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S13 - M5: Best Laid Plans

Started by Tekin Nevir, March 06, 2019, 11:56:00 AM

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Tekin Nevir

Captain's Personal Log - Stardate 87121.5

The hardest part about this whole endeavor is keeping quiet.  One would think that it would be easy to remain silent considering that I require a communication array to speak with my wife, but it has been surprisingly difficult.  At some points I had almost called her out of habit.  However, I am happy to report that I have thus been able to continue with Discovery's "comm silence."

I have yet to tell the majority of my crew where our final destination is; but I hear the planet of the Meridians has received a boom in tourism.  Of course, that information comes from the Ferengi, so take it with a grain of salt.  I have informed my first officer in order for him to fulfill the required role of accomplice, but I have thus far kept our destination away from the rest of the bridge crew.  As far as they know; we are at our destination.

It has been too long since I've visited the almost sacred Deep Space Nine.  It was a pleasant three days, but like all trips, it ended at too soon.  Its time for the big reveal.....

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Nevir had taken his seat in the big chair for over an hour already, making sure he was ready to go. He checked the VIP lists one more time, and verified that all refits and refuels had completed as the rest of the Bridge staff came onboard.

"Alright... we have one last stop ahead of us.  Mr. Galloway, you know what to do.  Let's get underway."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 06, 2019, 11:56:00 AM

Captain's Personal Log - Stardate 87121.5

The hardest part about this whole endeavor is keeping quiet.  One would think that it would be easy to remain silent considering that I require a communication array to speak with my wife, but it has been surprisingly difficult.  At some points I had almost called her out of habit.  However, I am happy to report that I have thus been able to continue with Discovery's "comm silence."

I have yet to tell the majority of my crew where our final destination is; but I hear the planet of the Meridians has received a boom in tourism.  Of course, that information comes from the Ferengi, so take it with a grain of salt.  I have informed my first officer in order for him to fulfill the required role of accomplice, but I have thus far kept our destination away from the rest of the bridge crew.  As far as they know; we are at our destination.

It has been too long since I've visited the almost sacred Deep Space Nine.  It was a pleasant three days, but like all trips, it ended at too soon.  Its time for the big reveal.....

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Nevir had taken his seat in the big chair for over an hour already, making sure he was ready to go. He checked the VIP lists one more time, and verified that all refits and refuels had completed as the rest of the Bridge staff came onboard.

"Alright... we have one last stop ahead of us.  Mr. Galloway, you know what to do.  Let's get underway."


Ian smiled at the thought of getting underway, especially given the 'secret' nature if their next mission. As the Mission Operations station was at the back of the bridge   Ian stood and moved to stand next to the captain.

"All stations report."

Lieutenant Marie Luchico. "Helm ready."

Lieutenant Commander Martin Felder. "Weapons ready."

Lieutenant Banan Leon. "Communications systems standing by."

Lieutenant Michael Donovan. "Warp and impulse engines on-line."

Ian nodded once and added.

"Seal the airlock and release docking clamps."

Luchico. "Docking clamps released."

Ian. "Engage thrusters."

Luchico. "Clearing the station."

The Discovery banked gracefully and headed for the wormhole, or the Celestial Temple, based on where you stood regarding the Bajoran Prophets. On crossing the invisible threshold, the anomaly burst into existence in a kaleidoscope of color. Luchico kept a firm hand on the helm as the ship rode through the turbulence inside the wormhole until again bursting forth into the Gamma Quadrant. Once the ship was clear of anomaly, Ian added.

"Lay in our course, warp eight."

The Discovery flickered with pseudo-motion and went to warp, they were on their way.

Susan Venator

Mess Hall.

Suzie had enjoyed the couple of days on Earth, she had managed to see her Foster Mother and meet up with a couple of old friends. Then they had headed directly to DS9, where she had spent some time exploring the distinct station. Now they were under way again, she knew where they were headed but had asked to keep it under her hat until the Captain said so.

Having finished her morning workout, she headed for breakfast. Today she had gone for a pile of bacon sandwiches with some lemonade to wash it down with. Looking at the clock, she saw that she still had time before she was due on the Bridge, She sat back and enjoyed her meal.

Species: Betazoid
Bio: Susan Venator Bio Alt of Lizzie Vaughan

T'Ra Jones


T'Ra stood at her station upon the bridge, breathing in and out with a slow and regular fashion. With no immediate task at hand, she let her thoughts float freely across her consciousness as she observed the rest of the crew. She had served on the Discovery long enough to have a feel for the general mood. It felt subdued, and even the ship, the very vessel itself, seemed demure and docile, ready to submit to the captain's whims.

Perhaps it was too soon to return to duty, she mused, suddenly latching onto a loose strand of thought. But Commander Galloway's booming voice broke this, bringing her attention back to the present. "Short and long range sensors functional," she reported. And with hardly a moment's notice, the ship departed.

Ich lache, weil es ein Loch in mir gibt.
-Evan Buehler

Juraan Ren

[Deep Space 9 - Promenade - In front of Quark's Bar]

Juraan didn't know for how long he already stood there right next to the entrance to Quark's bar and stared at the circular doorway that led into the Bajoran temple. It was not that he was scared. No. It had nothing to do with fear. Respect might be the more appropriate word.
He knew that of all Bajorans he was one who wouldn't be welcome there. As someone who had lost his faith. He even used to laugh at those who claimed to still believe. To him they were stupid, blinded or too cowardly to face the hard and brutal truth of reality.
It had happened many years ago, when his faith had been shaken - with every slander he had to take, with every tear he had seen his mother shed, with every groan of pain from his father when he had to take another beating - and finally he had seen them both die. Along with dozens of others. The Bajoran religion taught that everything happened for a reason and that the Prophets were guiding them. The mere thought had used to make Juraan raging. What reason should there be for his parents being murdered? Thousands slaughtered? By the time he was so fortunate to escape that hell of a labour camp, he left his faith behind along with the lives of his parents.

As much as he rejected the idea of religion, he still wore his earring. It wasn't because he didn't stand for his attitude, but more out of sentimentality towards his parents, especially his mother, her faith had meant very much to her.

And now, having the opportunity to visit a temple, he felt he should take it. It had been twenty years since he visited one. It was day three of being on DS9, eveytime he had passed the temple, he had been faltering, but eventually went on. But the idea of just taking a look didn't leave him. So he found himself standing here for who knows how long and doing nothing but staring like a sheep.

"You're being ridiculous", he growled to himself. Exhaling slowly he finally approached the entrance and entered.

[Deep Space 9 - Bajoran Shrine]

The way led him sharp left and he entered the temple. Candles gave a dim light.

And it was so quiet.

Juraan actually had to stop in his tracks to let it go through to him. The silence, so different to the bustling of the promenade outside. There weren't many people in here and inwardly he was glad he didn't went in when there was held a service.
When he fianlly felt like moving again he stayed in the middle of the rather small room and glanced along the walls with the Orbs. He wasn't sure why but he preferred to keep a distance - again out of respect. He was after all an infidel, some might have even called him blasphemer. A former terrorist. Drinker, drug abuser.
As he thought about his past he suddenly missed his wife badly. He always missed her, but right now it made him almost choke with longing.

Bringing his hand up to his lowered head he rubbed his eyelids and took in slow breaths as he tried to calm down. When he looked up he noticed one of the Orbs - the Orb of contemplation, shining in a yellowish-green light. He took a small step closer but still kept his distance. Looking at it for a while he calmed down more. And finally closed his eyes.

He didn't pray or ask for things. He just took his time to remember beloved ones that were no more.

Quote from: Susan Venator on March 06, 2019, 01:09:43 PM

Mess Hall.

Suzie had enjoyed the couple of days on Earth, she had managed to see her Foster Mother and meet up with a couple of old friends. Then they had headed directly to DS9, where she had spent some time exploring the distinct station. Now they were under way again, she knew where they were headed but had asked to keep it under her hat until the Captain said so.

Having finished her morning workout, she headed for breakfast. Today she had gone for a pile of bacon sandwiches with some lemonade to wash it down with. Looking at the clock, she saw that she still had time before she was due on the Bridge, She sat back and enjoyed her meal.

[USS Discovery - Mess Hall]
Juraan picked up his grilled cheese sandwich and carried it along with a glass of juice in front of himself. It seemed like everyone had the same idea, taking a meal right now. He barely spotted an available place to sit.

Walking over to a young Lieutenant who was just about to eat a sandwich, he stopped next to the table, giving a weak smile. "Would you mind if I join you, Lieutenant?"

Species: Bajoran

Alt account of Tess Moreno

Susan Venator

Quote from: Juraan Ren on March 06, 2019, 01:30:21 PM

[USS Discovery - Mess Hall]

Juraan picked up his grilled cheese sandwich and carried it along with a glass of juice in front of himself. It seemed like everyone had the same idea, taking a meal right now. He barely spotted an available place to sit.

Walking over to a young Lieutenant who was just about to eat a sandwich, he stopped next to the table, giving a weak smile. "Would you mind if I join you, Lieutenant?"

Mess Hall

Suzie looked up at the voice and saw the Bajoran in teal standing next to the table. She recognised him, but not having spoken to him before, she was not sure of his name.

"Of course Ensign." She replied, indicating the vacant seat across from her. "Please sit. I'm sorry, I'm not sure I know your name." She added, not wanting to extend any awkwardness.

Species: Betazoid
Bio: Susan Venator Bio Alt of Lizzie Vaughan

Juraan Ren

Quote from: Susan Venator on March 06, 2019, 02:46:34 PM

Mess Hall

Suzie looked up at the voice and saw the Bajoran in teal standing next to the table. She recognised him, but not having spoken to him before, she was not sure of his name.

"Of course Ensign." She replied, indicating the vacant seat across from her. "Please sit. I'm sorry, I'm not sure I know your name." She added, not wanting to extend any awkwardness.

[USS Discovery - Mess Hall]

Giving a brief smile as thanks he put his food down before pulling the chair back to sit down. "To be honest I would have been surprised if you would have known my name", he said in his low calm voice, his face showing the usual light stubble. "I'm Juraan. One of the new faces in the medbay."

It was a bit different with Bajoran names than in other cultures. The first name mentioned was usually the surname and the given name following. Juraan though was used to be called by his surname which was why he just offered that as a reply.

He picked up his sandwich. "And yours?", he returned the question back to her before taking a bite.

Species: Bajoran

Alt account of Tess Moreno

Susan Venator

Quote from: Juraan Ren on March 06, 2019, 03:44:10 PM

[USS Discovery - Mess Hall]

Giving a brief smile as thanks he put his food down before pulling the chair back to sit down. "To be honest I would have been surprised if you would have known my name", he said in his low calm voice, his face showing the usual light stubble. "I'm Juraan. One of the new faces in the medbay."

It was a bit different with Bajoran names than in other cultures. The first name mentioned was usually the surname and the given name following. Juraan though was used to be called by his surname which was why he just offered that as a reply.

He picked up his sandwich. "And yours?", he returned the question back to her before taking a bite.

Mess Hall

Suzie took a bite of her sandwich, chewed and swallowed it before answering.

"I'm Suzie Venator. New, or relatively new Chief of Ops." She replied. "Please to meet you Jurann. Did you manage to see much of Bajor while we were at DS9?" She asked, figuring the Bajoran would have wanted to visit his home planet.

Species: Betazoid
Bio: Susan Venator Bio Alt of Lizzie Vaughan

Tekin Nevir


[Bridge - USS Discovery]

It was always a sight to see the Temple open and engulf a ship... even more of a sight when it was the ship you were on.  He gripped his chair as they passed through, telling himself that they were safe... this was the closest the Prophets would get to their living selves after all.  He hoped that they were happy with what he had become.

But all too soon, the spin of colors burst into almost pure blackness as the ship jumped a good 50,000 light years in the matter of minutes.

"I don't think I can resist this part.... well done, Mr. Galloway." he said, tapping the comm on his chair.

=/\= "All hands, this is the Captain.  For those who have served only ever on the USS Discovery, allow me to be the first to welcome you all to the other end of the galaxy.  Welcome to the Gamma Quadrant."  =/\=

The Captain tapped the mute on the comms and his face betrayed a sly, youthful grin.  "Pause for effect." he said softly, before reactivating the comm.

=/\= "We had short breaks of a few days on both Earth and Bajor, but when I said you all deserved some rest, I meant it.  We are en course for one of, if not the, farthest Starfleet facility in the galaxy.  We are on leave for a few weeks before we return to the Neutral Zone. To answer your questions, yes, I chose this place for a reason, and no, this isn't some pit stop at the end of the universe.  It will take another 7 days to arrive, at which time our leave will officially begin.  I'll be giving more instructions once we approach.  In the meantime, I expect you all to keep up the high standards I expect out of all of you.  That is all."  =/\=

"That especially includes all of you." he stated, now that the comm was off and he could address only the bridge.  "The only crewman I have given early leave to is currently studying in her room.  If you are not her, then you have a duty to perform." he said, turning his head to smile at Ian.  Nevir's mood had noticeably shot up ever since they left Earth.  The normally quiet Captain could barely keep his excitment in check.

Danjar-Torra Addams

PO3 Danjar-Torra
[USS Discovery - Deck 3 - Aft Observation Lounge - prior to leaving DS9 - Feb 9]

Torra was a bit disappointed.  The ship had made two major stops - one at Earth and the other at DS9.  Yet during both, Torra's schedule and Donny's hadn't meshed at all, so she never got the opportunity to explore either place with him.  Sure she'd spent a bit of time on her own looking about but she had hoped to share her first time on DS9 and Bajor with him.  But that didn't happen.  So instead, Torra asked for Don to meet her up on Deck 3 just prior to the ship leaving DS9.  This at least they could share.

She stood at the large observation window, gazing out at the planet below.  She smiled at how peaceful it all seemed.  Moments like this made everything in between worth it.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Ian Galloway


Ian had retakened his seat at the Mission Operations station after the ship went to warp, and reflected on the captain's words. He had indeed enjoyed his time on Earth. He'd had time to visit with his mother and siblings. His father... well that remained a sore spot, but he was almost to his goal of becoming a Starfleet captain before confronting him with undeniable success.

Ian had not visited Bajor during their time at Deep Space Nine, he had however, enjoyed his time at the station and made the pilgrimage to Quark's Bar, Grill, Gaming House, and Holosuite Arcade. Given the bar's near legendary reputation, anyone visiting the station had to have at least one drink there just to say they had. It was amazing that such a gaudy place could have been so instrumental to the success of the Dominion War. If ever there was a place that embodied the concept of 'not judging a book by it's cover', it was Quark's.

Ian had read up on their destination, it was amazing that the Federation had planted its flag so far from... well, everywhere. It wasn't high on Ian's place to take leave, but he figured he'd figure out something to do once they got there. The bigger challenge would be keeping himself occupied during the week it took to get there.

Don Damien Addams

[USS Discovery -Deck 3 - Aft Observation Lounge]

Don had to visit his cousins, uncles and aunts on Earth. He even visited his grave rested grandparents too. He even had to report in person at Starfleet Head Quarters on his whereabouts for their personal use. His visit to Deep Space Nine was busy too. Visiting Quarks with Ian was fun.

Present, Don had finally the chance to be with Torra. He came walking to her side. "Chasing you down is hard, my love," he told her. "I am thinking having more accidents," he joked with her.

So, USS Discovery had departed Deep Space Nine. Don had asked to hold her as they stood there observing and then announcement was heard from the Captain himself. He really liked cuddling with her. The dating process was little hard, but he take what he can.


=/\= All hands, this is the Captain.  For those who have served only ever on the USS Discovery, allow me to be the first to welcome you all to the other end of the galaxy.  Welcome to the Gamma Quadrant.  =/\=

=/\= We had short breaks of a few days on both Earth and Bajor, but when I said you all deserved some rest, I meant it.  We are en course for one of, if not the, farthest Starfleet facility in the galaxy.  We are on leave for a few weeks before we return to the Neutral Zone. To answer your questions, yes, I chose this place for a reason, and no, this isn't some pit stop at the end of the universe.  It will take another 7 days to arrive, at which time our leave will officially begin.  I'll be giving more instructions once we approach.  In the meantime, I expect you all to keep up the high standards I expect out of all of you.  That is all. =/\=

After that announcement, he had turned to his companion. "Is it me or am I sick. The Captain seem to be more cheerful these days?" he asked. Bitting his lower lip.


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 06, 2019, 05:18:49 PM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

It was always a sight to see the Temple open and engulf a ship... even more of a sight when it was the ship you were on.  He gripped his chair as they passed through, telling himself that they were safe... this was the closest the Prophets would get to their living selves after all.  He hoped that they were happy with what he had become.

But all too soon, the spin of colors burst into almost pure blackness as the ship jumped a good 50,000 light years in the matter of minutes.

"I don't think I can resist this part.... well done, Mr. Galloway." he said, tapping the comm on his chair.

=/\= "All hands, this is the Captain.  For those who have served only ever on the USS Discovery, allow me to be the first to welcome you all to the other end of the galaxy.  Welcome to the Gamma Quadrant."  =/\=

The Captain tapped the mute on the comms and his face betrayed a sly, youthful grin.  "Pause for effect." he said softly, before reactivating the comm.

=/\= "We had short breaks of a few days on both Earth and Bajor, but when I said you all deserved some rest, I meant it.  We are en course for one of, if not the, farthest Starfleet facility in the galaxy.  We are on leave for a few weeks before we return to the Neutral Zone. To answer your questions, yes, I chose this place for a reason, and no, this isn't some pit stop at the end of the universe.  It will take another 7 days to arrive, at which time our leave will officially begin.  I'll be giving more instructions once we approach.  In the meantime, I expect you all to keep up the high standards I expect out of all of you.  That is all."  =/\=

"That especially includes all of you." he stated, now that the comm was off and he could address only the bridge.  "The only crewman I have given early leave to is currently studying in her room.  If you are not her, then you have a duty to perform." he said, turning his head to smile at Ian.  Nevir's mood had noticeably shot up ever since they left Earth.  The normally quiet Captain could barely keep his excitment in check.

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

EQ had arrived on the Bridge just minutes before Tekin started his speech.  He stood just inside the door.  Close to the wall and listened.

"Aye, Sir" EQ was the first to reply.  Then he headed to the Sec/Tac staiton.  He relieved the man there and logged in.

A vacation sounded great.  He knew little about Bajor though.  So he had no idea what they had to offer recreation wise.

He wasn't much for meditation or spiritualism.  So that was out.  He would have to access the ship computer to see what other possibilities there were.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Evandav Bervarn

[Mess Hall]

Ah, Earth and home. It had been understood to Evandav that after the previous mission, they would take a break for a bit. Since his previous mission had been his first, he had this subtle feeling that he probably didn't deserve this break as the others. However, a chance to go home and share his stories of 'valour' to his friends and family, as well as a chance to visit the Deep Space Nine everyone back at the Academy he had learnt the skills necessary to become part of Starfleet raved so much about had been... Enlightening. Visiting his family and talking about his first mission had garnered some very proud responses, and all the family had gathered in the night for dinner. Being in the bed which he had slept in for all his life had brought a sense of... Nostalgia. Walking along the Promenade where the Dominion War had raged, visiting the bar of the infamous Quark, who had played a major part in saving the Federation, meeting Morn and talking to him, or at least listening to Morn had brought out a sense of almost pride in him. This was also a bonus of joining Starfleet. Seeing the locations which had been sacred to all Starfleet officers. But now he was back on the ship, and was in the mess hall for breakfast. He grabbed some scrambled eggs and 2 pieces of toast with a glass of water, and walked, looking for a seat. Seeing a crowd at the Chief of Ops' table, he decided to get to know the others a little better. He also saw Juraan, a person which had helped him in the mine. Walking over, he asked
"Is this seat taken?", gesturing to the seat next to Juraan

Juraan Ren

Quote from: Susan Venator on March 06, 2019, 03:56:39 PM

Mess Hall

Suzie took a bite of her sandwich, chewed and swallowed it before answering.

"I'm Suzie Venator. New, or relatively new Chief of Ops." She replied. "Please to meet you Jurann. Did you manage to see much of Bajor while we were at DS9?" She asked, figuring the Bajoran would have wanted to visit his home planet.

[USS Discovery - Mess Hall]

Juraan nodded in acknowledgement of her name while he chewed and then was asked a question in return. He swallowed, looking down on the table between them as his response came out quite hesitant. "No ... I stayed on DS9", he said vaguely. There were reasons he didn't visit Bajor, but he would have liked to discuss here now. While he pondered about if he should add something else to make it sound less curt, another person stepped up to them.

Quote from: Evandav Bervarn on March 07, 2019, 11:31:48 AM

[Mess Hall]But now he was back on the ship, and was in the mess hall for breakfast. He grabbed some scrambled eggs and 2 pieces of toast with a glass of water, and walked, looking for a seat. Seeing a crowd at the Chief of Ops' table, he decided to get to know the others a little better. He also saw Juraan, a person which had helped him in the mine. Walking over, he asked
"Is this seat taken?", gesturing to the seat next to Juraan

Juraan looked up and noticed the young man who had been down in the mine with him. "No, it's vacant. Please, have a seat, Crewman." He gestured to the seat next to him.

"We just had been talking about what we did during the time off." He looked to Evandav and then back at Suzie, promptin either or both of them to share what they had been doing.

Species: Bajoran

Alt account of Tess Moreno

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