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S13 - M5: Best Laid Plans

Started by Tekin Nevir, March 06, 2019, 11:56:00 AM

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Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kalem Michael on March 21, 2019, 08:09:31 PM

Kalem sat in his fighter and looked quickly at his readout. His fuel was getting low, phaser power cells were dry.

=/\= "This is red three, I'm running on bingo fuel and black on ammo. I'm in desperate need of refuel, rearm, and a good cup of coffee." =/\=

=/\= "This is red four, same here." =/\=

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Ian listened to the pilot's request to be beamed out of their fighters and had to sympathize. He knew how he felt after three hours in a Tomahawk and could understand why they wanted out. Although his plan was originally to keep the fighters along side the ship, as they were out of fuel, they could play no further part in the fighting if the Dosi decided to resume hostilities, he changed his plan.

=/\= "Galloway ta transporter room two, we have a pair of fighters along our port and starboard sides, beam the pilots aboard if'n you please." =/\=

Pilots handled, there was the matter of the fighters to contend with now and Ian spoke to Venator at Ops.

"Take control of those fighters with their command codes. Keep them at station keepin' for now. It would be better if'n we could bring them aboard, but between the Allegheny and the bloody Martha, there just isn't room. If'n things change with the Dosi, we'll see if'n we can get any use out of them."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 21, 2019, 10:48:17 PM

Lt Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Beta Hull - Battle Bridge]

When Galloway spoke to Commander Felder, who Rayek assumed was the tactical officer given the orders given - to prep for a hostage rescue team,  Rayek spoke up.  "Commander, since I have no purpose here,  I'd appreciate being permitted to join your rescue team."

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

As he hadn't said much, Ian had forgotten about their Romulan friend, but agreed with this suggestion.

"That is an excellent idea Commander. I'd much rather have someone that knows the station on the team rather then them havin' ta rely on maps on a tricorder. Go ahead and report to Commander Felder, suit up for the worst, because if'n you have ta go in, things will already have gone bad."

Tekin Nevir


The hardest thing about flying through space is the lack of friction.  The established third law of motion was a pain to deal with, as there would be no friction to stop a misdirection.  Not only that, but there was no friction to slow him down.  If it wasn't for the maneuvering thrusters, Nevir would have impaled himself on the wreckage of the station.

But he didn't.  And that is what was important.

Obscured from the Dosi by the station itself, the small team made their way through the outer hull of the docking bay, and snuck in through the shuttle bay itself.  Moving their way to a corner, the group of three started to get out of the exosuits, and loaded up phasers.

=/\= "Made it to the station's shuttlebay, docking ring 5.  I needed the Discovery's resequencing as cover.  Is my wife with you?" =/\= he said, going over to a panel and putting in his Starfleet code to bring up schematics, and the current sensor readings.

=/\= "They haven't arrived here yet; still trying to decide between an ambush in the corridor or an ambush on the shuttles.  Looks like the ones here are Runabout class."  =/\=

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 22, 2019, 11:47:42 AM

The hardest thing about flying through space is the lack of friction.  The established third law of motion was a pain to deal with, as there would be no friction to stop a misdirection.  Not only that, but there was no friction to slow him down.  If it wasn't for the maneuvering thrusters, Nevir would have impaled himself on the wreckage of the station.

But he didn't.  And that is what was important.

Obscured from the Dosi by the station itself, the small team made their way through the outer hull of the docking bay, and snuck in through the shuttle bay itself.  Moving their way to a corner, the group of three started to get out of the exosuits, and loaded up phasers.

=/\= "Made it to the station's shuttlebay, docking ring 5.  I needed the Discovery's resequencing as cover.  Is my wife with you?" =/\= he said, going over to a panel and putting in his Starfleet code to bring up schematics, and the current sensor readings.

=/\= "They haven't arrived here yet; still trying to decide between an ambush in the corridor or an ambush on the shuttles.  Looks like the ones here are Runabout class."  =/\=

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Ian heard the captain's reply and pinched the bridge of his nose as he cursed internally for several seconds before taking a deep breathe to reply.

=/\= "Aye Sir, Lieutenant Falleg is here, she is currently workin' on a way ta disrupt the Dosi tetryon field so that we can beam over a rescue team. Would you like ta speak ta her?" =/\=

Ian offered the chance for the two to speak, mainly because he was still seething and needed the time to complete the description of the captain's familial relations and personal habits.

"If'n he lives, I'm goin' ta kick his arse from deck one ta deck 16., and then I'm really goin' ta hurt him." He thought.

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on March 21, 2019, 08:18:34 PM

[Beta Hull - Battle Bridge - USS Discovery]

"I dare say it could..." Hrafn said, and started thinking about how.

"Well I did say he had something up his sleeve..." Hrafn said with a half smile. "But I think he's in direct violation of WONO, what do you reckon Ruthie?"

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

"Not to mention a half dozen regulations..." Ruthie said, a worried look on her face.  "It's rash and insane, and I don't think he's thinking." she added, frowning.

Hearing her father report where he was only seemed to make things worst.  "Is he still outside the dampening field?  Its not too late to beam him back...."

Juraan Ren

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on March 21, 2019, 03:07:47 AM

PO3 Danjar-Torra
[USS Discovery - Alpha Hull - Deck 6 - Alpha medical station]

Torra regarded the Bajoran doctor without judgement of his statement.  She smiled. "While I have not always been part of the medical department, I've been told I have a very caring nature.  You have the same, that shouldn't necessarily mean that you can't or shouldn't want to protect that which you value.  These Dosi have attacked a Federation station.  That's not something to be taken lightly and I understand your wanting to take the fight to them."

She considered a moment.  "Eventually they are going to have to gather an assault team to re-take the station - perhaps during the next report in, you mention your desire to be a part of that team?"

[USS Discovery - Alpha Hull - Deck 6 - Alpha medical station]

When Torra explained that she believed for him to have a caring nature, Juraan faltered a moment. It wasn't necessarily how he saw himself but maybe that was how others saw him? If not in remembrance of his father, he probably wouldn't have chosen the profession of a doctor in the first place.

He glanced back at her when she spoke up once more, suggesting he could volunteer for the assault team. He serisously considered that option for a moment, but then shook his head slightly. "If the opportunity occurs, I won't hesitate. But right now I feel I should remain where assigned." After all they had to split up the medical personnel in three groups. He would hate to leave Torra and Belanger alone to deal with any emergancies that might come up. "Besides, even if I don't like to admit it, I think they would be better off with trained fighters and not with a doctor who had been bopping around in guerilla battles in the underground decades ago." He chuckled to himself in amusement.

Looking back at Torra he asked: "What department have you been assigned to originally? And how come you were moved to the medical department then?"

Species: Bajoran

Alt account of Tess Moreno

Rayek trLhoell

Lt Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 7 - Battle bridge]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 22, 2019, 11:26:22 AM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

As he hadn't said much, Ian had forgotten about their Romulan friend, but agreed with this suggestion.

"That is an excellent idea Commander. I'd much rather have someone that knows the station on the team rather then them havin' ta rely on maps on a tricorder. Go ahead and report to Commander Felder, suit up for the worst, because if'n you have ta go in, things will already have gone bad."

Having been given permission to join the security team, Rayek gave a sharp nod to the Commander before having a crewman direct him to the armory.  At the armory, the Romulan quickly geared up into standard body armor.  He selected out a phaser rifle thinking that if the tetryon emitters worn by the Dosi were now focused on scattering transporter signals so that it might work, and then added the bayonet blade to it's barrel so it would be lethal regardless.  He also picked out 2 stun grenades and 2 photon grenades and attached a knife and its holster to his leg.

Equipped now, Rayek made his way back up to the Transporter room one to meet up with Commander Felder.
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Transporter Room 1]

After a brief introduction to the bald, dark-skinned, human male - who Rayek discovered was a Lieutenant Commander much like himself -  Rayek was asked to beam out with the first team and to keep just behind their point, Crewman Jensen, who was a short-haired female with the look of experience in her eye.  She gave a nod to him as he stepped onto the transporter pad beside her.

She glanced at the Romulan, obviously curious as to his presence there, but the crewman didn't say anything.  Rayek didn't offer an explanation, he just waited in alert anticipation.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Danjar-Torra Addams

PO3 Danjar-Torra
[USS Discovery - Alpha Hull - Deck 6 - Alpha medical station]

Quote from: Juraan Ren on March 22, 2019, 01:45:34 PM

[USS Discovery - Alpha Hull - Deck 6 - Alpha medical station]

When Torra explained that she believed for him to have a caring nature, Juraan faltered a moment. It wasn't necessarily how he saw himself but maybe that was how others saw him? If not in remembrance of his father, he probably wouldn't have chosen the profession of a doctor in the first place.

He glanced back at her when she spoke up once more, suggesting he could volunteer for the assault team. He serisously considered that option for a moment, but then shook his head slightly. "If the opportunity occurs, I won't hesitate. But right now I feel I should remain where assigned." After all they had to split up the medical personnel in three groups. He would hate to leave Torra and Belanger alone to deal with any emergancies that might come up. "Besides, even if I don't like to admit it, I think they would be better off with trained fighters and not with a doctor who had been bopping around in guerilla battles in the underground decades ago." He chuckled to himself in amusement.

Looking back at Torra he asked: "What department have you been assigned to originally? And how come you were moved to the medical department then?"

Torra accepted his decision to remain where station with a bit of a grateful nod.  Though she'd suggested her join the assault team for his sake, she was glad for her own that he didn't follow through on her suggestion.  Without his presence there at a licenced doctor, Torra wouldn't have been able to assist Nurse Belanger with treating patients - the most she would have been able to do is triage and fetch equipment.  Torra had a lot of respect for the work medical officers did.

When the doctor spoke about his past, belittling it in amusement, Torra frowned.  "I don't think so.  They'd be luck to have someone of your experience to fight alongside - a battle such as this with Katra forces struggling to hold back a much larger force - would involve quite a bit of guerilla tactics..  your presence would like be of benefit."  She commented then wondered to herself why she was trying to convince him of his usefulness on the assault team when she wanted him to remain here?

Thankfully he seemed to focus on her own background next.  She scratched at her head, where her right horn protruded, in embarrassment "I was initially in Security aboard the Challenger.  I'm not sure how I ended up in Medical.  I think it was a clerical error.  I spoke to Commander Thane about it and he assured me he would see to the mix up but that it might take a while.  That was 4 or 5 months ago. I think I'm here to stay.  Which is fine as long as I can be useful - that's the important part of being in Starfleet."

Torra braced herself using the medical stations one medbed, when the ship jostled suddenly once and then a few moments later a second time.  She sighed softly thinking the recoupling of the Beta Hull, and then the Gamma Hull, were actually more weapons fire directed at them.  She readied herself for patients that thankfully this time weren't coming.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 21, 2019, 09:04:13 PM

[Beta Hull - Battle Bridge - USS Discovery]

Ian felt the thudding as the sections of the ship reconnected and breathed a sigh of contentment, but before he could give the order to secure the battle bridge, the message from the captain and the fighters came in. Ian toggled the communication array to speak to the captain.

=/\= "You made it where Sir?" =/\=

As a sickening feeling began to take hold in the pit of his stomach. Given what he thought the captain had done, it was too late to do anything about that, but he could help the fighter pilots.

=/\= "Discovery ta all fighters. Our shuttlebay cannot accommodate you and the bays on the station are none functional, form on us ta port and starboard. Power down except for station keepin' thrusters. Whatever is about ta happen, is goin' ta be over soon. If'n that should not be correct, we will beam you aboard. Standby for further instructions should the situation change." =/\=

Ian then turned to face Hrafn.

"Since we have no choice, we have ta wait until his stunt has either worked or failed. Should he survive, we are goin' ta be havin' a conversation. There is however one thing I can do."

Ian faced the battle bridge crew.

"I couldn't be more proud of the job you've done today. I said we would 'go in harm's way' and you did just that with panache. As the captain has left the ship, I'm on my way ta the main bridge. Mister Guslov, you have the battle bridge."

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Ian stood and signaled for Hrafn, Rayek, and Ruth to follow him to the turbolift and the main bridge. He relived Lieutenant Venator and took center seat before addressing Hrafn.

"Mister Falleg, take the Mission Operations station and do what you need ta do ta make that polaric generator, the captain may need help and we need ta be able ta provide it."

Ian then activated the communication panel.

=/\= "Galloway ta Commander Felder, suit up a dozen of your best and report ta transporter room one for hostage rescue support." =/\=

At this point Ian sat back with a grim expression and forced himself to keep his temper in check so as to present a non-anxious presence for the crew despite his anger at the captain's actions.

[En Route to main Bridge > Main Bridge - Discovery]

"He's not going to be saying much for about six months between thee, me and Ruthie at this rate, Commander!" she gave him a wry grin.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 22, 2019, 11:26:22 AM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Ian listened to the pilot's request to be beamed out of their fighters and had to sympathize. He knew how he felt after three hours in a Tomahawk and could understand why they wanted out. Although his plan was originally to keep the fighters along side the ship, as they were out of fuel, they could play no further part in the fighting if the Dosi decided to resume hostilities, he changed his plan.

=/\= "Galloway ta transporter room two, we have a pair of fighters along our port and starboard sides, beam the pilots aboard if'n you please." =/\=

Pilots handled, there was the matter of the fighters to contend with now and Ian spoke to Venator at Ops.

"Take control of those fighters with their command codes. Keep them at station keepin' for now. It would be better if'n we could bring them aboard, but between the Allegheny and the bloody Martha, there just isn't room. If'n things change with the Dosi, we'll see if'n we can get any use out of them."

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

As he hadn't said much, Ian had forgotten about their Romulan friend, but agreed with this suggestion.

"That is an excellent idea Commander. I'd much rather have someone that knows the station on the team rather then them havin' ta rely on maps on a tricorder. Go ahead and report to Commander Felder, suit up for the worst, because if'n you have ta go in, things will already have gone bad."

"If I wasn't needed here, I'd request to go too, my babies are in danger and before you say it Ruthie no, you'd not be coming with me."

She turned to Rayek.  "Whatever you do... good luck and be careful and live to tell Saqa7... you're not wriggling out of it that easily!" she added the last as a thought to Rayek's mind only. "If you find that husband of mine you can tell him from me there's a queue of people that are wanting to have 'words' and it's led by two fiersome red-headed scientific women!"  she winked at Ruthie, who was now a young woman, and a carbon copy of herself.

"Ruthie this is what we need...Ms Venator you could lend a hand too here if you want and Commander Galloway can spare you.  I believe you're Operations and they know a thing or three about Sensor Arrays.  Basically we do this...  modify the sensor array to align spatially-inverted tetryon particles to establish a gateway between here and the station.  Whomever is on transporter duty will have to transport down that 'beam' for want of something better to call it. We need to restrict the rupture from growing by establishing a subspace containment field, however, we need the emanating nucleonic interferences either side of our path which will make obtaining a positive transporter lock impossible for them, they won't see us.  We could send a full army in there and they wouldn't see us. Also with us using their tetryons to make this rupture... their shields will be down."

Hrafn paused, thinking.

"Once we've done what we need to do we'll close it up by bombarding it with a coherent graviton pulse, which will  neutralise the tetryon emissions.  And that concludes todays lesson on 'Do not try this at home...' No really, don't!!"  Hrafn winked.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 22, 2019, 12:10:33 PM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

"Not to mention a half dozen regulations..." Ruthie said, a worried look on her face.  "It's rash and insane, and I don't think he's thinking." she added, frowning.

Hearing her father report where he was only seemed to make things worst.  "Is he still outside the dampening field?  Its not too late to beam him back...."

"He's thinking Ruthie, that may be a problem under normal circumstances.  This ain't 'normal' tho.  In situations like this you use all the resorces you can.  I wouldn't normally use a sensor array to create a spatial rift now would I?  I'm far too sensible for that... but needs must.  In battle situations, sensible goes out of the window.  I got hauled over the coals for things I did and regulations I broke coming to rescue you... we all did.  But would you rather I hadn't?  OK so quite your qvetching and get on with task in hand!"  She gave a smile that belied the 'all business' tone of voice.
Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 22, 2019, 12:03:25 PM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Ian heard the captain's reply and pinched the bridge of his nose as he cursed internally for several seconds before taking a deep breathe to reply.

=/\= "Aye Sir, Lieutenant Falleg is here, she is currently workin' on a way ta disrupt the Dosi tetryon field so that we can beam over a rescue team. Would you like ta speak ta her?" =/\=

Ian offered the chance for the two to speak, mainly because he was still seething and needed the time to complete the description of the captain's familial relations and personal habits.

"If'n he lives, I'm goin' ta kick his arse from deck one ta deck 16., and then I'm really goin' ta hurt him." He thought.

Hrafn saw Ian pinch the bridge of his nose and could imagine that the thoughts inside probably matched a lot of her own.

"Fortunately, I don't wish to read your mind at the moment Commander...however your thoughts probably echo my own.  You want to shake his liver loose, and that's for starters! Be gentle Commander, he's still your captain and well... he's doing it for a good reason even if it's somewhat misguided in his methods. You can have him after I'm done with him... Wife's prerogative." she chuckled.  "Not that I don't agree with you!"

=/\= I'm here Captain Tekin... speak fast I have a sensor array to modify! =/\= she let the tone of voice let him know she was annoyed with him but still loved him.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Arrun Dihsar

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 22, 2019, 02:23:55 AM

NPC Dr Marcus Thane

Thane listened to woman listing locations of people some of which she stated with injuries.

"Fuller head to the Bridge,  Stoerm you head to the galley to help with the cook.". He then looked to the woman "You mentioned the surgeon are they injured as well?" Thane asked then continued on to his other staff while listening for an answer. "If so Phlome you assist with the surgeon.. If not help Stoerm with the cook.  I will head to down to see to the Engineer"

He looked around to see if anyone had questions?

~=NPC Carnel Modist=~
[Kosst Holana - Deck 1 - Main Passageway - Towed by Discovery]
Carnel spoke up to answer the Doctor, "Surgeon is fine, she was on a different part of the deck when we got hit. She just went to who was closest to her."
Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 22, 2019, 02:23:55 AM

NPC Ensign Jayce Fuller

Jayce shook their head at the Commander's question, then while the others went their own ways to their tasks, Jayce moved passed the woman onto the bridge of the Kosst Holana where they found a human female on the floor of the bridge.  Severe electrical burns, not unlike the ones they'd repaired on Commander tr'Lhoell just a short while earlier, were on this woman.  Jayce pulled out their medical scanner and took in the readings.

The results were not encouraging.  To make a bad situation worse the woman had slipped into the first stages of shock following the initial incident.  Kneeling down beside the crewman, Jayce opened up their medbag and prepared a hypospray of kelotane to assist in the immediate treatment of the burns caused by the electrical current that had gone through the crewman.

Then Jayce drew up 10 cc of asinolyathin and 20 cclectrazine to treat the shock, forcing the body to stop from going into further circulatory shock from the pain.  They checked their scanner again to determine how deep the burns went then retrieved their portable dermal regenerator and a tube of dermaline gel and set to work repairing the burn damage.

~=NPC Carnel Modist=~
[Kosst Holana - Deck 1 - Bridge - Towed by Discovery]
Carnel followed after the Starfleet officer, pausing a moment to look at her human crewmate being treated.  "You need anything Fuller? Will she be alright?" she tried to keep some sort of calm, she had her differences with Wist, but she didn't want the woman to die. A small bit of hope burned brightly in her as she saw Wist's full and bright red eyes almost flicker open at Fuller's treatment. "Oh don't worry about the red of her eyes, cosmetic implants; some sort of status symbol from her colony." Carnel shrugged at the limit of her own information; Arrun was the one who had hired Wist, and Carnel knew Wist as secretive as anyone else aboard; so, she refused to pry: hoping the 'Fleet doctor next her did the same.
Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 22, 2019, 02:23:55 AM

NPC Dr Marcus Thane

While the medical staff separated to go to their respective patients, Thane made his way towards the ladder that led down, pausing to grab not one, not two but three breather units in case neither the engineer or the freighter Captain had them on hand for themselves. Down two levels, the doctor climbed before reaching Deck 3.  He put on one of the breather masks he'd picked up because already he was feeling the effects of low oxygen levels.  He headed to the stern of the ship and saw a figure crouched down beside a prone figure.

"Captain, I am Dr. Marcus Thane, Chief Medical Officer aboard the USS Discovery. I'm here to help." Thane introduced himself as he approached his words muffled somewhat by the mask.  He held out a mask towards Arrun, even as he knelt beside Arrun with the unconscious engineer in front of him.  He began scanning the engineer.

"While I work, why don't you tell me if your engineer has any known allergies?"

[Kosst Holana - Deck 3 - Engine Room - Towed by Discovery]

Arrun looked up at the Doctor's entrance, taking the offered mask with a thankful nod and replaced the old one he was wearing for the new one. He took a few practiced breaths to make sure it was working properly before answering. "Doctor, I believe it was..." Arrun had to concentrate on what Surgeon had explained to him weeks and weeks ago. "Axonol, that gas people use to put patients to sleep. And...Arithrazine...? I believe?" The first one Arrun was familiar with as a patient, but the second was beyond his experience. "Oh, and careful of his optical implants, he definitely wants to keep the ones he has, even if they are non-Federational and old." Arrun remembered arguing with his fellow Bajoran over it, thinking the older man stubborn; but now all he cared about was that he survived this. "Do you need help getting his EVA suit off or should we leave him in it, Doctor?"

Gaal Mayb's EVA-clad body remained still and quiet, not a word as the two spoke. Arrun tried to ignore the yellow voice, reminded him he could have tried to treat the man first, that his inaction might lead to his trusted engineer's death. He instead tried his best to focus on his breathing: not so fast as to hyperventilate, but not so slow he amounted to holding his breath; concentrating on anything else he could think of that would be helpful for the Doctor: though, refraining from babbling at the man while he worked.

The more he thought about it, the Bajoran Captain was thoroughly puzzled by why Gaal was hurt. He had gotten to his EVA suit, so he had heard the impact alarm: so that shielded him from the high heat of the room and the vaccum of space when life-support failed; he had been working in the room for several minutes after the impact, so the torpedo was unlikely to have been why he fell; hough, he might have plasma or shrapnel wounds -Arrun hadn't checked him yet. Too many unknowns, all he could do was trust the Doctor next to him to save his Engineer before it was too late...if it wasn't already.

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 22, 2019, 06:59:46 PM

[Docking Bay 5 - Katra Station]

Nevir couldn't help but smirk.  He recognized that tone of her's.   =/\= "I'd rather have you upset and safe than in danger, Hrafn.  You know I couldn't just stand by."  =/\= he said, signaling for his security guards to follow as they left the bay and started checking the halls.

=/\= "If it will soften the blow, you shouldn't be alone up there.  I brought Ruthie.  We were both going to surprise you.  She should be on Deck 4.=/\= he stated, completely unaware that not only had Ruthie already left her room, but that she had been on the Beta hull.

=/\= "So... what are these Dosi like?  What do they want?  And why were they suddenly attacking?  Maybe if I have a motive, I know how to take these guys down.=/\=

Susan Venator


Suzie took a deep breath and stepped out of the turbolift and onto the Bridge. She had been out of action since the attack with a mild case of a Betazoid Migraine. It had been brought on by a combination of weakened neural defences and the over abundance of emotions due to the conflict.

Luckily she had plenty of experience in dealing with the symptoms had had been cleared to return to duty. She went straight over to Galloway who was sitting in the command chair.

"Reporting back on duty Commander." She said, looking at the XO. "Where do you need me?" She added, not really knowing what was going on.

Species: Betazoid
Bio: Susan Venator Bio Alt of Lizzie Vaughan

Kalem Michael

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 22, 2019, 11:26:22 AM

=/\= "Galloway ta transporter room two, we have a pair of fighters along our port and starboard sides, beam the pilots aboard if'n you please." =/\=

Kalem materialized in the transporter room. Looking around he saw commander Th'Lhoell kitted out for battle. The only thing Kalem could think of was he was going to the station. Kalem took off his helmet and nodded pollitly,


Kalem turned and headed for the bridge. While in the turbo lift he wondered about the condition of Lt. Ferris. Unpon arriving to the bridge the turbo lift doors opened.

"Permission to enter the bridge, sir?"

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Susan Venator on March 22, 2019, 09:04:32 PM


Suzie took a deep breath and stepped out of the turbolift and onto the Bridge. She had been out of action since the attack with a mild case of a Betazoid Migraine. It had been brought on by a combination of weakened neural defences and the over abundance of emotions due to the conflict.

Luckily she had plenty of experience in dealing with the symptoms had had been cleared to return to duty. She went straight over to Galloway who was sitting in the command chair.

"Reporting back on duty Commander." She said, looking at the XO. "Where do you need me?" She added, not really knowing what was going on.

[Bridge - USS Discovery

Ian welcomed Susan back to the bridge with a warm smile as he indicated Hrafn.

"You can assist Lieutenant Falleg of Katra. She is attemptin' ta shut down the Dosi tetryon field so that we may assist the captain rescue the hostages."

Quote from: Kalem Michael on March 22, 2019, 10:24:28 PM

Kalem materialized in the transporter room. Looking around he saw commander Th'Lhoell kitted out for battle. The only thing Kalem could think of was he was going to the station. Kalem took off his helmet and nodded pollitly,

=/\= "Commander." =/\=

Kalem turned and headed for the bridge. While in the turbo lift he wondered about the condition of Lt. Ferris. Unpon arriving to the bridge the turbo lift doors opened.

=/\= "Permission to enter the bridge, sir?" =/\=

Ian turned towards the sound of the turbolift opening and while he didn't know the man's name, that he was one of the fighter pilots was patently obvious.

"Welcome aboard Discovery Ensign, as a flight officer myself, I'm always happy ta have a fellow pilot on the bridge. We are currently in the middle of a hostage rescue situation. Unfortunately, that means there's bloody nothing ta do but what ta see if'n they succeed. You are welcome ta join us wait."

Kalem Michael


Bridge - USS Discovery

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 23, 2019, 12:14:55 AM

"Welcome aboard Discovery Ensign, as a flight officer myself, I'm always happy ta have a fellow pilot on the bridge. We are currently in the middle of a hostage rescue situation. Unfortunately, that means there's bloody nothing ta do but what ta see if'n they succeed. You are welcome ta join us wait."

=/\= "Thank you, sir. I'm Kalem, callsign red three. =/\=

Kalem walked onto the bridge and stood next to the other people there waiting.

=/\= "Any word from Lt. Ferris, Red leader? He has been incommunicado for the past few hours." =/\=

Juraan Ren

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on March 22, 2019, 02:24:44 PM

PO3 Danjar-Torra
[USS Discovery - Alpha Hull - Deck 6 - Alpha medical station]

Torra accepted his decision to remain where station with a bit of a grateful nod.  Though she'd suggested her join the assault team for his sake, she was glad for her own that he didn't follow through on her suggestion.  Without his presence there at a licenced doctor, Torra wouldn't have been able to assist Nurse Belanger with treating patients - the most she would have been able to do is triage and fetch equipment.  Torra had a lot of respect for the work medical officers did.

When the doctor spoke about his past, belittling it in amusement, Torra frowned.  "I don't think so.  They'd be luck to have someone of your experience to fight alongside - a battle such as this with Katra forces struggling to hold back a much larger force - would involve quite a bit of guerilla tactics..  your presence would like be of benefit."  She commented then wondered to herself why she was trying to convince him of his usefulness on the assault team when she wanted him to remain here?

Thankfully he seemed to focus on her own background next.  She scratched at her head, where her right horn protruded, in embarrassment "I was initially in Security aboard the Challenger.  I'm not sure how I ended up in Medical.  I think it was a clerical error.  I spoke to Commander Thane about it and he assured me he would see to the mix up but that it might take a while.  That was 4 or 5 months ago. I think I'm here to stay.  Which is fine as long as I can be useful - that's the important part of being in Starfleet."

Torra braced herself using the medical stations one medbed, when the ship jostled suddenly once and then a few moments later a second time.  She sighed softly thinking the recoupling of the Beta Hull, and then the Gamma Hull, were actually more weapons fire directed at them.  She readied herself for patients that thankfully this time weren't coming.

[USS Discovery - Alpha Hull - Deck 6 - Alpha medical station]

Juraan smiled at Torra, one side of his lips even showing rather a smirk than a smile. She was addressing that part of him his wife had been trying to ease out of his attitude the past couple of years before he had joined Starfleet. Truth was, even though Bajor was free and there was no Cardassian occupation anymore, he still chased the ghosts of his past. He wasn't even sure what he was seeking, he just knew that he hadn't found it yet. At times he thought he missed the battles, to fight for something actively. Now being encouraged to do just that, go out and fight - there was an enemy after all - was tempting.
The grin on his face widened as he looked at the Grazerite. "You are spoiling me, Torra. My wife believed to have me all tame and calmed down when I left. Well, the leopard can't change its spots, I suppose", he smirked.

When Torra told him about a clerical mistake that made her being assigned to medical instead of security like she would have preferred, Juraan looked at her in surprise. But it was good to know that she was at ease with it. "Well, I'd say, some mistakes have their good side. I wouldn't like to lose a talented crewman like you in the medical department. I'm sure Dr. Thane thinks the same." He smiled at her, but it faded when the ship shook and Juraan had to grab hold of the desk he was standing at to not lose balance.

He couldn't be sure but he hoped that the lack of medical patients on their hull was reflecting how it went with the other hulls and ships that were fighting on their side, not aware that it wasn't quite so.

Species: Bajoran

Alt account of Tess Moreno

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