An SBC Wedding Part II: Heart (Patient) Convention (COMPLETED)

Started by Judith Eastman, February 11, 2019, 11:20:49 PM

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Felicity Ellis

Quote from: Leanna Mazal on February 15, 2019, 02:52:34 PM

[Puzzles - Max]

Max grinned at Kellen's obvious glee about the food finally being open for everyone to enjoy and since Judy had asked the Petty Officer and his date to escort them to the bar, it allowed Max to hold back slightly so he could continue their conversation. Food talk was something that he could enjoy and it was certainly taking his mind off being the centre of attention and focus to stop the nerves from creeping up constantly.

It was a great tactic as he listened to Kellen talk about Salmon, loving how he knew all of these facts even as he looked at him slightly embarrassed by a particular less salacious topic.

"I'm impressed Kellen and I do enjoy facts"He whispered reassuringly before the young man continued.

Again the older man and Pastry Bloke smiled as he switched things up and had no doubt that he would love each of the salmon dishes on offer.

" Eat away, there's lots to try"He added knowingly before finally taking a sip of his much needed drink as they approached the bar and food and smiled upon seeing Saya and Kyo.

Quote from: Judith Eastman on February 15, 2019, 03:09:37 PM

[Lt. Cmdr. Judith Eastman-Williams, PhD, PsyD, MBA, MS & NPC Mr. Jonathan Eastman - Puzzles]

Judy walked hand-in-hand with the best husband in the galaxy, her mind focused mostly on the coffee ahead. She did spare the occasional wave to a guest, or nod to Kellen as he rattled off some increasingly awkward salmon facts, not to mention loving glances towards Max.

She was already in the process of pouring herself some drip coffee when Saya, Kyo, and her father appeared.

"Hello again!" she called out to the trio. "Bnada, Kellen, these are Saya, Kyo, and my father."

"Jon. Pleased to meet you," the bald, octogenarian progenitor of Judy's introduced himself. "Oh, and here's my new son-in-law. Let me warn you, Max, she's not getting any saner."

Judy finally put a lid on her full cup of coffee, thankful that her father hadn't brought up names. He (and her mother) still hoped that the groom would take "Eastman" as a middle name.

Quote from: Ozu Saya on February 16, 2019, 09:34:34 PM


Saya nodded a greeting to the younger couple when Judy introduced them.

Kyo offered a smile and, Hello. Max, Judy, the wedding was beautiful!

Indeed, Saya concurred. As I have now had two of my own to judge by, I almost feel an authority. One who didn't know Saya well would likely find the comment offputting, but her friends would be able to detect the slight tone of teasing. You were certainly never exaggerating the extensiveness of your family.

I'm ready to try some food. Any specific recommendations? Did either of you get a chance to contribute to the feast?

[Petty Officer Kellen Gates & Crewman Bnada - Puzzles]

Kellen beamed at Pastry Bloke, feeling a little better about the little salmon faux pas. Even Bnada was smiling. Though he thought he'd perhaps caught her eye roll earlier. She must have learned that very human mannerism from her other Ops friends. "And there are so many different ways to cook it, Max! You can pan fry it, poach it, smoke it, grill it, bake it..." His stomach growled enthusiastically. "Which is your favourite?"

Bnada was already offering her hand in greeting to Saya, Kyo and Jon, Judy's father, and she elbowed Kellen gently in the ribs to bring him back to reality. He turned, startled at first, but then quickly copied his date, recovering his manners. "Pleased to meet you," he said properly to Jon, before turning to Saya and Kyo, his eyes wide when he picked up on something the Vulcan said. "You've had two weddings?" He glanced at the man alongside her. "Have you two husbands?"

Beside him, Bnada audibly groaned. "Let's try that salmon now, shall we?" She suggested, tugging on his arm.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
Bio: Felicity Ellis

Leanna Mazal

[Puzzles - Max]

As his wife introduced Kellen and Bnada to Saya, Kyo and his father in law, Max acknowledged Jon first with his comment about Judy. " Just another reason why she's got me"He replied grinning. Although was glad of the distraction before the inevitable talk about his use of Eastman when Kyo asked about the food, glad that the subject was still something he could answer without feeling nervous.

" I'd recommend the pastries, then again I did oversee the menu and dishes so I have it on good authority that's it all good"He answered with a smile as Kellen then spoke more about the salmon and asked how he liked it to be cooked.

" Pan fried"He added happily before the Petty Officer spoke to Kyo and Saya and Bnada attempted to entice him with trying the salmon.

His attention then shifted towards Lea and Fells particularly the latter as he congratulated him and Judy.

" Thank you Fells, its appreciated and I'm glad to see you two looking so happy as well"


Lea smiled as Fells joined her at the bar and appreciated him being here with her despite how overwhelming it might appear so had no problem when he asked her to make his drink a double. " Sure" she said as he then spoke to the newlyweds.

Seeing the way he looked at her after speaking, she smiled once more and nodded back as if to reassure him that his words were perfect.

Max's reaction only confirmed that as she then wrapped her arm around her boyfriend's waist and handed him his drink.

" We are" she said looking towards Fells.

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Ozu Saya on February 16, 2019, 09:34:34 PM


Saya nodded a greeting to the younger couple when Judy introduced them.

Kyo offered a smile and, Hello. Max, Judy, the wedding was beautiful!

Indeed, Saya concurred. As I have now had two of my own to judge by, I almost feel an authority. One who didn't know Saya well would likely find the comment offputting, but her friends would be able to detect the slight tone of teasing. You were certainly never exaggerating the extensiveness of your family.

I'm ready to try some food. Any specific recommendations? Did either of you get a chance to contribute to the feast?

Quote from: Fells Halgerdur on February 17, 2019, 05:37:40 AM

There were too many people and Fells felt like there were also too many eyes on him, which was probably just his imagination. He knew, however, that the bar owner played a role in this wedding and was fairly popular.
He could see some people watching her as she made her way to the bar to get them drinks.

Fells felt pretty stiff in his suit and decided to peel out of the jacket at least so he was only in a shirt and tie.
He contemplated staying where he was to avoid interacting with the others here.
He'd been alone for so long that the buzz still made him uncomfortable.
But maybe a drink would help him relax.

Reluctantly he got up from the seat and followed his girl friend, whose hips were swaying with every step she took.
He met her at the bar. "Make mine a double."
Fells planned to let Lea do the talking as she was much better at that game than him.

The newlyweds were also at the bar so he tried his best to be nice and approached them with a smile. "Congratulations and thank you for the invitation. I'm sure you two will have a great life together. You complement each other."
He let his eyes flicker to Lea hoping he had chosen good words.

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on February 17, 2019, 12:15:17 PM

[Petty Officer Kellen Gates & Crewman Bnada - Puzzles]

Kellen beamed at Pastry Bloke, feeling a little better about the little salmon faux pas. Even Bnada was smiling. Though he thought he'd perhaps caught her eye roll earlier. She must have learned that very human mannerism from her other Ops friends. "And there are so many different ways to cook it, Max! You can pan fry it, poach it, smoke it, grill it, bake it..." His stomach growled enthusiastically. "Which is your favourite?"

Bnada was already offering her hand in greeting to Saya, Kyo and Jon, Judy's father, and she elbowed Kellen gently in the ribs to bring him back to reality. He turned, startled at first, but then quickly copied his date, recovering his manners. "Pleased to meet you," he said properly to Jon, before turning to Saya and Kyo, his eyes wide when he picked up on something the Vulcan said. "You've had two weddings?" He glanced at the man alongside her. "Have you two husbands?"

Beside him, Bnada audibly groaned. "Let's try that salmon now, shall we?" She suggested, tugging on his arm.

Quote from: Leanna Mazal on February 17, 2019, 12:44:44 PM

[Puzzles - Max]

As his wife introduced Kellen and Bnada to Saya, Kyo and his father in law, Max acknowledged Jon first with his comment about Judy. " Just another reason why she's got me"He replied grinning. Although was glad of the distraction before the inevitable talk about his use of Eastman when Kyo asked about the food, glad that the subject was still something he could answer without feeling nervous.

" I'd recommend the pastries, then again I did oversee the menu and dishes so I have it on good authority that's it all good"He answered with a smile as Kellen then spoke more about the salmon and asked how he liked it to be cooked.

" Pan fried"He added happily before the Petty Officer spoke to Kyo and Saya and Bnada attempted to entice him with trying the salmon.

His attention then shifted towards Lea and Fells particularly the latter as he congratulated him and Judy.

" Thank you Fells, its appreciated and I'm glad to see you two looking so happy as well"

[Lt. Cmdr. Judith Eastman-Williams, PhD, PsyD, MBA, MS & Mr. Jonathan Eastman - Puzzles]

"Thank you, Fells," Judy acknowledged Lea's boyfriend. He was gracious, tactful, and to some extent pleasant, a delightful improvement for him. She also had to admit that he cleaned up nice, although not as nice as her husband (Judy found Max's features to be just perfect).

With that thought, Judy emptied half of her cup of coffee in two long sips.

"Let me just warn you," Judy addressed Bnada and Kellen. "We told the kitchen to be pretty generous with the garlic."
The pungent allium was a favored ingredient in the Eastman-Williams household, and the Eastman household before it. Judy adored it, and used it just about everywhere it made sense to.

"Family tradition," Jon elaborated. "Garlic really makes no sense. Why does something that tastes so good smell so bad? It's so frustrating!"

The talk of middle and last names seemed to be thankfully averted. Judy almost audibly sighed with relief.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Fells Halgerdur

Max and Fells had gotten along well while he was working there. Not that Fells had actually learned something useful in the kitchen. He liked the older guy though. Maybe there was a different side to Judy, that only the inner circle of her friends knew and not her patients.

"We are pretty happy because I got transfer to Columbus. It was a surprise but at least I can be with her rather than just talk on a screen. So yeah....good times. Plus I'm able to attend your wedding and try the drinks and food. I'm sure they are delicious."
Wow, he really went all out to be polite in Judy's presence because the last thing he wanted was her to reconsider whether he was a good fit for Starfleet or Lea.

He accepted the drink and had a quick one, completely forgetting to toast the couple. Instead he made a face because it was really strong.
He placed his own hand on top of Leas on his waist to hold her close. After all she knew all these people. He didn't.

James A. Hawke



James greeted the group and saw Alec and Aryn.  He gave them a slight now to them and greeted them.  Hawke observed the room, he noticed the meal was starting to get served.  James felt a little lighter as he did not have his jacket.  He listened to Alec as he teased.

Quote from: Aryn Corliss on February 16, 2019, 09:20:49 PM

Captain, Alec and Aryn greeted. While they both took note of the color of the captain's dress, both of them had made far too many faux pas in their long history of visiting different worlds to ever consider mocking her for it. Instead, Aryn offered an encouraging smile and said, Glad you made it. Quite the party, isn't it? Most of Judy's family think they're the oldest people here. It's kind of fun to disabuse them of the notion.

Easy mistake to make, isn't it, Commander Hawke? Alec teased. Looks good for being as old as the hills, doesn't she? He wrapped his arm around Aryn's waist, giving her a hug.

Aryn raised a brow at him. You told him I was older than the hills? Her tone was serious and Alec wondered if he'd just made a very bad mistake.

James observed at the reaction and probably calling your wife old is never a smart thing.  James looked down and thought for a second to stay out of the problem, but thought maybe if he intervene things might go smoother.

James grabbed a flute from a random and began having another drink and merely responded "Luitenant Corliss, I believe the jokes on me.  When I first met Alc and Dr. Ellis I made the wrong assumption that they were a couple and he responded that she was to young for him, which I believe was meant to complement your Wisdom

James took another sip and continued "Well, if I may say you both of you look remarkably young, hmm look like the meal is ready, shall we?"  James asked the group.

He made several mistakes in the introduction the other one is thinking that Dr. Ellis was an old hag.  Actually, after that meeting, he would have preferred the old Hag rather than the snarky tone.  James figured it would be bad to state this, as it could potentially lead in the civil war in the Columbus that would claim hundreds of lives and last several generations. 

Click on the Badge to see bio

Ozu Saya

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on February 17, 2019, 12:15:17 PM

[Petty Officer Kellen Gates & Crewman Bnada - Puzzles]

Kellen beamed at Pastry Bloke, feeling a little better about the little salmon faux pas. Even Bnada was smiling. Though he thought he'd perhaps caught her eye roll earlier. She must have learned that very human mannerism from her other Ops friends. "And there are so many different ways to cook it, Max! You can pan fry it, poach it, smoke it, grill it, bake it..." His stomach growled enthusiastically. "Which is your favourite?"

Bnada was already offering her hand in greeting to Saya, Kyo and Jon, Judy's father, and she elbowed Kellen gently in the ribs to bring him back to reality. He turned, startled at first, but then quickly copied his date, recovering his manners. "Pleased to meet you," he said properly to Jon, before turning to Saya and Kyo, his eyes wide when he picked up on something the Vulcan said. "You've had two weddings?" He glanced at the man alongside her. "Have you two husbands?"

Beside him, Bnada audibly groaned. "Let's try that salmon now, shall we?" She suggested, tugging on his arm.


Saya allowed herself a small smile at the young human male. No, she responded. Kyo and I had two small ceremonies - on Vulcan and Bajor - one for each of our families. We decided not to try to bring everyone to one location.

She and Kyo moved with the rest of the group in the direction of food.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Leanna Mazal

[Puzzles - Max & Lea]

Judy's reaction to Fells was more than both Max and Lea were expecting but still the younger woman appreciated her friends effort in being warm and friendly towards her boyfriend.

Max on the other hand was relieved when his father in law was distracted with the conversation about their liberal use of garlic saving him from an awkward conversation about his name.

Turning his attention back to Fells as the security officer also answered him about how happy they were and his transfer as well as being at the wedding. I'm glad to hear that and I look forward to seeing more of you around the station"

Lea smiled as her boyfriend spoke although that soon became a grin at his reaction to the drink before he held her close. She was aware that he didn't know many people as everyone started to move off towards the food.

Max was the first to lead everyone as he took hold of his Bride's hand. " Let's go eat" He suggested as Lea then turned to Fells.

" Are you hungry or would you like to go meet some of the others ?" she asked then gave him a third option.

" Or we can go back to the table ?".

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Leanna Mazal on February 18, 2019, 02:41:51 PM

[Puzzles - Max & Lea]

Judy's reaction to Fells was more than both Max and Lea were expecting but still the younger woman appreciated her friends effort in being warm and friendly towards her boyfriend.

Max on the other hand was relieved when his father in law was distracted with the conversation about their liberal use of garlic saving him from an awkward conversation about his name.

Turning his attention back to Fells as the security officer also answered him about how happy they were and his transfer as well as being at the wedding. I'm glad to hear that and I look forward to seeing more of you around the station"

Lea smiled as her boyfriend spoke although that soon became a grin at his reaction to the drink before he held her close. She was aware that he didn't know many people as everyone started to move off towards the food.

Max was the first to lead everyone as he took hold of his Bride's hand. " Let's go eat" He suggested as Lea then turned to Fells.

" Are you hungry or would you like to go meet some of the others ?" she asked then gave him a third option.

" Or we can go back to the table ?".

[Lt. Cmdr. Judith Eastman-Williams, PhD, PsyD, MBA, MS & Mr. Jonathan Eastman - Puzzles

Judy pulled a little closer to Max, wrapping her free arm around him with glee when he offered to eat.
"You read my mind," she replied with a smile. "Your wife is just as hungry as you are."

She never expected she'd get tired of referring to herself as Max's wife. She loved him that dearly.
"Do you suppose I want salmon, or not?" she asked, grinning.

Jon noticed the newlyweds getting lovey-dovey, and quietly peeled off to get some food.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Felicity Ellis

Quote from: Aryn Corliss on February 16, 2019, 09:20:49 PM


Flick has been exceptionally supportive and helpful, both as a friend and as a counselor. She's helped me regain some memories, helped us know each other again. I lost my memory at the same time Alec was taken and dumped on a prison planet. I had no idea he existed until right before he showed up here. Aryn turned to Alec with a sad smile and squeezed his hand.

Alec returned her smile and added, We used to travel a lot. Haven't had an opportunity since we found one another again, but right now, our focus is on getting to know each other again and trying some new methods to help Aryn regain her memory. I hope we'll be in a position to travel again someday, but for now, I'm content here. And we do sometimes spend long stretches of time in one location. Just depends. Some of us have more of a wandering heart than others.

Captain, Alec and Aryn greeted. While they both took note of the color of the captain's dress, both of them had made far too many faux pas in their long history of visiting different worlds to ever consider mocking her for it. Instead, Aryn offered an encouraging smile and said, Glad you made it. Quite the party, isn't it? Most of Judy's family think they're the oldest people here. It's kind of fun to disabuse them of the notion.

Easy mistake to make, isn't it, Commander Hawke? Alec teased. Looks good for being as old as the hills, doesn't she? He wrapped his arm around Aryn's waist, giving her a hug.

Aryn raised a brow at him. You told him I was older than the hills? Her tone was serious and Alec wondered if he'd just made a very bad mistake.

Quote from: James A. Hawke on February 16, 2019, 12:54:02 AM

James accompanied Naira and Felicity back into their group  Felicity took the point in trying to comfort and pointing out the ridiculousness of wearing white.

James smiled and chuckled as she heard the comment from Dr. Ellis.  Her statement might infer other things, but at the end of the day, it was true.  Individuals are not as pure as it was in theory.   James did not say much as he figured it was not that appropriate time to make jokes.
James turned to Naira and said "I agree  Captain, you doo look stunning Captain if I may say so.   I think this is the first time Dr. Ellis and myself have decided on something the same way.  So it must count for something right?  Besides, they all should be honored by your presence"

As they approached the entire group, James looked at them; he was serious.  He wanted to give the impression that Captain Naira's dress was out of bound for jokes.  James merely said   Dr. Anitionette Ellis, it is my honor to present you to Captain Naira, the Commanding Officer of the Columbus.  Now have we missed anything?   James asked politely.

[Felicity Ellis & Dr. Antoinette Ellis - Puzzles]

Antoinette Ellis showed little reaction when Aryn seemingly came to her daughter's defense. It wasn't something she was unused to; there had been times in the past when Felicity had inspired some loyalty in others, only to be used against Antoinette when she tried to right that status quo. Her youngest, late son had been particularly rebellious at times due to Felicity's influence. Greg it seemed had picked up some of his sister's antagonistic nature of late, too.

Though one could not help but react to the El-Aurians' story. It was a strange, unique one. She arched a perfectly shaped brow as the couple spoke to their struggles. She supposed they must care for each other a great deal. Antoinette also supposed that if she'd been in Aryn's place, she'd revel in less restrictions and a new freedom, but then, not everyone viewed marriage as a tether and restriction to her intellect as Antoinette did.

"My husband is a neurologist, and for all of his very many faults, he is exceptional at what he does. You will let us know if there's anything we can do to help, won't you?"

The offer was a genuine one, though nowhere near as straightforward as Antoinette presented it. Like everything the woman offered, it came with a price tag. The cost of her help could be steep, and Felicity knew all about that. She'd rejoined the group with the Captain and Commander just in time to overhear her mother's offer to the couple. She bit down on her bottom lip, trying to still her sudden need to react, while Hawke took the initiative and introduced Naira to her mother.

Antoinette extended her hand. "A pleasure to meet you, Captain." The elder Ellis had greatly approved of not only Felicity's appointment to Command level officer on the Columbus, but most especially she supported her daughter working directly beneath a woman of medicine and science. "I had hoped that under your influence Felicity might have eventually accepted her own command. Instead I must commend your obvious patience with my daughter's contrary nature." The fact that Naira had allowed Felicity to remain on the station as a civilian to pursue whatever fairytale she'd dreamed up was a source of great confusion and disappointment to Antoinette. Had she not been allowed to stay, she likely would have returned to Earth and back into her sphere of influence.

Felicity snorted in response to her mother's insult and rolled her eyes in a rather unladylike display. She found herself caring less and less for etiquette as the day wore on and she turned to look for Jack and the bottomless champagne. "And this is why I drink," she gestured casually to her mother, her tone dry but the flash of her eyes and the small glimpse of a deepening dimple suggesting she was somewhat amused. The grin only grew when Aryn turned her serious tone on Alec.

Quote from: James A. Hawke on February 17, 2019, 05:30:47 PM


James greeted the group and saw Alec and Aryn.  He gave them a slight now to them and greeted them.  Hawke observed the room, he noticed the meal was starting to get served.  James felt a little lighter as he did not have his jacket.  He listened to Alec as he teased.

James observed at the reaction and probably calling your wife old is never a smart thing.  James looked down and thought for a second to stay out of the problem, but thought maybe if he intervene things might go smoother.

James grabbed a flute from a random and began having another drink and merely responded "Luitenant Corliss, I believe the jokes on me.  When I first met Alc and Dr. Ellis I made the wrong assumption that they were a couple and he responded that she was to young for him, which I believe was meant to complement your Wisdom

James took another sip and continued "Well, if I may say you both of you look remarkably young, hmm look like the meal is ready, shall we?"  James asked the group.

He made several mistakes in the introduction the other one is thinking that Dr. Ellis was an old hag.  Actually, after that meeting, he would have preferred the old Hag rather than the snarky tone.  James figured it would be bad to state this, as it could potentially lead in the civil war in the Columbus that would claim hundreds of lives and last several generations.

Felicity stared at Hawke, her mouth dropping open a little. It was almost as if he didn't know when he should stop talking. Or perhaps he just didn't realise that silence was sometimes a valid option.

She blinked, then glanced at Alec and Aryn and laughed. She snared another passing flute, much to her mother's obvious disapproval, and took a generous gulp. "Come on Ma, let's eat. Pray, fill me with soakage lest I further scandalise you."

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
Bio: Felicity Ellis

Aryn Corliss

Quote from: James A. Hawke on February 17, 2019, 05:30:47 PM


James greeted the group and saw Alec and Aryn.  He gave them a slight now to them and greeted them.  Hawke observed the room, he noticed the meal was starting to get served.  James felt a little lighter as he did not have his jacket.  He listened to Alec as he teased.

James observed at the reaction and probably calling your wife old is never a smart thing.  James looked down and thought for a second to stay out of the problem, but thought maybe if he intervene things might go smoother.

James grabbed a flute from a random and began having another drink and merely responded "Luitenant Corliss, I believe the jokes on me.  When I first met Alc and Dr. Ellis I made the wrong assumption that they were a couple and he responded that she was to young for him, which I believe was meant to complement your Wisdom

James took another sip and continued "Well, if I may say you both of you look remarkably young, hmm look like the meal is ready, shall we?"  James asked the group.

He made several mistakes in the introduction the other one is thinking that Dr. Ellis was an old hag.  Actually, after that meeting, he would have preferred the old Hag rather than the snarky tone.  James figured it would be bad to state this, as it could potentially lead in the civil war in the Columbus that would claim hundreds of lives and last several generations.


Aryn was chagrined to discover that both her husband and Hawke had taken her seriously, so she quickly said, Don't worry, Commander. I was joking. I am older than Alec by about, fifty? years. She looked toward him for confirmation.

Alec nodded and looked relieved that he hadn't put his foot in his mouth too badly.

Aryn added, If you get to our age and can't joke about it, makes for a rather dull life.

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on February 19, 2019, 12:55:55 PM

[Felicity Ellis & Dr. Antoinette Ellis - Puzzles]

Antoinette Ellis showed little reaction when Aryn seemingly came to her daughter's defense. It wasn't something she was unused to; there had been times in the past when Felicity had inspired some loyalty in others, only to be used against Antoinette when she tried to right that status quo. Her youngest, late son had been particularly rebellious at times due to Felicity's influence. Greg it seemed had picked up some of his sister's antagonistic nature of late, too.

Though one could not help but react to the El-Aurians' story. It was a strange, unique one. She arched a perfectly shaped brow as the couple spoke to their struggles. She supposed they must care for each other a great deal. Antoinette also supposed that if she'd been in Aryn's place, she'd revel in less restrictions and a new freedom, but then, not everyone viewed marriage as a tether and restriction to her intellect as Antoinette did.

"My husband is a neurologist, and for all of his very many faults, he is exceptional at what he does. You will let us know if there's anything we can do to help, won't you?"

The offer was a genuine one, though nowhere near as straightforward as Antoinette presented it. Like everything the woman offered, it came with a price tag. The cost of her help could be steep, and Felicity knew all about that. She'd rejoined the group with the Captain and Commander just in time to overhear her mother's offer to the couple. She bit down on her bottom lip, trying to still her sudden need to react, while Hawke took the initiative and introduced Naira to her mother.

Antoinette extended her hand. "A pleasure to meet you, Captain." The elder Ellis had greatly approved of not only Felicity's appointment to Command level officer on the Columbus, but most especially she supported her daughter working directly beneath a woman of medicine and science. "I had hoped that under your influence Felicity might have eventually accepted her own command. Instead I must commend your obvious patience with my daughter's contrary nature." The fact that Naira had allowed Felicity to remain on the station as a civilian to pursue whatever fairytale she'd dreamed up was a source of great confusion and disappointment to Antoinette. Had she not been allowed to stay, she likely would have returned to Earth and back into her sphere of influence.

Felicity snorted in response to her mother's insult and rolled her eyes in a rather unladylike display. She found herself caring less and less for etiquette as the day wore on and she turned to look for Jack and the bottomless champagne. "And this is why I drink," she gestured casually to her mother, her tone dry but the flash of her eyes and the small glimpse of a deepening dimple suggesting she was somewhat amused. The grin only grew when Aryn turned her serious tone on Alec.

Felicity stared at Hawke, her mouth dropping open a little. It was almost as if he didn't know when he should stop talking. Or perhaps he just didn't realise that silence was sometimes a valid option.

She blinked, then glanced at Alec and Aryn and laughed. She snared another passing flute, much to her mother's obvious disapproval, and took a generous gulp. "Come on Ma, let's eat. Pray, fill me with soakage lest I further scandalise you."

Thank you, Aryn responded to Felicity's mother. I appreciate the offer and will keep it in mind. She didn't add that she'd seen neurologists who had determined that there was nothing they could do to help her. Several of them - twelve, in fact. Because when one had said they couldn't help, they referred her to another, until she's grown tired of repeating the same information over and over and had walked out of the last office without a word.

Alec raised his brows in Aryn's direction and gestured at the server passing with a tray. She nodded and he grabbed flutes of champagne for both of them. Aryn took hers and sipped glancing with trepidation amongst the other members of their group. It looked as if Flick might be close to popping her mother and Hawke's comments weren't all that helpful to the situation.

Leanna Mazal

Quote from: Judith Eastman on February 18, 2019, 07:55:48 PM

[Lt. Cmdr. Judith Eastman-Williams, PhD, PsyD, MBA, MS & Mr. Jonathan Eastman - Puzzles

Judy pulled a little closer to Max, wrapping her free arm around him with glee when he offered to eat.
"You read my mind," she replied with a smile. "Your wife is just as hungry as you are."

She never expected she'd get tired of referring to herself as Max's wife. She loved him that dearly.
"Do you suppose I want salmon, or not?" she asked, grinning.

Jon noticed the newlyweds getting lovey-dovey, and quietly peeled off to get some food.

[Puzzles - Max]

Max smiled at Judy's response to them getting something to eat, glad that his distraction had worked so they could just relax for a few minutes before the inevitable walk around continued again. Of course there was still lots of other stuff to take place but for now having a break was more important especially for his sanity.

However when his wife (he smiled at the thought) mentioned the salmon, he looked at her as he grinned back. " Its a good thing we have plenty of salmon, although I won't be partaking so that's entirely up to you my wife "He replied still grinning as he approached the first table and handed Judy a plate before getting one for himself.

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Leanna Mazal on February 20, 2019, 10:07:30 AM

[Puzzles - Max]

Max smiled at Judy's response to them getting something to eat, glad that his distraction had worked so they could just relax for a few minutes before the inevitable walk around continued again. Of course there was still lots of other stuff to take place but for now having a break was more important especially for his sanity.

However when his wife (he smiled at the thought) mentioned the salmon, he looked at her as he grinned back. " Its a good thing we have plenty of salmon, although I won't be partaking so that's entirely up to you my wife "He replied still grinning as he approached the first table and handed Judy a plate before getting one for himself.

[Lt. Cmdr. Judith Eastman-Williams, PhD, PsyD, MBA, MS - Puzzles]

"I think I'll have some," Judy answered, smiling. "Since my husband is missing out, I think I have to."

She helped herself to the salmon, to a salad, and to some deviled eggs, and sat down at the nearest table. It was her first meal as Mrs/Dr/Lt. Cmdr. Eastman-Williams - the first of many.

"It's just a perfect day, isn't it?" she asked Max, grinning.

[NPC - Mr. Jonathan Eastman - Puzzles]

Jon now set his mind on making amends after his wife. He noticed Saya, Judy's young friend, getting rather uncomfortable with every single line of inquiry, a natural result of his nosy wife.

"I'm sorry about Diane earlier," he said quietly. "I think she's had a mimosa too many this morning."

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

James A. Hawke


James stood in silence as he finished his awkward statement.  He was trying to defend Alec but he did not know if he made the statement any worse.  He was swallowing his saliva with a big *gulp* as he did not know how Aryn would respond to the comment.  He figured by anyone facial reaction what came out was not charming at all.  Hawke figured that maybe he should have kept quiet, but at least he tried to jump into the so-called "foxhole" with Alec.

Quote from: Aryn Corliss on February 19, 2019, 04:50:23 PM


Don't worry, Commander. I was joking. I am older than Alec by about, fifty? years. She looked toward him for confirmation.

Aryn added, If you get to our age and can't joke about it, makes for a rather dull life.

James breathed a sigh of relief as it was all a joke and he played his part of a sucker.  Man that sucked James thought.  Maybe the rest of the evening was not as eventful.  Somehow he doubted it.  He kept listening to Dr. Ellis (Mother) and the comment she stated to Captain Naira.
Quote from: Felicity Ellis on February 19, 2019, 12:55:55 PM

[Felicity Ellis & Dr. Antoinette Ellis - Puzzles]
Antoinette extended her hand. "A pleasure to meet you, Captain." The elder Ellis had greatly approved of not only Felicity's appointment to Command level officer on the Columbus, but most especially she supported her daughter working directly beneath a woman of medicine and science. "I had hoped that under your influence Felicity might have eventually accepted her own command. Instead I must commend your obvious patience with my daughter's contrary nature."
Felicity snorted in response to her mother's insult and rolled her eyes in a rather unladylike display. She found herself caring less and less for etiquette as the day wore on and she turned to look for Jack and the bottomless champagne. "And this is why I drink," she gestured casually to her mother, her tone dry but the flash of her eyes and the small glimpse of a deepening dimple suggesting she was somewhat amused. The grin only grew when Aryn turned her serious tone on Alec.

James observed the interaction and initially kept quiet as this had nothing to do with him.  He already has made one attempt to save someone, and it appeared that it landed himself in hot water.  He took a sip of the flute as he almost emptied it.

He placed the almost empty flute on a table and grabbed a new one.  Something was bothering on her Dr. Ellis (Mother) was treating her daughter.  James felt a little anger as she put her down a little.  True she was not perfect, and they have not always been in the best of terms, but he wondered why he was bothered by it.  Hawke felt his mouth got a little tried and noticed that he was holding the flute a little stronger than usual.

Am I angry?  Why?   James thought to himself

He stood there not moving as the group began heading towards the dinner.  He was wrapped in his thoughts on what to say or do.  He also wondered should he even intervene.

He walked a little quicker to catch up to the group and James headed towards Dr. Antoinette Ellis.  James walked and merely said   "Excuse Dr. Antoinette Ellis, could I borrow a moment of your time, in private.  Just a couple of steps away"

James offered Dr. Ellis his elbow to escort her a place where they could talk outside the group.  James figured that the woman would have pried and any negative comments in front of the group would almost be a declaration of war.  He would prefer to make the statement in private, and he did not want the younger Dr. Ellis to hear his comments.

Why am I doing this? James thought.  He did not know what was powering him to do the actions.  Alternatively, why he was a little nervous.  He expected after everything he has been through in his life that talking to the mother of a colleague would be easy.

James wanted to walk only a handful steps within the eyesight of everyone and yet far enough so no one could hear.  He would look at Dr. Antoinette Ellis in the eye and said seriously "Dr. Ellis, I thought a woman of your stature and dignity would approve of my respectfully disagreeing with you in private.  I do respectfully disagree about your daughter nature or her carrier choice

James said "Please hear me out for a second, your daughter Dr. Ellis can sometimes be a pain in the ass, stubborn, snarky, her manners might not be impeccable if existent,  careless with her pets and might occasionally drink maybe a little much.  But with all her flaws, I see something different. 

Dude, you should stop right freaking now, bail, abort the mission James though

James looked down for a second and thought how he was going to say the next part "She also has great attributes, such as her empathy, going out of her way to help people, trying to get things done.  I have learned that art, jobs, and individuals are really in the eye of the beholder.  Your daughter helps countless people every day, touches lives commonly, brightens people lives.  You should see what she does and how she helps people, she probably does more good daily basis that I can in my office.  Dr. Ellis, sometimes people miss the most obvious things because they are not looking for them."

James smiled to her mother and said "I know I'm in no position to say this but,  It would be a shame for you to go with your life and not see the jewel that is your daughter.  By looking at the flaws, you might miss the sparkle and the beauty.  Now I believe, I've spoken too much."

James wondered What the frack did I say?  I just sounded like I might have feelings towards her.  Yeah right, never in a million years James thought

James said "Ohh would you mind if we kept this conversation in private Dr. Ellis?"

Click on the Badge to see bio

Judith Eastman

[NPC - The Hon. Judge Estelle Roth (Ret.), The Hon. Mrs. Nancy Eastman-Levin, Mr. Gerald Eastman & Mr. Lawrence Eastman - Puzzles]

Nancy and Estelle listened to what was going on around, and tried to eavesdrop on Commander Hawke.
"That's the XO, right?" Nancy asked.
"Yeah. He got into a fight the other day," Estelle answered.
"Oy vey," Nancy responded.
Neither old woman seemed to use her indoor voice.

Moreover, neither the octogenarian nor the supercentenarian could pick up what Hawke was saying, but they heard his tone, saw his posture, and came to the same conclusion.
"Are he and her daughter... doing it?"
"I'm not sure. Lawrence!"
Estelle waved over her great-grandson, who was carrying food for her.
"Are Hawke and Ellis [spoiler]fuck[/spoiler]ing?" she asked.
"I don't think so," Lawrence replied, blushing at the loud, inappropriate banter.
His brother, Gerald, continued to stare at his toes.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya

Quote from: Judith Eastman on February 20, 2019, 10:55:22 AM

[Lt. Cmdr. Judith Eastman-Williams, PhD, PsyD, MBA, MS - Puzzles]

"I think I'll have some," Judy answered, smiling. "Since my husband is missing out, I think I have to."

She helped herself to the salmon, to a salad, and to some deviled eggs, and sat down at the nearest table. It was her first meal as Mrs/Dr/Lt. Cmdr. Eastman-Williams - the first of many.

"It's just a perfect day, isn't it?" she asked Max, grinning.

[NPC - Mr. Jonathan Eastman - Puzzles]

Jon now set his mind on making amends after his wife. He noticed Saya, Judy's young friend, getting rather uncomfortable with every single line of inquiry, a natural result of his nosy wife.

"I'm sorry about Diane earlier," he said quietly. "I think she's had a mimosa too many this morning."


Kyo and Saya began making selections from the buffet, both sticking to vegetarian choices. Kyo had found since being mentally bonded to Saya that he had less of a taste for meat. Saya's grandparents had assured him that after some time, their preferences would not influence the other so much, but for the time being, especially when they were in close proximity, Kyo had become vegetarian. He didn't regret it too much; it was just different than he was used to.

When Jon approached, they paused to listen to him. Please don't concern yourself. Emotions are high at such an event, and I confess that my own control is not what it should be at present. You and Diane have been so hospitable to us. There are no hard feelings.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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