S1 - Mission 6 - Killer Cove

Started by Malcolm Adeyemi, January 27, 2017, 01:11:39 PM

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Alexander Wu

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on March 03, 2017, 01:29:45 PM


"You'll get your payment," Mevan said. This time she didn't need to fake any kind of disgust in her tone, and it came across well. "We have barter items on our ship. But no blood. If you can't treat us without drawing or giving it we'll be on our way."

It was a gamble, but she was willing to bet that these humans would bow to their demands. They were forever helping the weak. She didn't think that they would play out their act as smugglers to the point of not treating their 'injuries.' And even if they did they were already on the ship. Nothing could stop them now.


"Best watch your tone, little lady." Alex warned, frowning at the woman. "We might not have much use for your soap, but I'm sure we could get some work out of your ship. If we stop it from exploding, of course." Flying this close to the Cove and still expecting gratuitous aid? These two must be new on the job. Either that, or they're trying to pull off a fast one.

Stepping away from the biobeds and into relative privacy of the CMO's office for a moment, he used the console to contact Howell. =/\="Wu to the Bridge. Be advised, both of the casualties are onboard with moderate injuries. They're saying they were hauling an industrial cleaning agent, but I have no idea if that's true or not. For smugglers, they don't seem to care much about their cargo or their ship. Did you want me back on the bridge, or stay down here?"=/\=

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." -MLK, Jr.

Thomas Jett



Tom felt his body materialize on the ship.  His vision began focusing on the ship itself and the control of the ship.  He was still getting used to being on a Stafleet vessel and using Starfleet technology again after soo many years.

He heard from Luke that they were responding to a distress signal from a freighter.    Tom figured that they have to follow Starfleet protocols even undercover which mean to render humanitarian assistance and aid.  It was easy for Starfleet to render such assistance willingly since resources is not a major issue for them.  However, the same it's not true for all freighters.

He looked at the bridge and saw the officers.  They all looked like smugglers but they were not thinking and acting like them.  This was not a humanitarian mission but an opportunity to make an extra buck.   He wonder if that ship was merely needed help a coincidence or something else more sinister.

"I don't like coincidences" he muttered to himself.

The idea that two crews were acting to one another with ulterior motives did not irony in him.  If everyone was acting, then they were in the middle of a big soap opera.

With no warning or regard to proper protocol Jett walked to Ops.  He pressed to open a channel to Tripoli.  He has not seen the Captain or negotiated.  He just began acting like he would have.

"What the heck are you guys doing?  You guys are the biggest butfaces in the Galaxy!  First, we render help and you guys, then you have the audacity to not to make a offer to us?!"  Jett said on the channel.  "This is the type of crap that happens when you try and be nice...and jerkfaces like yourselves take advantage!"  He yelled across the bridge.  He slammed his fist in the console in an attempt to act all mad.  He gave then a death stare in the monitor.

He began walking away almost appearing like he is charge "Look, it ain't all sunshine and rainbows here.  What do you think? That we have unicorns that farts latinum here!? Nah, nah, nah we are cutting you guys loose, unless you give us money or part of your cargo...to compensate for the time and resources on your sorry asses!"

The next step was to see if they were acting or not "Either you give us the standard 50% of your cargo, or we are going to let you rot and steal it anyway.  And if we have to steal the money from your sorry asses we then take 75%...I don't give a crap about your life, or humanitarian missions, if you wanted free stuff you call Starfleet, I just want to make money and sucks being you...because you  are an easy prey"

As Jett walked away he thought to himself There is no standard 50%.  Their reaction was going to tell him a lot of them.  He made a bold move.  He hope that the Officer in charge knew what he was doing.


Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on March 03, 2017, 02:17:21 PM


"Any treatment except the taking of blood is acceptable." Kex mentioned from his place near Wu. "Acts 15:28-29 prohibits--"

"I don't think our gracious hosts want to hear a sermon," Mevan said, smiling warmly at Zex and dropping a grateful hand on her sleeve. "Painkillers are just fine, doctor, thank you."


The Deltan smiled as she loaded the medicine into the hypo spray.  "I actually would not mind hearing it.  Curiosity and the cat, and all that" she replied.

"You'll feel a little pinch" Zex said.  Then held the instrument to the woman's neck until she heard the hiss.  "Let's give the medicine a minute to work" she added.

Quote from: Alexander Wu on March 03, 2017, 05:46:28 PM


"Best watch your tone, little lady." Alex warned, frowning at the woman. "We might not have much use for your soap, but I'm sure we could get some work out of your ship. If we stop it from exploding, of course." Flying this close to the Cove and still expecting gratuitous aid? These two must be new on the job. Either that, or they're trying to pull off a fast one.

Stepping away from the biobeds and into relative privacy of the CMO's office for a moment, he used the console to contact Howell. =/\="Wu to the Bridge. Be advised, both of the casualties are onboard with moderate injuries. They're saying they were hauling an industrial cleaning agent, but I have no idea if that's true or not. For smugglers, they don't seem to care much about their cargo or their ship. Did you want me back on the bridge, or stay down here?"=/\=


"It's OK Mr. Wu.  I can call the EMH if needed" Zex said.  She turned to the man and offered him a nod.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Luke Stafford on March 03, 2017, 01:51:21 PM

[Research Facility]

Stafford wasn't sure what to expect, but it wasn't this. The room smelled of burnt ozone, offset by the usual dank and toxic odor of Killer Cove. But other than that it was plain as could be. A few pieces of lab equipment, modern LCARs science terminals, instruments. Other than that everything had been hewn directly out of the rock. There were a half dozen beds and two replicator units, a single bathroom. These people hadn't lived in very much comfort for the past few years.

"Dr. Salek is dead," The captain said bluntly to Stone.

"He is," Stone said. "I am his assistant. The others have all been killed, as well. I am the only one left. Captain, I am sure you know that I cannot hand over the product of so many years of top secret research without..."

"Of course." Stafford said.

Stone moved towards him with a medical tricorder, and a medical kit. The young doctor waved the instrument over him and consulted it. He nodded, and plugged an instrument into the medical kit.

"You are who you say you are, alright." Stone said, more to himself. "I can't believe after all these years..."

"Doctor, we're on a timetable here, and we've been wounded." Stafford waved at his team. "The research."

"You're right." Stone said. He withdrew a single data chip from his lab coat pocket, handed it to the captain. "You're not to view this data chip, you know. I can't let you. And if we are not able to brought home you know what to do."

"Let's hope we don't have to," The captain said, and examined the single chip in his hands. So basic. It reminded him of when new officers brought their favorite recipes from ship to ship when they were transferred. Was this what Dr. Salek and his people had given their lives for, what they all could die for?

"You have a ship in orbit?"

"We do. The Gibson."

"Excellent. Let's get on board, but we have one final thing to do." Stone said. "This facility needs to be destroyed. The chance of discovery is too great."

Stafford glanced at T'Prina. "Show him."

[Killer Cove - Research Facility]

T'Prina had diligently scanned the area, even while they ran from the 4 legged cave denizens. She had to wonder, exactly what kind of research was being done on this repulsive moon. Even the atmosphere was actively trying to kill off whatever life it could with trace amounts of radioactive particles. Prolonged exposure would drastically lessen the average humanoid's lifespan. Of course, an early death could be seen as a blessing if one were forced to live here. Stafford's words shook her from her musing.

"Of course, sir. I came prepared."

She swept her arm out and cleared the clutter from a nearby table. Out of her satchel, she produced several packets and a pile of wiring and circuitry. The Vulcan had a talent for pyrotechnics. Luckily for the Federation, she only used explosives when asked. Charges placed around the facility's power generator, and several of the machines with a high energy output signature would effectively destroy any thing that was left.

"It will take me approximately 10 minutes to set the charges and wire the detonators for remote control. I suggest you lead Dr. Stone and the child back to the surface. Cave systems can be highly unpredictable when utilizing explosives."

She delivered the information in a flat sort of voice, like one would use commenting on the weather, or another mundane topic. Her demeanor was professional and serious, however. As she recalled how voraciously the rats had pursued them earlier, she had another thought. Swiftly bending down, she snatched up a med kit she had knocked to the ground.

"Before that, however. Please allow me to attend your injury, Mr. Tritter. You are still bleeding rather profusely. It may be to your benefit if you are not attracting vicious creatures on the way out."

She held out antibiotic and an autosuture like punctuation to her statement. Medical treatment would be logical, at this point in time.

At your smallest components, you are indistinguishable from a forest fire.

Rosiuh Aviad



"Any treatment except the taking of blood is acceptable." Kex mentioned from his place near Wu. "Acts 15:28-29 prohibits--"

"I don't think our gracious hosts want to hear a sermon," Mevan said, smiling warmly at Zex and dropping a grateful hand on her sleeve. "Painkillers are just fine, doctor, thank you."


The Deltan smiled as she loaded the medicine into the hypo spray.  "I actually would not mind hearing it.  Curiosity and the cat, and all that" she replied.

"You'll feel a little pinch" Zex said.  Then held the instrument to the woman's neck until she heard the hiss.  "Let's give the medicine a minute to work" she added.

Quote from: Alexander Wu on Yesterday at 10:46:28 PM

"Best watch your tone, little lady." Alex warned, frowning at the woman. "We might not have much use for your soap, but I'm sure we could get some work out of your ship. If we stop it from exploding, of course." Flying this close to the Cove and still expecting gratuitous aid? These two must be new on the job. Either that, or they're trying to pull off a fast one.

Stepping away from the biobeds and into relative privacy of the CMO's office for a moment, he used the console to contact Howell. =/\="Wu to the Bridge. Be advised, both of the casualties are onboard with moderate injuries. They're saying they were hauling an industrial cleaning agent, but I have no idea if that's true or not. For smugglers, they don't seem to care much about their cargo or their ship. Did you want me back on the bridge, or stay down here?"=/\=

[Sick bay]

Rosiuh had left Zex to deal with the new patients as he'd taken over the two incoming crew members. Their injuries weren't challenging, but he'd taken the time to discuss the problems of their actions and the logic leading up to them. They proved, unfortunately, resistant to his advice on the matter.  It had taken longer than he'd planned to make sure the appropriate paperwork was filled out and filed for their return to base. Then cues he'd been picking up from their new arrivals were setting off alarm bells strong enough to make him wary of just walking into the situation.

He monitored their interaction for long enough to assure himself they were being deliberately deceptive before moving to join the others. Stepping into the room he looked to Zex. "I've settle those two hard heads into confined quarters." He informed her as he studied the newcomers face to face for the first time. "Do you require assistance?" Rosiuh settled for the direct statement which was the truth if a highly abbreviated version. There wasn't much way to say more without lying. Something he actively avoided. He had no practice and no stomach for it anyway. Far easier to just limit what he said than screw up the mission with a poorly disguised untruth.

Vem, son of Motag

[Gibson- Sickbay]

Vem had the distinction of being the only medical officer currently serving in Starfleet to be authorized to work on patients, but did not hold the title of doctor. He'd left that behind to become the station's Chaplain, so he thought if he found himself on a ship- he might as well try to lend a hand.

Arriving in medical the large, aromatically scented, Klingon made his presence known. He was in his off-duties from the oathing ceremony and had his ever-present hemp satchel tossed over his shoulder.

"Aye~" He said in his deep, raspy voice. It sounded like how one might think a crocodile might speak but had a bizzarly gentle and calming quality- like the voice of a grandfather.
" 'Had some time off duty and was think'en Á¢â,¬Ëœbout offering some time at da' clinic."

Vem, Son of Motag
Federation Humanitarian Chaplain
Homeopathic Doctor

Michael J. Tritter

Quote from: T'Prina on March 03, 2017, 11:26:21 PM

[Killer Cove - Research Facility]

T'Prina had diligently scanned the area, even while they ran from the 4 legged cave denizens. She had to wonder, exactly what kind of research was being done on this repulsive moon. Even the atmosphere was actively trying to kill off whatever life it could with trace amounts of radioactive particles. Prolonged exposure would drastically lessen the average humanoid's lifespan. Of course, an early death could be seen as a blessing if one were forced to live here. Stafford's words shook her from her musing.

"Of course, sir. I came prepared."

She swept her arm out and cleared the clutter from a nearby table. Out of her satchel, she produced several packets and a pile of wiring and circuitry. The Vulcan had a talent for pyrotechnics. Luckily for the Federation, she only used explosives when asked. Charges placed around the facility's power generator, and several of the machines with a high energy output signature would effectively destroy any thing that was left.

"It will take me approximately 10 minutes to set the charges and wire the detonators for remote control. I suggest you lead Dr. Stone and the child back to the surface. Cave systems can be highly unpredictable when utilizing explosives."

She delivered the information in a flat sort of voice, like one would use commenting on the weather, or another mundane topic. Her demeanor was professional and serious, however. As she recalled how voraciously the rats had pursued them earlier, she had another thought. Swiftly bending down, she snatched up a med kit she had knocked to the ground.

"Before that, however. Please allow me to attend your injury, Mr. Tritter. You are still bleeding rather profusely. It may be to your benefit if you are not attracting vicious creatures on the way out."

She held out antibiotic and an autosuture like punctuation to her statement. Medical treatment would be logical, at this point in time.

Tritter listened carefully to both Stafford and T'Prina, he was silent however as they spoke. He pondered for a moment once she said about how the charges would take to set, he would than state, "Would you like some cover while you set them?" His tone even keeled and mellow, he knows it puts him in more danger, but it's not a major worry to the Chief. He figured she could handle herself, but she may find having an extra set of eyes and a rifle nearby might prove to be beneficial. He would than notice her getting the med kit, he sighed a bit to himself, he wasn't a fan, but the Vulcan did have a good point. He would than nod slightly and offer her his inner left forearm, which was obviously gashed open, a wound about ten inches long and ranging from half an inch to an inch wide, which was courtesy of one of those vile rat things.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

Katheryn Brighton

USS Gibson - Sickbay

Whilst she waited for Black, Katheryn had noticed a Klingon officer enter Sickbay and vaguely recognized him from the crew list and realized at the same time that since she arrived she hadn't met that many of the crew yet and made a mental note to hopefully rectify that. She certainly wasn't shy or nervous when it came to meeting new people but like anything new there was bound to be a period of adjusting to her new surroundings that usually happened first before she attempted to be sociable. Pushing those thoughts to one side she returned her focus to what she had to do and once Commander Black had caught up readied herself then walked through the open doors into Sickbay.

It had occurred to her that Black would probably want her to start the questioning no doubt to continue observing like he had on the Bridge but she would be ready in case that changed remembering their conversation in the lift.  Eyes immediately scanning the area as she walked in noting the two crew from the stricken freighter and those treating them but one thing she wasn't going to do was raise any suspicion or appear threatening in any way and would speak to one of the medical officers first before approaching their guests.

Academy Commandant

Daniel Howell

Quote from: Alexander Wu on March 03, 2017, 05:46:28 PM


"Best watch your tone, little lady." Alex warned, frowning at the woman. "We might not have much use for your soap, but I'm sure we could get some work out of your ship. If we stop it from exploding, of course." Flying this close to the Cove and still expecting gratuitous aid? These two must be new on the job. Either that, or they're trying to pull off a fast one.

Stepping away from the biobeds and into relative privacy of the CMO's office for a moment, he used the console to contact Howell. =/\="Wu to the Bridge. Be advised, both of the casualties are onboard with moderate injuries. They're saying they were hauling an industrial cleaning agent, but I have no idea if that's true or not. For smugglers, they don't seem to care much about their cargo or their ship. Did you want me back on the bridge, or stay down here?"=/\=

Dan had a beeping sound come through the console on the chair, pressing a button to acknowledge, Dan replied =/\= Bridge, Mr Wu, thank you for informing me, there is an engineering team heading over to the Tripoli now, I have warned them to stay sharp so we should know before long. It is certainly cause for concern, I'd like for you to see what you can dig up about the Tripoli, recent deliveries, contracts and see if you can find out where it goes the most, may reveal where it's based. Feel free to return to the bridge to carry this out if you wish. Howell out =/\=

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known - Carl Sagan

Rosiuh Aviad


[Gibson- Sickbay]

Vem had the distinction of being the only medical officer currently serving in Starfleet to be authorized to work on patients, but did not hold the title of doctor. He'd left that behind to become the station's Chaplain, so he thought if he found himself on a ship- he might as well try to lend a hand.

Arriving in medical the large, aromatically scented, Klingon made his presence known. He was in his off-duties from the oathing ceremony and had his ever-present hemp satchel tossed over his shoulder.

"Aye~" He said in his deep, raspy voice. It sounded like how one might think a crocodile might speak but had a bizzarly gentle and calming quality- like the voice of a grandfather.
" 'Had some time off duty and was think'en Á¢â,¬Ëœbout offering some time at da' clinic."

[Sick Bay]

It looked like this voyage the sick bay was going to be anything, but quiet Rosiuh noted with a faint wry twist of his lips as a very distinctive newcomer entered offering to pitch in and help. His nose twitched at the scent of the Klingon, eyes regarding him curiously. He'd hear enough about the station chaplain to have a good idea of who this was though he'd never been introduced.

The emotional feedback he was getting off of him was intriguing and on a certain level reassuring. Of course, he was also one of the few people Rosiuh had directly interacted with that day who showed no signs of deception. It was enough to make him give a small dry smile of welcome despite the exotic appearance of the other. They were supposed to be a pirate crew after all.

"An extra set of hands would be useful." He admitted candidly as he noted another presence in the ward.


USS Gibson - Sickbay

Whilst she waited for Black, Katheryn had noticed a Klingon officer enter Sickbay and vaguely recognized him from the crew list and realized at the same time that since she arrived she hadn't met that many of the crew yet and made a mental note to hopefully rectify that. She certainly wasn't shy or nervous when it came to meeting new people but like anything new there was bound to be a period of adjusting to her new surroundings that usually happened first before she attempted to be sociable. Pushing those thoughts to one side she returned her focus to what she had to do and once Commander Black had caught up readied herself then walked through the open doors into Sickbay.

It had occurred to her that Black would probably want her to start the questioning no doubt to continue observing like he had on the Bridge but she would be ready in case that changed remembering their conversation in the lift.  Eyes immediately scanning the area as she walked in noting the two crew from the stricken freighter and those treating them but one thing she wasn't going to do was raise any suspicion or appear threatening in any way and would speak to one of the medical officers first before approaching their guests.

[Still Sick bay/Gibson]

"Ah, Just the person I need to see." The lanky medic announced in relief as he reluctantly turned away from the Chaplain. "If you'll assist Zex, please? This will only take a moment." Rosiuh requested of Vem before moving off to speak with the young woman. He caught her gaze directly as he spoke holding up a padd to her. "Captain will need to see this. I'm recommending discipline for those two idiots from earlier." His finger lightly tapped the screen calling up a blank file as he handed it to her. Touching her hand he very gently he attempted to insinuate his thoughts into her mind. Be calm. This pair is exhibiting extreme deception. I need you to quietly alert bridge.

Katheryn Brighton

Quote from: Rosiuh Aviad on March 04, 2017, 03:45:07 PM

[Still Sick bay/Gibson]

"Ah, Just the person I need to see." The lanky medic announced in relief as he reluctantly turned away from the Chaplain. "If you'll assist Zex, please? This will only take a moment." Rosiuh requested of Vem before moving off to speak with the young woman. He caught her gaze directly as he spoke holding up a padd to her. "Captain will need to see this. I'm recommending discipline for those two idiots from earlier." His finger lightly tapped the screen calling up a blank file as he handed it to her. Touching her hand he very gently he attempted to insinuate his thoughts into her mind. Be calm. This pair is exhibiting extreme deception. I need you to quietly alert bridge.

Katheryn didn't have to wait long before a member of the medical team came over to her and she was about to ask to speak quietly to him about why her and Black were here when he looked directly at her and handed her a PADD then informed her about two officers who needed to be disciplined. But before she could question it she noticed that the PADD was blank and again didn't immediately understand why until he gently touched her arm. It was certainly odd behavior yet Katheryn wondered if there was a reason and this was soon confirmed when his thoughts entered her mind.

" Yes I see why they need to be disciplined and I shall pass this on to the Captain straightaway " she replied remaining calm and didn't break the connection. If their guests were showing signs of deception then she would find a way to inform the Bridge without alerting them to what they knew. She looked back at the medical officer and said quietly " We've been sent to speak to our guests and find out more information, we'll wait until their treatment has finished perhaps we can use the CMO's office until then ".  Katheryn hoped the connection worked both ways "I'll contact the Bridge once I'm in there".

Academy Commandant


Quote from: Michael J. Tritter on March 04, 2017, 03:35:36 AM

Tritter listened carefully to both Stafford and T'Prina, he was silent however as they spoke. He pondered for a moment once she said about how the charges would take to set, he would than state, "Would you like some cover while you set them?" His tone even keeled and mellow, he knows it puts him in more danger, but it's not a major worry to the Chief. He figured she could handle herself, but she may find having an extra set of eyes and a rifle nearby might prove to be beneficial. He would than notice her getting the med kit, he sighed a bit to himself, he wasn't a fan, but the Vulcan did have a good point. He would than nod slightly and offer her his inner left forearm, which was obviously gashed open, a wound about ten inches long and ranging from half an inch to an inch wide, which was courtesy of one of those vile rat things.

[Killer Cove - Facility]

T'Prina considered Tritter's words as she tended his wound. His security team would suffice to protect Captain Stafford and the two civilians. It also would be advisable to have back-up as she set up the facility for demolition. There were a number of unknowns that could go wrong.

"It would be prudent to have a full medical checkup once we return to the Gibson. Our Chief of Security ought to be kept at the peak of health."

When she was finished, his arm had the bright pink tone of freshly healed skin, the only visible sign that he had once been injured. Medicine was not her field of choice, but basic first aid was within her realm of understanding.

"If you do come down with an unknown contaminant, please allow me a sample before you have it cleared up. Clinical pathology is one of my focuses."

There was a touch of amusement in her voice, that was most likely less than comforting. Vulcans weren't known to possess a comforting bedside manner. She replaced the medical tools in the kit and returned to working on her improvised explosives.

"I appreciate your offer of assistance. Given the situation it would be illogical to refuse."

At your smallest components, you are indistinguishable from a forest fire.

Rosiuh Aviad


Quote from: Rosiuh Aviad on Today at 08:45:07 PM
[Still Sick bay/Gibson]

"Ah, Just the person I need to see." The lanky medic announced in relief as he reluctantly turned away from the Chaplain. "If you'll assist Zex, please? This will only take a moment." Rosiuh requested of Vem before moving off to speak with the young woman. He caught her gaze directly as he spoke holding up a padd to her. "Captain will need to see this. I'm recommending discipline for those two idiots from earlier." His finger lightly tapped the screen calling up a blank file as he handed it to her. Touching her hand he very gently he attempted to insinuate his thoughts into her mind. Be calm. This pair is exhibiting extreme deception. I need you to quietly alert bridge.

Katheryn didn't have to wait long before a member of the medical team came over to her and she was about to ask to speak quietly to him about why her and Black were here when he looked directly at her and handed her a PADD then informed her about two officers who needed to be disciplined. But before she could question it she noticed that the PADD was blank and again didn't immediately understand why until he gently touched her arm. It was certainly odd behavior yet Katheryn wondered if there was a reason and this was soon confirmed when his thoughts entered her mind.

" Yes I see why they need to be disciplined and I shall pass this on to the Captain straightaway " she replied remaining calm and didn't break the connection. If their guests were showing signs of deception then she would find a way to inform the Bridge without alerting them to what they knew. She looked back at the medical officer and said quietly " We've been sent to speak to our guests and find out more information, we'll wait until their treatment has finished perhaps we can use the CMO's office until then ".  Katheryn hoped the connection worked both ways "I'll contact the Bridge once I'm in there".

[Sick bay]

Rosiuh kept the amusement off his face at her reaction as he sent back quietly amused. 'Your Starfleet is showing, Ma'am. We're a pirate crew, there is no CMO.' Blanking the PADD he took it back. "Good. I don't need troublemakers clogging up my beds in case we get a real emergency." Black eyes flickered to the office. "There? Sure. It's not in use now, but at the rate we're going it'll likely be pressed into service for a case soon." Rosiuh noted dryly, letting a hint of annoyance creep into his tone.

'I'm Betazoid, Ma'am. I'll keep an ear out for you, as it were. Just think what you need me to know and I'll hear it. The touch was because I wasn't sure you'd be able to hear me.' He stepped aside briskly turning back to the small group gathered around their patients, leaving her free to do what she needed.

Katheryn Brighton

Quote from: Rosiuh Aviad on March 04, 2017, 06:57:21 PM

[Sick bay]

Rosiuh kept the amusement off his face at her reaction as he sent back quietly amused. 'Your Starfleet is showing, Ma'am. We're a pirate crew, there is no CMO.' Blanking the PADD he took it back. "Good. I don't need troublemakers clogging up my beds in case we get a real emergency." Black eyes flickered to the office. "There? Sure. It's not in use now, but at the rate we're going it'll likely be pressed into service for a case soon." Rosiuh noted dryly, letting a hint of annoyance creep into his tone.

'I'm Betazoid, Ma'am. I'll keep an ear out for you, as it were. Just think what you need me to know and I'll hear it. The touch was because I wasn't sure you'd be able to hear me.' He stepped aside briskly turning back to the small group gathered around their patients, leaving her free to do what she needed.

Katheryn couldn't believe what she had done when he relayed that she mentioned a Starfleet term and dreaded to think how that would look if anyone was listening or what Black might say. Recovering quickly so as not to start blushing or feel embarrassed she spoke normally as she replied to him. " I agree we don't need people like that clogging up the beds and I'm sure they will be dealt with accordingly " she said then looked towards the office briefly. " Thank you and hopefully it won't but we will move if needed " she added and understood when he revealed he was Betazoid.

"Thank you I will " she responded then watched as he rejoined the others before making her way to the office so she could contact the Bridge and wait until they could question the freighter crew.


Katheryn waited for the door to open and stepped inside to find another officer already there and recognized who it was. Making sure the doors were closed she approached the desk " Mr Wu, sorry to interrupt but I need to contact the Bridge without being heard " she said quietly.

Academy Commandant

Michael J. Tritter

Quote from: T'Prina on March 04, 2017, 05:56:29 PM

[Killer Cove - Facility]

T'Prina considered Tritter's words as she tended his wound. His security team would suffice to protect Captain Stafford and the two civilians. It also would be advisable to have back-up as she set up the facility for demolition. There were a number of unknowns that could go wrong.

"It would be prudent to have a full medical checkup once we return to the Gibson. Our Chief of Security ought to be kept at the peak of health."

When she was finished, his arm had the bright pink tone of freshly healed skin, the only visible sign that he had once been injured. Medicine was not her field of choice, but basic first aid was within her realm of understanding.

"If you do come down with an unknown contaminant, please allow me a sample before you have it cleared up. Clinical pathology is one of my focuses."

There was a touch of amusement in her voice, that was most likely less than comforting. Vulcans weren't known to possess a comforting bedside manner. She replaced the medical tools in the kit and returned to working on her improvised explosives.

"I appreciate your offer of assistance. Given the situation it would be illogical to refuse."

Tritter listened intently as the Vulcan spoke to him, he replied with "That would make sense" His tone was even keeled, although inside, he was not a fan of it. He would watch her and what she did closely, the large man did not even flinch, his reply to her next statement was a simple "Understood" He wasn't a fan of medical stuff, but it made sense, he just didn't like it is all, but he is pretty good at hiding that kind of stuff. The man didn't really care too much about bedside manner for the most part, he was far too salty for that to matter. He watched her return to the explosives, he took a position about ten feet from her, but in the corridor entrance so he could easily neutralize any threats, most of them he sent packing using the phaser rifle, as he was a crack shot with it, but one tried to skitter by, he grabbed it with his left hand and tossed it like a football, the slimy creature landed with a loud yelp about fifty feet away.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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