I See, I See (Judy/Stryker)

Started by Judith Eastman, December 31, 2018, 07:19:03 PM

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[Brig, USS Athena]

He thought about that hard, and come to one inevitable conclusion.

"I've been avoiding it." he admitted.

Human male | Combat Engineer | 6'3" | 353 lbs | Profile | Character images

Judith Eastman

[Judy's Office]

"And would you say that's the best way, or do you have any better ideas?" Judy asked. "I would genuinely like to know if you think you have an easier alternative to therapy sessions, and one that works better than hiding from our issues."

Judy was quite certain that he didn't, but she wanted him to say that.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol


[USS Athena]

He shook his head. "No."

Human male | Combat Engineer | 6'3" | 353 lbs | Profile | Character images

Judith Eastman

[Judy's Office]

Judy now had Sven roughly where she wanted him. She just had to make one final putt and get him in the hole.

"Well, Sven, is there anything you want to try now?" she asked.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol


[Brig, USS Athena]

"I honestly wouldn't even know where to start." he admitted his failure.

Human male | Combat Engineer | 6'3" | 353 lbs | Profile | Character images

Judith Eastman

[Judy's Office]

Judy rapped her knuckles on the desk.

"Well, you're gonna have to pick a place, because I can't just throw an arrow at your face and tell you where the troubles are," Judy answered. "It'd be easier if I could, but I can't."

She tapped her fingers.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol


[Brig, USS Athena]

Sven thought about that, and tilted his head back and anguish.

"You told me that I had PTSD brought on when I beaten into a coma by those boys."

He threw something out. And it was the last thing he wanted to talk about. But he knew this was a root of many of his issues.

Human male | Combat Engineer | 6'3" | 353 lbs | Profile | Character images

Judith Eastman

[Judy's Office]

"I did say that," Judy agreed. "We could definitely start by working on that."

Judy retrieved two clipboards, and laid them out in front of her.
"I'm just gonna ask you a few questions, to figure out how severe it is. If we're going into a rigorous treatment regime, we need to do it right. More importantly, it's gotta be we and not I, kinda like marriage. In other words, Sven, are you on board for this treatment?"

Judy waited for Sven to confirm that he was on board.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol


[Brig, USS Athena]

He nodded his agreement, but that was all he could do.

Human male | Combat Engineer | 6'3" | 353 lbs | Profile | Character images

Judith Eastman

[Judy's Office]

A nod wasn't enough.
Judy removed her glasses, wiped them, and set them on the desk, implying that she wasn't seeing clearly.

"So?" she asked.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol


[Brig, USS Athena]

"Yes, ma'am"

Though his heart was racing. He knew what he was about to embark upon could possibly be one of the hardest things he has ever done.

Human male | Combat Engineer | 6'3" | 353 lbs | Profile | Character images

Judith Eastman

[Judy's Office]

Judy held a pen in her left hand. Its top half was adorned with the city flag of New York, while the bottom half was stainless steel - a present, from a reception with the Vice-Mayor of her city. With this pen was she planning to mark the PTSD checklist.

"We'll start with a few more bureaucratic questions," she explained.
"How often do you have disturbing images, thoughts, or memories of that event that resurface?"

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol


[Brig, USS Athena]

Sven thought about that. In truth, it was more frequent then he wanted.

"I'd say a couple times a week, to bi weekly. I haven't really kept count."

Human male | Combat Engineer | 6'3" | 353 lbs | Profile | Character images

Judith Eastman

[Judy's Office]

Judy marked this as a 3 on her 1-5 scale, and continued.

"What about dreams? Or nightmares? How often, and are there any you want to share specifically?"

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol


[Brig, USS Athena]

"A few times a week, I'll wake up in a cold sweat. Elevated heart rate. I only remember fragments of the dream, but they are similar to when I was attacked." he said fiddling with his fingers.

Human male | Combat Engineer | 6'3" | 353 lbs | Profile | Character images

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