rid of any and all those that know - here, and on the ship." =/\=

[USS Discovery - Unknown Location]
["Captain Tekin Nevir"]

The Bajoran sighed.  "Its a shame... this captain cares for his crew, cares for Starfleet, but has serious mistrust and almost disgust for our captors. It's so close to how we were programmed that I got confused.  I almost feel like we would have been able to get this crew on our side, or at least their captain.  Hmm... looks like the senior staff is on the move.  Going for one of the bridges.  Transport when you can, I have functions on standby to begin clearing out the ship. I instructed their Engineer to power up propulsion and weapons.  The question though is whether he will ultimately side with us, or with the Bridge crew.  I hope I sewed enough distrust among the crew.  But we're definitely running out of time.  Are we planning on getting any more of the crew cloned?"

Quote from: Lilly Hansen on April 26, 2024, 01:38:20 PM

[Ensign Lilly Hansen - Sec/Tac Officer  - Gamma Bridge - USS Discovery]

After a long wait, she finally arrived at her destination. As she entered the room, she became aware of the potential danger that surrounded her and quickly stationed officers at each door to ensure her safety. Once the area was secured, she contacted the people she needed to carry out her mission.

Over the communication device, she said,  =/\= "Hansen to Dr. We are in Gamma Bridge, standing by for sensor readings. We will begin the search for the Clone Captain." =/\=

As she stood there waiting for the scanners to power up, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. The Tri orders had only done so much, and she knew that the success of her mission relied heavily on the information that the scanners would provide.

"Miss Hansen, I see where you are.  But before you continue to blindly follow orders, let me ask you something.  You've read Starfleet regulations.  The CMO can relieve the Captain or First officer, but where does it say that he can assume command of the ship?  The chain of command puts Mr. Broadshire as the next commanding officer, so why is the Doctor trying to take control of the ship?  Who's to say there aren't more clones trying to control the ship?" he said over the comms, while playing with the sensor controls.  He gave a small smile as he released the lock on the internal sensors.

Now there were dozens of signatures all over the ship with the same bio-signs as the Bajoran. And duplicates of many of the senior officers.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 25, 2024, 05:55:35 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Station -  Cloning lab-  outside the holding cells]

Rayek looked over to the recently woken Alvarez, unsurprised by the man's logical statement.    "Agreed; we need to coordinate.  Ensign Hansen called me earlier on my ear comm informing me that the Captain was 'acting strangely' before I could get details Lieutenant Broadshire cut her call short and seemed to be suspicious of contact by the away team.  Earlier was monitoring all comms when I was last at Ops but had to give up that position to my double.  As things are now, I wouldn't trust any unsecure calls, as my replicant could likely trace the signal to our location."

Then it struck him.  The clone-Malik had been transported in to the holding cell area to attack...  so their location was already compromised!  He glanced about until he spotted the security camera.  Fvadt!  "Lorut, Lachlyn... fry that security camera!"  pointing it out to the only two who had weapons on them at the moment.

He then looked to the others. "As odd as this will sound,  neither I nor the Captain can be the ones to make the decisions now.  Our clones knows how we think and what our priorities will be and they'll likely put obstacles in our path to stop us."  Rayek looked to Malik.  "I need you to take over lead of the away team."

[Station - Cloning Labs]
[Captain Tekin Nevir]

He looked at Rayek in alarm, and exhaled.  "Prophets.  That's why Hrafn was on the station.  I read the file.  They said they had a higher purpose? Which means you were brought here to keep you out of the way of your clone.  Which means I'm probably already back aboard Discovery.  This isn't good... if my clone has my personality and memories, we need to get out of here.  The only thing that holds me from destroying this station is my duty.  My clone won't have those kinds of restrictions." he said, suddenly getting himself up.

He looked at the spot where one clone stood, and the other clone that was taken care of, before looking up at the camera they then shot.

"This is probably not a good time to inform you, Commander, than there is a protocol known only to the Captains of each starship.  The Pegasus protocol.  And for a ship with as much automation as Discovery, I can very easily compromise it and bring it under my own control.  Mr. Grippen, assume that the ship is not only lost, but a very real threat.  I'm not even sure there is a way for me to cancel the protocol unless that clone is taken out."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 19, 2024, 03:49:56 AM

rRayek tr'Lhoell
[Station - Operations Center]

rRayek was watching the clone Lieutenant Commander fire on the unactivated Bajoran, and waiting on the Vulcan's reply, when the Captain's call came in.  This time he didn't attempt to speak quietly.

=/\= "Just finished locking down the station personnel.  Had to send your other Lt Commander to deal with one of the unactivated clones, and my original. They'd gone and woke up the originals that Hrafn had secured in the lab holding cells.  We're going to have to destroy the entire station to keep the situation under wraps. But first, I need the ship's shield frequencies so that I can beam myself and the other activated clones to the Discovery.  From there we can help you gain control." =/\=

[UUS Discovery - Unknown Location?]

For the first time, Nevir grimaced.  This was supposed to be quick and painless.  Prophets he already told them that he wasn't going to hurt anyone.  Except for some, but they deserved it.  Even if he didn't personally experience the tortures and tests, he was programmed with that knowledge and what they did.

=/\= "Transmitting frequency now.  Discovery is locked out so there shouldn't be interference.  I have their Engineer in Engineering securing that section, and I think there is enough confusion to keep the senior officers occupied.  This ship has a lot of interesting perks.

He sighed though... he knew the station would have to be destroyed, but he didn't think they were going to kill the originals. =/\= "Rayek, killing the Starfleet officers wasn't part of the plan. The Intelligence torturers yes, and their precious station, but I thought we weren't trying to make an enemy of Starfleet." =/\=

Regardless of the answer, they still needed to get ready to finish off that prison.

=/\= "Tekin to Lek.  The situation on the station is deteriorating.  Intelligence can hang me later... I think its time we blew that husk into dust.  See if you can restore power to the weapon systems, I think I have the virus purged.  I'm going to get propulsion back online so we can try to get our people before we destroy it." =/\=


[Station - Cloning Lab]

The Captain's eyes slowly opened, and then fluttered as he regained consciousness.  His body still felt numb, but the familiar pins of needles told him that he was slowly regaining feeling.  He turned his head towards the source of noise, and was surprised to see... his first officer?  If he was here, who was in control of the ship?


Quote from: Lek on April 17, 2024, 03:19:24 PM

[Main Engineering - USS Discovery]

Lek blinked, shook his head, blinked again, before finally being able to reply.

=/\= "Did you say clones Sir? No matter, Engineering is well defended. No one is getting in here and having a ship capable of moving. Is there a plan to regain control?" =/\=

[USS Discovery - Unknown location]

Tekin considered for a moment, and glanced back at the security feeds.  "Yes, I did.  And I'm sure you are as tired of this dark side of Starfleet as I am about it.  Right now we need to keep ship systems secured.  And maybe destroy that Prophet-forsaken place.  In fact, I think we will.  I know you've been dying to shoot down what we encountered.  Get me a plan to break through the defenses so we can turn that so-called Federation outpost into atomized particles.  Starfleet Intelligence can kiss my nacelles."

Quote from: Lek on April 15, 2024, 12:08:09 PM

[Main Engineering - USS Discovery]

A spray of phaser fire drove off the woman that claimed to be the Captain's wife. Yes, Lek kind of met her at Katra, but, at the time, Discovery was undergoing a major refit that he had to supervise and he simply wasn't sure. Either way, something was clearly drastically wrong on the ship...again.

"Computer, erect a level ten force field around all Engineering spaces. Authorization. Lek Gamma Four Two Epsilon."


Lek then tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Engineering to Captain Tekin, what is going on?" =/\=

[USS Discovery - Unknown section]

Tekin was monitoring the crew from the cameras, and looked with amusement as Beta Bridge was released.  He changed to the Gamma Bridge view and released the lock on the door, watching that security team walk in before trapping them. They were headed towards Engineering.  Of course they were.  Thats when Lek contacted him.

=/\= "Lek!  We have infiltrators staging a mutiny on the ship.  I can't tell how many of the bridge crew has been taken, but they are on their way to take over Engineering now.  I've initiated an anti-mutiny lockout.  You should still have access to Engineering controls, but only just.  The station... the station was doing cloning experiments.  Flash clones it looks like.  Thats why there was fighting on the station, it wasn't officers against officers, it was officers against their clones." =/\=

Closing the comm, the man then brought up communications, and sent a secure channel to the station ops.

=/\= "Tekin to Ops.  What's your status?  Discovery is now fully aware of our plans." =/\=

Quote from: Lilly Hansen on April 10, 2024, 08:09:33 AM

NOTE For Tactical Entrys:
- Is a term used to describe the execution of precisely planned building entry for a specific purpose usually to perform an arrest or search.
- Is most often used in high-risk situations when the likelihood of resistance appears great, increasing the danger to officers and the public
Goals of Tactical Entry:
complete law enforcement(And/or StarFleet) mission
performing arrest, search, seizure, etc.
maintain safety of all involved
-prioritizing officers and bystanders(No Bystanders)
-avoiding harm to suspects when possible(Not On Hansen List of Don't)
-minimize property damage (Should be Easy todo)
-using least amount of force necessary(Sadly, Hansen don't really Care about this one.)

-Has officers move in a straight line diagonally through the entry, with officers coming from opposite sides

[Ensign Lilly Hansen - Beta Bridge - USS Discovery]

Hansen had 6 Other Security officers with her. They were heading for Beta Bridge. She wanted to secure all the bridges, Main Bridge was good, This was the last to be secured. She did a quick scan after arriving at the door. Locked and guess how as in there.

"Alright, Listen up, The Non-Cap is in there, And We have been through Tactical entrys when at the academy right?" She asked the Sec/Tac officers, Who all nodded.

"Good, We will be doing a criss-cross entry, And We will circle around the outer edge of the bridge. Non-Cap will most likey be sitting in the Middle, In the Command Chair, The First and Last Chair Center seat he will ever sit in. Understood?" They all nodded. They then all got into position around the door. Hansen at spot number 1, JT at Numder 2, and Hansen had 4 on her side, the other had 3. Hansen then placed a small exsplvie on the doors key padd. Then they all back up a few feet when hansen made the call. It made a small boom then the doors opened.

"Breach!" They then quickly moved into the room. Hansen in first, Then JT, then the second in line behind hansen then the one after JT and it kept going till they were all in the beta bridge. They then quickly circle around the middle chair.

"Captain Tekin, Hands Now! Don't Make me Stun your Ass and Drag it out of that Chair" Hansen ordered. She was ready to drop him if needed.

[Other Sec/Tac Officers - Gamma Bridge - USS Discovery]

Thier Cheif at the moment, Ensign Hansen had ordered all Bridges be secured, She was at the moment on Beta cpautreing the Cap. There were 4 Stationed here at Gamma. 2 had rifles, and two only had pistols. Not Hansens orders, but His. Orders he would soon regret.

[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Beta Battle Bridge]

The "Captain" was indeed in the center chair, and he looked like he could care less about the security team and the phasers pointed at him. He calmly sat in the chair with a PADD in his hand.

"Temper, temper." he chided, looking down at the PADD record.  "Ensign Lilly Hansen, a top student at the Academy, primary specialization in... Medical?  My young dear, what on earth are you doing wearing red and holding a phaser... you might hurt somebody." he teased, shaking his head.

"You're still pretty green, but officers that can straddle two departments will certainly help.  I'm going to have to put you pretty high on the list.  You're exactly what the Thinkers need."

He stood up, regardless of who would have shot first.  The truth was then revealed; the Clone was not actually there.  It was a hologram. The Prometheus class was one of the first ships to be equipped with holoemitters all over the ship to allow their holoprograms like the EMH access to all parts of the ship.  And with the Pegasus protocol, the 'Captain' and only those he allowed had access to any of the ship's systems, including the holo emitters.

"It might be hard for you to understand, Miss Hansen, but I'm not doing this out of malice.  In fact I'm not even going to try to convince you that killing me would kill your captain, since I doubt you would believe that either. But know that my loyalties are for something much, much higher.  I'm doing this to protect you.  We just need a ship.  And what better ship to face a galactic threat than a Prometheus class?  The fact that Hrafn's husband... or rather, me, is the Captain of one such ship is a happy coincidence. As long as you don't threaten my or the other's lives, we won't harm you.  Starfleet Intelligence on the other hand... they deserve what they get."

The 'Captain' shook his head.  "Oh Prophets, I'm rambling.  But it made its purpose.  Its interesting how the priority for security is so obvious and ingrained that I knew you would have a team here, and probably trying to get to Hrafn on the Gamma hull.  But what use are the bridge consoles when the Captain's locked them out to anyone of lower rank?  Having people on the bridge is no longer a threat."

As if on cue, the recently breached door reengaged and slammed closed, and the exits to the bridge had the familiar tone of a forcefield activating.

"I promise you, Miss Hansen, that you will not be harmed.  I know your loyalty lies with Starfleet, so we would never try to convince you otherwise.  We just need a simple medical scan.  Get comfortable; we'll be by after this is all over." he said, as he shimmered and vanished.  The program deactivated.

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