S1 M5: Trial by Fire

Started by William Waring, January 03, 2017, 12:32:05 AM

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Quote from: James A. Hawke on January 09, 2017, 06:25:11 PM

James left his station for a second and approached the new crewmen in the ship.  He heard the report and nooded.  "Thank you, we might need that once the shooting start, also remember about rerouting Emergency Power if needed"

He then asked him "Have you ever been in combat crewman?  Don't worry if you haven't, just wanted to know if you needed tips...I was there in your shoes not that long ago.  I remember my first battle"  He mentioned with genuine concern.

"Thank-you, Sir," said S'Murr, hoping he sounded calm to the human officer. "First time in battle. First time on the bridge. First full day aboard Tempest. I will gladly accept any guidance" S'Murr glanced away from the panel for a moment. "I'm still hoping this is all some kind of very strange indoctrination tradition."
Turning back to the panel, he added, "Standing by on Emergency power. Warp core stable and functioning normally." He looked over his shoulder at Captain Rellek, then back to Lt. Commander Hawke. "Our Captain, is she a hunter?"


Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on January 08, 2017, 10:29:57 PM

CMO's Office

Lizzie sat behind her desk and smiled at the Counsellor.

"Please take a seat." She said. Indicating the seat on the other side of her desk. "I like to meet all new members of my department in private. It may be cut short if we are called on but of so, I will catch up with you later. So do you have any qustions for me or concerns that you feel the need to raise?" She asked.

[CMO's Office]

The Deltan took a seat as ordered and placed her hands on her lap.  She put on the biggest smile her face would allow and tried to block the sound of the red alert klaxon from her mind.  "No Dr. Vaughan" Zex replied.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: Zex on January 09, 2017, 09:52:54 PM

[CMO's Office]

The Deltan took a seat as ordered and placed her hands on her lap.  She put on the biggest smile her face would allow and tried to block the sound of the red alert klaxon from her mind.  "No Dr. Vaughan" Zex replied.

CMO's Office

Lizzie looked back at the Deltan and sensed her confusion.

"I expect your confused as to why we are doing this while the ship is at Red Alert?" She asked, "Well simply, Sickbay tends to be a lot of preparation, followed by periods of inactivity followed by short periods of intense action. We have now prepared for any potential treatment we may be called on so now we have to wait to be called on. So I decided to utilise that time. By the way, have you found your office and got settled in?" She asked.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

Julia Rellek


This had become all to routine to the young Captain. She had become almost complacent in the routines prior to a military engagement. It wasn't long before that she was uncomfortable in these situations - a scientists - caught in a foreign world. However, the events of her life have compelled a different path and the development of a new set of skills. She couldn't help but long for an exploding star, a spatial anomaly - anything that could rescue her. But that was not the hand she was dealt. They were catapulting at warp 8.2, head on, into the fight. She found herself wondering when it would be worth it. 31. She thought. Thirty-one was the number of crewman and officers lost since she had taken command of the Tempest. Those faces were burned into her memory. She shook the train of thought and re-focused her attention on the critical challenges that stood ahead.

Quote from: William Waring on January 09, 2017, 11:44:50 AM


Will exited the turbolift and saw another officer at the helm. He was unaware of a new arrival but simply shrugged it off as he made his way back to his seat. "How many are we looking at when we arrive?" he asked, looking for an update from his absence from the Bridge.

"Fifteen." Julia said quietly. Shifting her weight onto her left elbow she leaned in closer to Will. "Be ready. You might have to go get this prisoner quickly. With little warning or time to prepare. Who knows what we're heading into." She added shifting her weight back to the center of her seat.
Quote from: James Hawk

"Aye, Captain," James said as he swiftly moved to his station. He received the follow of data been sent to him from Operations and Science and so far it looked like the situation was, fortunately much less dire than the last one. He typed some commands into his station to raise shields and bring weapons online and have his men get into position. "Weapons armed, Shields are ready and the entire Security Department is armed, has secured critical positions and is ready for Prisoner Transport," he reported, "If the Tzenkethi are going to this much effort to rescue the prisoner he must have some pretty valuable information. We need to be careful, Captain."

"Thank you Lieutenant." Julia turned to address the tactical officer. "James, as soon as we leave warp... I want you to target and fire on any targets of opportunity." She advised the officer.

She looked to auxiliary communications. "Ensign Galloway, send a message to 621. Let them know we are dropping out of warp momentarily."

"...And Ensign Jaeger. Take us out of warp right on top of them. I don't want them to have a ton of lead time to react." She ordered.

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan

Ardyn Jaeger


Keeping her hand on the accelerator,  Ardyn increased the warp engines until they were at a steady 8.2

Quote from: Julia Rellek on January 10, 2017, 12:27:12 AM


"...And Ensign Jaeger. Take us out of warp right on top of them. I don't want them to have a ton of lead time to react." She ordered.

" Yes, ma'am. Captain, at our current speed, we should  likely reach them within about two minutes. "
She checked the coordinates once again. The were right where they were supposed to be. "Alright guys, hang on tight, we're dropping out of Warp in 3...2...1... Now."
She shifted the controller out of warp drive with a determined grin on her face. It was showtime.

Click the badge to read my bio

If history repeats itself, I am SO getting myself a dinosaur -- Oh wait, I did.
Alt of Kinley Garrison

James H. Hawk

Quote from: Julia Rellek on January 10, 2017, 12:27:12 AM


"Thank you Lieutenant." Julia turned to address the tactical officer. "James, as soon as we leave warp... I want you to target and fire on any targets of opportunity." She advised the officer.

"Aye, ma'am," James said almost with a sad tone. Last time the Tempest had engaged these Tzenkethi terrorists they had lost several crewmen, some even in James' own department. As Chief Tactical Officer, James felt that he was, in his own way responsible for every death in his own way. He was still very young for his rank and position and already felt as if he carried the weight of the Galaxy on his shoulders.
Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on January 10, 2017, 03:36:15 AM


Keeping her hand on the accelerator,  Ardyn increased the warp engines until they were at a steady 8.2

" Yes, ma'am. Captain, at our current speed, we should  likely reach them within about two minutes. "
She checked the coordinates once again. The were right where they were supposed to be. "Alright guys, hang on tight, we're dropping out of Warp in 3...2...1... Now."
She shifted the controller out of warp drive with a determined grin on her face. It was showtime.

As the Tempest dropped out of warp, James fired the ships weapons, destroying three Tzenkethi fighters. The torpedoes were rather ineffective against the manuverable fighters used by the terrorists as they were to fast and manuverable for the torpedoes to easily target them and if they were targeted they could often out maunuver them. The Phasers weren't the most effective either and often missed but when they hit they were devastating.

James found himself wishing that Starfleet had some sort of fast firing Point Defense Weapon that would be useful in shooting down small, manuverable fighters and even torpedoes but unfortunately no such weapon existed on the Tempest.

The phasers continued to fire at any Tzenkethi fighter they could and several had already been destroyed. "We've destroyed five of the fighters, ma'am and Security is standing by for the Prisoner Transport," James reported to the Captain.

Naga Rylu

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on January 10, 2017, 03:36:15 AM


Keeping her hand on the accelerator,  Ardyn increased the warp engines until they were at a steady 8.2

" Yes, ma'am. Captain, at our current speed, we should  likely reach them within about two minutes. "
She checked the coordinates once again. The were right where they were supposed to be. "Alright guys, hang on tight, we're dropping out of Warp in 3...2...1... Now."
She shifted the controller out of warp drive with a determined grin on her face. It was showtime.

Quote from: James H. Hawk on January 10, 2017, 06:02:42 AM

"Aye, ma'am," James said almost with a sad tone. Last time the Tempest had engaged these Tzenkethi terrorists they had lost several crewmen, some even in James' own department. As Chief Tactical Officer, James felt that he was, in his own way responsible for every death in his own way. He was still very young for his rank and position and already felt as if he carried the weight of the Galaxy on his shoulders.

As the Tempest dropped out of warp, James fired the ships weapons, destroying three Tzenkethi fighters. The torpedoes were rather ineffective against the manuverable fighters used by the terrorists as they were to fast and manuverable for the torpedoes to easily target them and if they were targeted they could often out maunuver them. The Phasers weren't the most effective either and often missed but when they hit they were devastating.

James found himself wishing that Starfleet had some sort of fast firing Point Defense Weapon that would be useful in shooting down small, manuverable fighters and even torpedoes but unfortunately no such weapon existed on the Tempest.

The phasers continued to fire at any Tzenkethi fighter they could and several had already been destroyed. "We've destroyed five of the fighters, ma'am and Security is standing by for the Prisoner Transport," James reported to the Captain.

This young woman had impressive skill, Naga noted as she looked over the various scans and statuses of the ship, and the battlefield around them, including the startled Tzenkethi ships.  "The remaining ships are breaking off into two groups, Captain, six are headed our way."  She reported, Sending the live feed of their movements to the main screen.  "Bearing 34-mark-5-point-06 and adjusting, Starboard side.  The others are trying to use the station for cover from us."

Ian Galloway


Quote from: Julia Rellek on January 10, 2017, 12:27:12 AM


This had become all to routine to the young Captain. She had become almost complacent in the routines prior to a military engagement. It wasn't long before that she was uncomfortable in these situations - a scientists - caught in a foreign world. However, the events of her life have compelled a different path and the development of a new set of skills. She couldn't help but long for an exploding star, a spatial anomaly - anything that could rescue her. But that was not the hand she was dealt. They were catapulting at warp 8.2, head on, into the fight. She found herself wondering when it would be worth it. 31. She thought. Thirty-one was the number of crewman and officers lost since she had taken command of the Tempest. Those faces were burned into her memory. She shook the train of thought and re-focused her attention on the critical challenges that stood ahead.

"Fifteen." Julia said quietly. Shifting her weight onto her left elbow she leaned in closer to Will. "Be ready. You might have to go get this prisoner quickly. With little warning or time to prepare. Who knows what we're heading into." She added shifting her weight back to the center of her seat.

"Thank you Lieutenant." Julia turned to address the tactical officer. "James, as soon as we leave warp... I want you to target and fire on any targets of opportunity." She advised the officer.

She looked to auxiliary communications. "Ensign Galloway, send a message to 621. Let them know we are dropping out of warp momentarily."

"Aye Sir. Message sent, station acknowledges with an additional response of 'Good timing' Sir."

Ian replied carefully, making certain that his Standard was as flawless as possible in his rather odd and unexpected role of communications officer.

"With me handlin' comms, it frees up Tactical and Ops ta fight the ship."

Ian thought as he attempted to find the silver lining of what he viewed as an especially dark cloud.

Quote from: Julia Rellek on January 10, 2017, 12:27:12 AM

"...And Ensign Jaeger. Take us out of warp right on top of them. I don't want them to have a ton of lead time to react." She ordered.

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on January 10, 2017, 03:36:15 AM


Keeping her hand on the accelerator,  Ardyn increased the warp engines until they were at a steady 8.2

" Yes, ma'am. Captain, at our current speed, we should  likely reach them within about two minutes. "
She checked the coordinates once again. The were right where they were supposed to be. "Alright guys, hang on tight, we're dropping out of Warp in 3...2...1... Now."
She shifted the controller out of warp drive with a determined grin on her face. It was showtime.

As Ian listened to the exchange between the captain and whoever this woman at the helm, he seethed internally.




K'iizh felt his teeth vibrating. He was edgy. He was not afraid of battle; indeed, there was still some cultural pride to defending one's community from aggressors. But there was always, always the chance of dying in combat. And unlike Klingons, Caitians put more pride in coming out of a battle alive than dead.

Dropping out of warp made him stomach lurch. The ship had inertial dampeners, so he wasn't sure if it was psychosomatic or if he really was sensitive to such unbelievable changes in velocity.

His was a busy but less-appreciated job; making sure all stations had power and all crewmembers were stationed where the should be. If he did his job right, then no one would notice it. With the enemy fighters approaching to starboard, he increased shield strength to that side. The sooner they eliminated these fighters, the sooner they could transport their prisoner aboard.

"Captain!" he sang out. "If some of the Tzenkethi are pulling away, it could be a stalling tactic to keep us on the defensive until reinforcements arrive. We may have no choice but to bring the full offensive might of the Tempest to bear before their friends get here."

He transmitted the coordinates of the fighters on the other side of the station to 621; hopefully their own weapons could thin the opposition.

"Here is the blackness of space, the myriad stars gleaming like diamond dust or, as some people would say, like great balls of exploding hydrogen a very long way off. But then, some people would say anything." - Terry Pratchett


Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on January 09, 2017, 10:03:45 PM

CMO's Office

Lizzie looked back at the Deltan and sensed her confusion.

"I expect your confused as to why we are doing this while the ship is at Red Alert?" She asked, "Well simply, Sickbay tends to be a lot of preparation, followed by periods of inactivity followed by short periods of intense action. We have now prepared for any potential treatment we may be called on so now we have to wait to be called on. So I decided to utilise that time. By the way, have you found your office and got settled in?" She asked.

[CMO Office]

Zex shook her head and tried to maintain her smile.  "Respectfully Dr. Vaughan, I'm not confused.  I just feel that as Ship's Counselor I should be on the Bridge during a Red Alert" she said as softly as she could.

"But if your orders are for me to remain here in Sickbay, I will remain here and do as you say.  You are the senior officer after all.  But to answer your question, I dropped my bag in my temporary quarters and have not been to my office as of yet" the Deltan added respectfully.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Ardyn Jaeger


Quote from: Naga Rylu on January 10, 2017, 09:25:10 AM

This young woman had impressive skill, Naga noted as she looked over the various scans and statuses of the ship, and the battlefield around them, including the startled Tzenkethi ships.  "The remaining ships are breaking off into two groups, Captain, six are headed our way."  She reported, Sending the live feed of their movements to the main screen.  "Bearing 34-mark-5-point-06 and adjusting, Starboard side.  The others are trying to use the station for cover from us."

She noted the coordinates  given by the scientist. Great. She thought.  A two-pronged attack.
Ardyn pitched the ship, trying to angle the ship's phaser batteries in the direction of the Tzenkethi bombers, but the blasted little ships were too quick to really get a good aim at, and to be honest, a ship like this didn't turn on a dime, much to her chagrin.

The ship shuddered, a direct hit. Glancing at the ship statuses, she noted the damage.  Fortunately it was a non-essential area of the ship, and the shields had taken most of the blow.  They were holding stable, but for how long, she wasn't certain.

She was reaching  over to the Deflector backups when all of a sudden, one of the  secondary consoles exploded in a surge of energy.  Screaming out in surprise and pain, she tried to block the shrapnel, to little effect.  Glass and pieces of computer bit  into her unguarded forearm and face.    "Permission to get to sickbay, Captain? "

Click the badge to read my bio

If history repeats itself, I am SO getting myself a dinosaur -- Oh wait, I did.
Alt of Kinley Garrison

William Waring

Quote from: Julia Rellek on January 10, 2017, 12:27:12 AM


This had become all to routine to the young Captain. She had become almost complacent in the routines prior to a military engagement. It wasn't long before that she was uncomfortable in these situations - a scientists - caught in a foreign world. However, the events of her life have compelled a different path and the development of a new set of skills. She couldn't help but long for an exploding star, a spatial anomaly - anything that could rescue her. But that was not the hand she was dealt. They were catapulting at warp 8.2, head on, into the fight. She found herself wondering when it would be worth it. 31. She thought. Thirty-one was the number of crewman and officers lost since she had taken command of the Tempest. Those faces were burned into her memory. She shook the train of thought and re-focused her attention on the critical challenges that stood ahead.

"Fifteen." Julia said quietly. Shifting her weight onto her left elbow she leaned in closer to Will. "Be ready. You might have to go get this prisoner quickly. With little warning or time to prepare. Who knows what we're heading into." She added shifting her weight back to the center of her seat.

"Thank you Lieutenant." Julia turned to address the tactical officer. "James, as soon as we leave warp... I want you to target and fire on any targets of opportunity." She advised the officer.

She looked to auxiliary communications. "Ensign Galloway, send a message to 621. Let them know we are dropping out of warp momentarily."

"...And Ensign Jaeger. Take us out of warp right on top of them. I don't want them to have a ton of lead time to react." She ordered.


"Understood. Just give the word and it'll be done before you say 'go'" he said only so the Captain could hear him.

"They really know how to roll out a welcome mat" he said in a flat tone as the ship dropped from warp and saw the middle of the fight between 621 and the Tzenkethi combatants.

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on January 11, 2017, 01:56:35 AM


She noted the coordinates  given by the scientist. Great. She thought.  A two-pronged attack.
Ardyn pitched the ship, trying to angle the ship's phaser batteries in the direction of the Tzenkethi bombers, but the blasted little ships were too quick to really get a good aim at, and to be honest, a ship like this didn't turn on a dime, much to her chagrin.

The ship shuddered, a direct hit. Glancing at the ship statuses, she noted the damage.  Fortunately it was a non-essential area of the ship, and the shields had taken most of the blow.  They were holding stable, but for how long, she wasn't certain.

She was reaching  over to the Deflector backups when all of a sudden, one of the  secondary consoles exploded in a surge of energy.  Screaming out in surprise and pain, she tried to block the shrapnel, to little effect.  Glass and pieces of computer bit  into her unguarded forearm and face.    "Permission to get to sickbay, Captain? "

Will saw the console explode and jumped up to assist the helmsman although by the time he had risen she had begun to address the Captain. "Permission granted, have Dr. Vaughan take a look at those injuries." He wasn't the Captain but he figured she wouldn't object to letting the helmsman go get treated.

"Ensign Galloway" he said without turned "Relieve Ensign Jaeger at Flight Control."


Ian Galloway


Quote from: William Waring on January 11, 2017, 02:48:29 AM


"Understood. Just give the word and it'll be done before you say 'go'" he said only so the Captain could hear him.

"They really know how to roll out a welcome mat" he said in a flat tone as the ship dropped from warp and saw the middle of the fight between 621 and the Tzenkethi combatants. Will saw the console explode and jumped up to assist the helmsman although by the time he had risen she had begun to address the Captain. "Permission granted, have Dr. Vaughan take a look at those injuries." He wasn't the Captain but he figured she wouldn't object to letting the helmsman go get treated.

"Ensign Galloway" he said without turned "Relieve Ensign Jaeger at Flight Control."

Ian had his back to the helm and did not see the panel explode, but it was impossible to not hear it or Ensign Jaeger's scream of pain. He'd turned toward the helm and by the time the First Officer spoke, he was already in motion and unconsciously swearing in Gaelic as he saw Jaeger's wounds.

"Deoghail am fallus bhÁƒÂ rr duine mharbh siadha tiiadham!"

Seeing that Commander Waring had Jaeger, Ian manned the damaged helm and threw the Tempest into a sideways skid that swung the ship through 90 degrees to keep the attacking Tzenkethi in the forward arc so that tactical could return fire.

"Damn me fer bein' a numpty! I never wanted fer harm ta come ta the Lass!

Was the nicest thing Ian could say about himself as he worked with the damaged controls and an overwhelming sense of guilt that was so powerful it threatened to consume him.

"Focus ya git, flagellate yerself later!"

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: Zex on January 11, 2017, 12:26:05 AM

[CMO Office]

Zex shook her head and tried to maintain her smile.  "Respectfully Dr. Vaughan, I'm not confused.  I just feel that as Ship's Counselor I should be on the Bridge during a Red Alert" she said as softly as she could.

"But if your orders are for me to remain here in Sickbay, I will remain here and do as you say.  You are the senior officer after all.  But to answer your question, I dropped my bag in my temporary quarters and have not been to my office as of yet" the Deltan added respectfully.

CMO's Office

Lizzie looked back at the Deltan in some surprise.

"If you feel you should be on the Bridge, then I will not stop you. As I said, we are more or less ready for whatever will be thrown at us. While you come under my department, you essentially have a rather unique roll to play. Some Captains like having the councillor on the Bridge to assist with the mission and some prefer not. The last Councillor spent little, if any time on the Bridge. But I don't know if that was a personal thing or because the Captain preferred it that way. So if you would prefer to go to the Bridge then go and we can speak more fully some other time!" Lizzie replied, keeping her tone even and her face blank.

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on January 11, 2017, 01:56:35 AM


She noted the coordinates  given by the scientist. Great. She thought.  A two-pronged attack.
Ardyn pitched the ship, trying to angle the ship's phaser batteries in the direction of the Tzenkethi bombers, but the blasted little ships were too quick to really get a good aim at, and to be honest, a ship like this didn't turn on a dime, much to her chagrin.

The ship shuddered, a direct hit. Glancing at the ship statuses, she noted the damage.  Fortunately it was a non-essential area of the ship, and the shields had taken most of the blow.  They were holding stable, but for how long, she wasn't certain.

She was reaching  over to the Deflector backups when all of a sudden, one of the  secondary consoles exploded in a surge of energy.  Screaming out in surprise and pain, she tried to block the shrapnel, to little effect.  Glass and pieces of computer bit  into her unguarded forearm and face.    "Permission to get to sickbay, Captain? "

Lizzie had just finished when there was a beep. She pressed a button on her desk.

=/\=Yes?=/\= She asked.

=/\=Excuse me Doctor but we have received notification of an injury on the Bridge.=/\= Her Charge Nurse replied.

=/\=Thank you. I'll be right out.=/\=

Lizzie turned to Zex.

"Looks like I'm needed. You get to the Bridge and see if you are needed. If not, please come back here as I may need your counselling services." She smiled at the Deltan before getting up and exiting to the main Sickbay. She then tapped her com-badge.

=/\=Vaughan to the Bridge. We have recieved notification of an injury. Do you require somone to the Bridge or can they make their way here?=/\=

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.


Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on January 11, 2017, 06:57:05 PM

CMO's Office

Lizzie looked back at the Deltan in some surprise.

"If you feel you should be on the Bridge, then I will not stop you. As I said, we are more or less ready for whatever will be thrown at us. While you come under my department, you essentially have a rather unique roll to play. Some Captains like having the councillor on the Bridge to assist with the mission and some prefer not. The last Councillor spent little, if any time on the Bridge. But I don't know if that was a personal thing or because the Captain preferred it that way. So if you would prefer to go to the Bridge then go and we can speak more fully some other time!" Lizzie replied, keeping her tone even and her face blank.

Lizzie had just finished when there was a beep. She pressed a button on her desk.

=/\=Yes?=/\= She asked.

=/\=Excuse me Doctor but we have received notification of an injury on the Bridge.=/\= Her Charge Nurse replied.

=/\=Thank you. I'll be right out.=/\=

Lizzie turned to Zex.

"Looks like I'm needed. You get to the Bridge and see if you are needed. If not, please come back here as I may need your counselling services." She smiled at the Deltan before getting up and exiting to the main Sickbay. She then tapped her com-badge.

=/\=Vaughan to the Bridge. We have recieved notification of an injury. Do you require somone to the Bridge or can they make their way here?=/\=

[CMO Office]

"Thank you, Dr. Vaughan" Zex replied.  She offered her superior officer a polite smile before the woman left the office.  Then the Deltan got out of her seat, exited Sickbay, and literally ran to the turbo lift.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

🡱 🡳

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Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.