S1 M4 "The Temporal Variable"

Started by William Waring, November 10, 2016, 03:20:44 AM

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Ian Galloway

Quote from: James A. Hawke on December 07, 2016, 03:18:14 AM

[Briefing Room]
As he finished his statement, James sat down and scratched his eyes with his thumb and index fingers.    He figured he stepped over his bounds but was still thinking of the dillema. James accepted the moment and took a second he wanted to talk to her in private.  He observed her as she took her chair and kept observing the conversation.
James observed the table as William placed his fist in the desk.   As he finished he continued "You have my apologies, Sir"

He looked at the Cadet Helm Officer and said "Mr. Galloway, can you do flight analysis and situation from the PADD and information recovered from the Future Tempest?"

James listened to his fellow officers about the situation.  They all gave valid points.  James then was thinking...and he wanted to cheat.
"What if we cheat?  We have two ships...only one of them need to go back in time.  What if we duplicate the crew...which is probably not ethical...there are few instances of duplicating people in the Transporter Room within certain conditions.  If we replicate something like those...we can replicate the crew.  If the Medical staff can find a way...to give us or our duplicates something to forget the last 48 hours  with the exception of key individuals...then we can replicate the events.  " James said

"In order for this plan to work we will need the full corporation of both ships" James said

He then looked "Commander, if someone needs to go in the transporter room to be tested, I volunteer...although I would hate having another myself running around"

[Briefing Room]

Ian's first thought when Lieutenant Commander Hawke addressed him was one of utter disbelief. "Are ya daft man?" before regaining his composure and truly evaluating the question. Hawke had asked him could he do a flight analysis and situation from data from the supposed future Tempest, and to that, the answer was yes. The larger question of should a cadet be doing it was not his place to comment upon. Ian's internal monologue took place in less than a second, but he felt like it took longer and he couldn't keep everyone waiting if he ever hoped to graduate.

"I...Aye sir. I can."


Quote from: James A. Hawke on December 07, 2016, 03:18:14 AM

[Briefing Room]
James listened to his fellow officers about the situation.  They all gave valid points.  James then was thinking...and he wanted to cheat.
"What if we cheat?  We have two ships...only one of them need to go back in time.  What if we duplicate the crew...which is probably not ethical...there are few instances of duplicating people in the Transporter Room within certain conditions.  If we replicate something like those...we can replicate the crew.  If the Medical staff can find a way...to give us or our duplicates something to forget the last 48 hours  with the exception of key individuals...then we can replicate the events.  " James said

"In order for this plan to work we will need the full corporation of both ships" James said

He then looked "Commander, if someone needs to go in the transporter room to be tested, I volunteer...although I would hate having another myself running around"

"That will not work," K'lizh spoke up. It was clear to him that Hawke had lost it; the plan was insane on the face of it. "Quantum duplication has never been successfully recreated in the laboratory, all known occurrences were purely accidental. And even if this ship had the power to successfully materialize over one thousand people out of nothingness, which it does not, what about the paradox of the other Tempest?

"Our scans show it is two hundred years old. If we send that back in time again--assuming it survives when it is already over twice its intended lifespan--then the next time around it will be 400 years old, and then 800, and so on. That is no stable time paradox, that is entropy." He shook his head. There was no easily way to cheat fate.

"Here is the blackness of space, the myriad stars gleaming like diamond dust or, as some people would say, like great balls of exploding hydrogen a very long way off. But then, some people would say anything." - Terry Pratchett

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: James A. Hawke on December 07, 2016, 03:18:14 AM

[Briefing Room]
As he finished his statement, James sat down and scratched his eyes with his thumb and index fingers.    He figured he stepped over his bounds but was still thinking of the dillema. James accepted the moment and took a second he wanted to talk to her in private.  He observed her as she took her chair and kept observing the conversation.
James observed the table as William placed his fist in the desk.   As he finished he continued "You have my apologies, Sir"

He looked at the Cadet Helm Officer and said "Mr. Galloway, can you do flight analysis and situation from the PADD and information recovered from the Future Tempest?"

James listened to his fellow officers about the situation.  They all gave valid points.  James then was thinking...and he wanted to cheat.
"What if we cheat?  We have two ships...only one of them need to go back in time.  What if we duplicate the crew...which is probably not ethical...there are few instances of duplicating people in the Transporter Room within certain conditions.  If we replicate something like those...we can replicate the crew.  If the Medical staff can find a way...to give us or our duplicates something to forget the last 48 hours  with the exception of key individuals...then we can replicate the events.  " James said

"In order for this plan to work we will need the full corporation of both ships" James said

He then looked "Commander, if someone needs to go in the transporter room to be tested, I volunteer...although I would hate having another myself running around"

Quote from: Klizh on December 08, 2016, 05:12:57 AM

"That will not work," K'lizh spoke up. It was clear to him that Hawke had lost it; the plan was insane on the face of it. "Quantum duplication has never been successfully recreated in the laboratory, all known occurrences were purely accidental. And even if this ship had the power to successfully materialize over one thousand people out of nothingness, which it does not, what about the paradox of the other Tempest?

"Our scans show it is two hundred years old. If we send that back in time again--assuming it survives when it is already over twice its intended lifespan--then the next time around it will be 400 years old, and then 800, and so on. That is no stable time paradox, that is entropy." He shook his head. There was no easily way to cheat fate.

Briefing Room

Lizzie listened and shook her head as James came out with a desperate and scientifically dubious solution t try and save everyone. Klizh responded while she was trying to to put thoughts into words. So she nodded in agreement to what the Caitian was saying.

"The Lieutenant is correct Commander." She said, addressing James but indicating Klizh. There is no way for us to make a copy of either ship using just transporters." She paused, trying to keep her emotions in check. "Essentially, we have neither the resources or the right to do this. Who are we to decide what must or must not be? From the little the Captain of the other ship said, the incident that sent us into the past is close at hand but they do not know exactly what it is. Therefore we cannot make any sort of plan with any accuracy. I'm sure you are aware of the term 'Predestination Paradox'? This is where actions taken to avoid a particular event end up triggering that same event! All we can do, is decide on a course of action and follow it through. If they result in us being thrown into the past, then that is what we must accept. The question is, what are we going to do? We cannot try to save everyone nor do we have the right to. Though there is one thing we can do. We compress all the ships logs along with personal messages from the crew to loved ones and place them in a secure data module. We then request that the crew of the other ship ensure that it is delivered to Starfleet if we get sent back in time. If we don't get sent back, it won't matter as this entire event will be erased from history and we will not remember any of it." She stopped and leaned back in her chair as a solitary tear trickled down her right cheek at the thought of erasing their descendants from history.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Klizh on December 08, 2016, 05:12:57 AM

"That will not work," K'lizh spoke up. It was clear to him that Hawke had lost it; the plan was insane on the face of it. "Quantum duplication has never been successfully recreated in the laboratory, all known occurrences were purely accidental. And even if this ship had the power to successfully materialize over one thousand people out of nothingness, which it does not, what about the paradox of the other Tempest?

"Our scans show it is two hundred years old. If we send that back in time again--assuming it survives when it is already over twice its intended lifespan--then the next time around it will be 400 years old, and then 800, and so on. That is no stable time paradox, that is entropy." He shook his head. There was no easily way to cheat fate.

[Briefing Room]
Ian was close to bursting when Lieutenant Klizh and then Lieutenant Commander Vaughn spoke, sighing in relief as the two took apart Lieutenant Commander Hawke's plan.

"Thank Infinity that everyone hasn't bloody gone off the deep end. Transporter duplication is beyond folly and even more unethical. Although I don't believe a predestination paradox applies. We can change our future, especially if Ensign T'Prina is correct, if we know the dilithium is faulty, we can fix that ahead of the event and avoid it completely."

James A. Hawke

Quote from: Zed Masters on December 07, 2016, 08:21:25 AM

[Briefing Room]
"If he's volunteering I do as well. He's my best friend and I live and die by him. Whatever that means." In truth Normandy just wanted the meeting to be over. Worst case scenario something went wrong while they were attempting to replicate them and he didn't have to worry about the pain of dealing with all the emotion that was in the room any longer. Quickly he shot a look over to James and gave a small nod. "Plus every version of James needs a version of me to make sure they don't blow something up when he's not supposed to." His voice was growing increasingly raspy as the meeting went on. He offered another pain filled laugh as he put his head back down and put his face back in his hands.

Every second was worse than the last. Every statement charged with emotion. He hardly had time to feel any emotion of his own as the emotion of everyone else in the room. As he closed his eyes he pictured the same white room from before. The same dove was sitting in the center of it. No matter how hard he tried focusing on the dove did nothing to alleviate the pain. At this point the pain was even worse than what he remembered from when he was on board the station in that stupid heater core.

[Briefing Room]

James smiled at Normandy at his offer to join his reckless plan.  It was a typical plan that he created bold, daring but if it works it would solve our problems.  However, the risk were huge.  He had grown fond of Normandy during the last couple of mission but he would not let him risk his life on a daring plan.
"Normandy, the complexities of this plan are astronomical.  I am using as a model the duplication of Commander William T. Riker, now my theory of what happened in the accident is pretty simple.  Every transporter has safety systems and a stored buffer.  Data is then stream between transporters by the subspace domain.  Sometimes the data can be corrupted or incomplete in which we have buffers.  The idea would be to intentionally placed either hull or shield in the other Tempest to create a distortion, then we will initialize a second confiment beam , we all know that one is enough in mid stream we will then raise the shield of either ship bounce the signal back and the result would be in theory...two individuals....best case scenario there are two of us, worse case scenario they both die, or we don't know what would happen since nobody has done this on purpose.  It's risky...personalities could be spilt like James T. Kirk, or both individuals could die.  "  James explained
"I won't risk your life unless, I am certain, it's only fair that I take the risk...besides...if I am wrong...you can say to my dead body...I told you so"  James said.  In truth he wanted to protect him from this plan.

Quote from: Klizh on December 08, 2016, 05:12:57 AM

"That will not work," K'lizh spoke up. It was clear to him that Hawke had lost it; the plan was insane on the face of it. "Quantum duplication has never been successfully recreated in the laboratory, all known occurrences were purely accidental. And even if this ship had the power to successfully materialize over one thousand people out of nothingness, which it does not, what about the paradox of the other Tempest?

"Our scans show it is two hundred years old. If we send that back in time again--assuming it survives when it is already over twice its intended lifespan--then the next time around it will be 400 years old, and then 800, and so on. That is no stable time paradox, that is entropy." He shook his head. There was no easily way to cheat fate.

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on December 08, 2016, 08:34:18 AM

Briefing Room

Lizzie listened and shook her head as James came out with a desperate and scientifically dubious solution t try and save everyone. Klizh responded while she was trying to to put thoughts into words. So she nodded in agreement to what the Caitian was saying.

"The Lieutenant is correct Commander." She said, addressing James but indicating Klizh. There is no way for us to make a copy of either ship using just transporters." She paused, trying to keep her emotions in check. "Essentially, we have neither the resources or the right to do this. Who are we to decide what must or must not be? From the little the Captain of the other ship said, the incident that sent us into the past is close at hand but they do not know exactly what it is. Therefore we cannot make any sort of plan with any accuracy. I'm sure you are aware of the term 'Predestination Paradox'? This is where actions taken to avoid a particular event end up triggering that same event! All we can do, is decide on a course of action and follow it through. If they result in us being thrown into the past, then that is what we must accept. The question is, what are we going to do? We cannot try to save everyone nor do we have the right to. Though there is one thing we can do. We compress all the ships logs along with personal messages from the crew to loved ones and place them in a secure data module. We then request that the crew of the other ship ensure that it is delivered to Starfleet if we get sent back in time. If we don't get sent back, it won't matter as this entire event will be erased from history and we will not remember any of it." She stopped and leaned back in her chair as a solitary tear trickled down her right cheek at the thought of erasing their descendants from history.

quote author=Ian Galloway link=topic=7031.msg138273#msg138273 date=1481230828]
[Briefing Room]
Ian was close to bursting when Lieutenant Klizh and then Lieutenant Commander Vaughn spoke, sighing in relief as the two took apart Lieutenant Commander Hawke's plan.

"Thank Infinity that everyone hasn't bloody gone off the deep end. Transporter duplication is beyond folly and even more unethical. Although I don't believe a predestination paradox applies. We can change our future, especially if Ensign T'Prina is correct, if we know the dilithium is faulty, we can fix that ahead of the event and avoid it completely."

James looked down and said "I don't believe in giving up so easily...there has to be a way to beat this scenario.   Am I desperate to find a solution? The answer is yes.  Am I crazy? The answer is no?"  James took a breath as he finished his rhetorical question.  The plan was desperate but he had a general theory and he was only willing to risk his own life.

He address the big issue "The Commander is right" he said looking at Lizzie.  "There is no way...to know that our actions would make matters worse or better.  Mr. Gallloway, the problem is...let's say we change the Dilithium, which we have a problem in finding another dilithium, let' say we swap or steal dilithium from another ship.  There is a chance that THAT dilithium would be faulty...as the Commander says it part of pre determination.   This could be sabotage, accident, purpose in short any number of scenarios.  We don't know, for all we know when I was interrupted this morning in my routine scans, it caused a microfracture.  I do agree saying messages to our loved ones in case it happens would be practical."  James then stood up

"I know you think my plan is crazy, but I think I have the right to risk my life in order to try and save them.    I am not risking the crew I am risking myself.  We can always send This Tempest and I will fix the older one...give me 2 weeks in dry dock and no sleep and I can do a miracle"  James said

He finished his say, at this point there was nothing else he could say.  He explained the idea behind the plan and the theory behind it.  He did not believe in no win scenarios, but he needed to find a solution to save everyone.

Click on the Badge to see bio

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: James A. Hawke on December 08, 2016, 05:27:55 PM

[Briefing Room]

James smiled at Normandy at his offer to join his reckless plan.  It was a typical plan that he created bold, daring but if it works it would solve our problems.  However, the risk were huge.  He had grown fond of Normandy during the last couple of mission but he would not let him risk his life on a daring plan.
"Normandy, the complexities of this plan are astronomical.  I am using as a model the duplication of Commander William T. Riker, now my theory of what happened in the accident is pretty simple.  Every transporter has safety systems and a stored buffer.  Data is then stream between transporters by the subspace domain.  Sometimes the data can be corrupted or incomplete in which we have buffers.  The idea would be to intentionally placed either hull or shield in the other Tempest to create a distortion, then we will initialize a second confiment beam , we all know that one is enough in mid stream we will then raise the shield of either ship bounce the signal back and the result would be in theory...two individuals....best case scenario there are two of us, worse case scenario they both die, or we don't know what would happen since nobody has done this on purpose.  It's risky...personalities could be spilt like James T. Kirk, or both individuals could die.  "  James explained
"I won't risk your life unless, I am certain, it's only fair that I take the risk...besides...if I am wrong...you can say to my dead body...I told you so"  James said.  In truth he wanted to protect him from this plan.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 08, 2016, 04:00:28 PM

[Briefing Room]
Ian was close to bursting when Lieutenant Klizh and then Lieutenant Commander Vaughn spoke, sighing in relief as the two took apart Lieutenant Commander Hawke's plan.

"Thank Infinity that everyone hasn't bloody gone off the deep end. Transporter duplication is beyond folly and even more unethical. Although I don't believe a predestination paradox applies. We can change our future, especially if Ensign T'Prina is correct, if we know the dilithium is faulty, we can fix that ahead of the event and avoid it completely."

James looked down and said "I don't believe in giving up so easily...there has to be a way to beat this scenario.   Am I desperate to find a solution? The answer is yes.  Am I crazy? The answer is no?"  James took a breath as he finished his rhetorical question.  The plan was desperate but he had a general theory and he was only willing to risk his own life.

He address the big issue "The Commander is right" he said looking at Lizzie.  "There is no way...to know that our actions would make matters worse or better.  Mr. Gallloway, the problem is...let's say we change the Dilithium, which we have a problem in finding another dilithium, let' say we swap or steal dilithium from another ship.  There is a chance that THAT dilithium would be faulty...as the Commander says it part of pre determination.   This could be sabotage, accident, purpose in short any number of scenarios.  We don't know, for all we know when I was interrupted this morning in my routine scans, it caused a microfracture.  I do agree saying messages to our loved ones in case it happens would be practical."  James then stood up

"I know you think my plan is crazy, but I think I have the right to risk my life in order to try and save them.    I am not risking the crew I am risking myself.  We can always send This Tempest and I will fix the older one...give me 2 weeks in dry dock and no sleep and I can do a miracle"  James said

He finished his say, at this point there was nothing else he could say.  He explained the idea behind the plan and the theory behind it.  He did not believe in no win scenarios, but he needed to find a solution to save everyone.

Briefing Room

Lizzie gave James a smile and shook her head.

"James, you can't do this. You are gambling on something that had never been purposely duplicated and the risks of you getting it wrong are not just against you, they will affect the whole ship. Trying to save everyone WILL create a paradox! Either we get sent back in time, thus keeping the timeline involving the other Tempest intact or we do not and thus we erase the other timeline from history. If I remember right, the crew of the NX-01 encountered a similar situation. Eventually the crew of the older ship prevented the original event erasing themselves from history. They had an advantage over us though. They knew exactly what the event was and could therefore make a conscious decision on what to do. We do not. Trying to mess around with the laws of physics to prevent either ship from getting destroyed or damaged, would not be the way to go." She turned to Will. "The decision is yours Captain!" She said, hoping he would step up.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: James A. Hawke on December 08, 2016, 05:27:55 PM

[Briefing Room]

James smiled at Normandy at his offer to join his reckless plan.  It was a typical plan that he created bold, daring but if it works it would solve our problems.  However, the risk were huge.  He had grown fond of Normandy during the last couple of mission but he would not let him risk his life on a daring plan.
"Normandy, the complexities of this plan are astronomical.  I am using as a model the duplication of Commander William T. Riker, now my theory of what happened in the accident is pretty simple.  Every transporter has safety systems and a stored buffer.  Data is then stream between transporters by the subspace domain.  Sometimes the data can be corrupted or incomplete in which we have buffers.  The idea would be to intentionally placed either hull or shield in the other Tempest to create a distortion, then we will initialize a second confiment beam , we all know that one is enough in mid stream we will then raise the shield of either ship bounce the signal back and the result would be in theory...two individuals....best case scenario there are two of us, worse case scenario they both die, or we don't know what would happen since nobody has done this on purpose.  It's risky...personalities could be spilt like James T. Kirk, or both individuals could die.  "  James explained
"I won't risk your life unless, I am certain, it's only fair that I take the risk...besides...if I am wrong...you can say to my dead body...I told you so"  James said.  In truth he wanted to protect him from this plan.

quote author=Ian Galloway link=topic=7031.msg138273#msg138273 date=1481230828]
[Briefing Room]
Ian was close to bursting when Lieutenant Klizh and then Lieutenant Commander Vaughn spoke, sighing in relief as the two took apart Lieutenant Commander Hawke's plan.

"Thank Infinity that everyone hasn't bloody gone off the deep end. Transporter duplication is beyond folly and even more unethical. Although I don't believe a predestination paradox applies. We can change our future, especially if Ensign T'Prina is correct, if we know the dilithium is faulty, we can fix that ahead of the event and avoid it completely."

James looked down and said "I don't believe in giving up so easily...there has to be a way to beat this scenario.   Am I desperate to find a solution? The answer is yes.  Am I crazy? The answer is no?"  James took a breath as he finished his rhetorical question.  The plan was desperate but he had a general theory and he was only willing to risk his own life.

He address the big issue "The Commander is right" he said looking at Lizzie.  "There is no way...to know that our actions would make matters worse or better.  Mr. Gallloway, the problem is...let's say we change the Dilithium, which we have a problem in finding another dilithium, let' say we swap or steal dilithium from another ship.  There is a chance that THAT dilithium would be faulty...as the Commander says it part of pre determination.   This could be sabotage, accident, purpose in short any number of scenarios.  We don't know, for all we know when I was interrupted this morning in my routine scans, it caused a microfracture.  I do agree saying messages to our loved ones in case it happens would be practical."  James then stood up

"I know you think my plan is crazy, but I think I have the right to risk my life in order to try and save them.    I am not risking the crew I am risking myself.  We can always send This Tempest and I will fix the older one...give me 2 weeks in dry dock and no sleep and I can do a miracle"  James said

He finished his say, at this point there was nothing else he could say.  He explained the idea behind the plan and the theory behind it.  He did not believe in no win scenarios, but he needed to find a solution to save everyone.

[Briefing Room]

Ian took a deep breath and could hold his tongue no longer as Lieutenant Commander Hawke continued to press his insane plan. Ian's Highland Burr, was all too evident, which tended to color his Federation Standard when he was angry, upset, or scared, and at this moment, all three applied.

"This is soddin' madness Sir. Temporal Mechanics does nay accept that predestination paradoxes are inevitable. Every bloody ship named Enterprise has proven that. In our case, there is one potential future where we get thrown back in time and based on the number of parallel universes that exist, that is not the only future possible. The only thing predestined is, if we avoid bein' thrown back, then the timeline with that other Tempest will cease to exist. That's hard luck on them, but our first duty is ta this ship and this crew, not a lot that should nay exist!"

William Waring

[Conference Room]

Will let the Officers discuss the various aspects of the ideas going around but needed to get everyone pulled back in.

He cleared his throat before speaking "Here's what we know: The Tempest is going to have faulty crystals which possibly causes this whole thing, we could duplicate this crew and let them relive the cycle."

He thought for a moment. "Dump the core" he said simply "If the crystals are faulty then we dump the core. The cycle can't happen if we don't have any crystals to go bad."

He addressed Ian next "Mister Galloway, assuming we dump the core, would it be possible for our Impulse Engines to break Warp One?"


James A. Hawke

Quote from: William Waring on December 09, 2016, 03:38:42 AM

[Conference Room]

Will let the Officers discuss the various aspects of the ideas going around but needed to get everyone pulled back in.

He cleared his throat before speaking "Here's what we know: The Tempest is going to have faulty crystals which possibly causes this whole thing, we could duplicate this crew and let them relive the cycle."

He thought for a moment. "Dump the core" he said simply "If the crystals are faulty then we dump the core. The cycle can't happen if we don't have any crystals to go bad."

He addressed Ian next "Mister Galloway, assuming we dump the core, would it be possible for our Impulse Engines to break Warp One?"

James head that his plan was not favored but he was willing to take the risk .  He heard the decision to dump the warp core and he was not going to object in front of all the officer the decision was made and it was his duty to carry out the order.
"Yes, Sir.  I will make the preparations to eject the core"  James said in a serious tone.

He wanted to say more but it was not the time and the place and he needed to work.  "Sir, may I be dismissed so I can begin preparations?" James said

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Zed Masters

[Briefing Room]

There was no stopping the pain, and apparently there was no stopping the meeting either. By this point he felt as if dying would be a more comfortable choice. He was barely holding on to consciousness as it was but now emotions seemed to be running even higher than before. As James's idea was shot down Normandy let out a small annoyed sigh followed by a barely audible grunt. His head slowly raised from his hands and back towards the group. It was obvious how much a toll this was beginning to take on him. All he wanted to do was go to his quarters and sleep for the next decade, but he had to stay here. Listening to the team go on and on about their ideas. Truthfully he didn't know what was best, all he knew was that he wanted to be out of here and he wanted whatever route relieved him on the pain fastest. He offered a brief, but annoyed glance at every person in the room before coming to the ships XO and lingering a moment. Finally his gaze turned back to the floor.

Shaking his head he gave another small sigh before finally speaking up in reply to Will's question. "If we routed power from most non-essentials we could probably boost them enough to break warp. But sustaining it...that's another question all together." Zed replied in a raspy tone nearly unable to force the words out.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: William Waring on December 09, 2016, 03:38:42 AM

[Conference Room]

Will let the Officers discuss the various aspects of the ideas going around but needed to get everyone pulled back in.

He cleared his throat before speaking "Here's what we know: The Tempest is going to have faulty crystals which possibly causes this whole thing, we could duplicate this crew and let them relive the cycle."

He thought for a moment. "Dump the core" he said simply "If the crystals are faulty then we dump the core. The cycle can't happen if we don't have any crystals to go bad."

He addressed Ian next "Mister Galloway, assuming we dump the core, would it be possible for our Impulse Engines to break Warp One?"

[Briefing Room]

Ian found himself wondering exactly how he got himself involved in making crucial decisions while only a cadet, but he knew he studied hard and knew the basics of all the major systems aboard a starship. He listened to Mister Masters and frowned.

"Best impulse drive made is rated at .95 cee Sir. Problem with exceeding the light barrier is we won't be in a warp field and thus relativistic limitations apply. There isn't enough power in the quadrant to overcome Einstein, at least not according to the physics I know Sir."

Zed Masters

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 09, 2016, 04:49:22 AM

[Briefing Room]

Ian found himself wondering exactly how he got himself involved in making crucial decisions while only a cadet, but he knew he studied hard and knew the basics of all the major systems aboard a starship. He listened to Mister Masters and frowned.

"Best impulse drive made is rated at .95 cee Sir. Problem with exceeding the light barrier is we won't be in a warp field and thus relativistic limitations apply. There isn't enough power in the quadrant to overcome Einstein, at least not according to the physics I know Sir."

[Briefing Room]

Zed glanced over to Ian for a moment. It sounded as if he was trying to disagree, although all he did was rephrase his words. "As I said, we can get the ship up to warp, but sustaining it for any period of time is a near impossibility." It was clear that Normandy was in no condition to be doing much of anything at that point. Every pain-filled word outlined that fact perfectly as well. After a moment of silence he put his head back into his hands and closed his eyes.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Zed Masters on December 09, 2016, 06:20:59 AM

[Briefing Room]

Zed glanced over to Ian for a moment. It sounded as if he was trying to disagree, although all he did was rephrase his words. "As I said, we can get the ship up to warp, but sustaining it for any period of time is a near impossibility." It was clear that Normandy was in no condition to be doing much of anything at that point. Every pain-filled word outlined that fact perfectly as well. After a moment of silence he put his head back into his hands and closed his eyes.

[Briefing Room]
Ian was clearly skeptical, but he knew, as a mere cadet, it didn't pay to continue openly disagreeing with superiors, so he stiffened in his seat in the closest approximation of coming to attention as he could manage without standing as he replied.

"If you say so sir."

William Waring

Quote from: James A. Hawke on December 09, 2016, 04:26:56 AM

James head that his plan was not favored but he was willing to take the risk .  He heard the decision to dump the warp core and he was not going to object in front of all the officer the decision was made and it was his duty to carry out the order.
"Yes, Sir.  I will make the preparations to eject the core"  James said in a serious tone.

He wanted to say more but it was not the time and the place and he needed to work.  "Sir, may I be dismissed so I can begin preparations?" James said

[Conference Room]

"Permission Granted. Please keep me in the loop." He said giving the man a nod. He understood that some would object to his order to dump the core but to his knowledge the other ship had mostly the same tech, Warp Core included.

"Zed, please prepare all auxiliary reactors to come to full power. I plan on giving the impulse all the power we can safely muster. We may not break warp but it will certainly allow us to being heading back to Columbus." Will could see that Zed was in pain, the emotions on the ship must be extremely overwhelming.

"Naga and K'lizh, please compose a message to Columbus requesting a tow and standby to send after we dump the core. Lizzie, I want you to head down to Sickbay. I am unsure how the other crew will react to use effectively changing their past so prep Sickbay for possible conflict."

He straightened his uniform "Cadet Galloway, please remain. Everyone else is dismissed."


Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: William Waring on December 10, 2016, 12:25:21 AM

[Conference Room]

"Permission Granted. Please keep me in the loop." He said giving the man a nod. He understood that some would object to his order to dump the core but to his knowledge the other ship had mostly the same tech, Warp Core included.

"Zed, please prepare all auxiliary reactors to come to full power. I plan on giving the impulse all the power we can safely muster. We may not break warp but it will certainly allow us to being heading back to Columbus." Will could see that Zed was in pain, the emotions on the ship must be extremely overwhelming.

"Naga and K'lizh, please compose a message to Columbus requesting a tow and standby to send after we dump the core. Lizzie, I want you to head down to Sickbay. I am unsure how the other crew will react to use effectively changing their past so prep Sickbay for possible conflict."

He straightened his uniform "Cadet Galloway, please remain. Everyone else is dismissed."

Briefing Room

Lizzie nodded and got up.

"Understood." She replied and headed straight down to Sickbay.


Lizzie entered Sickbay and went up to where Lisa was standing.

"A decision has been made and we have been asked to prepare for the possibility of mass casualties. Please can you call all medical personnel to report here." She said to the younger Doctor.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

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