Season 13 - Mission 12: One Mind

Started by Ian Galloway, March 23, 2020, 10:49:37 AM

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Danjar-Torra Addams

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Burke - Sickbay]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 20, 2020, 12:11:15 PM

[Sickbay - USS Burke]

Chatham took in this information with casual interest and replied.

"Very well, Danjar-Addams was it? You will assist with triage and more serious injuries. Crewman Horg will provide first aid for the less seriously injured. Alright then, crack on, the injured won't cure themselves."

As soon as she got to work, Torra found that most of the injuries were minor, breaks, burns, bumps, and contusions. However, one common complaint outside or physical trauma was that many of the crew reported they were suffering from nausea and mild headaches. Several crew were brought in unconscious, but were only found to have fainted, an unusual occurrence for well trained Starfleet personnel. As she worked, Torra could see that Chatham was giving the people he treated stimulants to keep them on their feet.

Having made decent progress with the initial backlog of patients, a new patient came into sickbay holding her wrist gingerly.

"Yeoman Shirley McAdams... uh..." Her voice trailed off as she stared at Torra with open mouthed shock. The young, pert, and lively blond woman of perhaps twenty two years is clearly out of her depth and simply just stares at Torra.

A quick scan shows that her primary injury is a "green stick" fracture of her right forearm, but as she waited for the scan, she staggered and began looking extremely pale and wan. A nurse helped her to one of the biobeds but as sh e reached it she began to choke and then vomitted up blood and bile before collapsing.

Once on the biobed and while trying to assist her, one of the nurses accidentally pulled out a clump of her hair. The scans show she is extremely weak, nauseous, and barely coherent. She is suffering from internal bleeding and rampant cellular decay. These symptoms are consistent with severe radiation exposure and poisoning. The only problem with this diagnosis is that the scans come back negative for radiation.

Torra and Horg set to their assigned tasks.  Triaging was straight forward at first.  But after a while many of the complaints didn't fit well with just the trauma of impact.  She frowned at the directive to give the unconscious patients stimulants.  That to her seemed a poor treatment option as it didn't address the root of the problem.

Yet it was only while she was working on Yeoman McAdams that Torra, realized the problem was more urgent that she first thought.  The collapse of the woman and the scan results showing cellular decay worried Torra.   Despite the lack of any radiation showing in the scan Torra sought a second opinion to treat the cellular decay with a shot of arithrazine.  Used normally to treat acute cases of theta radiation poisoning.  Protocol however dictated that she'd need to monitor the patient closely after administering.

"Doctor Chatham, sorry interrupt but patient McAdams is showing signs of severe radiation poisoning with scans showing cellular decay in all internal organs.  I'd like to administer a shot of arithrazine despite the scan coming up negative for any radiation."

Torra knew she was prompting for something possibly out of the officers realm of knowledge.  She couldn't be sure but she was fairly certain arithrazine was discovered in the early 2300's.

To help her case in regards to the treatment.  Torra began scanning other patients for sign of cellular decay and she what she found was alarming.  Nearly everyone in Sickbay was affected.  With a growing sense of dread she scanned Kitaa and herself.


NPC Lt jg T'Charr
[USS Discovery - Deck 10 - Sickbay]

Quote from: Charles Stratton on April 20, 2020, 09:14:46 PM

[ USS Discovery - Deck 10 Sickbay ]

Stratton paused as the Caitian Doctor's ears pinned back. He held up his hands. "No disrespect meant .." Was the Doc a Ma'am or a Sir? He didn't want to make matters worse, "Doctor.." He sat back down. His voice non confrontational,  "I only wanted to check the ship status." He gave the Doctor an earnest look, "You can tell quite a bit about the ship status by viewing the power grid. Where power have been rerouted, where it has been shunted..." His voice died off.

The Doctor was unimpressed.

The two of them looked at each other for a long moment, Stratton broke first. "Discharge please, Sir,.. Ma;am.. I mean Doctor.."

M'rrow listened to the ops crewman make excuses and fixed him with an unblinking stares waiting on his reply.

Finally he answered.  Her ears perked.   "Wonderful. One moment." She turned to the medical console tapped out the sickbay discharges notice.

"There you go. You may return to your duties."

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret


Quote from: Nira Said on April 20, 2020, 08:59:06 PM

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Transporter Room Two | Deck Nine | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Upon arrival at the transporter room, Nira looked up from wiping her face of the "rainbow vomit" that was the blood of various Borg drones and saw the away team has arrived, Dranik among them, and the two medics with them.

"Glad you could make it, team," she said. "I will try to make it brief, we don't have a lot of time. You all have been wondering what had hit us to cause us to lose footing, among other things. Suffice it to say, what hit us was the Starship Burke. Yes, THE Burke," she added, forestalling the question when she saw some occasional looks of astonishment, "considering you know your history lessons at the Academy. To those of you who don't know," she added to the members of the team who were bound to stare blankly, Dranik among them, "the Burke was a starship that disappeared ninety-three years ago. It's like with the case of the Bozeman, and I'm sure that there are bound to be ships that disappeared in the past that will show up in the future.

"Anyway, to make the long story short, the Borg Cube we came across, and which Mister Dranik and I boarded earlier, self-destructed and then a sort of subspace rift, whether or not it was the result of the explosion, appeared and the Burke emerged from it and collided with us. Now the reason we are beaming over is because just a short moment ago, I detected through the scanners that the Burke's losing molecular cohesion; it could begin to break apart at any time. Captain Tekin is aboard, possibly with an away team; there's been no response from the Captain, so we're beaming over to get him, his away team, and as many of the Burke's crew out as much as possible. Now, given we're close to the Romulan border, the Burke's crew may or may not have been brought up to date, or they could be suspicious of us. Keep your phasers to the side; we want to appear friendly, but be prepared to engage them if they believe us hostile, but as I indicated, keep your phasers on stun.

"Oh, and Dranik?" she said. "Leave your armor here, we want to appear as friendly as possible. Transporter Chief," she added, turning to the transporter chief, "can you be sure Dranik's armor is returned to the armory, please?"

Dranik simply nodded and took his armor off. He had already taken his helmet off after arriving back on the Discovery. Well, more accurately he had lost it after the collision with the Burke and he hadn't been able to find it after. He looked down at his uniform and noticed that there were a few marks on it but he figured it would be alright. He would do his best to appear non-threatening on the Burke
Hirogen Male

Nira Said

Quote from: Dranik on April 20, 2020, 11:40:09 PM

Dranik simply nodded and took his armor off. He had already taken his helmet off after arriving back on the Discovery. Well, more accurately he had lost it after the collision with the Burke and he hadn't been able to find it after. He looked down at his uniform and noticed that there were a few marks on it but he figured it would be alright. He would do his best to appear non-threatening on the Burke

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Transporter Room Two | Deck Nine | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

"Excellent, Mister Dranik," said Nira. "Everybody assume your positions."

Once on the pad, Nira looked to the transporter chief. "Beam us aboard the bridge of the Burke, chief," she said. "Energize."

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Burke]

Before long, Nira and her away team shimmered aboard the bridge. It certainly looked like crap. Everybody wore the uniform of the period, as Nira expected. And...she found the Captain.

"Captain, thank Allah you're alright," she said. "I apologize for intruding," she added, turning to the captain of the Burke. "I am Lieutenant Said, second ranking security officer on the Discovery. I'm a Betazoid, raised in Arabia. The Discovery's first officer sent us; he was worried about the Captain when he didn't chime in. I've got some disturbing news concerning the ship."

Ensuring she was addressing both Captains, she explained, as gently as possible, "Sirs, we've made scans of your ship, and I discovered that the Burke is losing molecular cohesion. I don't know if those on the Burke have realized it yet, but it could potentially break apart at any moment. We have to evacuate everybody from the ship."

She then withdrew the scans of the molecular cohesion; she downloaded it onto a PADD, figuring she'll need proof to show the Burke crew, being from the past themselves.

"Here's the proof of our scans," she said. "And we still have PADDs here in the future. The science officer back on the discovery is confirming the scans as we speak. We have the means to help along, and additional medical personnel," she added, gesturing at the away team, putting particular emphasis on the medics she brought.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on April 21, 2020, 01:01:12 AM

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Transporter Room Two | Deck Nine | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

"Excellent, Mister Dranik," said Nira. "Everybody assume your positions."

Once on the pad, Nira looked to the transporter chief. "Beam us aboard the bridge of the Burke, chief," she said. "Energize."

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Burke]

Before long, Nira and her away team shimmered aboard the bridge. It certainly looked like crap. Everybody wore the uniform of the period, as Nira expected. And...she found the Captain.

"Captain, thank Allah you're alright," she said. "I apologize for intruding," she added, turning to the captain of the Burke. "I am Lieutenant Said, second ranking security officer on the Discovery. I'm a Betazoid, raised in Arabia. The Discovery's first officer sent us; he was worried about the Captain when he didn't chime in. I've got some disturbing news concerning the ship."

Ensuring she was addressing both Captains, she explained, as gently as possible, "Sirs, we've made scans of your ship, and I discovered that the Burke is losing molecular cohesion. I don't know if those on the Burke have realized it yet, but it could potentially break apart at any moment. We have to evacuate everybody from the ship."

She then withdrew the scans of the molecular cohesion; she downloaded it onto a PADD, figuring she'll need proof to show the Burke crew, being from the past themselves.

"Here's the proof of our scans," she said. "And we still have PADDs here in the future. The science officer back on the discovery is confirming the scans as we speak. We have the means to help along, and additional medical personnel," she added, gesturing at the away team, putting particular emphasis on the medics she brought.

[Bridge - USS Burke]

When the whine of the transporter began, Ensign Douglas drew his phaser, only to have Captain Franklin wave him back. Once Nira completed her report, Franklin sighed and said.

"Do any of you future people have any good news?"

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on April 20, 2020, 10:19:02 PM

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Burke - Sickbay]

Torra and Horg set to their assigned tasks.  Triaging was straight forward at first.  But after a while many of the complaints didn't fit well with just the trauma of impact.  She frowned at the directive to give the unconscious patients stimulants.  That to her seemed a poor treatment option as it didn't address the root of the problem.

Yet it was only while she was working on Yeoman McAdams that Torra, realized the problem was more urgent that she first thought.  The collapse of the woman and the scan results showing cellular decay worried Torra.   Despite the lack of any radiation showing in the scan Torra sought a second opinion to treat the cellular decay with a shot of arithrazine.  Used normally to treat acute cases of theta radiation poisoning.  Protocol however dictated that she'd need to monitor the patient closely after administering.

"Doctor Chatham, sorry interrupt but patient McAdams is showing signs of severe radiation poisoning with scans showing cellular decay in all internal organs.  I'd like to administer a shot of arithrazine despite the scan coming up negative for any radiation."

Torra knew she was prompting for something possibly out of the officers realm of knowledge.  She couldn't be sure but she was fairly certain arithrazine was discovered in the early 2300's.

To help her case in regards to the treatment.  Torra began scanning other patients for sign of cellular decay and she what she found was alarming.  Nearly everyone in Sickbay was affected.  With a growing sense of dread she scanned Kitaa and herself.

[Sickbay - USS Burke]

Torra's scans confirmed that, at least for now, they were not suffering cellular decay, which was comforting, but that did nothing for the crew of the Burke who all did show the signs. The ultimate answer to what was going on depended on figuring out what could was causing the problem since it wasn't radiation poisoning.

Chatham looked on Torra's announcement with professional curiosity, but replied with a terse.

"That will have to wait, Yeoman McAdams needs immediate surgery. We'll discuss your findings when I'm done."



[Bridge - USS Burke]

Franklin's jaw dropped and hung open a moment before he realized it was opened and he managed to close it. He pivoted his chair to face a male ensign at one of the consoles on the upper deck of the bridge.

"Ensign Atcharaporn. Communications are functioning correct?"

"Yes Sir, but our presence inside the nebula is making contacting Starfleet impossible."

"I know that man, can you reach a Federation time base beacon?"

"Checking... yes... it's weak... it's... Merciful Buddha! He's telling the truth! According to the beacon, it's the year 2398!"

Franklin slowly, very slowly pivoted his chair to face the away team and stood up, suddenly looking much older than he had when they first entered the bridge.

"Douglas, put your weapon down and return their gear. It seems we have a bigger problem than we thought and it looks as if Captain Tekin here may just be able to help us after all. Please excuse me captain. It's just that we were suddenly sucked into an interspatial rift only to exit... here.

"As you already know, my command is in need of assistance and I sincerely hope you can provide it."

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 20, 2020, 04:48:16 PM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Burke]

There was a faint sigh of relief, and Nevir nodded and he was given his equipment back, as well as the rest of the team.  As he got them back, he held them out to know the Captain.  "Since the cat is out of the back, the hundred years of change... communicator badge, standard issue phaser, standard issue tricorder." he said, before putting his badge on and strapping his phaser on.  Before he got to work, however, he turned to the others who were still there.  "My two medical officers have already been escorted to Sickbay to assist your medical team.  As Mr. Ainsley stated, he is one of my engineers.  We didn't detect any warp breaches or failings, but from our scans it looked like the core went cold, I can have him here on the bridge, or down in engineering if you would prefer.  This is Lieutenant T'Lara, one of my senior science officers, and a brilliant mind.  She's here to assist with figuring out what happened, and how to fix it." he said, finally pulling open his tricorder.

"And luckily, you don't have to worry about the Romulans.  The Neutral Zone collapsed with their Star Empire 11 years ago." he said, tapping on the panel.  The tricorder was having difficulty giving accurate readings, and he was forced to have it recalibrate.

"So.. what can I help you with, Captain?"

[Bridge-USS Burke]

T'Lara accepted her equipment back, noticing that the crewmen were still trying to avoid contact with her as much as possible. They had found the missing Burke, a historical event, and yet she would be written down as the one everyone mistrusted if these people were allowed to write the history books. She was happy they had finally revealed that they were from the future, even though the repercussions could be problematic. When he mentioned her she gave a small head bow, watching as the captain and his crew continued to scrutinize her. She echoed Nevir in recalibrating her tricorder and waited to see what it would reveal. Finding out what happened was no small task, and she wasn't sure "fixing it" was possible. If it was a matter of getting these people back to their own time then they'd have to deal with the rift directly.


[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Transporter Room Two | Deck Nine | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

"Excellent, Mister Dranik," said Nira. "Everybody assume your positions."

Once on the pad, Nira looked to the transporter chief. "Beam us aboard the bridge of the Burke, chief," she said. "Energize."

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Burke]

Before long, Nira and her away team shimmered aboard the bridge. It certainly looked like crap. Everybody wore the uniform of the period, as Nira expected. And...she found the Captain.

"Captain, thank Allah you're alright," she said. "I apologize for intruding," she added, turning to the captain of the Burke. "I am Lieutenant Said, second ranking security officer on the Discovery. I'm a Betazoid, raised in Arabia. The Discovery's first officer sent us; he was worried about the Captain when he didn't chime in. I've got some disturbing news concerning the ship."

Ensuring she was addressing both Captains, she explained, as gently as possible, "Sirs, we've made scans of your ship, and I discovered that the Burke is losing molecular cohesion. I don't know if those on the Burke have realized it yet, but it could potentially break apart at any moment. We have to evacuate everybody from the ship."

She then withdrew the scans of the molecular cohesion; she downloaded it onto a PADD, figuring she'll need proof to show the Burke crew, being from the past themselves.

"Here's the proof of our scans," she said. "And we still have PADDs here in the future. The science officer back on the discovery is confirming the scans as we speak. We have the means to help along, and additional medical personnel," she added, gesturing at the away team, putting particular emphasis on the medics she brought.

She raised an eyebrow. This could be why her and the captain's tricorders were having a hard time calibrating. She thought for a moment. There was a considerable amount of people here that, if they saved them, would probably need to make new lives in a universe 90 years in their future. Was it wise to let them live those lives, or let them die as history already did? Without their ship there really wasn't any reason to send them back to their own was a puzzling decision. She knew what she would do, but she also knew that Starfleet would try their best to save every member of the Federation, no matter what time period they were from. They would try. So that's what she would do too.

Bridge - USS Burke]

When the whine of the transporter began, Ensign Douglas drew his phaser, only to have Captain Franklin wave him back. Once Nira completed her report, Franklin sighed and said.

"Do any of you future people have any good news?"

T'Lara decided to speak up for the first time, ignoring the consequences of doing so."The good news is that we will do everything we can to help, Captain. You are no longer alone," she stated clamly, trying to combat his pessimism.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Nira Said on April 21, 2020, 01:01:12 AM

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Transporter Room Two | Deck Nine | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

"Excellent, Mister Dranik," said Nira. "Everybody assume your positions."

Once on the pad, Nira looked to the transporter chief. "Beam us aboard the bridge of the Burke, chief," she said. "Energize."

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Burke]

Before long, Nira and her away team shimmered aboard the bridge. It certainly looked like crap. Everybody wore the uniform of the period, as Nira expected. And...she found the Captain.

"Captain, thank Allah you're alright," she said. "I apologize for intruding," she added, turning to the captain of the Burke. "I am Lieutenant Said, second ranking security officer on the Discovery. I'm a Betazoid, raised in Arabia. The Discovery's first officer sent us; he was worried about the Captain when he didn't chime in. I've got some disturbing news concerning the ship."

Ensuring she was addressing both Captains, she explained, as gently as possible, "Sirs, we've made scans of your ship, and I discovered that the Burke is losing molecular cohesion. I don't know if those on the Burke have realized it yet, but it could potentially break apart at any moment. We have to evacuate everybody from the ship."

She then withdrew the scans of the molecular cohesion; she downloaded it onto a PADD, figuring she'll need proof to show the Burke crew, being from the past themselves.

"Here's the proof of our scans," she said. "And we still have PADDs here in the future. The science officer back on the discovery is confirming the scans as we speak. We have the means to help along, and additional medical personnel," she added, gesturing at the away team, putting particular emphasis on the medics she brought.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 21, 2020, 10:37:50 AM

[Bridge - USS Burke]

When the whine of the transporter began, Ensign Douglas drew his phaser, only to have Captain Franklin wave him back. Once Nira completed her report, Franklin sighed and said.

"Do any of you future people have any good news?"

Quote from: T'Lara on April 21, 2020, 12:16:50 PM

[Bridge-USS Burke]

T'Lara accepted her equipment back, noticing that the crewmen were still trying to avoid contact with her as much as possible. They had found the missing Burke, a historical event, and yet she would be written down as the one everyone mistrusted if these people were allowed to write the history books. She was happy they had finally revealed that they were from the future, even though the repercussions could be problematic. When he mentioned her she gave a small head bow, watching as the captain and his crew continued to scrutinize her. She echoed Nevir in recalibrating her tricorder and waited to see what it would reveal. Finding out what happened was no small task, and she wasn't sure "fixing it" was possible. If it was a matter of getting these people back to their own time then they'd have to deal with the rift directly.

She raised an eyebrow. This could be why her and the captain's tricorders were having a hard time calibrating. She thought for a moment. There was a considerable amount of people here that, if they saved them, would probably need to make new lives in a universe 90 years in their future. Was it wise to let them live those lives, or let them die as history already did? Without their ship there really wasn't any reason to send them back to their own was a puzzling decision. She knew what she would do, but she also knew that Starfleet would try their best to save every member of the Federation, no matter what time period they were from. They would try. So that's what she would do too.

T'Lara decided to speak up for the first time, ignoring the consequences of doing so."The good news is that we will do everything we can to help, Captain. You are no longer alone," she stated clamly, trying to combat his pessimism.

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Burke]

Seeing the security officer beam straight onto the bridge, he half expected the paranoid officers to start shooting.  Luckily, the Captain was certainly in control of his crew.  And his team has the foresight to not come in guns blazing.  Miss Said had a reason at least, a valid reason, and the Captain accepted the PADD looking at the scan data.

He quickly read through the scans, and it was clearly there... a noticeable degrade in the ship's hull.  The structural integrity was dropping.  It was by fractions of a percent right now, but... it looked it was accelerating.  The very molecules were failing... but why?

After T'Lara spoke up, Nevir joined in, handing the PADD over to her as the science officer.  "Not only that, Captain, but you are safe, both with our ship, and with the threat that you know in this region being gone.  There is no Star Empire anymore.  Hasn't been for more than a decade.  And.... I see you guys." he said, finally turning towards the red shirts with the weapons.  "In case you've forgotten, Vulcan was a founding world in the Federation... do you really think they wouldn't join Starfleet?"

The Bajoran pressed a button on his tricorder, and without asking scanned T'Lara and swung the screen to show the genetic profile showing Vulcan, and not Romulan, genetics.  "Okay?  So let's get this together." he said, turning back to the Captain.

"We have a serious problem to handle, and we need to figure out why its happening, but for now, we may be able to use our deflector to emit an ionic inverse field around the Burke, to create a type of bubble. As long as we make sure to match the frequency, we should still be able to compensate the transporters.  I agree with Lt. Said on starting evacuation procedures, just as a precaution.  We can set up triage areas on the Discovery to handle minor injuries, and we have three full sickbays for the more serious injuries.  The rest of us can work on getting this ship functional, and molecularity cohesive.  T'Lara, can focus on finding the cause." he said, crossing his arms.

"I know that look, Captain... the Burke is as much a member of the crew as any living being on her.  I know better than to try to tell you to abandon your ship without even trying to save her." he said, tapping his badge.

=/\= "Captain to Discovery.  Sorry for the delay, we had a minor clash of time.  Is the deflector operational?" =/\=

Ian Galloway

Quote from: T'Lara on April 21, 2020, 12:16:50 PM

[Bridge-USS Burke]

T'Lara decided to speak up for the first time, ignoring the consequences of doing so."The good news is that we will do everything we can to help, Captain. You are no longer alone," she stated clamly, trying to combat his pessimism.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 21, 2020, 02:13:08 PM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Burke]

Seeing the security officer beam straight onto the bridge, he half expected the paranoid officers to start shooting.  Luckily, the Captain was certainly in control of his crew.  And his team has the foresight to not come in guns blazing.  Miss Said had a reason at least, a valid reason, and the Captain accepted the PADD looking at the scan data.

He quickly read through the scans, and it was clearly there... a noticeable degrade in the ship's hull.  The structural integrity was dropping.  It was by fractions of a percent right now, but... it looked it was accelerating.  The very molecules were failing... but why?

After T'Lara spoke up, Nevir joined in, handing the PADD over to her as the science officer.  "Not only that, Captain, but you are safe, both with our ship, and with the threat that you know in this region being gone.  There is no Star Empire anymore.  Hasn't been for more than a decade.  And.... I see you guys." he said, finally turning towards the red shirts with the weapons.  "In case you've forgotten, Vulcan was a founding world in the Federation... do you really think they wouldn't join Starfleet?"

The Bajoran pressed a button on his tricorder, and without asking scanned T'Lara and swung the screen to show the genetic profile showing Vulcan, and not Romulan, genetics.  "Okay?  So let's get this together." he said, turning back to the Captain.

"We have a serious problem to handle, and we need to figure out why its happening, but for now, we may be able to use our deflector to emit an ionic inverse field around the Burke, to create a type of bubble. As long as we make sure to match the frequency, we should still be able to compensate the transporters.  I agree with Lt. Said on starting evacuation procedures, just as a precaution.  We can set up triage areas on the Discovery to handle minor injuries, and we have three full sickbays for the more serious injuries.  The rest of us can work on getting this ship functional, and molecularity cohesive.  T'Lara, can focus on finding the cause." he said, crossing his arms.

"I know that look, Captain... the Burke is as much a member of the crew as any living being on her.  I know better than to try to tell you to abandon your ship without even trying to save her." he said, tapping his badge.

=/\= "Captain to Discovery.  Sorry for the delay, we had a minor clash of time.  Is the deflector operational?" =/\=

[Bridge - USS Burke]

Franklin pinched the bridge of his nose and looked tired as he replied.

"Thank you for the offer of help at least. This is clearly a situation outside of my experience and help is what I and my crew need. I'll have Lieutenant Pfizer, my science officer get with yours and see if they can figure out what's behind this loss of cohesion."

As Tekin spoke, Franklin looked surprised and shook his head.

"Clearly you came up through sciences. An ionic inverse field, I've never even heard of that technology, and you can emit one through your deflector dish? Technology seems to have advanced a bit since we've been gone."

As Tekin continued, Franklin looked even more overwhelmed.

"So, not only are you telling me your ship has three sickbays, it sounds like it can take on 145 additional crew without so much as blinking."

However, when it came to evacuating the Burke, Franklin shook his head.

"Okay, I have no reason to doubt anything you've told me so far, but while I can accept transporting over my injured, and perhaps even reducing the crew to a skeleton staff, but we're not at the abandon ship stage yet Captain."

He pivoted his chair to speak to his communications officer.

"Atcharaporn, get Pfizer and Ross up here. Begin coordinating with Doctor Chatham regarding transferring the casualties and the department heads on who they feel they absolutely need to stay to help stop this deterioration. We might not be able, to do so, but I'll be damned before I give up without trying."

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Ian sighed in relieve when he heard from the captain as it meant he was okay and, based on the tone of his voice, that Said hadn't had to storm the Burke's bridge.

"Aye Sir, good ta hear from you. Cadbury is working through every sensor spectrum known ta the Federation ta try and figure out what's going on. So far, all's he's confirmed is that the Burke's superstructure is slowly losin' cohesion from severe metal fatigue. He says these symptoms are consistent with severe radiation bombardment or accelerated agin', but he's found no detectable radiation ta account for what is happenin'."

Lennox Ainsley

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 21, 2020, 03:37:59 PM

[Bridge - USS Burke]

Franklin pinched the bridge of his nose and looked tired as he replied.

"Thank you for the offer of help at least. This is clearly a situation outside of my experience and help is what I and my crew need. I'll have Lieutenant Pfizer, my science officer get with yours and see if they can figure out what's behind this loss of cohesion."

As Tekin spoke, Franklin looked surprised and shook his head.

"Clearly you came up through sciences. An ionic inverse field, I've never even heard of that technology, and you can emit one through your deflector dish? Technology seems to have advanced a bit since we've been gone."

As Tekin continued, Franklin looked even more overwhelmed.

"So, not only are you telling me your ship has three sickbays, it sounds like it can take on 145 additional crew without so much as blinking."

However, when it came to evacuating the Burke, Franklin shook his head.

"Okay, I have no reason to doubt anything you've told me so far, but while I can accept transporting over my injured, and perhaps even reducing the crew to a skeleton staff, but we're not at the abandon ship stage yet Captain."

He pivoted his chair to speak to his communications officer.

"Atcharaporn, get Pfizer and Ross up here. Begin coordinating with Doctor Chatham regarding transferring the casualties and the department heads on who they feel they absolutely need to stay to help stop this deterioration. We might not be able, to do so, but I'll be damned before I give up without trying."

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Ian sighed in relieve when he heard from the captain as it meant he was okay and, based on the tone of his voice, that Said hadn't had to storm the Burke's bridge.

"Aye Sir, good ta hear from you. Cadbury is working through every sensor spectrum known ta the Federation ta try and figure out what's going on. So far, all's he's confirmed is that the Burke's superstructure is slowly losin' cohesion from severe metal fatigue. He says these symptoms are consistent with severe radiation bombardment or accelerated agin', but he's found no detectable radiation ta account for what is happenin'."

[Bridge - USS Burke]

Lennox had had half a mind wanting the conversation to speed up, that they could get over the introductions - but he simply needed to wait and watch for what was going down next. Their comms were returned to them, and the crew of the Burke seemed a lot more willing to cooperate after the initial confusion had washed over them. However, it was in time to wash from one problem to the next. "Cap'n?" Lennox waited for Tekin to give him the go ahead to speak (if he did), even so, this was time senstive and he needed to push on. "Cannae we inquire te the state of the Burke's warp core? Eliminate the possible candidates fer radiation...bombardment?"

"Corvis oculum corvi non eruit."

Danjar-Torra Addams

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Burke - Sickbay]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 21, 2020, 10:37:50 AM

[Sickbay - USS Burke]

Torra's scans confirmed that, at least for now, they were not suffering cellular decay, which was comforting, but that did nothing for the crew of the Burke who all did show the signs. The ultimate answer to what was going on depended on figuring out what could was causing the problem since it wasn't radiation poisoning.

Chatham looked on Torra's announcement with professional curiosity, but replied with a terse.

"That will have to wait, Yeoman McAdams needs immediate surgery. We'll discuss your findings when I'm done."

Torra frowned.  By the time the surgery was done, more would be in the same state as the Yeoman, probably even the doctor.  But given there was no sign of radiation Torra wasn't even certain arithrazine was the correct treatment.   This was where her not having a strong grasp of scientific was a hindrance.  But while she wasn't science-strong... others were.

As Dr. Chatham began prepping the Yeoman, Torra stepped aside and tapped her comm badge.

=/\= Danjar-Addams to Captain Tekin.  We have a serious problem, sir.  The crew of this ship...  are undergoing rapid cellular decay.  Unchecked, I don't see them surviving the day.  I need some Science assistance to figure the source.  The symptoms presents like radiation poisoning but without any radiation showing as present.  Could this be caused by the ship having jumped in time? Or is there some manner of radiation that might not show on medical scanners?" =/\=

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Lennox Ainsley on April 21, 2020, 04:07:48 PM

[Bridge - USS Burke]

Lennox had had half a mind wanting the conversation to speed up, that they could get over the introductions - but he simply needed to wait and watch for what was going down next. Their comms were returned to them, and the crew of the Burke seemed a lot more willing to cooperate after the initial confusion had washed over them. However, it was in time to wash from one problem to the next. "Cap'n?" Lennox waited for Tekin to give him the go ahead to speak (if he did), even so, this was time senstive and he needed to push on. "Cannae we inquire te the state of the Burke's warp core? Eliminate the possible candidates fer radiation...bombardment?"

[Bridge - USS Burke]

Captain Franklin blinked and faced Ainsley.

"Forgive me Mister Lennox. I have a bit on my mind. My Chief Engineer, Stacy Ross is on the way. She'll..."

And at that moment, the turbolift swished open and in walked a human male and female.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is Lieutenant Ross and Lieutenant Bill Pfizer. These two will work with your Mister Lennox and Mister T'Lara respectively to see if there is a way to stop this molecular decay."

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on April 21, 2020, 05:26:16 PM

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Burke - Sickbay]

Torra frowned.  By the time the surgery was done, more would be in the same state as the Yeoman, probably even the doctor.  But given there was no sign of radiation Torra wasn't even certain arithrazine was the correct treatment.   This was where her not having a strong grasp of scientific was a hindrance.  But while she wasn't science-strong... others were.

As Dr. Chatham began prepping the Yeoman, Torra stepped aside and tapped her comm badge.

=/\= Danjar-Addams to Captain Tekin.  We have a serious problem, sir.  The crew of this ship...  are undergoing rapid cellular decay.  Unchecked, I don't see them surviving the day.  I need some Science assistance to figure the source.  The symptoms presents like radiation poisoning but without any radiation showing as present.  Could this be caused by the ship having jumped in time? Or is there some manner of radiation that might not show on medical scanners?" =/\=

[Bridge - USS Burke]

"GODDAMMIT!!" Franklin roared. "Now my crew is falling apart too? What in the Purple Moons of Nimbor is happening here? Bill, Sally, I need answers and going by this Danjar-Addams person, I need them fast."

He growled and faced Tekin.

"I hope like hell your future technology has a miracle to pull out of your hat, otherwise, there won't be anyone to rescue!"

Franklin was clearly angry, but it was also clear that he was mad at the situation and not the away team. The only question every member was asking themselves was, could modern technology do anything to help?

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 21, 2020, 10:37:50 AM

[Bridge - USS Burke]

When the whine of the transporter began, Ensign Douglas drew his phaser, only to have Captain Franklin wave him back. Once Nira completed her report, Franklin sighed and said.

"Do any of you future people have any good news?"

Quote from: T'Lara on April 21, 2020, 12:16:50 PM

[Bridge-USS Burke]

T'Lara accepted her equipment back, noticing that the crewmen were still trying to avoid contact with her as much as possible. They had found the missing Burke, a historical event, and yet she would be written down as the one everyone mistrusted if these people were allowed to write the history books. She was happy they had finally revealed that they were from the future, even though the repercussions could be problematic. When he mentioned her she gave a small head bow, watching as the captain and his crew continued to scrutinize her. She echoed Nevir in recalibrating her tricorder and waited to see what it would reveal. Finding out what happened was no small task, and she wasn't sure "fixing it" was possible. If it was a matter of getting these people back to their own time then they'd have to deal with the rift directly.

She raised an eyebrow. This could be why her and the captain's tricorders were having a hard time calibrating. She thought for a moment. There was a considerable amount of people here that, if they saved them, would probably need to make new lives in a universe 90 years in their future. Was it wise to let them live those lives, or let them die as history already did? Without their ship there really wasn't any reason to send them back to their own was a puzzling decision. She knew what she would do, but she also knew that Starfleet would try their best to save every member of the Federation, no matter what time period they were from. They would try. So that's what she would do too.

T'Lara decided to speak up for the first time, ignoring the consequences of doing so."The good news is that we will do everything we can to help, Captain. You are no longer alone," she stated clamly, trying to combat his pessimism.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 21, 2020, 02:13:08 PM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Burke]

Seeing the security officer beam straight onto the bridge, he half expected the paranoid officers to start shooting.  Luckily, the Captain was certainly in control of his crew.  And his team has the foresight to not come in guns blazing.  Miss Said had a reason at least, a valid reason, and the Captain accepted the PADD looking at the scan data.

He quickly read through the scans, and it was clearly there... a noticeable degrade in the ship's hull.  The structural integrity was dropping.  It was by fractions of a percent right now, but... it looked it was accelerating.  The very molecules were failing... but why?

After T'Lara spoke up, Nevir joined in, handing the PADD over to her as the science officer.  "Not only that, Captain, but you are safe, both with our ship, and with the threat that you know in this region being gone.  There is no Star Empire anymore.  Hasn't been for more than a decade.  And.... I see you guys." he said, finally turning towards the red shirts with the weapons.  "In case you've forgotten, Vulcan was a founding world in the Federation... do you really think they wouldn't join Starfleet?"

The Bajoran pressed a button on his tricorder, and without asking scanned T'Lara and swung the screen to show the genetic profile showing Vulcan, and not Romulan, genetics.  "Okay?  So let's get this together." he said, turning back to the Captain.

"We have a serious problem to handle, and we need to figure out why its happening, but for now, we may be able to use our deflector to emit an ionic inverse field around the Burke, to create a type of bubble. As long as we make sure to match the frequency, we should still be able to compensate the transporters.  I agree with Lt. Said on starting evacuation procedures, just as a precaution.  We can set up triage areas on the Discovery to handle minor injuries, and we have three full sickbays for the more serious injuries.  The rest of us can work on getting this ship functional, and molecularity cohesive.  T'Lara, can focus on finding the cause." he said, crossing his arms.

"I know that look, Captain... the Burke is as much a member of the crew as any living being on her.  I know better than to try to tell you to abandon your ship without even trying to save her." he said, tapping his badge.

=/\= "Captain to Discovery.  Sorry for the delay, we had a minor clash of time.  Is the deflector operational?" =/\=

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on April 21, 2020, 05:26:16 PM

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Burke - Sickbay]

Torra frowned.  By the time the surgery was done, more would be in the same state as the Yeoman, probably even the doctor.  But given there was no sign of radiation Torra wasn't even certain arithrazine was the correct treatment.   This was where her not having a strong grasp of scientific was a hindrance.  But while she wasn't science-strong... others were.

As Dr. Chatham began prepping the Yeoman, Torra stepped aside and tapped her comm badge.

=/\= Danjar-Addams to Captain Tekin.  We have a serious problem, sir.  The crew of this ship...  are undergoing rapid cellular decay.  Unchecked, I don't see them surviving the day.  I need some Science assistance to figure the source.  The symptoms presents like radiation poisoning but without any radiation showing as present.  Could this be caused by the ship having jumped in time? Or is there some manner of radiation that might not show on medical scanners?" =/\=

Quote from: Ian Galloway link=topic=12495.msg243255#msg243255 date=1587504978

[Bridge -i]USS Burke[/i]]

"GODDAMMIT!!" Franklin roared. "Now my crew is falling apart too? What in the Purple Moons of Nimbor is happening here? Bill, Sally, I need answers and going by this Danjar-Addams person, I need them fast."

He growled and faced Tekin.

"I hope like hell your future technology has a miracle to pull out of your hat, otherwise, there won't be anyone to rescue!"

Franklin was clearly angry, but it was also clear that he was mad at the situation and not the away team. The only question every member was asking themselves was, could modern technology do anything to help?

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Burke]

Nira had to breathe a sigh of relief. At least the Captain and his apparent away team, Lieutenant T'Lara among them, were safe. Although the way he scanned T'Lara and showed the Burke's crew the genetic readings, she was sure that they were mistaken for Romulan agents and T'Lara herself being mistaken as a Romulan herself. This close to the border, she wouldn't have been surprised.

Nira admired the way T'Lara spoke just now. She wouldn't be surprised, either, if T'Lara would make for a good first officer.

What Captain Tekin described next made Nira stare in awe. It was a genius way of thinking. It made Nira wonder if he had a background in science before he became a commanding officer.

"A stabilizing bubble from the deflector is an excellent idea," she said. "We'll likely have to tow this ship out of the nebula, depending on the engines, if the tractor beam can get this out. And then there's all the hours we have to get out of the nebula."

As Nira watched, she could see the Burke's captain was quick to anger, though she was sure he was angry at the developments, and who could blame him? But the question the Burke's captain posed about that miracle...modern technology of today is powerful, but even it has its limits. Again, to Nira, she wondered about if the Discovery will make it out of the nebula with an older ship that was gradually falling apart.

One miracle at a time, Nira thought to herself. All the same, first we find this ship is losing molecular cohesion, and then Torra discovers the crew is suffering from cellular decay. What's next, more Borg? Bold-as-balls scavengers? Maybe Tal Shiar ships waiting to jump us?

"You'd be surprised at our modern means of medicines, Captain," Nira said to the Burke's captain. Turning to Captain Tekin, she said, "We're standing by to evacuate all injured and irradiated personnel, Captain."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar



[Bridge - USS Burke]

Franklin pinched the bridge of his nose and looked tired as he replied.

"Thank you for the offer of help at least. This is clearly a situation outside of my experience and help is what I and my crew need. I'll have Lieutenant Pfizer, my science officer get with yours and see if they can figure out what's behind this loss of cohesion."

[Bridge-USS Burke]

Oh good, at least she would have help. T'Lara realized she was mirroring what Franklin was saying in her thoughts and would've given a chuckle. He was grateful for her help and she was grateful for the other science officer's. They needed to come up with this solution fast and though she was confident she could do it on her own, efficiency would be improved with help.

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on April 21, 2020, 05:26:16 PM

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Burke - Sickbay]

Torra frowned.  By the time the surgery was done, more would be in the same state as the Yeoman, probably even the doctor.  But given there was no sign of radiation Torra wasn't even certain arithrazine was the correct treatment.   This was where her not having a strong grasp of scientific was a hindrance.  But while she wasn't science-strong... others were.

As Dr. Chatham began prepping the Yeoman, Torra stepped aside and tapped her comm badge.

=/\= Danjar-Addams to Captain Tekin.  We have a serious problem, sir.  The crew of this ship...  are undergoing rapid cellular decay.  Unchecked, I don't see them surviving the day.  I need some Science assistance to figure the source.  The symptoms presents like radiation poisoning but without any radiation showing as present.  Could this be caused by the ship having jumped in time? Or is there some manner of radiation that might not show on medical scanners?" =/\=

[Bridge-USS Burke]

T'Lara overheard Torra and perked up at the message. This was her area of expertise, and she had her suspicions that the crew would be experiencing adverse effects.

"Excuse me, Captain," she inserted herself into the conversation, hoping that she wasn't overstepping."If the Discovery crewmembers are not exhibiting these symptoms than it is probable the cause is related to the ship jumping in time. If this is the case, it may not be safe to beam the Burke crew to the Discovery."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 21, 2020, 05:36:18 PM

[Bridge - USS Burke]

Captain Franklin blinked and faced Ainsley.

"Forgive me Mister Lennox. I have a bit on my mind. My Chief Engineer, Stacy Ross is on the way. She'll..."

And at that moment, the turbolift swished open and in walked a human male and female.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is Lieutenant Ross and Lieutenant Bill Pfizer. These two will work with your Mister Lennox and Mister T'Lara respectively to see if there is a way to stop this molecular decay."

[Bridge - USS Burke]

"GODDAMMIT!!" Franklin roared. "Now my crew is falling apart too? What in the Purple Moons of Nimbor is happening here? Bill, Sally, I need answers and going by this Danjar-Addams person, I need them fast."

He growled and faced Tekin.

"I hope like hell your future technology has a miracle to pull out of your hat, otherwise, there won't be anyone to rescue!"

Franklin was clearly angry, but it was also clear that he was mad at the situation and not the away team. The only question every member was asking themselves was, could modern technology do anything to help?

T'Lara felt the surge of emotion radiating from Franklin and quickly suppressed her reaction to it, as she'd been doing for most of her life so far. His anger came from fear, she knew that, but it was all useless emotion since he wasn't acting on the adrenaline to try and fix the problem. The Discovery crew would have to do it for him, and the only reason why they were able to was because they had encountered complex problems like these more than Franklin since they lived in the 2390s and he didn't. She nodded at Pfizer as he made to stand by her and hoped he would be easier to work with than what she had experienced so far.
Quote from: Nira Said on April 21, 2020, 08:47:02 PM

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Burke]

Nira had to breathe a sigh of relief. At least the Captain and his apparent away team, Lieutenant T'Lara among them, were safe. Although the way he scanned T'Lara and showed the Burke's crew the genetic readings, she was sure that they were mistaken for Romulan agents and T'Lara herself being mistaken as a Romulan herself. This close to the border, she wouldn't have been surprised.

Nira admired the way T'Lara spoke just now. She wouldn't be surprised, either, if T'Lara would make for a good first officer.

What Captain Tekin described next made Nira stare in awe. It was a genius way of thinking. It made Nira wonder if he had a background in science before he became a commanding officer.

"A stabilizing bubble from the deflector is an excellent idea," she said. "We'll likely have to tow this ship out of the nebula, depending on the engines, if the tractor beam can get this out. And then there's all the hours we have to get out of the nebula."

As Nira watched, she could see the Burke's captain was quick to anger, though she was sure he was angry at the developments, and who could blame him? But the question the Burke's captain posed about that miracle...modern technology of today is powerful, but even it has its limits. Again, to Nira, she wondered about if the Discovery will make it out of the nebula with an older ship that was gradually falling apart.

One miracle at a time, Nira thought to herself. All the same, first we find this ship is losing molecular cohesion, and then Torra discovers the crew is suffering from cellular decay. What's next, more Borg? Bold-as-balls scavengers? Maybe Tal Shiar ships waiting to jump us?

"You'd be surprised at our modern means of medicines, Captain," Nira said to the Burke's captain. Turning to Captain Tekin, she said, "We're standing by to evacuate all injured and irradiated personnel, Captain."

When she heard Said report that they were standing by to put the injured on the Discovery she waited with almost baited breath, wondering how Nevir felt about her theory.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Evandav Bervarn

[Discovery, Sickbay]

Evandav lay on a bed in Sickbay, at first unconscious, but he eventually started to regain consciousness. His sight was at first, extremely hazy, and he couldn't resist groaning at the pain. All his joints felt seized up and when he tried to move, his limbs failed him. He couldn't remember what had happened before, his head being hit... Sometime, somewhere. After trying to move his head around a little, he realised quickly that he was in Sickbay, somewhere. Sighing, he thought to himself
"Well, this has gone well."

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on April 21, 2020, 05:26:16 PM

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Burke - Sickbay]

Torra frowned.  By the time the surgery was done, more would be in the same state as the Yeoman, probably even the doctor.  But given there was no sign of radiation Torra wasn't even certain arithrazine was the correct treatment.   This was where her not having a strong grasp of scientific was a hindrance.  But while she wasn't science-strong... others were.

As Dr. Chatham began prepping the Yeoman, Torra stepped aside and tapped her comm badge.

=/\= Danjar-Addams to Captain Tekin.  We have a serious problem, sir.  The crew of this ship...  are undergoing rapid cellular decay.  Unchecked, I don't see them surviving the day.  I need some Science assistance to figure the source.  The symptoms presents like radiation poisoning but without any radiation showing as present.  Could this be caused by the ship having jumped in time? Or is there some manner of radiation that might not show on medical scanners?" =/\=

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 21, 2020, 05:36:18 PM

[Bridge - USS Burke]

Captain Franklin blinked and faced Ainsley.

"Forgive me Mister Lennox. I have a bit on my mind. My Chief Engineer, Stacy Ross is on the way. She'll..."

And at that moment, the turbolift swished open and in walked a human male and female.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is Lieutenant Ross and Lieutenant Bill Pfizer. These two will work with your Mister Lennox and Mister T'Lara respectively to see if there is a way to stop this molecular decay."

[Bridge - USS Burke]

"GODDAMMIT!!" Franklin roared. "Now my crew is falling apart too? What in the Purple Moons of Nimbor is happening here? Bill, Sally, I need answers and going by this Danjar-Addams person, I need them fast."

He growled and faced Tekin.

"I hope like hell your future technology has a miracle to pull out of your hat, otherwise, there won't be anyone to rescue!"

Franklin was clearly angry, but it was also clear that he was mad at the situation and not the away team. The only question every member was asking themselves was, could modern technology do anything to help?

Quote from: Nira Said on April 21, 2020, 08:47:02 PM

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Burke]

Nira had to breathe a sigh of relief. At least the Captain and his apparent away team, Lieutenant T'Lara among them, were safe. Although the way he scanned T'Lara and showed the Burke's crew the genetic readings, she was sure that they were mistaken for Romulan agents and T'Lara herself being mistaken as a Romulan herself. This close to the border, she wouldn't have been surprised.

Nira admired the way T'Lara spoke just now. She wouldn't be surprised, either, if T'Lara would make for a good first officer.

What Captain Tekin described next made Nira stare in awe. It was a genius way of thinking. It made Nira wonder if he had a background in science before he became a commanding officer.

"A stabilizing bubble from the deflector is an excellent idea," she said. "We'll likely have to tow this ship out of the nebula, depending on the engines, if the tractor beam can get this out. And then there's all the hours we have to get out of the nebula."

As Nira watched, she could see the Burke's captain was quick to anger, though she was sure he was angry at the developments, and who could blame him? But the question the Burke's captain posed about that miracle...modern technology of today is powerful, but even it has its limits. Again, to Nira, she wondered about if the Discovery will make it out of the nebula with an older ship that was gradually falling apart.

One miracle at a time, Nira thought to herself. All the same, first we find this ship is losing molecular cohesion, and then Torra discovers the crew is suffering from cellular decay. What's next, more Borg? Bold-as-balls scavengers? Maybe Tal Shiar ships waiting to jump us?

"You'd be surprised at our modern means of medicines, Captain," Nira said to the Burke's captain. Turning to Captain Tekin, she said, "We're standing by to evacuate all injured and irradiated personnel, Captain."

Quote from: T'Lara on April 21, 2020, 09:10:19 PM

[Bridge-USS Burke]

Oh good, at least she would have help. T'Lara realized she was mirroring what Franklin was saying in her thoughts and would've given a chuckle. He was grateful for her help and she was grateful for the other science officer's. They needed to come up with this solution fast and though she was confident she could do it on her own, efficiency would be improved with help.

[Bridge-USS Burke]

T'Lara overheard Torra and perked up at the message. This was her area of expertise, and she had her suspicions that the crew would be experiencing adverse effects.

"Excuse me, Captain," she inserted herself into the conversation, hoping that she wasn't overstepping."If the Discovery crewmembers are not exhibiting these symptoms than it is probable the cause is related to the ship jumping in time. If this is the case, it may not be safe to beam the Burke crew to the Discovery."

T'Lara felt the surge of emotion radiating from Franklin and quickly suppressed her reaction to it, as she'd been doing for most of her life so far. His anger came from fear, she knew that, but it was all useless emotion since he wasn't acting on the adrenaline to try and fix the problem. The Discovery crew would have to do it for him, and the only reason why they were able to was because they had encountered complex problems like these more than Franklin since they lived in the 2390s and he didn't. She nodded at Pfizer as he made to stand by her and hoped he would be easier to work with than what she had experienced so far.

When she heard Said report that they were standing by to put the injured on the Discovery she waited with almost baited breath, wondering how Nevir felt about her theory.

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

The Discovery's Captain remained silent, absorbing the information as a science officer could.  Now there was even more pressure.. they weren't just worried about the ship falling apart, now it was the crew too.  He could feel the frustration from the Captain, and there was also a fear that would soon set into the crew if they didn't act.  He wasn't about to leave the Burke's reappearance to be nothing more than a footnote in its history.

=/\="Discovery, I need you to reconfigure the deflector to emit an inverse ionic beam from the dish.  You need to bombard the ship and create a sort of bubble around it, but to do so, you need to match the decay frequency to do so.  Make you the frequency you use is sent to the transporters so we can use beam through them.  Ian, I need Alpha Core brought online as soon as possible, and I want Alpha sickbay set up as a triage center.  You will set up shielding around that room with the same ionic pulse.  I also need Doctor Thane to work on an innoculation to buy us time to solve this issue.  I'm not about to lose the Burke." =/\=

He looked straight at the Captain.  "You'd be surprised to know how often time anomalies have occurred in our history, but while we know very little about how and why, we haven't had a ship break down because it was lost through time.  There is something special about your journey that he haven't checked yet... but first, our priority has to be the warp core and shields... the ionic bubble won't seal without the shield network." he said, looking to his other officers.

"Ainsley, work with Ross and restore power to the Burke.  T'Lara has a valid concern about the safety of your crew, but I also understand with the shape your ship is in, your own medbay will be overwhelmed soon.  I'll have the same kind of ionic field set up on my ship, and after we can come up with an inoculation for your crew, we can beam over the most serious injuries to free up space and your staff.  I also recommend evacuating all of the outer two sections of the ships, bring the crew in closer to the center, and then we shut off not essential power to those sections.  We conserve resources, and if we can't stop the decay in time, it will still buy us some more time."  I have Lieutenant Said who can work with your security staff to clear out the sections of the ship." he said, asking the Captain.  Sure... he could order his crew.. but it was not his ship.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 22, 2020, 09:42:23 AM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

The Discovery's Captain remained silent, absorbing the information as a science officer could.  Now there was even more pressure.. they weren't just worried about the ship falling apart, now it was the crew too.  He could feel the frustration from the Captain, and there was also a fear that would soon set into the crew if they didn't act.  He wasn't about to leave the Burke's reappearance to be nothing more than a footnote in its history.

=/\="Discovery, I need you to reconfigure the deflector to emit an inverse ionic beam from the dish.  You need to bombard the ship and create a sort of bubble around it, but to do so, you need to match the decay frequency to do so.  Make you the frequency you use is sent to the transporters so we can use beam through them.  Ian, I need Alpha Core brought online as soon as possible, and I want Alpha sickbay set up as a triage center.  You will set up shielding around that room with the same ionic pulse.  I also need Doctor Thane to work on an innoculation to buy us time to solve this issue.  I'm not about to lose the Burke." =/\=

He looked straight at the Captain.  "You'd be surprised to know how often time anomalies have occurred in our history, but while we know very little about how and why, we haven't had a ship break down because it was lost through time.  There is something special about your journey that he haven't checked yet... but first, our priority has to be the warp core and shields... the ionic bubble won't seal without the shield network." he said, looking to his other officers.

"Ainsley, work with Ross and restore power to the Burke.  T'Lara has a valid concern about the safety of your crew, but I also understand with the shape your ship is in, your own medbay will be overwhelmed soon.  I'll have the same kind of ionic field set up on my ship, and after we can come up with an inoculation for your crew, we can beam over the most serious injuries to free up space and your staff.  I also recommend evacuating all of the outer two sections of the ships, bring the crew in closer to the center, and then we shut off not essential power to those sections.  We conserve resources, and if we can't stop the decay in time, it will still buy us some more time."  I have Lieutenant Said who can work with your security staff to clear out the sections of the ship." he said, asking the Captain.  Sure... he could order his crew.. but it was not his ship.

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

As the captain spoke, Ian thought. "Bloody hell, it's reverted ta bein' a boffin. No idea what he's yammerin' about, but I'm sure Cadbury kens what he's on about."

Out loud his reply was much more measured.

"Aye Sir, I'll get Cadbury on it immediately. Quinn has Alpha core already powered as I figured we'd be needin' the extra power ta extend our shields around the Burke for the trip out of the nebula.

"Our status over here is good. All major systems nominal. Unfortunately, we did lose the nine in the collision, but no further casualties and only six still in the sickbay.

"Oh, and that interspatial rift that brought the Burke here has collapsed. It only stayed open two minutes before suckin' in the wreckage of the Borg Cube and disappearin'."

[Bridge - USS Burke]

Franklin stood and paced for a moment before facing his crew and the away team, having clearly come to a decision.

"As much as I'd love to stand here and winge about what we don't have, there isn't time for that, so we are going to have to concentrate on what we do have. What we do have is a lifeline in the form of a ship far more advanced than ours.

"This ionic bubble looks like it will give us some time and that's time I intend to make the most out of. Douglas, as head of security, work with Lieutenant Said here and start beaming over everyone not deemed essential, but start with those in sickbay first as they need the most help soonest.

"Stacy, what is the bare bones minimum you need for engineering?"

"Ten sir." The engineer replied without hesitation.

"And how many will you need Pfizer?"

"I'd prefer to have all of them, but I can make do with six."

"Six will have to do. Okay people, tempus fugit. You know your tasks. Make it happen."

There were a chorus of "Aye Sirs" as the crew of the Burke set out to their assigned tasks with Ross leading Ainsley to engineering and Pfizer taking T'Lara to the science lab. Douglas' expression was still skeptical, but he nodded to Nira and the second away team headed out to assist with the evacuation, while the two medics were escorted to sickbay.

As those with jobs to perform departed to do those tasks, that left Franklin and Tekin on the bridge. Along with three other officers.

"Where are my manners? Captain Tekin, this is Ensign Kiet Atcharaporn, communications and Lieutenant jg Carol Lynn DuPries, helm. As it's just the four of us at the moment. I suppose its time for you to tell me about this time. You said the Romulan sun went nova, what else have we missed?"

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