S13 - M5: Best Laid Plans

Started by Tekin Nevir, March 06, 2019, 11:56:00 AM

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Susan Venator

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 23, 2019, 12:14:55 AM

[Bridge - USS Discovery

Ian welcomed Susan back to the bridge with a warm smile as he indicated Hrafn.

"You can assist Lieutenant Falleg of Katra. She is attemptin' ta shut down the Dosi tetryon field so that we may assist the captain rescue the hostages."

Ian turned towards the sound of the turbolift opening and while he didn't know the man's name, that he was one of the fighter pilots was patently obvious.

"Welcome aboard Discovery Ensign, as a flight officer myself, I'm always happy ta have a fellow pilot on the bridge. We are currently in the middle of a hostage rescue situation. Unfortunately, that means there's bloody nothing ta do but what ta see if'n they succeed. You are welcome ta join us wait."


Suzie nodded and headed over to where the familiar Lieutenant was standing.

"Lieutenant." She said, with a nod in greeting. "Are you attempting to overload the field to shut it down, or bypass it?" She asked.

Species: Betazoid
Bio: Susan Venator Bio Alt of Lizzie Vaughan

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 22, 2019, 06:59:46 PM

[Docking Bay 5 - Katra Station]

Nevir couldn't help but smirk.  He recognized that tone of her's.   =/\= "I'd rather have you upset and safe than in danger, Hrafn.  You know I couldn't just stand by."  =/\= he said, signaling for his security guards to follow as they left the bay and started checking the halls.

=/\= "If it will soften the blow, you shouldn't be alone up there.  I brought Ruthie.  We were both going to surprise you.  She should be on Deck 4.=/\= he stated, completely unaware that not only had Ruthie already left her room, but that she had been on the Beta hull.

=/\= "So... what are these Dosi like?  What do they want?  And why were they suddenly attacking?  Maybe if I have a motive, I know how to take these guys down.=/\=

[Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

=/\= Can't hide anything from you can I, ja'lat?!  Quick version.  I know, she's stood right beside me, or well less than 5ft away working with Lt. Venator on modifying the sensor array.  The Dosi... blood-crazed killers.  Basically they are laying claim to Meridian, as in the planet.  The Meridians are disputing this claim... remember the request for you to dig into your star map archives for the ancient stuff for this area... it was to prove or otherwise their claim to the planet.  I think they believe if they take the station, they won't have any opposition to taking the planet.  In the meantime, may I remind you that you are in direct violation of WONO!  =/\= Hrafn answered, leaving the channel open in case Nevir had any further questions.

Quote from: Susan Venator on March 23, 2019, 12:34:40 PM


Suzie nodded and headed over to where the familiar Lieutenant was standing.

"Lieutenant." She said, with a nod in greeting. "Are you attempting to overload the field to shut it down, or bypass it?" She asked.

"Basically we need do this..." she said repeating what she'd told Ruthie. "...modify the sensor array to align spatially-inverted tetryon particles to establish a gateway between here and the station.  Whomever is on transporter duty will have to transport down that 'beam' for want of something better to call it. We need to restrict the rupture from growing by establishing a subspace containment field, however, we need the emanating nucleonic interferences either side of our path which will make obtaining a positive transporter lock impossible for them, they won't see us.  We could send a full army in there and they wouldn't see us. Also with us using their tetryons to make this rupture... they'll be more vulnerable."

Hrafn paused, wondering how far the Ops Chief would follow, not everyone could get their head around Scientific stuff.

"Once we've done what we need to do we'll close it up by bombarding it with a coherent graviton pulse, which will  neutralise the tetryon emissions.  But if you have any simpler ideas... feel free!"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Susan Venator

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on March 23, 2019, 03:29:22 PM

[Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

=/\= Can't hide anything from you can I, ja'lat?!  Quick version.  I know, she's stood right beside me, or well less than 5ft away working with Lt. Venator on modifying the sensor array.  The Dosi... blood-crazed killers.  Basically they are laying claim to Meridian, as in the planet.  The Meridians are disputing this claim... remember the request for you to dig into your star map archives for the ancient stuff for this area... it was to prove or otherwise their claim to the planet.  I think they believe if they take the station, they won't have any opposition to taking the planet.  In the meantime, may I remind you that you are in direct violation of WONO!  =/\= Hrafn answered, leaving the channel open in case Nevir had any further questions.

"Basically we need do this..." she said repeating what she'd told Ruthie. "...modify the sensor array to align spatially-inverted tetryon particles to establish a gateway between here and the station.  Whomever is on transporter duty will have to transport down that 'beam' for want of something better to call it. We need to restrict the rupture from growing by establishing a subspace containment field, however, we need the emanating nucleonic interferences either side of our path which will make obtaining a positive transporter lock impossible for them, they won't see us.  We could send a full army in there and they wouldn't see us. Also with us using their tetryons to make this rupture... they'll be more vulnerable."

Hrafn paused, wondering how far the Ops Chief would follow, not everyone could get their head around Scientific stuff.

"Once we've done what we need to do we'll close it up by bombarding it with a coherent graviton pulse, which will  neutralise the tetryon emissions.  But if you have any simpler ideas... feel free!"


Suzie's head spun. While she understood the principles of what the scientist was saying, she did not understand how it would work. But she did not need to know that, as a problem had arisen.

"Good luck with that." She remarked. "We can modify the main deflector to do one or other of those but not both. And the time it would take to complete the modifications would lose us the window in which to act. Instead of manually restricting the nucleonic interferences, wouldn't it be easier to just use one of the secondary deflectors on ether the Beta or Gamma hulls to put out a massive dampening field. Yes it will prevent us from transporting, but the Dosi will be just as stuck as us. We use the main deflector to align the tetryons and modify the cargo transporters for the transport to work. We should test it before sending any personnel as the consequences of not getting it right will be, unpleasant!" She replied, working through the points raised.

Species: Betazoid
Bio: Susan Venator Bio Alt of Lizzie Vaughan

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kalem Michael on March 23, 2019, 12:35:42 AM

Bridge - USS Discovery
=/\= "Thank you, sir. I'm Kalem, callsign red three. =/\=

Kalem walked onto the bridge and stood next to the other people there waiting.

=/\= "Any word from Lt. Ferris, Red leader? He has been incommunicado for the past few hours." =/\=

[Bridge - USS Discovery

Ian frowned as he thought back through the transmissions they'd received, things had gotten hectic for a bit, but he didn't think he'd missed anything.

"I'm sorry Ensign, we only picked up the two of you. I know that's not the greatest news, but he could have beamed out and is floatin' amid all the wreckage out there. Right now our primary sensor array is tied up with the rescue attempt, but as soon as I have anything ta scan with, I promise we'll scan every cubic meter of this system for your Red Leader."

Quote from: Jada on March 23, 2019, 09:26:16 AM

[Jungle Ridge, Meridian]

=/\='Senior Chief Jada to Katra Station. Or Discovery. Or whoever's still up there to listen.' Jada transmitted, her voice strained with weariness and pain. 'The Dosi on Meridian have been defeated, and surrendered claim to the planet. I repeat, we've defeated the Dosi invaders, they've given up their claim on Meridian.'=/\= Jada recalled that, strictly by T'Ombe's words, that only covered the planet, not Katra or the Trialus system. Thousand Gods. She hoped Katra still stood, that this Discovery had saved the day. She hoped they hadn't won the battle only to lose the war.

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Ian heard the pain in Jada's voice and figured figured she felt about the same way way he'd felt after the insectoid ambush on Kaipo. He tapped the comm panel on his chair to respond.

=/\= "Discovery ta Chief Jada, thus is Commander Galloway, I had no doubt you would prevail. We're all in a holdin' pattern due ta a hostage situation on the station, as soon as it resolves, we'll get you back ta the station." =/\=

Kalem Michael


Bridge - USS Discovery

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 23, 2019, 07:34:42 PM

Ian frowned as he thought back through the transmissions they'd received, things had gotten hectic for a bit, but he didn't think he'd missed anything.

"I'm sorry Ensign, we only picked up the two of you. I know that's not the greatest news, but he could have beamed out and is floatin' amid all the wreckage out there. Right now our primary sensor array is tied up with the rescue attempt, but as soon as I have anything ta scan with, I promise we'll scan every cubic meter of this system for your Red Leader."

Kalem, seeing the commander frown, knew before his question was answered that there might not be good news to hear. However, on the promise of information as soon as possible Kalem relaxed.

"Thanks commander, it would be great to know his fate. The best news would be that his communications were knocked out. However I don't want to get my hopes up."

Kalem turned to Lt. Hrafn,

"Lieutenant, how nice to finally meet you in person. Thanks for your help in the Kir'Shara I'm sorry that the ship was destroyed."

Rayek trLhoell

Lt Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Transporter Room 1]

Rayek checked over his gear for the fourth time while he waited.  Waiting was the worst.  Rayek was tempted to call up to the bridge for an update, but that would just show to all just show to all just how impatient he was.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 24, 2019, 04:08:28 AM

NPC Lt jg Saqa7 Mountain-Kahn
[Katra Station - Deck One - Operations Center]

Working the Ops center during a crisis was bad, working it alone while fearful of being attacked at any moment - was worse.   The comms all overlapped and Saqa7 for a moment felt overwhelmed.

'Prioritize!' she told herself. 'This is just like medicine and triaging - separate the critical needs from the minor ones.'  The Captain's orders came first.

=/\= "I will get on those right away sir.  And no I haven't heard from Captain Tekin since his 10 minutes cease fire began.  Should I attempt to contact him, sir? I could then patch him through to you. Hold one moment while I get you those prefix codes and reply back to Jada." =/\= She muted her end ... but could still hear further orders if he issued them.

She unmuted Jada's call.  =/\= "Senior Chief Jada, the Captain asks that you secure the surrendered Dosi and if you still have the Tigris to get your people in the air." =/\=

Mute Jada.  Unmute Eli, while she worked at the Ops console to find those prefix codes the Captain wanted.

=/\= "Eli, sorry for the wait.  Industrial replicators have been powered down so you'll be limited on the size of weapon that can be replicated, but any standard replicator should be able to manage a small blade or such...  if you encounter authorization issues let me know and I can see about overriding them from here. Or maybe its possible that you locate your nearest industrial replicator, call me with its unit number and I can possibly route power to just that one unit... maybe.. I'm not that familiar with Ops system.. I could try." =/\=

While she spoke to Eli, she'd found prefix codes for the two remaining Runabouts that were housed in Saucer 5's shuttle bay.  Saucer 4,5 and 6 were rarely manned for customs as they were maintained mostly for station work vessels, unless the Katra received a glut of merchant ships.  She sent the codes to the Captain's PADD.

Still talking to Eli she answered his question about beaming =/\= "As for beaming civilians...  I'm not certain if the inhibitors were reinitialized or not. If not, it may be possible for Discovery to get a lock on those civilians not anywhere close to a Dosi.  You see, the Dosi have altered their tetryon emitters to disrupt transporter now - but I'm not sure I would trust using the transporter at all.   If they suddenly increased the power of their emissions it could disrupt a transport already in progress... ." =/\=

Anticipating the Captains response Saqa7 opened up a 4th comm line. =/\= "Katra Station to USS Discovery.  Captain Tekin, Captain Solluk is looking for an update on the cease fire and hostage situation?  The Dosi group appears to be on route to Saucer 5." =/\=

Saqa7 truly hope Discovery wasn't planning on letting the Dosi leave with their people.  If she was reading the bio signals right... the Captain's children were among the hostages! She didn't know if it was wise to let him know this or not.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Evandav Bervarn


Evandav stood at the tactical station, watching people come in and out. He didn't exactly know what to do now. He couldn't blast the Dosi, and he didn't really have anything to do. So he decided to ask
"Any orders sir, or is it a waiting game?" He asked Ian

Danjar-Torra Addams

PO3 Danjar-Torra
[USS Discovery - Deck

Quote from: Juraan Ren on March 23, 2019, 06:41:41 AM

[USS Discovery - Alpha Hull - Deck 6 - Alpha medical station]

Juraan smiled at Torra, one side of his lips even showing rather a smirk than a smile. She was addressing that part of him his wife had been trying to ease out of his attitude the past couple of years before he had joined Starfleet. Truth was, even though Bajor was free and there was no Cardassian occupation anymore, he still chased the ghosts of his past. He wasn't even sure what he was seeking, he just knew that he hadn't found it yet. At times he thought he missed the battles, to fight for something actively. Now being encouraged to do just that, go out and fight - there was an enemy after all - was tempting.
The grin on his face widened as he looked at the Grazerite. "You are spoiling me, Torra. My wife believed to have me all tame and calmed down when I left. Well, the leopard can't change its spots, I suppose", he smirked.

When Torra told him about a clerical mistake that made her being assigned to medical instead of security like she would have preferred, Juraan looked at her in surprise. But it was good to know that she was at ease with it. "Well, I'd say, some mistakes have their good side. I wouldn't like to lose a talented crewman like you in the medical department. I'm sure Dr. Thane thinks the same." He smiled at her, but it faded when the ship shook and Juraan had to grab hold of the desk he was standing at to not lose balance.

He couldn't be sure but he hoped that the lack of medical patients on their hull was reflecting how it went with the other hulls and ships that were fighting on their side, not aware that it wasn't quite so.

Juraan's grin was infectious.  Torra soon found herself grinning as well as he claimed she was spoiling him, before mentioning his wife's attempt to tame him.  She was going to comment on that when he remarked about her 'clerical error' and how he wouldn't like to lose her.  Torra dipped her head slightly in acknowledgement of the praise.  "Thank you sir."

Then not to forget her thought she had wanted to express earlier she commented. "Your wife probably doesn't realized but that aspect of you is probably one of the things that attracted her to you in the first place."  Even Torra had heard about how opposites attract.


NPC Ensign Jayce Fuller
[Kosst Holana - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Quote from: Arrun Dihsar on March 22, 2019, 05:28:40 PM

~=NPC Carnel Modist=~
[Kosst Holana - Deck 1 - Main Passageway - Towed by Discovery]
Carnel spoke up to answer the Doctor, "Surgeon is fine, she was on a different part of the deck when we got hit. She just went to who was closest to her."

Thane took that information into consideration as he decided on how to split up the medical officers.
Quote from: Arrun Dihsar on March 22, 2019, 05:28:40 PM

~=NPC Carnel Modist=~
[Kosst Holana - Deck 1 - Bridge - Towed by Discovery]
Carnel followed after the Starfleet officer, pausing a moment to look at her human crewmate being treated.  "You need anything Fuller? Will she be alright?" she tried to keep some sort of calm, she had her differences with Wist, but she didn't want the woman to die. A small bit of hope burned brightly in her as she saw Wist's full and bright red eyes almost flicker open at Fuller's treatment. "Oh don't worry about the red of her eyes, cosmetic implants; some sort of status symbol from her colony." Carnel shrugged at the limit of her own information; Arrun was the one who had hired Wist, and Carnel knew Wist as secretive as anyone else aboard; so, she refused to pry: hoping the 'Fleet doctor next her did the same.

Jayce didn't look away from their patient at the woman's question.  "I have everything I need. And yes, she'll be fine.  She's responding well to the treatment. I'm taking my time to regenerate her wounds fully to avoid any scarring." Jayce commented as she applied more dermaline gel over the burns.  When the Kosst Holana's first officer commented on the patient's eyes being red, Jayce nodded in understanding.  Thank you for the heads up about the eyes.  I caught a glimpse of that and was wondering why retinal damage wasn't showing on my scans."

NPC Commander Thane
[Kosst Holana - Deck 3 - Engine Room]

Quote from: Arrun Dihsar on March 22, 2019, 05:28:40 PM

[Kosst Holana - Deck 3 - Engine Room - Towed by Discovery]

Arrun looked up at the Doctor's entrance, taking the offered mask with a thankful nod and replaced the old one he was wearing for the new one. He took a few practiced breaths to make sure it was working properly before answering. "Doctor, I believe it was..." Arrun had to concentrate on what Surgeon had explained to him weeks and weeks ago. "Axonol, that gas people use to put patients to sleep. And...Arithrazine...? I believe?" The first one Arrun was familiar with as a patient, but the second was beyond his experience. "Oh, and careful of his optical implants, he definitely wants to keep the ones he has, even if they are non-Federational and old." Arrun remembered arguing with his fellow Bajoran over it, thinking the older man stubborn; but now all he cared about was that he survived this. "Do you need help getting his EVA suit off or should we leave him in it, Doctor?"

Gaal Mayb's EVA-clad body remained still and quiet, not a word as the two spoke. Arrun tried to ignore the yellow voice, reminded him he could have tried to treat the man first, that his inaction might lead to his trusted engineer's death. He instead tried his best to focus on his breathing: not so fast as to hyperventilate, but not so slow he amounted to holding his breath; concentrating on anything else he could think of that would be helpful for the Doctor: though, refraining from babbling at the man while he worked.

The more he thought about it, the Bajoran Captain was thoroughly puzzled by why Gaal was hurt. He had gotten to his EVA suit, so he had heard the impact alarm: so that shielded him from the high heat of the room and the vaccum of space when life-support failed; he had been working in the room for several minutes after the impact, so the torpedo was unlikely to have been why he fell; hough, he might have plasma or shrapnel wounds -Arrun hadn't checked him yet. Too many unknowns, all he could do was trust the Doctor next to him to save his Engineer before it was too late...if it wasn't already.

While the Captain listed off this Engineer's known allergies, Thane didn't bother with the visual assessment, doing so would require cutting the man out of the EVA suit and such items were expensive for a frieghter Captain to purchase anew.  So Thane would refrain from doing damage to the suit unless he absolutely needed to do so.  The medical tricorder scan was as accurate if not more so that a visual inspection alone.

There were signs of mild hypoxia in the man's tissues but by the readings looked like they were improving.   To assist with this, Thane drew up a hypo of tri-ox.  "This oxygen saturation levels are a bit low but improving... this Tri-ox compound will speed up that process." he stated as he administered the medication.

The scanner readings showed a minor contusion to the back of the engineers head, like from went a fall.  The scans also showed some minor swelling of the brain.  "It looks like his oxygen levels dropped a little too low, for too long and he collapsed. His overall health isn't the greatest either.  He could benefit from a reduction in his caloric-intake and an increase in some old fashioned exercise."

He drew up another hypospray, this time of triptacederine.  "This is an analgesic it'll help with his pain while I work at repairing the contusion and concussion." He pressed this to the engineers neck to administer the drug.

Thane then pulled out his dermal regenerator.  For novices' like Torra treating a patient through an EV suit would be next to impossible.   Thane however had experience on his side.  Less than five minutes later the concussion and the contusion both were healed with nothing else to treat.

"I've treated his acute injuries, all that's left is his chronic unhealthy bodyweight and acute exhaustion.  I could give him an adrenaline shot - if you really need him up to work on your engines or such but what he really needs now it rest."


NPC Ensign Stoerm and Meelar
[Kosst Holana - Deck 2 - Galley]

The Vulcan and Denobulan pair of medical officers made their way down to the Galley to assist the ships surgeon.

Ensign Meelar, the female Denobulan, called out as they arrived.  "Hello? We're from the USS Discovery.  We're medical doctors - here to help."

Stoerm assessed the scene before proceeding further.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Susan Venator on March 23, 2019, 04:49:16 PM


Suzie's head spun. While she understood the principles of what the scientist was saying, she did not understand how it would work. But she did not need to know that, as a problem had arisen.

"Good luck with that." She remarked. "We can modify the main deflector to do one or other of those but not both. And the time it would take to complete the modifications would lose us the window in which to act. Instead of manually restricting the nucleonic interferences, wouldn't it be easier to just use one of the secondary deflectors on ether the Beta or Gamma hulls to put out a massive dampening field. Yes it will prevent us from transporting, but the Dosi will be just as stuck as us. We use the main deflector to align the tetryons and modify the cargo transporters for the transport to work. We should test it before sending any personnel as the consequences of not getting it right will be, unpleasant!" She replied, working through the points raised.

[USS Discovery - Main Bridge]

"See Ruthie... and that is why you need to pay attention in Academy!"  she gave a half laugh.  "Engineering isn't my strong point Lt. Venator, but I'm sure that would work.  We're up against time so... now would be a good point on testing that... do you want to do the honours, then we'll give Lt. Comm. Galloway the go ahead to send our people over.  I should say this is very important to me. My three younger children and, as you know, my husband - your Captain, are over there.  The kids are the primary hostages."

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kalem Michael on March 23, 2019, 09:38:21 PM

Bridge - USS Discovery
Kalem turned to Lt. Hrafn,

"Lieutenant, how nice to finally meet you in person. Thanks for your help in the Kir'Shara I'm sorry that the ship was destroyed."

Hrafn smiled at the young Bajoran pilot.  And responded in his tongue thinking a little home comfort in difficult times couldn't go amiss.

"Peldar sadeni, Mr. Kalem, pren* tay'ma* deya*, Kir'Shara... soraya* embra*... daran* va ji*." she moved forward and stuck out a hand to shake.

[TRANS: Happy meeting, Mr. Kalem, I wish it were better times.  Kir'Shara. A good ship, but we shall be the victors!]

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 23, 2019, 03:58:24 PM

[Katra station - main corridors]

Nevir smirked as he cleared hall after hall, trying to find the access way they could take to find the Dosi before they reached the shuttlebay.  Talking with Hrafn, while logically pointless in a secret ops, did serve an important point to Nevir... it kept him calm.

"You know I don't like to correct you, Hrafn, but I think you need to check those regulations again.  I have not yet died, so WONO is not violated.  Probably the only one I haven't violated yet..." he added, as he turned down another hall, and saw what was unmistakably a science lab.

"I.. I have an idea.  Let's sabotage."

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

=/\=Well that 'yet' is very important don't you know!  =/\= she gave a small giggle.   =/\=I hereby nominate our eldest to give you the biggest dressing down ever and Commander Galloway to swear at you in Scottish and trust me, that's something you need to be fearful of... =/\= she turned to Ian.

"If'n that happens, leave nothing out!" and grinned.

=/\= ....that's illogical anyhow but if I know these two they'd find a way to make sure the message got through even if you were dead!  I'd be too busy killing the people who killed you! And sabotage?  I won't ask directly where you are in case people that you don't want knowing are listening in.  If that's Dontu and co... Hello welcome to the Discovery Channel... but anyhow ... can you give clues, have to be verbal I can't exactly play 'Charades' here!  =/\=

She knew her husband well enough that the reason he was talking was it was 'normal'  just married partners having a chat and teasing each other a bit.  It was relaxing her too, but she could still feel Nerys and Tidu .... they had seemed to have calmed down and she hoped that was them being asleep and not dead.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Kalem Michael

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on March 24, 2019, 10:52:19 AM

"Peldar sadeni, Mr. Kalem, pren* tay'ma* deya*, Kir'Shara... soraya* embra*... daran* va ji*." she moved forward and stuck out a hand to shake.

[TRANS: Happy meeting, Mr. Kalem, I wish it were better times.  Kir'Shara. A good ship, but we shall be the victors!]

Kalem's face went from one of pleasantry, to one of surprise, and then curiosity,
"How do you....." Kalem's voice trailed off unable to complete his question. He had been shocked that a Trill understood and could speak Bajoran to him. After they had shook hands however, the Lieutenant moved to the console to speak with Captain Tekin. Maybe, after she was done things would be made clear.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kalem Michael on March 24, 2019, 11:13:33 AM

Kalem's face went from one of pleasantry, to one of surprise, and then curiosity,
"How do you....." Kalem's voice trailed off unable to complete his question. He had been shocked that a Trill understood and could speak Bajoran to him. After they had shook hands however, the Lieutenant moved to the console to speak with Captain Tekin. Maybe, after she was done things would be made clear.

[USS Discovery - Bridge]

Hrafn shook hands with Kalem and chuckled then pointed to the comms... "Therein lies your answer, the Captain of this ship is my husband.  3 of my children are Human/Trill/Bajoran hybrids, Ruthie my eldest there has another father.  Long story not for now, but if you want to join us for celebratory jumja sticks and/or the twins and Lamar's birthday party once we are victorious... I'll tell all!  Right now, we have a station to save so we can have that damn party!"

She turned to Susan Venator and Ruthie.

"How we getting on with the modifications.  I think we have about 3 mins left of ceasefire if my calculations are right!"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 24, 2019, 04:08:28 AM

NPC Lt jg Saqa7 Mountain-Kahn
[Katra Station - Deck One - Operations Center]

Anticipating the Captains response Saqa7 opened up a 4th comm line. =/\= "Katra Station to USS Discovery.  Captain Tekin, Captain Solluk is looking for an update on the cease fire and hostage situation?  The Dosi group appears to be on route to Saucer 5." =/\=

Saqa7 truly hope Discovery wasn't planning on letting the Dosi leave with their people.  If she was reading the bio signals right... the Captain's children were among the hostages! She didn't know if it was wise to let him know this or not.

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Ian heard the new transmission and was amazed at the sheer volume of chatter and wondered if being able to keep up with so much information was the final test of who was suitable to be a Starfleet captain. However, this was not the time for musing and Ian replied to the station.

=/\= "Discovery, Commander Galloway here, we have personnel aboard your station. We are attempting disrupt the Dosi tetryon field so that we can reinforce the team already on Katra. If'n we succeed, you will know it. All we can do is stand by ta see if the science boffins figure it out or not." =/\=

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Lt Jg Saqa7 Mountain-Kahn
[Katra Station - Deck One - Operations Control Center]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 24, 2019, 05:16:11 PM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Ian heard the new transmission and was amazed at the sheer volume of chatter and wondered if being able to keep up with so much information was the final test of who was suitable to be a Starfleet captain. However, this was not the time for musing and Ian replied to the station.

=/\= "Discovery, Commander Galloway here, we have personnel aboard your station. We are attempting disrupt the Dosi tetryon field so that we can reinforce the team already on Katra. If'n we succeed, you will know it. All we can do is stand by ta see if the science boffins figure it out or not." =/\=

What?! Saqa7 blinked at the Commander's reveal.  "How can station personnel assist? We have a flight officer that just landed on Saucer 5.  Is there a way Lt Ferris can meet up and bolster your team? " she asked, thinking that Eli might be able to assist... also Saucer 5 wasn't all that far from Sickbay.

Saqa7 muted her side of the comm and unmuted her end of Captain Solluk's once more to update him.

"Captain, I've just learned that Discovery has a team aboard Katra that are hoping to deal with the hostage situation. Commander Galloway also mentioned that personnel on their ship are working on a way to cut through the tetryon interference.  I've asked to see if they need assistance for their plan."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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