Re: Of Course It Hurts (Judy/Saya)

Started by Ozu Saya, January 14, 2019, 03:18:03 PM

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Judith Eastman


"If you tell them you caught a 12-kilo, cloaking salmon, I won't contradict you," Judy quipped.

Then, she looked over at Saya.
"Saya, remember the traditional Shabbat dinners I told you about during our trip to Vulcan?" she asked. "Would it be all right with you if I invite my parents and sons over to have it with us here tonight?"

"No" was a perfectly valid answer in this situation.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya


Kyo laughed outright at Judy's conspiratorial suggestion. I'll keep it in mind, he replied, then waited tensely as Judy brought up her family dinner. He'd almost forgotten about it. He was a little surprised at how quickly Saya responded.

Of course! It is your home and your family. I would never wish to prevent you from observing your religious rites. I feel fine now, but if I do begin to feel overwhelmed again, I will just quietly remove myself, if it will not be considered too rude.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman


"You've seen my family, Saya. We'll probably be too busy arguing with ourselves to notice. If you should feel a need to go, go," Judy answered.

A Jewish family dinner really never was for the faint of heart. Very few other groups could argue with as much passion and intensity, and yet regard that as completely normal and bear no grudges.

"In any case, well done on the omelette," she complimented, changing the subject entirely. "Lovely, nutritious way to start us off."

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya


Saya smiled slightly in response to Judy's comment about her family. Please go ahead, then. I'm sure your family will appreciate having the dinner. And if Kyo and I can help with preparation in any way, please let us know.

Yes, the omelette was delicious. Thanks for making them. Kyo added his enthusiastic praise to Judy's.

Saya ducked her head in embarrassed acknowledgement. Shall I go retrieve the fishing gear? she asked to change the topic.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman


"Yes, that'd be excellent," Judy said. "If you need help, give a holler and I'll be right up to get in your way."

Judy stood up and straightened her dress.
"On that note, I think I'll try driving the golf cart today. After the boat yesterday, I think I'm ready to start driving again."

Judy pondered whether a joke about a beloved cartoon caveman's car would go down well with this audience.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya


I will be certain to inform you if your interference, I mean, assistance, is necessary, Saya said in a complete deadpan as she went back inside and trotted up all the stairs in search of the attic, assuming it would be apparent when she came across it.

Kyo began loading their dishes back on the cart, pausing to ask Judy, Do you want any more coffee while I take care of this?

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman


"No, that's enough coffee. My cardiologist doesn't like me chugging lattes like I normally do," Judy replied. "I drink too much coffee. You know that as well as I."

Judy pushed a little hair back from her forehead.
"Now, I should probably get another scarf. This one pops a little too much, doesn't it?"

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya


Saya finally found her way to the attic and began looking around for the box with the fishing equipment.

Kyo nodded, Okay, then. I'll get these dishes taken care of so that we'll be ready to prepare for the dinner later.

I'm the wrong person to ask about the scarf. I think it looks nice, but I'm not that fashion-forward.

As he pushed the cart back into the house, Kyo asked over his shoulder, Should we pack a lunch? Or do you think we'll head back before then?

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman


"We do need lunch. You're right. Maybe sandwiches, some turkey pastrami for us and a suitable - but inferior - vegetarian sandwich for Saya sounds logical to me. If you'll just get that while I get a subtler scarf?"

Judy then walked to the chairlift in a pace that was slow only compared to her usual, and went upstairs. She exchanged the rather eye-popping red scarf for a Yankees scarf, whose dominant color was navy blue, and made her way back down.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya


Will do, Kyo said with a salute. He unloaded the cart and washed the dishes quickly, then pushed the cart into the dumbwaiter to send it down to the basement to load with sandwich fixings.

Saya found the correct box and started back down stairs, walking carefully as she couldn't really see over the top of it. When she reached the second floor landing, she came quite close to running into Judy, but saw the top other woman's head over the box just in time.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman


"Woah," Judy exclaimed as Saya nearly bumped into her. "I just broke a right hip. Don't wanna make a habit of it."

She then sat down in the chair lift.

"This was designed for much fatter people than myself. I can take the box down in it for you," she offered helpfully.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya


Sorry, Saya said breathlessly. And thank you, I would appreciate that.

Once Judy was sat, Saya carefully passed her the box and shook out her arms, following the chair as it made its slow way down the staircase.

Kyo was in the process of putting together several sandwiches as the ladies returned to the kitchen. Good timing, he said without looking up. You can tell me what vegetables you want on your sandwiches.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman


"Trying to replace me, are you?" Judy asked from her chair. "I'm only 52, but I guess I look old enough for retirement. Load mine up with some cabbage, lettuce, pickles, and jalapenos."

This quip was coming not from a place of insecurity, but one of confidence. Judy knew that, despite her wrinkles, her slowly-developing jowls, and the fact that her natural hair color was now silver, she still had many years in her, and she looked the part.With Federation medicine, she could easily reach 100 while still in the workforce.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya


Got it, Kyo responded. But I could never replace you. He grinned over his shoulder at Judy, then asked, Saya?

Cucumber, cabbage, pickles, tomatoes and jalepeno, with cream cheese.

Okay. Will you start loading that bag? He indicated a cooler bag he'd found in the basement. I got some fruit and chips to go with the sandwiches.

Kyo finished putting the sandwiches together and wrapped them to hand over to Saya for her to add to the bag.

Are we taking the pets? Saya asked curiously.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman


"I think we should take the pets," Judy answered. "We might have to leash them, to make sure they don't decide to take a dip in the Atlantic, but I think they'd be offended if we leave them behind."

Tunnel and Alieth could probably be counted on to stay dry, but Bridge... oh, Bridge was a wild card. To use RPG parlance (known to Judy from her younger days), his was a chaotic neutral character, played as "chaotic stupid".

"In any case, someone will have to be on watch to swim after them if they do escape. Given my health, I'd inevitably half-ass it, so it probably shouldn't be me."
Judy smiled at that immature pun, as she thought back to the adventures she and Saya had with water in the past. The near-death experience with the jellyfish in no way diminished the older woman's love of water.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

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