S1 - Mission 6 - Killer Cove

Started by Malcolm Adeyemi, January 27, 2017, 01:11:39 PM

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Alexander Wu

Quote from: Daniel Howell on March 04, 2017, 03:39:08 PM

Dan had a beeping sound come through the console on the chair, pressing a button to acknowledge, Dan replied =/\= Bridge, Mr Wu, thank you for informing me, there is an engineering team heading over to the Tripoli now, I have warned them to stay sharp so we should know before long. It is certainly cause for concern, I'd like for you to see what you can dig up about the Tripoli, recent deliveries, contracts and see if you can find out where it goes the most, may reveal where it's based. Feel free to return to the bridge to carry this out if you wish. Howell out =/\=

Quote from: Katheryn Carter on March 04, 2017, 07:35:11 PM


Katheryn waited for the door to open and stepped inside to find another officer already there and recognized who it was. Making sure the doors were closed she approached the desk " Mr Wu, sorry to interrupt but I need to contact the Bridge without being heard " she said quietly.

[CMO's Office]

Alex had just gotten off the line with Howell when Carter stepped in; he hadn't noticed her arrival in Sickbay earlier. Although the doors were closed, the ceiling to floor glass window allowed easy viewing into the medical bay, and he kept an eye on the two visitors before replying. "Feel free to use the station, I'm actually heading up to the Bridge myself. Something about these two is throwing me off...not sure why yet, but they seem too clean, too cooperative for someone who's willing to get this close to the Cove. I'm going to take a deeper look into their past records and ship log. Let me know what you find out from them, we'll compare notes."

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." -MLK, Jr.

Safefta Pardek



Safefta didn't trust this-- not in the slightest-- which was on the surface simply paranoia, as these misfortune-laden travelers had not given more than a few indications of being anything but what they said they were. However, she was known well for taking the slightest inkling of something wrong and picking at it until disproved or elaborated on. Their ship had been functional and-- as far as the sensors had said-- stable less than fifteen minutes before they called for assistance.

Quote from: Thomas Jett on March 03, 2017, 07:07:02 PM


Tom felt his body materialize on the ship.  His vision began focusing on the ship itself and the control of the ship.  He was still getting used to being on a Stafleet vessel and using Starfleet technology again after soo many years.

He heard from Luke that they were responding to a distress signal from a freighter.    Tom figured that they have to follow Starfleet protocols even undercover which mean to render humanitarian assistance and aid.  It was easy for Starfleet to render such assistance willingly since resources is not a major issue for them.  However, the same it's not true for all freighters.

He looked at the bridge and saw the officers.  They all looked like smugglers but they were not thinking and acting like them.  This was not a humanitarian mission but an opportunity to make an extra buck.   He wonder if that ship was merely needed help a coincidence or something else more sinister.

"I don't like coincidences" he muttered to himself.

The idea that two crews were acting to one another with ulterior motives did not irony in him.  If everyone was acting, then they were in the middle of a big soap opera.

With no warning or regard to proper protocol Jett walked to Ops.  He pressed to open a channel to Tripoli.  He has not seen the Captain or negotiated.  He just began acting like he would have.

"What the heck are you guys doing?  You guys are the biggest butfaces in the Galaxy!  First, we render help and you guys, then you have the audacity to not to make a offer to us?!"  Jett said on the channel.  "This is the type of crap that happens when you try and be nice...and jerkfaces like yourselves take advantage!"  He yelled across the bridge.  He slammed his fist in the console in an attempt to act all mad.  He gave then a death stare in the monitor.

He began walking away almost appearing like he is charge "Look, it ain't all sunshine and rainbows here.  What do you think? That we have unicorns that farts latinum here!? Nah, nah, nah we are cutting you guys loose, unless you give us money or part of your cargo...to compensate for the time and resources on your sorry asses!"

The next step was to see if they were acting or not "Either you give us the standard 50% of your cargo, or we are going to let you rot and steal it anyway.  And if we have to steal the money from your sorry asses we then take 75%...I don't give a crap about your life, or humanitarian missions, if you wanted free stuff you call Starfleet, I just want to make money and sucks being you...because you  are an easy prey"

As Jett walked away he thought to himself There is no standard 50%.  Their reaction was going to tell him a lot of them.  He made a bold move.  He hope that the Officer in charge knew what he was doing.

This mission had called for a certain degree of theatrics-- different clothing (which Pardek hated, aside from added pockets), dropped ranks, coarser language all being expected. What was not expected or acceptable was the scene that played out on the bridge then. Someone Pardek did not know (though assumed to be an officer) waltzing about, commandeering her panel to enter an unauthorized command, and spun into a rant over the comm system.

Pardek didn't bother to stop him for a simple reason-- there was no one on board the ship he'd opened a channel to. So, she allowed him to rant and rave to no one, no amusement visible on her features, for she had none to offer in this instance. As soon as he finished, she deftly closed the channel, and offered him her best half-lidded glare.

"If you are quite finished delivering your great monologue to no one, I will take this time to say that you are never to touch this console without orders to again," she said, frostily. She directed her attention then to Howell.

"Sir. I would like to take a closer look at the log entries and charts on the Tripoli from their previous expeditions and trade agreements. If these people are who they claim to be, they may have a deeper set of security protocols protecting their logs, and I believe I could get through whatever is there. I wish to check them for inconsistencies and indicators. Pardon my sudden interest in my own instinct, but this does not sit well with me. I may suggest that I be allowed to go over to the vessel, as a remote log access may be altered-- and I would like to look at their systems. A sudden disaster like this warrants a certain degree of curiosity, considering we had no indication of an unstable vessel until it suddenly became an issue."

Ideally, she would take another member of ops with her if allowed. Her experience with both ops and security made this a unique opportunity to dig properly into whatever sat in the Tripoli's databanks-- even if it were nothing but routine logs of minor trades and events.

Species: Romulan/Vulcan Hybrid. | 4'8" | For a full biography, click my signature block.

Katheryn Brighton

Quote from: Alexander Wu on March 05, 2017, 03:58:41 AM

[CMO's Office]

Alex had just gotten off the line with Howell when Carter stepped in; he hadn't noticed her arrival in Sickbay earlier. Although the doors were closed, the ceiling to floor glass window allowed easy viewing into the medical bay, and he kept an eye on the two visitors before replying. "Feel free to use the station, I'm actually heading up to the Bridge myself. Something about these two is throwing me off...not sure why yet, but they seem too clean, too cooperative for someone who's willing to get this close to the Cove. I'm going to take a deeper look into their past records and ship log. Let me know what you find out from them, we'll compare notes."

CMO's Office

Katheryn listened to what Commander Wu had said about their guests in Sickbay and from what she had just heard from the medical officer only made her more determined to find out as much as she could after alerting the Bridge to what had been discovered so far. Her duty was to protect the ship and its crew and knew by working together they would get to the bottom of it all. " Thank you and I must admit I'm getting the same feeling after what I've just been told and I'm about to alert the  Bridge about it" she replied still keeping her voice quiet. Then when he then suggested comparing notes she looked at him " Good idea and I will as soon as I've spoken to them".

Academy Commandant

Vem, son of Motag

[Gibson- Sickbay]

The faintly earthy smell of mushrooms wafted from the large Klingon as he nodded to Rosiuh,

"Ya mon. No problem." He replied in his scratchy voice.

Vem set about helping Zex in whatever way he could with a passive expression on his face.

"How can I help?" He asked brightly.

Vem, Son of Motag
Federation Humanitarian Chaplain
Homeopathic Doctor

Malcolm Adeyemi

[Killer Cove - Facility]

Stafford watched as the team made their preparations. Once their wounds were tended to and the explosives set he tapped his commbadge.

"=/\=This is Stafford to Gibson. Five to beam up on my mark.=/\=" He smiled gently at them all. "We're going home." Finally.


The five of them twinkled out of existence even as the firestorm from T'Prina's explosives was wiping the facility out. Vaguely, through the bluish transporter haze, he could see angry red fire erupting from where she had expertly timed and set the demolition. It was if the research facility and its tragic prize had never existed, all traces erased.

[Bridge - Gibson]

The captain looked around the nerve center of their 'smuggling' ship. He was happy to note that someone had thought to bring his cane up to the bridge. He gratefully held and leaned on it heavily.

"Get that team over to the freighter," Stafford said to the bridge as a whole. "I'll be in my ready room. Once we've stabilized the Tripoli's crew and repaired it we'll be on our way."

Non-Playing Character 2

[Sickbay - Gibson]

The two Romulans looked at the hushed conversations taking place in the office. Neither of them could hear anything, of course, but even with the humans covering their tracks the suspicion was clear.

Mevan glanced at Kex and gave him the tiniest of nods. Like it or not, they had to make their move soon. She hoped the research was aboard. Even if it wasn't, they had no choice. The endgame had begun.

"Excuse me," the blonde woman said to Aviad, who seemed to be the ranking medical officer. "We're feeling much better. Perhaps my partner here could accompany your people to the Tripoli? He knows our systems inside and out."

"I could use your help," Kex said.

"No, you and our new friends will be enough. I want to stay and help people. And speak to the captain, if he's available." Mevan said. "He deserves our gratitude."

Michael J. Tritter

Quote from: Luke Stafford on March 06, 2017, 01:07:18 AM

[Killer Cove - Facility]

Stafford watched as the team made their preparations. Once their wounds were tended to and the explosives set he tapped his commbadge.

"=/\=This is Stafford to Gibson. Five to beam up on my mark.=/\=" He smiled gently at them all. "We're going home." Finally.


The five of them twinkled out of existence even as the firestorm from T'Prina's explosives was wiping the facility out. Vaguely, through the bluish transporter haze, he could see angry red fire erupting from where she had expertly timed and set the demolition. It was if the research facility and its tragic prize had never existed, all traces erased.

[Bridge - Gibson]

The captain looked around the nerve center of their 'smuggling' ship. He was happy to note that someone had thought to bring his cane up to the bridge. He gratefully held and leaned on it heavily.

"Get that team over to the freighter," Stafford said to the bridge as a whole. "I'll be in my ready room. Once we've stabilized the Tripoli's crew and repaired it we'll be on our way."

Tritter nodded slightly to the Captain. He knew he wasn't going to be able to go home that easy, it never was that way for the Chief, such was his life. Once he ended back on the Gibson, the Chief was greeted not long after by the the Transporter Chief, the man at the Transporter would than state, "Welcome back Chief, we are ready to send you to the Tripoli, with the Engineers and your Team" Tritter was standing on the transporter pad, with the rifle at the low ready. He would than nod slightly, shifting a bit to his team, he than stated, "We got more work to do" He looked towards the Transporter Chief, than to the Engineers, than back to the Chief "All ready when you are" He would than look once more towards Captain Stafford, he would than add "If everyone is here, that is Captain", it was worded as a question, as he knew he, his team and the Engineers would be boarding the Tripoli, but he didn't know if the Captain had others he would like to include in the list.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

Malcolm Adeyemi

Quote from: Michael J. Tritter on March 06, 2017, 01:45:07 AM

Tritter nodded slightly to the Captain. He knew he wasn't going to be able to go home that easy, it never was that way for the Chief, such was his life. Once he ended back on the Gibson, the Chief was greeted not long after by the the Transporter Chief, the man at the Transporter would than state, "Welcome back Chief, we are ready to send you to the Tripoli, with the Engineers and your Team" Tritter was standing on the transporter pad, with the rifle at the low ready. He would than nod slightly, shifting a bit to his team, he than stated, "We got more work to do" He looked towards the Transporter Chief, than to the Engineers, than back to the Chief "All ready when you are" He would than look once more towards Captain Stafford, he would than add "If everyone is here, that is Captain", it was worded as a question, as he knew he, his team and the Engineers would be boarding the Tripoli, but he didn't know if the Captain had others he would like to include in the list.


"Roger that," Stafford said briefly. "You're going to be taking Pardek and Jett with you. Tools of the trade, Mike. They'll each be able to help you." The data chip in his pocket felt like a white hot iron, burning his curiosity. But it was a morbid curiosity, and one he didn't plan on indulging. His orders were clear, and the last thing he wanted was to prolong this damned mission by violating orders.

"Mr. Jett, if you can find it within yourself to follow an order, let me know what that freighter is hauling. Anything leaps out at you from the log, let us know. Pardek, I want a good clean look at their systems, find out what caused that damage." Stafford ordered. "Dan, you have the bridge."

Michael J. Tritter

Quote from: Luke Stafford on March 06, 2017, 01:55:03 AM


"Roger that," Stafford said briefly. "You're going to be taking Pardek and Jett with you. Tools of the trade, Mike. They'll each be able to help you." The data chip in his pocket felt like a white hot iron, burning his curiosity. But it was a morbid curiosity, and one he didn't plan on indulging. His orders were clear, and the last thing he wanted was to prolong this damned mission by violating orders.

"Mr. Jett, if you can find it within yourself to follow an order, let me know what that freighter is hauling. Anything leaps out at you from the log, let us know. Pardek, I want a good clean look at their systems, find out what caused that damage." Stafford ordered. "Dan, you have the bridge."

Tritter nodded slightly, he replied to the Captain, "Aye Sir", he looked towards Jett, he was not thrilled, but he knew that they knew the civilian freighter world and as long as they realized the Chief was in charge, he was fine with things. He would take a moment before he turned and exited, making his way back towards the transporters, so they can once again get out of dodge, he stood on the pad, after he nodded slightly to the Transporter Officer. He waited less than patiently for the rest of the team, namely Jett and Pardek to arrive before he would give the order to the Transporter Officer.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

Safefta Pardek

Quote from: Michael J. Tritter on March 06, 2017, 02:01:26 AM

Tritter nodded slightly, he replied to the Captain, "Aye Sir", he looked towards Jett, he was not thrilled, but he knew that they knew the civilian freighter world and as long as they realized the Chief was in charge, he was fine with things. He would take a moment before he turned and exited, making his way back towards the transporters, so they can once again get out of dodge, he stood on the pad, after he nodded slightly to the Transporter Officer. He waited less than patiently for the rest of the team, namely Jett and Pardek to arrive before he would give the order to the Transporter Officer.


Stafford had not heard her interaction with Howell-- nor her interaction with Jett, who she was more keen on hauling to the brig than pulling along with her on a mission. She would rather take one of her ops officers instead. If Jett could pull enough nonsense to speak volumes to an empty ship without permission, then who knew how badly he could interfere with her investigation.

His presence was not totally without merit, she forced herself to consider as she left her station to her underlings and made for the transporter room. A civilian, apparently, would make useful for picking apart a civilian ship.

[Transporter room]

Safefta had taken the liberty of bringing a small toolkit with her. She intended to insure no information was missing to her... or hidden. She made no pleasantries to either of the men in the room, and stood beneath their much taller figures like a bulwark of irritation.

Species: Romulan/Vulcan Hybrid. | 4'8" | For a full biography, click my signature block.

Alexander Wu

Quote from: Katheryn Carter on March 05, 2017, 11:45:26 AM

CMO's Office

Katheryn listened to what Commander Wu had said about their guests in Sickbay and from what she had just heard from the medical officer only made her more determined to find out as much as she could after alerting the Bridge to what had been discovered so far. Her duty was to protect the ship and its crew and knew by working together they would get to the bottom of it all. " Thank you and I must admit I'm getting the same feeling after what I've just been told and I'm about to alert the  Bridge about it" she replied still keeping her voice quiet. Then when he then suggested comparing notes she looked at him " Good idea and I will as soon as I've spoken to them".

[CMO's Office]

"Alright then, I'll talk to you shortly." Alex flashed her a brief smile as he opened the door and stepped back out. Why can't these missions ever be simple...

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on March 06, 2017, 01:15:21 AM

[Sickbay - Gibson]

"Excuse me," the blonde woman said to Aviad, who seemed to be the ranking medical officer. "We're feeling much better. Perhaps my partner here could accompany your people to the Tripoli? He knows our systems inside and out."

"I could use your help," Kex said.

"No, you and our new friends will be enough. I want to stay and help people. And speak to the captain, if he's available." Mevan said. "He deserves our gratitude."


"Oh, that's alright." Alex spoke up, catching the tail end of the woman's request as he passed back through Sickbay. "Our engies might not be pretty, but I haven't seen a problem they can't fix yet. Your freighter's in good hands. Besides, I think after such a traumatic incident, you both need rest." He smiled disarmingly at the pair before glancing at Rosiuh. We still know so little about them. Best not give them access to anything or anyone just yet. "What do you recommend, Doctor?"

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." -MLK, Jr.

Katheryn Brighton

Quote from: Alexander Wu on March 06, 2017, 04:55:25 PM

[CMO's Office]

"Alright then, I'll talk to you shortly." Alex flashed her a brief smile as he opened the door and stepped back out. Why can't these missions ever be simple...

CMO's Office

Katheryn returned his smile and watched him leave before going over to the desk, she sat down and immediately started to type a message to the Bridge not wanting to delay any further especially where it concerned their guests.

Bridge, This is Carter waiting to speak to the Freighter crew, however needed to alert you as they are exhibiting signs of extreme deception, please advise.

Katheryn knew it was only short but at least she had sent the message without any interruptions and all she could do now was wait for a reply and for the medics to finish treating the pair from the Tripoli.

Academy Commandant

Thomas Jett

Quote from: Luke Stafford on March 06, 2017, 01:55:03 AM

"Mr. Jett, if you can find it within yourself to follow an order, let me know what that freighter is hauling. Anything leaps out at you from the log, let us know. Pardek, I want a good clean look at their systems, find out what caused that damage." Stafford ordered. "Dan, you have the bridge."


Jett looked at the rest of the away team came onto the bridge.  He looked at looked at he addressed him. "I'll see what I can dig up from the logs, I'll do what I have to, but I am serious about the favor that I am going to need later" He gave the captain a short nod.  As Stafford was leaving he looked at Michael and Luke and commented "So souvenir for me on the surface, I'm hurt"  Jett commented with a sarcastic tone.

With the gear he had on already from the away team mission he headed for the turbolift to the transporter room.

Quote from: Safefta Pardek on March 06, 2017, 02:27:06 AM

[Transporter room]

Safefta had taken the liberty of bringing a small toolkit with her. She intended to insure no information was missing to her... or hidden. She made no pleasantries to either of the men in the room, and stood beneath their much taller figures like a bulwark of irritation.

He walked in with a grin to the transporter room where he observed someone that he recognized from the bridge.  He barely had time to know the crew, but he was having fun.  He looked at Safeta and asked "Do we know each other...the name's Jett, Tom Jett".  He extended his hand in an offer for a handshake and a big smile.

"If you guys don't mind, I'll want to take a look of their logs, there is something fishy here...and it's not your breath, Chief"  Jett commented as he looked big officer who was in charge.

He stood in the transporter padd checked his weapon.  The old pulse pistol needed to be double check because they would run out of power very easily.   "So...do I get another babysitter now?  Or do I get to roam free?  I like my old babysitter...she was quite funny for a Vulcan...I suppose you can just be funnier than her"  He commented as he looked at Safefta.

Michael J. Tritter

Quote from: Thomas Jett on March 06, 2017, 06:58:01 PM


Jett looked at the rest of the away team came onto the bridge.  He looked at looked at he addressed him. "I'll see what I can dig up from the logs, I'll do what I have to, but I am serious about the favor that I am going to need later" He gave the captain a short nod.  As Stafford was leaving he looked at Michael and Luke and commented "So souvenir for me on the surface, I'm hurt"  Jett commented with a sarcastic tone.

With the gear he had on already from the away team mission he headed for the turbolift to the transporter room.

He walked in with a grin to the transporter room where he observed someone that he recognized from the bridge.  He barely had time to know the crew, but he was having fun.  He looked at Safeta and asked "Do we know each other...the name's Jett, Tom Jett".  He extended his hand in an offer for a handshake and a big smile.

"If you guys don't mind, I'll want to take a look of their logs, there is something fishy here...and it's not your breath, Chief"  Jett commented as he looked big officer who was in charge.

He stood in the transporter padd checked his weapon.  The old pulse pistol needed to be double check because they would run out of power very easily.   "So...do I get another babysitter now?  Or do I get to roam free?  I like my old babysitter...she was quite funny for a Vulcan...I suppose you can just be funnier than her"  He commented as he looked at Safefta.

Tritter was standing on the Transporter padd with a phaser rifle at the low ready, he would sling it on his back however, at least for now. He would than look towards Jett after they made that smart ass comment, although he bit his tongue and didn't respond, as he had more important things to worry about. He would answer the man's next comment, his intent gaze would than lock on Jett's, he would reply with the following "I won't babysit you, but I can assure you, I am not one to cross" He would than look towards the Transporter Officer, he than stated "Send us to the Tripoli"

The man would nod slightly and said "Aye Sir" His fingers danced across the transporter console. The team would than dematerialize and than re-materialize on the Tripoli. Tritter would than look to his team that came over with him, he would send one Security Officer with Pardek and another with Jett. He himself, he had an Engineer with him to go through the Engine Room. He would make his way towards that direction, although he found it curious that they left their ship unoccupied... They must have had something important that drew them away, truth be told, it made no sense to him. He would follow the Engineer to the engine room. The Chief would simply guard the man until he was done examining the Engines. Tritter grumbled quietly, the damn Freighter was meant for midgets, as this ship was cramped, even to the Gibson which he barely managed to navigate through without getting a concussion. The Ensign would proceed to flag over the Chief as he noticed something was not right.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

Almar Dah el


Deep into his data analysis, Almar barely noticed the hustle-and-bustle of the bridge around him. Much was happening, but here was still a strange signal running through the background noise of the Tripoli. Perplexing. So far nothing in the Starfleet computer could determine its purpose. Importantly, at least, no red flags of danger went up.

Taking the initiative to investigate further, the operations crewman moved to the Turbolift and decided, ultimately, to just go to the source.

Moments later he arrived at the cramp sickbay and moved in, zeroing in on one of the ship's 'guests'.  He dodged around other members of the crew and made his way to his target. They were engaged in conversation with a medical officer, but Almar was sure both weren't needed.

"Excuse me," he said boldly, interrupting the flow of their chat. "I've noticed a strange signal coming from your ship." He produced a PADD with its features. "Identify it, please?"

🡱 🡳

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