An SBC Wedding Part II: Heart (Patient) Convention (COMPLETED)

Started by Judith Eastman, February 11, 2019, 11:20:49 PM

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Felicity Ellis

Quote from: Judith Eastman on February 28, 2019, 08:30:35 AM

[NPCs - Puzzles]

"Eh," Jon answered with a little half-grunt. "Experience is good, until your hands start trembling. I wouldn't want Judy waittressing for me, even if it wasn't her wedding."

"She does it to herself," Estelle added, not realizing that maybe her granddaughter wanted to keep her little tremors to her close companions. "So much coffee in a day, of course her hands are shaky."

"Enough about her," Jon rebutted, not wanting to drag this out much longer. "What can I get you lovely ladies?"

[Dr. Antoinette Ellis - Puzzles]

Antoinette listened to the back and forth between the family, finding it both familiar and unusual. Familiar in the sense that it felt much like the good-humoured bickering of a close-knit unit, and sounded a lot like how all of her children would interact with each other when they were together. Unusual in that she'd never experienced anything like it in a gathering as large as this.

Naturally, she didn't miss the comments about shakes and coffee. It was something Antoinette hoped to avoid for many, many years to come. With her standing in the surgery world developing anything that hindered her movement would mean a future of paperwork, and nothing but paperwork.

When Jon asked what he might get for them, she was quick to pipe up. "Perhaps a selection would be best? That way we can sample everything that the groom has created for us. I hear he is quite talented." She placed her champagne flute down on the table, her fingers tapping on the stem as she continued. "It is a bonus for a spouse to have such a practical skill."

Not that she knew anything about that; neither she nor her husband had ever even attempted to cook.

Quote from: Leanna Mazal on February 28, 2019, 03:05:25 AM

[Puzzles - Lea]

" From my experience they can be although be glad this isn't a Betazoid wedding" Lea quipped with a grin before continuing. " I doubt there will be any trouble but if there is, I have Idris and a couple of others ready to intervene and I don't blame you for wanting time away from Antoinette".

Looking where Flick had pointed out for a moment as she nicknamed Hawke the mother whisperer and had to admit it was good to hear her laugh. " He's definitely a smooth talker, I'll give you that and I'll have to tell you the story of how I first met him" she said teasing her friend a little.

When talk turned back to the liquor, Lea grinned at her friend's comment before going to the bar and procuring a bottle of said booze, returning quickly with it as Flick then asked about the Phoenix crew. Pouring them both a measure and again grinned at the suggestiveness and lighter tone to her query.

" They're fine, most of them are helping with the wedding until tomorrow when they go off on the next supply run but as for settling down, you know Oliver, he doesn't like to be in one place for too long unless something catches his attention".

Quote from: James A. Hawke on February 28, 2019, 11:22:11 PM


James picked up his flute and gave a quick movement or an attempt to a toast toward Dr. Felicity Ellis.  Hopefully, she observed it.  James stood pensive for a second as he did the movement and wondered why did he give her the attention.

After he finished his meal, James stood up and go away from his table looking to mingle with people again.

[Felicity - Puzzles, Mezzanine]

Felicity grinned, delighted at the prospect of a Betazoid wedding. "You know I've never been to one..." She said coyly to her friend, her brows raising suggestively. "Always wanted to. Any chance of seeing one any time soon?"

She was teasing Leanna really. She knew that her friend and her new boyfriend were in relatively new pastures, but she couldn't help herself. It was also her round-about, wee bit drunk way of asking after her relationship status. When she too turned to look in Hawke's direction, Felicity regarded her with a sudden look of surprise and intrigue at her words. "Knowing you, that story contains booze or naughtiness. Or both."

While Leanna went to retrieve the new bottle, Felicity caught Hawke's eye and his raised glass. She copied the motion with her own almost empty one, her mouth curling upwards in amusement. She was pleased to see that he'd escaped Antoinette's clutches. It certainly helped to alleviate some of the earlier guilt she'd been feeling, not to mention the discomfort. She and the XO seemed to be enjoying a strange kind of truce, it seemed.

When Leanna returned and poured the liquor Felicity eyed it curiously. Once filled, she picked up the glass and gave it a testing sniff. "Cheers," she said then with a smile, reaching out to clink her glass with Leanna's. She followed it up with a quick toast. "To you, my knight in shining armour." Felicity was glad to be surrounded by people who cared enough to have her back.

Felicity took a generous mouthful of the liquor, then sucked in a breath. She paused for a moment, her face thoughtful, as she organised her thoughts on this very important tasting. A warmth began to spread through her body and she could feel her shoulders relax and her muscles unclench. "Very nice."

As talk turned to the Phoenix crew and specifically Oliver, Felicity nodded in understanding, all too familiar with Oliver's attentions. "Speaking of not staying in the same place for too long... Have you had any word from Xander?" She knew it wasn't likely. She knew that if Leanna had heard from him, she would have told her, being all too aware as she was of the concern Felicity had been preoccupied with these last couple of months.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
Bio: Felicity Ellis

Leanna Mazal

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on March 01, 2019, 07:44:43 PM

[Felicity - Puzzles, Mezzanine]

Felicity grinned, delighted at the prospect of a Betazoid wedding. "You know I've never been to one..." She said coyly to her friend, her brows raising suggestively. "Always wanted to. Any chance of seeing one any time soon?"

She was teasing Leanna really. She knew that her friend and her new boyfriend were in relatively new pastures, but she couldn't help herself. It was also her round-about, wee bit drunk way of asking after her relationship status. When she too turned to look in Hawke's direction, Felicity regarded her with a sudden look of surprise and intrigue at her words. "Knowing you, that story contains booze or naughtiness. Or both."

While Leanna went to retrieve the new bottle, Felicity caught Hawke's eye and his raised glass. She copied the motion with her own almost empty one, her mouth curling upwards in amusement. She was pleased to see that he'd escaped Antoinette's clutches. It certainly helped to alleviate some of the earlier guilt she'd been feeling, not to mention the discomfort. She and the XO seemed to be enjoying a strange kind of truce, it seemed.

When Leanna returned and poured the liquor Felicity eyed it curiously. Once filled, she picked up the glass and gave it a testing sniff. "Cheers," she said then with a smile, reaching out to clink her glass with Leanna's. She followed it up with a quick toast. "To you, my knight in shining armour." Felicity was glad to be surrounded by people who cared enough to have her back.

Felicity took a generous mouthful of the liquor, then sucked in a breath. She paused for a moment, her face thoughtful, as she organised her thoughts on this very important tasting. A warmth began to spread through her body and she could feel her shoulders relax and her muscles unclench. "Very nice."

As talk turned to the Phoenix crew and specifically Oliver, Felicity nodded in understanding, all too familiar with Oliver's attentions. "Speaking of not staying in the same place for too long... Have you had any word from Xander?" She knew it wasn't likely. She knew that if Leanna had heard from him, she would have told her, being all too aware as she was of the concern Felicity had been preoccupied with these last couple of months.

[Puzzles - Mezzanine]

The idea of a Betazoid wedding seemed to appeal to her best friend, judging by the grin followed by the teasing as to whether she would be invited to one soon. This was why she loved their friendship and how they could banter like this as well as be honest with one another.

Lea also knew that she loved Fells even if he hadn't said it back to her yet, not that it mattered as he showed it in other ways so confided in Flick. " I can myself getting married to Fells but he's just more than I ever imagined and its so intense that I've never experienced anything like it and I'm loving every minute" she admitted.

When talk then shifted towards Lea knowing Hawke, the Betazoid grinned at her friend's comment about knowing her and what it might of involved. " I would definitely say both especially since we were undercover as Strippers".

Lea left that comment hang, expecting more questions before joining in with Flick's toast, smiling as she took a sip and felt the liquor burn down her throat pleasantly. " Agreed and I think that we'll get more of this in".

As the conversation then moved on and Flick asked about Xander, Lea knew just how much the Science Officer's absence had bothered her friend even if she didn't openly admit it. Even more so with the unspoken attraction between them both not to mention his formidable and much loved Grandmother Nora.

" I haven't which is slightly frustrating although knowing Xander, he's off studying some never heard of creature " she said trying to keep Flick smiling. " I can just imagine him finding some reason to stay topless or constantly running his hands through his hair".

Ozu Saya

Quote from: Judith Eastman on March 01, 2019, 11:02:21 AM

[Judy & Max - Puzzles]
"That sounds like fun," Max thought aloud. "Judy, you'll have to take me sometime."
"When we retire, honey," Judy answered. The fact was, that so long as she was posted out here, almost a month away from Earth, they couldn't get the chance for long visits home, or beyond. If only warp travel was faster...
"I think that's only 20, 30 years away. One Saya lifetime, give or take. Not that long."
A few centuries ago, Max would've been expected to retire in 5 years, and Judy in about 10. Now, with modern medicine, they could reasonably expect to live another 60, 70 years, and work for most of that time if they wished.
"Maybe longer. We'll see," Max added. After all, he loved his job, and Judy seemed to love hers.
"We'll see," Judy reiterated with a smile, leaning a little into her husband. "You two might retire before us."


It's lovely. And definitely worth going. The actual climb isn't that bad, but carrying a bulky instrument case made it a little challenging.

Saya raised a brow at the reference to her to-this-point short life but couldn't think of anything to say in response that didn't sound incredibly rude.

Kyo, on the other hand, didn't mind saying the rude thing. Aww, no. We'll be going long after you're retired, he said with a teasing grin and a 'pshaw' wave. But we'll help take care of you in your dotage, I promise.

Saya turned on him with wide eyes and actually swatted his thigh.

Ouch! he exclaimed shoving her hand away as he laughed.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Ozu Saya on March 02, 2019, 09:34:30 AM


It's lovely. And definitely worth going. The actual climb isn't that bad, but carrying a bulky instrument case made it a little challenging.

Saya raised a brow at the reference to her to-this-point short life but couldn't think of anything to say in response that didn't sound incredibly rude.

Kyo, on the other hand, didn't mind saying the rude thing. Aww, no. We'll be going long after you're retired, he said with a teasing grin and a 'pshaw' wave. But we'll help take care of you in your dotage, I promise.

Saya turned on him with wide eyes and actually swatted his thigh.

Ouch! he exclaimed shoving her hand away as he laughed.

[The Newly-Minted Williamses - Puzzles]

Judy couldn't help but laugh at the little interaction between Saya and Kyo.
"Have I ever told you two just how adorable you are?" she asked, with a hint of laughter in her voice.
She then jokingly pinched Kyo's cheek, which drew a laugh out of Max as well.
"Can I get anyone seconds?" Max offered, eager to get more of his culinary creations into some hungry mouths. "Judy, sweetheart? More salmon?"
"Oh, I couldn't possibly," Judy answered with a fake upper-class English accent so pronounced, it seemed to be dripping tea.
"We have to save some space for the cake, don't we?"


Quote from: Felicity Ellis on March 01, 2019, 07:44:43 PM

[Dr. Antoinette Ellis - Puzzles]

Antoinette listened to the back and forth between the family, finding it both familiar and unusual. Familiar in the sense that it felt much like the good-humoured bickering of a close-knit unit, and sounded a lot like how all of her children would interact with each other when they were together. Unusual in that she'd never experienced anything like it in a gathering as large as this.

Naturally, she didn't miss the comments about shakes and coffee. It was something Antoinette hoped to avoid for many, many years to come. With her standing in the surgery world developing anything that hindered her movement would mean a future of paperwork, and nothing but paperwork.

When Jon asked what he might get for them, she was quick to pipe up. "Perhaps a selection would be best? That way we can sample everything that the groom has created for us. I hear he is quite talented." She placed her champagne flute down on the table, her fingers tapping on the stem as she continued. "It is a bonus for a spouse to have such a practical skill."

Not that she knew anything about that; neither she nor her husband had ever even attempted to cook.

[NPCs - Puzzles]

"The bride as well," Diane interjected. "She's a pretty good cook in her own right, in addition to all the things she gets paid for."
"That, and they're physically inseparable," Estelle kvetched. "I can't even have a one-on-one coffee session with my granddaughter anymore."
Never mind that coffee with Judy meant a full ceremony, with cookies and everything, and that Max made great cookies - Estelle wanted to kvetch, so she kvetched, her native Brooklyn slowly overcoming her adopted hometown of Chicago in her accent as she went on.

In the meantime, Jon went off to get some food, grabbing his grandsons along the way to assist.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya

Quote from: Judith Eastman on March 02, 2019, 10:57:06 AM

[The Newly-Minted Williamses - Puzzles]

Judy couldn't help but laugh at the little interaction between Saya and Kyo.
"Have I ever told you two just how adorable you are?" she asked, with a hint of laughter in her voice.
She then jokingly pinched Kyo's cheek, which drew a laugh out of Max as well.
"Can I get anyone seconds?" Max offered, eager to get more of his culinary creations into some hungry mouths. "Judy, sweetheart? More salmon?"
"Oh, I couldn't possibly," Judy answered with a fake upper-class English accent so pronounced, it seemed to be dripping tea.
"We have to save some space for the cake, don't we?"


Saya rolled her eyes with longsuffering, but hid a smile at Judy's teasing. Kyo knew she wasn't really annoyed, chuckling and patting Judy's hand before she pulled it away from his cheek.

I'll try some of the salmon. Thanks, Max. Didn't get around to it on my first go, Kyo explained.

No more food for me, thank you. I'll wait for cake, Saya responded. Though I would like some more of this. She held up her glass of sparkling white grape juice. She'd had a single glass of champagne already and wasn't going to push her luck by having more.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Ozu Saya on March 02, 2019, 09:05:56 PM


Saya rolled her eyes with longsuffering, but hid a smile at Judy's teasing. Kyo knew she wasn't really annoyed, chuckling and patting Judy's hand before she pulled it away from his cheek.

I'll try some of the salmon. Thanks, Max. Didn't get around to it on my first go, Kyo explained.

No more food for me, thank you. I'll wait for cake, Saya responded. Though I would like some more of this. She held up her glass of sparkling white grape juice. She'd had a single glass of champagne already and wasn't going to push her luck by having more.

[Judy & Max - Puzzles]

"I'd recommend a mimosa," Max suggested. "Champagne mixed with orange juice."
"It's pretty traditional," Judy explained. "Pretty good, too, though I'll take another coffee."

Max made a mental note to get his wife decaf - her bladder would thank him later.
He set off to get food, hoping and praying that he wouldn't get held up with too many questions.
"Oh, you'll be absolutely amazed by the cake," Judy said with a broad smile. "We're talking 7 layers, absolutely enormous cake. We're probably going to have leftovers for a long, long time, until we never wanna see cake again."

Judy laughed at her own words.
"That'd probably be good in the long run. I eat too much cake, especially with such a good cake chef in my home."

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya

Quote from: Judith Eastman on March 02, 2019, 09:12:09 PM

[Judy & Max - Puzzles]

"I'd recommend a mimosa," Max suggested. "Champagne mixed with orange juice."
"It's pretty traditional," Judy explained. "Pretty good, too, though I'll take another coffee."

Max made a mental note to get his wife decaf - her bladder would thank him later.
He set off to get food, hoping and praying that he wouldn't get held up with too many questions.
"Oh, you'll be absolutely amazed by the cake," Judy said with a broad smile. "We're talking 7 layers, absolutely enormous cake. We're probably going to have leftovers for a long, long time, until we never wanna see cake again."

Judy laughed at her own words.
"That'd probably be good in the long run. I eat too much cake, especially with such a good cake chef in my home."


Saya opened her mouth to ask Max to bring something non-alcoholic, but changed her mind, deciding she could sip the mimosa slowly.

Kyo whistled at Judy's description of the cake. Even with all these people to eat it you'll have leftovers? That pretty impressive. Did Max make it? Or did you both refuse to cook for your own wedding? he asked teasingly.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Ozu Saya on March 03, 2019, 05:05:16 PM


Saya opened her mouth to ask Max to bring something non-alcoholic, but changed her mind, deciding she could sip the mimosa slowly.

Kyo whistled at Judy's description of the cake. Even with all these people to eat it you'll have leftovers? That pretty impressive. Did Max make it? Or did you both refuse to cook for your own wedding? he asked teasingly.

[Judy & Max - Puzzles]

"Max was a little busy sleeping, and then getting married, to bake it himself," Judy answered. "We both sorta directed the kitchen - a solid 80% of the recipes came from one or both of us - but we didn't do the actual cooking. No time."

Just then, Max returned. As he'd noticed Saya's concern earlier, he brought her a choice of drinks, which truly impressed Judy. Juggling multiple drinks, some in rather impractical glasses, and a plate of food, was more than she could've done in her physical prime, and certainly now.
"I wasn't aware you had such skill as a waiter," she told him, before taking a sip of her coffee.
"I'm a man of many talents," he answered.
Then, Judy looked at him indignantly.
"It's decaf!" she accused.
His nod said everything, and both burst into laughter.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Ozu Saya

Quote from: Judith Eastman on March 03, 2019, 05:57:13 PM

[Judy & Max - Puzzles]

"Max was a little busy sleeping, and then getting married, to bake it himself," Judy answered. "We both sorta directed the kitchen - a solid 80% of the recipes came from one or both of us - but we didn't do the actual cooking. No time."

Just then, Max returned. As he'd noticed Saya's concern earlier, he brought her a choice of drinks, which truly impressed Judy. Juggling multiple drinks, some in rather impractical glasses, and a plate of food, was more than she could've done in her physical prime, and certainly now.
"I wasn't aware you had such skill as a waiter," she told him, before taking a sip of her coffee.
"I'm a man of many talents," he answered.
Then, Judy looked at him indignantly.
"It's decaf!" she accused.
His nod said everything, and both burst into laughter.


That's good, Kyo answered. I know it must have been difficult for the two of you to give up some of that control, but I'm glad you were able to focus on getting married, he added teasingly.

It is fortunate for me that I had only a few small desires of my own for our ceremonies, Saya commented. The Vulcan tradition is very prescribed and there is little variation, other than a few incidentals developed in different regions. On Bajor, the actual ceremony has only a few prescriptions, but Kyo's family wished to do all of the planning. She smiled as she spoke, not showing the irritation that had plagued her at first. Once she'd realized how little she actually cared about the majority of the details, she was happy to allow her new in-laws to do most of the planning.

Saya looked up as Max approached, and jumped up to assist when she realized he was carrying a number of different drinks with him. Setting them out on the table, she looked over the variety of glasses with confusion for a moment before realizing that they were mostly all for her to choose from. Thank you, Saya said quickly, choosing a flute that held the sparkling juice and gesturing to the rest for the others to help themselves.

Kyo patted her hand and smiled as he reached for the recommended mimosa that had been included in the selection. Hmm, that is good, he said after a sip. He offered the glass to Saya with a raised brow. Want to try it?

Saya nodded and reached for the glass, taking a small sip and giving a small, Hmm. I do like that. I will have to have some another time.

Vulcan-Bajoran Hybrid; 5'2"
Domen Kyo: Bajoran; 6'6"
George Hugo: Human; 6'6"
Eviess Aihai Annhw: Romulan-Human Hybrid; 5'

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Ozu Saya on March 04, 2019, 09:51:38 AM


That's good, Kyo answered. I know it must have been difficult for the two of you to give up some of that control, but I'm glad you were able to focus on getting married, he added teasingly.

It is fortunate for me that I had only a few small desires of my own for our ceremonies, Saya commented. The Vulcan tradition is very prescribed and there is little variation, other than a few incidentals developed in different regions. On Bajor, the actual ceremony has only a few prescriptions, but Kyo's family wished to do all of the planning. She smiled as she spoke, not showing the irritation that had plagued her at first. Once she'd realized how little she actually cared about the majority of the details, she was happy to allow her new in-laws to do most of the planning.

Saya looked up as Max approached, and jumped up to assist when she realized he was carrying a number of different drinks with him. Setting them out on the table, she looked over the variety of glasses with confusion for a moment before realizing that they were mostly all for her to choose from. Thank you, Saya said quickly, choosing a flute that held the sparkling juice and gesturing to the rest for the others to help themselves.

Kyo patted her hand and smiled as he reached for the recommended mimosa that had been included in the selection. Hmm, that is good, he said after a sip. He offered the glass to Saya with a raised brow. Want to try it?

Saya nodded and reached for the glass, taking a small sip and giving a small, Hmm. I do like that. I will have to have some another time.

[Judy & Max - Puzzles]

"We still have the day ahead of us," Judy reminded them. "The whole, long day for Max and myself to hold court, meet with everyone, talk, and talk, and talk until even my jaw falls off. If you don't drink it, we definitely will."
Max nodded in agreement.

"Well, I think now's a good time to wheel out the cake," Judy suggested.
"So impatient, young one," Max teased, reminding her that he was still three years her senior.
She looked for acknowledgement from their table-mates, while he looked around for Seamus or Lea.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Leanna Mazal

[Puzzles - Seamus]

Seamus had primarily been stood off to one side where he could keep a close eye on everything during the reception. Taking notice of just about every guest whilst ensuring the drinks never stopped and the food was replenished as and when needed. The newly married Bar Manager had also seen Lea go up to the Mezzanine with Flick and knew she could take care of them both so didn't need to worry about his Boss especially since she had the day off.

Still he smiled before he noticed Max looking around no doubt trying to catch the attention of him or Lea and had an inkling as to why. Deciding to save any issues or have the Bride and Groom worry about it, he spoke quietly to Maggie who then alerted the Kitchen.

Sure enough a few minutes later the magnificent seven layered creation that had been designed and made by Pieter was brought out by the Chef himself.

He proudly wheeled it on the grav trolley to the centre of the room where it was then carefully placed on its own table and stood back, indicating to Max to come over when ready.

Judith Eastman

[Judy & Max - Puzzles]

Judy and Max caught the look from Seamus and made their way over.
"I'll keep it brief," Judy whispered a promise to her husband. He knew she'd say a few words, but he hoped she wouldn't make it too long.

And so, when they reached the cake, and the microphone stand Judy had had installed next to it, she was quick to try and get the room's attention.

"Ladies, gentlebeings, and my two sons," she addressed the group, taking a particular jab at her children. "I promised not to make a speech, because I talk too much, so allow me to thank a few people. First of all, I want to thank Leanna, the owner of this establishment. Without her, none of us would be here. I'd also like to thank Seamus and the rest of the staff for putting this together. I'd like to thank Starfleet, for not getting me killed just yet. I'd like to thank you, our guests. Some of you have come hundreds of light-years to be here today, and we deeply appreciate that."

This didn't seem too bad so far to Max. Judy was doing all the talking for them, and hadn't said anything too offensive or weird.
Then, she did.

"Most of all, I want to thank Max. Max, you complete me, and I can't see myself spending the rest of my life with any other man."
And just like that, she kissed him.

"Now, we'll cut this cake, and then you all had better eat it. We don't need the leftovers."

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

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