Re: Of Course It Hurts (Judy/Saya)

Started by Ozu Saya, January 14, 2019, 03:18:03 PM

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Ozu Saya


Saya offered a slightly sly smile at Judy's declaration. Well, I believe I am in the mood for butter on my bagel. Or at least half of it.

Kyo returned, shrugging on his coat as he entered the kitchen, as Saya was carefully flipping the omelettes onto plates. She carried them to the cart; then Kyo helped her on with her coat.

Are we ready to head out? Kyo asked.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman


"Butter?" Judy asked quizzically. There were so many better things to add to a bagel, like cream cheese, cottage cheese, some nice aged alpine cheese, lox, or any number of other things.

However, before Judy could voice that, Kyo came in.

"Yeah, I think we're ready," she replied. "I wonder where Bridge and Tunnel are right now."

Almost on cue, the corgis wandered in.

"No, no meat for either of you," she insisted.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya


Saya's sly smile widened into a grin momentarily as she let Kyo help her shrug on her coat, then added butter to the cart.

Kyo grabbed the handles of the cart and prepared to follow Judy to their destination.

Alieth trotted into the kitchen behind the corgis, going straight to her mama and honking expectantly. Saya obediently crouched and picked up the three-horn, who snuggled into her arms and rested her frilled head on the Vulcan hybrid's shoulder with another imperious honk. Saya winced slightly at the carrying sound right next to her sensitive ear, and followed the others.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman


Judy grabbed her newspaper on the way out, and sat down at a large table, facing south, away from the house. The sun warmed her a little, but not enough to shed the cardigan. It was, however, enough to point out that her scarf was just a little too flashy; she'd swap it for a more muted one later.

"It's a little nicer in the summer, but I think today's a pretty pleasant day for eating outside," she remarked. "I've had so many breakfast out here as a child, in the summer, when New York was a little too hot. This place... it brings back memories."

Judy hoped to induce Kyo and/or Saya to reminisce about their childhoods as well, both out of curiosity and for their relationship's sake.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya


Yes, it's quite nice. A little chilly for my comfort, but I don't mind it for a short time. Saya began quickly shifting dishes to the table so that they could eat before the omelettes cooled.

Kyo helped set the table, then sat when Saya did and responded, I've always liked cool, crisp days, as long as it's not windy. The breeze off the ocean is nice, though.

Are we good? Forget anything? he asked, glancing at his companions.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman


"I think we're good," Judy said. She reached for the cream cheese, spread it on half a bagel, and set that on her plate.

"As I explained to Saya, the tried and true, 500-year-old tradition is to have a bagel with cream cheese. I'm fond of the tradition myself, but I won't force it upn you," she explained. "Just don't come back cryin' to me when you bagel with bananas and jalapenos doesn't work out - Lawrence already did that."

Judy chuckled at that memory. Lawrence always did like abominable food combos.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya


I, however, have decided to have butter on at least half of mine, Saya said primly. And that sounds disgusting, she added in response to Judy's description of her son's odd combination of foods.

Saya took a bagel half and spread butter on it, immediately taking a bite with an appreciative mmm.

Kyo chuckled at their banter, enjoying seeing Saya so relaxed, especially after how stressed she'd been the day before. Reaching for his own bagel half, he pondered for a moment, then spread one side with cream cheese and the other with butter. I'll try a little of both, he explained, and decide which I like best.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman


Judy chuckled.
"Oh, you two," she said, still chuckling. "Sticking it to the man with your food combinations."

She was clearly kidding, and soon moved on to reminisce.
"Way back when, I used to get bagels with my aunt Nancy and her kids, and she'd criticize people who order anything but the most traditional combinations. As you can imagine, she's not a big fan of Lawrence's taste in food."

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya


Kyo laughed, then took his first bite of bagel with cream cheese. Oh, that's good! he praised. I like it a lot.

Saya smiled at his enjoyment and took a bite of her omelette. Judy, is there a computer terminal I can use here? I would really like to spend some time going through that data module from my father's ship. Working around our other plans, of course. But now that I have the information, I want to start looking at it.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman


Judy began to cut her omelette.

"We're not savages, Saya! Of course there's a computer terminal," Judy answered, feigning indignation once more (playing offended was possibly the easiest form of acting). "It's just that the terminals are all a little bit on the older side - about as old as I am."

She leaned back in her chair, smiling.

"As for plans, I suppose we could go out fishing. Catch only what we need, of course, and take it home to cook," she suggested. "If not, we can just walk around the island. It's a kilometer-ish."

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya


Saya raised an unamused brow and answered, That should suffice. The module is generic and should work with whatever is available.

Either of those plans is fine with me, though I will not fish, she added.

I'm good with either of those as well, Kyo said, eyeing Judy. Maybe fishing today, though? Yesterday was pretty busy with getting here and all. It'll be more relaxing.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman


"Fishing, then," Judy agreed. "I think the fishing rods are in the attic, as is the bait."

She took a bite of the omelette, giving Saya and Kyo a chance to decide who was going to ascend to the attic, and then continued.

"It's definitely a slower-paced activity, but it has its charm. I more or less developed patience while fishing here as a child."

That patience served her very well in life, enabling her to play the long game when the opportunity arose.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya


Tell me exactly what I'm looking for and I'll get the gear. I assume I am more attic-sized than Kyo.

Kyo offered a grateful smile and said, I appreciate it. I've fished before on Bajor, and enjoy it. Never caught much to speak of, but it can be nice just to sit in the boat. Maybe slightly less so in the cooler weather, but should still be good. I haven't ever gone fishing in the ocean.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman


"There's a crate that's got 'fishing' written on it. This house comes from one of the non-Hebrew-speaking branches of the family tree, so it's labeled in English. It's not too big, so you can just bring it all down."

Then, she looked at Kyo.

"Well, it's a lot slower and less fruitful than fishing in a river," Judy explained. "However, some of the fish can be a good deal bigger. It's its own kind of challenge."

Another challenge meeting the same description was bringing up the shabbat dinner to Saya. She may have been in a better mood now, but Judy knew the young woman was never big on big groups of people.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya


With a nod, Saya answered, I'll go up and get the box after we finish eating.

I can do the cleanup while you do that, Kyo commented. A nice, slow day sounds great. I don't care if we catch anything or not, though it might be nice to have a fish story to take home to tell my cousins. Slightly embellished, of course. Kyo grinned.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

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