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Messages - Dausru Talil

Quote from: Kintiss on January 05, 2017, 01:25:48 PM

Snakey's back, folks!

Tag to medical peeps.

Welcome back!  I'm on the Discovery and currently in the Mess Hall.
News Archive 2017 / Re: Happy Birthday - Rosiuh Aviad!
January 05, 2017, 03:20:09 PM

 Happy birthday!

Old Topics / Personal Log - Dausru Talil
January 05, 2017, 03:17:33 AM

"I never know what to write. Personal log. What does one write in their Personal log?"

Leaning back, Dausru laced her fingers behind her head.

"Indeed, what do I write?"

News Archive 2017 / Re: New Character - Dausru Talil
January 05, 2017, 01:16:18 AM

Thank you all for the warm welcomes!


[Discovery - Mess Hall]

Her shift in Sickbay had ended about fifteen minutes ago and Dausru, she was hungry.

Stopping by her quarters first, then a quick shower and change of uniform later she was on her way once again to the Mess Hall.

First thing the Trill-Human noticed upon reaching her destination was that the room was pretty much empty with the exception of a few others.

Walking over to the replicator, Dausru stood akimbo then thought for a moment.

"Tomato so I promise hot, grilled cheese and a lettuce salad with tomatoes, onions, pepper jack cheese, cucumbers and bacon bits."

Having placed her order, the  hungry medical Crewman waited, all be it a little impatiently.  She was hungry.

A few more moments and with her tray in hand, Daursu found herself a table and sat down.

News Archive 2017 / Re: Returning Player - Kyle Briggs
January 02, 2017, 03:30:43 AM
Quote from: Kirok on January 02, 2017, 03:02:29 AM


I'm very happy to announce that Kyle Briggs has returned to SF!

Initially, Kyle will be posted on the Columbus.

He will be the Strategic Operations Officer & Chief of Engineering there!

Please help me to welcome him home,


Welcome back! Oh and it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Dausru Talil,  Medical Crewman on the Discovery.

Tag Kintiss

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on December 27, 2016, 09:29:29 PM


The Bajoran gave a nod, understanding what she was talking about.  Unless you went into the officer track immediately, they did tend to give the bare minimums.  You were expected to learn as you go at some points.

"Not to worry, we have some fine medical officers and a relatively full library.  Plenty of study.  Report to the Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Kintiss.  They can brief you down there was our mission is currently.  To be frank, we are working slightly off of Starfleet right now.  Dismissed." he said, returning to his chair.

"Jyur, that is a good idea, but if we cant get a lock from our emitters, the shuttle stands no chance.  See if you can find any other ways, be creative.  But for now, the priority will remain on the pilot."  he said, now waiting to hear from his security officer about the shuttle.


Dausru gave a slight nod as the First Officer spoke. She agreed with him, Star Fleet tended to give only the bare minimum in some instances and would go overboard in others. But as he had said, there would be plenty of opportunities for her to learn.

There was something else that she had noticed. He had said that they were currently working slightly off Starfleet at the moment. This slightly worried her, but not too much. Things seemed to be well in hand and running very much as they should be.

"Aye Sir." Dausru replied as she gave a slight nod of her head to the First Officer. Turning about, she then made her way back to the turbolift.


"Sickbay" She called out as the lift doors closed behind her. Turning so she faced the lift doors, it wasn't long before  Dausru was lost in thought. She wondered what the Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Kintiss, was going to be like.


The ride to Sickbay hadn't been a long one, at least that's the way it seemed to her. With hands clasped behind her, the young Trill-Human walked quietly but observantly down the corridor to Sickbay then through the doors into the main area. Taking a look around and seeing no one, Dausru called out.  "Hello? Lieutenant Kintiss?"


Tag to Nevir

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on December 27, 2016, 06:41:39 PM


Nevir was just waiting to hear from the shuttle crew... but it was just a waiting game at this point.  A welcome distraction point came in with a young woman walking onto the bridge in blue.  Wasn't a science officer, but he could guess who she was as she introduced herself.

"You must be the new medical crewman.  Welcome aboard." he said, standing up to shake her hand.  "I'm Commander Tekin Nevir, First Officer.  How much medical training have you gotten, Crewman?"

The Commander glanced at the security officer, he nodded towards him.  "Lieutenant, can you give me a status on the shuttle?"


'Yes Sir, I am."  Dausru said as she reached out to give a slight but firm shake of his hand. Then clasping her hands in front of her, she continued .
"As much training Star Fleet seem fit to give me at the Academy, Sir."

She hoped the First Officer hadn't took offense at the manner in which she spoke his hand.  It was nothing personal toward him or anyone else. Physical contact, no matter how slight was something Dausru was having a hard time getting used to. Growing up, she had little physical contact with her parents or anyone else. Mostly she spent her days alone.

Old Topics / Re: Traveling for the Holidays?
December 27, 2016, 03:47:23 AM

I'll be out of town on New Years Eve and New Years Day.


Tag to Nevir

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on December 23, 2016, 04:45:28 PM

(Sorry for the delay, I'm gonna push this along a little bit.. just go with it!  ;) )


Nevir nodded at his science officer, with a smile.  "Already done, Kinley... set coordinates for the probe."  He then tapped his bade to respond to Jyur.

=/\="Bridge to Torpedo Bay, we've set the coordinates up here.  Get back to the bridge." =/\=

He turned towards his tactical officer.  "Fire."

The probe launched with a bright flash in the right direction, sailing off into the Badlands.  With the swirl of the plasma storms, it quickly went out of site, but with the calculations, it should have reached the zone in a few minutes.  It only took those minutes before the ops station chimed.

"Sir, we are getting a signal, its weak, though."

"On screen."

The view screen changed in image, but it was clear immediately from the snow around the edges that the area was having a big effect on the probe's transmission.  There was a ship, a single ship, and it wasn't phasing; static danced over the edge and the ship was completely dark.  It was clear why the lifesign was fading, and it wasn't anything to do with time travel.

"Can we get the tractor beam?"  he asked, watching the ship.

"Negative, sir.  Too much interference with any of the emitters on the probe."

Nevir sighed.  Kichina and Jyur should have arrived on the bridge by then.

"Jyur, take the science station.  Filitov, Dixon, Garrison, prep a shuttle.  You have the coordinates.  Get to that ship and find whoever is on it.  Get someone from sickbay with you.  We can pick up the ship later, right now the priority is the pilot.  Go." he said, watching the screen.

"Let's find out what we are dealing with here."


Stood akimbo in the center of the lift, Dausru drew in a slow breath. "Now isn't the time to be nervous." She said letting the fore mentioned breath slowly out as the lift doors opened.


Stepping out of the lift,  Dausru then turned slightly as the lift doors slid closed behind her.

Taking a brief look around, she observed a young officer with the rank of Commander. He appeared to be the Senior most officer.

Walking over to him, the Trill-Human stopped a few paces away. Then after giving a quick tug on the hem of her tunic stood at attention.

"Commander,  Sir, Crewman Talil reporting as ordered."

Quote from: Kirok on December 25, 2016, 02:59:47 PM


A very good application.

I can put you in the Medical Dept on the Discovery.

Please let me know if that will work for you.



PS - Please let me know if you would like to take our Enlisted Training Class.  It will help you to acclimate to our posting style and what not ;-)

Admiral Kirok,

Thank you Sir. The Medical Department on the Discovery would be great. I am looking forward to posting with everyone.

I am interested in taking the Enlisted Training Course.

Thank you again Sir.



Character Details

Character Name: Dausru Talil
Character Image:

Character Species:
Half Trill, Half Human
Character Family:
Jervom Talil (Trill)
Amanda Bastielle  (Human)
Character Bio:
Born near the city of B'tar on the planet of Trillus Prime, Dausru from a young age  would traverse miles to spend many a day sat deep in thought on the shore of the Lormah Sea. Unlike other Trills, she would grow to be the one who would be silently observing everything and everyone around her.

At times there were some who mistook her silence as indecisiveness. Which was as far from the truth as one could get. She merely was waiting for the right time to voice her opinion, to voice her thoughts. Also from a young age, Dausru had an interest in all sciences and somewhat of an interest in medicine. An interest which followed her into her adult years.
Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience:
Department Preference:
Secondary Department Preference:
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian:

Sample post:
Dausru followed quietly along behind the rest of the Away Team. Holding her tricorder arms length in front of her, the young Trill-Human furrowed her brow. Things were not adding up.

Everything the Away Team had found up to this point was indicative of there being life on the Class M planet. But no life had yet to be found.

Taking a few steps more forward, Dausru came to a sudden stop. Her heart now raced. The beating of her  heart echoed loudly in her ears. "Commander!" Came almost as a strangled cry from her lips. Now stood beside her was a young man, who had appeared as if from nowhere, with a phaser rifle jammed into her side.

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