[Christmas Minisode] Constellation Christmas!

Started by Daniel Howell, December 06, 2016, 09:21:48 PM

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Hust Kinun

Quote from: Michael J. Tritter on December 22, 2016, 12:50:33 AM

Tritter waited a moment for Cadet Reede to arrive, he knew Harmon was not far away and he figured they would hear what he was about to say anyways. He looked from one to the other, than he would state "The Christmas presents have been stolen, there was no signs that they were stolen, so we need to get the Sled and the empty presents back to Main Security for a full forensic analysis, and we will also need to review video footage for signs of tampering. Once Ensign Harmon is ready, we will get moving. Any questions?" His tone was mellow and relaxed, but there was a certain confidence to it, as he knew what exactly needed to be done. He shifted weight from left foot to right foot, the man was ready to move out and get to work, if he can't be with his family, he'd prefer to have something to keep him busy.


Hust frowned, thinking. Why would anyone steal the stuff from the gravsled when they could just replicate what they needed? It made little sense. "How are we going to do this without attracting too much attention?" he asked, trying to think through it. He was a lawyer, not a security guard. This was about halfway down his alley.

Quote from: Alex Harmon on December 22, 2016, 11:30:11 AM


"Uh, yes of course, sir," Alex said nervously, "I just wanted to drop that off before I went off chasing bad guys. I couldn't very well chase down whoever we're chasing carying that," he said with a slight nervous chuckle before slightly jogging to Lieutenant Tritter.

He managed to reach the gathering security and, apparently JAG officers just in time to hear the Chief's orders. "Er no questions, sir but I do have a suggestion," Alex said, "I would recomend we also try and compile a list of anyone aboard the Station who would have motive to steal the presents. It shouldn't be to hard and could make finding and charging a suspect easier," he paused for a moment to let the boss think about it before finishing, "Just a suggestion, sir."

He nodded to Mr. Harmon as he approached. If he had to be social, he'd put on a good show. He pulled out the small PADD in his pocket, and handed it to Harmon after sorting through it. "Here's everyone on the station with a criminal record. If you like, I'll take the first 10,000 and you can take the last 10,000."

He said so in a joking mood, but it was somewhat serious. At one point or another about half of the station had comitted some form of infraction. That wasn't even including non permanent personnel.

Ex-Starfleet Lawyer (Disgraced)
Alt of Dylan Torngate.

Michael J. Tritter

Quote from: Alex Harmon on December 22, 2016, 11:30:11 AM


"Uh, yes of course, sir," Alex said nervously, "I just wanted to drop that off before I went off chasing bad guys. I couldn't very well chase down whoever we're chasing carying that," he said with a slight nervous chuckle before slightly jogging to Lieutenant Tritter.

He managed to reach the gathering security and, apparently JAG officers just in time to hear the Chief's orders. "Er no questions, sir but I do have a suggestion," Alex said, "I would recomend we also try and compile a list of anyone aboard the Station who would have motive to steal the presents. It shouldn't be to hard and could make finding and charging a suspect easier," he paused for a moment to let the boss think about it before finishing, "Just a suggestion, sir."

Tritter's focus shifted to Harmon, he pondered over their statements. "Once we have a description from video footage from the station, that would be a good idea. It is unwise early in an investigation to narrow oneself without evidence to the contrary. It is a good suggestion however Ensign"

He than shifted to Ensign Kinun once he spoke, he pondered their comment carefully, before he would kneel down and grab a white colored carpet that was placed ahead of time, to give the illusion that there was snow there. He put the carpet over the sled, it covered about 80% of it. It was quick and it worked, he would than reply to the Ensign with, "All we have to do is move out, we can get out of the main area here and teleport the items to Security for analysis"

He than listened to their reply to Harmon, he chuckled quietly and said "I believe it would be more prudent to start with video footage first" His attention than shifted to the Admiral, there was no way the man would sneak past the highly perceptive Lieutenant, he did not recognize the man who had gotten awfully close to their crime scene if you will, he would than speak up with "Identify yourself and state your business" He truly had no idea who was speaking to and someone being soo close to them, he immediately thought that they had something to do with it. There was a confidence and assertiveness to his tone that indicated he didn't take this lightly and he was not one to trifle with.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

Ashley Weir

Quote from: Zex on December 19, 2016, 09:55:04 PM


"I haven't either" Zex admitted.  "I guess I will have a chocolate martini" she said to the bartender.  "It all depends on your taste.  Do you like sweet, bitter, fruity?" she asked Ashley.


Ashley though a moment before she replied. "Bitter or fruity. I've never really liked anything overly sweet." She replied accidentally signing every word she spoke.

Chris Newberry

Quote from: Michael J. Tritter on December 22, 2016, 05:46:46 PM

Tritter's focus shifted to Harmon, he pondered over their statements. "Once we have a description from video footage from the station, that would be a good idea. It is unwise early in an investigation to narrow oneself without evidence to the contrary. It is a good suggestion however Ensign"

He than shifted to Ensign Kinun once he spoke, he pondered their comment carefully, before he would kneel down and grab a white colored carpet that was placed ahead of time, to give the illusion that there was snow there. He put the carpet over the sled, it covered about 80% of it. It was quick and it worked, he would than reply to the Ensign with, "All we have to do is move out, we can get out of the main area here and teleport the items to Security for analysis"

He than listened to their reply to Harmon, he chuckled quietly and said "I believe it would be more prudent to start with video footage first" His attention than shifted to the Admiral, there was no way the man would sneak past the highly perceptive Lieutenant, he did not recognize the man who had gotten awfully close to their crime scene if you will, he would than speak up with "Identify yourself and state your business" He truly had no idea who was speaking to and someone being soo close to them, he immediately thought that they had something to do with it. There was a confidence and assertiveness to his tone that indicated he didn't take this lightly and he was not one to trifle with.


He finally came back to his normal sense's after a few moments gathering what he needed and cursing small rats with big lube like ears. The scent left behind was familiar and he knew of only one species whom would be daring enough to pull off a heist like this. Question remained to the Admiral, whom were the henchmen's that were hired to do it. As he was debating this, he was pulled out of his thoughs by the Security Chief!

In a deeper but rougher voice to conceal his identify he spoke for the first time. "An concern citizen, Lieutenant. Look for a rat with big lobes and henchman for it stinks of that around your sled... I'm S'Saavik of Kantor. If your in need of my assistance, you will find me down at the local Truffles Bar!" Chris replied hoping the Lieutenant wouldn't dig deeper. Honestly enough, this name wasn't known on his Starfleet records but his known name on his home planet.

With that, S'Saavik stalked off into the growing crowd and disappears off to Truffles Bar to get a cup of cold milk and talk business.

Retired FADM Chris Newberry
Enjoying R&R on Kantro Prime
Shadow Fleet Founder (Creator)
Rtd. Fleet Commanding Officer

Michael J. Tritter

Quote from: Chris Newberry on December 23, 2016, 03:51:48 PM


He finally came back to his normal sense's after a few moments gathering what he needed and cursing small rats with big lube like ears. The scent left behind was familiar and he knew of only one species whom would be daring enough to pull off a heist like this. Question remained to the Admiral, whom were the henchmen's that were hired to do it. As he was debating this, he was pulled out of his thoughs by the Security Chief!

In a deeper but rougher voice to conceal his identify he spoke for the first time. "An concern citizen, Lieutenant. Look for a rat with big lobes and henchman for it stinks of that around your sled... I'm S'Saavik of Kantor. If your in need of my assistance, you will find me down at the local Truffles Bar!" Chris replied hoping the Lieutenant wouldn't dig deeper. Honestly enough, this name wasn't known on his Starfleet records but his known name on his home planet.

With that, S'Saavik stalked off into the growing crowd and disappears off to Truffles Bar to get a cup of cold milk and talk business.

Tritter looked over the man curiously, something really felt... strange to him. He wondered why they were hanging around and what was making them decide to come pay a visit. His spidey senses were definitely tingling at this point, he just knew something was not right. He almost was caught off guard with what they said, he pondered that comment intently and even took longer than normal when thinking it over. He than watched the man walk away from him, something was not adding up and it was tormenting him, he would than state "Ensign Harmon and Cadet Reede, please facilitate bringing the sled back to Main Security, I have something to investigate"

He would than look towards Ensign Kinun "Come with me, something is amiss" He would turn on a heel and follow the man, he wasn't going to let this one go, he would follow them to the bar and find them out of the crowd. He would than proceed to walk up to them, he would than look towards the man, "S'Saavik, you must have seen something to make you say that" The man's tone was assertive and confident, there was also a look of confidence on his face, he wasn't the type to back down.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

Chris Newberry

Quote from: Michael J. Tritter on December 24, 2016, 01:02:18 AM

Tritter looked over the man curiously, something really felt... strange to him. He wondered why they were hanging around and what was making them decide to come pay a visit. His spidey senses were definitely tingling at this point, he just knew something was not right. He almost was caught off guard with what they said, he pondered that comment intently and even took longer than normal when thinking it over. He than watched the man walk away from him, something was not adding up and it was tormenting him, he would than state "Ensign Harmon and Cadet Reede, please facilitate bringing the sled back to Main Security, I have something to investigate"

He would than look towards Ensign Kinun "Come with me, something is amiss" He would turn on a heel and follow the man, he wasn't going to let this one go, he would follow them to the bar and find them out of the crowd. He would than proceed to walk up to them, he would than look towards the man, "S'Saavik, you must have seen something to make you say that" The man's tone was assertive and confident, there was also a look of confidence on his face, he wasn't the type to back down.

Sighing, he put the half cup of cold milk down and waved Mr. Truffles off for now. It seemed the Lieutenant didn't know whom he was and he preferred to keep it that way. "It depends on your definition of sight, and smell, Lieutenant Tritter. Yes, I know exactly who you are but how I won't say for now.

To answer your question, I've had a lot of encounters both here on your starbase and amount the Cosmo's as you say. In this case, I somewhat recognize the reeking smell left behind by those who were there. The oldest was around eight to twelve hours ago. The remaining scents I could smell was more recent." He replied before picking up the cup of milk and drinking the rest. As he put the cup down, he turned back to the Lieutenant. "If you have any more questions, I am relatively easy to find. Or you can ask my friend Mr. Truffles to find me."

Retired FADM Chris Newberry
Enjoying R&R on Kantro Prime
Shadow Fleet Founder (Creator)
Rtd. Fleet Commanding Officer

Michael J. Tritter

Quote from: Chris Newberry on December 24, 2016, 01:22:53 AM

Sighing, he put the half cup of cold milk down and waved Mr. Truffles off for now. It seemed the Lieutenant didn't know whom he was and he preferred to keep it that way. "It depends on your definition of sight, and smell, Lieutenant Tritter. Yes, I know exactly who you are but how I won't say for now.

To answer your question, I've had a lot of encounters both here on your starbase and amount the Cosmo's as you say. In this case, I somewhat recognize the reeking smell left behind by those who were there. The oldest was around eight to twelve hours ago. The remaining scents I could smell was more recent." He replied before picking up the cup of milk and drinking the rest. As he put the cup down, he turned back to the Lieutenant. "If you have any more questions, I am relatively easy to find. Or you can ask my friend Mr. Truffles to find me."

Tritter could sense the man's irritation with him, as if he was bothering them. But truthfully, he didn't care. He raised a brow at their comment about knowing who he is, but with someone like him - it's hard to not know who he is, between his appearance and his position, people just seemingly know who he is. He got the jist of their overall statement, he would let their statements roll through his mind for several moments. He had a pretty good idea of what they meant with the statement, he would turn to Kinun, "Let's get to work Ensign" He would than gaze past the man to check on Ensign Harmon and Cadet Reede. If there was one thing this man was good at it, it would be finding out who did something.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

Hust Kinun


He dutifully followed Tritter as ordered, observing the events around him. It appeared that S'Saavik was hiding something... but people were entitled to say whatever they wanted, within reason. He kept silent until after they had turned back, but then he turned to his superior. "You have every right to place him under arrest for obstruction of justice... he refused to answer a direct question about who he is and his reasons for being on the station..." he said, operating now in his full extent as legal council.

He followed his boss, taking a backseat and listening to whatever he was told to do.

Ex-Starfleet Lawyer (Disgraced)
Alt of Dylan Torngate.

Chris Newberry

Quote from: Michael J. Tritter on December 24, 2016, 01:36:51 AM

Tritter could sense the man's irritation with him, as if he was bothering them. But truthfully, he didn't care. He raised a brow at their comment about knowing who he is, but with someone like him - it's hard to not know who he is, between his appearance and his position, people just seemingly know who he is. He got the jist of their overall statement, he would let their statements roll through his mind for several moments. He had a pretty good idea of what they meant with the statement, he would turn to Kinun, "Let's get to work Ensign" He would than gaze past the man to check on Ensign Harmon and Cadet Reede. If there was one thing this man was good at it, it would be finding out who did something.

Quote from: Hust Kinun on December 24, 2016, 02:44:05 AM


He dutifully followed Tritter as ordered, observing the events around him. It appeared that S'Saavik was hiding something... but people were entitled to say whatever they wanted, within reason. He kept silent until after they had turned back, but then he turned to his superior. "You have every right to place him under arrest for obstruction of justice... he refused to answer a direct question about who he is and his reasons for being on the station..." he said, operating now in his full extent as legal council.

He followed his boss, taking a backseat and listening to whatever he was told to do.

[Truffles Bar & Grill]

He waved Mr. Truffles over and ordered a new cup of milk. Before Truffles left, he placed a PADD down in front of him, which S'Saavik started looking over. He sighed, another freighter transverse security request going through neutral space again. Highly hostile, neutral space at that. Mr. Truffles returned within a minute with a larger cup of cold milk for him.

"You're asking for a lot Truffles, but it will be done," he said passing the PADD back to him in a hushed voice so the two officers wouldn't hear. Around the bar, individual patrons were watching the two and the Starfleet Officers, ready to intervene if they got involved. Looking at Truffles, he motions for him to unlock the back room for him to change in private. Glupping down the remainder of the drink, he heads back to the back room, following Truffles and enters.

[Bar Back Room - A few minutes later]

With the door closed and a privacy screen up, S'Saavik shreds his cloak finally revealing his appearance. Within a few moments, he was back in a dress uniform. After he had finished, the Admiral walked out in his Starfleet Uniform. His tail was swiping through the air as he walked over to a table occupied by one of his escort detail members. "Truffles, large glass of Andorian Ale, and two more for those two, he nodded to the Ensign and Lieutenant," Chris spoke up in his normal voice.

"On it sir," Truffles replied as he grabbed three bottles of Andorian Ale, and delivered one to the admiral, and the others to Tritter and Hust. "The admiral bought these for you, Ensign, Lieutenant."

Retired FADM Chris Newberry
Enjoying R&R on Kantro Prime
Shadow Fleet Founder (Creator)
Rtd. Fleet Commanding Officer

Alex Harmon

Quote from: Michael J. Tritter on December 24, 2016, 01:02:18 AM

Tritter looked over the man curiously, something really felt... strange to him. He wondered why they were hanging around and what was making them decide to come pay a visit. His spidey senses were definitely tingling at this point, he just knew something was not right. He almost was caught off guard with what they said, he pondered that comment intently and even took longer than normal when thinking it over. He than watched the man walk away from him, something was not adding up and it was tormenting him, he would than state "Ensign Harmon and Cadet Reede, please facilitate bringing the sled back to Main Security, I have something to investigate"

He would than look towards Ensign Kinun "Come with me, something is amiss" He would turn on a heel and follow the man, he wasn't going to let this one go, he would follow them to the bar and find them out of the crowd. He would than proceed to walk up to them, he would than look towards the man, "S'Saavik, you must have seen something to make you say that" The man's tone was assertive and confident, there was also a look of confidence on his face, he wasn't the type to back down.


Ugh menial labor. Alex wasn't to pleased been stuck with the job of dragging a sled through the Starbase. I'm an Intelligence Officer not a some unskilled labourer. Although he felt this job was beneath him he begrudgingly followed orders. "Well lets go, Ms. Reede. We've got the boring job," he said with signs of displeasure in his voice.

James H. Hawk's Alt

James A. Hawke


[S.S. Falcon]

Holiday travels....one of the most stressful times of the year.

Captain Jett sat on the pilot seat as he controlled his freighter the S.S. Falcon which was currently modified as a passenger transport.  He worked with a small crew which was not particularly thrilled to be working close to the holidays.  Some of them wanted to be with their families and other drinking at the bar.

All of the systems in the ship were green and they appeared to be no problems.  Thomas looked at his communication personnel and said "Joe, please inform our passengers that we are approaching Columbus and get clearance for docking"

Even thought it was a long flight, Thomas was barely exhausted.  He was looking forward to some time off and making plans for his next job.  The life of the Freighter Captain was a little more stressful since it required to constantly looking for work.

After a couple of seconds Joe his Communication personnel informed him "We are cleared to dock at Docking Ring 5

Thomas nodded.   He believed he remember the location of Docking Ring 5, however the standard procedures of most star bases was to approach and to let the tractor beam and their computer to finish the process.  It was customary for the pilot to let the controls of the ship as Starfleet made sure that everything was done properly.

Thomas gave a perplexed look at his control as he was shocked that he had full control of the ship.  He then asked "Joe, why aren't the tractor beams engaging?"

The Communications person responded "I am getting a message from Columbus they are informing me that the tractor beams are temporally offline...they are requesting us to break course and stay in orbit until the Tractor Beam is repaired

He then continued "Sorry to keep adding to your troubles Sir, but environmental personnel is stating that the pregnant woman is going into labor

Thomas said to himself "Great! When it rains it pours"

He took a second and taught to himself "Inform Columbus that it's a no go.  Declare a state of Medical Emergency.   I will attempt to do a manual docking, and if they don't like it, then Columbus can shove it where they sun does not shine"

Thomas took control of the ship and began carefully maneuvering around  ships, with extraordinary precision he was able to guide the ship and maneuver his airlock to match the Station's.  It was a feat that was rarely done in this age of tractor beams and required intimate knowledge of the ship and pinpoint accuracy.

The Cockpit was silent as he attempted the dock.  He spoke to himself "an adjustment of pitch...deceleration...and now we go nice and easy".  Within seconds he felt a small shock around the ship.  "Engaging Magnetic Seals and we are done...make sure the woman makes it to Medical First, and then the rest of the passenger can leave...good job everyone"

[Docking Ring 5]

Thomas entered the Station a couple of minutes after the passenger left .  He turned to the first officer he would find and said "I want to know who is responsible for that Tractor Beam to be offline and why were waived off instead of engaging the backups tractor beams and in the event that they failed why the backup of the backups not engaged?  I am responsible for over a hundred civilians and had a medical emergency ...who runs this station?"

He opened his hands and he waited for an answer.  He was not angry but it was something that they should have been informed.  Either someone needed more training or they have a maintenance problem.

Click on the Badge to see bio

LK Reede


"Well lets go, Ms. Reede. We've got the boring job," he said with signs of displeasure in his voice.

Cadet Reede looked at Ensign Harmon with a grin. "Want me to pull that thing?" Before waiting for him to respond, LK added, "You think we could really arrest that guy? For not answering questions?"

She reached over to take hold of the side of the sled in order to give at least a show of helping. Even if she wasn't really doing anything.

Jamie McConnell

Quote from: Sevoc on December 21, 2016, 08:26:09 AM

"I have been suffering from a few bouts of insomnia," Sevoc began, "but other than that, there have no lingering side effects. And my gratitude is for assisting in restoring the mental discipline becoming of a  Vulcan. I do not wish to delay any further, so I shall take my leave. If the insomnia continues, I will consult you further."

It was then that Sevoc began contemplating partaking in the kolinahr. He did not want this to preoccupy his thoughts at the present time, so he pushed it aside.


"insomnia is not good," Jamie responded, "Remember that sleep energizes the brain, without good sleep you won't be able to achieve your mental status." She sighed realizing that Sevoc may need some help.  "Come see me if it gets worse."
Dr. McConnell watched him leave and decided to head towards the main promenade.
Jamie walked the memory grasping shops of the Columbus Base Promenade as if in a daydream.  Everything reminded her of Cayden and she didn't think it would hit her so hard.  She believed she had had a hold on being apart but a painful tug around her heart made her doubt her strength.
She tried to push it away but it was difficult especially around the holidays.  Jamie couldn't help watching the happy families shopping and once again tried to push away that certain painful tug.  Her eyes lifted from a happy shopping couple to a familiar store sign.  It was the jewelry shop that Cayden had taken her to where he had bought her the necklace that she was wearing at the moment.
Jamie clutched the pendant hanging on the necklace and smiled.  It was the north star, something her husband had often called her.  He had always told her that she would always guide him home, she was his beacon and his light house.  The memory made her sigh and she was so captured that she failed to note the tall dark haired man standing behind her.
"Doctor McConnell?" The man's deep voice made her jump slightly but he did not seem to believe he needed to apologize.
Jamie turned around and looked up at the serious looking human male in the security crewman uniform. "Y-yes, that's me." She responded, "What can I do for you, Crewman?"
"Benitez." The man filled in his name and answered her question, "Your husband was the former commander of this station." It was a statement not a question and said in a way that made Jamie wonder if Benitez was part Vulcan. "He left something of his in security, doctor, in my care, but I believe that it should belong to you.  Please, may I give it to you?"

Human/Vulcan Hybrid
"Tis better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it!"

Alex Harmon

Quote from: LK Reede on December 24, 2016, 11:57:01 PM

Cadet Reede looked at Ensign Harmon with a grin. "Want me to pull that thing?" Before waiting for him to respond, LK added, "You think we could really arrest that guy? For not answering questions?"

She reached over to take hold of the side of the sled in order to give at least a show of helping. Even if she wasn't really doing anything.

"Oh sure, I'd love it if you pulled it, only I wouldn't be much of a gentleman if I made you drag it by yourself," Alex joked in his Australian accent before grabbing onto the sled to help pull. "As for arresting that guy, I suppose we could probably technically drag him in for Obstruction of Justice or something but that wouldn't get us much even if it's him we don't have enough evidence to anything other than embarrass ourselves. Yet. Besides, chances are it's not him. Rule Number Three of getting away with a crime, don't come back to the scene of the crime especially with the authorities around," he said quoting his own rules that he came up with years ago when he was constantly getting in trouble by his parents. These day's his rules extended to more than getting away with 'crimes' but he still remembered them.

James H. Hawk's Alt

Michael J. Tritter

Quote from: Hust Kinun on December 24, 2016, 02:44:05 AM


He dutifully followed Tritter as ordered, observing the events around him. It appeared that S'Saavik was hiding something... but people were entitled to say whatever they wanted, within reason. He kept silent until after they had turned back, but then he turned to his superior. "You have every right to place him under arrest for obstruction of justice... he refused to answer a direct question about who he is and his reasons for being on the station..." he said, operating now in his full extent as legal council.

He followed his boss, taking a backseat and listening to whatever he was told to do.

The Lieutenant listened closely to the Ensign, he himself is fairly sharp with legal stuff, but he is a cop, by no means is he a lawyer. He nodded slightly to their reply "I could definitely have, but theres something in my gut that tells me doing that would have tipped our hand if you will. The whole thing felt wrong to me, but let's go get some evidence Ensign" He would than turn on a heel and head towards Main Security, he figured the Ensign would follow the large man as he made his way to a turbo lift, stepped inside and keyed in for Main Security. He was not a turbo lift fan, he didn't like the cramped space, but he made do, tapping foot as he waited for it to slide to a stop before he would duck slightly and exit. He would than make his way in to Main Security, he preferred to use that space to investigate video footage instead of doing it on the Promenade on a PADD where anyone could ease drop on him. He would than make his way into his office, which was one of the few places on the Starbase meant for someone his size and he often preferred it, because most chairs were meant for much smaller individuals and it made things challenging to say the least. The man carried himself with a purpose and he moved quickly, he was focused and had a mission to complete.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

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