Season 13 - Mission 12: One Mind

Started by Ian Galloway, March 23, 2020, 10:49:37 AM

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Lennox Ainsley

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on April 18, 2020, 08:00:36 PM

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[Corridor outside Shuttlebay - USS Burke]

Torra glanced over towards the Scot engineer, her hands still raised non-threateningly.

"I'm afraid not but maybe one of these kind gentlemen can guide us?" She slowly nodded towards the two red-shirts even as more arrived this time with old-school phasers.

Torra dipped her head obligingly, hunching her shoulders ever so slightly to seem less intimidating because of her height and waited on the Captain to answer for them.

Torra slowly held out her own med-kit towards the guards.   "I have training as a medic as well.  I'd like to help, if I may?"

Torra set down her med-kit and let the guards remove all her other equipment.   Still waiting on the answer of if she would be allowed to go to Sickbay with Horg.
[Corridor outside Shuttlebay - USS Burke]

Lennox raised his hands, realising that they were slowly being surrounded by red shirts who were not taking well to their intrusion on to their ship. He wasn't going to say anything to inflame the situation, allowing for their captain to speak on their behalf as he looked around at the others, whilst his gear was being removed from them except those who were of medical branch.

He hoped the interaction would end up going smoothly, and they all wouldn't be thrown into the Brig. Perhaps he could make use of himself as an engineer should the moment arise from him to speak in front of the captain.

"Corvis oculum corvi non eruit."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on April 18, 2020, 08:00:36 PM

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[Corridor outside Shuttlebay - USS Burke]

Torra glanced over towards the Scot engineer, her hands still raised non-threateningly.

"I'm afraid not but maybe one of these kind gentlemen can guide us?" She slowly nodded towards the two red-shirts even as more arrived this time with old-school phasers.

Torra dipped her head obligingly, hunching her shoulders ever so slightly to seem less intimidating because of her height and waited on the Captain to answer for them.

Torra slowly held out her own med-kit towards the guards.   "I have training as a medic as well.  I'd like to help, if I may?"

Torra set down her med-kit and let the guards remove all her other equipment.   Still waiting on the answer of if she would be allowed to go to Sickbay with Horg.

Quote from: Lennox Ainsley on April 19, 2020, 08:34:58 AM

[Corridor outside Shuttlebay - USS Burke]

Lennox raised his hands, realising that they were slowly being surrounded by red shirts who were not taking well to their intrusion on to their ship. He wasn't going to say anything to inflame the situation, allowing for their captain to speak on their behalf as he looked around at the others, whilst his gear was being removed from them except those who were of medical branch.

He hoped the interaction would end up going smoothly, and they all wouldn't be thrown into the Brig. Perhaps he could make use of himself as an engineer should the moment arise from him to speak in front of the captain.

[Corridor outside Shuttlebay --> Bridge USS Burke]

Douglas looked long and hard at Torra before replying with a shrug.

"Not sure how you would know anything about human medical needs, but if a Tellerite can figure it out, I suppose you can. I know Doc Chatham could use all the help he can get. Go with Johann."

Horg and Torra were escorted under the watchful eye and phaser of the man named Johann directly to sickbay where they found the facility swamped with a ship load of minor injuries and a handful of major ones. A human male, that the away team figured must be Doctor Chatham simply greeted his professional colleagues with a terse, "Doctors" before asking. "What are your medical specialties?"

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 18, 2020, 07:30:16 PM

[Deck 7 - USS Burke]

The Captain was refusing to play games with the clearly paranoid junior officers, and just sighed as he was relieved of his tricorder and phaser.  Oh wait until they realize that there were more than just kill and stun on there.  With not much else to do, he allowed himself and his team to be led and escorted to the turbolift, since at least they were being taken to the bridge.  Finally... it was where he was trying to go anyways  He was surprised that their power priorities were for the turbolifts, but hey, not his ship.

Oh this was going to be interesting.  Everyone in the last century had to speak into some sort of device, even the Romulans... but not the Federation in the 24th century.  With not much else to do, he reached up and pressed his commbadge, as it gave a chirp indicating it was active.

=/\= "Tekin here.  We have confirmed survivors on board, and we are currently en route to the Bridge. From the sounds of it, the command staff has also survived. We'll keep you appraised of the situation.  Tekin out." =/\= he said, taking a breath.

"A Romulan trick, really?  You hit us, you have no shields, no weapons, and you're lucky to have structural integrity holding. Do you really think any enemy would waste time with a ruse over a crippled ship?"

Douglas was so surprised by the commbadge that he hesitated just long enough for Tekin to finish replying before he reached out and snatched the commbadges off Lennox, T'Lara, and Tekin.

"Tricky little whatever you are. I should..."

The turbolift doors opened before Douglas could finish what he was about to say and instead shoved the away team onto the bridge, to find a dignified older man, thick-set but fit, wearing a gold shirt with two-and-a-half stripes on each sleeve attempting to restore order to the Bridge.

Ainsely recognized that the bridge was not terribly different from that of the original Constitution class, though this one seems to trend somewhere between Pike and Kirk. Rather than the sleek, multifunction panels prevalent aboard modern starships, Burke makes do with buttons, switches, and knobs.

Several panels have been torn open either by damage or by repair crews, and the main viewer is filled with static. The Engineering, Communications, and Helm stations station are manned, but the Navigation, Science, and other stations are not.

The man the away team assumeds was Captain Franklin was holding an old boxy communicator in one hand and an-old style PADD in the other and was busy checking data on one while giving orders on the other. As the away team entered, he was saying something about, "Never mind the primary, just rewire the secondary directly into the feed and let's go from there."

He swivel kicked his chair around to view the intruders, swivel away and then did a double-take. He then eyed each of the new arrivals carefully before asking, "What's all this?"

Quote from: Nira Said on April 18, 2020, 07:57:51 PM

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira was analyzing the Burke, fascinated that she was taking part in one of the biggest mysteries in the Federation. However, in an instant, the investigator in her gotten instantly suspicious: a missing Starfleet vessel appears, potentially through a time rift? Things probably aren't what they may seem: There was an old human phrase: "If it walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck."

How does that phrase apply in the case of the Burke? Nira thought to herself. Simple. It's a typical design of the starship of the era. The crew will be wearing those reddish collared uniforms of the era, potentially. The problem was, aside from being out of time, it's in the wrong place. It's too deep into the nebula for it to be, almost into the Romulan border. And for all we know, it had a suspicious engine system or something.

There's also the matter, Nira found, that it could've been in the nebula too long. The scans were telling her, although somebody else probably had noticed it on the bridge, about the starship: Hull integrity is at less than thirty percent, main power's out, weak life signs...but then, sensors are sketchy at best right now, considering the collision.

But Nira never forgot seeing that black gash on the viewscreen. If the Burke really was temporally displaced, could that have been a temporal rift that it went through? And was it any coincidence that it just happened to appear just after the Borg Cube she was just on had exploded.

And to think, all this began with a simple patrol to intercept smugglers on the off chance that they use the nebula to sneak across the border, Nira thought to herself.

As she ran her scan, as if to look out for anything suspicious, Nira suddenly noticed something.

"Commander Galloway!" she said. "Sensors have detected something! It...Allah forbid!" she added sharply. "Commander, the Burke is losing molecular cohesion!"

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Ian spun his head to fast in Nira's direction that he felt his neck pop and growled.


He moved over to Cadbury and barked.

"Confirm Said's findin's, I don't care if'n you have ta burn the paint off the hull with the intensity of the scans, we've got ta know if that bucket is about ta come apart at the seams."

He tapped his commbadge.

=/\= "Discovery ta captain. Come in please. This is urgent." =/\=



Douglas was so surprised by the commbadge that he hesitated just long enough for Tekin to finish replying before he reached out and snatched the commbadges off Lennox, T'Lara, and Tekin.

"Tricky little whatever you are. I should..."

The turbolift doors opened before Douglas could finish what he was about to say and instead shoved the away team onto the bridge, to find a dignified older man, thick-set but fit, wearing a gold shirt with two-and-a-half stripes on each sleeve attempting to restore order to the Bridge.

Ainsely recognized that the bridge was not terribly different from that of the original Constitution class, though this one seems to trend somewhere between Pike and Kirk. Rather than the sleek, multifunction panels prevalent aboard modern starships, Burke makes do with buttons, switches, and knobs.

Several panels have been torn open either by damage or by repair crews, and the main viewer is filled with static. The Engineering, Communications, and Helm stations station are manned, but the Navigation, Science, and other stations are not.

The man the away team assumeds was Captain Franklin was holding an old boxy communicator in one hand and an-old style PADD in the other and was busy checking data on one while giving orders on the other. As the away team entered, he was saying something about, "Never mind the primary, just rewire the secondary directly into the feed and let's go from there."

He swivel kicked his chair around to view the intruders, swivel away and then did a double-take. He then eyed each of the new arrivals carefully before asking, "What's all this?"

[Deck 7-->Bridge-USS Burke]

As Douglas yanked the commbadge from her shirt she cringed slightly and wondered why Nevir wasn't a bit more subtle with his communication. If something happened on the Discovery they would have no way of knowing now, but she supposed he had to have some sort of reasoning in his method. The turbolift doors opened to allow them access to the Bridge, and she took a moment to marvel at the antique-ness of their surroundings. She had only seen technology like this in museums, and she would love to talk to other Vulcans of this period. But currently she didn't see any (probably because of the Romulan scare) and they were dealing with much more pressing matters at the moment.

She looked to the science station and saw it was empty, the microscope-looking sensor panel abandoned but looking to be in working condition. In the absence of her tricorder she felt a pull toward any technology available to give her answers about the internal state of this ship. But they had someone right in front of them to ask questions to, which she supposed would have to do. As Captain Franklin made eye contact with her, glaring as he took in her appearance, she couldn't help raising an eyebrow in response.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Lennox Ainsley

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 19, 2020, 11:32:22 AM

[Corridor outside Shuttlebay --> Bridge USS Burke]

Douglas was so surprised by the commbadge that he hesitated just long enough for Tekin to finish replying before he reached out and snatched the commbadges off Lennox, T'Lara, and Tekin.

"Tricky little whatever you are. I should..."

The turbolift doors opened before Douglas could finish what he was about to say and instead shoved the away team onto the bridge, to find a dignified older man, thick-set but fit, wearing a gold shirt with two-and-a-half stripes on each sleeve attempting to restore order to the Bridge.

Ainsley recognized that the bridge was not terribly different from that of the original Constitution class, though this one seems to trend somewhere between Pike and Kirk. Rather than the sleek, multifunction panels prevalent aboard modern starships, Burke makes do with buttons, switches, and knobs.

Several panels have been torn open either by damage or by repair crews, and the main viewer is filled with static. The Engineering, Communications, and Helm stations station are manned, but the Navigation, Science, and other stations are not.

The man the away team assumed was Captain Franklin was holding an old boxy communicator in one hand and an-old style PADD in the other and was busy checking data on one while giving orders on the other. As the away team entered, he was saying something about, "Never mind the primary, just rewire the secondary directly into the feed and let's go from there."

He swivel kicked his chair around to view the intruders, swivel away and then did a double-take. He then eyed each of the new arrivals carefully before asking, "What's all this?"

[Bridge - USS Burke]

Lennox took a long hard look at what he had seen on the bridge. Some stations had been manned, the other lot had not. The fact that Douglas had taken away their only means and methods of communication that would allow them to relay their findings back to the Discovery had Lennox acutely aware that they would have to figure out the comms station should they be allowed to.

Something about the primary, and something about the secondary.

The Scotsman cleared his throat, trying to seem less imposing on the fact that they were being held as hostages on a ship they had come to help. He wasn't one to hide his displeasure about their treatment this far. He glanced over at Tekin and T'Lara, wondering which one was going to speak up next. Nor was he about to back down from the glare that had been sent his direction. "Looks like ye are in need of an extra hand on board, cap'n. Petty Officer Lennox Ainsley, USS Discovery, engineerin'." He said, eyes briefly flickering away to look at the torn panel in the wall.

"Corvis oculum corvi non eruit."

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 19, 2020, 11:32:22 AM

[Corridor outside Shuttlebay --> Bridge USS Burke]

Douglas looked long and hard at Torra before replying with a shrug.

"Not sure how you would know anything about human medical needs, but if a Tellerite can figure it out, I suppose you can. I know Doc Chatham could use all the help he can get. Go with Johann."

Horg and Torra were escorted under the watchful eye and phaser of the man named Johann directly to sickbay where they found the facility swamped with a ship load of minor injuries and a handful of major ones. A human male, that the away team figured must be Doctor Chatham simply greeted his professional colleagues with a terse, "Doctors" before asking. "What are your medical specialties?"

Douglas was so surprised by the commbadge that he hesitated just long enough for Tekin to finish replying before he reached out and snatched the commbadges off Lennox, T'Lara, and Tekin.

"Tricky little whatever you are. I should..."

The turbolift doors opened before Douglas could finish what he was about to say and instead shoved the away team onto the bridge, to find a dignified older man, thick-set but fit, wearing a gold shirt with two-and-a-half stripes on each sleeve attempting to restore order to the Bridge.

Ainsely recognized that the bridge was not terribly different from that of the original Constitution class, though this one seems to trend somewhere between Pike and Kirk. Rather than the sleek, multifunction panels prevalent aboard modern starships, Burke makes do with buttons, switches, and knobs.

Several panels have been torn open either by damage or by repair crews, and the main viewer is filled with static. The Engineering, Communications, and Helm stations station are manned, but the Navigation, Science, and other stations are not.

The man the away team assumeds was Captain Franklin was holding an old boxy communicator in one hand and an-old style PADD in the other and was busy checking data on one while giving orders on the other. As the away team entered, he was saying something about, "Never mind the primary, just rewire the secondary directly into the feed and let's go from there."

He swivel kicked his chair around to view the intruders, swivel away and then did a double-take. He then eyed each of the new arrivals carefully before asking, "What's all this?"

Quote from: Lennox Ainsley on April 19, 2020, 04:02:08 PM

[Bridge - USS Burke]

Lennox took a long hard look at what he had seen on the bridge. Some stations had been manned, the other lot had not. The fact that Douglas had taken away their only means and methods of communication that would allow them to relay their findings back to the Discovery had Lennox acutely aware that they would have to figure out the comms station should they be allowed to.

Something about the primary, and something about the secondary.

The Scotsman cleared his throat, trying to seem less imposing on the fact that they were being held as hostages on a ship they had come to help. He wasn't one to hide his displeasure about their treatment this far. He glanced over at Tekin and T'Lara, wondering which one was going to speak up next. Nor was he about to back down from the glare that had been sent his direction. "Looks like ye are in need of an extra hand on board, cap'n. Petty Officer Lennox Ainsley, USS Discovery, engineerin'." He said, eyes briefly flickering away to look at the torn panel in the wall.

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Burke]

It was like stepping through time, and in a sense it was.  Even with the panicked hustle and confusion, the sounds of a bridge filled the air.  Unfortunately, he could see why the crew was paranoid.  The ship was blind, deaf, and mute, as well as crippled.

Nevir stood at a respectable attention with his hands behind his back, a form typical of Starfleet training, answering only after the one who was clearly the Captain answered... must be Franklin.  Before he could say anything, the engineer he brought had to speak.

"Ainsley!  You will follow proper protocol while on an away team, that's an order!" he said, turning giving an equally sharp glare as the other Captain.

"You must be Captain Franklin.  I am Captain Tekin Nevir, of the Federation Starship USS Discovery, NCC-78393-B.  Our ships collided after you emerged from a subspace rift, and I came over here to see if we could render assistance. I have medical and engineering personnel with me." he stated, ignoring as his commbadge chirped with Ian's message.

"That's just a communication from my ship.  I can ignore it for now.  You're crew seems to have gone through an ordeal, I can't blame them for being a bit jumpy."

Danjar-Torra Addams


Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Burke - Corridor outside Shuttlebay --> Sickbay]

Quote from: Lennox Ainsley on April 19, 2020, 08:34:58 AM

[Corridor outside Shuttlebay - USS Burke]

Lennox raised his hands, realising that they were slowly being surrounded by red shirts who were not taking well to their intrusion on to their ship. He wasn't going to say anything to inflame the situation, allowing for their captain to speak on their behalf as he looked around at the others, whilst his gear was being removed from them except those who were of medical branch.

He hoped the interaction would end up going smoothly, and they all wouldn't be thrown into the Brig. Perhaps he could make use of himself as an engineer should the moment arise from him to speak in front of the captain.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 19, 2020, 11:32:22 AM

[Corridor outside Shuttlebay --> Bridge USS Burke]

Douglas looked long and hard at Torra before replying with a shrug.

"Not sure how you would know anything about human medical needs, but if a Tellerite can figure it out, I suppose you can. I know Doc Chatham could use all the help he can get. Go with Johann."

Horg and Torra were escorted under the watchful eye and phaser of the man named Johann directly to sickbay where they found the facility swamped with a ship load of minor injuries and a handful of major ones. A human male, that the away team figured must be Doctor Chatham simply greeted his professional colleagues with a terse, "Doctors" before asking. "What are your medical specialties?"

"Thank you, I will do my best." she replied softly.

Before being led away Torra dipped her head towards her Captain and the others of the away team.  She wasn't sure if her being split apart was what the Captain had intended for her but Torra figured given the crew's distrust she would be of more use in Sickbay than being a captive on the bridge or in the brig.

Kitaa look to Torra to answer for the pair of them.

Torra dipped her head in acknowledgement of the doctor. "No specialties, sir. I just recently challenged and passed the Academy general medical exam. I am Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams." The Grazerite introduced herself first before indicating the Tellerite beside her.  "And this is Crewman Kitaa Horg... medical technician and field medic.  We can assist with triage or your overflow of minor injuries, clearing out Sickbay so that your own doctors can focus on the more severe injuries.  We recognize trust may be an issue.  We have our own med-kits so you don't need to worry about allowing us access to your medical supplies." She lifted her kit in show.

She waited until she had Doctor Chatham's permission before setting to work where he directed.


NPC Lt jg T'Charr
[USS Discovery - Deck 10 - Sickbay]
Quote from: Charles Stratton on April 18, 2020, 10:57:13 PM

[ USS Discovery - Deck 10 Sickbay ]
Stratton looked at the Doctor, he had a bemused look on his face. His Doctor was a Caitian. If the circumstances weren't so dire he would be extremely excited. He brought himself back to the present with some difficulty, he blamed the concussion.

"What happened?" His voice was absent as he repeated the question, and tried to focus on the answer. "I was at my station. Notification came across a Borg cube was sighted. I was locking down my station. There are protocols that must be followed." He stopped. The Doctor didn't need to know that. He tried again. "I'm sorry.. that's all I remember."

He subconsciously straightened as the Doctor then asked his name and rank. He looked about Sickbay before replying. "Crewman Charles Stratton. The year is 2398."

His voice was getting stronger. He even felt better, but.. For how long? "Doctor.." He hadn't seen any signs of panic, he couldn't hear a red alert claxton, but that didn't mean there wasn't one. "What is the ship status?" He spied a console. "Can I use your console for a status update?" He was already trying to stand up to move toward the console.

Dr. T'Charr listened to the crewman's responses.  She didn't like that there was a clear memory lapse but such things were not uncommon with blows to the head.  It was possible any missing memories might come back with time.  Yet despite the lapse, the crewman seemed to have good recall of long term memories.

At the request for a status update, T'Charr offered what she knew. "Currently the ship remains at Red Alert.  The ship sustained some damage but repairs are underway.". M'rrow knew this not because of any update but because while they had been on emergency power at first, Sickbay now had main power back on.

When the crewman asked to have access to Sickbay's console to get the ship's status, T'Charr's ears laid back against her head in a clear show of disapproval.

"I'm sorry, crewman, medical computers are not for general use.  I'll have a PADD brought to you if you feel like you aren't 100% or if you feel well enough - as I have done all I can medically other than insisting on a few hours of bed rest but I can forego this if you feel up to it - I can simply discharge you now and you can return to your duties."

T'Charr looked to Stratton expectant of his answer.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Lennox Ainsley

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 19, 2020, 09:08:20 PM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Burke]

It was like stepping through time, and in a sense it was.  Even with the panicked hustle and confusion, the sounds of a bridge filled the air.  Unfortunately, he could see why the crew was paranoid.  The ship was blind, deaf, and mute, as well as crippled.

Nevir stood at a respectable attention with his hands behind his back, a form typical of Starfleet training, answering only after the one who was clearly the Captain answered... must be Franklin.  Before he could say anything, the engineer he brought had to speak.

"Ainsley!  You will follow proper protocol while on an away team, that's an order!" he said, turning giving an equally sharp glare as the other Captain.

"You must be Captain Franklin.  I am Captain Tekin Nevir, of the Federation Starship USS Discovery, NCC-78393-B.  Our ships collided after you emerged from a subspace rift, and I came over here to see if we could render assistance. I have medical and engineering personnel with me." he stated, ignoring as his commbadge chirped with Ian's message.

"That's just a communication from my ship.  I can ignore it for now.  You're crew seems to have gone through an ordeal, I can't blame them for being a bit jumpy."

[Bridge - USS Burke]

Lennox immediately shut his mouth, his stance jumping to attention. "Apologies, cap'n." He replied as he stood back to watch as the two captains conducted their business. His eyes narrowed at the chirp from the captain's commbadge.

But to prevent himself from further reprimand, the Scotsman remained silent.

"Corvis oculum corvi non eruit."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: T'Lara on April 19, 2020, 03:20:02 PM

[Deck 7-->Bridge-USS Burke]

As Douglas yanked the commbadge from her shirt she cringed slightly and wondered why Nevir wasn't a bit more subtle with his communication. If something happened on the Discovery they would have no way of knowing now, but she supposed he had to have some sort of reasoning in his method. The turbolift doors opened to allow them access to the Bridge, and she took a moment to marvel at the antique-ness of their surroundings. She had only seen technology like this in museums, and she would love to talk to other Vulcans of this period. But currently she didn't see any (probably because of the Romulan scare) and they were dealing with much more pressing matters at the moment.

She looked to the science station and saw it was empty, the microscope-looking sensor panel abandoned but looking to be in working condition. In the absence of her tricorder she felt a pull toward any technology available to give her answers about the internal state of this ship. But they had someone right in front of them to ask questions to, which she supposed would have to do. As Captain Franklin made eye contact with her, glaring as he took in her appearance, she couldn't help raising an eyebrow in response.

Quote from: Lennox Ainsley on April 19, 2020, 04:02:08 PM

[Bridge - USS Burke]

Lennox took a long hard look at what he had seen on the bridge. Some stations had been manned, the other lot had not. The fact that Douglas had taken away their only means and methods of communication that would allow them to relay their findings back to the Discovery had Lennox acutely aware that they would have to figure out the comms station should they be allowed to.

Something about the primary, and something about the secondary.

The Scotsman cleared his throat, trying to seem less imposing on the fact that they were being held as hostages on a ship they had come to help. He wasn't one to hide his displeasure about their treatment this far. He glanced over at Tekin and T'Lara, wondering which one was going to speak up next. Nor was he about to back down from the glare that had been sent his direction. "Looks like ye are in need of an extra hand on board, cap'n. Petty Officer Lennox Ainsley, USS Discovery, engineerin'." He said, eyes briefly flickering away to look at the torn panel in the wall.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 19, 2020, 09:08:20 PM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Burke]

It was like stepping through time, and in a sense it was.  Even with the panicked hustle and confusion, the sounds of a bridge filled the air.  Unfortunately, he could see why the crew was paranoid.  The ship was blind, deaf, and mute, as well as crippled.

Nevir stood at a respectable attention with his hands behind his back, a form typical of Starfleet training, answering only after the one who was clearly the Captain answered... must be Franklin.  Before he could say anything, the engineer he brought had to speak.

"Ainsley!  You will follow proper protocol while on an away team, that's an order!" he said, turning giving an equally sharp glare as the other Captain.

"You must be Captain Franklin.  I am Captain Tekin Nevir, of the Federation Starship USS Discovery, NCC-78393-B.  Our ships collided after you emerged from a subspace rift, and I came over here to see if we could render assistance. I have medical and engineering personnel with me." he stated, ignoring as his commbadge chirped with Ian's message.

"That's just a communication from my ship.  I can ignore it for now.  You're crew seems to have gone through an ordeal, I can't blame them for being a bit jumpy."

Quote from: Lennox Ainsley on April 20, 2020, 07:44:12 AM

[Bridge - USS Burke]

Lennox immediately shut his mouth, his stance jumping to attention. "Apologies, cap'n." He replied as he stood back to watch as the two captains conducted their business. His eyes narrowed at the chirp from the captain's commbadge.

But to prevent himself from further reprimand, the Scotsman remained silent.

[Bridge - USS Burke]

Franklin eyed the exchange between Tekin and Ainsley with interest with occasional hard glances at T'Lara, all the while with the air of a predator sizing up its prey. When the commbadge chirped, his eyes narrowed.

"So... 'Captain'". The derision in his voice was all too apparent when he spoke. "You keep claiming to be Starfleet, but there are so many holes in your story, it is difficult to know where to start. I suppose I'll start with the most obvious. Your uniforms are completely wrong and none of your gear look anything like Starfleet issues." He held up the communicator in his hand. "This is a communicator, I've never seen anything like what Douglas is holding." He paused and gave Tekin an especially hard glare. "Then there is this alleged ship of yours. The USS Discovery, NCC-78393-B. I would have thought it patently clear that no ship in Starfleet has a five digit naval construction contract number or any letters in them for that matter.

"Then, there is the matter of your species. I know the Federation is an inclusive government, as is Starfleet, but I'm fairly certain that I would have at least heard of whatever you are and I am absolutely certain I would know about one of whatever you are becoming a ship captain.

"And one final piece of this feeble charade you are attempting to portray. We are at the very frontier of the Neutral Zone and, as captain, I happen to know the Burke is the only Starfleet ship in this sector. So, please stop with this farce. I doubt you are Romulans, even though." He paused to point at T'Lara. "That one could be one, I doubt they are so poorly versed on Starfleet to get so many details wrong. Especially if there goal were to capture this ship.

"No, you strike me as a band of opportunistic scavengers attempting some ruse to get us to lower our guard so that you can loot the bones of my ship before it's even dead. So, I ask you, one last time before I have you taken to the brig, whoever and whatever you are... Who. Are. You?"

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on April 19, 2020, 10:55:04 PM

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Burke - Corridor outside Shuttlebay --> Sickbay]

"Thank you, I will do my best." she replied softly.

Before being led away Torra dipped her head towards her Captain and the others of the away team.  She wasn't sure if her being split apart was what the Captain had intended for her but Torra figured given the crew's distrust she would be of more use in Sickbay than being a captive on the bridge or in the brig.

Kitaa look to Torra to answer for the pair of them.

Torra dipped her head in acknowledgement of the doctor. "No specialties, sir. I just recently challenged and passed the Academy general medical exam. I am Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams." The Grazerite introduced herself first before indicating the Tellerite beside her.  "And this is Crewman Kitaa Horg... medical technician and field medic.  We can assist with triage or your overflow of minor injuries, clearing out Sickbay so that your own doctors can focus on the more severe injuries.  We recognize trust may be an issue.  We have our own med-kits so you don't need to worry about allowing us access to your medical supplies." She lifted her kit in show.

She waited until she had Doctor Chatham's permission before setting to work where he directed.

[Sickbay - USS Burke]

Chatham took in this information with casual interest and replied.

"Very well, Danjar-Addams was it? You will assist with triage and more serious injuries. Crewman Horg will provide first aid for the less seriously injured. Alright then, crack on, the injured won't cure themselves."

As soon as she got to work, Torra found that most of the injuries were minor, breaks, burns, bumps, and contusions. However, one common complaint outside or physical trauma was that many of the crew reported they were suffering from nausea and mild headaches. Several crew were brought in unconscious, but were only found to have fainted, an unusual occurrence for well trained Starfleet personnel. As she worked, Torra could see that Chatham was giving the people he treated stimulants to keep them on their feet.

Having made decent progress with the initial backlog of patients, a new patient came into sickbay holding her wrist gingerly.

"Yeoman Shirley McAdams... uh..." Her voice trailed off as she stared at Torra with open mouthed shock. The young, pert, and lively blond woman of perhaps twenty two years is clearly out of her depth and simply just stares at Torra.

A quick scan shows that her primary injury is a "green stick" fracture of her right forearm, but as she waited for the scan, she staggered and began looking extremely pale and wan. A nurse helped her to one of the biobeds but as sh e reached it she began to choke and then vomitted up blood and bile before collapsing.

Once on the biobed and while trying to assist her, one of the nurses accidentally pulled out a clump of her hair. The scans show she is extremely weak, nauseous, and barely coherent. She is suffering from internal bleeding and rampant cellular decay. These symptoms are consistent with severe radiation exposure and poisoning. The only problem with this diagnosis is that the scans come back negative for radiation.

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Ian called the captain again and got no response. He unconsciously bunched his fists because although he would normally be the one to put together another away team, he had the bridge, which meant his first duty was to the ship and he couldn't. He frowned as he came to this conclusion, then nodded once as he came to a decision.

"Lieutenant Said. I want you ta take an away team of four security and two medical personal ta the Burke. I don't know why the away team isn't answerin'. Their commbadges are functional, but no one is respondin'. However, we do have a lock on where they are, they are on the bridge, well three are on the bridge and two are in sickbay.

"Summat is wrong and I want you ta go ta their bridge. Just remember, regardless of their actions, they are Starfleet. I don't want you goin' in phasers blazin'. What I do want if for you ta find out what is goin' on and report."

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 20, 2020, 12:11:15 PM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Ian called the captain again and got no response. He unconsciously bunched his fists because although he would normally be the one to put together another away team, he had the bridge, which meant his first duty was to the ship and he couldn't. He frowned as he came to this conclusion, then nodded once as he came to a decision.

"Lieutenant Said. I want you ta take an away team of four security and two medical personal ta the Burke. I don't know why the away team isn't answerin'. Their commbadges are functional, but no one is respondin'. However, we do have a lock on where they are, they are on the bridge, well three are on the bridge and two are in sickbay.

"Summat is wrong and I want you ta go ta their bridge. Just remember, regardless of their actions, they are Starfleet. I don't want you goin' in phasers blazin'. What I do want if for you ta find out what is goin' on and report."

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

"Understood, sir," said Nira. It was good to be on the bridge while it lasted, but she figured sooner or later, Commander Felder will be back.

She had to make her selection carefully; with all what's going on, the medical crew would be short-handed, not unless the EMHs came online. Luckily, she had the crew roster memorized on her first week (before the Viper's Eye) aboard and paid especial attention to Security, her own department, and Medical, given the need to bring doctors along, so she'd know what to expect if she led an away team herself.

Tapping her comm badge as she went to the turbolift, and praying to Allah that it was working, she said, "Mister Dranik, Mister Strider, Crewman Jansen, report to Transporter Room Two. Prepare your weapons, set phasers to stun. And Mister Dranik, come unarmed."

She figured, given the proximity to the Romulan border, the crew of the Burke was bound to be paranoid at meeting new people; they probably never met Bajorans before, so they'd assume the Captain was a Romulan agent. She was prepared to explain that they were in the future, telepathically if she had to, and if people proved too stubborn. She was definitely sure the crew would've at least heard of Betazoids. However, she was sure they would be intimidated by Dranik, hence why she ordered him not to come with armaments. And she definitely didn't want to go in guns blazing, that's why she ordered all phasers set to stun; again, in their paranoia, the crew of the Burke is bound to draw first blood.

Then she tapped it again and called for CMO Doctor Thane.

"Lieutenant Said to Doctor Thane. Can you be able to spare a couple of your personnel? If so, please send them to Transporter Room Two."

She figured, depending on dispersal, the selected members will be able to make it to the transporter room, given it'll be in the middle. She hoped somebody will answer. If she didn't find anybody at the transporter room, she'll have to go find personnel herself.

Once inside, she said, "Deck Four, Armory." She figured she'll need to change out of her armor first; she's likely going to scare people with her bloodied appearance. Once she's out of the armor, then she'll replicate some wipes to wipe off the "rainbow vomit" off her face on the way to the transporter room.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 20, 2020, 12:11:15 PM

[Bridge - USS Burke]

Franklin eyed the exchange between Tekin and Ainsley with interest with occasional hard glances at T'Lara, all the while with the air of a predator sizing up its prey. When the commbadge chirped, his eyes narrowed.

"So... 'Captain'". The derision in his voice was all too apparent when he spoke. "You keep claiming to be Starfleet, but there are so many holes in your story, it is difficult to know where to start. I suppose I'll start with the most obvious. Your uniforms are completely wrong and none of your gear look anything like Starfleet issues." He held up the communicator in his hand. "This is a communicator, I've never seen anything like what Douglas is holding." He paused and gave Tekin an especially hard glare. "Then there is this alleged ship of yours. The USS Discovery, NCC-78393-B. I would have thought it patently clear that no ship in Starfleet has a five digit naval construction contract number or any letters in them for that matter.

"Then, there is the matter of your species. I know the Federation is an inclusive government, as is Starfleet, but I'm fairly certain that I would have at least heard of whatever you are and I am absolutely certain I would know about one of whatever you are becoming a ship captain.

"And one final piece of this feeble charade you are attempting to portray. We are at the very frontier of the Neutral Zone and, as captain, I happen to know the Burke is the only Starfleet ship in this sector. So, please stop with this farce. I doubt you are Romulans, even though." He paused to point at T'Lara. "That one could be one, I doubt they are so poorly versed on Starfleet to get so many details wrong. Especially if there goal were to capture this ship.

"No, you strike me as a band of opportunistic scavengers attempting some ruse to get us to lower our guard so that you can loot the bones of my ship before it's even dead. So, I ask you, one last time before I have you taken to the brig, whoever and whatever you are... Who. Are. You?"

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Burke]

Like everything in Starfleet, fantastical procedures are hardly dreamnt up, they are usually the product of an event occurring. Time travel, once thought to be in the realm of science fiction, had been seen so often that there were ideas that were suggested, but it wasn't until the exact thing occurred that a plan was put into this.  This was, eerily enough, one of those events.   The USS Bozeman went missing and suddenly appeared in front of the flagship Enterprise.  In fact.. they almost collided.  But what came of it was a gentle procedure of informing the ship out of time of their new reality.  That is what Nevir had been trying to do.  It wasn't lying, it was just trying to follow protocol to the letter, and it wasn't working.

Procedure never took into account the situation evolving.  So... he was forced to abandon it.

"Captain, what I'm about to tell you will probably sound even less believable, but I swear to the Prophets it is the truth, and I know there is nothing else I can do about it.  I'm not a species you recognize, because the Federation didn't interact with my people until 2369, exactly 64 years after your ship was declared missing.  We were allowed to join Starfleet by 2370, and formally became part of the Federation in 2376.  My ship, the Discovery, her registry is five digits due to three major events in the 90 years since you vanished that caused a need for a greater ship production.  But if you are able to get your sensors up at least, you'll see that she does in fact carry the same Federation signal that has been in use for centuries." he said, stepping forward slightly to step in front of his crew.

"We came here because your ship was assumed destroyed, and you suddenly came out of a subspace rift.  I felt it my duty to render assistance where I could.  If you still feel that story to be a falsehood, then I only ask that you let the rest of my crew leave the ship peacefully, and I'll surrender myself as you see fit, Captain."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 20, 2020, 03:11:36 PM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Burke]

Like everything in Starfleet, fantastical procedures are hardly dreamnt up, they are usually the product of an event occurring. Time travel, once thought to be in the realm of science fiction, had been seen so often that there were ideas that were suggested, but it wasn't until the exact thing occurred that a plan was put into this.  This was, eerily enough, one of those events.   The USS Bozeman went missing and suddenly appeared in front of the flagship Enterprise.  In fact.. they almost collided.  But what came of it was a gentle procedure of informing the ship out of time of their new reality.  That is what Nevir had been trying to do.  It wasn't lying, it was just trying to follow protocol to the letter, and it wasn't working.

Procedure never took into account the situation evolving.  So... he was forced to abandon it.

"Captain, what I'm about to tell you will probably sound even less believable, but I swear to the Prophets it is the truth, and I know there is nothing else I can do about it.  I'm not a species you recognize, because the Federation didn't interact with my people until 2369, exactly 64 years after your ship was declared missing.  We were allowed to join Starfleet by 2370, and formally became part of the Federation in 2376.  My ship, the Discovery, her registry is five digits due to three major events in the 90 years since you vanished that caused a need for a greater ship production.  But if you are able to get your sensors up at least, you'll see that she does in fact carry the same Federation signal that has been in use for centuries." he said, stepping forward slightly to step in front of his crew.

"We came here because your ship was assumed destroyed, and you suddenly came out of a subspace rift.  I felt it my duty to render assistance where I could.  If you still feel that story to be a falsehood, then I only ask that you let the rest of my crew leave the ship peacefully, and I'll surrender myself as you see fit, Captain."

[Bridge - USS Burke]

Franklin's jaw dropped and hung open a moment before he realized it was opened and he managed to close it. He pivoted his chair to face a male ensign at one of the consoles on the upper deck of the bridge.

"Ensign Atcharaporn. Communications are functioning correct?"

"Yes Sir, but our presence inside the nebula is making contacting Starfleet impossible."

"I know that man, can you reach a Federation time base beacon?"

"Checking... yes... it's weak... it's... Merciful Buddha! He's telling the truth! According to the beacon, it's the year 2398!"

Franklin slowly, very slowly pivoted his chair to face the away team and stood up, suddenly looking much older than he had when they first entered the bridge.

"Douglas, put your weapon down and return their gear. It seems we have a bigger problem than we thought and it looks as if Captain Tekin here may just be able to help us after all. Please excuse me captain. It's just that we were suddenly sucked into an interspatial rift only to exit... here.

"As you already know, my command is in need of assistance and I sincerely hope you can provide it."

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 20, 2020, 04:16:18 PM

[Bridge - USS Burke]

Franklin's jaw dropped and hung open a moment before he realized it was opened and he managed to close it. He pivoted his chair to face a male ensign at one of the consoles on the upper deck of the bridge.

"Ensign Atcharaporn. Communications are functioning correct?"

"Yes Sir, but our presence inside the nebula is making contacting Starfleet impossible."

"I know that man, can you reach a Federation time base beacon?"

"Checking... yes... it's weak... it's... Merciful Buddha! He's telling the truth! According to the beacon, it's the year 2398!"

Franklin slowly, very slowly pivoted his chair to face the away team and stood up, suddenly looking much older than he had when they first entered the bridge.

"Douglas, put your weapon down and return their gear. It seems we have a bigger problem than we thought and it looks as if Captain Tekin here may just be able to help us after all. Please excuse me captain. It's just that we were suddenly sucked into an interspatial rift only to exit... here.

"As you already know, my command is in need of assistance and I sincerely hope you can provide it."

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Burke]

There was a faint sigh of relief, and Nevir nodded and he was given his equipment back, as well as the rest of the team.  As he got them back, he held them out to know the Captain.  "Since the cat is out of the back, the hundred years of change... communicator badge, standard issue phaser, standard issue tricorder." he said, before putting his badge on and strapping his phaser on.  Before he got to work, however, he turned to the others who were still there.  "My two medical officers have already been escorted to Sickbay to assist your medical team.  As Mr. Ainsley stated, he is one of my engineers.  We didn't detect any warp breaches or failings, but from our scans it looked like the core went cold, I can have him here on the bridge, or down in engineering if you would prefer.  This is Lieutenant T'Lara, one of my senior science officers, and a brilliant mind.  She's here to assist with figuring out what happened, and how to fix it." he said, finally pulling open his tricorder.

"And luckily, you don't have to worry about the Romulans.  The Neutral Zone collapsed with their Star Empire 11 years ago." he said, tapping on the panel.  The tricorder was having difficulty giving accurate readings, and he was forced to have it recalibrate.

"So.. what can I help you with, Captain?"


Quote from: Nira Said on April 20, 2020, 01:32:34 PM

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

"Understood, sir," said Nira. It was good to be on the bridge while it lasted, but she figured sooner or later, Commander Felder will be back.

She had to make her selection carefully; with all what's going on, the medical crew would be short-handed, not unless the EMHs came online. Luckily, she had the crew roster memorized on her first week (before the Viper's Eye) aboard and paid especial attention to Security, her own department, and Medical, given the need to bring doctors along, so she'd know what to expect if she led an away team herself.

Tapping her comm badge as she went to the turbolift, and praying to Allah that it was working, she said, "Mister Dranik, Mister Strider, Crewman Jansen, report to Transporter Room Two. Prepare your weapons, set phasers to stun. And Mister Dranik, come unarmed."

She figured, given the proximity to the Romulan border, the crew of the Burke was bound to be paranoid at meeting new people; they probably never met Bajorans before, so they'd assume the Captain was a Romulan agent. She was prepared to explain that they were in the future, telepathically if she had to, and if people proved too stubborn. She was definitely sure the crew would've at least heard of Betazoids. However, she was sure they would be intimidated by Dranik, hence why she ordered him not to come with armaments. And she definitely didn't want to go in guns blazing, that's why she ordered all phasers set to stun; again, in their paranoia, the crew of the Burke is bound to draw first blood.

Then she tapped it again and called for CMO Doctor Thane.

"Lieutenant Said to Doctor Thane. Can you be able to spare a couple of your personnel? If so, please send them to Transporter Room Two."

She figured, depending on dispersal, the selected members will be able to make it to the transporter room, given it'll be in the middle. She hoped somebody will answer. If she didn't find anybody at the transporter room, she'll have to go find personnel herself.

Once inside, she said, "Deck Four, Armory." She figured she'll need to change out of her armor first; she's likely going to scare people with her bloodied appearance. Once she's out of the armor, then she'll replicate some wipes to wipe off the "rainbow vomit" off her face on the way to the transporter room.

Dranik and Ciavil had been searching for more possibly injured crewmen. They hadn't really spoken that much about the situation that they were now in but Dranik was about to speak on it when he heard his combadge go off and he was requested to join an away team.

"I"ll be back. I swear it." He said softly to Ciavil as he softly kissed her on the top of her head. She simply nodded as though she was still somewhat in shock from the news she had received earlier. Dranik took one last look at her before reporting to the transporter room.

This is not quite the way I thought this was going to go. He thought as he arrived in the transporter room.

Hirogen Male

Nira Said

Quote from: Dranik on April 20, 2020, 05:36:23 PM

Dranik and Ciavil had been searching for more possibly injured crewmen. They hadn't really spoken that much about the situation that they were now in but Dranik was about to speak on it when he heard his combadge go off and he was requested to join an away team.

"I"ll be back. I swear it." He said softly to Ciavil as he softly kissed her on the top of her head. She simply nodded as though she was still somewhat in shock from the news she had received earlier. Dranik took one last look at her before reporting to the transporter room.

This is not quite the way I thought this was going to go. He thought as he arrived in the transporter room.

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Transporter Room Two | Deck Nine | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Upon arrival at the transporter room, Nira looked up from wiping her face of the "rainbow vomit" that was the blood of various Borg drones and saw the away team has arrived, Dranik among them, and the two medics with them.

"Glad you could make it, team," she said. "I will try to make it brief, we don't have a lot of time. You all have been wondering what had hit us to cause us to lose footing, among other things. Suffice it to say, what hit us was the Starship Burke. Yes, THE Burke," she added, forestalling the question when she saw some occasional looks of astonishment, "considering you know your history lessons at the Academy. To those of you who don't know," she added to the members of the team who were bound to stare blankly, Dranik among them, "the Burke was a starship that disappeared ninety-three years ago. It's like with the case of the Bozeman, and I'm sure that there are bound to be ships that disappeared in the past that will show up in the future.

"Anyway, to make the long story short, the Borg Cube we came across, and which Mister Dranik and I boarded earlier, self-destructed and then a sort of subspace rift, whether or not it was the result of the explosion, appeared and the Burke emerged from it and collided with us. Now the reason we are beaming over is because just a short moment ago, I detected through the scanners that the Burke's losing molecular cohesion; it could begin to break apart at any time. Captain Tekin is aboard, possibly with an away team; there's been no response from the Captain, so we're beaming over to get him, his away team, and as many of the Burke's crew out as much as possible. Now, given we're close to the Romulan border, the Burke's crew may or may not have been brought up to date, or they could be suspicious of us. Keep your phasers to the side; we want to appear friendly, but be prepared to engage them if they believe us hostile, but as I indicated, keep your phasers on stun.

"Oh, and Dranik?" she said. "Leave your armor here, we want to appear as friendly as possible. Transporter Chief," she added, turning to the transporter chief, "can you be sure Dranik's armor is returned to the armory, please?"

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Charles Stratton

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on April 19, 2020, 10:55:04 PM

NPC Lt jg T'Charr
[USS Discovery - Deck 10 - Sickbay]

Dr. T'Charr listened to the crewman's responses.  She didn't like that there was a clear memory lapse but such things were not uncommon with blows to the head.  It was possible any missing memories might come back with time.  Yet despite the lapse, the crewman seemed to have good recall of long term memories.

At the request for a status update, T'Charr offered what she knew. "Currently the ship remains at Red Alert.  The ship sustained some damage but repairs are underway.". M'rrow knew this not because of any update but because while they had been on emergency power at first, Sickbay now had main power back on.

When the crewman asked to have access to Sickbay's console to get the ship's status, T'Charr's ears laid back against her head in a clear show of disapproval.

"I'm sorry, crewman, medical computers are not for general use.  I'll have a PADD brought to you if you feel like you aren't 100% or if you feel well enough - as I have done all I can medically other than insisting on a few hours of bed rest but I can forego this if you feel up to it - I can simply discharge you now and you can return to your duties."

T'Charr looked to Stratton expectant of his answer.

[ USS Discovery - Deck 10 Sickbay ]

Stratton paused as the Caitian Doctor's ears pinned back. He held up his hands. "No disrespect meant .." Was the Doc a Ma'am or a Sir? He didn't want to make matters worse, "Doctor.." He sat back down. His voice non confrontational,  "I only wanted to check the ship status." He gave the Doctor an earnest look, "You can tell quite a bit about the ship status by viewing the power grid. Where power have been rerouted, where it has been shunted..." His voice died off.

The Doctor was unimpressed.

The two of them looked at each other for a long moment, Stratton broke first. "Discharge please, Sir,.. Ma;am.. I mean Doctor.."

🡱 🡳

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