[Christmas Minisode] Constellation Christmas!

Started by Daniel Howell, December 06, 2016, 09:21:48 PM

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Malcolm Adeyemi

[Truffle's Bar]

Stafford limped into the bar, perspiring just a bit. He yearned for a seat and the splash of something cool to wash the lingering taste of spice out of his mouth. Not to mention the taste of someone swiping all the presents on Christmas.

He found it, too. With a bit of difficulty, he made his way to the bar and managed to swing a leg over the stool. When he was finally seated Stafford realized how comfortable Truffle's was for this type of thing. He was glad he had made his way here for a break.

Now if he could just get the attention of the bartender...

Steve Marshall

(Truffles Bar)

" Mr Marshall" A woman tapped the startled man on the back. Steve turned to see a woman and 13 year old girl. " I am Lt. Francis Danvers. the child I have with me is Katie she has been left orphaned and you as her only legal relative are now her legal guardian".

Steve looked quizzically  at the woman " I am sorry but I am passing through here I am assigned to a star ship Discovery that's no life for a kid?". The young girls face dropped as she continued to fiddle with the buttons on her top.  The woman sighed " That brings me on to my next concern. I have orders her for you to remain on the station. Sorry but you being reassigned." She gave him and the girl a sorry look.

Steve rubbed his for head  " Ok but can you do this " She smiled " I am sorry sir but I can and I am afraid there is nothing you can do about it" Steve had resigned to the fact that it wouldn't be just him  on his own he would have to care for some one else " Ok Lt Danvers I guess its going to have to be." Rubbing his for head again.

Steve watched as the woman walked away he was stood in a bar with a child he knew nothing about " Well Katie I guess this is no place for a child is it?. Lets go and find and some quarters and get you some food. How dose that sound". For the first time since her met her she smiled " Kid I wont say this will be easy for either of us. So we will have to work it out as we go along." Steve seemed a taken aback when she placed her hand into his as they walked out of truffles.

Hust Kinun

Quote from: Michael J. Tritter on December 26, 2016, 03:09:09 PM

The Lieutenant listened closely to the Ensign, he himself is fairly sharp with legal stuff, but he is a cop, by no means is he a lawyer. He nodded slightly to their reply "I could definitely have, but theres something in my gut that tells me doing that would have tipped our hand if you will. The whole thing felt wrong to me, but let's go get some evidence Ensign" He would than turn on a heel and head towards Main Security, he figured the Ensign would follow the large man as he made his way to a turbo lift, stepped inside and keyed in for Main Security. He was not a turbo lift fan, he didn't like the cramped space, but he made do, tapping foot as he waited for it to slide to a stop before he would duck slightly and exit. He would than make his way in to Main Security, he preferred to use that space to investigate video footage instead of doing it on the Promenade on a PADD where anyone could ease drop on him. He would than make his way into his office, which was one of the few places on the Starbase meant for someone his size and he often preferred it, because most chairs were meant for much smaller individuals and it made things challenging to say the least. The man carried himself with a purpose and he moved quickly, he was focused and had a mission to complete.


He frowned but listened to his orders. "Aye sir." he said simply, shaking his head. He didn't agree with the decision but it was his orders. He received the drink greatfully, and took it with him after sending thanks via the server to the Admiral... or at least he hoped it would get there. He quickly followed Tritter into the lift and took a sip of the drink, content for the moment.

He followed him, entering the security room, but got his combadge beeped three times. He seemingly ignored it, but he knew what it was for. He looked up to the man. "If you'll excuse me for a few minutes?" he asked, before departing. He entered the turbolift and took it down to the lower decks.

[Deck 130]

This dose seemed to have worn off much faster than it should have. He sighed as he ducked into the cargo bay, hoping not to be seen. He walked over to the box in the far corner, and fiddled with the combo lock on the outside.

Ex-Starfleet Lawyer (Disgraced)
Alt of Dylan Torngate.


Quote from: Jamie McConnell on December 25, 2016, 12:13:31 AM


"insomnia is not good," Jamie responded, "Remember that sleep energizes the brain, without good sleep you won't be able to achieve your mental status." She sighed realizing that Sevoc may need some help.  "Come see me if it gets worse."
Dr. McConnell watched him leave and decided to head towards the main promenade.
"I certain shall, Doctor," Sevoc replied.

With that, he ventured furthered into the bar area. He found the rest of the crew, but stood in the background observing. He stopped one of the waitresses and asked for a glass of Andorian ale.

Shortly after, the waitress returned and Sevoc began to nurse his drink and he watched the rest of his crew mates.

So that would make me a blue-blooded hobgoblin?
Alt for Leo

Chris Newberry

Quote from: Luke Stafford on December 27, 2016, 04:19:39 PM

[Truffle's Bar]

Stafford limped into the bar, perspiring just a bit. He yearned for a seat and the splash of something cool to wash the lingering taste of spice out of his mouth. Not to mention the taste of someone swiping all the presents on Christmas.

He found it, too. With a bit of difficulty, he made his way to the bar and managed to swing a leg over the stool. When he was finally seated Stafford realized how comfortable Truffle's was for this type of thing. He was glad he had made his way here for a break.

Now if he could just get the attention of the bartender...

[Truffles B&G, Bar area]

Mr. Truffles notices the Captain and walks over to him. The captain looked pretty tired, and he could guess why. Just hoped it wasn't anything too major. Placing a 2161 vintage Andorian Ale bottle in front of the Captain, he started talking to make some conversation and expected the Admiral would hear him and come over. "Busy week Captain, you looked tired and exhausted!" Chris asked straight to the point. Behind him, three of the patrons had unknowing left to meet up with the rest of their team down below. They had someone to catch regarding other matters left undiscussed.

[Admiral POV]

Chris finished up the glass he poured the ale in and his conversation with the patron before hearing Truffles. Turning he see's the tired back of Captain Stafford. Standing up, he grabbed the bottle of 2161 ale and walked over to the bar. "You're the one person I never thought would drop by Truffles, Captain!"

Quote from: Hust Kinun on December 27, 2016, 07:45:02 PM

[Deck 130]

This dose seemed to have worn off much faster than it should have. He sighed as he ducked into the cargo bay, hoping not to be seen. He walked over to the box in the far corner, and fiddled with the combo lock on the outside.

[Deck 130]

After finding the illegal narcotics a few days ago, they had been staking out the place. Sadly for the young ensign, they knew who was using them and were waiting in the shadows to capture him. Their boss wanted a few words with him. Just a bit early and ahead of schedule the ensign entered the cargo bay and made a beeline for the crate.

They waited for a moment for him to become distracted before one of the personnel pulled out a low powered phaser and stunned Kinun. They made their way over to the unconscious ensign, picked him up and disappeared. He would in about twenty minutes wake up restrained to a chair with a desk in front of him inside a dark room.

Retired FADM Chris Newberry
Enjoying R&R on Kantro Prime
Shadow Fleet Founder (Creator)
Rtd. Fleet Commanding Officer

Hust Kinun

Quote from: Chris Newberry on December 28, 2016, 12:01:29 AM

[Deck 130]

After finding the illegal narcotics a few days ago, they had been staking out the place. Sadly for the young ensign, they knew who was using them and were waiting in the shadows to capture him. Their boss wanted a few words with him. Just a bit early and ahead of schedule the ensign entered the cargo bay and made a beeline for the crate.

They waited for a moment for him to become distracted before one of the personnel pulled out a low powered phaser and stunned Kinun. They made their way over to the unconscious ensign, picked him up and disappeared. He would in about twenty minutes wake up restrained to a chair with a desk in front of him inside a dark room.

[Deck 130]

He had just gotten the lock open when he heard a slight noise- a footstep off placed, or maybe it was a rustling of fabric as a being moved. He spun around and tried to see what it was, before meeting a phaser to the face. He crumpled to the ground, with nothing but a slight gasp of breath. He didn't see anything- no person, no faces... just the sound of a sunburnt beam hitting him square in the chest.

He was dragged away, head lolled to the side and very, very unconscious.

[20 minutes later]

He began to come around, nothing but the darkness apparent to him. His vision was blurry and he wasn't sure of where he was. He struggled to raise his head... but could barely muster the strength to do that. He tried to move but found his hands bound and shaking. He realized with a sudden thought that he hadn't had his dose yet... he knew that he needed it, but he didn't know how he'd get out of here to it. He tried to look around, but the darkness was oppressively everywhere.

Ex-Starfleet Lawyer (Disgraced)
Alt of Dylan Torngate.

Michael J. Tritter

Quote from: Hust Kinun on December 27, 2016, 07:45:02 PM


He frowned but listened to his orders. "Aye sir." he said simply, shaking his head. He didn't agree with the decision but it was his orders. He received the drink greatfully, and took it with him after sending thanks via the server to the Admiral... or at least he hoped it would get there. He quickly followed Tritter into the lift and took a sip of the drink, content for the moment.

He followed him, entering the security room, but got his combadge beeped three times. He seemingly ignored it, but he knew what it was for. He looked up to the man. "If you'll excuse me for a few minutes?" he asked, before departing. He entered the turbolift and took it down to the lower decks.

[Deck 130]

This dose seemed to have worn off much faster than it should have. He sighed as he ducked into the cargo bay, hoping not to be seen. He walked over to the box in the far corner, and fiddled with the combo lock on the outside.

Tritter looked about the area for a monent, before the Ensign spoke to him, he shook his head slightly and said "Go ahead Ensign" He sighed a bit, he knew he would be left to himself once again, but that is par for the course, he seemed to have that effect on people. He would make his way to his office and proceed to get to work, pulling up video footage from the location the Grav Sled had been held at and working his way backwards, to figure out what had happened. The man was intently focused on the task ahead of him, as he was going to figure out what was going on, come hell or high water.

He than wondered where the Ensign had gone... They had gone for quite a while, he would than tap his comm badge, "Computer, Locate Ensign Hust Kinun" The Computer took a split second, before a female voice replied with, "Lieutenant, the Ensign was last seen at Deck 130, and can not be located" Tritter pondered for a moment, that seemed... Strange. He than stopped looking at the tape and changed the view, he would change it to Deck 130s cameras, he backed the footage up half an hour and proceeded to view the footage. He fast forwarded until he saw something that caught his eye, he backed the footage up and proceeded to watch the relevant portion of it.

He watched it closely, he watched Ensign take a phaser bolt and end up in an unconscious heap. He watched them take the man away, into a nearby turbo lift, he pondered for a bit... That made it difficult because that could have theoretically gone anywhere. He than said, "Computer, show me any motion coming from Turbolift 302, from time stamp 1432 to 1437" He knew the fact that turbo lifts take no more than five minutes to go from one end of the base to the other. The computer than said "Lieutenant, that turbo lift stopped at Decks 205, 310, 909 and 1,102 in that time period" Tritter than proceeded to call up video footage for those decks, he proceeded to review the footage, it wasn't a quick process, he reviewed it with a fine tooth comb, watching each deck at the same time, trying to get this done as fast he could so he could get at least something filed on it.

He than noticed footage from Deck 205, showing a figure being dragged out of the turbo lift. He than proceeded to type up a Missing Person's report for the Ensign and record it, although he would rather chase down the Ensign, he had a task to complete. He returned to watching the video footage involving the sled, he would than notice about four hooded figures approach, he would manage to catch the face of one, Ferengi and they had a unique necklace on. He proceeded to take a few screen shots of the faces he could get. He would run them against the database of individuals on the Station, trying to find out who it may be... He waited less than patiently for it to come back.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

Chris Newberry

Quote from: Hust Kinun on December 28, 2016, 12:39:46 AM

[Deck 130]

He had just gotten the lock open when he heard a slight noise- a footstep off placed, or maybe it was a rustling of fabric as a being moved. He spun around and tried to see what it was, before meeting a phaser to the face. He crumpled to the ground, with nothing but a slight gasp of breath. He didn't see anything- no person, no faces... just the sound of a sunburnt beam hitting him square in the chest.

He was dragged away, head lolled to the side and very, very unconscious.

[20 minutes later]

He began to come around, nothing but the darkness apparent to him. His vision was blurry and he wasn't sure of where he was. He struggled to raise his head... but could barely muster the strength to do that. He tried to move but found his hands bound and shaking. He realized with a sudden thought that he hadn't had his dose yet... he knew that he needed it, but he didn't know how he'd get out of here to it. He tried to look around, but the darkness was oppressively everywhere.

[Interrogation Room, Black Ops Site, Deck Unknown]

The doors to the Interrogation Room opened with the lighting from the consoles blinding the young ensign forcing him to turn away. As quick as the light was there, it disappeared as one of the agents entered the room with a file and canister. He walked to the table and placed both on it before sitting down in the chair and looked through the file.

It was quite for a few moments before he looked up and spoke, "Ensign Hust Kinun, Starfleet JAG Corps, stationed here on Starbase Columbus for the last several months. You're an interesting case, Ensign, by no means. My superiors have taken a whats do you call it, outside interest in you!" The man spoke before turning the file so the ensign could see it. It showed himself accepting the illegal goods and illegal storage of the narcotics, as well as using them.

"It's strange, a law enforcement officer using an illegal substance, one that could end his career before it even started?" He made it into a question to get a bite.

Retired FADM Chris Newberry
Enjoying R&R on Kantro Prime
Shadow Fleet Founder (Creator)
Rtd. Fleet Commanding Officer

Hust Kinun

Quote from: Chris Newberry on December 28, 2016, 03:28:35 AM

[Interrogation Room, Black Ops Site, Deck Unknown]

The doors to the Interrogation Room opened with the lighting from the consoles blinding the young ensign forcing him to turn away. As quick as the light was there, it disappeared as one of the agents entered the room with a file and canister. He walked to the table and placed both on it before sitting down in the chair and looked through the file.

It was quite for a few moments before he looked up and spoke, "Ensign Hust Kinun, Starfleet JAG Corps, stationed here on Starbase Columbus for the last several months. You're an interesting case, Ensign, by no means. My superiors have taken a whats do you call it, outside interest in you!" The man spoke before turning the file so the ensign could see it. It showed himself accepting the illegal goods and illegal storage of the narcotics, as well as using them.

"It's strange, a law enforcement officer using an illegal substance, one that could end his career before it even started?" He made it into a question to get a bite.


Hust's vision was still hazy as the light forced him to look away. He wasn't sure what was going on but he was sure he didn't like it. He looked back as the door shut, trying and failing to locate where he was. His heart rate was significantly elevated, with adrenaline forcing the world back into focus. He flinched at the noise before the figure sat down and he tried to look unperturbed... unsuccessfully. He looked about as scared as could be.

He heard the figure speak, he ran down all they knew about him. They definitely had access to starfleet records... but then he thought about the conversation that he had had with the Admiral and Captain earlier... and it didn't bode well. His heart rate increased more, trying to find any way out of this.

He saw the evidence against him, and felt a surge of relief as he believed he had found a way out. And is any of this admissible in court? he thought, analyzing it. He didn't say anything as he looked over the details. If it was, it was enough to ruin him. If not, he might just have a way out...

He heard the last question, and flinched. The verbal blow struck hard... harder than he'd like to admit. He'd sworn an oath to defend the Federation, and he'd been found out betraying that oath.

If he could, he'd have put his head in his hands. They had him by the neck and were in prime range to snap it. "What is it you want..." he rasped, voice hoarse and ashamed.

Ex-Starfleet Lawyer (Disgraced)
Alt of Dylan Torngate.

Chris Newberry

Quote from: Hust Kinun on December 28, 2016, 03:47:56 AM


Hust's vision was still hazy as the light forced him to look away. He wasn't sure what was going on but he was sure he didn't like it. He looked back as the door shut, trying and failing to locate where he was. His heart rate was significantly elevated, with adrenaline forcing the world back into focus. He flinched at the noise before the figure sat down and he tried to look unperturbed... unsuccessfully. He looked about as scared as could be.

He heard the figure speak, he ran down all they knew about him. They definitely had access to starfleet records... but then he thought about the conversation that he had had with the Admiral and Captain earlier... and it didn't bode well. His heart rate increased more, trying to find any way out of this.

He saw the evidence against him, and felt a surge of relief as he believed he had found a way out. And is any of this admissible in court? he thought, analyzing it. He didn't say anything as he looked over the details. If it was, it was enough to ruin him. If not, he might just have a way out...

He heard the last question, and flinched. The verbal blow struck hard... harder than he'd like to admit. He'd sworn an oath to defend the Federation, and he'd been found out betraying that oath.

If he could, he'd have put his head in his hands. They had him by the neck and were in prime range to snap it. "What is it you want..." he rasped, voice hoarse and ashamed.


The sergeant took in his appearance and could sense this ensign feared him. He had some reason to fear him, but he, and his cell weren't like their counterparts. They did need the Ensign help with some matters which they couldn't overtly do without drawing more suspicions from Starbase Security.

"It's relatively straightforward; we need your help with some issues that we can't get done without certain individuals catching on and escaping before their captured. Do note we are well aware of your secret meeting with two individuals earlier in the day.

There is another cell operating on this base, one who's been causing mayhem with possible connections to an act of terrorism recently. Not to mention we also suspect they were behind the bombing of this bases Docking Bay Three incident. We want to take them down but need outside help to do so." The sergeant finished but he though he would ease the Ensign suffering a little.

"You should know, this other group wouldn't be so kind as we are. They wouldn't be talking, and you would've meet your pain threshold by now or an airlock, after you spilled all your secrets! The choice is yours though to decide. You will be contacted within the next twelve hours for your decision" As he finished, the ensign is beamed from the room to his quarters. The sergeant gets up, picks up the file and canister before leaving the room. He would later dispose of the canister out an open airlock before returning to the pub.

Retired FADM Chris Newberry
Enjoying R&R on Kantro Prime
Shadow Fleet Founder (Creator)
Rtd. Fleet Commanding Officer

Hust Kinun

Quote from: Chris Newberry on December 28, 2016, 04:10:51 AM


The sergeant took in his appearance and could sense this ensign feared him. He had some reason to fear him, but he, and his cell weren't like their counterparts. They did need the Ensign help with some matters which they couldn't overtly do without drawing more suspicions from Starbase Security.

"It's relatively straightforward; we need your help with some issues that we can't get done without certain individuals catching on and escaping before their captured. Do note we are well aware of your secret meeting with two individuals earlier in the day.

There is another cell operating on this base, one who's been causing mayhem with possible connections to an act of terrorism recently. Not to mention we also suspect they were behind the bombing of this bases Docking Bay Three incident. We want to take them down but need outside help to do so." The sergeant finished but he though he would ease the Ensign suffering a little.

"You should know, this other group wouldn't be so kind as we are. They wouldn't be talking, and you would've meet your pain threshold by now or an airlock, after you spilled all your secrets! The choice is yours though to decide. You will be contacted within the next twelve hours for your decision" As he finished, the ensign is beamed from the room to his quarters. The sergeant gets up, picks up the file and canister before leaving the room. He would later dispose of the canister out an open airlock before returning to the pub.

He was full of fear as he man regarded him. He didn't feel like his chances of survival were too particularly high, but he was determined to try and do whatever he could. He didn't know what they wanted, but wasn't sure why or what for.

"I... I'm not exactly sure I know what you are talking about." he said. They were, of course, referencing to the meeting with the Captain and Admiral Kirok earlier, so he tried to bluff his way out of it. He wouldn't give that up.

He was majorly confused as to the talk of cells. He didn't know what was going on. If not the mythical Section 31, was this some inner-station gangs with ties within the base? Or some lowlives who thought they could pull some weight with him? The more he thought, the less likely the second option seemed... but what it did mean was that whoever was behind this had Hust on a string.

"For all you've managed to get to ruin me, it's surprising you need my help" he said, sounding defeated. "I have no guarantee that you won't do that anyways..." he said, referring to the promise to spill his secret. If revealed, it'd ruin his career at a minimum, and likely send him to prison for quite a while.

He had nothing more to say, and was beamed to his quarters. He sat up, and looked around, before breaking down in tears. He was too young, too green, and too scared to know what to do. All he knew is he had dug himself a grave and he couldn't go to anyone for help.

His commsbadge was on the stand next to him, and so he put it on his chest. His signal would now show in his quarters, but he now had to figure out how to explain this.

Ex-Starfleet Lawyer (Disgraced)
Alt of Dylan Torngate.

Malcolm Adeyemi

Quote from: Chris Newberry on December 28, 2016, 12:01:29 AM

[Admiral POV]

Chris finished up the glass he poured the ale in and his conversation with the patron before hearing Truffles. Turning he see's the tired back of Captain Stafford. Standing up, he grabbed the bottle of 2161 ale and walked over to the bar. "You're the one person I never thought would drop by Truffles, Captain!"


Stafford blinked in surprise. He had never before met the man, but its a fool that doesn't know what his own boss looks like. With great difficulty, the captain stood.

"Admiral Newberry," He said in his best addressing the brass voice. "It's an honor for you to make an appearance here. Happy holidays, sir."

Stafford didn't drink, not for a long time, but an even bigger fool refuses something given to him by his boss. Wordlessly, he accepted a frosted mug from the bartender and held it out.

"Er...cheers?" He asked.

James A. Hawke

Thomas waited impenitently for a couple of seconds and he placed his hand around his waist.  The former officer looked at the officer as he responded "It's
Captain Luke Stafford... he is in Truffle Bar"

Thomas looked at the officer and responded "Good!"

The Captain of the freighter began walking away as he heard the officer wearing a yellow uniform "Wait, you need an appointment...you just can't go up to a Captain without an appointment"

He continued walking unfazed and said "Watch Me!"

[Truffle's Bar]

Thomas entered the main doors and walked up to the bar tender.  He placed his hands on the bar and looked intently to the bar tender.  He then asked "Is there a Captain Luke Stafford here?"

As he walked around the room he noticed two gentlemen drinking.  One of them was wearing a Admiral's Uniform the other was wearing a Captain.  Most people would have been intimidated seeing command officer's but as a former Captain he could care less.  He walked up to the table and said "Excuse, are you Captain Luke Stafford?  I am sorry to interrupt your drink"

Click on the Badge to see bio

LK Reede


"Oh sure, I'd love it if you pulled it, only I wouldn't be much of a gentleman if I made you drag it by yourself," Alex joked in his Australian accent before grabbing onto the sled to help pull. "As for arresting that guy, I suppose we could probably technically drag him in for Obstruction of Justice or something but that wouldn't get us much even if it's him we don't have enough evidence to anything other than embarrass ourselves. Yet. Besides, chances are it's not him. Rule Number Three of getting away with a crime, don't come back to the scene of the crime especially with the authorities around," he said quoting his own rules that he came up with years ago when he was constantly getting in trouble by his parents. These day's his rules extended to more than getting away with 'crimes' but he still remembered them.

[Turbo lift]

"Nice quote," LK replied. "I'll remember that one if I ever decide to switch sides. I think you're right. Smart people don't come back."

Following Lt. Tritter into the lift, she pulled on the sled with a little more effort. It came along easily.

[Security HQ]

When they stepped out of the lift, LK went over to stand behind Lt. Tritter to watch the video feed. What they were seeing wasn't the theft of presents as she expected but the kidnap of Ensign Hust.


He than noticed footage from Deck 205, showing a figure being dragged out of the turbo lift. He than proceeded to type up a Missing Person's report for the Ensign and record it, although he would rather chase down the Ensign, he had a task to complete. He returned to watching the video footage involving the sled, he would than notice about four hooded figures approach, he would manage to catch the face of one, Ferengi and they had a unique necklace on. He proceeded to take a few screen shots of the faces he could get. He would run them against the database of individuals on the Station, trying to find out who it may be... He waited less than patiently for it to come back.

The Lieutenant had taken time to issue a missing person report that LK didn't think was totally necessary. They would be able to find the ensign in short order once the Christmas presents were found.  It didn't take as long for the computer to come back with the identities of the Ferengi. A little smile crossed LK's face. They had the culprits dead to rights.

Chris Newberry

Quote from: Luke Stafford on December 28, 2016, 06:50:21 PM


Stafford blinked in surprise. He had never before met the man, but its a fool that doesn't know what his own boss looks like. With great difficulty, the captain stood.

"Admiral Newberry," He said in his best addressing the brass voice. "It's an honor for you to make an appearance here. Happy holidays, sir."

Stafford didn't drink, not for a long time, but an even bigger fool refuses something given to him by his boss. Wordlessly, he accepted a frosted mug from the bartender and held it out.

"Er...cheers?" He asked.


"Please don't stand and can we lose formalities for now? It's Christmas after all, Captain." Chris asked as he raised his mug of Ale. This had to be by far one of his favorite places on the Starbase in teams of a restaurant and bar.

"Cheers," He replied before gulping a good portion down. "What has you so worn out right now?"

Retired FADM Chris Newberry
Enjoying R&R on Kantro Prime
Shadow Fleet Founder (Creator)
Rtd. Fleet Commanding Officer

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