S13 - M5: Best Laid Plans

Started by Tekin Nevir, March 06, 2019, 11:56:00 AM

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Susan Venator

Quote from: Solluk on March 14, 2019, 01:37:03 PM

Meanwhile, coming across the subspace com antenna...

The signal which had previously stopped, suddenly came on again, at a slightly higher power level.  Still, it remained weak, and hard to make out.

=/\= This is Captain Solluk to all personnel aboard Katra Station and throughout the system.  Be advised: We are being boarded.   Repeat: We are being boarded.  Starfleet has pledged to defend the Trialus system.  The Dosi are intent on seizing it. =/\=

There was a pause, then:

=/\= Make Them Pay For It. =/\=


Suzie noticed the signal appear again, this time with more power behind it. She detected the two single lines of text. She was about to let the Captain know, when a message popped up.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 14, 2019, 02:04:17 PM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Message - Tekin to Venator:

That signal from Katra.  Enemies here. They scan us. We scan them.  Stop their tongues.

Giving a smile, she forwarded the message from Katra in  full to the Captain before performing every scan she could think of at maximum power. While the Discovery did not have the advanced sensor suite of the Athena, her sensors were still formidable. And with the power she was putting behind them, it would mess with all the Dosi systems. Effectively getting them lost in 'white noise'!

Species: Betazoid
Bio: Susan Venator Bio Alt of Lizzie Vaughan

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 14, 2019, 02:04:17 PM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

As soon as he saw lips moving but with no sound, he glanced to the comms officer to cut the mic.  Luckily, that's when Ian spoke to him about what they found.

"Captain, they are scanning us."

"Then they won't think of us as a science vessel for long.  Shame... I really wanted to be one." he said, turning to Ian.

"Mr Galloway... depending on what we find, it is possible I will become emotionally compromised.  Be prepared for when that happens.  My.... my wife and children are on Katra Station." he said, sighing.

"Once this comes to blows, they will no doubt send a signal to their friends in the Trialus system.  They are probably poised over the button to report us.  Now... do you want them to report one vessel on approach?  Or three?  These people don't seem to scare easily... but their technology... its not right.  And because of that, I don't think they'll understand what their scanners see on our ship.  That ship is big, but it's clunky and makeshift.  They're no Jem'hadar.  Let's save the MVA for the cavalry."

Nevir paused to look around the bridge again.  They've been engaged with marauders and pirates... not ship to ship.  Not in a long while.

"Number one.  Prepare all decks for battle stations, all but Deck One.  Remember everyone: we are a science vessel until we are not.  Understood?"

He turned back just as the sound returned to the face of the Dosi Captain.  She did her homework.  She knew he would prefer not to engage.  It was the Starfleet way.  Which meant.. they were planning something.

"I understand.  We do have a protocol in these kinds of events.  One of which is an automated signal to explain the situation.  We haven't gotten that signal yet.  If you so desire, we can head straight to Katra Station to pick up our people, and be out of your... hair, as it were.  I agree... I wouldn't like things to get violent.  That is the Starfleet way, after all." he said, taking a seat in the Captain's chair and tapping his hand on his console in a nervous tick.

"We can arrange for you to transport over immedately if that is more preferable." he said, suddenly pulling his hand in as if realizing he was showing fear or nervousness.

Message - Tekin to Venator:

That signal from Katra.  Enemies here. They scan us. We scan them.  Stop their tongues.


Ian's eyebrows arched when the captain revealed that his family was aboard Katra and that made the attack there deeply personal. Ian could only respect the captain even more for knowing his own limitations.

"Aye Sir. I believe ta best implement your instructions, with your permission, I will move ta the Beta battle bridge."

Ian rose calmly from the Mission Operations station and headed for the turbolift, riding directly to deck seven. He stepped onto the battle bridge, which was manned because of the yellow alert, and sat in the command chair. He tapped the communication array to make a shipwide announcement, that excluded deck one.

"Battle stations, battle stations, this is not a drill! All hands report condition one throughout the ship!"

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 14, 2019, 04:05:08 PM


Ian's eyebrows arched when the captain revealed that his family was aboard Katra and that made the attack there deeply personal. Ian could only respect the captain even more for knowing his own limitations.

"Aye Sir. I believe ta best implement your instructions, with your permission, I will move ta the Beta battle bridge."

Ian rose calmly from the Mission Operations station and headed for the turbolift, riding directly to deck seven. He stepped onto the battle bridge, which was manned because of the yellow alert, and sat in the command chair. He tapped the communication array to make a shipwide announcement, that excluded deck one.

"Battle stations, battle stations, this is not a drill! All hands report condition one throughout the ship!"

[Dicovery bridge]

That was why Captain Tekin was all happy about this mission. Know he was worried about his family. That he can understand.

A small smile grew when Ian went to Beta. Deep down he was picturing them battling the enemy. This was going to be sweet. Then he stopped. The crew on the ship. It was far from being a Tiger. Lives on his hand when he flies. The small stake of serving on a ship. But Ian and Don knew some tricks for flying, then the third person. No. Ian had trained them on things and then they shared each other tactical flight pattern and things.



Dosi Cruiser 'Rage' - Bridge

Valla smiled again, "Very well.  Please lower your shields and provide coordinates for transport.  We will then escort you to Trialus while I am a guest on your ship, and we can begin to discuss these territorial matters in person."

She half-turned again, and nodded to her signals officer to cut the transmission.

"Transmission ended.  Sir... they've started scanning us with powerful sensors.  It's enough to interfere with our communications."

She smirked, "They are jamming us, surreptitiously.  Most likely in preparation for an attack.  But Dontu tells me that the Federation has a policy of never starting a fight.   And so... they will die by their philosophy.  Rigidity of thought has a price."

She sat in her command chair.  "Release all target locks on the Starfleet ship.  Program all missiles to home in on their sensor output.  Then lower our shields.  At the moment that they lower theirs, fire all missiles at them, launch all fighters, and then raise ours again.  We may very well take them out with the initial volley."

Acknowledgements came from around the bridge.

The Rage would have a dozen antiproton missiles shoved into the Starfleet ship in an instant.  Dosi missiles were only about half as powerful as Starfleet torpedoes... but with shields down, that would hardly matter.

"Missiles programmed.   Our shields are now down.  We are waiting for them to follow suit."

She leaned forward, waiting for the moment of triumph.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Solluk on March 14, 2019, 06:03:34 PM

Dosi Cruiser 'Rage' - Bridge

Valla smiled again, "Very well.  Please lower your shields and provide coordinates for transport.  We will then escort you to Trialus while I am a guest on your ship, and we can begin to discuss these territorial matters in person."

She half-turned again, and nodded to her signals officer to cut the transmission.

"Transmission ended.  Sir... they've started scanning us with powerful sensors.  It's enough to interfere with our communications."

She smirked, "They are jamming us, surreptitiously.  Most likely in preparation for an attack.  But Dontu tells me that the Federation has a policy of never starting a fight.   And so... they will die by their philosophy.  Rigidity of thought has a price."

She sat in her command chair.  "Release all target locks on the Starfleet ship.  Program all missiles to home in on their sensor output.  Then lower our shields.  At the moment that they lower theirs, fire all missiles at them, launch all fighters, and then raise ours again.  We may very well take them out with the initial volley."

Acknowledgements came from around the bridge.

The Rage would have a dozen antiproton missiles shoved into the Starfleet ship in an instant.  Dosi missiles were only about half as powerful as Starfleet torpedoes... but with shields down, that would hardly matter.

"Missiles programmed.   Our shields are now down.  We are waiting for them to follow suit."

She leaned forward, waiting for the moment of triumph.

[Beta Hull - Battle Bridge]

Ian watched the Dosi woman and despite her words, he knew, completely knew she was both lying and up to something, but for the life of him, he didn't know what. He tapped the communication array on the arm of his command chair.

=/\= "Galloway ta Captain, I know diplomacy is Starfleet's raison d'etre, but we already know Katra is under attack by the Dosi, I strongly suggest we do not drop shields. Katra is in trouble and we're the only ship in range ta help. We let this Reipseach get the better of us and not only will it be bad for us, but even worse for Katra." =/\=


Quote from: Evandav Bervarn on March 14, 2019, 11:36:37 AM

As he listened to EQ, he did so with a little envy. Serving on the biggest ship in Starfleet, using the variety of weapons which he was sure the ship held. When asked another question, he answered simply
"This is my first ship, my previous mission was my first." Then, Yellow Alert came, and he looked at EQ with a little apprehension. He hadn't really been part of a Yellow Alert yet, and asked
"What do we do in a Yellow Alert?" to EQ


EQ nodded his head, listing.  Then the yellow alert caught his attention.  "We should head for the Bridge.  They will need someone at the Sec/Tac station.  You been trained up on it, yeah?" EQ replied.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Solluk on March 14, 2019, 06:03:34 PM

Dosi Cruiser 'Rage' - Bridge

Valla smiled again, "Very well.  Please lower your shields and provide coordinates for transport.  We will then escort you to Trialus while I am a guest on your ship, and we can begin to discuss these territorial matters in person."

She half-turned again, and nodded to her signals officer to cut the transmission.

"Transmission ended.  Sir... they've started scanning us with powerful sensors.  It's enough to interfere with our communications."

She smirked, "They are jamming us, surreptitiously.  Most likely in preparation for an attack.  But Dontu tells me that the Federation has a policy of never starting a fight.   And so... they will die by their philosophy.  Rigidity of thought has a price."

She sat in her command chair.  "Release all target locks on the Starfleet ship.  Program all missiles to home in on their sensor output.  Then lower our shields.  At the moment that they lower theirs, fire all missiles at them, launch all fighters, and then raise ours again.  We may very well take them out with the initial volley."

Acknowledgements came from around the bridge.

The Rage would have a dozen antiproton missiles shoved into the Starfleet ship in an instant.  Dosi missiles were only about half as powerful as Starfleet torpedoes... but with shields down, that would hardly matter.

"Missiles programmed.   Our shields are now down.  We are waiting for them to follow suit."

She leaned forward, waiting for the moment of triumph.

[Bridge - Deck 1 - USS Discovery]

As soon as the screen went black, Nevir leaned forward, holding his chin in his hand.  He expected that.  She wanted him to drop his shields.

His comm officer Ensign was silent as well, and then spoke up.  "Sir?  That has to be a trap."

"I am aware, Ensign.... but the longer we wait, the worst Katra gets."  he said, pushing himself up and out of his seat.

"Susan, send the Dosi cruiser our coordinates for the transporter room.  If Ian's message got through, this is a redundant command... but all hands prepare for Condition 1." he said, taking a few steps towards the viewscreen, where only the ship was shown.  He looked at it for a moment, and then turned to the crew.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 14, 2019, 06:38:49 PM

[Beta Hull - Battle Bridge]

Ian watched the Dosi woman and despite her words, he knew, completely knew she was both lying and up to something, but for the life of him, he didn't know what. He tapped the communication array on the arm of his command chair.

=/\= "Galloway ta Captain, I know diplomacy is Starfleet's raison d'etre, but we already know Katra is under attack by the Dosi, I strongly suggest we do not drop shields. Katra is in trouble and we're the only ship in range ta help. We let this Reipseach get the better of us and not only will it be bad for us, but even worse for Katra." =/\=

Of course his First Officer would be the voice of reason.  Honestly the smartest thing would be to go in guns blazing in their tactical advantage.  But that was their only true advantage;  if Katra Station and the ships protecting here were being overwhelmed, then it stood to reason that the Dosi could really put up a fight.  One that would take far, far too long.

"Open comms to the battle bridges.. path both of them through." he stated, crossing his arms.

=/\="I completely agree with you, Ian.  But I have a plan.  Why can the Romulans defeat the Klingons?  They don't rush into the fight." =/\= he stated, hoping that Ian would get the hint of what he was going to do.  However, this was a case where he couldn't let his First officer... or any officer, question him.  He needed to be resolute and firm.. or they would be in trouble.

=/\= "Listen closely.  I'm about to attempt a very risky maneuver.  We haven't had a fight tough enough to sink our teeth into for a long while, and for some of you, this will be your first.  I have confidence in all of you.  Because of that, if any of you have any objections to my plans, I will note it in my log, but my orders are final."  =/\=

Nevir crossed the bridge, swinging around to take his seat in the big chair.  He took a deep breath before speaking, giving a small prayer to the Prophets.

"The Prophets smile on the bold and the just."  he said, softly, before speaking.

=/\= "Engineering, send all auxiliary power to the ablative armor, push it past it's normal boundaries if you have to.  Tactical, silent charge to the phase banks and canons.  Do NOT arm them yet.   Ready but don't arm photon torpedoes.  Then.... drop our shields."  =/\=

He expected a cry of shock from the Bridge, but he stated that his orders were final.  The Dosi would attack as soon as the shields go down.  He won't start the fight... but Prophets willing he will end it.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 14, 2019, 06:55:26 PM

[Bridge - Deck 1 - USS Discovery]

As soon as the screen went black, Nevir leaned forward, holding his chin in his hand.  He expected that.  She wanted him to drop his shields.

His comm officer Ensign was silent as well, and then spoke up.  "Sir?  That has to be a trap."

"I am aware, Ensign.... but the longer we wait, the worst Katra gets."  he said, pushing himself up and out of his seat.

"Susan, send the Dosi cruiser our coordinates for the transporter room.  If Ian's message got through, this is a redundant command... but all hands prepare for Condition 1." he said, taking a few steps towards the viewscreen, where only the ship was shown.  He looked at it for a moment, and then turned to the crew.

Of course his First Officer would be the voice of reason.  Honestly the smartest thing would be to go in guns blazing in their tactical advantage.  But that was their only true advantage;  if Katra Station and the ships protecting here were being overwhelmed, then it stood to reason that the Dosi could really put up a fight.  One that would take far, far too long.

"Open comms to the battle bridges.. path both of them through." he stated, crossing his arms.

=/\="I completely agree with you, Ian.  But I have a plan.  Why can the Romulans defeat the Klingons?  They don't rush into the fight." =/\= he stated, hoping that Ian would get the hint of what he was going to do.  However, this was a case where he couldn't let his First officer... or any officer, question him.  He needed to be resolute and firm.. or they would be in trouble.

=/\= "Listen closely.  I'm about to attempt a very risky maneuver.  We haven't had a fight tough enough to sink our teeth into for a long while, and for some of you, this will be your first.  I have confidence in all of you.  Because of that, if any of you have any objections to my plans, I will note it in my log, but my orders are final."  =/\=

Nevir crossed the bridge, swinging around to take his seat in the big chair.  He took a deep breath before speaking, giving a small prayer to the Prophets.

"The Prophets smile on the bold and the just."  he said, softly, before speaking.

=/\= "Engineering, send all auxiliary power to the ablative armor, push it past it's normal boundaries if you have to.  Tactical, silent charge to the phase banks and canons.  Do NOT arm them yet.   Ready but don't arm photon torpedoes.  Then.... drop our shields."  =/\=

He expected a cry of shock from the Bridge, but he stated that his orders were final.  The Dosi would attack as soon as the shields go down.  He won't start the fight... but Prophets willing he will end it.

[Beta Hull - Battle Bridge]

Ian cringed when the captain said he would drop the shields, but he had complete faith in whatever the captain had planned. Ian could see power flowing to the ablative armor and offered an additional option.

=/\= "Sir. I suggest also usin' reserve power for the structural integrity field as well. If'n you are goin' ta allow them the first punch, it would be good ta have as much paddin' as possible." =/\=

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 14, 2019, 07:14:40 PM

[Beta Hull - Battle Bridge]

Ian cringed when the captain said he would drop the shields, but he had complete faith in whatever the captain had planned. Ian could see power flowing to the ablative armor and offered an additional option.

=/\= "Sir. I suggest also usin' reserve power for the structural integrity field as well. If'n you are goin' ta allow them the first punch, it would be good ta have as much paddin' as possible." =/\=

[discovery bridge]

Don heard Ian report about the other ship can pull a trap on them. The helm pilot was remembering what the P 40 can do. He was running some idea in his head for a quick dive and some maneuver. There was no sense telling the Captain. He said what he wanted. Don would risk to pull a stunt if he felt the Captain was going to put them beyond danger. He was thinking doing it. Would he?

However, Don was a soldier who follow orders and not like it. So he was going to play it out. Pray to the Celestials to be with them. Cause the Captain can be under pressure cause of his family.

"Sir. Am I able to take action to dodge?" He had to asked. "If they fire. Cause I am thinking everything what if's."

Solen Cenn

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 14, 2019, 06:55:26 PM

[Bridge - Deck 1 - USS Discovery]

As soon as the screen went black, Nevir leaned forward, holding his chin in his hand.  He expected that.  She wanted him to drop his shields.

His comm officer Ensign was silent as well, and then spoke up.  "Sir?  That has to be a trap."

"I am aware, Ensign.... but the longer we wait, the worst Katra gets."  he said, pushing himself up and out of his seat.

"Susan, send the Dosi cruiser our coordinates for the transporter room.  If Ian's message got through, this is a redundant command... but all hands prepare for Condition 1." he said, taking a few steps towards the viewscreen, where only the ship was shown.  He looked at it for a moment, and then turned to the crew.

Of course his First Officer would be the voice of reason.  Honestly the smartest thing would be to go in guns blazing in their tactical advantage.  But that was their only true advantage;  if Katra Station and the ships protecting here were being overwhelmed, then it stood to reason that the Dosi could really put up a fight.  One that would take far, far too long.

"Open comms to the battle bridges.. path both of them through." he stated, crossing his arms.

=/\="I completely agree with you, Ian.  But I have a plan.  Why can the Romulans defeat the Klingons?  They don't rush into the fight." =/\= he stated, hoping that Ian would get the hint of what he was going to do.  However, this was a case where he couldn't let his First officer... or any officer, question him.  He needed to be resolute and firm.. or they would be in trouble.

=/\= "Listen closely.  I'm about to attempt a very risky maneuver.  We haven't had a fight tough enough to sink our teeth into for a long while, and for some of you, this will be your first.  I have confidence in all of you.  Because of that, if any of you have any objections to my plans, I will note it in my log, but my orders are final."  =/\=

Nevir crossed the bridge, swinging around to take his seat in the big chair.  He took a deep breath before speaking, giving a small prayer to the Prophets.

"The Prophets smile on the bold and the just."  he said, softly, before speaking.

=/\= "Engineering, send all auxiliary power to the ablative armor, push it past it's normal boundaries if you have to.  Tactical, silent charge to the phase banks and canons.  Do NOT arm them yet.   Ready but don't arm photon torpedoes.  Then.... drop our shields."  =/\=

He expected a cry of shock from the Bridge, but he stated that his orders were final.  The Dosi would attack as soon as the shields go down.  He won't start the fight... but Prophets willing he will end it.

"Aye captain!"  Solen said and sent the Captain order down to the engineering department.  It took at five seconds for the confirmation. When it normally took one.  Solen understood.  This was not the way he wanted to test the ablative armor.  Everybody was talking about traps, and counter plays.  Solen wasn't even sure what was going on anymore, but he had his orders.

"Most likely, the Captain thinking the ship will attack when our shields are down." Solas said.  Solen shook his head in frustration

Damn it, you're right! Solen thought back.  "Auxiliary power rerouted to adaptive armor. Currently eight percent over threshold.  I'll try to get another two percent." Solen said.  This was a big gamble, the Captain was taking. The least Solen could do was stake the deck.  Or was it stoke.

"Stack.  The word is stack" Thought Solas.

Danjar-Torra Addams

PO3 Danjar-Torra
[USS Discovery - Deck 10 - Sickbay]

After Donny left for the bridge, Torra looked to Juraan.  She knew from the duty roster that she was assigned to assist Dr. Juraan today up at the Alpha medical station on Deck 6.  "I'll be assisting you today... if you want to head there immediately, I'll just double check that the lab samples are secure.  I will meet you there."

Torra gave a quick nod and dashed off to put away the adhesive back into her pack.  She then hurried into the lab and ensured all her virus samples were securely stored and that Donny 2.0's cage was locked tight before grabbing up her jumpkit and hurrying back out to the main treatment area and then out to the turbolift to take up to Deck 6.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Evandav Bervarn

Quote from: EQ Kimball on March 14, 2019, 06:46:46 PM


EQ nodded his head, listing.  Then the yellow alert caught his attention.  "We should head for the Bridge.  They will need someone at the Sec/Tac station.  You been trained up on it, yeah?" EQ replied.

"Yes sir."
And he rushed to the nearest turbolift, where he took it to he main bridge

[Bridge] Arriving, he said
"Evandav Bervarn reporting for duty sir." As he began to make his way to a Tactical Station in anticipation. He didn't know whether this was right or not, but presumably it was.


Dosi Cruiser 'Rage' - Command Deck

"They've lowered shields!"

The moment had come.  The moment that would decide everything.  Starfleet was showing itself to be a clockwork fool, mechanically reproducing gullibility on a reliable schedule.

"Fire all missiles," Valla ordered, "Raise Shields, and then open up with all antiproton batteries.  Tear their ship apart!"

The transparent tech panels that lined the forward part of the bridge showed a projected, magnified view as the missiles lurched out towards their target, followed close behind by massive antiproton pulses.  It would be enough to break the back of most unshielded ships.  Enough to win a battle in a single blow.

But Valla did not know the legend of Prometheus, who had been clever enough to steal the fire of the Gods.

She did not know the legend of Discovery, whose namesake had stood boldly against a Klingon horde.

She did not know the legend of Tekin Nevir, whose people had relentlessly repelled genocidal overlords from their world.

She knew none of these legends.

Not yet...

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Susan Venator

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 14, 2019, 06:55:26 PM

[Bridge - Deck 1 - USS Discovery]

As soon as the screen went black, Nevir leaned forward, holding his chin in his hand.  He expected that.  She wanted him to drop his shields.

His comm officer Ensign was silent as well, and then spoke up.  "Sir?  That has to be a trap."

"I am aware, Ensign.... but the longer we wait, the worst Katra gets."  he said, pushing himself up and out of his seat.

"Susan, send the Dosi cruiser our coordinates for the transporter room.  If Ian's message got through, this is a redundant command... but all hands prepare for Condition 1." he said, taking a few steps towards the viewscreen, where only the ship was shown.  He looked at it for a moment, and then turned to the crew.

Of course his First Officer would be the voice of reason.  Honestly the smartest thing would be to go in guns blazing in their tactical advantage.  But that was their only true advantage;  if Katra Station and the ships protecting here were being overwhelmed, then it stood to reason that the Dosi could really put up a fight.  One that would take far, far too long.

"Open comms to the battle bridges.. path both of them through." he stated, crossing his arms.

=/\="I completely agree with you, Ian.  But I have a plan.  Why can the Romulans defeat the Klingons?  They don't rush into the fight." =/\= he stated, hoping that Ian would get the hint of what he was going to do.  However, this was a case where he couldn't let his First officer... or any officer, question him.  He needed to be resolute and firm.. or they would be in trouble.

=/\= "Listen closely.  I'm about to attempt a very risky maneuver.  We haven't had a fight tough enough to sink our teeth into for a long while, and for some of you, this will be your first.  I have confidence in all of you.  Because of that, if any of you have any objections to my plans, I will note it in my log, but my orders are final."  =/\=

Nevir crossed the bridge, swinging around to take his seat in the big chair.  He took a deep breath before speaking, giving a small prayer to the Prophets.

"The Prophets smile on the bold and the just."  he said, softly, before speaking.

=/\= "Engineering, send all auxiliary power to the ablative armor, push it past it's normal boundaries if you have to.  Tactical, silent charge to the phase banks and canons.  Do NOT arm them yet.   Ready but don't arm photon torpedoes.  Then.... drop our shields."  =/\=

He expected a cry of shock from the Bridge, but he stated that his orders were final.  The Dosi would attack as soon as the shields go down.  He won't start the fight... but Prophets willing he will end it.


Suzie transmitted the details of their transporter room to the Dosi as requested. When she heard the plan, she understood that it was bold and it would take that to come out victorious in this situation. She said nothing as now was not the time to argue. She just waited for orders.

Quote from: Solluk on March 15, 2019, 03:41:22 AM

Dosi Cruiser 'Rage' - Command Deck

"They've lowered shields!"

The moment had come.  The moment that would decide everything.  Starfleet was showing itself to be a clockwork fool, mechanically reproducing gullibility on a reliable schedule.

"Fire all missiles," Valla ordered, "Raise Shields, and then open up with all antiproton batteries.  Tear their ship apart!"

The transparent tech panels that lined the forward part of the bridge showed a projected, magnified view as the missiles lurched out towards their target, followed close behind by massive antiproton pulses.  It would be enough to break the back of most unshielded ships.  Enough to win a battle in a single blow.

But Valla did not know the legend of Prometheus, who had been clever enough to steal the fire of the Gods.

She did not know the legend of Discovery, whose namesake had stood boldly against a Klingon horde.

She did not know the legend of Tekin Nevir, whose people had relentlessly repelled genocidal overlords from their world.

She knew none of these legends.

Not yet...

She picked up the Dosi change first.

"They've raised shields and have fired missiles that have an Anti-Proton signature." She said, looking at the readouts from the various sensors.

Species: Betazoid
Bio: Susan Venator Bio Alt of Lizzie Vaughan

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Solluk on March 15, 2019, 03:41:22 AM

Dosi Cruiser 'Rage' - Command Deck

"They've lowered shields!"

The moment had come.  The moment that would decide everything.  Starfleet was showing itself to be a clockwork fool, mechanically reproducing gullibility on a reliable schedule.

"Fire all missiles," Valla ordered, "Raise Shields, and then open up with all antiproton batteries.  Tear their ship apart!"

The transparent tech panels that lined the forward part of the bridge showed a projected, magnified view as the missiles lurched out towards their target, followed close behind by massive antiproton pulses.  It would be enough to break the back of most unshielded ships.  Enough to win a battle in a single blow.

But Valla did not know the legend of Prometheus, who had been clever enough to steal the fire of the Gods.

She did not know the legend of Discovery, whose namesake had stood boldly against a Klingon horde.

She did not know the legend of Tekin Nevir, whose people had relentlessly repelled genocidal overlords from their world.

She knew none of these legends.

Not yet...

[Beta Hull - Battle Bridge]

As sure as night follows day, Ian knew what was going to happen as soon as the shields went down. The captain felt the pending betrayal as well based on him "polarizing" the ablative armor. The Dosi didn't disappoint and the Discovery rocked as antiproton beams lashed from the blocky hulk of their hideous ship. Although not designed to defeat weapons of that nature, the ablative armor, did its job, albeit at the cost of a quarter of the coverage where those beams hit.

One thing Ian hadn't expected were the fusion powered missiles that were fired. He could only stare at the antique weapons in amazement before he had an idea and tapped the communication array on his chair.

"Sir! Fire a proximity photon spread in front of those missiles ta detonate them short of the hull!"

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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