S1 - M6 - Discussion

Started by Malcolm Adeyemi, January 27, 2017, 01:13:40 PM

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Malcolm Adeyemi

What's going on with the bridge situation? Has anyone given the Tripoli clearance to dock (ops) and get their ship repaired (eng), treat their injuries (med), and get suspicious of their Romulan-like behavior(sec)?

Daniel Howell

Quote from: Luke Stafford on February 22, 2017, 01:39:17 PM

What's going on with the bridge situation? Has anyone given the Tripoli clearance to dock (ops) and get their ship repaired (eng), treat their injuries (med), and get suspicious of their Romulan-like behavior(sec)?

I'm going to be making a post shortly to allow the crew to input this, would of done sooner, was just sorting some IRL things out.

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known - Carl Sagan

Malcolm Adeyemi

Good post, Dan. From a plot point of view, though, the small freighter/shuttle should come aboard. We can have misgivings, but it's integral to the story. Great work everyone!

Daniel Howell

So tags go to: Wu, Hust, Pardek and sickbay!

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known - Carl Sagan


It is time we concluded this mickey mouse business, starlord :P

At your smallest components, you are indistinguishable from a forest fire.

Malcolm Adeyemi

Quote from: T'Prina on February 24, 2017, 02:46:07 AM

It is time we concluded this mickey mouse business, starlord :P

Agreed. Jett, if you could get the required information out of the Ferengi in your next post and let Stafford know, I'd appreciate it.

Malcolm Adeyemi


Admiral Kirok has ordered the crew of the Columbus to retrieve research from a facility on Killer Cove, a notorious pirate and smuggler's den. The research is all that matters: the lives of the research team and Starfleet personnel are secondary. We have outfitted the Gibson to appear as a smuggling vessel, and hightailed it to Killer Cove.

Upon arrival, an away team has transported down to the planet to find Dr. Salek, our contact.

Meanwhile, in orbit, a small freighter-shuttle called the Tripoli is in distress and the two crew members are injured. Unbeknownst to us, the two crew members are surgically altered Romulan Tal Shiar agents who appear human. This infiltration team is going to attempt to steal the research.

Plot points to cover:

* Find Dr. Salek
* Recover research
* Get an engineering team to the Tripoli, stabilize its warp core, and bring its survivors aboard
* Fend off the two Romulan infiltrators that will attempt to steal the data
* Stop Jett from taking off his shirt and starting more fights

Hey, that was fun. I might start doing these more often. Anyone have anything to add?

Katheryn Brighton

Thanks Captain and the last bit about taking shirts off made me lol

Academy Commandant

Malcolm Adeyemi

Quote from: Katheryn Carter on February 24, 2017, 06:13:30 PM

Thanks Captain and the last bit about taking shirts off made me lol

Anytime. And just "Luke" is fine. :)

Tag to Mike, T'Prina, and Jett's turn to post about the Ferengi.


At your smallest components, you are indistinguishable from a forest fire.

Malcolm Adeyemi

Malcolm Adeyemi

Double post for the win:

Good jobs all around. Now, I normally wouldn't single someone out and praise them in particular in public, but I want to let everyone know that Mike's post with his chasing after the runaway kid who witnessed Dr. Salek's murder was excellent. What's truly awesome about is that Mike said to me on Skype that he wanted to run an idea past me, I OK'd it, and he went with it. Improvisation and creativity are great things. It's exactly how I like to post, too, and it's working on our current mission.

In other words, don't be afraid to hit me up with an idea about the current mission. If it works, we'll do it, even if it doesn't jive with what I had in mind before.

Hust Kinun


Post up, Tag Bridge and Sickbay, as well as Cap

Ex-Starfleet Lawyer (Disgraced)
Alt of Dylan Torngate.

Malcolm Adeyemi

Tags to Zex, Kat, Dan, Black.

Almar Dah el

Excited to have brought the mission to page 15! No tags or anything - simply putting myself where I need to be for future posts!

Truly enjoy reading these posts in between classes! Keep it up!

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