An SBC Wedding Part II: Heart (Patient) Convention (COMPLETED)

Started by Judith Eastman, February 11, 2019, 11:20:49 PM

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Judith Eastman

Quote from: Ozu Saya on February 20, 2019, 09:33:44 PM


Kyo and Saya began making selections from the buffet, both sticking to vegetarian choices. Kyo had found since being mentally bonded to Saya that he had less of a taste for meat. Saya's grandparents had assured him that after some time, their preferences would not influence the other so much, but for the time being, especially when they were in close proximity, Kyo had become vegetarian. He didn't regret it too much; it was just different than he was used to.

When Jon approached, they paused to listen to him. Please don't concern yourself. Emotions are high at such an event, and I confess that my own control is not what it should be at present. You and Diane have been so hospitable to us. There are no hard feelings.

Quote from: Judith Eastman on February 20, 2019, 06:34:48 PM

[NPC - The Hon. Judge Estelle Roth (Ret.), The Hon. Mrs. Nancy Eastman-Levin, Mr. Gerald Eastman & Mr. Lawrence Eastman - Puzzles]

Nancy and Estelle listened to what was going on around, and tried to eavesdrop on Commander Hawke.
"That's the XO, right?" Nancy asked.
"Yeah. He got into a fight the other day," Estelle answered.
"Oy vey," Nancy responded.
Neither old woman seemed to use her indoor voice.

Moreover, neither the octogenarian nor the supercentenarian could pick up what Hawke was saying, but they heard his tone, saw his posture, and came to the same conclusion.
"Are he and her daughter... doing it?"
"I'm not sure. Lawrence!"
Estelle waved over her great-grandson, who was carrying food for her.
"Are Hawke and Ellis [spoiler]fuck[/spoiler]ing?" she asked.
"I don't think so," Lawrence replied, blushing at the loud, inappropriate banter.
His brother, Gerald, continued to stare at his toes.

[NPC - Mr. Jonathan Eastman - Puzzles]

"I guess so. We're both very excited for Judy. We're glad to see her rebounding so well. The divorce was rough for her," Jon answered.

Then, he looked up to the sound of Estelle's loud kvetching. He couldn't help shaking his head.

"Oy vey," he muttered. "In-laws. What can you do?"

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Felicity Ellis

Quote from: James A. Hawke on February 20, 2019, 06:16:05 PM


He walked a little quicker to catch up to the group and James headed towards Dr. Antoinette Ellis.  James walked and merely said   "Excuse Dr. Antoinette Ellis, could I borrow a moment of your time, in private.  Just a couple of steps away"

James offered Dr. Ellis his elbow to escort her a place where they could talk outside the group.  James figured that the woman would have pried and any negative comments in front of the group would almost be a declaration of war.  He would prefer to make the statement in private, and he did not want the younger Dr. Ellis to hear his comments.

Why am I doing this? James thought.  He did not know what was powering him to do the actions.  Alternatively, why he was a little nervous.  He expected after everything he has been through in his life that talking to the mother of a colleague would be easy.

James wanted to walk only a handful steps within the eyesight of everyone and yet far enough so no one could hear.  He would look at Dr. Antoinette Ellis in the eye and said seriously "Dr. Ellis, I thought a woman of your stature and dignity would approve of my respectfully disagreeing with you in private.  I do respectfully disagree about your daughter nature or her carrier choice

James said "Please hear me out for a second, your daughter Dr. Ellis can sometimes be a pain in the ass, stubborn, snarky, her manners might not be impeccable if existent,  careless with her pets and might occasionally drink maybe a little much.  But with all her flaws, I see something different. 

Dude, you should stop right freaking now, bail, abort the mission James though

James looked down for a second and thought how he was going to say the next part "She also has great attributes, such as her empathy, going out of her way to help people, trying to get things done.  I have learned that art, jobs, and individuals are really in the eye of the beholder.  Your daughter helps countless people every day, touches lives commonly, brightens people lives.  You should see what she does and how she helps people, she probably does more good daily basis that I can in my office.  Dr. Ellis, sometimes people miss the most obvious things because they are not looking for them."

James smiled to her mother and said "I know I'm in no position to say this but,  It would be a shame for you to go with your life and not see the jewel that is your daughter.  By looking at the flaws, you might miss the sparkle and the beauty.  Now I believe, I've spoken too much."

James wondered What the frack did I say?  I just sounded like I might have feelings towards her.  Yeah right, never in a million years James thought

James said "Ohh would you mind if we kept this conversation in private Dr. Ellis?"

[Dr. Antoinette Ellis - Puzzles]

Antoinette's face reflected her surprise for a fleeting moment before she recovered and took Commander Hawke's offered arm. Silently she moved off-side with him; far enough away to be out of earshot, but close enough to be seen. She stayed stony and quiet as the man spoke, not reacting again until he was quite finished.

"I am not ignorant to my daughter's qualities, Commander. Rather, I place a different value on them." Antoinette's tone was laced with disapproval. "I birthed her, I raised her and thus am acutely aware of her abilities and potential. She has not lived up to that potential." Antoinette had extremely high expectations when it came to her children, and that would never change. Not even if they reached the lofty heights of the standards she set.

She eyed the man, weighing him up as she decided whether it suited her more to be offended or magnanimous.

"I understand that your role involves safeguarding those under your command and care, Commander, and as such I will forgive your presumptuousness." She smiled at him as she claimed consideration, but there was no warmth in it and it certainly fell short of reaching her eyes. "Perhaps if we knew one another a little better I might be more inclined to entertain your lectures."

Finished with her polite savagery, Antoinette took a sip from her champagne. "Of course." She was already moving away when Commander Hawke requested they keep their conversation between them. "I would not dream of breathing a word about your obviously complicated feelings for my daughter." She moved off to rejoin the group, already keen to use what had just transpired to her advantage.

Quote from: Judith Eastman on February 20, 2019, 06:34:48 PM

[NPC - The Hon. Judge Estelle Roth (Ret.), The Hon. Mrs. Nancy Eastman-Levin, Mr. Gerald Eastman & Mr. Lawrence Eastman - Puzzles]

Estelle waved over her great-grandson, who was carrying food for her.
"Are Hawke and Ellis [spoiler]fuck[/spoiler]ing?" she asked.
"I don't think so," Lawrence replied, blushing at the loud, inappropriate banter.
His brother, Gerald, continued to stare at his toes.

[Felicity - Puzzles]

Felicity was gaping at her mother and Hawke. Why were they talking? What could they possibly have to even talk about? Why was she so uncomfortable?


She decided to stop staring and ignore it. Chances were that whatever was going on, she'd be happier not knowing, anyway. In order to distract herself, she'd visit the buffet. She had two meals to organise; she knew quite well her mother would refuse to serve herself. Felicity would not give her the opportunity for further public griping.

As she moved through the tables and toward the food, Felicity just so happened to catch the tail-end of a conversation some members of Judy's family were engaging in. Naturally, having only overheard a portion of the exchange, she assumed Estelle was referring to her mother and Hawke.

"Your Honor!" Felicity gasped, pausing for a moment. She turned a wide-eyed stare on Judy's grandmother. "My mother is spoken for!" She lowered her voice slightly and added, "And not by the XO." Her mother and Hawke!? She liked that a lot less than the idea of them just talking to each other. She spied Leanna nearby and turned a thoroughly agitated gaze toward her.

Save me!

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
Bio: Felicity Ellis

Leanna Mazal

[Puzzles - Max]

Max smiled as Judy commented about the salmon, it wasn't exactly his favourite fish but he had decided to forgo it for today as he filled up his plate with a selection of other yummy dishes before sitting down with Judy. Glad to be off his feet and not worrying about speaking to people as Judy then mentioned how perfect it was.

" I agree it is "


With Fells being called away and his promise to meet her later, Lea had made her way towards the food tables, taken advantage of the many dishes on offer as well as the booze courtesy of Seamus. As much as she missed her boyfriend, she wanted to still enjoy the reception even if she was in her own little bubble until she saw her best friend.

Seeing the look from Flick , Lea had no intention of letting her friend down especially when she spotted who she was with.

Lea immediately went over to her.

"Let's go to my table and we can talk".

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on February 22, 2019, 02:51:21 PM

[Felicity - Puzzles]

Felicity was gaping at her mother and Hawke. Why were they talking? What could they possibly have to even talk about? Why was she so uncomfortable?


She decided to stop staring and ignore it. Chances were that whatever was going on, she'd be happier not knowing, anyway. In order to distract herself, she'd visit the buffet. She had two meals to organise; she knew quite well her mother would refuse to serve herself. Felicity would not give her the opportunity for further public griping.

As she moved through the tables and toward the food, Felicity just so happened to catch the tail-end of a conversation some members of Judy's family were engaging in. Naturally, having only overheard a portion of the exchange, she assumed Estelle was referring to her mother and Hawke.

"Your Honor!" Felicity gasped, pausing for a moment. She turned a wide-eyed stare on Judy's grandmother. "My mother is spoken for!" She lowered her voice slightly and added, "And not by the XO." Her mother and Hawke!? She liked that a lot less than the idea of them just talking to each other. She spied Leanna nearby and turned a thoroughly agitated gaze toward her.

Save me!

[NPC - The Hon. Judge Estelle Roth (Ret.), The Hon. Mrs. Nancy Eastman-Levin, Mr. Lawrence Eastman, & Mr. Gerald Eastman - Puzzles]

Estelle chuckled, choosing not to care about the reaction to her comment.
"Not your mother, young lady. You!" she exclaimed. "He's a lovely man, good body, and he clearly has feelings for you."
"Take it from someone who's been around the block a few times, he's interested," Nancy elaborated, the chemistry of Flick and James (Flames?) bridging the Eastman-Roth squabble.

The old ladies weren't as loud now, but it was still too bad for either of Judy's sons.
"I'm sorry," Lawrence mouthed as he and Gerald fled the scene.

Quote from: Leanna Mazal on February 22, 2019, 05:00:08 PM

[Puzzles - Max]

Max smiled as Judy commented about the salmon, it wasn't exactly his favourite fish but he had decided to forgo it for today as he filled up his plate with a selection of other yummy dishes before sitting down with Judy. Glad to be off his feet and not worrying about speaking to people as Judy then mentioned how perfect it was.

" I agree it is "

[Lt. Cmdr. Judith Eastman-Williams, PhD, PsyD, MBA, MS, NPC - Mr. Lawrence Eastman & Mr. Gerald Eastman - Puzzles

Judy was just starting to push up against Max's side when she heard her grandmother's lewd remark. She clutched her hands to her chest, grasping her pearl necklace in the process, spat out the coffee currently in her mouth (away from her husband, thankfully), and then looked at Max, horrified.

"Did she just?" she trailed off, all the while motioning Maggie over with a mimosa.
"I need this," the bride explained, downing the drink rather fast.

In the meantime, the Eastman twins fled to their mother and stepfather.

"Hi, Mom. Hi, Step-Dad," Lawrence greeted, comfortable enough with Max to tease him.
"Hi," Gerald echoed. He wasn't quite comfortable with his step-dad, though he was fond of the older man.

"Sit with us, sons," Judy ordered.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya

Quote from: Judith Eastman on February 20, 2019, 10:22:08 PM

[NPC - Mr. Jonathan Eastman - Puzzles]

"I guess so. We're both very excited for Judy. We're glad to see her rebounding so well. The divorce was rough for her," Jon answered.

Then, he looked up to the sound of Estelle's loud kvetching. He couldn't help shaking his head.

"Oy vey," he muttered. "In-laws. What can you do?"


Saya cleared her throat in discomfort at the elderly woman's raunchy comment and raised a brow at Judy's father. While Kyo's family had engaged in some teasing along those lines, they had not become anywhere near that crass. On Vulcan, of course, no one said such things, at least not within hearing.

They moved toward a table near Judy and sat, leaving any empty spaces at Judy's for her family, remaining in range for conversation but not wishing to infringe upon the family.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

James A. Hawke

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on February 22, 2019, 02:51:21 PM

[Dr. Antoinette Ellis - Puzzles]

"I am not ignorant to my daughter's qualities, Commander. Rather, I place a different value on them." Antoinette's tone was laced with disapproval. "I birthed her, I raised her and thus am acutely aware of her abilities and potential. She has not lived up to that potential." Antoinette had extremely high expectations when it came to her children, and that would never change. Not even if they reached the lofty heights of the standards she set.

She eyed the man, weighing him up as she decided whether it suited her more to be offended or magnanimous.

"I understand that your role involves safeguarding those under your command and care, Commander, and as such I will forgive your presumptuousness." She smiled at him as she claimed consideration, but there was no warmth in it and it certainly fell short of reaching her eyes. "Perhaps if we knew one another a little better I might be more inclined to entertain your lectures."

Finished with her polite savagery, Antoinette took a sip from her champagne. "Of course." She was already moving away when Commander Hawke requested they keep their conversation between them. "I would not dream of breathing a word about your obviously complicated feelings for my daughter." She moved off to rejoin the group, already keen to use what had just transpired to her advantage.

James looked at Dr. Ellis eyes as she gave her statement. He would not interrupt her as he was replicating the same courtesy that she give him.  What she spoke was true, that she has known Felicity Ellis her entire life.

However, the woman reminded him of his father.  They wanted what was best of their children but, there was a sense of coldness coming from her.  This was more than a formality; her answer was pointed and political.  Hawke realized that he was playing checkers and the woman was playing chess.  There was no consideration of the woman's mind that maybe she was missing something.   He wondered if they both went to the same school of parenting.

Hawke looked a little confused when he heard Dr. Ellis statement about him having feelings for her daughter.  As they headed to the group, James figured that it was too late to respond without Felicity hearing them.

Once again the Dr. Ellis posturing and floorcraft was above his own.  He understood the game within the game and on this part he lost.  He was ill-prepared and did not understand Dr. Ellis.  He figured that dealing with her is like dealing with his dad.  They are both masters at playing people. Hawke's were known to be notorious and cutthroat, he decided not to inherit that side of him.

He wanted to tell her that she was mistaken, that he had no feelings towards Felicity Ellis.  That she was an annoying pain in the ass, that was assigned in the past to evaluate him.  He was trying to defend her from her mother, maybe because his father treated him the same way.  He was shocked as he heard the statement and James merely thought that it would be impossible for him to have feelings towards her.  Anything but trying to help her out.  However, in the back of his mind, he wondered why did he even bother trying to protect Felicity Ellis.

James nodded to the woman as he played the political game  "Thank you for understanding my intrusion, Dr. Ellis.  I spoke out of haste and pure intention towards your daughter." .  James slightly bow and extended to her the courtesy and kept his etiquette up to par.  He also could play the game as well, but this time she beat him.   As they walked James politely said "It would be my pleasure also to get to know you better Dr. Ellis"

As they approached the group, James looked at everyone there and asked "Did we miss anything?"

Click on the Badge to see bio

Felicity Ellis

Quote from: Judith Eastman on February 22, 2019, 07:57:51 PM

[NPC - The Hon. Judge Estelle Roth (Ret.), The Hon. Mrs. Nancy Eastman-Levin, Mr. Lawrence Eastman, & Mr. Gerald Eastman - Puzzles]

Estelle chuckled, choosing not to care about the reaction to her comment.
"Not your mother, young lady. You!" she exclaimed. "He's a lovely man, good body, and he clearly has feelings for you."
"Take it from someone who's been around the block a few times, he's interested," Nancy elaborated, the chemistry of Flick and James (Flames?) bridging the Eastman-Roth squabble.

The old ladies weren't as loud now, but it was still too bad for either of Judy's sons.
"I'm sorry," Lawrence mouthed as he and Gerald fled the scene.

Quote from: Leanna Mazal on February 22, 2019, 05:00:08 PM


With Fells being called away and his promise to meet her later, Lea had made her way towards the food tables, taken advantage of the many dishes on offer as well as the booze courtesy of Seamus. As much as she missed her boyfriend, she wanted to still enjoy the reception even if she was in her own little bubble until she saw her best friend.

Seeing the look from Flick , Lea had no intention of letting her friend down especially when she spotted who she was with.

Lea immediately went over to her.

"Let's go to my table and we can talk".

[Felicity - Puzzles]

Felicity opened her mouth to speak, and then closed it. It took several seconds before what Estelle and Nancy were saying to sink in. She stared at the women for a short time before turning her attention to Hawke and her mother. Antoinette was speaking then, and Felicity had no idea what she was saying, though she recognised the expression on her face and what it meant. Perhaps she wasn't the only one who needed saving.

Felicity was blinking rapidly; a sure sign that she was trying to process.


Disbelief was what she'd finally landed on. Hawke was relatively new to the base, Estelle was a civilian, removed from day-to-day operations, and Nancy was a guest. Not only that, but they couldn't possibly know what it was Hawke and Antoinette were talking about. She turned a shrewd gaze back on the pair and folded her arms against her chest. "Your Honor...sss," she hurriedly pluarilised, realising that both women were due the title, "I believe you've possibly had far too many mimosas." How else could she explain it? They were talking madness. They couldn't possibly know anything about them or their feelings. Or they were trying to yank her chain. Either way: Little troublemakers...

When Leanna came to rescue her though, she felt relief nonetheless. Joking or not, this was all a little too much for Felicity at that moment. Her mother was enough to contend with, and she was definitely feeling the effects of all the champagne she'd slammed. As Lawrence and Gerald disappeared, so too did the possibility of any allies at the Roth and Eastman-Levin table. Her unimpressed stare followed them as they moved. Only when they'd relocated closer to their mother did she break her gaze.

"Good idea," she muttered to Leanna before turning to the ladies. "Your Honors, excuse me, please." And with that she turned and followed her friend away. She hoped far, far away.

"Have I unknowingly been transported to a parallel universe? It's not like it hasn't happened before. Pinch me, Lea," she held out her arm but then shook her head, "Wait no, that's for dreaming."

Quote from: James A. Hawke on February 24, 2019, 11:55:10 AM

James nodded to the woman as he played the political game  "Thank you for understanding my intrusion, Dr. Ellis.  I spoke out of haste and pure intention towards your daughter." .  James slightly bow and extended to her the courtesy and kept his etiquette up to par.  He also could play the game as well, but this time she beat him.   As they walked James politely said "It would be my pleasure also to get to know you better Dr. Ellis"

As they approached the group, James looked at everyone there and asked "Did we miss anything?"

[Dr. Antoinette Ellis - Puzzles]

When Commander James Hawke stated that his intentions toward her daughter were pure, Antoinette Ellis' careful, cool demeanour almost broke. This event was shaping up to be quite interesting, after all. "I very much look forward to it, Commander." She had many questions; some she'd ask of him, others she'd investigate the answers to herself.

"Did we miss the table service?" She asked innocently when they'd returned to the group, glancing at the guests milling around with plates laden with food. It was then that she spotted her daughter being directed away by another lady in red. "Who might that young woman be?" She questioned her companions at large, gesturing toward Felicity and Leanna, her tone curious.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
Bio: Felicity Ellis

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Ozu Saya on February 23, 2019, 07:31:27 PM


Saya cleared her throat in discomfort at the elderly woman's raunchy comment and raised a brow at Judy's father. While Kyo's family had engaged in some teasing along those lines, they had not become anywhere near that crass. On Vulcan, of course, no one said such things, at least not within hearing.

They moved toward a table near Judy and sat, leaving any empty spaces at Judy's for her family, remaining in range for conversation but not wishing to infringe upon the family.

[Lt. Cmdr. Judith Eastman-Williams, PhD, PsyD, MBA, MS - Puzzles]

Judy noticed Saya and Kyo, and quickly waved them over. She knew that Max didn't like being overwhelmed by her relatives, and that her friends were a lot tamer.


Quote from: James A. Hawke on February 24, 2019, 11:55:10 AM

James looked at Dr. Ellis eyes as she gave her statement. He would not interrupt her as he was replicating the same courtesy that she give him.  What she spoke was true, that she has known Felicity Ellis her entire life.

However, the woman reminded him of his father.  They wanted what was best of their children but, there was a sense of coldness coming from her.  This was more than a formality; her answer was pointed and political.  Hawke realized that he was playing checkers and the woman was playing chess.  There was no consideration of the woman's mind that maybe she was missing something.   He wondered if they both went to the same school of parenting.

Hawke looked a little confused when he heard Dr. Ellis statement about him having feelings for her daughter.  As they headed to the group, James figured that it was too late to respond without Felicity hearing them.

Once again the Dr. Ellis posturing and floorcraft was above his own.  He understood the game within the game and on this part he lost.  He was ill-prepared and did not understand Dr. Ellis.  He figured that dealing with her is like dealing with his dad.  They are both masters at playing people. Hawke's were known to be notorious and cutthroat, he decided not to inherit that side of him.

He wanted to tell her that she was mistaken, that he had no feelings towards Felicity Ellis.  That she was an annoying pain in the ass, that was assigned in the past to evaluate him.  He was trying to defend her from her mother, maybe because his father treated him the same way.  He was shocked as he heard the statement and James merely thought that it would be impossible for him to have feelings towards her.  Anything but trying to help her out.  However, in the back of his mind, he wondered why did he even bother trying to protect Felicity Ellis.

James nodded to the woman as he played the political game  "Thank you for understanding my intrusion, Dr. Ellis.  I spoke out of haste and pure intention towards your daughter." .  James slightly bow and extended to her the courtesy and kept his etiquette up to par.  He also could play the game as well, but this time she beat him.   As they walked James politely said "It would be my pleasure also to get to know you better Dr. Ellis"

As they approached the group, James looked at everyone there and asked "Did we miss anything?"

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on February 24, 2019, 03:47:05 PM

[Felicity - Puzzles]

Felicity opened her mouth to speak, and then closed it. It took several seconds before what Estelle and Nancy were saying to sink in. She stared at the women for a short time before turning her attention to Hawke and her mother. Antoinette was speaking then, and Felicity had no idea what she was saying, though she recognised the expression on her face and what it meant. Perhaps she wasn't the only one who needed saving.

Felicity was blinking rapidly; a sure sign that she was trying to process.


Disbelief was what she'd finally landed on. Hawke was relatively new to the base, Estelle was a civilian, removed from day-to-day operations, and Nancy was a guest. Not only that, but they couldn't possibly know what it was Hawke and Antoinette were talking about. She turned a shrewd gaze back on the pair and folded her arms against her chest. "Your Honor...sss," she hurriedly pluarilised, realising that both women were due the title, "I believe you've possibly had far too many mimosas." How else could she explain it? They were talking madness. They couldn't possibly know anything about them or their feelings. Or they were trying to yank her chain. Either way: Little troublemakers...

When Leanna came to rescue her though, she felt relief nonetheless. Joking or not, this was all a little too much for Felicity at that moment. Her mother was enough to contend with, and she was definitely feeling the effects of all the champagne she'd slammed. As Lawrence and Gerald disappeared, so too did the possibility of any allies at the Roth and Eastman-Levin table. Her unimpressed stare followed them as they moved. Only when they'd relocated closer to their mother did she break her gaze.

"Good idea," she muttered to Leanna before turning to the ladies. "Your Honors, excuse me, please." And with that she turned and followed her friend away. She hoped far, far away.

"Have I unknowingly been transported to a parallel universe? It's not like it hasn't happened before. Pinch me, Lea," she held out her arm but then shook her head, "Wait no, that's for dreaming."

[Dr. Antoinette Ellis - Puzzles]

When Commander James Hawke stated that his intentions toward her daughter were pure, Antoinette Ellis' careful, cool demeanour almost broke. This event was shaping up to be quite interesting, after all. "I very much look forward to it, Commander." She had many questions; some she'd ask of him, others she'd investigate the answers to herself.

"Did we miss the table service?" She asked innocently when they'd returned to the group, glancing at the guests milling around with plates laden with food. It was then that she spotted her daughter being directed away by another lady in red. "Who might that young woman be?" She questioned her companions at large, gesturing toward Felicity and Leanna, her tone curious.

[NPC - The Hon Judge Estelle Roth, The Hon. Mrs. Nancy Eastman-Levin, & Fmr. State Sen. Diane Eastman - Puzzles]

Nancy and Estelle were quick to let the rude young woman leave, with only a mutter of "Oy, kids these days." They now turned their attention to the new arrivals.

"The young lady is Felicity, one of the counselors. A civilian, as I recall, used to be the First Officer. The other is Leanna, the bar owner. The groom's boss, I [spoiler]shit[/spoiler] you not, and the bride's friend," Estelle answered, as if she found it laughable that an old man worked for a younger person.

In the meantime, Diane approached, looking absolutely furious. She sat down next to Estelle, and just glared daggers at her mother.

"This is my daughter Diane," Estelle introduced, as if nothing had happened. "Estelle, by the way. The bride's grandmother. Pleased to meet you."
"Nancy," Estelle's dining pal introduced herself. "Pleased to meet you."
"Likewise," Diane added, smiling to the non-Jews in their company while still projecting anger towards her own mother.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya

Quote from: Judith Eastman on February 24, 2019, 06:21:49 PM

[Lt. Cmdr. Judith Eastman-Williams, PhD, PsyD, MBA, MS - Puzzles]

Judy noticed Saya and Kyo, and quickly waved them over. She knew that Max didn't like being overwhelmed by her relatives, and that her friends were a lot tamer.


Saya tapped Kyo's arm and gestured toward Judy at the other table. The bride is requesting our presence.

Kyo glanced over his shoulder and grinned, offering a wave and picking up his plate to move to the other table, Saya following.

We thought you might prefer to have family here, Saya explained. I do have a question for you, if this is an appropriate time. She glanced at Kyo who bobbed his head uncertainly.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Leanna Mazal

[Puzzles - Max

As much as he loved it when Judy got a little bit frisky, he still wasn't overly comfortable when she did in public or at least where a lot of people could make snide remarks. However before he could say anything an unfortunate distraction came in the way of Estelle being Estelle with her crude comments. Slightly incensed at the way she had spoken about Flick and again couldn't respond to it much thanks to the arrival of his stepsons.

Smiling as Lawrence teased him and understood that Gerald wasn't comfortable yet to call him Dad which is was more than fine with. " Hi, I'm glad you both came over"He said with genuine affection for them both as he reached for his champagne, noticing that Lea had gone to Flick's aid as Judy then waved over Kyo and Saya.

He was glad that it was their friends and not any of Judy's foreboding relatives as he then ate some of his food.


Lea looked at her friend, not blaming her at all for the way she responded to Estelle and her companion as she led them away from the main area. " I don't think we're in a parallel universe but we'll save the pinching" she replied grinning in an attempt to make her bestie laugh.

Deciding to put as much distance between them and the others, Lea led the way up to the mezzanine level, knowing that they wouldn't be interrupted.

" We can sit up here out of the way and there's a new liquor we can try".

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Ozu Saya on February 25, 2019, 09:59:50 AM


Saya tapped Kyo's arm and gestured toward Judy at the other table. The bride is requesting our presence.

Kyo glanced over his shoulder and grinned, offering a wave and picking up his plate to move to the other table, Saya following.

We thought you might prefer to have family here, Saya explained. I do have a question for you, if this is an appropriate time. She glanced at Kyo who bobbed his head uncertainly.

Quote from: Leanna Mazal on February 25, 2019, 10:01:11 AM

[Puzzles - Max

As much as he loved it when Judy got a little bit frisky, he still wasn't overly comfortable when she did in public or at least where a lot of people could make snide remarks. However before he could say anything an unfortunate distraction came in the way of Estelle being Estelle with her crude comments. Slightly incensed at the way she had spoken about Flick and again couldn't respond to it much thanks to the arrival of his stepsons.

Smiling as Lawrence teased him and understood that Gerald wasn't comfortable yet to call him Dad which is was more than fine with. " Hi, I'm glad you both came over"He said with genuine affection for them both as he reached for his champagne, noticing that Lea had gone to Flick's aid as Judy then waved over Kyo and Saya.

He was glad that it was their friends and not any of Judy's foreboding relatives as he then ate some of his food.

Lt. Cmdr. Judith Eastman-Williams, PhD, PsyD, MBA, MS, Mr. Lawrence Eastman, & Mr. Gerald Eastman - Puzzles]

"We're glad to be here," Lawrence answered his new dad.
"We're both so happy for you two," Gerald added.

Judy smiled at her children.
"We're happy to have you both here. Not that many kids get to see their parents get hitched."

The Eastmans (and the one Eastman-Williams now roaming the galaxy) laughed as Saya sat down.

"Saya, honey, do go ahead and ask. You know how open I am," Judy answered. In the meantime, she pushed her rather over-the-top glasses into her hair, and unbuttoned her jacket to give her teal blouse some more exposure. This, as it happened, made her pearl necklace a little more prominent.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya

Quote from: Judith Eastman on February 25, 2019, 10:08:49 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Judith Eastman-Williams, PhD, PsyD, MBA, MS, Mr. Lawrence Eastman, & Mr. Gerald Eastman - Puzzles]

"We're glad to be here," Lawrence answered his new dad.
"We're both so happy for you two," Gerald added.

Judy smiled at her children.
"We're happy to have you both here. Not that many kids get to see their parents get hitched."

The Eastmans (and the one Eastman-Williams now roaming the galaxy) laughed as Saya sat down.

"Saya, honey, do go ahead and ask. You know how open I am," Judy answered. In the meantime, she pushed her rather over-the-top glasses into her hair, and unbuttoned her jacket to give her teal blouse some more exposure. This, as it happened, made her pearl necklace a little more prominent.


It is nothing overly difficult, I hope, but more a matter of not wishing to infringe upon your own celebrations. You know that Kyo and I had ceremonies on both Vulcan and Bajor, which you were unable to attend. As one of our closest friends and a large part of the reason we met, Kyo and I wondered if we might have another small ceremony while we are here for you and Max and a few of the others we met when we visited the last time.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Ozu Saya on February 25, 2019, 02:13:28 PM


It is nothing overly difficult, I hope, but more a matter of not wishing to infringe upon your own celebrations. You know that Kyo and I had ceremonies on both Vulcan and Bajor, which you were unable to attend. As one of our closest friends and a large part of the reason we met, Kyo and I wondered if we might have another small ceremony while we are here for you and Max and a few of the others we met when we visited the last time.

[Lt. Cmdr. Judith Eastman-Williams, PhD, PsyD, MBA, MS - Puzzles]

"It's a little complicated," Judy answered. "Rabbis are a little too attached to keeping the practice within the faith. Having one goy as a spouse is a tough sell. Both spouses would be tougher."
She squeezed the waist of the one goyish spouse in question, her beloved husband, with one hand.
"We might be able to convince Nathan to do something. He's not an ordinary rabbi."

Judy exchanged a meaningful look with Max. He'd had some bizarre dealings with Nathan, and was bound to have an opinion.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

James A. Hawke


James arrived with Dr. Antoinette Ellis to meet with a group of people.  From a distance he observed Dr. Felicity Ellis and Lea walking to what appeared to be the mezzanine area.  It did not take much to figure out that they wanted girl time.  Hawke remembered when he and his twin sister were in parties, and one of them went to the bathroom, they went in droves.  At first, he thought it was odd that girls wanted to go to the restroom in groups.  As he grew up, subsequently he figured out that it was a way for them to communicate with each other discreetly.   However, this new approach was a little bit more brash than usual.

James held the champagne flute in his hand as he took another sip.  The campaign was bubbly and went down relatively smooth.  For some reason, he felt a little anxious.  He shook off those feelings as he was just paranoid.  Lea and Dr. Felilicy Ellis wanted some alone time, and everyone should respect that.  He was hopeful that the topic was him trying to help Felicity and trying to be more optimistic with Dr. Antionette Ellis.

Dr.Antionette Ellis appreciated his gesture of trying to get to know each other.  He already slipped up once, and now that he understood her demeanor he could also play the game as well.

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on February 24, 2019, 03:47:05 PM

"Did we miss the table service?" She asked innocently when they'd returned to the group, glancing at the guests milling around with plates laden with food. It was then that she spotted her daughter being directed away by another lady in red. "Who might that young woman be?" She questioned her companions at large, gesturing toward Felicity and Leanna, her tone curious.

Before Hawke could speak, another group of individuals intervened.  They were a group of several ladies that appeared to be older.  From their looks and their dress code, Hawke figured that they were civilians and most likely related to the bride or groom.  Hawke was still new and did not know most individuals.
Quote from: Judith Eastman on February 24, 2019, 06:21:49 PM

***[NPC - The Hon Judge Estelle Roth, The Hon. Mrs. Nancy Eastman-Levin, & Fmr. State Sen. Diane Eastman - Puzzles]

"The young lady is Felicity, one of the counselors. A civilian, as I recall, used to be the First Officer. The other is Leanna, the bar owner. The groom's boss, I [spoiler]shit[/spoiler] you not, and the bride's friend," Estelle answered, as if she found it laughable that an old man worked for a younger person.

"This is my daughter Diane," Estelle introduced, as if nothing had happened. "Estelle, by the way. The bride's grandmother. Pleased to meet you."
"Nancy," Estelle's dining pal introduced herself. "Pleased to meet you."
"Likewise," Diane added, smiling to the non-Jews in their company while still projecting anger towards her own mother.

James did not know the individuals, he politely gave a half bow and said "I don't believe we have formerly met, Luitenant Commander James Hawke, executive officer of Starbase Columbus, at your service, and next to me is Dr. Antoinette Ellis, mother of Dr. Felicity Ellis, who happens to be friends with the bride.    He attempted to extend the greeting to include Dr. Ellis in case they don't know each other, and it would be proper protocol to introduce individuals before speaking to them.

Hawke figured that the bartender owner title would not sit well with Dr. Antoinette Ellis, who wanted the best and more elite for her daughter.  He could see that a bartender owner is not sitting too well with her. Hawke took a second and scratched his throat to give him a couple of seconds to think what to say.

"Pardon my intrusion, the lady in red, Leanna Mazal, I believe she is also a valued civilian in the Starbase, according to my sources she has advanced training in nursing and has been a valued member in away teams and undercover missions, there is more to her than meet the eye.   James figured it was not perfect but he tried to salvage the situation.  He would definately avoid the conversation that they met as posing as strippers.  He is already predicting a conversation of Mother and Daugther over the merits of her friends.

As James took a second he looked at everyone and said "Is anyone interested in a meal?  I would be more than happy to serve the meal or have another officer bring it to you"

Click on the Badge to see bio

Ozu Saya

Quote from: Judith Eastman on February 25, 2019, 02:39:01 PM

[Lt. Cmdr. Judith Eastman-Williams, PhD, PsyD, MBA, MS - Puzzles]

"It's a little complicated," Judy answered. "Rabbis are a little too attached to keeping the practice within the faith. Having one goy as a spouse is a tough sell. Both spouses would be tougher."
She squeezed the waist of the one goyish spouse in question, her beloved husband, with one hand.
"We might be able to convince Nathan to do something. He's not an ordinary rabbi."

Judy exchanged a meaningful look with Max. He'd had some bizarre dealings with Nathan, and was bound to have an opinion.


Oh, Saya exclaimed. I'm sorry. I didn't quite mean that. No, perhaps the captain would be willing to perform the ceremony? Or if you have a recommendation? But we just wanted a small, simple ceremony here for our friends.

Kyo reached out and squeezed his mate's hand. Like Saya said, we don't want to intrude on your festivities but thought this might be our only opportunity to celebrate our own with you. At least in the forseeable future. We'll be in the Gamma Quadrant, and who knows when we'll have the opportunity to return.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

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