Re: Re: Re: Of Course It Hurts (Judy/Saya)

Started by Ozu Saya, May 18, 2019, 08:31:59 PM

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Judith Eastman


"I'll see if I can get it done before the train sets off. If that doesn't work for me, I might just need help," Judy answered. "These things rock when they move."

Just as Judy got to work on the left-side braid, the train's locomotive let off a loud whistle (loud enough to be heard all the way back), and then set off. For now, they were still slowly trudging out of the station.

"We're gonna have a few bumps now, but it'll get smoother once we get out to the open. Smooth enough to eat, and sleep."

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya


It certainly is louder than a starship's engines, Saya said loudly, face scrunching in discomfort at the sudden noise.  She was also grateful she was sitting as it felt like she might have had difficulty staying on her feet otherwise.

Alieth let out a distressed honk at the noise and movement and scampered over to her mama, honking pathetically to be picked up. With a small smile, Saya leaned over from her seat and scooped up the three-horn, cuddling her close.

Kyo reached over to scratch Alieth on the head, laughing as she twisted suddenly in Saya's arms to get closer to more scratches.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman


"You'll get used to it," Judy reassured Saya. "She will too. The rocking can actually be relaxing, in my opinion."

They were currently running over a series of what was known inside the business as "points" or "switches", the places where tracks met and diverged. Each of these was a very small bump that disrupted the otherwise uniform, gentle rocking.

The corgis weren't very fazed by the bumps, but they too wanted attention. They went over to lick at Judy's calves, which essentially forced her to give up the braid.

"I believe that's their way of saying I'm not allowed to have nice things," she quipped. "In any case, I think you might appreciate the actual steam engine, given ear plugs. It's an inspiring piece of machinery, especially considering its age."

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya


Do you think they'd let me have a look? Saya asked, suddenly excited.

Kyo laughed outright at her sudden change in mood, appreciating her enjoyment of her chosen field. He felt the same way sometimes about a particular musical venue or instrument.

I can do your braids, if they won't let you. Will you hold Alieth?

She turned to Kyo with raised brows.

He nodded and reached for the three-horn, taking her against some protest; but she settled into his familiar arms after a few moments while Saya moved to stand beside Judy's chair.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman


"That'd be great," Judy told Saya. "It'll probably look better, too. These old hands are a little on the shaky side."

The tremor was an issue, but the solution wasn't worth it. Judy could make do with impaired hands better than with a caffeine-deprived brain.

"As for the engine, I'm sure they'll let you have a look. I think they stop to switch them off in Vienna, so that'll be a good place for it."

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya


Bracing against the arm of Judy's chair to keep herself steady as the train bumped forward, Saya ran her fingers carefully through the older woman's hair and separated a large hank on each side of her face, pulling the rest back into a bun at the nape of her neck. Then she began efficiently braiding the hair on the right side of Judy's head, taking care not to tug too hard.

Kyo watched Saya work, absently petting Alieth, his mind jumping to what Saya might look like years down the road doing the same thing for her own children. He smiled to himself, then cleared his throat to ask, So, will we travel all night, or longer?

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman


"Just a leeetle longer," Judy answered. "We get to Belgrade in the morning, Budapest in the early afternoon, and Vienna in the early evening."

Judy didn't remember hours, but she roughly remembered the schedule. Barring that, she could've spitballed based on approximate distances.

"It could take longer, but the train only makes a handful of stops, just the bigger regional hubs."

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya


So, nothing to do but relax and wait until we arrive. Whatever will we do with the time? Kyo said as he leaned back in his seat and settled Alieth against his chest. Knowing this little group, they'd probably end up playing music together to pass the time.

Saya smiled slightly, realizing what Kyo was thinking. She finished the braid on one side of Judy's head and stepped behind her to wrap it carefully around the base of the bun, covering the hair tie. She reached forward over Judy's shoulder and beckoned for hairpins to secure it.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman


"We watch the scenery going by," Judy answered. "In the world of transporters and space travel, we get to practice the lost art of appreciating the journey itself."

There was, after all, a whole world between Point A and Point B. In this case, it was a rather scenic one.

As Judy handed over the bobby pin, her own eyes shot out the window, to the view of built up urban area slowly giving way to rolling, wooded hills.

"When you just beam from here to there, you don't get to enjoy views like the sun setting behind these hills."

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya


Saya's hands paused for a moment after taking the bobby pin to look in the direction of the window, her brows raising silently in appreciation as she went back to Judy's hair, moving to the other side after securing the first braid.

Kyo also looked out the window and smiled. It is beautiful. I hadn't really thought about the actual train ride as more than just novel transportation.

So, he added. We enjoy the view, maybe play a little music?

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman


"Well, of course," Judy answered. "Maybe more than just a little music."

She glanced towards her guitar, seeming to imply that now would be a good time.
"Maybe after we finish with my hair, and possibly do something with Kyo. How about dreadlocks?"
The last bit about Kyo was a clear joke, but it at least made Judy herself laugh.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya


Kyo gave Judy a slightly horrified look and shook his head. I think not, he said delicately.

Standing to move toward their bags, he offered, Why don't I play a little tivara for you while Saya finishes up your hair? I think I won't try the bassoon in such limited space.

He picked up a hard-sided case from his luggage and squeezed Alieth with his other arm. Going to have to put you down, little one.

Kyo returned to the couch and set the three-horn and case on the seat beside him.

Saya smiled from her position, first at Judy's joke, then at the idea of Kyo playing for them.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman


"Yes, go for it," Judy answered, as she let Saya continue to work at her hair. She continued to fend off the corgis, hungry as they were for both attention and food, as well as silly little Alieth, who was naturally wandering off the couch already.

"You know, as slow as we may think trains are, they used to think in the 19th century that they were too fast, that people would get sick or possessed by demons from riding them. Pretty crazy, huh?"

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya


Saya, who generally tried not to be too critical of ancient societies, couldn't help exclaiming, That is utterly ridiculous! She shook her head as she worked her way down Judy's second braid.

Kyo bobbed his eyebrows in agreement while he opened the instrument case and withdrew a tivara made of polished dark wood with an interesting natural grain visible. He ran a soft cloth over the instrument before raising it to his lips and blowing a few experimental notes.

Finally, he launched into a beautifully haunting tune:

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman


It was instinct for Judy to start humming when she got a feel for the tune. She was, inherently, a very musical person.

When it was done, it was only natural for her to clap.

"Bravo. That was great," she complimented. "Saya, I know I said we'd make more music, but as soon as you're done, I'm ready to eat. Much like these fluffs, I'm starving."

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

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