[Christmas Minisode] Constellation Christmas!

Started by Daniel Howell, December 06, 2016, 09:21:48 PM

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Hust Kinun


Hust finally found an opening and made his way toward the door- it was way too loud and social here. He walked, and his path would take him in front of the CO as he worked his way out.

He stepped aside to pass by a few children, the noise giving him a headache. It was about time for him to get back to work, anyways. The never ceasing pile of paperwork waited for nobody.

Ex-Starfleet Lawyer (Disgraced)
Alt of Dylan Torngate.


Quote from: LK Reede on December 17, 2016, 07:39:12 PM

LK's eyes widened as the Santa-Klingon described himself as a spirit clinging to a meat suit. The comment got through that they did celebrate Christmas, though. A piece of information she kept meaning to ask Kahlotus back on Luna and never got around to. She shook her head just as Vem's comm badge chirped.

There was really no answer she could make that would appear intelligent so LK turned back to Zex and a new person that had just walked in.

"Good to meet you, too," LK replied. "Me neither. But I was thinking of a glass of plain tea. But maybe I should try a blood wine. Never tried that before and this seems to be the right time to try new things."

As a flood of children rushed in, LK backed up against the bar. She hadn't thought she would be encountering kids on a star base. But there was a lot of things going on she hadn't expected. Ash, the science officer / language specialist as she called herself, appeared to have a hearing problem. She seemed to be reading lips. And there was a guy trying to sneak out of the bar. Probably shy and introverted. She certainly didn't expect a big Klingon dressed as Santa.

"Blood wine," she told the bartender looking at the napkin in front of her.


"I haven't either" Zex admitted.  "I guess I will have a chocolate martini" she said to the bartender.  "It all depends on your taste.  Do you like sweet, bitter, fruity?" she asked Ashley.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Vem, son of Motag


[Christmas Display (Just outside the Bar)]

Vem whispered, "On it Cap'en."

Vem stood and began to belt out some kind of bizarre, deep-throated, full-bodied, song. It was clearly meant to have been a Klingon death dirge or something but he was attempting, on the fly, to convert it to a hu-mon Christmas carol.

"Come on now kids- sing along with this one if you've heard it before!" He said, his arms wide. (No one COULD possibly know it but that was beside the point...)

"Low and dark rides the man in red,
He's been watching you sleep in your bed,

A cry in the night and some Christmas cheer.
Drink with your enemies- drink your beer.

A penny for your thoughts, your mind for a shilling
The pain of death is eased only by... cake."

That last line was a bit of a rough save, but he continued in his deep raspy baritone- gesturing and acted out the lines of the songs for the onlooking children. Most could be best described as... confused. Not quite terrified, not quite happy- but enthralled. Vem knew he had to buy them time so he launched into a second verse.

"Low and dark rides the man in red,
He's been watching you sleep in your bed,

Hear is footsteps drawing near,
Celebrate in health on this auspicious time of year,

On Christmas morning you'll get your presets, the gods be willing,
Smell the flesh of that... bird... grilling."

He didn't have the heart to describe to the children what the song, in it's original Klingon version described grilling...

"Low and dark rides the man in red,
He's been watching you sleep in your bed,

Give a hug, don't you shed a tear,
Inside this man your must thrust a sp- healthy dinner,

The look of smiles is truly thrilling,
A man breaking into your house is truly chilling... because it's cold outside"

He looked to see what the Captain and Tritter were doing- he didn't know how long it'd be until he slipped up and described some horrific Klingon death ritual. Godspeed Captain- godspeed.

Vem, Son of Motag
Federation Humanitarian Chaplain
Homeopathic Doctor

Malcolm Adeyemi

[Christmas Display (Just outside the Bar)]

At the mention of someone stealing their presents, Captain Stafford slowly shook his head.

"I bet it's that mean old DaiMon Mawk who stole Christmas, the leader of the Ferengi delegation." Stafford said, and frowned. "But we have no way to prove it, and Christmas is just around the corner...what kind of man would steal children's presents like this?"

Then, in a higher pitched baritone, he sang quite well, if a bit husky:

You're a mean one, DaiMon Mawk
You really are a heel
You're as cuddly as an Adun cactus
You're as charming as a Ceti Eel
DaiMon Mawk!
You're a rotten takka fruit with a
furry red peel!

Michael J. Tritter

Quote from: Luke Stafford on December 20, 2016, 04:46:55 PM

[Christmas Display (Just outside the Bar)]

At the mention of someone stealing their presents, Captain Stafford slowly shook his head.

"I bet it's that mean old DaiMon Mawk who stole Christmas, the leader of the Ferengi delegation." Stafford said, and frowned. "But we have no way to prove it, and Christmas is just around the corner...what kind of man would steal children's presents like this?"

Then, in a higher pitched baritone, he sang quite well, if a bit husky:

You're a mean one, DaiMon Mawk
You really are a heel
You're as cuddly as an Adun cactus
You're as charming as a Ceti Eel
DaiMon Mawk!
You're a rotten takka fruit with a
furry red peel!

Tritter nodded slightly to the Captain, he would than add "Well, sounds like I have work to do, we will get this out of here" He than raised an eyebrow as the man started singing, he moved about four feet away, tapped his combadge and said "Ensign Harmon and Cadet Reede, meet me at the Promenande immediately please" His heavily accented voice was calm and collected as he spoke, his whole demeanor had changed once it was apparent to him that he had business to handle.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

Jamie McConnell

Quote from: Sevoc on December 17, 2016, 09:07:53 PM

Sevoc finished up the brief write up he had and proceeded to the Promenade. He quickly found where the rest of the crew was gathered.

On his way in, he noticed Dr. McConnell was trying to make a quiet exit for whatever reason. He stopped her briefly.

"Dr. Mcconnell," he began, "I would like to thank you properly for assisting me in regaining myself. I also would like to apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused."

He knew it wasn't necessary, but felt the need to clear the air a bit.

escaping the Klingon restaurant...
Jamie was approached by the science officer she has met during the difficult time with the viruses.  She raked fingers through her dark hair and felt very undeserving of his thanks.  "Please, it's not necessary, just doing my job."
She studied him for moment, "How are you doing? Any lingering affects?"

Human/Vulcan Hybrid
"Tis better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it!"

Alex Harmon


Alex had just spotted Captain Stafford when he got Lieutenant Tritter's message. He tapped his commbadge to respond.

=/\= Aye, sir, I'll be with you in a moment. =/\=

Once that was out of the way, Alex approached the Captain who seemed to be singing (and surprisingly well). He would have to be brief in presenting his present to the Captain as he had Security business to attend to. "Excuse me, Captain?" he said as he approached him. "I wanted to thank you for everything you did last month during that nasty business with the zombies," he paused as he tried to think of what to say. He wasn't exactly a people person...well he could persade them quite well but not exactly kindly..."I figured, it's Christmas so I decided to show my appreciation with a gift," he said as he handed the Captain the Columbus' crest plaque he had had made. "I had this made for you. I hope you like it, sir," he said allowing himself a slight kind smile.

James H. Hawk's Alt


Quote from: Jamie McConnell on December 21, 2016, 12:46:59 AM

escaping the Klingon restaurant...

Jamie was approached by the science officer she has met during the difficult time with the viruses.  She raked fingers through her dark hair and felt very undeserving of his thanks.  "Please, it's not necessary, just doing my job."
She studied him for moment, "How are you doing? Any lingering affects?"
"I have been suffering from a few bouts of insomnia," Sevoc began, "but other than that, there have no lingering side effects. And my gratitude is for assisting in restoring the mental discipline becoming of a  Vulcan. I do not wish to delay any further, so I shall take my leave. If the insomnia continues, I will consult you further."

It was then that Sevoc began contemplating partaking in the kolinahr. He did not want this to preoccupy his thoughts at the present time, so he pushed it aside.

So that would make me a blue-blooded hobgoblin?
Alt for Leo

Malcolm Adeyemi

Quote from: Alex Harmon on December 21, 2016, 07:53:13 AM


Alex had just spotted Captain Stafford when he got Lieutenant Tritter's message. He tapped his commbadge to respond.

=/\= Aye, sir, I'll be with you in a moment. =/\=

Once that was out of the way, Alex approached the Captain who seemed to be singing (and surprisingly well). He would have to be brief in presenting his present to the Captain as he had Security business to attend to. "Excuse me, Captain?" he said as he approached him. "I wanted to thank you for everything you did last month during that nasty business with the zombies," he paused as he tried to think of what to say. He wasn't exactly a people person...well he could persade them quite well but not exactly kindly..."I figured, it's Christmas so I decided to show my appreciation with a gift," he said as he handed the Captain the Columbus' crest plaque he had had made. "I had this made for you. I hope you like it, sir," he said allowing himself a slight kind smile.


Stafford turned over Harmon's gift in his hands and smiled and nodded. "Thank you, ensign, looks great. But, you know, we have a situation on our hands now...we need our security department to find these presents!"

He nodded to the security officers. "I'll leave it in your capable hands. Chief Tritter, keep me informed, would you? As for now, the chaplain and I have to damage control this mess, see if we can keep the station's children entertained and the people happy."

Michael J. Tritter

Quote from: Luke Stafford on December 21, 2016, 02:49:28 PM


Stafford turned over Harmon's gift in his hands and smiled and nodded. "Thank you, ensign, looks great. But, you know, we have a situation on our hands now...we need our security department to find these presents!"

He nodded to the security officers. "I'll leave it in your capable hands. Chief Tritter, keep me informed, would you? As for now, the chaplain and I have to damage control this mess, see if we can keep the station's children entertained and the people happy."

Tritter watched the Ensign offer the Captain a present, he found the gesture curious to say the least. Once the Captain spoke, Tritter shifted to face the man, he nodded alightly and said "Aye Sir"

He would tap his comm badge again, he had an idea of someone else whose skills may be useful, although he has never been fond of lawyers, but any help is appreciated. He would than state "Ensign Kinun, if you are not pre occupied, your assistance could be used" He would also wait to hear from LK, so they can get moving.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

Hust Kinun

Quote from: Michael J. Tritter on December 21, 2016, 05:28:24 PM

Tritter watched the Ensign offer the Captain a present, he found the gesture curious to say the least. Once the Captain spoke, Tritter shifted to face the man, he nodded alightly and said "Aye Sir"

He would tap his comm badge again, he had an idea of someone else whose skills may be useful, although he has never been fond of lawyers, but any help is appreciated. He would than state "Ensign Kinun, if you are not pre occupied, your assistance could be used" He would also wait to hear from LK, so they can get moving.

[Promenade- Turbolift]

Hust had snuck by and had made it to the turbolift, and was about to return to his office when his commbadge beeped. He listened to the message and responded. =/\= Aye sir, On my way.=/\=

He did an abrupt turnaround, and returned to the bar where he had last seen Tritter. He walked up to the man and greeted him. "What can I do for you, sir?"

Ex-Starfleet Lawyer (Disgraced)
Alt of Dylan Torngate.

LK Reede


Tritter nodded slightly to the Captain, he would than add "Well, sounds like I have work to do, we will get this out of here" He than raised an eyebrow as the man started singing, he moved about four feet away, tapped his combadge and said "Ensign Harmon and Cadet Reede, meet me at the Promenande immediately please" His heavily accented voice was calm and collected as he spoke, his whole demeanor had changed once it was apparent to him that he had business to handle.

Cadet Reede squinched her nose at the call to duty, sniffed the blood wine in front of her then wrinkled her nose is distaste. She picked up the mug and took a tentative sip.

Nope. Not gonna like that stuff at all.

Lk turned, gave a small wave to those around her and walked over to Lt. Tritter.

"Aye, sir. Reporting as instructed."

Michael J. Tritter

Quote from: LK Reede on December 22, 2016, 12:30:03 AM

Cadet Reede squinched her nose at the call to duty, sniffed the blood wine in front of her then wrinkled her nose is distaste. She picked up the mug and took a tentative sip.

Nope. Not gonna like that stuff at all.

Lk turned, gave a small wave to those around her and walked over to Lt. Tritter.

"Aye, sir. Reporting as instructed."

Quote from: Hust Kinun on December 21, 2016, 10:16:01 PM

[Promenade- Turbolift]

Hust had snuck by and had made it to the turbolift, and was about to return to his office when his commbadge beeped. He listened to the message and responded. =/\= Aye sir, On my way.=/\=

He did an abrupt turnaround, and returned to the bar where he had last seen Tritter. He walked up to the man and greeted him. "What can I do for you, sir?"

Tritter waited a moment for Cadet Reede to arrive, he knew Harmon was not far away and he figured they would hear what he was about to say anyways. He looked from one to the other, than he would state "The Christmas presents have been stolen, there was no signs that they were stolen, so we need to get the Sled and the empty presents back to Main Security for a full forensic analysis, and we will also need to review video footage for signs of tampering. Once Ensign Harmon is ready, we will get moving. Any questions?" His tone was mellow and relaxed, but there was a certain confidence to it, as he knew what exactly needed to be done. He shifted weight from left foot to right foot, the man was ready to move out and get to work, if he can't be with his family, he'd prefer to have something to keep him busy.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

Chris Newberry


The good ole admiral was finally making his rounds around the promenade stores but he wasn't in uniform but with a light grey cloak on, the hood covering his face. He was trying to keep a low profile while going shopping and placing orders to be delivered to a civilian rented quarters later in the evening. As he passed by the Security Chief, he did hear bits about presents stolen from the sled...

It was nice having feline senses, and reflexes though with that including slightly enhanced hearing so he slowly prowled over to the sledge while the officers were busy. It didn't take long to find the sled with missing presents and he let his senses out distracting him a little.

Retired FADM Chris Newberry
Enjoying R&R on Kantro Prime
Shadow Fleet Founder (Creator)
Rtd. Fleet Commanding Officer

Alex Harmon

Quote from: Luke Stafford on December 21, 2016, 02:49:28 PM


Stafford turned over Harmon's gift in his hands and smiled and nodded. "Thank you, ensign, looks great. But, you know, we have a situation on our hands now...we need our security department to find these presents!"

He nodded to the security officers. "I'll leave it in your capable hands. Chief Tritter, keep me informed, would you? As for now, the chaplain and I have to damage control this mess, see if we can keep the station's children entertained and the people happy."


"Uh, yes of course, sir," Alex said nervously, "I just wanted to drop that off before I went off chasing bad guys. I couldn't very well chase down whoever we're chasing carying that," he said with a slight nervous chuckle before slightly jogging to Lieutenant Tritter.

He managed to reach the gathering security and, apparently JAG officers just in time to hear the Chief's orders. "Er no questions, sir but I do have a suggestion," Alex said, "I would recomend we also try and compile a list of anyone aboard the Station who would have motive to steal the presents. It shouldn't be to hard and could make finding and charging a suspect easier," he paused for a moment to let the boss think about it before finishing, "Just a suggestion, sir."

James H. Hawk's Alt

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