S1 - Mission 6 - Killer Cove

Started by Malcolm Adeyemi, January 27, 2017, 01:11:39 PM

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Daniel Howell

Quote from: Alexander Wu on February 23, 2017, 03:06:23 AM


Alex looked up from his display sharply, a concerned frown flashing across his face. Did he not hear what I said about the warp core? Almost simultaneously, another little reminder nudged at his mind. This is Howell's ship, not yours. You've got the experience, but mentor him, don't take over. "Commander." He called out, attracting the XO's attention. "With the time constraints, I do not believe stabilizing their warp core will be possible without risking severe damage to Gibson and risking our current mission. I advise we lay in a course for the freighter and order them to immediately eject their core. We can tow them out of the hazard area back to the planet with our tractor beam and transport the wounded directly into sickbay, under the necessary security precautions while maintaining our disguise."

Resisting the urge to add that they didn't exactly have the luxury for a long discussion or debate, Alex cleared his throat meaningfully. "We're still Starfleet officers, sir. As you said, we have a duty to assist."

Dan had a distinct feeling he was drastically failing at the task at hand. He listened very carefully to Commander Wu. Being an engineer himself, he knew what was being said was correct, but he had to take the opinion of the crew as a CLO. He replied "Agreed." He swung around and progressively faced the appropriate person as he gave his orders. Helm, lay in an intercept course to the freighter, Pardek, hail them, tell them we are willing to tow them back to the planet but they must eject their core immediately. Hust, Wu, I have no security chief on board, I need you two to organise a security team, but they are to act like ghosts whilst the wounded are here."

He then had to warn sickbay and the transporter room. First sickbay. Tapping his badge he said =/\= Bridge to Sickbay, we are shortly going to have wounded coming aboard from a damaged freighter. All necessary precautions are to be made to ensure our cover is not blown, a security team will be on standby but they will be like ghosts so not to blow our cover. Bridge out =/\= Closing the channel, he then immediatly tapped him badge again to say =/\= Bridge to Transporter room, we are shortly going to be needing to beam some people from a damaged freighter to sickbay. Beam as soon as I give the word. Bridge out =/\= Aye Sir. a voice replied from the transporter room. This was going to be an interesting mission it would seem.

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known - Carl Sagan


Quote from: Thomas Jett on February 22, 2017, 04:55:00 PM

[Killer Cove - Bar]

Jett took a sip of his cheap watered down whiskey.  As he finished the sip he felt the Whiskey burning through his throat all the way down to his stomach.  His stomach turned somewhat as he felt it, he knew he was drinking something closer than gasoline than Whiskey, but he had to remained cool.

He heard the Vulcan giving him a threat.  He looked at her and gave a smile.  His eyes looked at the Ferengi and even though he was not saying it he was scouting the area.   His mind was thinking his next move as they needed the information.   Jett was pretty sure he was not going to sell him the information as he ripped him off last time they did business.

Jett bought the ship and everything inside the ship.  Little did Orator know that before he sold the ship he filled it up with slaves.  And by their contract it included the slaves.   Even thought he was mad, he told him he was going to charge him more for the next deal.  The information requested would probably cost them the Gibson, however he did not believe that Captain Stafford will let him sell his ship.

Kepping cool with her threat he responded with a slight comment.  "If I wouldn't know any better, I think you like me"  Jett finished with a big juvenile smile.  His face then turned serious "We need to focus and find the whereabouts Dr. Salek and we can't be too obvious...try an act like you are having fun"

[Killer Cove - Bar]

The Vulcan raised an incredulous eyebrow at his off the wall comment. "Based on that logic, one would assume you have quite transparent designs on the Nausicaan from earlier." Her eyebrow remained raised, but her voice held a distinct, if slight tone of amusement. She pulled the glass of whiskey closer and peered suspiciously into its murky amber contents. "You mean it is not apparent that I am enjoying myself? After you have gone to so much trouble to show me a... good time? If you bring all your female acquaintances here, it would be a wonder that they chose to stay on speaking terms with you."

Quote from: Thomas Jett on February 22, 2017, 04:55:00 PM

He took another sip of his Whiskey and said "Good Damn! This Whiskey is terrible!"He closed his eyes as he tried to make it go down a little smoother.

Jett stood up from the table and responded to her comment "No..you are a Vulcan, and you care for the success of the mission".  His tone changed serious "I have seen my fair chair of Vulcan's in fights...trust me with the right diversion that Klingon does not stand a chance...I will create the diversion now"

With little time he took another sip of his whiskey.  His faced turned sour and began walking to the bar area in which he spotted the two Klingon's and Orator, the Ferengi"

T'Prina didn't like his chances against two Klingons, but he had somehow managed to stay alive this long, so one could assume he knew what he was doing. She held back and watched closely, curious to see how the scene would play out, but also awaiting his signal. The stale smoky air stung at her eyes, but she was focused now and would be prepared.
Quote from: Thomas Jett on February 22, 2017, 04:55:00 PM

As he walked he gave the Ferengi a big smile and said "Hey!! EARS!!!   Lovely to see you again...Have you lost some weight?  Because I swear to god, you look mighty fine for the ladies"  Jett said

The Ferengi responded annoyed "My name is not Ears, is Orator, I find this human custom of giving nicknames quite offensive sometimes....I still have not forgotten what you did to me last time...whatever it is Triple the Price!!"

"Triple the Price huh?"  Jett acted dumb "Damn! I need to make money quickly"  He looked at the Klingon.

"I challenge you to a game that only a TRUE warrior can master, whomever wins get 5 bars of Gold Press Latinum"  Jett explained.

He pulled out of his pocket 5 bars of Gold press latinum and placed in on the table.


"Yeah, a great human  warrior philosopher Mickey Mouse, said that true warriors not only defeat their enemies with strength, but also control it.  He made a game that showed a warriors true strength of controlling once self"  Jett explained


"ok ok, then you are in, put your money where your mouth is" Jett said

The Klingon slowly picked up 5 bars of Gold press latinum and placed it on the table.  The game and the bet is on "What are the rules of the game?"

"It's pretty simple...the objective of the game is to touch the opponent  the lightest,  but you need to feel it.  I need to judge your clothes and how hard to touch you...here I'll give you an example" Jett said

He took his right and with his index finger slowly approached the Klingon.  He stopped and slowly with minimal force he touched the Klingon.  "Yeah, I told you, I was good at this...it shows your dexterity and ability to analyze weakness"  The Klingon smiled and nooded as he understood the concept of the game.

Tom said "No you go, you don't mind if I close my eyes...it's just a trick to ward off phantom touches...you know I like to have every advantage I can get"

The Klingon nooded and then Tom closed his eyes.  As he closed his eyes for a couple of second he felt a slight touch from what he considered his pinky finger.  As he finished the touch he looked at him and said "By the great ghost of Jiminy Cricket  that was DAMN good!  I don't know if I have the money to give to Orator after that move...I barely felt it...you sir are a true warrior and a natural"

"But, I will not give up..."  Tom said

He noticed the Klingon close his eyes and Jett said in a disappointing tone "ohhh man you are using my own trick against me!"

He looked to make sure that his partner was in the position that she wanted.  He had stall them and gotten their attention long enough.

"Alright...here I go" Jett warned as he noticed the Klingon close his eyes.  The table was looking for Jett next move.

All of the sudden Jett clenched his fist and with all his strength he strucked the temple region of the Klingon.  The punch came across his body as quickly as possible.  Hitting the Klingon he noticed that the Klingon was out cold.

Jett then said "I guess, I lost" He finished the statement shrugging his shoulders.

Leaving the 5 bars since he lost the game he looked at his partner and wondered if she knocked out the other Klingon and captured Orator.

Mickey Mouse? She didn't know why he used an old Earth cartoon character, but his antics drew enough attention that it didn't matter. Quiet as his aforementioned mouse, she slid through the room and drew a knife from her holster. Normally a knife would be next to useless against a fully armed Klingon, but this knife was more than it appeared. She had taken a compound, derived from tetrodotoxin and coated her blades in it. A strong concentrated dose would paralyze the nerve synapses including the respiratory system. Too much would kill a man, but Klingons were made of sterner stuff.

She balanced the blade in her fingertips and aimed a precise throw. The blade struck her target at the exact moment Jett landed his punch. Before Klingons crumpled to the ground, she was on the move again. Her hand shot out and captured the Ferengi by one of his prominent earlobes. Not a delicate touch, it caused pain as she drew his head back forcibly and held an untreated knife to his throat. They needed him alive and awake after all, best not to take chances.

"Do not struggle. Rule of Acquisition Number 125: You cannot make a deal if you are dead." She did not much care for Ferengi, and did not wish to touch him any longer than necessary. Jett had said he had mission important information, and that was a logical reason for now.

At your smallest components, you are indistinguishable from a forest fire.

Hust Kinun

Quote from: Daniel Howell on February 23, 2017, 11:15:00 AM

Dan had a distinct feeling he was drastically failing at the task at hand. He listened very carefully to Commander Wu. Being an engineer himself, he knew what was being said was correct, but he had to take the opinion of the crew as a CLO. He replied "Agreed." He swung around and progressively faced the appropriate person as he gave his orders. Helm, lay in an intercept course to the freighter, Pardek, hail them, tell them we are willing to tow them back to the planet but they must eject their core immediately. Hust, Wu, I have no security chief on board, I need you two to organise a security team, but they are to act like ghosts whilst the wounded are here."

He then had to warn sickbay and the transporter room. First sickbay. Tapping his badge he said =/\= Bridge to Sickbay, we are shortly going to have wounded coming aboard from a damaged freighter. All necessary precautions are to be made to ensure our cover is not blown, a security team will be on standby but they will be like ghosts so not to blow our cover. Bridge out =/\= Closing the channel, he then immediatly tapped him badge again to say =/\= Bridge to Transporter room, we are shortly going to be needing to beam some people from a damaged freighter to sickbay. Beam as soon as I give the word. Bridge out =/\= Aye Sir. a voice replied from the transporter room. This was going to be an interesting mission it would seem.


"Aye sir." Hust said as he received his orders. He gathered a small type-II phaser pistol from the arms locker and looked to Wu, standing by the turbolift. "Shall we go greet our guests, sir?" he asked, slipping back into Starfleet standard greetings. He waited by the lift for his superior.

Ex-Starfleet Lawyer (Disgraced)
Alt of Dylan Torngate.


Quote from: Daniel Howell on February 23, 2017, 11:15:00 AM

Dan had a distinct feeling he was drastically failing at the task at hand. He listened very carefully to Commander Wu. Being an engineer himself, he knew what was being said was correct, but he had to take the opinion of the crew as a CLO. He replied "Agreed." He swung around and progressively faced the appropriate person as he gave his orders. Helm, lay in an intercept course to the freighter, Pardek, hail them, tell them we are willing to tow them back to the planet but they must eject their core immediately. Hust, Wu, I have no security chief on board, I need you two to organise a security team, but they are to act like ghosts whilst the wounded are here."

He then had to warn sickbay and the transporter room. First sickbay. Tapping his badge he said =/\= Bridge to Sickbay, we are shortly going to have wounded coming aboard from a damaged freighter. All necessary precautions are to be made to ensure our cover is not blown, a security team will be on standby but they will be like ghosts so not to blow our cover. Bridge out =/\= Closing the channel, he then immediatly tapped him badge again to say =/\= Bridge to Transporter room, we are shortly going to be needing to beam some people from a damaged freighter to sickbay. Beam as soon as I give the word. Bridge out =/\= Aye Sir. a voice replied from the transporter room. This was going to be an interesting mission it would seem.


Zex tapped her combadge.  =/\=Aye, Sir.  We are ready=/\= she said and then tapped her badge again to end the link.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Christian Grix


[Quarters - USS Gibson]

Black had worked over all of the data for the third time and came up with the same results, they complicated things slightly but were still obtainable. He wished Simonova was on board for him to bounce his thoughts off but she was back at Columbus.

He sat back on the chair and rested for a while before he was ready to go to the bridge.

Malcolm Adeyemi

[Killer Cove - Bazaar]

Stafford had scanned every face discretely, all of those dirty and sinister visages. Dr. Salek was simply not at the rendezvous point. Under his breath, the captain cursed.

He was impressed by the effeciency of Tritter's security team. Though you had to truly observe and be in the know about tactical maneuvers to see it, they covered one another well and were alert. The chief most of all. Stafford took the big man aside.

"I don't think he's here, Mike." Stafford said lamely, as if this was somehow his fault. "Let me get in touch with T'Prina."

"=/\=T'Prina, Luke here.=/\=" His first name was unusual to him. After decades in Starfleet it sounded otherworldly to say the word aloud. "=/\=Did you find that specialty item we were looking for?=/\="

Katheryn Brighton

Enroute to the Bridge

Katheryn was stood against the wall of the turbo lift still quite not believing that she was on an actual Starship after being assigned to the Starbase. The young Scandinavian had spent most of her career up to that point either guarding Diplomats and Ambassadors or posted to various small Starbases and research stations. So to be here was a first and one she hoped to enjoy and as she made her way up to the Bridge to begin her duty shift had made sure to read the mission brief so she wouldn't make a fool of herself in front of the rest of the crew.

She had been that distracted by her own thoughts she hadn't realized that the lift had stopped only managing to sort herself out before the doors opened and after taking a deep breath stepped out onto the Bridge.


Eyes firmly focused on what was in front of her scanning the area nothing familiar standing out to her but then it wouldn't before finally walking forward away from the lift until she reached the Sec/Tac console relieving the duty officer and stepped into his place. Immediately looking over the scans and information gathered so as to familiarize herself with what was going on and would be ready for whatever was asked of her.

Academy Commandant

Michael J. Tritter

Quote from: Luke Stafford on February 24, 2017, 06:15:50 PM

[Killer Cove - Bazaar]

Stafford had scanned every face discretely, all of those dirty and sinister visages. Dr. Salek was simply not at the rendezvous point. Under his breath, the captain cursed.

He was impressed by the effeciency of Tritter's security team. Though you had to truly observe and be in the know about tactical maneuvers to see it, they covered one another well and were alert. The chief most of all. Stafford took the big man aside.

"I don't think he's here, Mike." Stafford said lamely, as if this was somehow his fault. "Let me get in touch with T'Prina."

"=/\=T'Prina, Luke here.=/\=" His first name was unusual to him. After decades in Starfleet it sounded otherworldly to say the word aloud. "=/\=Did you find that specialty item we were looking for?=/\="

Tritter kept his head on a swivel, he kept his eyes on what is going on. His team was fanned out, they were also keeping a close eye on things. They also watched their cross fire, to make sure they didn't put eachother in harms way. They communicated in hand signals, they didn't speak - which was done on purpose, so no one knew what they were doing. Tritter was excellent at mentally filtering out the sense of disgust caused by the smells coming through his nostrils... The pungent air was just... Ugh, but he had nearly 20 years of law enforcement experience prior to Starfleet, he was well versed on handling nasty smells. He would than notice the Captain walk up to him, the Chief would shift his focus to him, the man listened intently as the Captain spoke, he would than nod slightly "Understood, it sounds like we need to find him. But we need to find people who don't want to be found" If there is one thing Tritter had a knack for, it was finding people who didn't want to be found.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

Thomas Jett

Quote from: T'Prina on February 24, 2017, 02:43:28 AM

The Vulcan raised an incredulous eyebrow at his off the wall comment. "Based on that logic, one would assume you have quite transparent designs on the Nausicaan from earlier." Her eyebrow remained raised, but her voice held a distinct, if slight tone of amusement. She pulled the glass of whiskey closer and peered suspiciously into its murky amber contents. "You mean it is not apparent that I am enjoying myself? After you have gone to so much trouble to show me a... good time? If you bring all your female acquaintances here, it would be a wonder that they chose to stay on speaking terms with you."

Jett looked at T'Prina and heard her comment.  He could not help but smile and laugh at the comment.  "Nah, not all females...just the special ones...you know what happened to the last woman that said that to me?"  He asked and then waited a second "She married me"

Quote from: T'Prina on February 24, 2017, 02:43:28 AM

"Do not struggle. Rule of Acquisition Number 125: You cannot make a deal if you are dead." She did not much care for Ferengi, and did not wish to touch him any longer than necessary. Jett had said he had mission important information, and that was a logical reason for now.

As Jett finished his punch he observed his parent neutralize the Klingon.  As she grabbed the hostage, James could not help but give a cocky grin.  He smiled as he walked to the Ferengi and said "You know you shouldn't doubt me"

He looked at the Ferengi and said "You know EARS, we came here for a simple question  and you are going to give us an answer"

The Ferengi looked defiantly at T'Prina and said "Do your worst!  I won't tell you anything"

Jett approached the Ferengi and slapped his right ear.  As he finished slapping the ear Tom said "Alright, I don't have time for this crap...and neither does she"

Jett pointed at T'Prina and said "You know this girls over here has a fetish of burning other people's genital regions...and you might not want that"

The Ferengi, Orator anguished in pain and responded "Ouch! That Hurts...and I have a name and it's Orator not Ears...you can't kill me"

Tom slapped the left ear of the Ferengi and watched him anguish in pain for a second.  He yelled "WRONG ANSWER!" and slapped both his ears again.  Whitout a hesitation he pulled his weapon and shot once the wall.

"I don't think you get this...Ears, see... if you don't tell me shit...then you are not worth anything to me and might as well kill you...if you tell me something then I might have to spare you live because...I need people to know that if you don't trick me and tell me truth and I promise to let you live...I am a man of my word...but if you lie to me I have to kill you"  Jett said in a serious tone.

"I....I...Don't know anything"  The Ferengi responded

Jett looked down and said "Well...it sucks being you, right?  I mean sucks dying when you don't know  shit....because right now if you know nothing than this is an accident and I still have to kill you...but if you know something and tell me...I can keep it a secret...but I thought you were the person to talk to for information"

Jett then calmly pulled his pulse pistol and placed in on his head.  He said in a serious tone "Goodbye, Ears...thanks for the ship and the slaves"

He placed his index figure in to the trigger.  And just before he pulled the trigger Orator, responded "Wait! Wait!...who are you looking for?"

As he heard the statement Jett then placed his weapon back to the holster.  "Alright...now we are talking"

He pulled out a picture of the Vulcan scientist from his pocket and said "I am looking for Dr. Salek he is a Vulcan, like my girlfriend here"  He said pointing at T'Prina

He kicked him in between his legs and the Ferengi responded "HE's DEAD!!! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME" He begged and began crying...he continued "Please...please...don't take my genitals away miss"  He said to T'Prina.

At that moment Jett, beat the back of the Ferengi head and knocked him unconscious.  He said in a serious tone to T'Prina "Your objective is finished...report to HIM...now I have to go for a second report and I will be there".

Without leaving much chance for a response he walked from the back of the room and headed in to an alleyway

Jett attempted to go through several alleyways in an attempt to lose anyone trying to follow him.  After a short walk he went inside a building that said "Church"


[Killer Cove Á¢â,¬"œ Church]

Tom entered the Church.  The Building was heavily run down and there was not much on it.  There were some pupil and an altar in the end of the Church.  In the middle of the hall there was a red carpet.  In the Middle there was an elderly old human man.  He smiled as Jett entered and said "Tommy!  How are you doing my boy?"

Tom smiled responded "I'm doing ok father, making a lot's of friend"

The Father looked at Tom and said "You have not gotten over, Anna...I know your soul is tortured...but I need you to see something"

Thomas followed the priest and walked he said "So..what you need me to see"

All of the sudden the priest showed a child, she was hiding under a desk.

Tom gently knelt and said "Hey...don't worry...I won't hurt you...youa re safe with me".  Jett looked at the Priest and asked "What happened to her?"

The Priest said "Her name is Emily...she was sold into slavery to do unspeakable acts...her mother died trying to save her and I need to get her out of here"

Jett looked at the Priest and looked down "Damn it!....I'll save her...just give me a time to think about a plan"

The Priest replied "You are a good person"

Jett answered "Not anymore"

With that silence he looked at the girl and said "Don't worry...I will rescue you from this"  As he finished he gave a small reassuring smile "Don't worry...your Knight is coming" He finished the smile and walked to the rendezvous point

[Killer Core-Rendezvous Point]

Jett stood on the side waiting for the rest of the team to show up and other instructions.


Quote from: Daniel Howell on February 23, 2017, 11:15:00 AM

Dan had a distinct feeling he was drastically failing at the task at hand. He listened very carefully to Commander Wu. Being an engineer himself, he knew what was being said was correct, but he had to take the opinion of the crew as a CLO. He replied "Agreed." He swung around and progressively faced the appropriate person as he gave his orders. Helm, lay in an intercept course to the freighter, Pardek, hail them, tell them we are willing to tow them back to the planet but they must eject their core immediately. Hust, Wu, I have no security chief on board, I need you two to organise a security team, but they are to act like ghosts whilst the wounded are here."

He then had to warn sickbay and the transporter room. First sickbay. Tapping his badge he said =/\= Bridge to Sickbay, we are shortly going to have wounded coming aboard from a damaged freighter. All necessary precautions are to be made to ensure our cover is not blown, a security team will be on standby but they will be like ghosts so not to blow our cover. Bridge out =/\= Closing the channel, he then immediatly tapped him badge again to say =/\= Bridge to Transporter room, we are shortly going to be needing to beam some people from a damaged freighter to sickbay. Beam as soon as I give the word. Bridge out =/\= Aye Sir. a voice replied from the transporter room. This was going to be an interesting mission it would seem.


Shani did not turn, her gaze focused hard at the controls. "Understood, sir." There was no need to overdo her 'amateurish' flight capabilities. Anyone could plot and intercept course without attracting suspicion. She throttled into impulse power and logged in the coordinates with navigation guiding her.

"Ten kilometers in. We'll be in five in one minute." Which was more than enough for Pardek to successfully hail the freighter.

Michael J. Tritter


Tritter had been focused on talking with the Captain when he saw someone run behind him and dart into a building. Tritter turned to give chase, he knew something was up and he would be damned if he would not figure it out. He immediately went to give chase, for being a big man, he was quick, but he has chased down many a scum bag, this would be fairly easy for him, until he had to vault himself over a fence, and down a back ally to find almoat a dead end with what was a storm door type entrance.

He heard the door slam shut, so he knew that they ran down there. He would open the door, it would go to close behind him, but it didn't, he did a quick check over his shoulder, relieved to see a few members of his team behind him. He would proceed down the steps, down a hallway and into a doorway. He would see a young, maybe ten year old human male, he was about twelve feet away from a dead body that had obviously been tortured for some... odd purpose, they were after information of some kind from the victim, it was a gruesome sight, but it was nothing new to the Chief.

He approached the young boy first, who was obviously scared, he could also tell they were terrified of him, the situation or both. Tritter kneeled infront of the young boy, to get on his level, as much as a 7' tall man can. He calmly spoke to the young boy, he asked them what happened and who it was that bad died. The young boy replied with "They wanted his... research, they kept asking him for it and he woud not tell. They got tired of it and killed him. They never said his name, but his name is Doctor Salek" The young boy's tone was nervous and anxious, his voice quivered as he spoke. Tritter sighed, thats who they had been sent to find. That puts quite the wrench in things.

Tritter took a moment and said, "It sounds like you know the Doctor, I am trying to find his friends and their research, so nothing happens to anyone else, do you think you can help me with that?" The young boy looked up at the Chief, his tone quivered once again as he spoke and he would than say, "Yes, I can help you, I know where they are hiding and I can take you there, it is dangerous and a few miles away, some of it is underground" Tritter nodded slightly and put his large right hand on the boys shoulder, looking him in the eye, "We will go there and we will get you, as well as them and the research safely. I have some other friends of mine I would like you to meet"

The young boy beamed at the Chief, who would rise to his feet, Tritter knew the way back, he, his team and the young boy made their way back towards where they were at first. It would take them about an hour to make their way back, as they were not running and they moved in a more tactical manner, keeping their heads on a swivel. The Chief felt as if they were being watched and later on, he would find out that he was right. He lead the way back towards where they were, he would order the young boy to stay in a nearby shed with two members of his team.

He would make his way back towards Stafford, he stood a bit in the Captain's bubble, but he wanted to speak quietly and have them still hear him, as he didn't want the crowds around to hear him, he would than state, "We need to talk, but not here" He didn't want to give away where they would be going with the goings on around them and the wrong person hearing something.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

Christian Grix


The turbolift doors opened and the view of the bridge was still a shock compared to the cramped Defiant class bridges he had become used to.

As he stepped out he noticed how young the bridge crew appeared and as usual expected them to go silent upon seeing his Black Shirt.  As he stepped down towards the captain's seat he gave a slight grin to the commander, "Mr Howell is there anything I can help with"?

The bridge seemed to be very quiet and he could clearly hear the sound of the ship's systems as they worked away. "Is it something about the uniform?" he said simply as he looked at the faces on the bridge.

Katheryn Brighton


Katheryn had instinctively looked up from her console when she heard the lift doors open and watched as the man in black approached the command area and spoke to Commander Howell. She knew enough from previous assignments that he belonged to Intelligence and there was just something about him that seemed familiar, however couldn't explain why she got that feeling as she didn't recognize his face. Then when he spoke again Katheryn had realized she had still been staring at him and quickly looked away not sure what to say or do and suddenly the scanners looked more interesting than they actually were as she decided to go back to what she had been doing.

Academy Commandant

Ashley Weir

Quote from: Steven Black on February 26, 2017, 01:03:17 PM


The turbolift doors opened and the view of the bridge was still a shock compared to the cramped Defiant class bridges he had become used to.

As he stepped out he noticed how young the bridge crew appeared and as usual expected them to go silent upon seeing his Black Shirt.  As he stepped down towards the captain's seat he gave a slight grin to the commander, "Mr Howell is there anything I can help with"?

The bridge seemed to be very quiet and he could clearly hear the sound of the ship's systems as they worked away. "Is it something about the uniform?" he said simply as he looked at the faces on the bridge.


Ashley had been quietly sat at the comms station monitoring several different frequency. She was listening to several different languages at the same time simply to make sure everything was in check. That's when she heard someone speak up on the bridge, a voice she didn't recognize. She looked over at the man and tilted her head slightly as she realized he was wearing a uniform and wasn't in civilian clothing like the mission called for. She let out a small sigh and shook her head as she silently returned to her work.


Quote from: Thomas Jett on February 25, 2017, 02:23:55 AM

[Killer Cove - Bar]

As Jett finished his punch he observed his parent neutralize the Klingon.  As she grabbed the hostage, James could not help but give a cocky grin.  He smiled as he walked to the Ferengi and said "You know you shouldn't doubt me"

He looked at the Ferengi and said "You know EARS, we came here for a simple question  and you are going to give us an answer"

The Ferengi looked defiantly at T'Prina and said "Do your worst!  I won't tell you anything"

Jett approached the Ferengi and slapped his right ear.  As he finished slapping the ear Tom said "Alright, I don't have time for this crap...and neither does she"

Jett pointed at T'Prina and said "You know this girls over here has a fetish of burning other people's genital regions...and you might not want that"

The Ferengi, Orator anguished in pain and responded "Ouch! That Hurts...and I have a name and it's Orator not Ears...you can't kill me"

Tom slapped the left ear of the Ferengi and watched him anguish in pain for a second.  He yelled "WRONG ANSWER!" and slapped both his ears again.  Whitout a hesitation he pulled his weapon and shot once the wall.

"I don't think you get this...Ears, see... if you don't tell me shit...then you are not worth anything to me and might as well kill you...if you tell me something then I might have to spare you live because...I need people to know that if you don't trick me and tell me truth and I promise to let you live...I am a man of my word...but if you lie to me I have to kill you"  Jett said in a serious tone.

"I....I...Don't know anything"  The Ferengi responded

Jett looked down and said "Well...it sucks being you, right?  I mean sucks dying when you don't know  shit....because right now if you know nothing than this is an accident and I still have to kill you...but if you know something and tell me...I can keep it a secret...but I thought you were the person to talk to for information"

Jett then calmly pulled his pulse pistol and placed in on his head.  He said in a serious tone "Goodbye, Ears...thanks for the ship and the slaves"

He placed his index figure in to the trigger.  And just before he pulled the trigger Orator, responded "Wait! Wait!...who are you looking for?"

As he heard the statement Jett then placed his weapon back to the holster.  "Alright...now we are talking"

He pulled out a picture of the Vulcan scientist from his pocket and said "I am looking for Dr. Salek he is a Vulcan, like my girlfriend here"  He said pointing at T'Prina

He kicked him in between his legs and the Ferengi responded "HE's DEAD!!! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME" He begged and began crying...he continued "Please...please...don't take my genitals away miss"  He said to T'Prina.

At that moment Jett, beat the back of the Ferengi head and knocked him unconscious.  He said in a serious tone to T'Prina "Your objective is finished...report to HIM...now I have to go for a second report and I will be there".

Without leaving much chance for a response he walked from the back of the room and headed into an alleyway.

[Killer Cove - Bar]

T'Prina found it best to let Jett do the talking. As efficiently as she handled the situation, she found the additional violence to be excessive once they had the upper hand. Regardless of her thoughts, it was getting the Ferengi to talk. For free, even, which never came easy from their kind. It was almost admirable, not that she would tell him that.

Before she could retort that she would deliver her report with or without his approval, he stalked off, obviously in a mood. If I do not continue to escort him, he will do something idiotic to get himself killed, or worse, jeopardize the mission. Illogical civilian.

After grabbing the latinum left on the table and stuffing it into her satchel, she hurried up after him. A calculated discreet distance was kept.  Sometimes it was better to observe when one did not understand. Her communicator quietly chirped.

Quote from: Luke Stafford on February 24, 2017, 06:15:50 PM

"=/\=T'Prina, Luke here.=/\=" His first name was unusual to him. After decades in Starfleet it sounded otherworldly to say the word aloud. "=/\=Did you find that specialty item we were looking for?=/\="

She activated the device. =/\="Negative boss. A Ferrengi informed us the package has expired. I am certain your search has come to the same conclusion. I am following Jett as I believe he may come across something helpful. I will inform you when I have information. T'Prina out."=/\=

She closed the device and pocketed it. Too much comm chatter could be picked up by any ears pointed in their direction. If their target had already fallen, who knew what other dangers lurked on this repulsive moon.

Quote from: Thomas Jett on February 25, 2017, 02:23:55 AM

Jett attempted to go through several alleyways in an attempt to lose anyone trying to follow him.  After a short walk he went inside a building that said "Church"

[Killer Cove - Back Alleys]

Jett's method of avoiding detection seemed amateurish to T'Prina. Perhaps he spent his time running from idiots. With an inward shrug, she followed his trail. Surprisingly he had led her to a church. She hadn't pegged the roguish human as particularly religious, but she was a scientist, not a counselor. If she was going to study the inner workings of the human mind, it would involve dissection, not a chat over tea and cookies.

Quote from: Thomas Jett on February 25, 2017, 02:23:55 AM

[Killer Cove Á¢â,¬"œ Church]

Tom entered the Church.  The Building was heavily run down and there was not much on it.  There were some pupil and an altar in the end of the Church.  In the middle of the hall there was a red carpet.  In the Middle there was an elderly old human man.  He smiled as Jett entered and said "Tommy!  How are you doing my boy?"

Tom smiled responded "I'm doing ok father, making a lot's of friend"

The Father looked at Tom and said "You have not gotten over, Anna...I know your soul is tortured...but I need you to see something"

Thomas followed the priest and walked he said "So..what you need me to see"

All of the sudden the priest showed a child, she was hiding under a desk.

Tom gently knelt and said "Hey...don't worry...I won't hurt you...you are safe with me".  Jett looked at the Priest and asked "What happened to her?"

The Priest said "Her name is Emily...she was sold into slavery to do unspeakable acts...her mother died trying to save her and I need to get her out of here"

Jett looked at the Priest and looked down "Damn it!....I'll save her...just give me a time to think about a plan"

The Priest replied "You are a good person"

Jett answered "Not anymore"

With that silence he looked at the girl and said "Don't worry...I will rescue you from this"  As he finished he gave a small reassuring smile "Don't worry...your Knight is coming" He finished the smile and walked to the rendezvous point.

[Killer Cove - Church]

The Vulcan studied Jett's interaction with the human priest thoughtfully. It seemed there was more to the cocky self-assured brat than was readily apparent. She kept hidden behind a support pillar, but was more than close enough to hear the entire conversation. That slavery should persist in this day and age was illogical. Regardless the species, some people were more greed than soul. Somewhere in her heart hurt for the girl's plight. But she remained still and silent, until Jett left the Church.

She stepped out from behind the pillar and walked up to the altar, where she placed five bars of gold pressed latinum. It had been the Klingon's half of the bet, and she figured it would do more good here. Stamping down the uninvited emotions, she sharply turned and left.

Quote from: Thomas Jett on February 25, 2017, 02:23:55 AM

[Killer Core-Rendezvous Point]

Jett stood on the side waiting for the rest of the team to show up and other instructions.

[Killer Core-Rendezvous Point]

T'Prina joined Jett in his wait. "You left the bar in such a hurry. Was I really that bad of a date?" Her voice had a wry tone. "I take it you found something interesting on your walk?" She questioned him with a raised eyebrow, and waited with arms crossed.

At your smallest components, you are indistinguishable from a forest fire.

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