An SBC Wedding Part II: Heart (Patient) Convention (COMPLETED)

Started by Judith Eastman, February 11, 2019, 11:20:49 PM

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James A. Hawke



Quote from: Felicity Ellis on February 14, 2019, 11:15:49 AM

color=Mediumorchid]"How kind of you to say,"[/color] Antoinette responded to the comment on her dress, her voice as smooth as honey and her smile just as sweet. "And might I remark that your dress uniform is quite flattering on you, Commander."

James smiled as Dr. Antoinette Ellis complimented him.  He slightly bowed at the compliment and tried to make a joke. "Thank you for the compliment, Dr. Ellis.  However, I miss the days where dress uniforms had dress swords with them as well.  For some strange reason, no one wants to be on the bad side of the person wearing a weapon   James gave a slight chuckled as he made an obvious joke that no one wants to to be on the bas side of someone wearing a weapon.  It was meant to be a light joke and something to ease the moment.

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on February 14, 2019, 11:15:49 AM

[Felicity Ellis & Dr. Antoinette Ellis - Puzzles]

"Do not worry, my dear, all very positive words were spoken. Tell me Commander, are you single?"

Felicity made a noise that kind of sounded somewhere in-between a snort and a gasp. She pinned her mother with a stare. "I didn't realise you were in the market for a new husband, Ma," she said once she'd recovered, thoroughly scandalised, as always, by Antoinette's cheek.

"Oh, I wasn't asking for me, darling."

James slight blush turned into the really red.   As he had no idea who she was referring too.  It seemed like Felicity mothers might try and be a matchmaker.   He was honored that she thought at least worthy for potential matches, but he did not want to be with someone because of class.  It was about love.

Trying to be calm in the face of pressure and Dr. Ellis (Daughter) reaction to her mom, she might be asking for James took a sip from his champagne flute.   Moreover, responded with a smile   "Yes, Dr. Ellis, unfortunately, I'm single and are not courting anyone at the moment.   Hawke answered the question with an honest tone.  He took another sip of his glass and tried to make eye contact with Felicity Ellis.

What is going on here?  James thought.  He would try and tell her that in secret if he could.   However, he had to stand there in silence since any inquiry would make the matter suspicious.

James heard the comment on how Felicity's Mother lived for drama.  He tried his best to remain neutral in the situation.  However, Hawke internally was not happy with the reaction.  People's suffering is not entertainment, but for some people, the way they keep high in the social stratosphere is by putting other people down.

He thought of making a joke about the subject but remained serious.  As this was not funny or entertaining for him.    James walked away.

As he requested backup, he looked a little surprised to see Dr. Ellis to accompany him.  As they walked James merely said two words "Thank you"

James observed as Felicy greeting the Captain.

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on February 14, 2019, 11:15:49 AM

"Hello Captain!" Felicity greeted enthusiastically; loud enough for those immediately surrounding them to overhear, but not so boisterous to be considered obnoxious. "Please, won't you join us?" She gestured toward their ever-growing little group. "My mother would absolutely love to meet you." Then, in a more discreet voice she added in an aside to her former boss, "It's a human thing. Only the bride is supposed to wear white, to set them apart. Like they need any help with that..." She tried not to roll her eyes as the mutterings of the mob reached her ears. "It's an outdated tradition, but some still hold to it."

James stood calm.  He observed Naira as she seemed a little self -conscious about her choice of dress.
Quote from: Naira on February 14, 2019, 03:03:52 AM

"Commander Hawke," she greeted him as he drew nearer. She nodded in agreement at his offer and when she was sure no others could hear, she whispered,"I was told people were supposed to wear white dresses to these things but it looks as if you and I were the only ones to get that memo."

James looked at the Captain as they approached and merely said "Captain Naira, please it's only James in social situations"

As he heard Felicity comments, James merely replied  "Yeah, I would not worry about it, Captain.  It could be worse; you could think that you are in a Betazed wedding

Quote from: Naira on February 14, 2019, 08:05:34 PM

"Does the same rule apply to Commander Hawke?" she asked just above a whisper. "Perhaps you can lend me your jacket and we can rectify this situation."

James smiled and responded "The rule is somewhat lenient with males and military uniforms"  James gently removed the coat of his uniform and tried to place it over Naira's shoulder to cover her.   He did so gently if allowed as not to alarm them.   James took another gold pip and placed it in her collar to signify the rank of Captain.  "It's all yours for the day Captain.  You are literally wearing a DRESS UNIFORM, maybe is the new fashion statement of the year   James commented as he smiled.

With some concerned James offered "If you want to Captain, I can leave the event and get you a dress   James stood silent for a second and thought about it   Maybe that's not a good idea after all

Click on the Badge to see bio



Odelot was late, judging from the large number of people already assembled.

He was not usually late to things, thanks to his trusty PADD and its schedule of daily appointments.  He took a certain pride in being wherever he was needed, whenever he was needed.  But today, the sanitation system had experienced an emergency, and he had worked hard to get it fixed before any backups could occur which might ruin the day's festivities.

Fortunately, he was able to get the system running and then rush back to his quarters, unceremoniously pre-empting his Tellarite roommate who had been about to enjoy one of his famous hour-long hot showers.  The shouting and insults which poured forth from the man had been almost as hard to listen to as the operas he tended to sing while steaming himself.  Fortunately, his roommate had finally acquiesced after admitting that Odelot needed a shower much more than he did.

Now, finally, the Pakled was dressed in his best suit- an article recommended to him by a human co-worker who had recently been married- and he was here to honor his friend during her special day.

"Odelot is sorry for being late," he apologized loudly as he arrived, "there was going to be a big smelly problem, but Odelot made it go."

Aryn Corliss

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on February 14, 2019, 11:15:49 AM

[Felicity Ellis & Dr. Antoinette Ellis - Puzzles]

Thank the Maker for Aryn and Alec. Felicity threw an apologetic look at Hawke while the couple got to know her mother a little better. Once the introductions had been out of the way, Antoinette happily engaged with them.

"Surgery," she replied in response to Alec's question about her specialty. "I also lecture at Starfleet Medical. How about you, Alec, have you a specialty or a preference? And you, Aryn, what studies did you favour? Felicity has told me that you both spent some time on Earth." She really couldn't help herself, she'd been quite fascinated by Aryn and Alec, more so than any of the other friends her daughter had mentioned. Naturally, getting personal information out of Felicity was like getting blood from a stone in most situations, but she did tend to open up a little more when talking about those she cared for. It was an old trick that Antoinette utilised when she needed to.


Alec smiled in return to Felicity's mother and answered, Yes, I've had quite a number of specialties over the years. Everything from allergy to neurology to veterinary. I did surgery for awhile, both general and specialized areas. Don't really have a favorite, except maybe p...pediatrics. There was a small hesitation as he spoke the word. He quickly continued, Right now I'm in general practice in the base's Sickbay. I enjoy the variety.

Aryn noticed Alec's hesitation and determined to ask him about it later, but added her own reply when Alec finished speaking. I work in Ops now, but I mainly studied languages and linguistics in the past. Flick might have mentioned to you that I lost my memory? I'm thinking about returning to linguistics sometime soon.

How do you like the station? Do you travel much? Aryn asked, changing the subject and feeling as if the woman would be more than happy to speak more about herself.

Ozu Saya

Quote from: Judith Eastman on February 14, 2019, 11:10:12 AM

[NPC - Fmr. State Sen. Diane Eastman, Mr. Jon Eastman & Fmr. Gov. Shirley Weinberger - Puzzles]

"Well, her hair grows back whiter than Jon's," Diane explained, conceding on her point about interfaith love to focus her firepower on aging.
"Our baby's getting old. That's nature," Jon answered. "She's aging at least as gracefully as you did."
"Speaking of age, you two look pretty young," Shirley tacked on, turning the topic away from the bride's fading girlhood glory. "How long have you been around?"


It is natural, Saya commented, then debated on whether to point out the rudeness of such a question in Vulcan culture. But she was only half Vulcan and the former governor was human. Saya didn't know if asking a person's age was rude according to human culture. Finally, she just answered briefly, I am twenty-four.

Kyo didn't have any qualms about sharing his age and replied, I'm twenty-nine. I'll be thirty in a few weeks. He noticed that people were beginning to move toward the buffet and asked Saya, Do you want to get something to eat? I'm hungry.

Certainly, she responded. If you will excuse us? Saya directed at Judy's parents.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Ozu Saya on February 15, 2019, 12:33:02 PM


It is natural, Saya commented, then debated on whether to point out the rudeness of such a question in Vulcan culture. But she was only half Vulcan and the former governor was human. Saya didn't know if asking a person's age was rude according to human culture. Finally, she just answered briefly, I am twenty-four.

Kyo didn't have any qualms about sharing his age and replied, I'm twenty-nine. I'll be thirty in a few weeks. He noticed that people were beginning to move toward the buffet and asked Saya, Do you want to get something to eat? I'm hungry.

Certainly, she responded. If you will excuse us? Saya directed at Judy's parents.

[NPC - Fmr. State Sen. Diane Eastman, Mr. Jonathan Eastman, & Fmr. State Gov. Shirley Weinberger - Puzzles]

"I'll come along," Jon said. "I could use a bite to eat."

Diane looked over towards the buffet; a head of blonde hair paired with some flamboyant glasses caught her eye.
"Bring my daughter back with you," she ordered.
"Yes, ma'am," Jon replied, standing up to do so.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Felicity Ellis

Quote from: Leanna Mazal on February 14, 2019, 02:02:07 PM

[Puzzles - Max]

It was no surprise that Judy turned down Maggie in favour of caffeine and now he understood why his wife had wanted to go to the bar rather than partake in the mimosa's and other alcoholic drinks. However his attention was swayed towards Kellen as told Bnada why he had been bestowed with the touching moniker of Pastry Bloke before Kellen then quietly asked when they could eat.

Max looked to Judy for a moment before answering the Medic. " I believe that you can go ahead and make a start now"He replied motioning towards Seamus who had moved towards the centre of the food tables.

" If I can have everyone's attention, the buffet is open"

Chuckling slightly at Bnada's comment about how Kellen had made a list of what he was going to eat and in what order before speaking to Judy more directly.

"A man after my own heart but please enjoy the buffet"He said as he spotted Lea, waving to his boss and friend who acknowledged him.

Quote from: Judith Eastman on February 14, 2019, 02:36:09 PM

[Lt. Cmdr. Judith Eastman-Williams, PhD, PsyD, MBA, MS - Puzzles]

Judy acknowledged everything the young NCOs said with a smile and a nod. She knew of Gatesy's eccentricities - in fact, she felt they made him a more valuable asset.

The most valuable asset of all, however, was caffeine.

"Well, there's a very large cup of coffee over there calling me. If you two will escort myself and the hubby there, save us from a little bit of mingling."
There were too many people here by anyone's standards. Judy feared her hand would fall off from too many shakes by now.

[Petty Officer 3rd Class Kellen Gates & Crewman Bnada - Puzzles]


Kellen moved to rub his hands together with glee, and then thought the better of it. It was something he'd seen Kece do on several occasions, and heavens forbid he emulate the former Chief's mannerisms. Nobody wanted that.

"Did you know that salmon can live in both fresh and salt water?" He shook his head in amazement as they passed by all the buffet tables, accompanying Judy and Max toward the precious coffee. "They are anadromous. And they travel huuuuge distances, across oceans and rivers, jumping up waterfalls and fighting monstrous currents just to get to the spawning grounds where they all... umm..." He turned his head and coughed into a fist, his face reddening again. He hadn't thought that fact through. "Where they enjoy congress." He looked at Max, his eyes wide. "And then they die."

They continued running interference for the pair, Kellen feeling like some kind of secret service in his suit. Still painfully aware of the strange direction his salmon facts had taken, he decided it was a good time to switch things up a little. "There's also an old Irish myth about the Salmon of Knowledge. It was said that if one caught this salmon and ate it, you would have the knowledge of the world."

"I would like to test all the salmon here for knowledge."

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
Bio: Felicity Ellis

Ozu Saya


Sure, Kyo echoed Jon as they turned to head in the bride and groom's direction.

Saya smiled when she saw Judy and just thought, Pant suit, at Kyo.

He chuckled in response and shrugged as they wove their way through the other attendees to get nearer both the buffet tables and the happy couple. There was another couple nearby, the young man seeming to wax eloquent about salmon mating habits.

Saya had a momentary flashback to when she'd gone along with Kyo and Judy going fishing and had ended up cutting that particular activity short with her reaction to Judy killing the one fish that was caught.

Clearing her throat, she called out, Judy!

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Leanna Mazal

[Puzzles - Max]

Max grinned at Kellen's obvious glee about the food finally being open for everyone to enjoy and since Judy had asked the Petty Officer and his date to escort them to the bar, it allowed Max to hold back slightly so he could continue their conversation. Food talk was something that he could enjoy and it was certainly taking his mind off being the centre of attention and focus to stop the nerves from creeping up constantly.

It was a great tactic as he listened to Kellen talk about Salmon, loving how he knew all of these facts even as he looked at him slightly embarrassed by a particular less salacious topic.

"I'm impressed Kellen and I do enjoy facts"He whispered reassuringly before the young man continued.

Again the older man and Pastry Bloke smiled as he switched things up and had no doubt that he would love each of the salmon dishes on offer.

" Eat away, there's lots to try"He added knowingly before finally taking a sip of his much needed drink as they approached the bar and food and smiled upon seeing Saya and Kyo.

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on February 15, 2019, 02:26:01 PM

[Petty Officer 3rd Class Kellen Gates & Crewman Bnada - Puzzles]


Kellen moved to rub his hands together with glee, and then thought the better of it. It was something he'd seen Kece do on several occasions, and heavens forbid he emulate the former Chief's mannerisms. Nobody wanted that.

"Did you know that salmon can live in both fresh and salt water?" He shook his head in amazement as they passed by all the buffet tables, accompanying Judy and Max toward the precious coffee. "They are anadromous. And they travel huuuuge distances, across oceans and rivers, jumping up waterfalls and fighting monstrous currents just to get to the spawning grounds where they all... umm..." He turned his head and coughed into a fist, his face reddening again. He hadn't thought that fact through. "Where they enjoy congress." He looked at Max, his eyes wide. "And then they die."

They continued running interference for the pair, Kellen feeling like some kind of secret service in his suit. Still painfully aware of the strange direction his salmon facts had taken, he decided it was a good time to switch things up a little. "There's also an old Irish myth about the Salmon of Knowledge. It was said that if one caught this salmon and ate it, you would have the knowledge of the world."

"I would like to test all the salmon here for knowledge."

Quote from: Leanna Mazal on February 15, 2019, 02:52:34 PM

[Puzzles - Max]

Max grinned at Kellen's obvious glee about the food finally being open for everyone to enjoy and since Judy had asked the Petty Officer and his date to escort them to the bar, it allowed Max to hold back slightly so he could continue their conversation. Food talk was something that he could enjoy and it was certainly taking his mind off being the centre of attention and focus to stop the nerves from creeping up constantly.

It was a great tactic as he listened to Kellen talk about Salmon, loving how he knew all of these facts even as he looked at him slightly embarrassed by a particular less salacious topic.

"I'm impressed Kellen and I do enjoy facts"He whispered reassuringly before the young man continued.

Again the older man and Pastry Bloke smiled as he switched things up and had no doubt that he would love each of the salmon dishes on offer.

" Eat away, there's lots to try"He added knowingly before finally taking a sip of his much needed drink as they approached the bar and food and smiled upon seeing Saya and Kyo.

Quote from: Ozu Saya on February 15, 2019, 02:39:44 PM


Sure, Kyo echoed Jon as they turned to head in the bride and groom's direction.

Saya smiled when she saw Judy and just thought, Pant suit, at Kyo.

He chuckled in response and shrugged as they wove their way through the other attendees to get nearer both the buffet tables and the happy couple. There was another couple nearby, the young man seeming to wax eloquent about salmon mating habits.

Saya had a momentary flashback to when she'd gone along with Kyo and Judy going fishing and had ended up cutting that particular activity short with her reaction to Judy killing the one fish that was caught.

Clearing her throat, she called out, Judy!

[Lt. Cmdr. Judith Eastman-Williams, PhD, PsyD, MBA, MS & NPC Mr. Jonathan Eastman - Puzzles]

Judy walked hand-in-hand with the best husband in the galaxy, her mind focused mostly on the coffee ahead. She did spare the occasional wave to a guest, or nod to Kellen as he rattled off some increasingly awkward salmon facts, not to mention loving glances towards Max.

She was already in the process of pouring herself some drip coffee when Saya, Kyo, and her father appeared.

"Hello again!" she called out to the trio. "Bnada, Kellen, these are Saya, Kyo, and my father."

"Jon. Pleased to meet you," the bald, octogenarian progenitor of Judy's introduced himself. "Oh, and here's my new son-in-law. Let me warn you, Max, she's not getting any saner."

Judy finally put a lid on her full cup of coffee, thankful that her father hadn't brought up names. He (and her mother) still hoped that the groom would take "Eastman" as a middle name.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Felicity Ellis

Quote from: Aryn Corliss on February 15, 2019, 09:27:02 AM


Alec smiled in return to Felicity's mother and answered, Yes, I've had quite a number of specialties over the years. Everything from allergy to neurology to veterinary. I did surgery for awhile, both general and specialized areas. Don't really have a favorite, except maybe p...pediatrics. There was a small hesitation as he spoke the word. He quickly continued, Right now I'm in general practice in the base's Sickbay. I enjoy the variety.

Aryn noticed Alec's hesitation and determined to ask him about it later, but added her own reply when Alec finished speaking. I work in Ops now, but I mainly studied languages and linguistics in the past. Flick might have mentioned to you that I lost my memory? I'm thinking about returning to linguistics sometime soon.

How do you like the station? Do you travel much? Aryn asked, changing the subject and feeling as if the woman would be more than happy to speak more about herself.

[Dr. Antoinette Ellis - Puzzles]

"Truly fascinating," Antoinette commented when Alec finished listing off his experience and mentioned favouring pediatrics. She got the distinct impression that there had been much more left unmentioned. Oh, what she wouldn't do to have they time they'd had. She'd have left very little unstudied. Her life, though dedicated as it was now to further learning, had been portioned into different experiences and responsibilities. Children had taken up a lot of her time, for one. Who knows what heights she could have reached if given the chance at an extra few centuries?

"She did not." Her daughter had failed to mention that this ancient woman before her had suffered memory loss. What with her husband's extensive qualifications, Antoinette felt that she could safely assume every medical avenue possible had been explored. "Though I can imagine that my daughter, upon hearing of your desire to return to your passion work, would encourage you to abandon any other career ambitions."

It was not meant as a slight against Aryn, though Antoinette's bitterness regarding Felicity's choices wasn't hidden. She did not approve and she would not pretend otherwise. When the conversation was steered to herself, she answered as readily as expected.

"Not as much as I used to," she said, only a little disappointment on her otherwise lightly-lined face. "On my way here I had the opportunity to speak at a couple of conventions, and of course I checked in on some of our interests on Casperia. But the base is really quite impressive, isn't it? I've been promised a tour and I must say I'm looking forward to seeing your medical and scientific facilities, which I believe are extensive and varied."

"And what of you two?" She gestured toward them with her champagne flute. "Do you get back to Earth much? You must tell me the next time you plan a trip, we would be delighted to host you."

Quote from: Naira on February 14, 2019, 08:05:34 PM


Naira smiled as they were greeted by Dr. Ellis. Since stepping down as First Officer, Naira hadn't seen much of Felicity around, then again, civilian counselors rarely spent any time up in Ops or the large offices and quarters granted to senior officers and department heads. Naira, similarly, tended to spend little time in the offices of counselors. Ops had however felt emptier without her. The former executive officer had a way of lighting up a room bringing everyone closer together. That wasn't to say that now that she had moved on that those in Ops no longer smiled or carried on their own private little conversation when work was slow, but things were different now, they were still adjusting to the new change.

"It's nice to see you," she greeted the other woman. "I would love to join you." If nothing else, she told herself that she could ask the woman about her practice and how she liked her new office. They could discuss what it was like not to work for Starfleet, something Naira knew nothing about as she had joined the academy as soon as she was old enough to attend.

Then, Felicity leaned in share detail about color. Naira glanced at Hawke in his dress whites and then down at her own dress. Her brow furrowed momentarily in confusion and then her cheeks turned a darker shade of green as she blushed. She should have known better than to rely on secondhand information from an AI with the mind of a child. That was why everyone was looking at her! The idea of color coding made no sense to her, but neither did the idea of marriage.

"Does the same rule apply to Commander Hawke?" she asked just above a whisper. "Perhaps you can lend me your jacket and we can rectify this situation."

Quote from: James A. Hawke on February 14, 2019, 10:08:07 PM

As he requested backup, he looked a little surprised to see Dr. Ellis to accompany him.  As they walked James merely said two words "Thank you"

James observed as Felicy greeting the Captain.

James stood calm.  He observed Naira as she seemed a little self -conscious about her choice of dress.
James looked at the Captain as they approached and merely said "Captain Naira, please it's only James in social situations"

As he heard Felicity comments, James merely replied  "Yeah, I would not worry about it, Captain.  It could be worse; you could think that you are in a Betazed wedding

James smiled and responded "The rule is somewhat lenient with males and military uniforms"  James gently removed the coat of his uniform and tried to place it over Naira's shoulder to cover her.   He did so gently if allowed as not to alarm them.   James took another gold pip and placed it in her collar to signify the rank of Captain.  "It's all yours for the day Captain.  You are literally wearing a DRESS UNIFORM, maybe is the new fashion statement of the year   James commented as he smiled.

With some concerned James offered "If you want to Captain, I can leave the event and get you a dress   James stood silent for a second and thought about it   Maybe that's not a good idea after all

[Felicity - Puzzles]

Felicity shook her head, suddenly feeling the weight of just how unjust society and its traditions had been, and indeed, could be. That no such judgment was visited upon Hawke, who was also wearing white, was acutely unfair. Though she couldn't help the smile when the XO quipped about Betazoid nuptials. She secretly thought that perhaps Naira arriving in the nude might have caused less of a fuss.

"What makes it even more ridiculous is what the colour represented. It was said that a bride wearing white was 'pure', and therefore acceptable to marry." She glanced around the room as they moved toward their gathered group, taking in its occupants with a sharp eye. "I doubt anyone present has been pure in quite some time."

Felicity could understand the suggestion that the Captain might feel more comfortable in a change of clothes, but she wasn't quite sure if that would cause more or less of a stir. Besides, she had a sneaking suspicion that Naira might see fit to 'disappear' and not return under the guise of changing. It's what Felicity would do. So she sniffed and squared her shoulders. "You look stunning, with or without the dress jacket."

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
Bio: Felicity Ellis

Leanna Mazal

[Puzzles- Lea]

Lea's focus had mainly been on her very handsome boyfriend and as such spent her time either engrossed in conversation with him or one of her staff or happily people watching from the viewpoint she had from the table she had chosen. Offering Max a reassuring glance and wave when he noticed them, knowing how difficult it was for him amongst this many people although was glad to see him engage in conversation with Kellen.

Most of the people she knew and smiled at seeing her other friends mingle with the many relatives and other guests invited to the buffet brunch. The Captain looking particularly glam in white although the understood the faux pas with wearing white although that didn't matter to the Betazoid but Flick and Hawke had come to her rescue.

She was also proud of Seamus and the others as everyone was invited to start eating and the drinks continued to flow which gave her an idea as Pieter and Olly made an appearance. " I'm going to get us some of the good stuff, I'll be back unless you want to follow ?" she said playfully to Fells before getting up from the table.

As she made a beeline for the pair who both had a thing for her best friend, she noticed Alec and Aryn talking to someone who she had heard a lot about. Acknowledging her friends as she took hold of the flask filled with a new liquor that the Phoenix had just brought in.

James A. Hawke

James accompanied Naira and Felicity back into their group  Felicity took the point in trying to comfort and pointing out the ridiculousness of wearing white.

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on February 15, 2019, 03:14:38 PM

"What makes it even more ridiculous is what the colour represented. It was said that a bride wearing white was 'pure', and therefore acceptable to marry." She glanced around the room as they moved toward their gathered group, taking in its occupants with a sharp eye. "I doubt anyone present has been pure in quite some time."

James smiled and chuckled as she heard the comment from Dr. Ellis.  Her statement might infer other things, but at the end of the day, it was true.  Individuals are not as pure as it was in theory.   James did not say much as he figured it was not that appropriate time to make jokes.
Quote from: Felicity Ellis on February 15, 2019, 03:14:38 PM

Felicity could understand the suggestion that the Captain might feel more comfortable in a change of clothes, but she wasn't quite sure if that would cause more or less of a stir. Besides, she had a sneaking suspicion that Naira might see fit to 'disappear' and not return under the guise of changing. It's what Felicity would do. So she sniffed and squared her shoulders. "You look stunning, with or without the dress jacket."

James turned to Naira and said "I agree  Captain, you doo look stunning Captain if I may say so.   I think this is the first time Dr. Ellis and myself have decided on something the same way.  So it must count for something right?  Besides, they all should be honored by your presence"

As they approached the entire group, James looked at them; he was serious.  He wanted to give the impression that Captain Naira's dress was out of bound for jokes.  James merely said   Dr. Anitionette Ellis, it is my honor to present you to Captain Naira, the Commanding Officer of the Columbus.  Now have we missed anything?   James asked politely.

Click on the Badge to see bio

Aryn Corliss

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on February 15, 2019, 03:14:38 PM

[Dr. Antoinette Ellis - Puzzles]

"Truly fascinating," Antoinette commented when Alec finished listing off his experience and mentioned favouring pediatrics. She got the distinct impression that there had been much more left unmentioned. Oh, what she wouldn't do to have they time they'd had. She'd have left very little unstudied. Her life, though dedicated as it was now to further learning, had been portioned into different experiences and responsibilities. Children had taken up a lot of her time, for one. Who knows what heights she could have reached if given the chance at an extra few centuries?

"She did not." Her daughter had failed to mention that this ancient woman before her had suffered memory loss. What with her husband's extensive qualifications, Antoinette felt that she could safely assume every medical avenue possible had been explored. "Though I can imagine that my daughter, upon hearing of your desire to return to your passion work, would encourage you to abandon any other career ambitions."

It was not meant as a slight against Aryn, though Antoinette's bitterness regarding Felicity's choices wasn't hidden. She did not approve and she would not pretend otherwise. When the conversation was steered to herself, she answered as readily as expected.

"Not as much as I used to," she said, only a little disappointment on her otherwise lightly-lined face. "On my way here I had the opportunity to speak at a couple of conventions, and of course I checked in on some of our interests on Casperia. But the base is really quite impressive, isn't it? I've been promised a tour and I must say I'm looking forward to seeing your medical and scientific facilities, which I believe are extensive and varied."

"And what of you two?" She gestured toward them with her champagne flute. "Do you get back to Earth much? You must tell me the next time you plan a trip, we would be delighted to host you."


Flick has been exceptionally supportive and helpful, both as a friend and as a counselor. She's helped me regain some memories, helped us know each other again. I lost my memory at the same time Alec was taken and dumped on a prison planet. I had no idea he existed until right before he showed up here. Aryn turned to Alec with a sad smile and squeezed his hand.

Alec returned her smile and added, We used to travel a lot. Haven't had an opportunity since we found one another again, but right now, our focus is on getting to know each other again and trying some new methods to help Aryn regain her memory. I hope we'll be in a position to travel again someday, but for now, I'm content here. And we do sometimes spend long stretches of time in one location. Just depends. Some of us have more of a wandering heart than others.

Quote from: James A. Hawke on February 16, 2019, 12:54:02 AM

James accompanied Naira and Felicity back into their group  Felicity took the point in trying to comfort and pointing out the ridiculousness of wearing white.

James smiled and chuckled as she heard the comment from Dr. Ellis.  Her statement might infer other things, but at the end of the day, it was true.  Individuals are not as pure as it was in theory.   James did not say much as he figured it was not that appropriate time to make jokes.
James turned to Naira and said "I agree  Captain, you doo look stunning Captain if I may say so.   I think this is the first time Dr. Ellis and myself have decided on something the same way.  So it must count for something right?  Besides, they all should be honored by your presence"

As they approached the entire group, James looked at them; he was serious.  He wanted to give the impression that Captain Naira's dress was out of bound for jokes.  James merely said   Dr. Anitionette Ellis, it is my honor to present you to Captain Naira, the Commanding Officer of the Columbus.  Now have we missed anything?   James asked politely.

Captain, Alec and Aryn greeted. While they both took note of the color of the captain's dress, both of them had made far too many faux pas in their long history of visiting different worlds to ever consider mocking her for it. Instead, Aryn offered an encouraging smile and said, Glad you made it. Quite the party, isn't it? Most of Judy's family think they're the oldest people here. It's kind of fun to disabuse them of the notion.

Easy mistake to make, isn't it, Commander Hawke? Alec teased. Looks good for being as old as the hills, doesn't she? He wrapped his arm around Aryn's waist, giving her a hug.

Aryn raised a brow at him. You told him I was older than the hills? Her tone was serious and Alec wondered if he'd just made a very bad mistake.

Ozu Saya

Quote from: Judith Eastman on February 15, 2019, 03:09:37 PM

[Lt. Cmdr. Judith Eastman-Williams, PhD, PsyD, MBA, MS & NPC Mr. Jonathan Eastman - Puzzles]

Judy walked hand-in-hand with the best husband in the galaxy, her mind focused mostly on the coffee ahead. She did spare the occasional wave to a guest, or nod to Kellen as he rattled off some increasingly awkward salmon facts, not to mention loving glances towards Max.

She was already in the process of pouring herself some drip coffee when Saya, Kyo, and her father appeared.

"Hello again!" she called out to the trio. "Bnada, Kellen, these are Saya, Kyo, and my father."

"Jon. Pleased to meet you," the bald, octogenarian progenitor of Judy's introduced himself. "Oh, and here's my new son-in-law. Let me warn you, Max, she's not getting any saner."

Judy finally put a lid on her full cup of coffee, thankful that her father hadn't brought up names. He (and her mother) still hoped that the groom would take "Eastman" as a middle name.


Saya nodded a greeting to the younger couple when Judy introduced them.

Kyo offered a smile and, Hello. Max, Judy, the wedding was beautiful!

Indeed, Saya concurred. As I have now had two of my own to judge by, I almost feel an authority. One who didn't know Saya well would likely find the comment offputting, but her friends would be able to detect the slight tone of teasing. You were certainly never exaggerating the extensiveness of your family.

I'm ready to try some food. Any specific recommendations? Did either of you get a chance to contribute to the feast?

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Fells Halgerdur


There were too many people and Fells felt like there were also too many eyes on him, which was probably just his imagination. He knew, however, that the bar owner played a role in this wedding and was fairly popular.
He could see some people watching her as she made her way to the bar to get them drinks.

Fells felt pretty stiff in his suit and decided to peel out of the jacket at least so he was only in a shirt and tie.
He contemplated staying where he was to avoid interacting with the others here.
He'd been alone for so long that the buzz still made him uncomfortable.
But maybe a drink would help him relax.

Reluctantly he got up from the seat and followed his girl friend, whose hips were swaying with every step she took.
He met her at the bar. "Make mine a double."
Fells planned to let Lea do the talking as she was much better at that game than him.

The newlyweds were also at the bar so he tried his best to be nice and approached them with a smile. "Congratulations and thank you for the invitation. I'm sure you two will have a great life together. You complement each other."
He let his eyes flicker to Lea hoping he had chosen good words.

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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