S1 M4 "The Temporal Variable"

Started by William Waring, November 10, 2016, 03:20:44 AM

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Ian Galloway

Quote from: William Waring on December 10, 2016, 12:25:21 AM

[Conference Room]

"Permission Granted. Please keep me in the loop." He said giving the man a nod. He understood that some would object to his order to dump the core but to his knowledge the other ship had mostly the same tech, Warp Core included.

"Zed, please prepare all auxiliary reactors to come to full power. I plan on giving the impulse all the power we can safely muster. We may not break warp but it will certainly allow us to being heading back to Columbus." Will could see that Zed was in pain, the emotions on the ship must be extremely overwhelming.

"Naga and K'lizh, please compose a message to Columbus requesting a tow and standby to send after we dump the core. Lizzie, I want you to head down to Sickbay. I am unsure how the other crew will react to use effectively changing their past so prep Sickbay for possible conflict."

He straightened his uniform "Cadet Galloway, please remain. Everyone else is dismissed."

[Briefing Room]

Externally, Ian replied to Commander Waring with a crisp.

"Aye Sir!"

Internally Ian cringed.

"Oh bloody hell ya bloody fool, yer big gob has gone and dropped ya right into the pot. I talked out of turn ta a superior and I'm about ta get a strip ripped right off my arse and fed back ta me raw."

Zed Masters

Quote from: William Waring on December 10, 2016, 12:25:21 AM

[Conference Room]

"Permission Granted. Please keep me in the loop." He said giving the man a nod. He understood that some would object to his order to dump the core but to his knowledge the other ship had mostly the same tech, Warp Core included.

"Zed, please prepare all auxiliary reactors to come to full power. I plan on giving the impulse all the power we can safely muster. We may not break warp but it will certainly allow us to being heading back to Columbus." Will could see that Zed was in pain, the emotions on the ship must be extremely overwhelming.

"Naga and K'lizh, please compose a message to Columbus requesting a tow and standby to send after we dump the core. Lizzie, I want you to head down to Sickbay. I am unsure how the other crew will react to use effectively changing their past so prep Sickbay for possible conflict."

He straightened his uniform "Cadet Galloway, please remain. Everyone else is dismissed."

[Briefing Room]

Zed offered a small nod before slowly coming to a stand still weak from the pain of the meeting. "No problem. I'll get it done before you're even back on the bridge. Then I'm going to find some dark corner and sleep until we're at a dry dock." The young betazoid replied as he made his way out of the room nearly falling over a few times. As he walked out into the corridor and the door had closed behind him he paused placing his arm against the wall and letting out a long sigh. His hands had begun to lightly shake and his vision had blurred slightly. The pain almost certainly wouldn't stop for awhile. Even though he'd gotten out of the meeting, almost everyone aboard the ship had strong, overrunning emotions. It was like someone constantly blowing an airhorn in his head. Awful. After the small pause he pulled himself off the wall and made his way into the turbolift.

[Main Engineering]

Immediately Zed moved over to one of the open consoles and slowly made his way through the menus to the controls he needed. The controls for the auxiliary power were right in front of him. He placed his hands on either side of the console to balance himself as he almost fell down in the middle of doing the work he'd set out to. The reactors were operating well under their threshold. So far that some of them were nearly offline. After another pause he moved his hands to boost them all to their maximum capabilities and routed almost all of their power to the impulse engines. Now that his job was done he stumbled back his back lightly hitting the wall. Slowly he slunk to the floor, his legs extending out as he came to a sitting position. He quietly put he head against the wall, his eyes scanning the room for a moment as his eye lids slowly forced themselves shut. And like that, he was totally and completely unconscious.

Naga Rylu

Quote from: William Waring on December 10, 2016, 12:25:21 AM

[Conference Room]

"Permission Granted. Please keep me in the loop." He said giving the man a nod. He understood that some would object to his order to dump the core but to his knowledge the other ship had mostly the same tech, Warp Core included.

"Zed, please prepare all auxiliary reactors to come to full power. I plan on giving the impulse all the power we can safely muster. We may not break warp but it will certainly allow us to being heading back to Columbus." Will could see that Zed was in pain, the emotions on the ship must be extremely overwhelming.

"Naga and K'lizh, please compose a message to Columbus requesting a tow and standby to send after we dump the core. Lizzie, I want you to head down to Sickbay. I am unsure how the other crew will react to use effectively changing their past so prep Sickbay for possible conflict."

He straightened his uniform "Cadet Galloway, please remain. Everyone else is dismissed."

Naga remained silent through most of the rest of the conversations.  She'd spoken her piece, and now she was merely waiting for the decision of their commanding officer.  She personally couldn't see why many of them were having such a hard time with this.

"Yes Sir."  She saluted him before turning to K'lizh.  "Are you ready to go, Lieutenant K'lizh?"

James A. Hawke

Quote from: William Waring on December 10, 2016, 12:25:21 AM

[Conference Room]

"Permission Granted. Please keep me in the loop." He said giving the man a nod. He understood that some would object to his order to dump the core but to his knowledge the other ship had mostly the same tech, Warp Core included.

James stood from his chair and replied "Understood, Sir" Without another word he left.  His plan was rejected and they for all intents and purposes left that crew to die or disappear he was not comfortable with the plan but the decision was made and he would not challenge it in front of the crew or other officer his job as a Senior Officer was done for all intents and purpose.

He left the picture frame and PADD.  He understood the logic of the decision but he needed to keep his emotions in check.  There was a lot he could do to sabotage the plan and he was tempted to do so.  He would also fused the warp core and intentionally sabotage the release mechanisms.  He would be lying if he was not tempted then on the other side he would be killing people like T'Prinna.  It was an impossible decision.

[Main Engineering]

He headed to Main Engineering a little slower than usual.  His mind was a battlefield of thoughts and plans.  He did walk a little slower in order to think his next step.  If he tried to disobey an order it would be considered an act of mutiny.

As James step into the room he yelled "Ok people! Let's make preparation to dump the core...you know to do let's get it done"  As he finished yelling he headed to the main terminal.

Quote from: Zed Masters on December 10, 2016, 05:58:14 AM

Immediately Zed moved over to one of the open consoles and slowly made his way through the menus to the controls he needed. The controls for the auxiliary power were right in front of him. He placed his hands on either side of the console to balance himself as he almost fell down in the middle of doing the work he'd set out to. The reactors were operating well under their threshold. So far that some of them were nearly offline. After another pause he moved his hands to boost them all to their maximum capabilities and routed almost all of their power to the impulse engines. Now that his job was done he stumbled back his back lightly hitting the wall. Slowly he slunk to the floor, his legs extending out as he came to a sitting position. He quietly put he head against the wall, his eyes scanning the room for a moment as his eye lids slowly forced themselves shut. And like that, he was totally and completely unconscious.

Out of his peripheral vision, James noticed Normandy unconscious.  He then began yelling to himself "Crap, Crap, Crap!" as he ran towards the individual.  He knelt next to Normandy and wondered what was wrong.  He began slapping  his face cheek as a non medical way to get him up.  AS he observed there was no response, James had a theory what happened.  All of the emotions must have overloaded him.

=/\= Hawke to Medical, I have a Medical Emergency on Main Engineering, I need a Doctor, ASAP =/\=

James held Normandy and he said "C'mon wake up...."

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Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: James A. Hawke on December 11, 2016, 06:04:10 PM

James stood from his chair and replied "Understood, Sir" Without another word he left.  His plan was rejected and they for all intents and purposes left that crew to die or disappear he was not comfortable with the plan but the decision was made and he would not challenge it in front of the crew or other officer his job as a Senior Officer was done for all intents and purpose.

He left the picture frame and PADD.  He understood the logic of the decision but he needed to keep his emotions in check.  There was a lot he could do to sabotage the plan and he was tempted to do so.  He would also fused the warp core and intentionally sabotage the release mechanisms.  He would be lying if he was not tempted then on the other side he would be killing people like T'Prinna.  It was an impossible decision.

[Main Engineering]

He headed to Main Engineering a little slower than usual.  His mind was a battlefield of thoughts and plans.  He did walk a little slower in order to think his next step.  If he tried to disobey an order it would be considered an act of mutiny.

As James step into the room he yelled "Ok people! Let's make preparation to dump the core...you know to do let's get it done"  As he finished yelling he headed to the main terminal.

Out of his peripheral vision, James noticed Normandy unconscious.  He then began yelling to himself "Crap, Crap, Crap!" as he ran towards the individual.  He knelt next to Normandy and wondered what was wrong.  He began slapping  his face cheek as a non medical way to get him up.  AS he observed there was no response, James had a theory what happened.  All of the emotions must have overloaded him.

=/\= Hawke to Medical, I have a Medical Emergency on Main Engineering, I need a Doctor, ASAP =/\=

James held Normandy and he said "C'mon wake up...."


Lizzie was waiting for Lisa to respond when the call came in from James. She immediately tapped her com-badge.

=/\=Vaughan to Hawke. On my way. Out.=/\=

She look back at Lisa.

"Take over here. I'll be in Engineering." She nodded at the other Doctor, picked up her Med-kit and motioning to a pair of Med-Techs, left Sickbay at a run.


Lizzie and the two techs entered main engineering. She immediately saw James kneeling next to Ensign Masters who was unconscious on the floor and went over to them. Pulling out her tricorder as she did so.

"What happened?" She asked James as she knelt down next to him and began scanning the unconscious Masters.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

James A. Hawke

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on December 11, 2016, 06:25:56 PM


Lizzie and the two techs entered main engineering. She immediately saw James kneeling next to Ensign Masters who was unconscious on the floor and went over to them. Pulling out her tricorder as she did so.

"What happened?" She asked James as she knelt down next to him and began scanning the unconscious Masters.

James shook his head "I don't know I just found him this way, if I were to guess it probably had to do with his emphatic abilities, it causes him headaches....it's probably my damn fault...I was too caught up on my own feelings that I forgot how it affected him and it was nothing"  James said

He did his best to keep his emotion in check, you can still tell that there was some reassessment in his voice about the decision.

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Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: James A. Hawke on December 11, 2016, 07:04:08 PM

James shook his head "I don't know I just found him this way, if I were to guess it probably had to do with his emphatic abilities, it causes him headaches....it's probably my damn fault...I was too caught up on my own feelings that I forgot how it affected him and it was nothing"  James said

He did his best to keep his emotion in check, you can still tell that there was some reassessment in his voice about the decision.


Lizzie moved the tricorder's probe over Masters' unconscious form ad what she saw confirmed James' theory.

"It looks like you're right James. The part of his brain that picks up emotions is lit up like a Christmas tree." She said, pulling a hypospray out of the kit. She loaded a particular medication and injected it into Masters' Carotid Artery. Once she was done, she looked at the readout and nodded in satisfaction before turning to the two techs.

"Please get Mr Masters to Sickbay." She ordered.

"Yes Doctor." One replied. They then loaded the Ensign onto a stretcher and carried him gently to Sickbay.

Lizzie then turned to James.

"It's not your fault James. I've know quite a few Betzoids, especially the younger ones, who can easily get emotional overload from their empathic abilities. I've injected him with a mild neuro-suppressant that will help him block out many of the emotions that have caused this. He will probably be unconscious for a while and Sickbay will be the best place for him. He will need some rest over the next day or two and, along with the rest of the crew, should get some R & R once we get back to Columbus." She said gently, patting him on the shoulder as she resisted giving him a hug. The wedding picture in her head.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

James A. Hawke

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on December 11, 2016, 07:47:28 PM

"It looks like you're right James. The part of his brain that picks up emotions is lit up like a Christmas tree." She said, pulling a hypospray out of the kit. She loaded a particular medication and injected it into Masters' Carotid Artery. Once she was done, she looked at the readout and nodded in satisfaction before turning to the two techs.

Lizzie then turned to James.

"It's not your fault James. I've know quite a few Betzoids, especially the younger ones, who can easily get emotional overload from their empathic abilities. I've injected him with a mild neuro-suppressant that will help him block out many of the emotions that have caused this. He will probably be unconscious for a while and Sickbay will be the best place for him. He will need some rest over the next day or two and, along with the rest of the crew, should get some R & R once we get back to Columbus." She said gently, patting him on the shoulder as she resisted giving him a hug. The wedding picture in her head.

[Main Engineering]

James listened to Lizzie as she explained the diagnostic.  He was still kicking himself he had been around Zed long enough to know how emotions affect him.  He would never lie to him or anyone else on purpose and if he did was a faint attempt to answer the obvious.  He had a Warp Core to eject and now he had more duties probably take over the redistribution of auxiliary power.

James looked at Normandy was placed in the strecher and wondered how much he was to blame.  He needed to keep his emotions more in check  so people would not be hurt.  James closed his eyes and thought to himself I am sorry   The words he wanted to say.

He felt Lizzie patting his shoulder, and trying to conform him.  As much as she explain it was not his fault James could not feel that he was one of the people if not the primary person at fault.  She explained he would have a full recovery but still he was down foe the  near future.

James looked at Lizzie and just said "Thanks, Lizzie, but I know I am at fault...just take care of him....I need to focus on erasing those innocent people from existence"  As he finished he looked.

James then at the crew and said "Prepare to release the warp core"
As he finished James took the controls where the last button was.  He said to himself "I am to become death...the destroyers of world"

As he finished he finished the last command the eject the core...

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William Waring

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 10, 2016, 04:32:31 AM

[Briefing Room]

Externally, Ian replied to Commander Waring with a crisp.

"Aye Sir!"

Internally Ian cringed.

"Oh bloody hell ya bloody fool, yer big gob has gone and dropped ya right into the pot. I talked out of turn ta a superior and I'm about ta get a strip ripped right off my arse and fed back ta me raw."

[Conference Room]

As those from the briefing began to file out, Will made his way to where Ian was and pulled him aside. "Cadet, there is a reason you joined us in this briefing. You are in training for Flight Control and I am well aware you aren't someone who has had a lifetime behind the helm." He paused for a moment as he produced a PADD "But I have seen what Command knows about you and I see you as a better fit here on the Bridge. I will confer with Operations to see about getting you a shift or two up here but for now I want you to man the helm. Plot a course to Columbus at Full Impulse."


Non-Playing Character 1

Quote from: James A. Hawke on December 12, 2016, 12:16:16 AM

[Main Engineering]

James listened to Lizzie as she explained the diagnostic.  He was still kicking himself he had been around Zed long enough to know how emotions affect him.  He would never lie to him or anyone else on purpose and if he did was a faint attempt to answer the obvious.  He had a Warp Core to eject and now he had more duties probably take over the redistribution of auxiliary power.

James looked at Normandy was placed in the strecher and wondered how much he was to blame.  He needed to keep his emotions more in check  so people would not be hurt.  James closed his eyes and thought to himself I am sorry   The words he wanted to say.

He felt Lizzie patting his shoulder, and trying to conform him.  As much as she explain it was not his fault James could not feel that he was one of the people if not the primary person at fault.  She explained he would have a full recovery but still he was down foe the  near future.

James looked at Lizzie and just said "Thanks, Lizzie, but I know I am at fault...just take care of him....I need to focus on erasing those innocent people from existence"  As he finished he looked.

James then at the crew and said "Prepare to release the warp core"
As he finished James took the controls where the last button was.  He said to himself "I am to become death...the destroyers of world"

As he finished he finished the last command the eject the core...

[Bridge - Other Tempest]

"What?!" Alexis exclaimed to the Operations Officer who had just informed her of a Warp Core Dump on Tempest Prime. "What do they think their doing! We can let them do that!"

She turned to face the Tactical Officer "Match their shield frequency and fire phasers! Make sure they don't leave!"


Moments after the order was given a phaser beam tore through an unoccupied section of the ship. It was only a warning shot and hoped it had been received.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: William Waring on December 12, 2016, 01:31:20 AM

[Conference Room]

As those from the briefing began to file out, Will made his way to where Ian was and pulled him aside. "Cadet, there is a reason you joined us in this briefing. You are in training for Flight Control and I am well aware you aren't someone who has had a lifetime behind the helm." He paused for a moment as he produced a PADD "But I have seen what Command knows about you and I see you as a better fit here on the Bridge. I will confer with Operations to see about getting you a shift or two up here but for now I want you to man the helm. Plot a course to Columbus at Full Impulse."

[Briefing Room]

Ian was fully braced for, and fully expecting to be chewed out, blinked in shock when he was offered the chance to actually pilot a Galaxy-Class starship.

"Aye Sir! Thank you Sir! Course to Starbase Columbus at full impulse coming right up!"

As Ian exited the briefing room and turned toward the bridge, he wasn't certain his feet even touched the deck.

"Not only to I get to pilot, I get to plot the course! Infinity only knows how long that will take at impulse, but it's a start."

[Main Bridge]

When the doors of the turbolift opened, Ian managed not to squeak at the joy he felt at the unexpected series of events that brought him to this point so early in his career. He crossed to the helm and took tremendous pride at how steady his voice was when he spoke to the helmsman on duty.

"I relieve you sir."

However,  just as the two exchanged places, the Tempest shook from a sudden impact and the red alert klaxon began to sound.

James H. Hawk

[Breifing Room]

James was silently glad when the meaning was over. It was giving him a headache especially since he had very little to contribute, his expertise were in Millitary Tactics not Temporal Mechanics. Once it had finished he headed to his office. Just before reaching his office, he nearly fell over as the ship rocked from weapons fire.

Bloody hell, he thought as it became blatantly obvious that the future Tempest had the balls to fire on the. He quickly ran for the turbo lift to get to his station.


James rushed to the tactical staton and relived the officer stationed there. He was quickly able to confirm his suspicions, the future Tempest had breached our shield frequencies. A few more seconds yielded the information that they had only fired on an uninhabitable section of the ship. Clearly they didn't want a fight and James was ready to call their bluff. He looked around and realised that he was the ranking officer on this bridge at the moment, though he knew Commander Waring would be here soon, James wasn't going to waste any time.

James re-modulated the Tempest's shields and set it to automatically re-modulate every 30 seconds just in case. He then brought photon torpedoes and phasers online. If he was actually in charge he would have fired a torpedo across their bow but he knew it wasn't his place to give such an order. James knew his Tempest would likely have tactical superiority as the other ship was aging and likley have low amounts of torpedoes.

=/\= Leftenant Hawk to Commander Waring, please report to the bridge immediately. =/\=

James wanted to make sure the Commander got to the bridge as soon as possible as he couldn't do anything until then.

Ian Galloway


Ian watched the bridge crew react to being fired on and knew he was exactly in the right place at the right time. He felt his hands slide into position to begin evasive maneuvers. What he didn't feel was the half smile that formed on his lips as he waited for the command to do so.

"And THIS is what bein' a helmsman is all about."

William Waring

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 12, 2016, 01:58:09 AM

[Briefing Room]

Ian was fully braced for, and fully expecting to be chewed out, blinked in shock when he was offered the chance to actually pilot a Galaxy-Class starship.

"Aye Sir! Thank you Sir! Course to Starbase Columbus at full impulse coming right up!"

As Ian exited the briefing room and turned toward the bridge, he wasn't certain his feet even touched the deck.

"Not only to I get to pilot, I get to plot the course! Infinity only knows how long that will take at impulse, but it's a start."

[Main Bridge]

When the doors of the turbolift opened, Ian managed not to squeak at the joy he felt at the unexpected series of events that brought him to this point so early in his career. He crossed to the helm and took tremendous pride at how steady his voice was when he spoke to the helmsman on duty.

"I relieve you sir."

However,  just as the two exchanged places, the Tempest shook from a sudden impact and the red alert klaxon began to sound.

[Briefing Room]

Will had just watched the Cadet leave when he felt the ship shake and klaxons sound. He had a pretty good idea of what was going on and he wasn't about to let it continue.

Quote from: James H. Hawk on December 12, 2016, 04:01:33 AM

[Breifing Room]

James was silently glad when the meaning was over. It was giving him a headache especially since he had very little to contribute, his expertise were in Millitary Tactics not Temporal Mechanics. Once it had finished he headed to his office. Just before reaching his office, he nearly fell over as the ship rocked from weapons fire.

Bloody hell, he thought as it became blatantly obvious that the future Tempest had the balls to fire on the. He quickly ran for the turbo lift to get to his station.


James rushed to the tactical staton and relived the officer stationed there. He was quickly able to confirm his suspicions, the future Tempest had breached our shield frequencies. A few more seconds yielded the information that they had only fired on an uninhabitable section of the ship. Clearly they didn't want a fight and James was ready to call their bluff. He looked around and realised that he was the ranking officer on this bridge at the moment, though he knew Commander Waring would be here soon, James wasn't going to waste any time.

James re-modulated the Tempest's shields and set it to automatically re-modulate every 30 seconds just in case. He then brought photon torpedoes and phasers online. If he was actually in charge he would have fired a torpedo across their bow but he knew it wasn't his place to give such an order. James knew his Tempest would likely have tactical superiority as the other ship was aging and likley have low amounts of torpedoes.

=/\= Leftenant Hawk to Commander Waring, please report to the bridge immediately. =/\=

James wanted to make sure the Commander got to the bridge as soon as possible as he couldn't do anything until then.


Will entered the Bridge and made his way to the center of it. "Tactical, please inform the Torpedo Bays to prepare a full spread, maximum yield. I don't intend to be shot at again without being ready to give it back."

He directs his next orders to the Helm, where he found Ian. "Cadet, please align us as to provide a clear line of fire to the other ship's Engine Room."


Ian Galloway

Quote from: William Waring on December 12, 2016, 04:16:12 AM

[Briefing Room]

Will had just watched the Cadet leave when he felt the ship shake and klaxons sound. He had a pretty good idea of what was going on and he wasn't about to let it continue.

Will entered the Bridge and made his way to the center of it. "Tactical, please inform the Torpedo Bays to prepare a full spread, maximum yield. I don't intend to be shot at again without being ready to give it back."

He directs his next orders to the Helm, where he found Ian. "Cadet, please align us as to provide a clear line of fire to the other ship's Engine Room."

"Maneuvering for clear line of sight to engines aye!"

Ian barked and felt the Tempest respond to his commands with all the grace of a ballerina.

"Aye Lass, sweet as ye please."

He murmured as the ship pivoted and he waited for the next command.

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