If Icarus Could Swim [Raynor/Jiseth]

Started by Jiseth, May 17, 2016, 01:50:48 AM

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Jiseth tried nodding we head between coughs. It had become an involuntary reflex, worse than but not dissimilar to hiccups. Each attempt at an inhale was quickly shot out by another wave of coughs until there was little left aside from a heaving wheeze.

This went for what seemed like almost an hour in her mind though it was truly about ten minutes before she slumped over and rolled to the side onto her back. Her throat was quite raw. Lungs felt as if they were on fire. Her knees as well. Luckily there was no blood coming from her mouth or nose.

"...Well that sucked."

Raynor Hughes

Quote from: Jiseth on May 23, 2016, 02:00:56 PM

Jiseth tried nodding we head between coughs. It had become an involuntary reflex, worse than but not dissimilar to hiccups. Each attempt at an inhale was quickly shot out by another wave of coughs until there was little left aside from a heaving wheeze.

This went for what seemed like almost an hour in her mind though it was truly about ten minutes before she slumped over and rolled to the side onto her back. Her throat was quite raw. Lungs felt as if they were on fire. Her knees as well. Luckily there was no blood coming from her mouth or nose.

"...Well that sucked."

"...I've seen worse," Raynor stated, plopping down on the ground beside of Jiseth.  "I've also seen better."  He gingerly checked her ribs, feeling along them with the tips of his fingers.  Even though he didn't have a tricorder, his years of battlefield and martial experience gave the Klingon more than a bit of insight on the subject of broken ribs.  Fortunately, she seemed to be alright in that regard.  Raynor felt just as comfortable feeling along her ribcage as he had smoothing the skin of her thighs...as he had seeing her disrobe in front of him.  Yes, he was attracted to her - always had been, likely always would be - but that was a ship that would never sail.  Could never.  Her nature had put the subject to rest before it ever began.  And so they were what they were...friends, maybe a half-step more, but close nonetheless.

He sighed, resting back on his hands and giving the Romulan a level look.  "You are like a young wolf, wounded and eager to jump back into the brawl to prove they have not missed a step.  You think that this makes you lesser, somehow.  Less of a woman, less of a warrior."  He shrugged, rolling his shoulders slightly.  "A child may be a dahar master some day, but only a fool would expect them to be one from the first day they picked up a weapon.  You must think like the child, once again.  You will have to re-learn."

Klingon/Terran hybrid.  For full bio, just click the ridges.
To look into the eyes of the wolf is to see your own soul. - old Earth proverb


"...Relearn everything."

Her head went back and lay on the grass with her arms spread out. For a brief moment, she smiled and enjoyed the moment as a gentle breeze blew by. Jiseth's eyes opened slowly as her head tilted toward him.

"Guess it's not so bad. Won't have keep looking over my shoulder for two people. Zero's spent enough time out on her own..."

The Romulan sat up a bit, propping herself with her elbows.

"...I may never hear from her, but at least I'm able to live with that and I have you to thank for it. Curious though... Your face says yes, even sober, but your words... I may have been down for a while, but I still remember what it's like to be someone's Plan B. So... What's her name?"

Raynor Hughes

Quote from: Jiseth on May 24, 2016, 09:13:04 PM

"...Relearn everything."

Her head went back and lay on the grass with her arms spread out. For a brief moment, she smiled and enjoyed the moment as a gentle breeze blew by. Jiseth's eyes opened slowly as her head tilted toward him.

"Guess it's not so bad. Won't have keep looking over my shoulder for two people. Zero's spent enough time out on her own..."

The Romulan sat up a bit, propping herself with her elbows.

"...I may never hear from her, but at least I'm able to live with that and I have you to thank for it. Curious though... Your face says yes, even sober, but your words... I may have been down for a while, but I still remember what it's like to be someone's Plan B. So... What's her name?"

She had him to thank?  Well, Raynor knew that sometimes it was best to just cut and move on, especially when you couldn't control what the other person was doing.  And, speaking of which, that just happened to be where Jiseth wanted to take the conversation, next.  He'd been wondering when they'd get around to this subject.

He was silent for a long moment, just enjoying the false breeze, a smile touching his features as he watched Jiseth lie in the meadow's sun.  Although the rays weren't from a true star, they still highlighted her features, the slight reddish tinge of her hair.  Highlighted her Fire.  "Ilana," he said, the name soft and delicate on his lips, like something he was afraid to break, even by saying it.  "We met after I was re-assigned from Churchill.  She is...a Cardassian."  He quirked a smile at the Romulan.  "Imagine that.  My best friend is a Romulan, and the woman I love is a Cardassian.  I'm sure the shades of my ancestors are wailing for at least seven generations back."

Klingon/Terran hybrid.  For full bio, just click the ridges.
To look into the eyes of the wolf is to see your own soul. - old Earth proverb


"Oh at least!"

Sitting up a bit further, she scooted over to his side. Slowly her slender arms, by comparison to his, wrapped around his torso and Jiseth let her chin rest on the ample amount of space on his shoulder.

"I can see the appeal though, at least for physical traits. Only met a handful up close and usually they were shooting at me. Had a mission where they were messing about with DS9 a few years back. Had been made temporary XO of the Churchill for that mission. They're certainly less stoic than my kind, but no less devious. Sometimes more so. But! Mine side won the war, so ha."

She sat quiet for a moment and tilted her head, pondering just what time of woman would he love more than lust after. Or more accurately, what manner of woman would love this mountain of carnal Klingon who possessed the sweetest tenderness.

"...What's she like?"

Raynor Hughes

Quote from: Jiseth on May 25, 2016, 02:08:54 PM

"Oh at least!"

Sitting up a bit further, she scooted over to his side. Slowly her slender arms, by comparison to his, wrapped around his torso and Jiseth let her chin rest on the ample amount of space on his shoulder.

"I can see the appeal though, at least for physical traits. Only met a handful up close and usually they were shooting at me. Had a mission where they were messing about with DS9 a few years back. Had been made temporary XO of the Churchill for that mission. They're certainly less stoic than my kind, but no less devious. Sometimes more so. But! Mine side won the war, so ha."

She sat quiet for a moment and tilted her head, pondering just what time of woman would he love more than lust after. Or more accurately, what manner of woman would love this mountain of carnal Klingon who possessed the sweetest tenderness.

"...What's she like?"

Raynor shifted his body a little, allowing Jiseth to easier wrap her arms around his torso.  He smiled softly as she rested her chin on his shoulder.  The Romulan's physical presence was a warmth not unlike his own Klingon physiology, the two complementing each other.  Warriors, reivers...and two people convinced of their own lack of suitability for their desired partners.

"She is...different," he said, taking a breath as he sighed.  "That is perhaps the best way to explain it.  Different in every way than me.  She's frail, owning to malnourishment as a child, though I think her body frame would have been tiny, no matter what.  She was caught in a radiation leak, so her speech development was affected.  She is kind, and gentle.  Her hands save lives, not end them."  He looked over to Jiseth, his smile touched with no small amount of regret.  "I have not seen her in nearly a year.  It is...better, I think, for her that way.  I am not an easy presence for even the halest and heartiest of people to bear."

Klingon/Terran hybrid.  For full bio, just click the ridges.
To look into the eyes of the wolf is to see your own soul. - old Earth proverb


"Think so?"

There was a sweet smile across her lips. She loosened her arms as slid one up to the side of his face. Caressing his cheek gently, she leaned in near his lips which is about when her other hand struck his opposite cheek.

"Are you kidding me?! You're certainly more gentlemanly than any Human save for Henriks, because he's an angel. That aside...Do you know what you're made of? Hardened carbon fibers chiseled with a CO2 laser. Boyfriend material! Any woman, any soul who's hard enough to survive with radiation damage I think can handle a rowdy man with funny eyebrows. Don't let that crap that surrounds us get in your head. If you had me contact Zero, I will have you talk to that girl or I will rip your nipples off!"

Raynor Hughes

Quote from: Jiseth on May 26, 2016, 02:28:47 AM

"Think so?"

There was a sweet smile across her lips. She loosened her arms as slid one up to the side of his face. Caressing his cheek gently, she leaned in near his lips which is about when her other hand struck his opposite cheek.

"Are you kidding me?! You're certainly more gentlemanly than any Human save for Henriks, because he's an angel. That aside...Do you know what you're made of? Hardened carbon fibers chiseled with a CO2 laser. Boyfriend material! Any woman, any soul who's hard enough to survive with radiation damage I think can handle a rowdy man with funny eyebrows. Don't let that crap that surrounds us get in your head. If you had me contact Zero, I will have you talk to that girl or I will rip your nipples off!"

A little surge of confusion bubbled up through Raynor as Jiseth leaned in even closer to him, her hand resting on his cheek, the trailing tips of her fingers seeming to leave sparks in their wake.  He only had a fraction of a moment to register it and wonder what was happening before her other hand slammed into his face, the slap resounding with Vulcanoid force.  Not that it was enough to really hurt him, but it didn't do much to tamp down the tide of amorous uncertainty.  Although Raynor was annoyed with himself at getting caught so flat-footed by anyone or anything, he accepted the slap as something he probably deserved.

"Who's got funny eyebrows?" he asked, a slight smile showing through.  It quickly faded, though.  "The situations are different.  Ilana does not believe I am dead.  She likely thinks that my sometime-duty to the Klingon Empire has pulled me away.  This is not entirely untrue...but it's for the best that I stay out of her life."  He held up his hand, barking a short laugh.  "I know.  Before you hit me, attempt to rip anything off, or otherwise find new ways to initiate mating...I will consider contacting her."

Klingon/Terran hybrid.  For full bio, just click the ridges.
To look into the eyes of the wolf is to see your own soul. - old Earth proverb


"You're damn right you will."

The Romulan had a subtle growl with her words. Though she demanded a lot of her pilots, she expected even more from her friends. Seldom did it have to do with in her mind the narcissistic desire for others to earn her respect. Quite simply, her vision was often devoid of heroes, people to admire. If she could surround herself with the greatness of an elite few, perhaps some of that she could learn from. Some traits had rubbed off on her over the years since she started at the Academy and Raynor's tenacity was one of them.

"Besides, I think she should be making that call, not you. Zero used to tell me... The only reason she trusted me was that I was the only person who seemed to treat her civilly even with her less than warm bedside manner, well, until Gavin showed up, but yeah. I wasn't out to hurt her, even if circumstances lead to such a thing anyway. She forced me to grow in a way no one else really could. I was too busy saying sorry when I should have been saying thank you. For a time I was completely comfortable facing my fears and that's not something I think people can do on their own. Do you understand?"

Raynor Hughes

Quote from: Jiseth on May 26, 2016, 08:37:34 PM

"You're damn right you will."

The Romulan had a subtle growl with her words. Though she demanded a lot of her pilots, she expected even more from her friends. Seldom did it have to do with in her mind the narcissistic desire for others to earn her respect. Quite simply, her vision was often devoid of heroes, people to admire. If she could surround herself with the greatness of an elite few, perhaps some of that she could learn from. Some traits had rubbed off on her over the years since she started at the Academy and Raynor's tenacity was one of them.

"Besides, I think she should be making that call, not you. Zero used to tell me... The only reason she trusted me was that I was the only person who seemed to treat her civilly even with her less than warm bedside manner, well, until Gavin showed up, but yeah. I wasn't out to hurt her, even if circumstances lead to such a thing anyway. She forced me to grow in a way no one else really could. I was too busy saying sorry when I should have been saying thank you. For a time I was completely comfortable facing my fears and that's not something I think people can do on their own. Do you understand?"

Raynor leaned back on his hands, allowing himself a small smile at the tone in Jiseth's voice.  One of the things he admired the most about her was her ferocity, and that it actually meant something coming from someone who could, ostensibly, pose a threat to him when so precious few possibly could.  "I understand," he nodded.  "It may very well be too late for us.  And...if that is what is to be, then it just is.  A warrior should face the future he crafted not with fear of what is left undone, but with the realization of what is."  He looked back over to her.  "Speaking of which.  What I said earlier, about starting over?  We can do that.  For as long as we are both posted to this station, or wherever the coming days may lead us.  I will train you."  He reached over, touching the tips of his index and middle finger along the flushed heat of her cheek.  "It is...the least I can do for you."

Klingon/Terran hybrid.  For full bio, just click the ridges.
To look into the eyes of the wolf is to see your own soul. - old Earth proverb



Jiseth's eyes kept shifting between focusing on Raynor's left and his right.

"...You know you're the only person on any ship of served on who's physically seen my family. Some things change, perhaps, but there are always constants. I'm glad you're one of them."

Reaching up, she took hold of his wrist. Not forcing it away, she simply held on and tried to enjoy the moment for a little longer before the elephant in the room became a little too obvious.

"...Do you think that Nausicaan program finds our commiserations more painful be witness to than taking a blade to the gut?"

Zero Alpha

Quote from: Jiseth on May 21, 2016, 07:16:18 PM

"...Hey, Zero... If you're heart has started beating again umm... I'm alive. I didn't die 748 Sol's ago when I was listed MIA, so uh... Surprise. I... I've been in hospital for 743 of those days and lost the lower half of my legs. They gave me artificial ones, but the doctor was a hack. Lightyears behind you in skill. Anyway... I just-I... I wanted you to know I'm okay. Stuck on Starbase Columbus, I probably shouldn't even be contact you, but... I hope Ghost is okay. Gavin's probably going to tell you not to contact me and that's fair... I hope whatever you're doing umm I hope you're happy. Good bye, E'lev..."

[USS Discovery]

Zero stared at the PADD on the floor in front of her, lying where it had fallen from her slack hands.  Jiseth is alive.  Ghost lifted his head from his basket, watching her in canine confusion as the pale young woman got to her feet, walking the few paces to a door off the lounge area of her temporary quarters, poking her head inside.  A head of white hair lay on the pillow, sleeping peacefully.  All of the reports she had received had told her that Jiseth had perished in the accident.

Tiptoeing into the room, she knelt next to the small bed, looking down at her little girl, just a few months short of her second birthday.  Small, pointed ears were visible just above the edge of the blankets and, beneath the V-shaped brow ridges and upswept eyebrows, Zero knew that emerald green eyes just like her other mother's were seeing a dream world of her own making.

Unwilling to disturb the little girl's sleep, Zero made her way quietly back out to the lounge and, with a shaking hand, picked up the PADD again, holding it and taking a deep breath as she pressed the record command.

"Jiseth... I am relieved to hear that you are not floating in open space without a breath of life.  I was informed of your passing and... reacted poorly.  I did not believe that you could have perished in such an incident, I continued to hope that you were somehow alive and would contact me soon...

"I have been assigned a new handler, a joined Trill by the name of Kaz.  Her previous host was an... acquaintance of Corinth's.  She is attempting to assist my transition into a individual capable of surviving without Starfleet Medical.  Ghost is doing well, as is... as is Callion."  She paused to take a deep breath.  "The Discovery is due to dock at the Starbase Columbus in the near future.  If you are ameanable, I would... I would like to see you again, and for Callion to know her mother."

Species : Genetically Engineered Human

Archangel T'Koris/Ilana Telak/Persephone M'rai/Rachel Deacon


"Incoming message."

Jiseth shot up to her feet suddenly as the bodily computer voice spoke.

"Who is it from? Play it!"

"Lieutenant Junior Grade Doctor Zero Alpha, USS Discovery."

A black screen materialized a few meters in front of view before and shortly there after Zero's face appeared.

Quote from: Zero Alpha on May 31, 2016, 09:44:35 PM

"Jiseth... I am relieved to hear that you are not floating in open space without a breath of life.  I was informed of your passing and... reacted poorly.  I did not believe that you could have perished in such an incident, I continued to hope that you were somehow alive and would contact me soon...

"I have been assigned a new handler, a joined Trill by the name of Kaz.  Her previous host was an... acquaintance of Corinth's.  She is attempting to assist my transition into a individual capable of surviving without Starfleet Medical.  Ghost is doing well, as is... as is Callion."  She paused to take a deep breath.  "The Discovery is due to dock at the Starbase Columbus in the near future.  If you are ameanable, I would... I would like to see you again, and for Callion to know her mother."

The Romulan was completely rigid with her eyes unable to get any wider. Her arms and hands twitched nervously as she seemed to stand there shivering. The recording had ensnared her like a jellyfish sting and like the inevitable pull towards the maw that awaited, there was no stopping the approach of the starship that carried her former partner. Perhaps they still were partners, she had no idea. Handling herself in the cockpit she had training to fall back on, but this was... different. Now she had a name to attach to something that previously she was not sure if it was part of a dream or really happened. Bits of memories were there. A blurry conversation she had with Zero about her using a hair sample of Jiseth's to acquire the DNA necessary to impregnate herself. Now for certain she was real.

"C-Callion... Callion. Callion! Raynor, I have a child named Callion! HOOAAAAAHHH!"

Raynor Hughes

There wasn't much else for Raynor to do than sit in rather stunned silence as Jiseth's message came in.  He had passing acquaintance with Zero, but he was happy for the couple, nonetheless.  At least, for Jiseth.  His own latent feelings for her were a distant thing, something that he knew could never be pursued, so why even waste the energy contemplating them?

The Klingon reached over, placing a large hand on her shivering shoulder.  "Qapla'", he smiled, genuinely happy for his best friend.  "We shall drink...water or fruit juice or something in celebration."  Usually the announcement of a child would be accompanied by raucous drinking, but that would have to be avoided in this situation.  Children were never really something Raynor had put much thought into, owing to Ilana's delicacy and the fact that...well, he'd probably be a terrible father.

"There.  You see?  All Klingon advice isn't always just 'fight it, screw it, or drink it'.  Sometimes we know what we're talking about."

Klingon/Terran hybrid.  For full bio, just click the ridges.
To look into the eyes of the wolf is to see your own soul. - old Earth proverb


The Romulan turned and drew herself in close to hug Raynor. Though it was more a playful attempt at suffocation by constriction. It was a good thing when someone took your breath away, right?

"I've heard Klingons like prune juice. I might go for that. Kinda sweet, but very hearty. A lot like someone I know..."

There was a tinge of pain remaining in her ribs. Well, a lot actually. Her brain had been kind enough to let her forget about it for a few minutes at least while she tried to process Zero's message. Even so, she looked up at the Klingon with her chin rested on his chest.

"I never doubted you, but to be quite honest I thought you'd be the one dealing with a shotgun wedding before me. Granted, Zero doesn't have parents and lucky enough most of her friends want me gone forever ever so... Maybe they'll just use the shotgun as a deterrent. I guess you'll have to watch my back, heh, like always. Need a better title than best man because that goes without saying. I won't shame you with maid of honor or ring bearer either-wait! I got it! You shall be the Lord of the Ring!"

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