S13 - M5: Best Laid Plans

Started by Tekin Nevir, March 06, 2019, 11:56:00 AM

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Danjar-Torra Addams

PO3 Danjar-Torra
[USS Discovery- Deck 6 - Forward Lounge - day after leaving DS9]

Looking forward to spending more time together with Don, Torra entered the Lounge on Deck 6 wearing a green jumper with a black longsleeve turtleneck.  Her footwear  however were security issue boots.  Torra glanced about its interior briefly.  Don wasn't there yet, which wasn't surprising since she was early for their date. She did however see Commander Galloway.

Torra gnawed at her lip a moment.  Should she interrupt his time off to ask if Donny has mentioned about her joining in their Holodeck program?  She wasn't sure it was really her thing but she did want to give it a try because Don was always so animated when he talked about it.  After a minute of indecision, which was actually a rather short time for a Grazerite to think about a decision, Torra made her way over to the Commander.

"Hello Commander. I hope I'm not interrupting, but I was wondering if I might speak with you for a moment?"

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on March 09, 2019, 04:28:54 PM

PO3 Danjar-Torra
[USS Discovery- Deck 6 - Forward Lounge - day after leaving DS9]

Looking forward to spending more time together with Don, Torra entered the Lounge on Deck 6 wearing a green jumper with a black longsleeve turtleneck.  Her footwear  however were security issue boots.  Torra glanced about its interior briefly.  Don wasn't there yet, which wasn't surprising since she was early for their date. She did however see Commander Galloway.

Torra gnawed at her lip a moment.  Should she interrupt his time off to ask if Donny has mentioned about her joining in their Holodeck program?  She wasn't sure it was really her thing but she did want to give it a try because Don was always so animated when he talked about it.  After a minute of indecision, which was actually a rather short time for a Grazerite to think about a decision, Torra made her way over to the Commander.

"Hello Commander. I hope I'm not interrupting, but I was wondering if I might speak with you for a moment?"

[Deck 6 - Forward Lounge]

Ian had heard someone approaching, turning when he heard his name and smiled at Torra.

"I was nae more than woolgatherin' so nothing ta interrupt. How can I help Lass!"

Solen Cenn


Solen laid in his uniform staring up at the drab grey undersurface of Miller's bunk without looking.  His mind was blank or just pleasantly numb Solen wasn't sure which nor did he really care.   It happened, ever now and then, but he'd though he'd make progress.  Four hours had past since he'd laid down in his.  It was clear, even several Months after his mother's death, Solen had not fully let go.  He just wasn't sure if it was because he missed her or that he was unable to save her.  He did the Bajoran rights of death hope it would help.  It didn't.

Solas, of course, had done the traditional mourning period of the Vulcan, but would not mourn  a second longer than custom deemed necessary.   People would probably think Solas a cold hearted S.O.V.(Son of a Vulcan), but Sul prized efficiency above all else.  Solas had showed his respect to her in a manner she would probably once have approved of.

"Your first shift starts in fifteen minutes." Solas, the ever present little brother in the Solen's head, said into the aching numbness of Solen mind.    It it had been years since the incident, but they were no closer to finding a solution to that tiny problem.

Solen continued to lay there stare unblinking at the bunk.

"If you do not get up, I will sing 'My Milkshake'." Solas said.  Didn't move expect for the slight twitch of his eyes.  He wasn't going to let Solas get under his skin this time.

"Very well, this time I will sing in Klingon.  loDHom Hoch SeHmo' milkshake yard.  'ej chaH rur qaqmeH puS.  baQa' lugh Dunmo' puS.  SoHvaD laH ghojmoH..."

Solen leap out of the bed and head towards the door, cursing Sara for ever playing that song in front him in the first place.  At first Solen, just dislike the song but after years of Solas singing the song English, Chinese, Bajoran, Andorian, Vulcan, Trill, Klingon and many more.  Solen wanted to go back in time and kill whoever invented milkshakes, to stop the song from ever being a concept.

"Three and one half lines. You have not lasted that long for two years three months and eighteen days." Solas said, in that same emotionless monotone wrapped around mocking words.  Solen ignored him as he walked to lift.  The when the doors opened, he climb in.

"Bridge." Solen said as the door closed.  He leaned against the bulkhead arms crossed, waiting to arrive for his first shift.  Several hours ago, he'd been excited to be back on active duty after their long 'vacation'.  Now all he wanted to lay in bed for several more hours, if not days.

"This will be good for you.  A regular routine helps to focus the mind.  You will created new pathways of thought and be, as the humans say, 'Back among the living' in two weeks." Solas said.

"SHUT UP!!! Just shut up, and don't talk!  No jokes, no quips, and no stupid singing. " Solen said as a red hot spike of anger thudded between Solen's eyes.

"I'm sorry Solen." Solas said after a few moment.  "I chose my words poorly."

"Look," Solen said lossing some of his heat.  At the same time lift doors open and he started out "Let me be for awhile.  I'll be alright..." not paying attention to his surroundings. Solen walked straight into Captain Nevir.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 08, 2019, 04:47:26 PM

6 days out....

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Once they were on their way, and everything seemed to go well on this side of the wormhole (he half expected the Dominion- er.. New Dominion, to be there) he finally stood up out of the chair.  Hearing the doors open to the Bridge, he swung around, nodding to Kimball as the man too his station.  Evidently, the free agent of an Officer was still sticking around for a while, and hadn't been recalled.  Nevir didn't mind one bit... it was interesting to see the evolution of his crewmates, and non changed as much as the liberated Borg drone did.

"Mr. Galloway, I will be about the ship.  You have the Bridge, number one." he stated, looking around the bridge one more time before deciding to exit.  He had someone to meet with, after all.

Danjar-Torra Addams


PO3 Danjar-Torra
[USS Discovery- Deck 6 - Forward Lounge - day after leaving DS9]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 09, 2019, 04:44:46 PM

[Deck 6 - Forward Lounge]

Ian had heard someone approaching, turning when he heard his name and smiled at Torra.

"I was nae more than woolgatherin' so nothing ta interrupt. How can I help Lass!"

Torra stopped a few feet away and tipped her head to the side questioningly at the odd phrase - 'woolgathering'.  Was he trying to imply something about her ancestral species?  His tone didn't seem insulting thought... so for the moment she ignored the phrase in favor of asking her question.

"I was wondering if Don has spoken to you about an idea he had for your holodeck program... the one about the 'Tigers'?" Torra queried.  She paused considering if she should just mention it herself regardless.  "He'd suggested to me that I might be able to join.  I wanted to be sure that would be okay with you.  I wouldn't want to intrude if it's something that you would like to keep to yourself."

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Evandav Bervarn

[Deck 2, 6 days later]

Evandav marched on patrol on the hallways in his uniform. This had been going on for a few days now, marching on patrol, getting bored in quarters. This was certainly not what he had signed up to Starfleet for, but it was part of his duties, and it was simple enough. Looking down hallways, he was cautious. The Gamma Quadrant was new to him, he didn't know what to expect.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on March 09, 2019, 11:25:46 PM

PO3 Danjar-Torra
[USS Discovery- Deck 6 - Forward Lounge - day after leaving DS9]

Torra stopped a few feet away and tipped her head to the side questioningly at the odd phrase - 'woolgathering'.  Was he trying to imply something about her ancestral species?  His tone didn't seem insulting thought... so for the moment she ignored the phrase in favor of asking her question.

"I was wondering if Don has spoken to you about an idea he had for your holodeck program... the one about the 'Tigers'?" Torra queried.  She paused considering if she should just mention it herself regardless.  "He'd suggested to me that I might be able to join.  I wanted to be sure that would be okay with you.  I wouldn't want to intrude if it's something that you would like to keep to yourself."

[Deck 6 - Forward Lounge]

Ian's eyebrows arched in surprise, but he knew that now was not the time for jokes as Torra was clearly serious and he'd hurt her feelings if he didn't treat her with kid gloves.

"Well Lass, I have ta admit, that is nae what I'd thought you'd be askin'. All that aside, first, let's make this clear, you are absolutely welcome ta join the program. However, although I am aware of your security background and your medical skills, exactly what sort skills do you have as a pilot?

"I only ask because the atmospheric craft, the P-40 Tomahawk, that is at the heart of the program is both frustratingly primitive and complex at the same time. They have absolutely no automation of any kind and the start up sequence alone consists of thirty-four steps. And that's just ta start the bloody thing, takin' off and landin', especially landin', is a challenge for even an experienced pilot.

"Add in a foe with more maneuverability than you and usually outnumbers you, you can get the gist of the level of difficulty of the Flyin' Tigers program. In our last mission, I brought my plane back full of holes and Addams got shot down.

"Regardless of all that, if'n you want ta try, you are more than welcome ta join in. The replicator has the pattern for the uniform you will need. Just ask for 'Flyin' Tigers Ensemble One' and that will give you everything you will need.

"Next mission is tomorrow at 1900 in holodeck two."

Danjar-Torra Addams

PO3 Danjar-Torra
[USS Discovery- Deck 6 - Forward Lounge - day after leaving DS9]

Torra bit at her lip when the Commander asked what sort of piloting experience she had.  She was reluctant to admit to absolutely none, but that was the truth of it.

However before she got the chance to admit that, the Commander went on to describe the program and her eyes widened slightly when he mentioned the lack of any automation and a 34 step start up sequence.

"I see. So probably not the best program for a complete novice.  Thank you sir.  I'll just have to tell Don I won't be able to join along.  Quick learner or not, I doubt I could handle something complex."  She bobbed her head slightly in appreciation for his time in speaking with her.  Then before turning away she paused,  "Would you be able to recommend a good learners program?"

She wouldn't be able to join in his Tiger's program, but perhaps Don would be willing to teach her to fly in a learner's program?

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret


Quote from: Evandav Bervarn on March 10, 2019, 08:08:19 AM

[Deck 2, 6 days later]

Evandav marched on patrol on the hallways in his uniform. This had been going on for a few days now, marching on patrol, getting bored in quarters. This was certainly not what he had signed up to Starfleet for, but it was part of his duties, and it was simple enough. Looking down hallways, he was cautious. The Gamma Quadrant was new to him, he didn't know what to expect.

[Deck 2, 6 days later]

EQ had been given hall patrol duty too.  He saw Evandav coming toward him.  They must have been giver opposite starting points.

"Hey.  You picked the short staw too.  Huh?" EQ said once they were close enough to one another.  He kept his voice low so others would not hear him.  He wasn't complaining necessarily, just didn't want others to misinterpret his meaning.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on March 10, 2019, 06:47:56 PM

PO3 Danjar-Torra
[USS Discovery- Deck 6 - Forward Lounge - day after leaving DS9]

Torra bit at her lip when the Commander asked what sort of piloting experience she had.  She was reluctant to admit to absolutely none, but that was the truth of it.

However before she got the chance to admit that, the Commander went on to describe the program and her eyes widened slightly when he mentioned the lack of any automation and a 34 step start up sequence.

"I see. So probably not the best program for a complete novice.  Thank you sir.  I'll just have to tell Don I won't be able to join along.  Quick learner or not, I doubt I could handle something complex."  She bobbed her head slightly in appreciation for his time in speaking with her.  Then before turning away she paused,  "Would you be able to recommend a good learners program?"

She wouldn't be able to join in his Tiger's program, but perhaps Don would be willing to teach her to fly in a learner's program?

[Deck Six - Forward Lounge]

Ian expression became troubled when he saw he'd scared Torra off,

"Now Lass, just because you might not be ready for the flyin', you can still participate. Perhaps as a nurse? My own girlfriend did that when we were on the Tempest. You can see the start up sequence and meet the ground crew. If nothing else, it will be an interestin' exposure ta Earth history."

Ian paused to let Torra think as he tried to think of an introductory flight program.

Susan Venator

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 08, 2019, 05:37:28 PM


Ian stood from the Mission Operations station and replied.

"Aye Sir, I have the bridge. Enjoy your walkabout Captain. We'll mind the store."

Ian moved to the center seat and again felt the thrill of being in command. Once the captain had left, he reveled at the sensation for a few moments before returning to business.

"Science, full scans ta maximum range, we are in uncertain territory and I'm not above ta be caught arse out. Full spectrum scans if'n you please Commander, one can nae know when an unseemly sorts are about."

Ian didn't expect to find anything, but he'd found surprises by ordering full spectrum scans before and doing so again was an engrained part of him sitting center seat now.


Siuzie was on duty at Ops and while Ian had only ordered science to scan, she decided to conduct her own. They were after all in at best neutral, if not hostile territory and it was wise to be cautious.

Species: Betazoid
Bio: Susan Venator Bio Alt of Lizzie Vaughan

Evandav Bervarn

Quote from: EQ Kimball on March 10, 2019, 07:23:52 PM

[Deck 2, 6 days later]

EQ had been given hall patrol duty too.  He saw Evandav coming toward him.  They must have been giver opposite starting points.

"Hey.  You picked the short staw too.  Huh?" EQ said once they were close enough to one another.  He kept his voice low so others would not hear him.  He wasn't complaining necessarily, just didn't want others to misinterpret his meaning.

As EQ approached, and spoke to Evandav, he couldn't help but grin at his comment.
"Must've upset an Admiral somewhere." He said with a smile on his face. He hadn't seen him before really; quickly he decided that he might as well get to know him better if he was going to serve with him.
"You been here a while he said?" He asked, slowing down a little

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Solen Cenn on March 09, 2019, 05:33:03 PM

Solen laid in his uniform staring up at the drab grey undersurface of Miller's bunk without looking.  His mind was blank or just pleasantly numb Solen wasn't sure which nor did he really care.   It happened, ever now and then, but he'd though he'd make progress.  Four hours had past since he'd laid down in his.  It was clear, even several Months after his mother's death, Solen had not fully let go.  He just wasn't sure if it was because he missed her or that he was unable to save her.  He did the Bajoran rights of death hope it would help.  It didn't.

Solas, of course, had done the traditional mourning period of the Vulcan, but would not mourn  a second longer than custom deemed necessary.   People would probably think Solas a cold hearted S.O.V.(Son of a Vulcan), but Sul prized efficiency above all else.  Solas had showed his respect to her in a manner she would probably once have approved of.

"Your first shift starts in fifteen minutes." Solas, the ever present little brother in the Solen's head, said into the aching numbness of Solen mind.    It it had been years since the incident, but they were no closer to finding a solution to that tiny problem.

Solen continued to lay there stare unblinking at the bunk.

"If you do not get up, I will sing 'My Milkshake'." Solas said.  Didn't move expect for the slight twitch of his eyes.  He wasn't going to let Solas get under his skin this time.

"Very well, this time I will sing in Klingon.  loDHom Hoch SeHmo' milkshake yard.  'ej chaH rur qaqmeH puS.  baQa' lugh Dunmo' puS.  SoHvaD laH ghojmoH..."

Solen leap out of the bed and head towards the door, cursing Sara for ever playing that song in front him in the first place.  At first Solen, just dislike the song but after years of Solas singing the song English, Chinese, Bajoran, Andorian, Vulcan, Trill, Klingon and many more.  Solen wanted to go back in time and kill whoever invented milkshakes, to stop the song from ever being a concept.

"Three and one half lines. You have not lasted that long for two years three months and eighteen days." Solas said, in that same emotionless monotone wrapped around mocking words.  Solen ignored him as he walked to lift.  The when the doors opened, he climb in.

"Bridge." Solen said as the door closed.  He leaned against the bulkhead arms crossed, waiting to arrive for his first shift.  Several hours ago, he'd been excited to be back on active duty after their long 'vacation'.  Now all he wanted to lay in bed for several more hours, if not days.

"This will be good for you.  A regular routine helps to focus the mind.  You will created new pathways of thought and be, as the humans say, 'Back among the living' in two weeks." Solas said.

"SHUT UP!!! Just shut up, and don't talk!  No jokes, no quips, and no stupid singing. " Solen said as a red hot spike of anger thudded between Solen's eyes.

"I'm sorry Solen." Solas said after a few moment.  "I chose my words poorly."

"Look," Solen said lossing some of his heat.  At the same time lift doors open and he started out "Let me be for awhile.  I'll be alright..." not paying attention to his surroundings. Solen walked straight into Captain Nevir.

[Turbolift 2 - Deck 1, Bridge]

Collision in the corridor was one thing, collision on the Bridge was quite another.  A young officer's biggest fear, even more so when its the Captain.  Nevir did it himself a time or too, but this... this was the first time the roles were reversed.

"Careful there, Ensign." Nevir stated, as the younger officer almost plowed into him.  He didn't initially recognize him, which meant he was one of the newer crewmen on the ship.  Either a pick up from Earth or Bajor.

"You don't want to bump into the wrong person.  As you were." he stated, turning and going back into the turbolift.

6 days later, ETA 1.5 days to Katra Station...

[Deck 2 - Captain's Quarters]

A Captain never really had a shift.  Sure, he was technically Alpha shift, if one could put him on a shift, but like all command officers, he was always on call.  Luckily, calm trips like this one left him with the free time to actually relax, and after spending some time with others, he was laying on the couch, looking over the latest astrometrics data.  So many interesting systems.

"Computer, current ETA to Katra Station?"

=/\= Approximately 37 hours and 20 minutes to Katra Station. =/\=

"Thank you." he stated, acknowledging the response.  So far... so good....

T'Ra Jones


T'Ra had spent the last few days conducting both short and long range scans as had been ordered by the first officer. There was nothing that jumped out as an immediate threat, but there were a few spatial anomalies that she flagged for further review. Long range scanners detected accelerated interstellar gases, which could mean any number of things, but T'Ra was hoping for a cosmic string, a particularly interesting phenomenon that she hadn't yet had the chance to study in person.

Ich lache, weil es ein Loch in mir gibt.
-Evan Buehler

Danjar-Torra Addams

PO3 Danjar-Torra
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Forward Lounge - day after leaving DS9]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 10, 2019, 07:25:57 PM

[Deck Six - Forward Lounge]

Ian expression became troubled when he saw he'd scared Torra off,

"Now Lass, just because you might not be ready for the flyin', you can still participate. Perhaps as a nurse? My own girlfriend did that when we were on the Tempest. You can see the start up sequence and meet the ground crew. If nothing else, it will be an interestin' exposure ta Earth history."

Ian paused to let Torra think as he tried to think of an introductory flight program.

At the suggestion that she join in some other fashion, such as playing the part of a nurse, Torra dipped her head thoughtfully.  She was certain that's not what Don had in mind originally.. but it would at least allow her to be there to watch Don doing something he very much enjoyed and thus sharing it with him.

She nodded firmly after her moments consideration (she really had become quite adept at making up her mind quickly in comparison to most Grazerites).  "Thank you sir.  I would like that." she remarked with a warm smile towards the man.  He didn't have to suggest the nurse option to her.  The fact that he did was very much appreciated.

Quote from: Juraan Ren on March 09, 2019, 04:02:32 AM

6 days later

[USS Discovery - Sickbay lab]

Juraan was assisting Dr. Thane with the patient treatment. An Andorian crewman showed sympthoms of a disease that wasn't that common and Juraan had been assigned to take samples and examine them.

Entering the lab with a few sample plates of his own, he couldn't help but smile when he saw Torra in there. She really showed persistence. "Greetings", he nodded at her as he walked past and stopped at one of the other work stations. Putting down the sample plates he glanced over at Donny 2.0. "How's the research going?", he asked in a calm voice as he started to adjust the settings of the microscope he would work on.

Torra looked up from her work with the virus at Jureen's arrival.  She smiled at his greeting.  "Hello Dr. Jureen." she greeted back as he moved to take a seat beside her.

She answered his query about the virus, with a slight frown.  "Nothing positive yet. But I'm not giving up!"

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Juraan Ren

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on March 11, 2019, 02:09:21 PM

PO3 Danjar-Torra
Torra looked up from her work with the virus at Jureen's arrival.  She smiled at his greeting.  "Hello Dr. Jureen." she greeted back as he moved to take a seat beside her.

She answered his query about the virus, with a slight frown.  "Nothing positive yet. But I'm not giving up!"

[USS Discovery - Sickbay lab]

"That's it. I'm sure you're close."

He adjusted the microscope and leaned forward to look through it as he picked up one of the sample plates and put it under the lens.

"You did fine work with the dermal regenerator by the way. Dr. Thane thinks the same", she said quietly while looking through the microscope. "Thought I tell you before I forget about it."

Species: Bajoran

Alt account of Tess Moreno

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