Season 13 - Mission 12: One Mind

Started by Ian Galloway, March 23, 2020, 10:49:37 AM

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Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 10, 2020, 07:48:40 PM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Despite Addams' best efforts, the object thrown out of the intetspatial tear was too close and moving too fast for him to avoid. As Ian gripped a railing, a portion of his consciousness recognized the object as a Federation starship! However, before he could even try to figure out what class of ship, the derelict collided with the Discovery. The impact was the most powerful force Ian had ever experienced, with the ship being flipped end over even and flung some twenty kilometers from the point of impact.

Despite having grabbed a railing, he was thrown across the bridge and probably would have sustained critical, if not fatal injuries if not for his armor. The collision was so violent that the inertia dampeners could not hope to compensate for and he lay stunned on the deck as stars danced across his vision; a fate shared throughout the ship. The crew fell into three categories, they were either slowly staggering to their knees, calling out in agony, or were laying very, very still.

Ian knew he was lucky to be in the first category as he tried to get his eyes to focus, he could hear multiple alarms on the bridge in the harsh red emergency lighting.

"B-b-bloody H-hell."

[Bridge-USS Discovery]

T'Lara was already aware of the fact that the projectile was on a collision course that they had no way of avoiding. Shortly after they saw it on the viewscreen information about the vessel popped up on the sensors, the signature being one of a Federation starship. It was an old one too, probably had been trapped for many decades.

But that was all she got before the ship crashed into them and she bent down, taking the brunt of the force in her legs and gripping the console for support. But the amount of force ended up being too much to handle and her knees gave in so she tumbled to the floor in a very ungraceful way, banging her forehead on the ground. After several minutes she sat up slowly and observed the damage, head buzzing with fatigue and slight pain.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 10, 2020, 09:21:25 PM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Ian attempted to reply, but the only sound he managed to make was a weak croak. He shook his head, regretted doing that and forced out.

"I-it was a s-s-starship. An o-old one."

Ian lurched over to his usual mission operations station, which was thankfully working, and grimaced at what he saw.

"Warp core offline, but impulse is fully operational. Shields... Mo creach! Four percent. Weapons, offline. Life support.. stable. Could have been a lot worse."

Lieutenant Cadbury, pulled himself back to his station with one arms hanging limply and an actively bleeding cut above his left eye.

"Long range sensors are offline, but lateral sensors are working... scanning... The Cube has been completely destroyed with the debris being sucked into that intetspatial rift. We we collided with... But that's impossible..." He whispered. "We collided with the USS Burke a Wilkerson-Class destroyer reported missing 93 years ago. It survived the collision, but is in even worse shape than we are. Her main power is out, Hull integrity is down to less than 30%, and she's heavily irradiated, but I am reading numerous weak life signs."

Looking to her left she saw Cadbury getting up, looking a bit worse for wear than she did. She made to give the report in his stead, noticing his grimace as he situated the broken arm, but he waved her away with a pained smile.

She focused on clearing her head of the fuzziness from the impact and let her eyes graze over the sensor information as Cadbury read it off. 93 years ago and there were still life signs...somehow a growing community had survived on the ship all this time, and she wished the long-range sensors were still working so they could find out where they came from.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 11, 2020, 11:35:19 AM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

The Captain pulled himself up and into his chair, testing the controls.  The shipwide comms were down, but the badge communicators were still working.  That was good.  With the report from Cadbury and Ian, they had a better idea of what happened.  Unfortunately, no power to the bridge right now meant the viewscreen was off.  He turned to look for Torra, but didn't see her near ops... she had made it to the Helm.

"Main Power seems to be mostly down.. a few systems are randomly on backups.  First priority, restore main power.  Then communications... then we can help that ship." he said, the fact that it was centuries old playing in the back of his head and trying to be ignored by him.

"I need status reports from all departments."

T'Lara didn't have much more information to give other than what Cadbury had just reported, but she used her comm badge to contact the rest of the science crewmembers. Everyone reported with various cuts and bruises except one crewman, the man she barely got to meet on the away team.

=^=T'Lara to Evandev, come in. T'Lara to Crewman Evandev, what is your status?=^=  She took a long breath after a few minutes of trying this with no success and looked over to the captain.

"The state of the sensors remains unchanged and there are three crewmen injured who are making their way to sickbay...I have not been able to contact Crewman Evandev" she stated, giving no thought to how the report sounded but hoping it was sufficient. Currently she wanted to put all her energy toward getting herself strong enough to serve effectively, and she was uncertain whether the fuzziness and abnormal fatigue she was feeling was the result of a concussion. She realized since she was in considerably better condition than Cadbury and many people were headed for Sickbay she should probably offer to find out Evandev's status. Ordinarily she would show more concern, but she was tired.

"Should I go find him, Captain?" she asked.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Danjar-Torra Addams

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on April 11, 2020, 03:33:36 AM

[USS Discovery - Bridge]

Don was doing the best he could to make a miracle happen here and there. Everything he knew was thrown out of the window. The struggle was real.

Then that starship hit them hard sending the USS Discovery aside hard. That was when Don was thrown off his seat and hit his head hard enough to make him one of the not moving. It was bad for the helmsman.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 11, 2020, 11:44:31 AM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

The Discovery was in trouble. She was drifting in space and listing 20 degrees to port. Sickbay couldn't even answer all the calls coming in from every deck from the many casualties. On the bridge, Ian saw Addams was down and he made his legs move until he could flop down at the Conn station. He used the ship's thrusters to cancel the drift and bring her back to an even keel. It wasn't much, but it fell right to Ian for some reason.

"Sir. Shields are regeneratin', we're currently at 11%. I think the shields were the only thing that saved us from catastrophic damage. As the outer portions of the hull were evacuated, I don't believe we have any radiation casualties, but we have a lot of injuries from the collision throughout the ship. Sickbay reports 25 injured and, I'm sorry to report, nine dead.

"Engineerin' reports the warp cores shut down when the deuterium emergency flow valves closed, it will take twenty minutes to restart the warp drive, until then both auxiliary fusion reactors and impulse power are stable givin' us... 35% total power."

Torra hadn't even noticed at first that Don wasn't at his station, but she did when she nearly tripped over his unmoving form on her way back to her own station.  Despite the urgency to make contact with the other ship and see if transporters were working to possibly render aid, Torra hurriedly knelt down at Don's side to feel for a pulse.  Her face contorted in worry before she let out a ragged sigh of relief - feeling the telltale movement under her fingertips.  It was a strong pulse, not indicative of shock.

She tapped her comm badge hoping the internal comms still worked and was rewarded with an open line.  =/\= "Bridge to Sickbay.  We have multiple casualties, at least one unconscious" =/\=  Torra glanced over the Bridge and tried to do a quick assessment of the others.  =/\= "and the Commander has a possible broken arm." =/\=

Her call was acknowledged by a triage nurse and Torra was instructed to initiate a site to site transport to the unconscious, but that a medic was on their way to the Bridge to tend non-emergency injuries there.

NPC Crewman Kitaa Horg and NPC Dr. Misha Sluchaynyy
[USS Discovery - Gamma Hull Medical - just prior to impact]

USS Discovery

Ciavil was about to respond when she felt a sudden wave of nausea overcome her and she had to fight the urge to vomit. She looked over at the Doctor in charge of the gamma hull and shook her head. "I don't know what's wrong, but I need to get to my station. Just...tell me what's wrong and give me something for it." She said hoarsely.

Misha regarded the Bolian. "Vell, firrst let us see vhat is wrrrong. Yes?"

The Russian doctor ran a scanner over the woman and smiled. He was about to break the good news when the ship shook.  Ciavil being on the biobed was saved from injury by the automatic force field generators that sensed the jostle of the ship and reacted to hold patients steady.  Unfortunately, medical staff were not so lucky.

Dr. Sluchaynyy was thrown partially across his patient who reached out to steady him.  Crewman Horg was thrown back against the wall knocking the back of her head before being
shaken to the floor of the Gamma Hull Medical Alcove.

When the tumbling stopped both got to their feet doing quick self-assessments and before looking to one another.  The both nodded confirming they were both unharmed.  Only then did they look to their patient.

Misha would have liked to broken the news to the woman more gently but given the impact, time was going to be of importance.  They would be receiving trauma patients anytime now.

"Zank you forrr yourrr help. Now to yourrr kondition. It nothing zat should interrrferrre vith yourrr duties today but vill need to be something you vill need to zink over long terrrm."

He paused to prepare a hypospray with an anti-nauseate.  "Zis is anti-antinauseate to help vith feeling of nausea."

He waited for her nod of acknowledgement before administering it.

Quote from: Dranik on April 11, 2020, 12:17:40 AM

Shortly after Dranik arrived back on the Discovery, he was sent flying chest first into a bulkhead as something collided with the Discovery almost immediately after the Borg Cube exploded.

He let out a low groan of pain as he slowly rose to his feet."If it's not one thing it's another on this ship." He said with a low growl. First things first though. "Dranik to Ciavil."

The eager smile he had on his face faded at the lack of a response.

"Dranik to Ciavil. Respond please."

There was still no answer.

"Computer. Last known location of Ciavil Laslo."

The computer responded after a second of processing. "Ciavil Laslo's last known location was the Gamma Hull Sickbay. With those words, Dranik's heart seemed to beat a thousand times faster.


He ran to a nearby turbo-lift and before the doors were able to finish closing he had shouted his destination. "Gamma Hull Sickbay!" The doors closed and Dranik stood anxiously in the turbo-lift. He had forgotten entirely about his trophies taken from the Borg Cube.

Dr. Sluchaynyy was unaware of the Hirogen's presence arriving as he stated plainly for Ciavil why she was feeling so ill.  "You arrre prrregnant. The anti-nauseate vill help forrr now.  Norrrmally I vould explain in detail about yourrr parrrtikularrr prrregnancy but forrr now I vill say you arrre only in firrrst trrrimester and zat you should book an appointment vith doctorrr of yourrr choice vhen zings have kalmed down medikally. You arrre good to go down.."
Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on April 11, 2020, 07:33:55 PM

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]

Torra hadn't even noticed at first that Don wasn't at his station, but she did when she nearly tripped over his unmoving form on her way back to her own station.  Despite the urgency to make contact with the other ship and see if transporters were working to possibly render aid, Torra hurriedly knelt down at Don's side to feel for a pulse.  Her face contorted in worry before she let out a ragged sigh of relief - feeling the telltale movement under her fingertips.  It was a strong pulse, not indicative of shock.

She tapped her comm badge hoping the internal comms still worked and was rewarded with an open line.  =/\= "Bridge to Sickbay.  We have multiple casualties, at least one unconscious" =/\=  Torra glanced over the Bridge and tried to do a quick assessment of the others.  =/\= "and the Commander has a possible broken arm." =/\=

Her call was acknowledged by a triage nurse and Torra was instructed to initiate a site to site transport to the unconscious, but that a medic was on their way to the Bridge to tend non-emergency injuries there.

NPC Crewman Kitaa Horg and NPC Dr. Misha Sluchaynyy
[USS Discovery - Gamma Hull Medical - just prior to impact]

Misha regarded the Bolian. "Vell, firrst let us see vhat is wrrrong. Yes?"

The Russian doctor ran a scanner over the woman and smiled. He was about to break the good news when the ship shook.  Ciavil being on the biobed was saved from injury by the automatic force field generators that sensed the jostle of the ship and reacted to hold patients steady.  Unfortunately, medical staff were not so lucky.

Dr. Sluchaynyy was thrown partially across his patient who reached out to steady him.  Crewman Horg was thrown back against the wall knocking the back of her head before being
shaken to the floor of the Gamma Hull Medical Alcove.

When the tumbling stopped both got to their feet doing quick self-assessments and before looking to one another.  The both nodded confirming they were both unharmed.  Only then did they look to their patient.

Misha would have liked to broken the news to the woman more gently but given the impact, time was going to be of importance.  They would be receiving trauma patients anytime now.

"Zank you forrr yourrr help. Now to yourrr kondition. It nothing zat should interrrferrre vith yourrr duties today but vill need to be something you vill need to zink over long terrrm."

He paused to prepare a hypospray with an anti-nauseate.  "Zis is anti-antinauseate to help vith feeling of nausea."

He waited for her nod of acknowledgement before administering it.

Dr. Sluchaynyy was unaware of the Hirogen's presence arriving as he stated plainly for Ciavil why she was feeling so ill.  "You arrre prrregnant. The anti-nauseate vill help forrr now.  Norrrmally I vould explain in detail about yourrr parrrtikularrr prrregnancy but forrr now I vill say you arrre only in firrrst trrrimester and zat you should book an appointment vith doctorrr of yourrr choice vhen zings have kalmed down medikally. You arrre good to go down.."

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Ian attempted to stand, but his legs went out from under him and he flopped back into the seat at the Conn station. He closed his eyes so the room would stop spinning and took a couple deep breaths before replying to Torra's comment.

"Actually, I think Cadbury has the broken arm Lass. I just have this lump on my mellon."

He wiped what he again thought was sweat off his forehead and realized it wasn't sweat, it was blood. He winced and added.

"Seems like it's a bit more than a lump."

Nira Said

Quote from: Evandav Bervarn on April 11, 2020, 10:06:34 AM

Dropping onto the transporter pad, he sighed. He was tired from all the action and now the adrenaline was gone. There was very little to sustain him bar a final reserve of energy, which he used to go to the armoury to hand his equipment in. It was then in which the ship collided with something, what he did not know. He was thrown straight into a rack of weapons and lay there, with no energy to move, on the brink of unconsciousness.

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Turbolift - Corridors | Deck Two | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

After going around Deck Eleven, finding injured people with either her tricorder or, wherever the tricorder didn't prove reliable, her senses, looking for senses of pain she can feel for like a person feeling his or her way through the dark. There were so may she found by either way. Those that were able to walk, she had at least one along with her to help those that weren't able to or were unconscious. Those that were unconscious, Nira felt for pulses just to be sure they were alive. She only came across only a couple that were actually dead. She made out reports as best as she could to the Bridge, and she was sure others around the ship will report in.

Once she was finished sending casualties to Sickbay, she approached the turbolift. She said she was going to start from the bottom and work her way up, and if there were casualties already sent there, she will check the numbers and check for any casualties her colleagues may have forgotten or overlooked.

She had just gotten inside when she felt a sneeze coming up and then it came...

"Deck...ah-TOO!" she said when she sneezed. The turbolift suddenly began moving. Nira blinked. What had she accidentally said?

The turbolift eventually opened, and stepping into the corridor a few steps, Nira realized she stepped into Deck Two. The Computer must've thought I said "Deck Two," I'm in the wrong deck, thought Nira. Then she shrugged. She'll try searching for casualties on the deck, but first, she'll change out of her armor; she was correct in assuming she would scare people with her bloodied appearance, no matter how many times she said that she had to engage in melee combat with Borg drones.

She proceeded into the armory. It was dark, although the emergency lighting glowed in some places. Nira had just been wondering if she should just leave her armor on the floor when she saw the outline of a body...alive or not, she couldn't tell the emergency lighting. Getting to the body...getting close, she could see he was male...she dragged him out into the corridor, and in the better light, she got a good look at his face, and she recognized him.

"Evandev!" she said, realizing who it was. She can see he was hurt, very badly, and was on the brink of unconsciousness. She called out, trying to rouse him.

"Wake up, Evandev!" she said loudly. "Don't slip to unconsciousness! Wake up!"

She dragged Evandev to the turbolift, trying to get him awake as she proceeded (And she figured, after she dropped Evandev off at Sickbay, she'd resume searching for casualties), and when she got back into the turbolift, she said, "Deck Ten," and then said, "Evandev! Can you hear me? Don't lose consciousness...Please, wake up."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


USS Discovery
Gamma Hull SickBay

Dranik stood completely still in the entrance of the Sickbay as he overheard what the Doctor had said to Ciavil. His mind had gone completely blank with the news.

Ciavil looked down at her stomach and then back at the Doctor before noticing Dranik standing in the entry way behind him. A range of emotions crossed her face before settling on a somewhat lost expression. She looked at Dranik and simply shook her head at him as though she was trying to figure out what to say.

Dranik crossed the room without a word, took her hand and softly kissed the top of her head. "It's going to be alright." He said simply as Ciavil let out a muffled sob. Dranik helped her to her feet and motioned for them to go towards the door. "Sickbay is going to be crowded in a few minutes. We need to clear the room for the injured."

Ciavil simply nodded as the two exited Sickbay and headed for a turbolift.

Hirogen Male

Evandav Bervarn

Quote from: Nira Said on April 12, 2020, 07:38:30 PM

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Turbolift - Corridors | Deck Two | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

After going around Deck Eleven, finding injured people with either her tricorder or, wherever the tricorder didn't prove reliable, her senses, looking for senses of pain she can feel for like a person feeling his or her way through the dark. There were so may she found by either way. Those that were able to walk, she had at least one along with her to help those that weren't able to or were unconscious. Those that were unconscious, Nira felt for pulses just to be sure they were alive. She only came across only a couple that were actually dead. She made out reports as best as she could to the Bridge, and she was sure others around the ship will report in.

Once she was finished sending casualties to Sickbay, she approached the turbolift. She said she was going to start from the bottom and work her way up, and if there were casualties already sent there, she will check the numbers and check for any casualties her colleagues may have forgotten or overlooked.

She had just gotten inside when she felt a sneeze coming up and then it came...

"Deck...ah-TOO!" she said when she sneezed. The turbolift suddenly began moving. Nira blinked. What had she accidentally said?

The turbolift eventually opened, and stepping into the corridor a few steps, Nira realized she stepped into Deck Two. The Computer must've thought I said "Deck Two," I'm in the wrong deck, thought Nira. Then she shrugged. She'll try searching for casualties on the deck, but first, she'll change out of her armor; she was correct in assuming she would scare people with her bloodied appearance, no matter how many times she said that she had to engage in melee combat with Borg drones.

She proceeded into the armory. It was dark, although the emergency lighting glowed in some places. Nira had just been wondering if she should just leave her armor on the floor when she saw the outline of a body...alive or not, she couldn't tell the emergency lighting. Getting to the body...getting close, she could see he was male...she dragged him out into the corridor, and in the better light, she got a good look at his face, and she recognized him.

"Evandev!" she said, realizing who it was. She can see he was hurt, very badly, and was on the brink of unconsciousness. She called out, trying to rouse him.

"Wake up, Evandev!" she said loudly. "Don't slip to unconsciousness! Wake up!"

She dragged Evandev to the turbolift, trying to get him awake as she proceeded (And she figured, after she dropped Evandev off at Sickbay, she'd resume searching for casualties), and when she got back into the turbolift, she said, "Deck Ten," and then said, "Evandev! Can you hear me? Don't lose consciousness...Please, wake up."

[USS Discovery, Armoury]

Evandav lost consciousness, despite her pleas. He had been able to hear her, but even doing so drained the last veins of energy left. The body had nothing left to give.

Tekin Nevir


[Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

Nevir looked up at T'Lara, and for a moment, he wanted to immediately tell her to go find him.  There was a kinship there, after all.. but he was responsible for the entire ship, not just one person.

"Negative, we'll find him.  Right now I'm going to need the able bodied people I have left." he said, standing up.  Sure, he had a slight laceration, but that was nothing.

"Ian, you took a hit to the head, so I'm leaving you here.  You have the bridge.  T'Lara, Torra, you two are with me.    Mr. Galloway, have Mr. Ainsley and Miss Horg meet us in the shuttlebay." he said, gesturing to the others to follow him as he made his way to the turbolift, which seemed to be working, and then to the main shuttlebay to prep a shuttle.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 13, 2020, 09:11:26 AM

[Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

Nevir looked up at T'Lara, and for a moment, he wanted to immediately tell her to go find him.  There was a kinship there, after all.. but he was responsible for the entire ship, not just one person.

"Negative, we'll find him.  Right now I'm going to need the able bodied people I have left." he said, standing up.  Sure, he had a slight laceration, but that was nothing.

"Ian, you took a hit to the head, so I'm leaving you here.  You have the bridge.  T'Lara, Torra, Addams, you three are with me.    Mr. Galloway, have Mr. Ainsley and Miss Horg meet us in the shuttlebay." he said, gesturing to the others to follow him as he made his way to the turbolift, which seemed to be working, and then to the main shuttlebay to prep a shuttle.

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Ian smiled weakly and replied with a weak. "Aye Sir." and was profoundly glad the captain hadn't asked him to go with him as he wasn't sure he could stand without falling, let alone walk. As he sat at the helm station, he activated the ship's communication system.

=/\= "Ainsley and Hoag report ta the shuttle bay." =/\=

Ian's eye fell on Addams unconscious at his feet and after making sure there was a pulse, he activated the comm system again.

=/\= "Galloway ta sickbay, multiple casualties on the bridge. Send whoever you can spare." =/\=


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 13, 2020, 09:11:26 AM

[Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

Nevir looked up at T'Lara, and for a moment, he wanted to immediately tell her to go find him.  There was a kinship there, after all.. but he was responsible for the entire ship, not just one person.

"Negative, we'll find him.  Right now I'm going to need the able bodied people I have left." he said, standing up.  Sure, he had a slight laceration, but that was nothing.

"Ian, you took a hit to the head, so I'm leaving you here.  You have the bridge.  T'Lara, Torra, you two are with me.    Mr. Galloway, have Mr. Ainsley and Miss Horg meet us in the shuttlebay." he said, gesturing to the others to follow him as he made his way to the turbolift, which seemed to be working, and then to the main shuttlebay to prep a shuttle.

[Bridge-USS Discovery]

T'Lara blinked and gave a nod as he gave her the order. As long as Evandev was being taken care of, that was all that mattered. For now she had another mission to go on. She was tired, there was no denying it. But her mind was beginning to clear and as she and Torra followed the captain to the turbolift she stared ahead, making no small talk as they made it to the shuttlebay and prepared for the next step in this ongoing encounter.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Four of Twenty

Cadet Four of Twenty
[USS Discovery - Deck 5 - Auxiliary Engineering]

Slowly, he peeled himself off of his screen. His head was pounding, his thoughts were foggy as he tried to regain his bearings. He was at his station in Aux Engineering. Lights were flickering around him, people were standing back up. And then he remembered. There was a collision, he lurched forward in the impact, and everything went black.

A cold trickle ran down his forehead as his fingers absentmindedly moved towards the skin. His fingertips felt wet, a little sticky. He moved them into his field of vision, and his fingertips were painted in green blood. Wiping it off on his uniform, he began typing away at his station, working on the shut down warp core.

"Cadet, you're bleeding."

"It's a minor flesh wound. I'm fine."

"You should report to Sickbay."

"Sickbay is overrun. I'll go after we get this warp core back up and running."

"Very well. Get to work, Cadet."

A cold smile crept across his lips as a trickle of green blood ran down his cheek. The Engineering officer went to work at his console, typing quickly. The ship needed to get out of this nightmare nebula. The ship, and her crew, had suffered enough. This mission was starting to take its toll on all.

Nira Said

Quote from: Evandav Bervarn on April 13, 2020, 08:44:18 AM

[USS Discovery, Armoury]

Evandav lost consciousness, despite her pleas. He had been able to hear her, but even doing so drained the last veins of energy left. The body had nothing left to give.

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Turbolift – Sickbay | Deck Ten | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

"No!" said Nira. "Please!"

But she could see he was already unconscious. Alive or not, she had to make sure he was treated okay.

She then carried Evandev to Sickbay, once the turbolift opened, and was shocked at how crowded it was. SO many...

Nira left Evandev to the side, found a nurse to get him treated, and then left to resume her work. But something was bothering her. She hasn't heard back from Galloway or Felder, let alone Felder at all. She was worried something was wrong with him, and communications didn't seem to work, at least in Nira's opinion. She had to make sure Commander Felder was all right, because if he wasn't, that meant she was acting Chief of Security – again – and she will need to fill in for him.

With that, she returned to the turbolift and said, upon getting in, "Bridge."

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Getting to the bridge, she could see things were just as bad on the rest of the ship. She then approached Commander Galloway, seeing the Captain was gone.

"Commander Galloway?" she said. "Sorry for coming up here, but I wasn't sure if communications were working or not. Where's Commander Felder? And the Captain?"

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on April 13, 2020, 01:11:21 PM

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Turbolift – Sickbay | Deck Ten | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

"No!" said Nira. "Please!"

But she could see he was already unconscious. Alive or not, she had to make sure he was treated okay.

She then carried Evandev to Sickbay, once the turbolift opened, and was shocked at how crowded it was. SO many...

Nira left Evandev to the side, found a nurse to get him treated, and then left to resume her work. But something was bothering her. She hasn't heard back from Galloway or Felder, let alone Felder at all. She was worried something was wrong with him, and communications didn't seem to work, at least in Nira's opinion. She had to make sure Commander Felder was all right, because if he wasn't, that meant she was acting Chief of Security – again – and she will need to fill in for him.

With that, she returned to the turbolift and said, upon getting in, "Bridge."

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Getting to the bridge, she could see things were just as bad on the rest of the ship. She then approached Commander Galloway, seeing the Captain was gone.

"Commander Galloway?" she said. "Sorry for coming up here, but I wasn't sure if communications were working or not. Where's Commander Felder? And the Captain?"

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Ian heard his name and turned to face the person speaking with bleary eyes. It took him a moment to recognize who it was and he knew he had to pull himself together, he'd been given the bridge and was in command.

"Felder is... Felder is..." Ian paused. "Where was Felder? Oh right, deck four. He went to ensure the Borg that boarded us were spaced. The Captain is on his way to the shuttlebay, he didn't say why."

Before Ian could continue, the turbolift doors opened as Dr Fellows and two medics entered.

"What have we got Commander?"

"Addams took a head wound. Cadbury has that and a broken arm. I've got a scalp lac. Thomas and Ghemak have... something. Sorry Jess, I'm nae hittin' on all eight at the moment."

Dr Fellows frowned and began triaging the crew. Addams was the priority and she took over his care, while assigning the medics Yi and Tariq to treat Ian and Cadbury. Yi applied the hypospray to Ian's neck and the cloud of cotton Ian felt like he was wrapped in finally cleared. After a few quick passes with the dermal regenerator, the wound on his head stopped bleeding and he was able to stand without dizziness.

"Thank you Crewman. Please help the others. I'll be fine for now. I'll swing by sickbay later once you've got the rush under control."

Now that he could think clearly, Ian looked at the captain's display and could see that, except for the warp drive, all major systems were now operational with shields up to 37%. The Discovery was recovering thanks to her extensive automation. The crew however, was taking longer with sickbay making progress. Of the 25 injured, 14 were serious and still being treated. Fortunately, no one else had died, but that did leave the body count at nine.

Danjar-Torra Addams

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 11, 2020, 09:52:01 PM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Ian attempted to stand, but his legs went out from under him and he flopped back into the seat at the Conn station. He closed his eyes so the room would stop spinning and took a couple deep breaths before replying to Torra's comment.

"Actually, I think Cadbury has the broken arm Lass. I just have this lump on my mellon."

He wiped what he again thought was sweat off his forehead and realized it wasn't sweat, it was blood. He winced and added.

"Seems like it's a bit more than a lump."

Torra blinked at the Commanders correction.  Had she said he had a broken arm?  She must've hit her head harder than she thought.  "Sorry, sir.  But irregardless they'll send someone soon."
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 13, 2020, 09:11:26 AM

[Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

Nevir looked up at T'Lara, and for a moment, he wanted to immediately tell her to go find him.  There was a kinship there, after all.. but he was responsible for the entire ship, not just one person.

"Negative, we'll find him.  Right now I'm going to need the able bodied people I have left." he said, standing up.  Sure, he had a slight laceration, but that was nothing.

"Ian, you took a hit to the head, so I'm leaving you here.  You have the bridge.  T'Lara, Torra, you two are with me.    Mr. Galloway, have Mr. Ainsley and Miss Horg meet us in the shuttlebay." he said, gesturing to the others to follow him as he made his way to the turbolift, which seemed to be working, and then to the main shuttlebay to prep a shuttle.

Torra blinked surprise as the Captain named her to go with him on an apparent Away Team.. to the other ship?  Their was momentary hesitation as she glanced to her unconscious husband she was kneeling beside.   There was nothing she could do for him... Medical was on it's way..  "Aye, sir."

She stood up, bracing herself momentarily on the helm console before heading to the turbolift to join the Captain.  Upon arriving at the shuttlebay, Torra began assisting with the shuttle launch prep.  Each system called out green however, reminded her of Donny.  It should be his voice doing so not hers.


NPC Crewman Kitaa Horg and NPC Dr. Misha Sluchaynyy
[USS Discovery - Gamma Hull Medical]

Quote from: Dranik on April 12, 2020, 11:59:53 PM

USS Discovery
Gamma Hull SickBay

Dranik stood completely still in the entrance of the Sickbay as he overheard what the Doctor had said to Ciavil. His mind had gone completely blank with the news.

Ciavil looked down at her stomach and then back at the Doctor before noticing Dranik standing in the entry way behind him. A range of emotions crossed her face before settling on a somewhat lost expression. She looked at Dranik and simply shook her head at him as though she was trying to figure out what to say.

Dranik crossed the room without a word, took her hand and softly kissed the top of her head. "It's going to be alright." He said simply as Ciavil let out a muffled sob. Dranik helped her to her feet and motioned for them to go towards the door. "Sickbay is going to be crowded in a few minutes. We need to clear the room for the injured."

Ciavil simply nodded as the two exited Sickbay and headed for a turbolift.

Misha watched the two leave with a grandfatherly smile, before turning his attention to Horg who was already in the process of sterilizing the biobed for the anticipated rush of patients.
Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 13, 2020, 11:00:13 AM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Ian smiled weakly and replied with a weak. "Aye Sir." and was profoundly glad the captain hadn't asked him to go with him as he wasn't sure he could stand without falling, let alone walk. As he sat at the helm station, he activated the ship's communication system.

=/\= "Ainsley and Hoag report ta the shuttle bay." =/\=

Ian's eye fell on Addams unconscious at his feet and after making sure there was a pulse, he activated the comm system again.

=/\= "Galloway ta sickbay, multiple casualties on the bridge. Send whoever you can spare." =/\=

Kitaa looked up from her task, gave shrug to the doctor handing another tech the cleaning supplies and headed to the  shuttlebay.  She didn't bring a medkit, anticipating that the shuttle would be fully stocked with such already.  Of course she'd double check before launch.

She took the turbolift a bit nervously, uncertain if all the routes were clear but she made it to the right deck without misshap and hurried her way to the shuttlebay.

She looked about for the Commander but was surprised to find instead the Captain and a small retinue of other officers.  "Crewman Horg, reporting as ordered" she announced as she presented herself to the Captain then after being acknowledged checked the shuttles medical stores to be sure she would have everything she had the procotols to use.  Everything was present.  "Medical, good to go." she reported out even though it hadn't yet been asked.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 13, 2020, 01:43:53 PM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Ian heard his name and turned to face the person speaking with bleary eyes. It took him a moment to recognize who it was and he knew he had to pull himself together, he'd been given the bridge and was in command.

"Felder is... Felder is..." Ian paused. "Where was Felder? Oh right, deck four. He went to ensure the Borg that boarded us were spaced. The Captain is on his way to the shuttlebay, he didn't say why."

Before Ian could continue, the turbolift doors opened as Dr Fellows and two medics entered.

"What have we got Commander?"

"Addams took a head wound. Cadbury has that and a broken arm. I've got a scalp lac. Thomas and Ghemak have... something. Sorry Jess, I'm nae hittin' on all eight at the moment."

Dr Fellows frowned and began triaging the crew. Addams was the priority and she took over his care, while assigning the medics Yi and Tariq to treat Ian and Cadbury. Yi applied the hypospray to Ian's neck and the cloud of cotton Ian felt like he was wrapped in finally cleared. After a few quick passes with the dermal regenerator, the wound on his head stopped bleeding and he was able to stand without dizziness.

"Thank you Crewman. Please help the others. I'll be fine for now. I'll swing by sickbay later once you've got the rush under control."

Now that he could think clearly, Ian looked at the captain's display and could see that, except for the warp drive, all major systems were now operational with shields up to 37%. The Discovery was recovering thanks to her extensive automation. The crew however, was taking longer with sickbay making progress. Of the 25 injured, 14 were serious and still being treated. Fortunately, no one else had died, but that did leave the body count at nine.

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

"That's a relief, Commander," said Nira; at least her departmental head was all right.

"My apologies for coming up here, again, Commander," said Nira. "I wasn't sure if communications were working; I haven't heard a response on my comm badge. Did you want me to fill in for Commander Felder until he returns, or did you want me to conduct myself to something else?"

She looked up at the blackened viewscreen. She wondered what had hit them. All the same, they would be vulnerable here in the nebula, although the presence of a Discovery class is bound to scare any smugglers using the nebula away...although if the Discovery was adrift, it could be enticing for smugglers and salvagers to try to board them, if they tried to sneak through the nebula, depending on Romulan ships they had on wholesale. But then, of course, a Romulan faction with anti-Federation feelings, if they tried to make it through the nebula, would find the Discovery adrift a tempting target, again, depending on the ship.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on April 13, 2020, 05:17:58 PM

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

"That's a relief, Commander," said Nira; at least her departmental head was all right.

"My apologies for coming up here, again, Commander," said Nira. "I wasn't sure if communications were working; I haven't heard a response on my comm badge. Did you want me to fill in for Commander Felder until he returns, or did you want me to conduct myself to something else?"

She looked up at the blackened viewscreen. She wondered what had hit them. All the same, they would be vulnerable here in the nebula, although the presence of a Discovery class is bound to scare any smugglers using the nebula away...although if the Discovery was adrift, it could be enticing for smugglers and salvagers to try to board them, if they tried to sneak through the nebula, depending on Romulan ships they had on wholesale. But then, of course, a Romulan faction with anti-Federation feelings, if they tried to make it through the nebula, would find the Discovery adrift a tempting target, again, depending on the ship.

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Even though the medication he'd been given had cleared up the fuzziness, he hadn't received a stimulant, so Ian was tired, about as tired as he'd ever been. He looked through Nira and nodded.

"Take tactical. We are currently at station keepin' and as we are this deep in this hell's brew of a nebula, we are unlikely ta have any visitors. Scan the Burke and see if'n you can get any additional information on the survivors."

🡱 🡳

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