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S13 - M5: Best Laid Plans

Started by Tekin Nevir, March 06, 2019, 11:56:00 AM

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Susan Venator

Quote from: Juraan Ren on March 07, 2019, 11:45:01 AM

[USS Discovery - Mess Hall]

Juraan nodded in acknowledgement of her name while he chewed and then was asked a question in return. He swallowed, looking down on the table between them as his response came out quite hesitant. "No ... I stayed on DS9", he said vaguely. There were reasons he didn't visit Bajor, but he would have liked to discuss here now. While he pondered about if he should add something else to make it sound less curt, another person stepped up to them.

Juraan looked up and noticed the young man who had been down in the mine with him. "No, it's vacant. Please, have a seat, Crewman." He gestured to the seat next to him.

"We just had been talking about what we did during the time off." He looked to Evandav and then back at Suzie, promptin either or both of them to share what they had been doing.

Mess Hall

Suzie nodded, she could see he was feeling awkward and she could feel the conflicting emotions rolling off of him. She decided not to push him.

"I stayed on the station too." She replied. "I visited the promenade a few times but apart from that, I stayed on the Discovery." She added.

Species: Betazoid
Bio: Susan Venator Bio Alt of Lizzie Vaughan

Danjar-Torra Addams

PO3 Danjar-Torra
[USS Discovery -Deck 3 - Aft Observation Lounge]

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on March 06, 2019, 07:35:10 PM

[USS Discovery -Deck 3 - Aft Observation Lounge]

Don had to visit his cousins, uncles and aunts on Earth. He even visited his grave rested grandparents too. He even had to report in person at Starfleet Head Quarters on his whereabouts for their personal use. His visit to Deep Space Nine was busy too. Visiting Quarks with Ian was fun.

Present, Don had finally the chance to be with Torra. He came walking to her side. "Chasing you down is hard, my love," he told her. "I am thinking having more accidents," he joked with her.

So, USS Discovery had departed Deep Space Nine. Don had asked to hold her as they stood there observing and then announcement was heard from the Captain himself. He really liked cuddling with her. The dating process was little hard, but he take what he can.

After that announcement, he had turned to his companion. "Is it me or am I sick. The Captain seem to be more cheerful these days?" he asked. Bitting his lower lip.

At his endearment, Torra inwardly rejoiced.  She reached out a hand towards him, but Don's question of closer contact prompted her to wrap her own arms about his waist as she nodded in answer.  Yes - today was perfect.

She watched in wonder as the station and planet fell away behind the ship, then the swirl colors engulfed them for a brief moment.  It must be quite a sight from the bridge, she thought.  Then there was darkness and starlight again.  Torra gave Don's waist a gentle squeeze and gazed about wide-eyed.

The Captain's announcement only made things better!  Several weeks leave?!  She and Don would have plenty of time together then.  Torra beamed excitedly.

"Perhaps this is his first time in the Gamma Quadrant too" she answered his question with a guess.  "You've traveled more than I, have you been to the Gamma Quadrant before?"

As she stood there, watching the wormhole fall away behind then, she wondered at their destination.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on March 07, 2019, 03:08:28 PM

PO3 Danjar-Torra
[USS Discovery -Deck 3 - Aft Observation Lounge]

At his endearment, Torra inwardly rejoiced.  She reached out a hand towards him, but Don's question of closer contact prompted her to wrap her own arms about his waist as she nodded in answer.  Yes - today was perfect.

She watched in wonder as the station and planet fell away behind the ship, then the swirl colors engulfed them for a brief moment.  It must be quite a sight from the bridge, she thought.  Then there was darkness and starlight again.  Torra gave Don's waist a gentle squeeze and gazed about wide-eyed.

The Captain's announcement only made things better!  Several weeks leave?!  She and Don would have plenty of time together then.  Torra beamed excitedly.

"Perhaps this is his first time in the Gamma Quadrant too" she answered his question with a guess.  "You've traveled more than I, have you been to the Gamma Quadrant before?"

As she stood there, watching the wormhole fall away behind then, she wondered at their destination.

Sucking in his lips and his dark brown eyes looked to the observation window. "I guess it can be. And I have not yet," he told her. "I am excited too. We get some time together if you don't mind?" He asked her.

Evandav Bervarn

Quote from: Susan Venator on March 07, 2019, 01:59:49 PM

Mess Hall

Suzie nodded, she could see he was feeling awkward and she could feel the conflicting emotions rolling off of him. She decided not to push him.

"I stayed on the station too." She replied. "I visited the promenade a few times but apart from that, I stayed on the Discovery." She added.

Seeing Juraan and Susan talk about what they had done, he felt it would be rude not to. And so, he said
"I visisted some friends and family on Earth, talked about my first mission for a bit. Deep Space Nine was cool, Quark's was... Well Quark's. It was very entertaining to be honest." He said, before eating some eggs

Danjar-Torra Addams

PO3 Danjar-Torra
[USS Discovery -Deck 3 - Aft Observation Lounge]

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on March 07, 2019, 07:57:07 PM

Sucking in his lips and his dark brown eyes looked to the observation window. "I guess it can be. And I have not yet," he told her. "I am excited too. We get some time together if you don't mind?" He asked her.

Torra smiled at his words then nodded.  "I'm looking forward to it."

The wormhole was gone now, replaced instead by the view of star streaks trailing behind them as the ship traveled at warp across the Gamma Quadrant into the unknown.

Torra, still holding Don close, thought about what their time together might involve.  He'd mentioned his holodeck program an number of times... but they could always do that while traveling when their schedules were in sync.  For this time away from the ship leave Torra wanted to go exploring. See new sights maybe rough it a few nights in some foreign wilderness.

She tipped her head at a thought and looked to Don questioningly. "Donny, have you ever gone camping?"

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on March 08, 2019, 02:39:42 AM

PO3 Danjar-Torra
[USS Discovery -Deck 3 - Aft Observation Lounge]

Torra smiled at his words then nodded.  "I'm looking forward to it."

The wormhole was gone now, replaced instead by the view of star streaks trailing behind them as the ship traveled at warp across the Gamma Quadrant into the unknown.

Torra, still holding Don close, thought about what their time together might involve.  He'd mentioned his holodeck program an number of times... but they could always do that while traveling when their schedules were in sync.  For this time away from the ship leave Torra wanted to go exploring. See new sights maybe rough it a few nights in some foreign wilderness.

She tipped her head at a thought and looked to Don questioningly. "Donny, have you ever gone camping?"

[USS Discovery -Deck 3 - Aft Observation Lounge]

Don deep set eyes was studying her face when they held on each other. He bit his lower lip. Then he slowly shook his head back and forth. "No. I was a pilot who lived in the fast lane," he shared.

"Why do you ask? Do you?" He returned the question to her.  He was wanting to know because he wanted to know more about her.

Danjar-Torra Addams

PO3 Danjar-Torra
[USS Discovery - Deck 3 - Aft Observation Lounge]

Torra watched Donny as he bit at his lip and wondered at it's reason.  She knew she bit her lip when she was uncertain of what to say or do.  Was it the same for him?  Was he having doubts about them?  Before she could ask.. he answered her question about camping.

His description of himself as a pilot who 'lived in the fast lane' caused a slight smile.  He was very much her opposite in many ways, she realized.  He had grown up around ships and traveling lots.  Whereas she had a mostly rural upbringing - if not for her father introducing her to his upsol with the Ambassador she would likely still be on Grazer... possibly seeking to have her first child and become a full citizen.

"I ask cause I thought it might be something fun to do.  It's been a while since I breathed in fresh air and spent the night from a planet just looking up at the unmoving stars.  If you never have gone camping, it is definitely something you should try at least once." she stated encouragingly as she smiled and dipped her head to the side.

"Lahr, my friend and former superior on Challenger, told me of a human custom called a S'more that I want to try.  Will you try it with me?"

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Tekin Nevir

6 days out....

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Once they were on their way, and everything seemed to go well on this side of the wormhole (he half expected the Dominion- er.. New Dominion, to be there) he finally stood up out of the chair.  Hearing the doors open to the Bridge, he swung around, nodding to Kimball as the man too his station.  Evidently, the free agent of an Officer was still sticking around for a while, and hadn't been recalled.  Nevir didn't mind one bit... it was interesting to see the evolution of his crewmates, and non changed as much as the liberated Borg drone did.

"Mr. Galloway, I will be about the ship.  You have the Bridge, number one." he stated, looking around the bridge one more time before deciding to exit.  He had someone to meet with, after all.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 08, 2019, 04:47:26 PM

6 days out....

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Once they were on their way, and everything seemed to go well on this side of the wormhole (he half expected the Dominion- er.. New Dominion, to be there) he finally stood up out of the chair.  Hearing the doors open to the Bridge, he swung around, nodding to Kimball as the man too his station.  Evidently, the free agent of an Officer was still sticking around for a while, and hadn't been recalled.  Nevir didn't mind one bit... it was interesting to see the evolution of his crewmates, and non changed as much as the liberated Borg drone did.

"Mr. Galloway, I will be about the ship.  You have the Bridge, number one." he stated, looking around the bridge one more time before deciding to exit.  He had someone to meet with, after all.


Ian stood from the Mission Operations station and replied.

"Aye Sir, I have the bridge. Enjoy your walkabout Captain. We'll mind the store."

Ian moved to the center seat and again felt the thrill of being in command. Once the captain had left, he reveled at the sensation for a few moments before returning to business.

"Science, full scans ta maximum range, we are in uncertain territory and I'm not above ta be caught arse out. Full spectrum scans if'n you please Commander, one can nae know when an unseemly sorts are about."

Ian didn't expect to find anything, but he'd found surprises by ordering full spectrum scans before and doing so again was an engrained part of him sitting center seat now.


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 08, 2019, 04:47:26 PM

6 days out....

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Once they were on their way, and everything seemed to go well on this side of the wormhole (he half expected the Dominion- er.. New Dominion, to be there) he finally stood up out of the chair.  Hearing the doors open to the Bridge, he swung around, nodding to Kimball as the man too his station.  Evidently, the free agent of an Officer was still sticking around for a while, and hadn't been recalled.  Nevir didn't mind one bit... it was interesting to see the evolution of his crewmates, and non changed as much as the liberated Borg drone did.

"Mr. Galloway, I will be about the ship.  You have the Bridge, number one." he stated, looking around the bridge one more time before deciding to exit.  He had someone to meet with, after all.


EQ retured the nod to Tekin.  Just how he liked it.  No need for a salute, just get to your station and do your job.

Not that the liberated borg was against exchanging pleasantries, it was just easier when the higher officers didn't require salutes and what not.  He logged into his station.  Then look up to Ian for commands.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on March 08, 2019, 04:30:24 PM

PO3 Danjar-Torra
[USS Discovery - Deck 3 - Aft Observation Lounge]

Torra watched Donny as he bit at his lip and wondered at it's reason.  She knew she bit her lip when she was uncertain of what to say or do.  Was it the same for him?  Was he having doubts about them?  Before she could ask.. he answered her question about camping.

His description of himself as a pilot who 'lived in the fast lane' caused a slight smile.  He was very much her opposite in many ways, she realized.  He had grown up around ships and traveling lots.  Whereas she had a mostly rural upbringing - if not for her father introducing her to his upsol with the Ambassador she would likely still be on Grazer... possibly seeking to have her first child and become a full citizen.

"I ask cause I thought it might be something fun to do.  It's been a while since I breathed in fresh air and spent the night from a planet just looking up at the unmoving stars.  If you never have gone camping, it is definitely something you should try at least once." she stated encouragingly as she smiled and dipped her head to the side.

The handsome fellow nodded his head with a small smile. "I'm up for something different," he said. Her horns are something which he was looking when she bowed her head. Would he be able to touch her horns? How that would go? Head butting he be knocked out. He knew he would wait it out. They where not at the bridge yet

"Lahr, my friend and former superior on Challenger, told me of a human custom called a S'more that I want to try.  Will you try it with me?"

The flight officer was confused. "Shmore?" He shrugged his shoulder. "Sure. Unless we have to kill it first." That was a slightly joke cause he never knew what this S'more was. A drink? You drink it and you want more. Who knows?

"Are we going to use the survival equipment that we used in Survival training?" He asked.

Danjar-Torra Addams


PO3 Danjar-Torra
[USS Discovery - Deck 3 - Aft Observation Lounge]

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on March 08, 2019, 11:38:50 PM

The handsome fellow nodded his head with a small smile. "I'm up for something different," he said. Her horns are something which he was looking when she bowed her head. Would he be able to touch her horns? How that would go? Head butting he be knocked out. He knew he would wait it out. They where not at the bridge yet

The flight officer was confused. "Shmore?" He shrugged his shoulder. "Sure. Unless we have to kill it first." That was a slightly joke cause he never knew what this S'more was. A drink? You drink it and you want more. Who knows?

"Are we going to use the survival equipment that we used in Survival training?" He asked.

Torra was so happy that he agreed to the camping that she hugged him in her excitement.

The grazerite shook her head at his comment about killing a s'more"You can't kill a s'more its a processed food stuff recipe." she answered, then explained, "It's made with chocolate, graham crackers and something called a marshmallow."

At Don's suggestion of using the survival equipment from their survival training, Torra gave a slight shrug.  "We could do that if you like.  I'd just thought of roughing it.. you, me, a backpack of food of you, since I can most likely eat any of the vegetation if it's an M-class planet we are headed to...  and blanket for us to share as we sleep under the open sky, gazing up at hte stars."


6 days later
[USS Discovery - Deck 10 - Sickbay Lab]

Torra was in the lab working on her latest attempt to find a cure for the virus.  Behind her in his cage Donny 2.0 was running on the metal exercise wheel that someone had suggested she provide for the rat as a means of entertainment for the critter.

Torra peered through the electron microscope at the slide sample and frowned at seeing evidence of the live virus.  Another failure.  She diligently recorded the results in her notes and then put the slide into the biohazard bin.

It was standard practice at the end of the shift the bin and it's contents would be incinerated before being disposed of.  But this was just the start of her shift... and the bin would likely see much more use before the end of the day.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Juraan Ren

Quote from: Susan Venator on March 07, 2019, 01:59:49 PM

Mess Hall

Suzie nodded, she could see he was feeling awkward and she could feel the conflicting emotions rolling off of him. She decided not to push him.

"I stayed on the station too." She replied. "I visited the promenade a few times but apart from that, I stayed on the Discovery." She added.

Quote from: Evandav Bervarn on March 08, 2019, 02:31:13 AM

Seeing Juraan and Susan talk about what they had done, he felt it would be rude not to. And so, he said
"I visisted some friends and family on Earth, talked about my first mission for a bit. Deep Space Nine was cool, Quark's was... Well Quark's. It was very entertaining to be honest." He said, before eating some eggs

[USS Discovery - Mess Hall]

Juraan glanced at Suzie as she spoke. He could understand that, he didn't feel like doing very much too. Or she too didn't want to talk about it.

Evandav have had a more eventful time as it seemed. He was young, just assigned - it was a normal thing, Juraan guessed. "Good for you you had the opportunity to see some family and friends and share your first impressions", the Bajoran nodded at him. "Quark's is always a place to have fun." He smirked.


6 days later

[USS Discovery - Sickbay lab]

Juraan was assisting Dr. Thane with the patient treatment. An Andorian crewman showed sympthoms of a disease that wasn't that common and Juraan had been assigned to take samples and examine them.

Entering the lab with a few sample plates of his own, he couldn't help but smile when he saw Torra in there. She really showed persistence. "Greetings", he nodded at her as he walked past and stopped at one of the other work stations. Putting down the sample plates he glanced over at Donny 2.0. "How's the research going?", he asked in a calm voice as he started to adjust the settings of the microscope he would work on.

Species: Bajoran

Alt account of Tess Moreno

Ian Galloway


[Star Date 74114.4, day after depature]

[Deck 6 - Forward Lounge

Ian's scans had found nothing, which was both expected and good to hear. Even though he thought others might see him as paranoid, he still planned that every time he had the opportunity to sit center seat, his first order on taking the bridge would continue to be "full spectrum scans." He wasn't sure what he was looking for or even why he was looking, but it felt better to be doing something than nothing, Because, truth be told, when a ship was at warp, there wasn't much to do except wait to get to where you were going and Katra station was about as far as it was possible to get and find a Federation presence.

In his off duty time, Ian planned on time in the Flying Tigers program every day, both to keep his piloting skills sharp and because he truly enjoyed the setting. Aside from the holodeck, Ian had sent a message to Jess despite knowing it would take a long time for it to catch up to her because of the distance to Earth. Ian's long distance other half was on Earth attending Starfleet Medical to become a nurse practitioner while the USS Tempest was laid up for a major refit to the Galaxy-Plus configuration.

Ian was currently enjoying a scotch while staring out at the starlines from the forward lounge on deck six. He came here frequently to unwind after a shift. Mainly for the view, but also because it was quiet and he could simply... be.

"It's bloody good ta be me right about now."


[Crew Quarters]

EQ woke up after a long nap.  It was rare that he got such an opportunity.  But given that he was off shift, he could do what he wanted.

He got up, showered, and dressed.  He still had several hours to kill.  So he headed out of this room to explore.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

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