An SBC Wedding Part II: Heart (Patient) Convention (COMPLETED)

Started by Judith Eastman, February 11, 2019, 11:20:49 PM

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Felicity Ellis

Quote from: Judith Eastman on February 24, 2019, 06:21:49 PM

***[NPC - The Hon Judge Estelle Roth, The Hon. Mrs. Nancy Eastman-Levin, & Fmr. State Sen. Diane Eastman - Puzzles]

Nancy and Estelle were quick to let the rude young woman leave, with only a mutter of "Oy, kids these days." They now turned their attention to the new arrivals.

"The young lady is Felicity, one of the counselors. A civilian, as I recall, used to be the First Officer. The other is Leanna, the bar owner. The groom's boss, I [spoiler]shit[/spoiler] you not, and the bride's friend," Estelle answered, as if she found it laughable that an old man worked for a younger person.

In the meantime, Diane approached, looking absolutely furious. She sat down next to Estelle, and just glared daggers at her mother.

"This is my daughter Diane," Estelle introduced, as if nothing had happened. "Estelle, by the way. The bride's grandmother. Pleased to meet you."
"Nancy," Estelle's dining pal introduced herself. "Pleased to meet you."
"Likewise," Diane added, smiling to the non-Jews in their company while still projecting anger towards her own mother.

Quote from: James A. Hawke on February 25, 2019, 02:52:53 PM


James did not know the individuals, he politely gave a half bow and said "I don't believe we have formerly met, Luitenant Commander James Hawke, executive officer of Starbase Columbus, at your service, and next to me is Dr. Antoinette Ellis, mother of Dr. Felicity Ellis, who happens to be friends with the bride.    He attempted to extend the greeting to include Dr. Ellis in case they don't know each other, and it would be proper protocol to introduce individuals before speaking to them.

Hawke figured that the bartender owner title would not sit well with Dr. Antoinette Ellis, who wanted the best and more elite for her daughter.  He could see that a bartender owner is not sitting too well with her. Hawke took a second and scratched his throat to give him a couple of seconds to think what to say.

"Pardon my intrusion, the lady in red, Leanna Mazal, I believe she is also a valued civilian in the Starbase, according to my sources she has advanced training in nursing and has been a valued member in away teams and undercover missions, there is more to her than meet the eye.   James figured it was not perfect but he tried to salvage the situation.  He would definately avoid the conversation that they met as posing as strippers.  He is already predicting a conversation of Mother and Daugther over the merits of her friends.

As James took a second he looked at everyone and said "Is anyone interested in a meal?  I would be more than happy to serve the meal or have another officer bring it to you"

[Dr. Antoinette Ellis - Puzzles]

"Pleasure to meet you all," Antoinette said once Estelle, Nancy and Diane had been introduced, and Hawke had explained her presence at the reception. "The very same Felicity Ellis that has just rudely flounced off, in search of more champagne, no doubt." She gestured toward her rapidly escaping daughter, and then echoed Nancy's sentiments from earlier. "Kids these days, indeed." She was just short of sighing the longest sigh. Though she did shake her head a little as she pulled the chair in closer to the table.

When Commander Hawke identified the other woman a look of recognition crossed her face. "Ah yes, the proprietor of this establishment. Both Gregory and Felicity have spoken extensively of Ms. Mazal. I very much look forward to meeting her." When both of her children were spending time with someone, she made it her business to know them.

"How very attentive of you, Commander," Antoinette remarked at the offer of service, "I believe my daughter was supposed to look after that for me. But no mind, I'm quite capable of it myself." What a good show she was putting on for her new table.

Quote from: Leanna Mazal on February 25, 2019, 10:01:11 AM


Lea looked at her friend, not blaming her at all for the way she responded to Estelle and her companion as she led them away from the main area. " I don't think we're in a parallel universe but we'll save the pinching" she replied grinning in an attempt to make her bestie laugh.

Deciding to put as much distance between them and the others, Lea led the way up to the mezzanine level, knowing that they wouldn't be interrupted.

" We can sit up here out of the way and there's a new liquor we can try".

[Felicity - Puzzles]

"Liquor seems like a good idea." Despite herself, Felicity chuckled. It was probably the last thing she should be doing. "If I drink enough of it, maybe everyone else will disappear." Likely she'd pass out, which was technically the same thing.

She followed Leanna to the mezzanine and then gratefully took a seat in the quieter area. With enough distance between herself and the others, she began to relax a little again. "She makes me crazy, y'know." She looked over at her mother, who was at that moment looking as though she was about to plate her own food. Maybe it really was a parallel universe. Felicity sat back in her chair, then turned a defeated expression on her friend. "This room is full of crazy."

"Tell me about this liquor."

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
Bio: Felicity Ellis

Leanna Mazal

[Puzzles - Max]

Max smiled as his stepsons spoke about how happy they were for them and it meant a lot to the not quite so old man before Saya and Kyo joined them. Listening as Saya then asked Judy a question, thinking how nice it was that they wanted to have another ceremony until Nathan was mentioned. Quickly grabbing a drink refill to stop him thinking too much about the Rabbi but luckily was saved from comment when Saya explained exactly what she had in mind.

" A small ceremony sounds perfect and I'm sure with Lea's contacts we could find someone suitable to perform it"

[Mezzanine - Lea]

As Flick commented about the liquor not only being a good idea but also hoping that it would make everyone disappear, Lea grinned knowing exactly what she meant. " I'm not sure about making them disappear but it'll make us forget about them" she replied half serious, half jokingly. Although completely understood when she mentioned her mother and how the room was crazy. Seeing how defeated she looked despite initially being more relaxed and Lea knew that they needed to have some fun and ignore the others.

" She would drive anyone crazy and you're right about the room as a whole " she admitted as she sat down next to her best friend.

" As for this liquor, the Phoenix brought it back from a new contact on Hylan VIIII and I had a taste of it earlier and its unlike anything I've ever had before".

James A. Hawke

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on February 26, 2019, 11:14:02 AM

[Dr. Antoinette Ellis - Puzzles]

"Pleasure to meet you all," Antoinette said once Estelle, Nancy and Diane had been introduced, and Hawke had explained her presence at the reception. "The very same Felicity Ellis that has just rudely flounced off, in search of more champagne, no doubt." She gestured toward her rapidly escaping daughter, and then echoed Nancy's sentiments from earlier. "Kids these days, indeed." She was just short of sighing the longest sigh. Though she did shake her head a little as she pulled the chair in closer to the table.

When Commander Hawke identified the other woman a look of recognition crossed her face. "Ah yes, the proprietor of this establishment. Both Gregory and Felicity have spoken extensively of Ms. Mazal. I very much look forward to meeting her." When both of her children were spending time with someone, she made it her business to know them.

"How very attentive of you, Commander," Antoinette remarked at the offer of service, "I believe my daughter was supposed to look after that for me. However, no mind, I'm quite capable of it myself." What a good show she was putting on for her new table.


James listed to the  Dr. Atoinette Ellis in the room and as he would have predicted, she would make a negative remark of her daughter's sudden disappearance.  James nodded to her and technically, she was correct, she did break rules of etiquette.  What Antoinette Ellis would have preferred was to Felicity Ellis to request to be excused for a second, and she had the conversation.

It still bothered him that Felicity'smother would use every opportunity possible to try and point out what she did wrong.  When in reality most of them including himself are not perfect with the rules of etiquette.

James had to take a deep breath and wondered why did he care so much of them speaking ill about Felicity.  That was an internal family matter, and the wisdom of the Prime Directive would say stay out of it.  However, he was never a strict rule follower with the prime directive.

AS she commented on meeting Leanna, James nodded and politely responded "I'm confident that an opportunity would present itself later this morning"

As she Dr. Ellis mentioned that she would grab her meal, Hawke was surprised.  He was caught off guard by her trying to seem she is capable, self-sufficient and willing to do a menial task.  His father would not have reacted that way.   James did notice that she took another subtle swipe at Felicity Ellis as she was not around, but Hawke wondered why she was not around.

Dealing with Dr. Ellis is proving to be a more laborious task by the minute as he tried to bite his tongue.  With her previous statements any comments or anything he would do would come out that he has feelings towards Felicity Ellis, which would be absurd, they were forced to spend time together and it was in his best interest to have a working relationship with the former XO.   Truth be told, if he was placed in a lie detector test and asked if Dr. Felicity Ellis was attractive, Hawke would have answered in the affirmative.  But, he figures that he should put all those thoughts outside his mind.  As they were co-workers in the station.

Hawke proceeded to grab his meals in small portions, he was not a breakfast person, and the focus on the event is to socialize and be merry and not to eat solely.  As he tried to grab the meal, they were several officers and crewmen in the event which all politely nodded towards him with a "sir."  James merely nodded back and continued.

He grabbed his meal and sat on an empty table and placed his utensil in the proper order before eating.  He made use that all the silverware were located in the right places including knives, forks, spoons, dessert utensil.

Before he began eating he took an extra second and observed which style of eating everyone else was doing.  It seemed that some of them were eating "American" style, but others were eating  "Continental" style.  Considering the company that he was around, it appeared to be prudent to eat "Continental" style as he did not want to offend anyone with his poor eating style.

Click on the Badge to see bio

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on February 26, 2019, 11:14:02 AM

[Dr. Antoinette Ellis - Puzzles]

"Pleasure to meet you all," Antoinette said once Estelle, Nancy and Diane had been introduced, and Hawke had explained her presence at the reception. "The very same Felicity Ellis that has just rudely flounced off, in search of more champagne, no doubt." She gestured toward her rapidly escaping daughter, and then echoed Nancy's sentiments from earlier. "Kids these days, indeed." She was just short of sighing the longest sigh. Though she did shake her head a little as she pulled the chair in closer to the table.

When Commander Hawke identified the other woman a look of recognition crossed her face. "Ah yes, the proprietor of this establishment. Both Gregory and Felicity have spoken extensively of Ms. Mazal. I very much look forward to meeting her." When both of her children were spending time with someone, she made it her business to know them.

"How very attentive of you, Commander," Antoinette remarked at the offer of service, "I believe my daughter was supposed to look after that for me. But no mind, I'm quite capable of it myself." What a good show she was putting on for her new table.

[NPCs - The Hon. Judge Estelle Roth (Ret.), The Hon. Mrs. Nancy Eastman-Levin, Fmr. State Sen. Diane Eastman, Mr. Jonathan Eastman - Puzzles]

The older ladies didn't pay as much mind to Hawke as to the doctor in their midst.

"No, don't worry. That's something for the kids to do," Nancy counseled.
"Forget the children," Diane countered. "Jon is over there."
"BALDY!" Estelle yelled out at her son-in-law. "GET US SOME FOOD, WILL YOU?"

Jon trudged over, wondering whether his mother-in-law would outlive him.


Quote from: Ozu Saya on February 26, 2019, 09:59:36 AM


Oh, Saya exclaimed. I'm sorry. I didn't quite mean that. No, perhaps the captain would be willing to perform the ceremony? Or if you have a recommendation? But we just wanted a small, simple ceremony here for our friends.

Kyo reached out and squeezed his mate's hand. Like Saya said, we don't want to intrude on your festivities but thought this might be our only opportunity to celebrate our own with you. At least in the forseeable future. We'll be in the Gamma Quadrant, and who knows when we'll have the opportunity to return.

Quote from: Leanna Mazal on February 26, 2019, 12:03:23 PM

[Puzzles - Max]

Max smiled as his stepsons spoke about how happy they were for them and it meant a lot to the not quite so old man before Saya and Kyo joined them. Listening as Saya then asked Judy a question, thinking how nice it was that they wanted to have another ceremony until Nathan was mentioned. Quickly grabbing a drink refill to stop him thinking too much about the Rabbi but luckily was saved from comment when Saya explained exactly what she had in mind.

" A small ceremony sounds perfect and I'm sure with Lea's contacts we could find someone suitable to perform it"

[Lt. Cmdr. Judith Eastman-Williams, PhD, PsyD, MBA, MS - Puzzles]

"Well, if it doesn't need to be something weighty, you don't need someone special to do it," Judy answered. "Max and I could get it all done, like a true power couple."

Judy wrapped an arm around her beloved husband.
"Do you think Mr. Williams and I are sufficient, or do you want someone a little weightier? We might be able to convince the governor."

This was a subtle sign for Max that Judy would very much like to be referred to by her newly-acquired title, "Mrs." She liked the ring of it.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya

Quote from: Leanna Mazal on February 26, 2019, 12:03:23 PM

[Puzzles - Max]

Max smiled as his stepsons spoke about how happy they were for them and it meant a lot to the not quite so old man before Saya and Kyo joined them. Listening as Saya then asked Judy a question, thinking how nice it was that they wanted to have another ceremony until Nathan was mentioned. Quickly grabbing a drink refill to stop him thinking too much about the Rabbi but luckily was saved from comment when Saya explained exactly what she had in mind.

" A small ceremony sounds perfect and I'm sure with Lea's contacts we could find someone suitable to perform it"

Quote from: Judith Eastman on February 26, 2019, 02:57:35 PM

[Lt. Cmdr. Judith Eastman-Williams, PhD, PsyD, MBA, MS - Puzzles]

"Well, if it doesn't need to be something weighty, you don't need someone special to do it," Judy answered. "Max and I could get it all done, like a true power couple."

Judy wrapped an arm around her beloved husband.
"Do you think Mr. Williams and I are sufficient, or do you want someone a little weightier? We might be able to convince the governor."

This was a subtle sign for Max that Judy would very much like to be referred to by her newly-acquired title, "Mrs." She liked the ring of it.


Saya smiled at Max, grateful for his support, then listened to Judy's idea, pleased to see her friend so happy with her new husband. She glanced at Kyo and thought, What do you think?

Kyo bobbed his head back and forth and responded, Up to you, really. I don't mind either way.

Saya raised a slightly grumpy brow at him. Sometimes, it felt like he deferred to her preferences too much. She supposed it was a better problem to have than marrying someone who always wanted to be in control.

We would love to have you both officiate if that's what you wish, Saya said, returning her attention to the other couple. Though we would welcome your assistance in finding someone else to do so instead. There is little to do, really. We both have our clothes, and nothing more is needed than a location. It would be enjoyable to share a meal afterward as well.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Felicity Ellis

Quote from: James A. Hawke on February 26, 2019, 02:13:53 PM


James listed to the  Dr. Atoinette Ellis in the room and as he would have predicted, she would make a negative remark of her daughter's sudden disappearance.  James nodded to her and technically, she was correct, she did break rules of etiquette.  What Antoinette Ellis would have preferred was to Felicity Ellis to request to be excused for a second, and she had the conversation.

It still bothered him that Felicity'smother would use every opportunity possible to try and point out what she did wrong.  When in reality most of them including himself are not perfect with the rules of etiquette.

James had to take a deep breath and wondered why did he care so much of them speaking ill about Felicity.  That was an internal family matter, and the wisdom of the Prime Directive would say stay out of it.  However, he was never a strict rule follower with the prime directive.

AS she commented on meeting Leanna, James nodded and politely responded "I'm confident that an opportunity would present itself later this morning"

As she Dr. Ellis mentioned that she would grab her meal, Hawke was surprised.  He was caught off guard by her trying to seem she is capable, self-sufficient and willing to do a menial task.  His father would not have reacted that way.   James did notice that she took another subtle swipe at Felicity Ellis as she was not around, but Hawke wondered why she was not around.

Dealing with Dr. Ellis is proving to be a more laborious task by the minute as he tried to bite his tongue.  With her previous statements any comments or anything he would do would come out that he has feelings towards Felicity Ellis, which would be absurd, they were forced to spend time together and it was in his best interest to have a working relationship with the former XO.   Truth be told, if he was placed in a lie detector test and asked if Dr. Felicity Ellis was attractive, Hawke would have answered in the affirmative.  But, he figures that he should put all those thoughts outside his mind.  As they were co-workers in the station.

Hawke proceeded to grab his meals in small portions, he was not a breakfast person, and the focus on the event is to socialize and be merry and not to eat solely.  As he tried to grab the meal, they were several officers and crewmen in the event which all politely nodded towards him with a "sir."  James merely nodded back and continued.

He grabbed his meal and sat on an empty table and placed his utensil in the proper order before eating.  He made use that all the silverware were located in the right places including knives, forks, spoons, dessert utensil.

Before he began eating he took an extra second and observed which style of eating everyone else was doing.  It seemed that some of them were eating "American" style, but others were eating  "Continental" style.  Considering the company that he was around, it appeared to be prudent to eat "Continental" style as he did not want to offend anyone with his poor eating style.

Quote from: Judith Eastman on February 26, 2019, 02:57:35 PM

[NPCs - The Hon. Judge Estelle Roth (Ret.), The Hon. Mrs. Nancy Eastman-Levin, Fmr. State Sen. Diane Eastman, Mr. Jonathan Eastman - Puzzles]

The older ladies didn't pay as much mind to Hawke as to the doctor in their midst.

"No, don't worry. That's something for the kids to do," Nancy counseled.
"Forget the children," Diane countered. "Jon is over there."
"BALDY!" Estelle yelled out at her son-in-law. "GET US SOME FOOD, WILL YOU?"

Jon trudged over, wondering whether his mother-in-law would outlive him.

[Dr. Antoinette Ellis - Puzzles]

"I certainly hope so," she said to the Commander when he spoke of his confidence in a future meeting between she and this Leanna Mazal. Antoinette could certainly respect anyone who had nurtured a successful business this far from real civilisation. It wasn't a life she'd choose for her own children, not by a long shot, but she could recognise the commitment these kinds of endeavours would involve. "And do not forget your promise to allow me to pick that brain of yours, Commander Hawke," she added to the young man before he wandered off to feed himself.

Antoinette very much approved of the notion that the offspring should serve them. But when she looked up at the trudging Jon she had to hide a smile when she realised that he was some years older than her. "A much more experienced option," she noted to the other ladies, "Usually the better choice."

Quote from: Leanna Mazal on February 26, 2019, 12:03:23 PM

[Mezzanine - Lea]

As Flick commented about the liquor not only being a good idea but also hoping that it would make everyone disappear, Lea grinned knowing exactly what she meant. " I'm not sure about making them disappear but it'll make us forget about them" she replied half serious, half jokingly. Although completely understood when she mentioned her mother and how the room was crazy. Seeing how defeated she looked despite initially being more relaxed and Lea knew that they needed to have some fun and ignore the others.

" She would drive anyone crazy and you're right about the room as a whole " she admitted as she sat down next to her best friend.

" As for this liquor, the Phoenix brought it back from a new contact on Hylan VIIII and I had a taste of it earlier and its unlike anything I've ever had before".

[Felicity - Puzzles, Mezzanine]

"Weddings are generally a little bit nuts, aren't they? Hopefully there'll be no trouble today. Having a breather from old Antoinette will certainly help with that." Felicity glanced over toward the table she'd vacated and felt a twinge of guilt when she realised Hawke was still stuck with her mother. She cocked her head to the side and then gestured toward him. "He's a mother whisperer."

She was laughing, but she was more than a little relieved when she saw him move away toward the buffet. She didn't want that on her conscience, either. As Leanna explained about the liquor, she returned an interested gaze back on her friend. "That sounds very promising." For her to be so effusive about a drink then it must be something special.

While she waited for their drinks to be poured, Felicity turned the conversation toward the previously mentioned Red Phoenix. "How are the Phoenix folk? Any closer to settling down on the Station?" Her grin was suggestive, her tone a little lighter than it had been before.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
Bio: Felicity Ellis

Leanna Mazal

[Puzzles - Max]

As his Wife offered them both as potential officiates for Saya and Kyo, he wondered if Judy knew him at all and how much he hated being on display and the centre of attention. Of course when it came to their friends and with it being a small ceremony he might manage but still she shouldn't just offer without talking to him about it first.

However as Saya answered them and asked if they could still find them someone on the station and what their ceremony would entail, the old man softened a little and decided to answer first.

" I think myself and Mrs Williams can do that as I do know some lovely people who could officiate and make the ceremony special for you both" He replied.

" As for a meal afterwards, that sounds good to me and I'm sure Lea would let us have one of the private rooms for us to do that"

[Puzzles - Lea]

" From my experience they can be although be glad this isn't a Betazoid wedding" Lea quipped with a grin before continuing. " I doubt there will be any trouble but if there is, I have Idris and a couple of others ready to intervene and I don't blame you for wanting time away from Antoinette".

Looking where Flick had pointed out for a moment as she nicknamed Hawke the mother whisperer and had to admit it was good to hear her laugh. " He's definitely a smooth talker, I'll give you that and I'll have to tell you the story of how I first met him" she said teasing her friend a little.

When talk turned back to the liquor, Lea grinned at her friend's comment before going to the bar and procuring a bottle of said booze, returning quickly with it as Flick then asked about the Phoenix crew. Pouring them both a measure and again grinned at the suggestiveness and lighter tone to her query.

" They're fine, most of them are helping with the wedding until tomorrow when they go off on the next supply run but as for settling down, you know Oliver, he doesn't like to be in one place for too long unless something catches his attention".

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Ozu Saya on February 27, 2019, 11:26:29 AM


Saya smiled at Max, grateful for his support, then listened to Judy's idea, pleased to see her friend so happy with her new husband. She glanced at Kyo and thought, What do you think?

Kyo bobbed his head back and forth and responded, Up to you, really. I don't mind either way.

Saya raised a slightly grumpy brow at him. Sometimes, it felt like he deferred to her preferences too much. She supposed it was a better problem to have than marrying someone who always wanted to be in control.

We would love to have you both officiate if that's what you wish, Saya said, returning her attention to the other couple. Though we would welcome your assistance in finding someone else to do so instead. There is little to do, really. We both have our clothes, and nothing more is needed than a location. It would be enjoyable to share a meal afterward as well.

Quote from: Leanna Mazal on February 28, 2019, 03:05:25 AM

[Puzzles - Max]

As his Wife offered them both as potential officiates for Saya and Kyo, he wondered if Judy knew him at all and how much he hated being on display and the centre of attention. Of course when it came to their friends and with it being a small ceremony he might manage but still she shouldn't just offer without talking to him about it first.

However as Saya answered them and asked if they could still find them someone on the station and what their ceremony would entail, the old man softened a little and decided to answer first.

" I think myself and Mrs Williams can do that as I do know some lovely people who could officiate and make the ceremony special for you both" He replied.

" As for a meal afterwards, that sounds good to me and I'm sure Lea would let us have one of the private rooms for us to do that"

[Judy - Puzzles]

It didn't take Judy too long to realize how bad the idea of officiating must have sounded to the man who shared her bed. After this, he'd no doubt be content to never be the center of attention again.
She squeezed his waist tightly before she spoke, and then released a little.

"You're right," she conceded. "We can probably find someone else, someone a little less tired of crowds, to officiate. Meals, on the other hand, meals are our specialty."

She went in for a brief kiss on her husband's cheek.
"If we keep the group small and casual - as opposed to this mishegoss here - we can even host it in our home. Much less ceremony there, much less formality, and of course we have Max's artwork to occupy the guests."

Judy chose not to explain, at this moment, her "Dual Model of life" that she'd thought of, the one that made calling her "Mrs. Williams" legitimate.
She viewed herself now as having two major roles. In the first, professionally, she would use one half of her name. She'd continue to be Dr. Eastman, because that was simpler for everyone and because she still wanted to rock her maiden name.
At home, then, she'd be Mrs. Williams; she'd try to be the best, funniest, kindest, most loving spouse she could be, because Max deserved that.


Quote from: Felicity Ellis on February 27, 2019, 03:50:48 PM

[Dr. Antoinette Ellis - Puzzles]

"I certainly hope so," she said to the Commander when he spoke of his confidence in a future meeting between she and this Leanna Mazal. Antoinette could certainly respect anyone who had nurtured a successful business this far from real civilisation. It wasn't a life she'd choose for her own children, not by a long shot, but she could recognise the commitment these kinds of endeavours would involve. "And do not forget your promise to allow me to pick that brain of yours, Commander Hawke," she added to the young man before he wandered off to feed himself.

Antoinette very much approved of the notion that the offspring should serve them. But when she looked up at the trudging Jon she had to hide a smile when she realised that he was some years older than her. "A much more experienced option," she noted to the other ladies, "Usually the better choice."

[NPCs - Puzzles]

"Eh," Jon answered with a little half-grunt. "Experience is good, until your hands start trembling. I wouldn't want Judy waittressing for me, even if it wasn't her wedding."

"She does it to herself," Estelle added, not realizing that maybe her granddaughter wanted to keep her little tremors to her close companions. "So much coffee in a day, of course her hands are shaky."

"Enough about her," Jon rebutted, not wanting to drag this out much longer. "What can I get you lovely ladies?"

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya

Quote from: Leanna Mazal on February 28, 2019, 03:05:25 AM

[Puzzles - Max]

As his Wife offered them both as potential officiates for Saya and Kyo, he wondered if Judy knew him at all and how much he hated being on display and the centre of attention. Of course when it came to their friends and with it being a small ceremony he might manage but still she shouldn't just offer without talking to him about it first.

However as Saya answered them and asked if they could still find them someone on the station and what their ceremony would entail, the old man softened a little and decided to answer first.

" I think myself and Mrs Williams can do that as I do know some lovely people who could officiate and make the ceremony special for you both" He replied.

" As for a meal afterwards, that sounds good to me and I'm sure Lea would let us have one of the private rooms for us to do that"

Quote from: Judith Eastman on February 28, 2019, 08:30:35 AM

[Judy - Puzzles]

It didn't take Judy too long to realize how bad the idea of officiating must have sounded to the man who shared her bed. After this, he'd no doubt be content to never be the center of attention again.
She squeezed his waist tightly before she spoke, and then released a little.

"You're right," she conceded. "We can probably find someone else, someone a little less tired of crowds, to officiate. Meals, on the other hand, meals are our specialty."

She went in for a brief kiss on her husband's cheek.
"If we keep the group small and casual - as opposed to this mishegoss here - we can even host it in our home. Much less ceremony there, much less formality, and of course we have Max's artwork to occupy the guests."

Judy chose not to explain, at this moment, her "Dual Model of life" that she'd thought of, the one that made calling her "Mrs. Williams" legitimate.
She viewed herself now as having two major roles. In the first, professionally, she would use one half of her name. She'd continue to be Dr. Eastman, because that was simpler for everyone and because she still wanted to rock her maiden name.
At home, then, she'd be Mrs. Williams; she'd try to be the best, funniest, kindest, most loving spouse she could be, because Max deserved that.


Saya caught a little hint of tension from Max and was grateful when Judy changed tacks. The offer is appreciated. I think either option is viable, though I don't wish to inconvenience you with a great deal of work.

As far as the attendees, we would want to invite those that we met when we were last here. How many would that be? Five, six others? And someone to officiate, so a total of less than a dozen. She glanced at Kyo for his opinion.

Kyo nodded and squeezed Saya's hand before speaking. Sounds about right. And Judy, Max, we appreciate everything you've done for us.  Please don't feel like you have to give up your own space or a lot of time. We want to include you in our celebration, not make you put it on for us.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Ozu Saya on February 28, 2019, 11:47:31 AM


Saya caught a little hint of tension from Max and was grateful when Judy changed tacks. The offer is appreciated. I think either option is viable, though I don't wish to inconvenience you with a great deal of work.

As far as the attendees, we would want to invite those that we met when we were last here. How many would that be? Five, six others? And someone to officiate, so a total of less than a dozen. She glanced at Kyo for his opinion.

Kyo nodded and squeezed Saya's hand before speaking. Sounds about right. And Judy, Max, we appreciate everything you've done for us.  Please don't feel like you have to give up your own space or a lot of time. We want to include you in our celebration, not make you put it on for us.

OOC: As discussed on Discord, I'll be taking Max over.
[Judy & Max - Puzzles]

Max still wasn't pleased with Judy's earlier push for them both to officiate, but he could tell that she'd realized her mistake and was trying to walk it back. He couldn't stay upset with his wife for long, and gently scratched her lower back to signal that.

This left her free to talk, relieved that the crisis had passed. There would still be more atoning later.
"Anything that takes the spotlight off of us is welcome," she said. "Our honeymoon is when our celebration really begins."
"Cooking together makes us much happier," Max added, supporting his wife. Food was his passion, after all - public speaking was not.
"Heck, we met in the kitchen. Far more romantic than your story," Judy built on her husband's words, ending with a little teasing for Saya and Kyo.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya

Quote from: Judith Eastman on February 28, 2019, 03:57:53 PM

OOC: As discussed on Discord, I'll be taking Max over.
[Judy & Max - Puzzles]

Max still wasn't pleased with Judy's earlier push for them both to officiate, but he could tell that she'd realized her mistake and was trying to walk it back. He couldn't stay upset with his wife for long, and gently scratched her lower back to signal that.

This left her free to talk, relieved that the crisis had passed. There would still be more atoning later.
"Anything that takes the spotlight off of us is welcome," she said. "Our honeymoon is when our celebration really begins."
"Cooking together makes us much happier," Max added, supporting his wife. Food was his passion, after all - public speaking was not.
"Heck, we met in the kitchen. Far more romantic than your story," Judy built on her husband's words, ending with a little teasing for Saya and Kyo.


Oh, I don't know about that, Kyo challenged Judy with a grin. Literally bumping into each other in a train station is pretty romantic.

Saya shook her head and rolled her eyes at the childishness. It isn't a competition, children. We would love to have you cook if you wish. I think my only request would be those hasperat bourekas.

Mmm, yes, Kyo agreed heartily. That is my favorite!

But you mentioned your honeymoon? What are your plans? A trip?

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Ozu Saya on February 28, 2019, 09:38:30 PM


Oh, I don't know about that, Kyo challenged Judy with a grin. Literally bumping into each other in a train station is pretty romantic.

Saya shook her head and rolled her eyes at the childishness. It isn't a competition, children. We would love to have you cook if you wish. I think my only request would be those hasperat bourekas.

Mmm, yes, Kyo agreed heartily. That is my favorite!

But you mentioned your honeymoon? What are your plans? A trip?

[Judy & Max - Puzzles]

"Nothing can possibly be romantic about the New York subway," Judy retorted, and she meant it.

She remained nice and close to Max, who seemed fine with letting her talk for both of them. She supposed it was his nature, combined with the fact that he rather liked the sound of her voice.

"We're probably only going to go for about a week; we're both busy, working professionals at our peak," she said. "I'm not really a tropical resort sort of person, but I found a lovely country retreat over on that Class-M moon of the planet below us."
The property in question was in the mountains, and included a cabin, acres of woods with quiet trails, and a warm spring. Judy was planning to buy it outright, and rent it out when they weren't using it; it was one of those occasional uses for Judy's fortune that Max could get on board with, even though he still intended to take her to Lea's beach house sometime.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

James A. Hawke


Before departing from Dr. Antoinette Ellis James heard her made a polite statement.

quote author=Felicity Ellis link=topic=10982.msg210764#msg210764 date=1551300648]
[Dr. Antoinette Ellis - Puzzles]

"And do not forget your promise to allow me to pick that brain of yours, Commander Hawke," she added to the young man before he wandered off to feed himself.


James gave a small smile and a polite bow, and he responded "Certainly Ma'am, it would be my pleasure"


James continued having his meal; he was a little surprised that he was alone in his table.  However, none the less he was happy to have a moment of silence and respite.  He was a little taxed with the current situation, and he did not realize that it bothered him the negative statements about Dr. Felicity Ellis.

It still bothered him what Felicity Mother stated to him "complicated feelings".  How can feelings are complicated?  It typically very simple, did he have feelings or not.  Did he love her or hate her.  James knew that he had no ill will towards her, but the other way around.

As it was speaking about the Devil, he noticed Dr. Ellis in the Mezzanine level, peeking over his direction.  It was Dr. Ellis, from the distance he could not tell if she was looking, smiling or rolling her eyes.  James looked at her from a distance and for the first time looked at her with her red dress.  She did appreciate how she looked and the makeup.  She did look pretty almost like a model, back in ancient earth or a Greek goddess.

James picked up his flute and gave a quick movement or an attempt to a toast toward Dr. Felicity Ellis.  Hopefully, she observed it.  James stood pensive for a second as he did the movement and wondered why did he give her the attention.

After he finished his meal, James stood up and go away from his table looking to mingle with people again.

Click on the Badge to see bio

Ozu Saya

Quote from: Judith Eastman on February 28, 2019, 10:08:00 PM

[Judy & Max - Puzzles]

"Nothing can possibly be romantic about the New York subway," Judy retorted, and she meant it.

She remained nice and close to Max, who seemed fine with letting her talk for both of them. She supposed it was his nature, combined with the fact that he rather liked the sound of her voice.

"We're probably only going to go for about a week; we're both busy, working professionals at our peak," she said. "I'm not really a tropical resort sort of person, but I found a lovely country retreat over on that Class-M moon of the planet below us."
The property in question was in the mountains, and included a cabin, acres of woods with quiet trails, and a warm spring. Judy was planning to buy it outright, and rent it out when they weren't using it; it was one of those occasional uses for Judy's fortune that Max could get on board with, even though he still intended to take her to Lea's beach house sometime.

Kyo simply smirked and let Judy have the last word on the subway. He knew that his meeting Saya was perfect. Meanwhile, Judy went on to describe her and Max's planned honeymoon.

That sounds pleasant, Saya commented. With all of the traveling, I suppose we've only taken a couple of days on Vulcan and another couple on Bajor after each ceremony. Saya shrugged. I suppose one could count all the travel time as 'honeymoon' though we are not traveling in the same luxury that we did when we went to Vulcan.

We did have our own little concert at the top of Mt. Seleya, Kyo offered.

Yes, and the sound of the bassoon booming across the desert was impressive. Saya smiled and bumped her shoulder into Kyo's arm. I felt bad for Kyo having to carry it to the top of the mountain, however. At least my cello is a little lighter.

Kyo shrugged. It was worth it. Best concert I've ever played.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Ozu Saya on March 01, 2019, 10:09:35 AM

Kyo simply smirked and let Judy have the last word on the subway. He knew that his meeting Saya was perfect. Meanwhile, Judy went on to describe her and Max's planned honeymoon.

That sounds pleasant, Saya commented. With all of the traveling, I suppose we've only taken a couple of days on Vulcan and another couple on Bajor after each ceremony. Saya shrugged. I suppose one could count all the travel time as 'honeymoon' though we are not traveling in the same luxury that we did when we went to Vulcan.

We did have our own little concert at the top of Mt. Seleya, Kyo offered.

Yes, and the sound of the bassoon booming across the desert was impressive. Saya smiled and bumped her shoulder into Kyo's arm. I felt bad for Kyo having to carry it to the top of the mountain, however. At least my cello is a little lighter.

Kyo shrugged. It was worth it. Best concert I've ever played.

[Judy & Max - Puzzles]
"That sounds like fun," Max thought aloud. "Judy, you'll have to take me sometime."
"When we retire, honey," Judy answered. The fact was, that so long as she was posted out here, almost a month away from Earth, they couldn't get the chance for long visits home, or beyond. If only warp travel was faster...
"I think that's only 20, 30 years away. One Saya lifetime, give or take. Not that long."
A few centuries ago, Max would've been expected to retire in 5 years, and Judy in about 10. Now, with modern medicine, they could reasonably expect to live another 60, 70 years, and work for most of that time if they wished.
"Maybe longer. We'll see," Max added. After all, he loved his job, and Judy seemed to love hers.
"We'll see," Judy reiterated with a smile, leaning a little into her husband. "You two might retire before us."

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

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