S1 M5: Trial by Fire

Started by William Waring, January 03, 2017, 12:32:05 AM

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Ardyn Jaeger

Quote from: Julia Rellek on January 05, 2017, 04:50:02 PM

"Of course, go ahead commander. I'll take care of Commander Tucker." She said as she leaned back and prepared to address the station commander.

"Thank you Lieutenant." She added as she awaited the connection to be established.

Commander Stephen Tucker
Commanding Officer - Starbase 621
"Captain, good to see you again... But we'll have to save the pleasantries for later. We've got the prisoner but the Tzenketh rebels seem intent on getting him back. We're holding our own for the moment but my sensors are showing another dozen or so vessels on an intercept course. We've begun to interrogate the prisoner but he's not talking. I'm looking forward to your arrival, Captain."

"Sit tight Commander, we're en route. ETA is about ten minutes." Julia replied.

Acknowledged. Tucker out." With a slight nod the screen darkened.

Julia looked around the bridge and she could see her team knew what was next. When she signed up to lead this crew she never imagined she would be taking them into battle with such frequency. At her heart she was still a scientist and couldn't shake the feeling that she was a fish out of water with each of these encounters.

She moved her hands under her chin as she contemplated the next move. In a soft tone she looked down the bridge to the Caitian at operations. "Red alert."

It was time to assemble the team. =/\=Lieutenant Hawk, please report to the bridge.=/\=

=/\=You may want to join us Commander. We're going to red alert.=/\= She said.


Stepping off the Transporter pad,  Ardyn realized she was already in a bit too deep. For crying out loud, she got transferred on here during a red alert! Definitely not the best time to get oneself situated. But heck, she liked a bit of a challenge. Arriving to the bridge, she made her way to the captain. Á¢â,¬ËœEnsign Jaeger reporting in, ma'am. What do you need me to do?"

Click the badge to read my bio

If history repeats itself, I am SO getting myself a dinosaur -- Oh wait, I did.
Alt of Kinley Garrison

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: Zex on January 06, 2017, 01:24:41 AM

[Turbo -> Sickbay]

Zex was halfway down to Sickbay when the klaxon sounded.  She had been told to report to Dr. Vaughan.  But during a red alert, the ship counselor was typically on the Bridge.

But orders were orders.  So down she went and then proceeded to Sickbay.  "Ship Counselor Zex reporting in" she she after entering the room and saluting.


Lizzie looked up as Zex reported. She gave a smile and nodded as the Counsellor sauluted.

"At ease and lose the salute. Please call me Dr Vaughan, rank doesn't mean much here in sickbay! I'm sorry I don't have time for a full tour at the moment. I take it you have at least basic medical training? Therefore I need you to help out here until or unless you are needed elsewhere." She said briefly but politely.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.


Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on January 06, 2017, 06:17:21 PM


Lizzie looked up as Zex reported. She gave a smile and nodded as the Counsellor sauluted.

"At ease and lose the salute. Please call me Dr Vaughan, rank doesn't mean much here in sickbay! I'm sorry I don't have time for a full tour at the moment. I take it you have at least basic medical training? Therefore I need you to help out here until or unless you are needed elsewhere." She said briefly but politely.


Zex swallowed down her urge to protest.  And smiled.  "Yes, Dr. Vaughan" the Deltan Ship Counselor replied and then turned to the nearest bio bed.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: Zex on January 06, 2017, 06:36:17 PM


Zex swallowed down her urge to protest.  And smiled.  "Yes, Dr. Vaughan" the Deltan Ship Counselor replied and then turned to the nearest bio bed.


Lizzie watched as her new Councillor went over to a bed to start helping out. She smiled and turned back to her own tasks. She hoped to be able to speak to the younger woman later, once the flap was over. It was good that they has a Counsellor on board. They crew could certainly need it.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

Vasilisa Belmont

Quote from: James H. Hawk on January 06, 2017, 04:58:50 AM

"Erm yes, Doctor, I would appreciate that," James said with a smile. James thought about how despite coincidently always serving on the same ship, James and Doctor Belmont hadn't really interacted very much, something James decided he would perhaps like to change.

James decided it would be a good idea to inform the captain why he was been held up before the Doctor attended to him.

=/\= Aye, ma'am, I'll be up as soon as I can...I'm in Sickbay at the moment. =/\=


Lisa walked over to a biobed and motioned for James to sit as she retrieved a dermal regenerator. Then she told him to hold out is arm so she could work on his hand.

"I think you were scheduled for a physical, but that's going to have to wait." She skillfully moved the device over his hand as it repaired the burned skin. She was finished in mere minutes. Then she set down the dermal regenerator.

"Alright, why don't you give your fingers a wiggle. Feel any pain?" she inquired.   

Naga Rylu

Quote from: Klizh on January 05, 2017, 05:16:59 PM

K'lizh could recognize the scent of every member of the bridge crew by now, except the Gorn. When he heard the turbolift doors open and close and got no scent, by process of elimination, it had to be Rylu. He spared a glance her way and instantly noticing the aggravation in her walk and posture. Since he couldn't leave his station, as the captain chatted with the station commander, he sent a text message to her station.


Alas, there was no time for a response when the captain signaled red alert and he immediately His tail stiffened and his posture became a little more upright as the claxons sounded.

He quickly typed one final message to Rylu: ][ WE WILL CONVERSE LATER. GOOD HUNTING. ][ before he began diverting power to heat up the phaser banks.

The tall reptilian woman's own tail flicked as she read the message from K'lizh.  And, yes, she was cut off from being able to reply as the red alert blared off.  Hissing out a breath like air escaping a pressure valve, she rolled her shoulders and tried to shed her agitation like old skin. She then turned her attention fully to her station, running diagnostic checks of all sensors, and readied them all to be run as soon as they arrived on-scene.  "All sensors are fully operational, Captain."  Naga called over her shoulder.  She had noticed the Lt. Commander arriving on the bridge, but being able to focus on her job was more important than her anger with the human male.  That didn't stop her dorsal fins from rising again, however.  "Preparing lateral array."

William Waring

[Battle Bridge]

Will had made haste but found Ian exactly where the computer said he was.

"Cadet Galloway" he said making his way to where the helmsman was. "An urgent matter has arisen that requires your immediate attention."

His face was emotionless as he stood, hands behind his back. Ready to deliver the news.


Ian Galloway

[Battle Bridge]

Quote from: William Waring on January 07, 2017, 12:23:44 AM

Will had made haste but found Ian exactly where the computer said he was.

"Cadet Galloway" he said making his way to where the helmsman was. "An urgent matter has arisen that requires your immediate attention."

His face was emotionless as he stood, hands behind his back. Ready to deliver the news.

Ian managed not to jump out of his skin when he turned to see the First Officer standing over him, but only just. Ian stood and faced Commander Waring like a man facing an executioner.

"Aye Sir! At your service Sir!"

William Waring

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 07, 2017, 02:01:41 AM

[Battle Bridge]

Ian managed not to jump out of his skin when he turned to see the First Officer standing over him, but only just. Ian stood and faced Commander Waring like a man facing an executioner.

"Aye Sir! At your service Sir!"

[Battle Bridge]

"Mister Galloway" he said after a moments pause "Your recent actions have brought to light something most disturbing." He paused again as he looked straight into Ian's eyes.

"The fact you haven't been granted you Commission yet" he finally said as he looked down towards his now outstretched lhand containing a solid gold pip. "Due to your exemplary performance in the Starfleet Commissioned Officer Training Program along with your field training here on the Tempest, I hereby promote you to the rank of Ensign with all the privileges and responsibilities accompanying such rank."

He then outstretched his right hand "Congratulations Ensign Galloway"


Ian Galloway

[Battle Bridge]

Quote from: William Waring on January 07, 2017, 03:08:10 AM

"Mister Galloway" he said after a moments pause "Your recent actions have brought to light something most disturbing." He paused again as he looked straight into Ian's eyes.

"The fact you haven't been granted you Commission yet" he finally said as he looked down towards his now outstretched lhand containing a solid gold pip. "Due to your exemplary performance in the Starfleet Commissioned Officer Training Program along with your field training here on the Tempest, I hereby promote you to the rank of Ensign with all the privileges and responsibilities accompanying such rank."

He then outstretched his right hand "Congratulations Ensign Galloway"

Ian blinked and then broke into a massive smile as he first shook the First Officer!s hand, then took the gold pip and clenched it tightly in his hand.

"Thank you Sir, I appreciate you taking time to come to the battle bridge when we're in the middle of a red alert. As soon as we are secure from the red alert Sir, I will replicate a proper uniform."

William Waring

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 07, 2017, 03:23:38 AM

[Battle Bridge]

Ian blinked and then broke into a massive smile as he first shook the First Officer!s hand, then took the gold pip and clenched it tightly in his hand.

"Thank you Sir, I appreciate you taking time to come to the battle bridge when we're in the middle of a red alert. As soon as we are secure from the red alert Sir, I will replicate a proper uniform."

[Battle Bridge]

Will shook Ian's hand and decided to give him another spot of good news. "Ensign, you are given the duty of Flight Control Officer on the Main Bridge during Alpha Shift. However for the time being I would like you manning Mission Ops. I want you coordinating our movements with 621 when we arrive."

Will gave a dismissive wave of his hand "Red Alert, Standard Procedure. Nothing they can't handle without me for a few minutes." He motioned to the Main Bridge Turbolift "Shall we?"


Julia Rellek

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on January 06, 2017, 03:36:44 PM


Stepping off the Transporter pad,  Ardyn realized she was already in a bit too deep. For crying out loud, she got transferred on here during a red alert! Definitely not the best time to get oneself situated. But heck, she liked a bit of a challenge. Arriving to the bridge, she made her way to the captain. Á¢â,¬ËœEnsign Jaeger reporting in, ma'am. What do you need me to do?"

"Welcome to the Tempest Ensign." Julia said as she looked up from the console attached to her command chair. "We'll have to skip the pleasantries for now. I hope your prepared to dazzle us with your combat maneuvers?" She commented with an expressionless face. It was clear her mind was already entrenched in the upcoming conflict. "Take the helm Ensign."
Quote from: James Hawke

"Commander Hawke reporting to the bridge, ma'am"  James said as he entered the station.

"Welcome to the bridge, Commander. Please provide us with a systems overview. Is your team ready for an engagement?" Julia asked.
Quote from: James Hawk

=/\= Aye, ma'am, I'll be up as soon as I can...I'm in Sickbay at the moment. =/\=

=/\="Acknowledged Lieutenant. See you momentarily. Rellek Out."=/\=
Quote from: Naga Rylu

The tall reptilian woman's own tail flicked as she read the message from K'lizh.  And, yes, she was cut off from being able to reply as the red alert blared off.  Hissing out a breath like air escaping a pressure valve, she rolled her shoulders and tried to shed her agitation like old skin. She then turned her attention fully to her station, running diagnostic checks of all sensors, and readied them all to be run as soon as they arrived on-scene.  "All sensors are fully operational, Captain."  Naga called over her shoulder.  She had noticed the Lt. Commander arriving on the bridge, but being able to focus on her job was more important than her anger with the human male.  That didn't stop her dorsal fins from rising again, however.  "Preparing lateral array."

"Acknowledged." Julia paused for a moment. "Naga. K'Lizh. Take a look at 621... Are we close enough for you to tell us what we're flying into?" She asked.

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan

Ian Galloway


[Battle Bridge]

Quote from: William Waring on January 07, 2017, 03:46:17 AM

Will shook Ian's hand and decided to give him another spot of good news. "Ensign, effective immediately, you are given the duty of Flight Control Officer on the Main Bridge."

Will gave a dismissive wave of his hand "Standard Procedure. Nothing they can't handle without me for a few minutes." He motioned to the Main Bridge Turbolift "After you"

It didn't seem possible, but somehow Ian's smile broadened as he heard the even better news.

"Aye, aye Sir!"

Ian responded smartly and headed for the turbolift.

[Main Bridge]

Ian entered the main bridge in time to see an unknown woman taking the helm and his face fell. Confused, he stepped out of Commander Waring's way and stood near the turbolift in an attempt to stay out of the way.

"Well, guess it's possible ta have too much luck in one day."

James H. Hawk

Quote from: Vasilisa Belmont on January 06, 2017, 10:04:31 PM


Lisa walked over to a biobed and motioned for James to sit as she retrieved a dermal regenerator. Then she told him to hold out is arm so she could work on his hand.

"I think you were scheduled for a physical, but that's going to have to wait." She skillfully moved the device over his hand as it repaired the burned skin. She was finished in mere minutes. Then she set down the dermal regenerator.

"Alright, why don't you give your fingers a wiggle. Feel any pain?" she inquired.


James wiggled his fingers as he was told and they felt much better. "Ah, no...not really. It seems you've fixed it, Doctor. Thank you very much, it's far better," the young Englishman said. "Duty calls, looks like I've been saved from the physical for now," he joked with a grin as he got up off the biobed and left Sickbay to make his way to the Bridge.


"Leftenant Hawk, reporting as ordered, ma'am," James said as he reported to the Captain. "What's the situation?" He inquired wondering why the Red Alert had been sounded. He knew there was a prisoner transfer taking place around now but didn't know why a Red Alert was nessasary.

Naga Rylu

Quote from: Julia Rellek on January 07, 2017, 04:12:58 AM

"Acknowledged." Julia paused for a moment. "Naga. K'Lizh. Take a look at 621... Are we close enough for you to tell us what we're flying into?" She asked.
"Aye, Captain."  Naga said as she adjusted the proper controls and looked at the screen.  "... I'm reading about 15... make that 14 Tzenkethi Strikers."  She sent the information to K'lizh.  "Analyzing flight patterns."

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