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Season 13 - Mission 12: One Mind

Started by Ian Galloway, March 23, 2020, 10:49:37 AM

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Tekin Nevir

Quote from: T'Lara on April 13, 2020, 12:50:50 PM

[Bridge-USS Discovery]

T'Lara blinked and gave a nod as he gave her the order. As long as Evandev was being taken care of, that was all that mattered. For now she had another mission to go on. She was tired, there was no denying it. But her mind was beginning to clear and as she and Torra followed the captain to the turbolift she stared ahead, making no small talk as they made it to the shuttlebay and prepared for the next step in this ongoing encounter.

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on April 13, 2020, 04:17:15 PM

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]

Torra blinked at the Commanders correction.  Had she said he had a broken arm?  She must've hit her head harder than she thought.  "Sorry, sir.  But irregardless they'll send someone soon."

Torra blinked surprise as the Captain named her to go with him on an apparent Away Team.. to the other ship?  Their was momentary hesitation as she glanced to her unconscious husband she was kneeling beside.   There was nothing she could do for him... Medical was on it's way..  "Aye, sir."

She stood up, bracing herself momentarily on the helm console before heading to the turbolift to join the Captain.  Upon arriving at the shuttlebay, Torra began assisting with the shuttle launch prep.  Each system called out green however, reminded her of Donny.  It should be his voice doing so not hers.


NPC Crewman Kitaa Horg and NPC Dr. Misha Sluchaynyy
[USS Discovery - Gamma Hull Medical]

Misha watched the two leave with a grandfatherly smile, before turning his attention to Horg who was already in the process of sterilizing the biobed for the anticipated rush of patients.
Kitaa looked up from her task, gave shrug to the doctor handing another tech the cleaning supplies and headed to the  shuttlebay.  She didn't bring a medkit, anticipating that the shuttle would be fully stocked with such already.  Of course she'd double check before launch.

She took the turbolift a bit nervously, uncertain if all the routes were clear but she made it to the right deck without misshap and hurried her way to the shuttlebay.

She looked about for the Commander but was surprised to find instead the Captain and a small retinue of other officers.  "Crewman Horg, reporting as ordered" she announced as she presented herself to the Captain then after being acknowledged checked the shuttles medical stores to be sure she would have everything she had the procotols to use.  Everything was present.  "Medical, good to go." she reported out even though it hadn't yet been asked.

[Main Shuttlebay - USS Discovery]

Once everyone was assembled, and the shuttle was prepped, the Captain instructed the new away team to board.  "In case you weren't aware, we collided with another Federation vessel.  The Discovery's advanced technology helped her recovery quicker than most ships, but the ship we hit is very old.  While Ian handles things on the Bridge, I'm taking an away team to see the state of the other vessel.  At last sensor check, lifesigns were very faint." he said, closing the door, and getting into the pilot's chair.  Within a few minutes, the Captain was the helmsman, piloting the shuttlecraft out of the bay, and out into space.  A turn and course correction, and the clearly 23rd century design was in focus.

"Wilkerson-class.  Single pair of vertical nacelles.  One of the largest and most heavily armed ships of its time.  By the 23rd century scale, it would be able to reach warp 9.  This was the closest to the Prometheus at its time." Nevir commented, bringing the shuttle around towards the back of the ship.

"Comms are down... main power is dead.  No life signs in the shuttlebay, good.  I'm going to try to override the shuttle doors." he stated, tapping controls using what he remembered as the Federation override for command officers in an emergency.  There would be a lot more security today, so he expected it to be a bit more difficult than it ended up being.

"It really was missing for 90 years..." he said, watching the doors open and easing the shuttle into the past.  As soon as they landed, Nevir shut down the shuttle, and stood up, facing the officers he gathered.

"I know some of you may still be shaken up, but we have a duty to our fellow crewman.  Torra, you and Ainsley will make your way to main engineering, and bring a med-kit with you.  T'Lara, Horg, you two will accompany me to the Bridge.  Be careful and cautious, its clear that this ship has spent decades in a subspace rift.  Disorientation will only be the start of what you can expect for survivors.  Keep in contact.  Let's head out." he said, opening the door.  He waiting for everyone to exit the shuttle before closing it, and pulling out a tricorder.

"Avoid turbolifts, use shafts.  Good luck." he said, leading his team out of the shuttlebay, and towards the bridge.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 14, 2020, 04:52:12 PM

[Main Shuttlebay - USS Discovery]

Once everyone was assembled, and the shuttle was prepped, the Captain instructed the new away team to board.  "In case you weren't aware, we collided with another Federation vessel.  The Discovery's advanced technology helped her recovery quicker than most ships, but the ship we hit is very old.  While Ian handles things on the Bridge, I'm taking an away team to see the state of the other vessel.  At last sensor check, lifesigns were very faint." he said, closing the door, and getting into the pilot's chair.  Within a few minutes, the Captain was the helmsman, piloting the shuttlecraft out of the bay, and out into space.  A turn and course correction, and the clearly 23rd century design was in focus.

"Wilkerson-class.  Single pair of vertical nacelles.  One of the largest and most heavily armed ships of its time.  By the 23rd century scale, it would be able to reach warp 9.  This was the closest to the Prometheus at its time." Nevir commented, bringing the shuttle around towards the back of the ship.

"Comms are down... main power is dead.  No life signs in the shuttlebay, good.  I'm going to try to override the shuttle doors." he stated, tapping controls using what he remembered as the Federation override for command officers in an emergency.  There would be a lot more security today, so he expected it to be a bit more difficult than it ended up being.

"It really was missing for 90 years..." he said, watching the doors open and easing the shuttle into the past.  As soon as they landed, Nevir shut down the shuttle, and stood up, facing the officers he gathered.

"I know some of you may still be shaken up, but we have a duty to our fellow crewman.  Torra, you and Ainsley will make your way to main engineering, and bring a med-kit with you.  T'Lara, Horg, you two will accompany me to the Bridge.  Be careful and cautious, its clear that this ship has spent decades in a subspace rift.  Disorientation will only be the start of what you can expect for survivors.  Keep in contact.  Let's head out." he said, opening the door.  He waiting for everyone to exit the shuttle before closing it, and pulling out a tricorder.

"Avoid turbolifts, use shafts.  Good luck." he said, leading his team out of the shuttlebay, and towards the bridge.

[Shuttlebay - USS Burke]

It took longer than usual for the shuttlebay to pressurize, which gave T'Lara time to verify the atmosphere of the Burke and it was clear that life support was not working correctly. The scans showed breathable air, but that it was contaminated with smoke, metal, and ozone.

On exiting the Sally Ride, the air was cloying with the contaminates noted in the scan and the shuttlebay was dim, lit only by emergency lighting. Entering the ship proper was like stepping back in time as the corridors were the familiar older design consisting of square hallways with the triangular archways between sections.

Almost immediately the away team found two survivors! Both dressed in standard uniform for the times - black trousers, boots, and red tunics. One of the crew pulled a device from the back of his pants, snapped it open, and shouted.

"Intruder alert! Deck 7, corridor 3, section 5! We've been boarded by three non-humans. Intruder alert! Security to Deck 7!"

The two humans appeared to be unarmed except for large spanners that they brandished as improvised weapons as they stood their ground and waited to see what the away team would do.

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 13, 2020, 09:00:17 PM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Even though the medication he'd been given had cleared up the fuzziness, he hadn't received a stimulant, so Ian was tired, about as tired as he'd ever been. He looked through Nira and nodded.

"Take tactical. We are currently at station keepin' and as we are this deep in this hell's brew of a nebula, we are unlikely ta have any visitors. Scan the Burke and see if'n you can get any additional information on the survivors."

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

"Of course, sir," said Nira. As she manned the Tactical Station, she said to Commander Galloway, "What's the Burke?"

Whether or not Commander Galloway answered, all Nira knew was, when she checked the sensors, she could see what had hit them: Old Federation starship, Wilkinson-class, in a worse state than the Discover was, registry number...

"Oh, THAT Burke," said Nira. She realized that the Burke was a starship that went missing 90 years ago.

Holy Rings of Betazed,
thought Nira to herself. Two time loops, a power outage in Risa when I left the Athena, and now this. It's like when a ship stolen from the mothball fleet rammed into the Athena in the battle where we finished the Liberation for good, only this is in much more unusual circumstances.

In any case, Nira figured that, if Commander Felder came back, she'll resume her patrols. She couldn't help but wonder if something was going to go wrong, but whether it was an out-of-the-frying-pan-and-into-the-fire situation or an out-of-the-frying-pan-and-into-the-plate situation, Nira will have to see for herself.

She blinked, realizing how fatigued she was feeling. She was wondering if she was going to need a cup of Arabic coffee...scratch that, make it a whole pot...if and when Commander Felder came back.

She couldn't believe she was taking part in a historic find, of course.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Danjar-Torra Addams


Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
NPC Crewman Horg

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 14, 2020, 04:52:12 PM

[Main Shuttlebay - USS Discovery]

Once everyone was assembled, and the shuttle was prepped, the Captain instructed the new away team to board.  "In case you weren't aware, we collided with another Federation vessel.  The Discovery's advanced technology helped her recovery quicker than most ships, but the ship we hit is very old.  While Ian handles things on the Bridge, I'm taking an away team to see the state of the other vessel.  At last sensor check, lifesigns were very faint." he said, closing the door, and getting into the pilot's chair.  Within a few minutes, the Captain was the helmsman, piloting the shuttlecraft out of the bay, and out into space.  A turn and course correction, and the clearly 23rd century design was in focus.

"Wilkerson-class.  Single pair of vertical nacelles.  One of the largest and most heavily armed ships of its time.  By the 23rd century scale, it would be able to reach warp 9.  This was the closest to the Prometheus at its time." Nevir commented, bringing the shuttle around towards the back of the ship.

"Comms are down... main power is dead.  No life signs in the shuttlebay, good.  I'm going to try to override the shuttle doors." he stated, tapping controls using what he remembered as the Federation override for command officers in an emergency.  There would be a lot more security today, so he expected it to be a bit more difficult than it ended up being.

"It really was missing for 90 years..." he said, watching the doors open and easing the shuttle into the past.  As soon as they landed, Nevir shut down the shuttle, and stood up, facing the officers he gathered.

"I know some of you may still be shaken up, but we have a duty to our fellow crewman.  Torra, you and Ainsley will make your way to main engineering, and bring a med-kit with you.  T'Lara, Horg, you two will accompany me to the Bridge.  Be careful and cautious, its clear that this ship has spent decades in a subspace rift.  Disorientation will only be the start of what you can expect for survivors.  Keep in contact.  Let's head out." he said, opening the door.  He waiting for everyone to exit the shuttle before closing it, and pulling out a tricorder.

"Avoid turbolifts, use shafts.  Good luck." he said, leading his team out of the shuttlebay, and towards the bridge.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 14, 2020, 05:24:54 PM

[Shuttlebay - USS Burke]

It took longer than usual for the shuttlebay to pressurize, which gave T'Lara time to verify the atmosphere of the Burke and it was clear that life support was not working correctly. The scans showed breathable air, but that it was contaminated with smoke, metal, and ozone.

Torra new most of what the Captain reported out but only because she'd been on the Bridge.  His briefing to the others she found was clear and detailed.   She nodded her head in acknowledgement and waited in somewhat nervous anticipation for the shuttle to dock after the Captain managed to override the older ship's security.

Because of her nervous stomach, Torra was learning to come to work prepared.  From her duty belt she pulled out a carrot stick and discreetly crunched on it to help prevent stomach pains later.


[Shuttlebay - USS Burke]

Hearing about the contaminants and knowing most security anti-boarding protocols from her time on Challenger as Security Torra recommended at least the carry of re-breathers if not the immediate wearing of full breathing masks.

As the Captain issued orders Torra listened.  Her orders were to head to engineering with Ainsley... and to bring the med-kit.  Torra smiled softly to herself. Once a field medic, always a field medic.  She shared a glance with Crewman Horg, feeling a kinship with the Tellerite medical crewman.  That was her a just over a year ago.

Torra went to the Shuttles storage area and grab up a med-kit not just for herself but one for Kitaa as well.  "Good luck, Kitaa." she offered gently then followed Ainsley out of the Shuttlebay.  She hoped he knew his way around the old style ship if not they'd have to find themselves a working wall console to get a ship schematic.

Kitaa accepted the med-kit from the Grazerite officer and then exited the shuttle to follow the Captain.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 14, 2020, 05:24:54 PM

On exiting the Sally Ride, the air was cloying with the contaminates noted in the scan and the shuttlebay was dim, lit only by emergency lighting. Entering the ship proper was like stepping back in time as the corridors were the familiar older design consisting of square hallways with the triangular archways between sections.

Almost immediately the away team found two survivors! Both dressed in standard uniform for the times - black trousers, boots, and red tunics. One of the crew pulled a device from the back of his pants, snapped it open, and shouted.

"Intruder alert! Deck 7, corridor 3, section 5! We've been boarded by three non-humans. Intruder alert! Security to Deck 7!"

The two humans appeared to be unarmed except for large spanners that they brandished as improvised weapons as they stood their ground and waited to see what the away team would do.

Torra attempted to diffuse the aggressive situation by raising her hands non-threateningly but let the Captain speak for the Away Team.

Kitaa rolled her eyes at the old-style security crewmen.  She took offense to be designated as non-human.  Why couldn't the rest be consider non-Tellerite!?  "Well that's impressive - you know your species and can count.  But you missed the fact that we're also Starfleet and are on the same side" she grumbled testily.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Lennox Ainsley

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 14, 2020, 04:52:12 PM

[Main Shuttlebay - USS Discovery]

"I know some of you may still be shaken up, but we have a duty to our fellow crewman.  Torra, you and Ainsley will make your way to main engineering, and bring a med-kit with you.  T'Lara, Horg, you two will accompany me to the Bridge.  Be careful and cautious, its clear that this ship has spent decades in a subspace rift.  Disorientation will only be the start of what you can expect for survivors.  Keep in contact.  Let's head out." he said, opening the door.  He waiting for everyone to exit the shuttle before closing it, and pulling out a tricorder.

"Avoid turbolifts, use shafts.  Good luck." he said, leading his team out of the shuttlebay, and towards the bridge.

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on April 17, 2020, 04:24:11 PM

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
NPC Crewman Horg

Torra new most of what the Captain reported out but only because she'd been on the Bridge.  His briefing to the others she found was clear and detailed.   She nodded her head in acknowledgement and waited in somewhat nervous anticipation for the shuttle to dock after the Captain managed to override the older ship's security.

Because of her nervous stomach, Torra was learning to come to work prepared.  From her duty belt she pulled out a carrot stick and discreetly crunched on it to help prevent stomach pains later.


[Shuttlebay - USS Burke]

Hearing about the contaminants and knowing most security anti-boarding protocols from her time on Challenger as Security Torra recommended at least the carry of re-breathers if not the immediate wearing of full breathing masks.

As the Captain issued orders Torra listened.  Her orders were to head to engineering with Ainsley... and to bring the med-kit.  Torra smiled softly to herself. Once a field medic, always a field medic.  She shared a glance with Crewman Horg, feeling a kinship with the Tellerite medical crewman.  That was her a just over a year ago.

Torra went to the Shuttles storage area and grab up a med-kit not just for herself but one for Kitaa as well.  "Good luck, Kitaa." she offered gently then followed Ainsley out of the Shuttlebay.  She hoped he knew his way around the old style ship if not they'd have to find themselves a working wall console to get a ship schematic.

Kitaa accepted the med-kit from the Grazerite officer and then exited the shuttle to follow the Captain.

Torra attempted to diffuse the aggressive situation by raising her hands non-threateningly but let the Captain speak for the Away Team.

[Shuttlebay - USS Burke]

Lennox nodded at his orders, stunned at what the Borg cube had brought out. The Burke that had been missing for over 90 years. If only the rest of Starfleet could see it now. "Aye, sir." The Scotsman swore under his breath, as he clamped down on what nerves that were bubbling under the surface as he looked over at Torra and gave a nod (whether it was supposed to be reassuring or not was left for another time). "A'righ', let's get this party started then...."

He stepped out of the shuttlecraft and stopped, turning to look at Torra. "You don't happen to know your way around this place do you?" He gave a slight half-smile, looking around for a wall console. If they were going to avoid the turbolifts, it was going to make for a very interesting way down to engineering.

"Corvis oculum corvi non eruit."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on April 17, 2020, 04:24:11 PM

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
NPC Crewman Horg

Torra new most of what the Captain reported out but only because she'd been on the Bridge.  His briefing to the others she found was clear and detailed.   She nodded her head in acknowledgement and waited in somewhat nervous anticipation for the shuttle to dock after the Captain managed to override the older ship's security.

Because of her nervous stomach, Torra was learning to come to work prepared.  From her duty belt she pulled out a carrot stick and discreetly crunched on it to help prevent stomach pains later.


[Shuttlebay - USS Burke]

Hearing about the contaminants and knowing most security anti-boarding protocols from her time on Challenger as Security Torra recommended at least the carry of re-breathers if not the immediate wearing of full breathing masks.

As the Captain issued orders Torra listened.  Her orders were to head to engineering with Ainsley... and to bring the med-kit.  Torra smiled softly to herself. Once a field medic, always a field medic.  She shared a glance with Crewman Horg, feeling a kinship with the Tellerite medical crewman.  That was her a just over a year ago.

Torra went to the Shuttles storage area and grab up a med-kit not just for herself but one for Kitaa as well.  "Good luck, Kitaa." she offered gently then followed Ainsley out of the Shuttlebay.  She hoped he knew his way around the old style ship if not they'd have to find themselves a working wall console to get a ship schematic.

Kitaa accepted the med-kit from the Grazerite officer and then exited the shuttle to follow the Captain.

Torra attempted to diffuse the aggressive situation by raising her hands non-threateningly but let the Captain speak for the Away Team.

Kitaa rolled her eyes at the old-style security crewmen.  She took offense to be designated as non-human.  Why couldn't the rest be consider non-Tellerite!?  "Well that's impressive - you know your species and can count.  But you missed the fact that we're also Starfleet and are on the same side" she grumbled testily.

[Corridor outside Shuttlebay - USS Burke]

One of the humans barked in laughter that turned into a growl.

"Next time you board a ship and claim to be Starfleet, you might want to try to get your uniform right, whatever you are. One of you might be a Vulcan, but might be a Romulan. You other two, the Federation has never even met before. We're close enough to the Romulan border that you are probably working with them and attacked our ship in the first place!"

About that time, two more humans in red tunics arrived, both holding phaser Torra hadn't seen outside of a museum.

"Keep you hands where we can see them. Don't make us shoot you!"

Charles Stratton

[ USS Discovery - Medical / Sickbay ]

Crewman Stratton couldn't hear. No. That wasn't quite right. He could hear, he just could not hear distinctly. There were vague sounds of hushed harried voices and perhaps running. He wanted to see what was going on, but his eyes refused to open. Refused? Or maybe the exertion from opening just seemed too great. Everything seemed muffled and distorted. What had he been doing? He tried to focus but his thoughts were refusing to stay marshalled in a semblance of order. He sensed movement near him and then there was blackness once more.

It was some time later when the first cohesive thought that Stratton recognized happened. He was lying down. He shouldn't be lying down. He should be at his station. He groaned as he tried to move to a seated position, eyes barely opening. He recognized he was in Sickbay. What had happened? He struggled to remember what he had been doing before.. Before what? The exertion of memories and movement at the same time hurt and made him nauseous.

He took a few slow deep breaths and decided to get his thoughts in order first. He wouldn't do anyone any good, if he didn't know or remember what the hell had happened. His mind went over his known routines, he had gotten up, gone on duty, he was at his station .. doing what? Then a memory hit. The Borg!

Stratton sucked in a great gulp of air as he remembered the Borg. He had been locking down systems, enabling a series of redundant security protocols on the different systems in his sector when everything went black. He forced himself to sit up against the pain that screamed throughout his body. Unconsciously he held up his hands to look at them, as if to make sure they weren't Borg hands. Relief swept through him.

"Have we been boarded?" He called out, in what he thought was a strong voice. But in actuality, it was more of a hoarse raspy whisper.

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 17, 2020, 05:24:11 PM

[Corridor outside Shuttlebay - USS Burke]

One of the humans barked in laughter that turned into a growl.

"Next time you board a ship and claim to be Starfleet, you might want to try to get your uniform right, whatever you are. One of you might be a Vulcan, but might be a Romulan. You other two, the Federation has never even met before. We're close enough to the Romulan border that you are probably working with them and attacked our ship in the first place!"

About that time, two more humans in red tunics arrived, both holding phaser Torra hadn't seen outside of a museum.

"Keep you hands where we can see them. Don't make us shoot you!"

[Deck 7 - USS Burke]

The Captain raised an eyebrow at the obviously young junior officers, a frown forming on his face.  Man, were they quick to judge.  And quick to get it wrong.

"First of all, thank you once again for bringing up the genetic deformity on my face... maybe you should try asking instead of judging someone by their appearance.  Secondly, if you can't recognize one of the founding member species of the Federation, then I think you need to go back to San Francisco." he said, gesturing to his Tellerite medical officer.  "And lastly, you hit us, and yet I brought two blue shirts with me to make sure you guys were alright.  There is barely life support on this ship, and no power.  So... let's try this again.  I'm Captain Tekin Nevir, USS Discovery.  Registry Number NCC-7893.  Where is your superior officer?"

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 18, 2020, 01:29:28 PM

[Deck 7 - USS Burke]

The Captain raised an eyebrow at the obviously young junior officers, a frown forming on his face.  Man, were they quick to judge.  And quick to get it wrong.

"First of all, thank you once again for bringing up the genetic deformity on my face... maybe you should try asking instead of judging someone by their appearance.  Secondly, if you can't recognize one of the founding member species of the Federation, then I think you need to go back to San Francisco." he said, gesturing to his Tellerite medical officer.  "And lastly, you hit us, and yet I brought two blue shirts with me to make sure you guys were alright.  There is barely life support on this ship, and no power.  So... let's try this again.  I'm Captain Tekin Nevir, USS Discovery.  Registry Number NCC-7893.  Where is your superior officer?"

[Corridor outside Shuttlebay - USS Burke]

The two crewmen with old-time phasers looked extremely skeptical, but perked up at the implication of medical assistance only to become more suspicious as Lennox and Horg stepped into view.

"Look, I don't know what happened to your face or what..." The speaker indicating Torra with his phaser. "That is, but if you have a doctor, we can use them. Johann will take the Tellerite to sickbay, the rest of you are coming with me to the bridge for Captain Franklin to decide where you end up." The speaker continued over his shoulder to the other two crew in red tunics. "Take their gear, except for the Tellerite's medkit. Johann and I will cover them."

The two indicated crewmen put down their spanners and moved to search the away team, removing anything carried, but not touching commbadges. Once they were satisfied, they gave the speaker a thumbs up.

"Okay, I rather not shoot you, but I will if you do anything stupid. Phelps and Wu, you come with me as escorts in case they decide that I'm joking."

"Sure thing Mister Douglas." Wu replied. "I don't trust them either, just cause they say they're Starfleet, doesn't make it true."

Douglas gestured again with his phasers for the away team to proceed as he, Wu, and Phelps took up positions behind and besides their prisoners. The crewman known as Johann, moved behind Horg and had her take a different corridor that quickly took her out of sight.

Surprisingly, the turbolift was functioning and the away team was hustled inside before Phelps grabbed a handle, twisted it and said.



Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 14, 2020, 04:52:12 PM

[Main Shuttlebay - USS Discovery]

Once everyone was assembled, and the shuttle was prepped, the Captain instructed the new away team to board.  "In case you weren't aware, we collided with another Federation vessel.  The Discovery's advanced technology helped her recovery quicker than most ships, but the ship we hit is very old.  While Ian handles things on the Bridge, I'm taking an away team to see the state of the other vessel.  At last sensor check, lifesigns were very faint." he said, closing the door, and getting into the pilot's chair.  Within a few minutes, the Captain was the helmsman, piloting the shuttlecraft out of the bay, and out into space.  A turn and course correction, and the clearly 23rd century design was in focus.

"Wilkerson-class.  Single pair of vertical nacelles.  One of the largest and most heavily armed ships of its time.  By the 23rd century scale, it would be able to reach warp 9.  This was the closest to the Prometheus at its time." Nevir commented, bringing the shuttle around towards the back of the ship.

"Comms are down... main power is dead.  No life signs in the shuttlebay, good.  I'm going to try to override the shuttle doors." he stated, tapping controls using what he remembered as the Federation override for command officers in an emergency.  There would be a lot more security today, so he expected it to be a bit more difficult than it ended up being.

"It really was missing for 90 years..." he said, watching the doors open and easing the shuttle into the past.  As soon as they landed, Nevir shut down the shuttle, and stood up, facing the officers he gathered.

"I know some of you may still be shaken up, but we have a duty to our fellow crewman.  Torra, you and Ainsley will make your way to main engineering, and bring a med-kit with you.  T'Lara, Horg, you two will accompany me to the Bridge.  Be careful and cautious, its clear that this ship has spent decades in a subspace rift.  Disorientation will only be the start of what you can expect for survivors.  Keep in contact.  Let's head out." he said, opening the door.  He waiting for everyone to exit the shuttle before closing it, and pulling out a tricorder.

"Avoid turbolifts, use shafts.  Good luck." he said, leading his team out of the shuttlebay, and towards the bridge.

[Main Shuttlebay-USS Discovery]

T'Lara followed the rest of the away team, almost going on autopilot as she sat in one of the seats and listened to Nevir brief them on their mission. She would be going to the Bridge, finding out all she could about the state of the ship. A small part of her wished she could be helping those in need instead of recording data...she had no idea where this compassion was coming from. As they prepared to enter the ship she set up her tricorder to be on continuous sensor sweep and followed the captain to the Bridge.

"I do not need luck," she thought to herself, "I need meditation."


[Shuttlebay - USS Burke]

It took longer than usual for the shuttlebay to pressurize, which gave T'Lara time to verify the atmosphere of the Burke and it was clear that life support was not working correctly. The scans showed breathable air, but that it was contaminated with smoke, metal, and ozone.

On exiting the Sally Ride, the air was cloying with the contaminates noted in the scan and the shuttlebay was dim, lit only by emergency lighting. Entering the ship proper was like stepping back in time as the corridors were the familiar older design consisting of square hallways with the triangular archways between sections.

Almost immediately the away team found two survivors! Both dressed in standard uniform for the times - black trousers, boots, and red tunics. One of the crew pulled a device from the back of his pants, snapped it open, and shouted.

"Intruder alert! Deck 7, corridor 3, section 5! We've been boarded by three non-humans. Intruder alert! Security to Deck 7!"

The two humans appeared to be unarmed except for large spanners that they brandished as improvised weapons as they stood their ground and waited to see what the away team would do.

[Shuttlebay-USS Burke]

As they waited for the shuttlebay to pressurize she formulated a report on ship conditions and rattled it off, but as she finished they were confronted by the ship's inhabitants.

Thanks to her adrenaline, when the crewmen appeared she immediately went on the alert. Seeing that they only had crude close-contact weapons she went into a Suus Mahna defensive stance but quickly realized that the humans were waiting for them to go on the offensive. She relaxed and waited for the captain to initiate dialogue.


[Corridor outside Shuttlebay - USS Burke]

One of the humans barked in laughter that turned into a growl.

"Next time you board a ship and claim to be Starfleet, you might want to try to get your uniform right, whatever you are. One of you might be a Vulcan, but might be a Romulan. You other two, the Federation has never even met before. We're close enough to the Romulan border that you are probably working with them and attacked our ship in the first place!"

About that time, two more humans in red tunics arrived, both holding phaser Torra hadn't seen outside of a museum.

"Keep you hands where we can see them. Don't make us shoot you!"


[Deck 7 - USS Burke]

The Captain raised an eyebrow at the obviously young junior officers, a frown forming on his face.  Man, were they quick to judge.  And quick to get it wrong.

"First of all, thank you once again for bringing up the genetic deformity on my face... maybe you should try asking instead of judging someone by their appearance.  Secondly, if you can't recognize one of the founding member species of the Federation, then I think you need to go back to San Francisco." he said, gesturing to his Tellerite medical officer.  "And lastly, you hit us, and yet I brought two blue shirts with me to make sure you guys were alright.  There is barely life support on this ship, and no power.  So... let's try this again.  I'm Captain Tekin Nevir, USS Discovery.  Registry Number NCC-7893.  Where is your superior officer?"

[Deck 7-USS Burke]

T'Lara mimicked Nevir's raised eyebrow as her identity was blatantly confused. She realized that this was a time when tensions between the Romulans and Starfleet were high, and Vulcans were being mistrusted thanks to their uncanny resemblance and history with the other pointy-eared species. She barely gave this time in history any thought anymore, but being as they were now being directly confronted with it she decided not to exacerbate matters and took a step back, eyes downcast and head almost bowed. When she heard the captain's response she looked up for a moment, wondering how the crewmen would respond. Belatedly she noticed that more crewmen had appeared armed with phasers and her adrenaline spiked once more. Humans were so unpredictable.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 18, 2020, 02:35:31 PM

[Corridor outside Shuttlebay - USS Burke]

The two crewmen with old-time phasers looked extremely skeptical, but perked up at the implication of medical assistance only to become more suspicious as Lennox and Horg stepped into view.

"Look, I don't know what happened to your face or what..." The speaker indicating Torra with his phaser. "That is, but if you have a doctor, we can use them. Johann will take the Tellerite to sickbay, the rest of you are coming with me to the bridge for Captain Franklin to decide where you end up." The speaker continued over his shoulder to the other two crew in red tunics. "Take their gear, except for the Tellerite's medkit. Johann and I will cover them."

The two indicated crewmen put down their spanners and moved to search the away team, removing anything carried, but not touching commbadges. Once they were satisfied, they gave the speaker a thumbs up.

"Okay, I rather not shoot you, but I will if you do anything stupid. Phelps and Wu, you come with me as escorts in case they decide that I'm joking."

"Sure thing Mister Douglas." Wu replied. "I don't trust them either, just cause they say they're Starfleet, doesn't make it true."

Douglas gestured again with his phasers for the away team to proceed as he, Wu, and Phelps took up positions behind and besides their prisoners. The crewman known as Johann, moved behind Horg and had her take a different corridor that quickly took her out of sight.

Surprisingly, the turbolift was functioning and the away team was hustled inside before Phelps grabbed a handle, twisted it and said.


T'Lara let the crewmen take her phaser and tricorder, observing them warily and standing straight, all her energy centered on the balls of her feet. She briefly thought that they could negotiate further if they just explained the particulars of rifts in space, but remembering the suspicious, attack-first attitude of this era in Starfleet she figured just forget it. Maybe the captain would be more apt to see reason. She followed the others into the turbolift, catching the eyes of each of the Burke crewmembers as they stole furtive, distrustful glances at her. Her human side would've given them some menacing glare in return, but her Vulcan side shone through and it was what separated her from the Romulans.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Ian found himself pacing and didn't remember having started. He watched Jess tend to Addams and after several minutes, she administered a hypo to wake him. He groaned as he did and asked.

"Where is Torra?"

"She's fine, she's on an away team." Jess answered. "I've read your record Lieutenant and you seem to spend way too much time in sickbay. Am I going to have to relieve you of duty for a full physical?"

This made Ian chuckle as it was true, Addams had an uncanny knack for getting himself injured, He frowned as he realized a fair bit of time had passed and he hadn't heard from the away team.

"Computer, how long has the Captain been gone?"

"The Captain has been gone for 22 minutes."

Ian stopped pacing and growled as that was way more time than necessary to fly over to and dock with a ship only 20,000 kilometers away. He tapped the comm system on the captain's chair.

=/\= "Discovery ta Captain, please report." =/\=

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 18, 2020, 02:35:31 PM

[Corridor outside Shuttlebay - USS Burke]

The two crewmen with old-time phasers looked extremely skeptical, but perked up at the implication of medical assistance only to become more suspicious as Lennox and Horg stepped into view.

"Look, I don't know what happened to your face or what..." The speaker indicating Torra with his phaser. "That is, but if you have a doctor, we can use them. Johann will take the Tellerite to sickbay, the rest of you are coming with me to the bridge for Captain Franklin to decide where you end up." The speaker continued over his shoulder to the other two crew in red tunics. "Take their gear, except for the Tellerite's medkit. Johann and I will cover them."

The two indicated crewmen put down their spanners and moved to search the away team, removing anything carried, but not touching commbadges. Once they were satisfied, they gave the speaker a thumbs up.

"Okay, I rather not shoot you, but I will if you do anything stupid. Phelps and Wu, you come with me as escorts in case they decide that I'm joking."

"Sure thing Mister Douglas." Wu replied. "I don't trust them either, just cause they say they're Starfleet, doesn't make it true."

Douglas gestured again with his phasers for the away team to proceed as he, Wu, and Phelps took up positions behind and besides their prisoners. The crewman known as Johann, moved behind Horg and had her take a different corridor that quickly took her out of sight.

Surprisingly, the turbolift was functioning and the away team was hustled inside before Phelps grabbed a handle, twisted it and said.


[Deck 7 - USS Burke]

The Captain was refusing to play games with the clearly paranoid junior officers, and just sighed as he was relieved of his tricorder and phaser.  Oh wait until they realize that there were more than just kill and stun on there.  With not much else to do, he allowed himself and his team to be led and escorted to the turbolift, since at least they were being taken to the bridge.  Finally... it was where he was trying to go anyways  He was surprised that their power priorities were for the turbolifts, but hey, not his ship.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 18, 2020, 04:52:43 PM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Ian found himself pacing and didn't remember having started. He watched Jess tend to Addams and after several minutes, she administered a hypo to wake him. He groaned as he did and asked.

"Where is Torra?"

"She's fine, she's on an away team." Jess answered. "I've read your record Lieutenant and you seem to spend way too much time in sickbay. Am I going to have to relieve you of duty for a full physical?"

This made Ian chuckle as it was true, Addams had an uncanny knack for getting himself injured, He frowned as he realized a fair bit of time had passed and he hadn't heard from the away team.

"Computer, how long has the Captain been gone?"

"The Captain has been gone for 22 minutes."

Ian stopped pacing and growled as that was way more time than necessary to fly over to and dock with a ship only 20,000 kilometers away. He tapped the comm system on the captain's chair.

=/\= "Discovery ta Captain, please report." =/\=

Oh this was going to be interesting.  Everyone in the last century had to speak into some sort of device, even the Romulans... but not the Federation in the 24th century.  With not much else to do, he reached up and pressed his commbadge, as it gave a chirp indicating it was active.

=/\= "Tekin here.  We have confirmed survivors on board, and we are currently en route to the Bridge. From the sounds of it, the command staff has also survived. We'll keep you appraised of the situation.  Tekin out." =/\= he said, taking a breath.

"A Romulan trick, really?  You hit us, you have no shields, no weapons, and you're lucky to have structural integrity holding. Do you really think any enemy would waste time with a ruse over a crippled ship?"

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 18, 2020, 04:52:43 PM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Ian found himself pacing and didn't remember having started. He watched Jess tend to Addams and after several minutes, she administered a hypo to wake him. He groaned as he did and asked.

"Where is Torra?"

"She's fine, she's on an away team." Jess answered. "I've read your record Lieutenant and you seem to spend way too much time in sickbay. Am I going to have to relieve you of duty for a full physical?"

This made Ian chuckle as it was true, Addams had an uncanny knack for getting himself injured, He frowned as he realized a fair bit of time had passed and he hadn't heard from the away team.

"Computer, how long has the Captain been gone?"

"The Captain has been gone for 22 minutes."

Ian stopped pacing and growled as that was way more time than necessary to fly over to and dock with a ship only 20,000 kilometers away. He tapped the comm system on the captain's chair.

=/\= "Discovery ta Captain, please report." =/\=

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 18, 2020, 07:30:16 PM

=/\= "Tekin here.  We have confirmed survivors on board, and we are currently en route to the Bridge. From the sounds of it, the command staff has also survived. We'll keep you appraised of the situation.  Tekin out." =/\= he said, taking a breath.

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira was analyzing the Burke, fascinated that she was taking part in one of the biggest mysteries in the Federation. However, in an instant, the investigator in her gotten instantly suspicious: a missing Starfleet vessel appears, potentially through a time rift? Things probably aren't what they may seem: There was an old human phrase: "If it walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck."

How does that phrase apply in the case of the Burke? Nira thought to herself. Simple. It's a typical design of the starship of the era. The crew will be wearing those reddish collared uniforms of the era, potentially. The problem was, aside from being out of time, it's in the wrong place. It's too deep into the nebula for it to be, almost into the Romulan border. And for all we know, it had a suspicious engine system or something.

There's also the matter, Nira found, that it could've been in the nebula too long. The scans were telling her, although somebody else probably had noticed it on the bridge, about the starship: Hull integrity is at less than thirty percent, main power's out, weak life signs...but then, sensors are sketchy at best right now, considering the collision.

But Nira never forgot seeing that black gash on the viewscreen. If the Burke really was temporally displaced, could that have been a temporal rift that it went through? And was it any coincidence that it just happened to appear just after the Borg Cube she was just on had exploded.

And to think, all this began with a simple patrol to intercept smugglers on the off chance that they use the nebula to sneak across the border, Nira thought to herself.

As she ran her scan, as if to look out for anything suspicious, Nira suddenly noticed something.

"Commander Galloway!" she said. "Sensors have detected something! It...Allah forbid!" she added sharply. "Commander, the Burke is losing molecular cohesion!"

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Danjar-Torra Addams


Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[Corridor outside Shuttlebay - USS Burke]

Quote from: Lennox Ainsley on April 17, 2020, 05:06:49 PM

[Shuttlebay - USS Burke]

Lennox nodded at his orders, stunned at what the Borg cube had brought out. The Burke that had been missing for over 90 years. If only the rest of Starfleet could see it now. "Aye, sir." The Scotsman swore under his breath, as he clamped down on what nerves that were bubbling under the surface as he looked over at Torra and gave a nod (whether it was supposed to be reassuring or not was left for another time). "A'righ', let's get this party started then...."

He stepped out of the shuttlecraft and stopped, turning to look at Torra. "You don't happen to know your way around this place do you?" He gave a slight half-smile, looking around for a wall console. If they were going to avoid the turbolifts, it was going to make for a very interesting way down to engineering.

Torra glanced over towards the Scot engineer, her hands still raised non-threateningly.

"I'm afraid not but maybe one of these kind gentlemen can guide us?" She slowly nodded towards the two red-shirts even as more arrived this time with old-school phasers.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 17, 2020, 05:24:11 PM

[Corridor outside Shuttlebay - USS Burke]

One of the humans barked in laughter that turned into a growl.

"Next time you board a ship and claim to be Starfleet, you might want to try to get your uniform right, whatever you are. One of you might be a Vulcan, but might be a Romulan. You other two, the Federation has never even met before. We're close enough to the Romulan border that you are probably working with them and attacked our ship in the first place!"

About that time, two more humans in red tunics arrived, both holding phaser Torra hadn't seen outside of a museum.

"Keep you hands where we can see them. Don't make us shoot you!"

Torra dipped her head obligingly, hunching her shoulders ever so slightly to seem less intimidating because of her height and waited on the Captain to answer for them.
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 18, 2020, 01:29:28 PM

[Deck 7 - USS Burke]

The Captain raised an eyebrow at the obviously young junior officers, a frown forming on his face.  Man, were they quick to judge.  And quick to get it wrong.

"First of all, thank you once again for bringing up the genetic deformity on my face... maybe you should try asking instead of judging someone by their appearance.  Secondly, if you can't recognize one of the founding member species of the Federation, then I think you need to go back to San Francisco." he said, gesturing to his Tellerite medical officer.  "And lastly, you hit us, and yet I brought two blue shirts with me to make sure you guys were alright.  There is barely life support on this ship, and no power.  So... let's try this again.  I'm Captain Tekin Nevir, USS Discovery.  Registry Number NCC-7893.  Where is your superior officer?"

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 18, 2020, 02:35:31 PM

[Corridor outside Shuttlebay - USS Burke]

The two crewmen with old-time phasers looked extremely skeptical, but perked up at the implication of medical assistance only to become more suspicious as Lennox and Horg stepped into view.

"Look, I don't know what happened to your face or what..." The speaker indicating Torra with his phaser. "That is, but if you have a doctor, we can use them. Johann will take the Tellerite to sickbay, the rest of you are coming with me to the bridge for Captain Franklin to decide where you end up." The speaker continued over his shoulder to the other two crew in red tunics. "Take their gear, except for the Tellerite's medkit. Johann and I will cover them."

Torra slowly held out her own med-kit towards the guards.   "I have training as a medic as well.  I'd like to help, if I may?"
Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 18, 2020, 02:35:31 PM

The two indicated crewmen put down their spanners and moved to search the away team, removing anything carried, but not touching commbadges. Once they were satisfied, they gave the speaker a thumbs up.

"Okay, I rather not shoot you, but I will if you do anything stupid. Phelps and Wu, you come with me as escorts in case they decide that I'm joking."

"Sure thing Mister Douglas." Wu replied. "I don't trust them either, just cause they say they're Starfleet, doesn't make it true."

Douglas gestured again with his phasers for the away team to proceed as he, Wu, and Phelps took up positions behind and besides their prisoners. The crewman known as Johann, moved behind Horg and had her take a different corridor that quickly took her out of sight.

Surprisingly, the turbolift was functioning and the away team was hustled inside before Phelps grabbed a handle, twisted it and said.


Torra set down her med-kit and let the guards remove all her other equipment.   Still waiting on the answer of if she would be allowed to go to Sickbay with Horg.

NPC Lt jg T'Charr
[USS Discovery - Deck 10 - Sickbay]
Quote from: Charles Stratton on April 18, 2020, 12:19:14 PM

[ USS Discovery - Medical / Sickbay ]

Crewman Stratton couldn't hear. No. That wasn't quite right. He could hear, he just could not hear distinctly. There were vague sounds of hushed harried voices and perhaps running. He wanted to see what was going on, but his eyes refused to open. Refused? Or maybe the exertion from opening just seemed too great. Everything seemed muffled and distorted. What had he been doing? He tried to focus but his thoughts were refusing to stay marshalled in a semblance of order. He sensed movement near him and then there was blackness once more.

It was some time later when the first cohesive thought that Stratton recognized happened. He was lying down. He shouldn't be lying down. He should be at his station. He groaned as he tried to move to a seated position, eyes barely opening. He recognized he was in Sickbay. What had happened? He struggled to remember what he had been doing before.. Before what? The exertion of memories and movement at the same time hurt and made him nauseous.

He took a few slow deep breaths and decided to get his thoughts in order first. He wouldn't do anyone any good, if he didn't know or remember what the hell had happened. His mind went over his known routines, he had gotten up, gone on duty, he was at his station .. doing what? Then a memory hit. The Borg!

Stratton sucked in a great gulp of air as he remembered the Borg. He had been locking down systems, enabling a series of redundant security protocols on the different systems in his sector when everything went black. He forced himself to sit up against the pain that screamed throughout his body. Unconsciously he held up his hands to look at them, as if to make sure they weren't Borg hands. Relief swept through him.

"Have we been boarded?" He called out, in what he thought was a strong voice. But in actuality, it was more of a hoarse raspy whisper.

The Caitian doctor who was discussing treatment of another patient with the duty nurse looked over at the groan and sent off the nurse, before moving to the waking patients bedside.  M'rrow looked over to the overhead display which listed the patients name and current medical stats.  Stratton, Charles.  Blood pressure 120 on 80...  pulse of 80.  Not overly alarming results.

"Mr. Stratton.  I am Doctor T'Charr.  You are in Sickbay.  You were found unconscious at your station earlier.  Can you tell me what happened?"

The Caitian doctor purposefully avoided discussing the ships security status.  She wasn't privy to any of that... the fact however that there were Security posted outside Sickbay however wasn't a good sign... and hearing from the Crewman that the invaders might be Borg was even more so... but she couldn't focus on that.  She was a doctor her focus had to remain on her patients.

"It seems that when the ship was jostled about you struck your head and sustained a concussion.  I've since treated you but would like you to answer a few standard questions to be sure there is no hidden damage.   Can you tell me your full name and rank?   What year is it?"

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Charles Stratton

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on April 18, 2020, 08:00:36 PM


NPC Lt jg T'Charr
[USS Discovery - Deck 10 - Sickbay]

The Caitian doctor who was discussing treatment of another patient with the duty nurse looked over at the groan and sent off the nurse, before moving to the waking patients bedside.  M'rrow looked over to the overhead display which listed the patients name and current medical stats.  Stratton, Charles.  Blood pressure 120 on 80...  pulse of 80.  Not overly alarming results.

"Mr. Stratton.  I am Doctor T'Charr.  You are in Sickbay.  You were found unconscious at your station earlier.  Can you tell me what happened?"

The Caitian doctor purposefully avoided discussing the ships security status.  She wasn't privy to any of that... the fact however that there were Security posted outside Sickbay however wasn't a good sign... and hearing from the Crewman that the invaders might be Borg was even more so... but she couldn't focus on that.  She was a doctor her focus had to remain on her patients.

"It seems that when the ship was jostled about you struck your head and sustained a concussion.  I've since treated you but would like you to answer a few standard questions to be sure there is no hidden damage.   Can you tell me your full name and rank?   What year is it?"

[ USS Discovery - Deck 10 Sickbay ]
Stratton looked at the Doctor, he had a bemused look on his face. His Doctor was a Caitian. If the circumstances weren't so dire he would be extremely excited. He brought himself back to the present with some difficulty, he blamed the concussion.

"What happened?" His voice was absent as he repeated the question, and tried to focus on the answer. "I was at my station. Notification came across a Borg cube was sighted. I was locking down my station. There are protocols that must be followed." He stopped. The Doctor didn't need to know that. He tried again. "I'm sorry.. that's all I remember."

He subconsciously straightened as the Doctor then asked his name and rank. He looked about Sickbay before replying. "Crewman Charles Stratton. The year is 2398."

His voice was getting stronger. He even felt better, but.. For how long? "Doctor.." He hadn't seen any signs of panic, he couldn't hear a red alert claxton, but that didn't mean there wasn't one. "What is the ship status?" He spied a console. "Can I use your console for a status update?" He was already trying to stand up to move toward the console.

🡱 🡳

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