Season 13 - Mission 12: One Mind

Started by Ian Galloway, March 23, 2020, 10:49:37 AM

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Danjar-Torra Addams

NPC Lt jg T'Charr
[USS Discovery - Deck 10 - Sickbay]

The coughing fit drew her attention, and the Caitian doctor looked away from her medical scanner to assess at a distance whether she needed to intervene, but it seemed the coughing fit passed and Mr. Addams was once more conscious as well.

Unlike the other, whose injuries had been treated while unconscious, Don's injuries had yet to be treated.  Which was evidenced by his headache and confusion.

"Lie still Mr. Addams.  Your injuries have yet to be seen to -  I'll be with you in just a moment." she ordered the pilot, her whiskers twitching in smile at hearing him berate the Crewman in her defense.

M'rrow turned back to Evandav and looked up at the medical scanner and compared its results to that of the biobed display at the head of the bed.  "Doesn't seem like it was caused by undetected brain damage.  And seeing as you've already been reprimanded by Mr. Addams that should take care of the insult."

She intended to say more but Dr. Thane's voice sounded over the medical comm system informing Sickbay personnel to prepare for a large number of injured and evacuees from another vessel.   Her ears flattened once more.  She turned to Evandav. "You are discharged from Sickbay, however I encourage you to rest in your quarters.  Not that I expect you to listen.. no one ever listens when they feel." She said as she placed her thumb print to the discharge 'papers'.

Then she turned back to Don, hoping to get him treated before the expected rush of patients began arriving.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret



Slightly calmer now that no one was yelling, Torra listened to the voices on the other end of the comm, waiting for the Captain to provide her direction.  However instead of that, the comm suddenly muted.  It took a moment Torra to realize the Captain must be contacting someone regarding the issue.  He would contact her back soon, she was sure.  In the meantime, Torra checked in on Dr. Chatham's  prep on the poor Yeoman.

There was little she could do there... the doctor was partially correct the woman was in need of immediate surgery.  Torra just felt that without dealing with the underlying problem first it would be no to avail.

Seeing that there were still others arriving, with similar though less severe symptoms, Torra knew she needed to come up with a solution.  If this were Discovey, she would check the medical rats to see if they had the same cellular degradation and test on them for a cure.  She wondered if the Burke had any test animals.

Leaving Horg to continue treating the crew as directed by Dr. Chatham, Torra moved to a communication panel and activated it.  "Sickbay to Science labs... Do you have any labs with testing rodents?"

[Science Lab - USS Burke]

T'Lara thought for a minute when she heard the comm. They must be trying to come up with a cure, or at least something to stop the symptoms that the Burke crew was exhibiting. She almost wished she could be down there experimenting, but she belonged here working to come up with answers. You needed the cause in order to get a permanent solution.


[Science Lab - USS Burke]

Pfizer shook his head in frustration as he replied.

"Time travel was only a theory when I went through the Academy. It wasn't even part of the curriculum. Aside from that 'Slingshot Maneuver' Kirk used 20 years ago, well, 110 years ago now, there simply isn't anything but the wildest of theories. Is time travel common for your time?"


Before T'Lara could reply, her commbadge chirped with the call from Torra and she eyed Pfizer for an answer.

"Sorry, no lab animals aboard. This ship is a weapons platform, not a science vessel. I only have eighteen people and four of them are in sickbay. What I wouldn't give to be on a ship with real science capabilities."

Hearing the answer to her question from Pfizer, she wasn't surprised. She merely wanted to get the teams minds' focused on the fact that they were dealing with time travel and would have to think "outside the box" as it were, since they were working with something they didn't have experience with personally and something that their history had rarely encountered.

Torra was still not having luck finding her test animals and T'Lara looked regretfully at Pfizer, hoping to share her empathy for being on a ship with few science resources, as she had been before in her years in Starfleet.


The science officer's answer was disappointing but Torra wasn't about to give up.  Not quite yet.

=/\= "What of any pets among the crew?  Tribbles? Or any live animals at all?" =/\=  Many ships currently had 'feed' animals for Caitians or Voth crewmembers.  Maybe it was something that was carried forward from this era..?

If she couldn't find a test animal... could she justify to the Captain.. or rather Captains plural..  testing different drugs on the afflicted crew in the hopes that it would make some difference?

She needed to understand the biology of why the cellular decay was happening if she were to have any hopes of combating it.   Time-travel itself doesn't cause cellular decay... the Discovery had been stuck in a time-loop for months with little issues only Saya infant had been affect by the chroniton radiation...

Torra sucked in a breath... did medical scanners check for chroniton radiation as a standard or did she have to set it to look for such?  She checked her scanner but was disappointed again  to see it did check for chronitons.  So that wasn't it.  Torra wracked her brain trying to figure out the source of the problem while she waited for the science officer and the Captain to get back to her.


[Science Lab - USS Burke]

Pfizer looked at T'lara as if to say 'is your friend always this stupid?' before replying.

"PETS? I don't know what you do in your time, but in my time, a starship is not a damn barn. We don't have any pets on board. How about you clear this channel and get on that evacuation of yours!"

Pfizer gave T'Lara another hard look before continuing.

"We don't have time for barnyard games Lieutenant, we've got to get to the heart of this cellular and molecular degeneration and we have to do it fast. Since you are at least more familiar with time travel than I am, how about you tell me about the process and what could be different between your space-time and mine."

T'Lara would've glared back but she was used to the angry nature of this crew by now and knew that responding calmly didn't stop them from acting emotional, but it kept everyone moving forward. Instead she took a breath and looked Pfizer in the eye.

"The process of time travel has several different forms, most familiar to you would be the wormhole and the slingshot effect. Given that we have limited time I cannot explain them all to you, and this situation could be completely unique. For that reason, I cannot come up with a solution until I find out exactly what happened to this ship when it came out of the rift." She paused a moment to think about what Pfizer had said and compared it to her fears about the crew being beamed onto the Discovery. Keeping with her suspicions, she was fairly certain being in a time that wasn't theirs' was what was affecting the crew, which was why she assumed they had limited options. Now she just needed to test her theories so she could have evidence.

"From what I've been witnessing, I believe that being out of your own time is having a negative effect on both your ship and crew. As such, beaming outside of your ship could exacerbate the problem which is why I had misgivings. But I could be wrong, which is why Captain Tekin is proceeding with caution concerning your injured." Belatedly she remembered that she had been given her tricorder back and she decided to see exactly what was going on. She knew the discrepancy would be subtle otherwise Torra would've detected it in her observations. Instead of re-calibrating she kept the readings as they were, which further supported her theory. What she saw was confusing, but illuminating. Now she was beginning to have a better understanding.

"Lieutenant Pfizer, could I see your tricorder?" she asked.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: T'Lara on April 25, 2020, 11:29:50 AM

[Science Lab - USS Burke]

T'Lara thought for a minute when she heard the comm. They must be trying to come up with a cure, or at least something to stop the symptoms that the Burke crew was exhibiting. She almost wished she could be down there experimenting, but she belonged here working to come up with answers. You needed the cause in order to get a permanent solution.

Hearing the answer to her question from Pfizer, she wasn't surprised. She merely wanted to get the teams minds' focused on the fact that they were dealing with time travel and would have to think "outside the box" as it were, since they were working with something they didn't have experience with personally and something that their history had rarely encountered.

Torra was still not having luck finding her test animals and T'Lara looked regretfully at Pfizer, hoping to share her empathy for being on a ship with few science resources, as she had been before in her years in Starfleet.

T'Lara would've glared back but she was used to the angry nature of this crew by now and knew that responding calmly didn't stop them from acting emotional, but it kept everyone moving forward. Instead she took a breath and looked Pfizer in the eye.

"The process of time travel has several different forms, most familiar to you would be the wormhole and the slingshot effect. Given that we have limited time I cannot explain them all to you, and this situation could be completely unique. For that reason, I cannot come up with a solution until I find out exactly what happened to this ship when it came out of the rift." She paused a moment to think about what Pfizer had said and compared it to her fears about the crew being beamed onto the Discovery. Keeping with her suspicions, she was fairly certain being in a time that wasn't theirs' was what was affecting the crew, which was why she assumed they had limited options. Now she just needed to test her theories so she could have evidence.

"From what I've been witnessing, I believe that being out of your own time is having a negative effect on both your ship and crew. As such, beaming outside of your ship could exacerbate the problem which is why I had misgivings. But I could be wrong, which is why Captain Tekin is proceeding with caution concerning your injured." Belatedly she remembered that she had been given her tricorder back and she decided to see exactly what was going on. She knew the discrepancy would be subtle otherwise Torra would've detected it in her observations. Instead of re-calibrating she kept the readings as they were, which further supported her theory. What she saw was confusing, but illuminating. Now she was beginning to have a better understanding.

"Lieutenant Pfizer, could I see your tricorder?" she asked.

[Science Lab - USS Burke]

Pfizer,blinked at the unexpected request, but handed over his tricorder, an ancient model compared to the one T'Lara was used to using, without thought as he began to pace.

"'Out of your own time', Indeed Lieutenant. Question is, what is different about your time and my time? On a galactic scale, 90 years is the merest blink of time, there shouldn't be anything so different to make our being here be so detrimental. I hate to dismiss our place in history, but the disappearance of the Burke doesn't seem to have disrupted the time line, so why don't we fit here?"

He rubbed both of his eyes with the palms of his hand and growled in frustration.

"Dammit all, what am I not seeing!"


Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 25, 2020, 12:11:07 PM

[Science Lab - USS Burke]

Pfizer,blinked at the unexpected request, but handed over his tricorder, an ancient model compared to the one T'Lara was used to using, without thought as he began to pace.

"'Out of your own time', Indeed Lieutenant. Question is, what is different about your time and my time? On a galactic scale, 90 years is the merest blink of time, there shouldn't be anything so different to make our being here be so detrimental. I hate to dismiss our place in history, but the disappearance of the Burke doesn't seem to have disrupted the time line, so why don't we fit here?"

He rubbed both of his eyes with the palms of his hand and growled in frustration.

"Dammit all, what am I not seeing!"

[Science lab - USS Burke]

Taking his tricorder and fiddling with it, she raised her eyebrow when she realized that it was too old to recognize the reading she was looking for. However, she was able to see that the standard sweep readings on his tricorder matched the ones on her tricorder. This was strange...her readings had gone back to the old settings, before she re-calibrated them when she'd first stepped onto the ship. If she re-calibrated again then her readings and the other tricorder readings wouldn't be the same. It would be similar, but there would be subtle differences...she thought on this before responding to Pfizer.

"From what I'm seeing here, you aren't 'fitting in' to the timeline because technically, this time is not recognizing you." She tried to explain what was happening as simply as she could, but this was proving difficult. To illustrate her point she re-calibrated her tricorder and scanned herself, then scanned Pfizer. Scrolling past their different Vulcan/Human biological makeup she honed in on their frequency signatures, and pointed at the differences.

"When I first beamed onto the ship, Captain Tekin and I had trouble calibrating our tricorders and I believe this is because they were detecting that our frequency signatures do not match. I do not have any concrete answers about why this is the case. It is possible that for the 90 years you were in the rift your signature gradually went out of sequence with this time. Or perhaps the nature of your departure from the rift has something to do with it. In any case, this is not necessarily a matter of you being here disrupting this timeline. It is about what the effects of the rift are doing to this timeline and what this timeline is doing to your ship and crew as well."

She waited for him to digest this information and took in the dazed expressions of the other science crewmen who were just as confused.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on April 25, 2020, 03:41:24 AM

NPC Lt jg T'Charr
[USS Discovery - Deck 10 - Sickbay]

The coughing fit drew her attention, and the Caitian doctor looked away from her medical scanner to assess at a distance whether she needed to intervene, but it seemed the coughing fit passed and Mr. Addams was once more conscious as well.

Unlike the other, whose injuries had been treated while unconscious, Don's injuries had yet to be treated.  Which was evidenced by his headache and confusion.

"Lie still Mr. Addams.  Your injuries have yet to be seen to -  I'll be with you in just a moment." she ordered the pilot, her whiskers twitching in smile at hearing him berate the Crewman in her defense.

M'rrow turned back to Evandav and looked up at the medical scanner and compared its results to that of the biobed display at the head of the bed.  "Doesn't seem like it was caused by undetected brain damage.  And seeing as you've already been reprimanded by Mr. Addams that should take care of the insult."

She intended to say more but Dr. Thane's voice sounded over the medical comm system informing Sickbay personnel to prepare for a large number of injured and evacuees from another vessel.   Her ears flattened once more.  She turned to Evandav. "You are discharged from Sickbay, however I encourage you to rest in your quarters.  Not that I expect you to listen.. no one ever listens when they feel." She said as she placed her thumb print to the discharge 'papers'.

Then she turned back to Don, hoping to get him treated before the expected rush of patients began arriving.

[Sickbay - USS Discovery]

ON hearing Dr T'Charr speaking to her patient, Dr Jessica Fellows moved to stand beside Addams' biobed.

"You look decidedly better than you did on the bridge Lieutenant. I hope you know that we do not offer a frequent flyer program here, so all your visits will not pay off in the long run. I am glad to see that your neural pathways are intact and based on the announcement we just got from Dr Thane, I'm going to clear you for duty as we need the bed for the survivors of the Burke.

"Now, off you go to the bridge and due try not to run into anything else this trip, either with the ship or with that thick skull of yours."

Fellows said with a deep frown, that she could not hold as she laughed and helped Don to his feet.

Quote from: T'Lara on April 25, 2020, 02:00:29 PM

[Science lab - USS Burke]

Taking his tricorder and fiddling with it, she raised her eyebrow when she realized that it was too old to recognize the reading she was looking for. However, she was able to see that the standard sweep readings on his tricorder matched the ones on her tricorder. This was strange...her readings had gone back to the old settings, before she re-calibrated them when she'd first stepped onto the ship. If she re-calibrated again then her readings and the other tricorder readings wouldn't be the same. It would be similar, but there would be subtle differences...she thought on this before responding to Pfizer.

"From what I'm seeing here, you aren't 'fitting in' to the timeline because technically, this time is not recognizing you." She tried to explain what was happening as simply as she could, but this was proving difficult. To illustrate her point she re-calibrated her tricorder and scanned herself, then scanned Pfizer. Scrolling past their different Vulcan/Human biological makeup she honed in on their frequency signatures, and pointed at the differences.

"When I first beamed onto the ship, Captain Tekin and I had trouble calibrating our tricorders and I believe this is because they were detecting that our frequency signatures do not match. I do not have any concrete answers about why this is the case. It is possible that for the 90 years you were in the rift your signature gradually went out of sequence with this time. Or perhaps the nature of your departure from the rift has something to do with it. In any case, this is not necessarily a matter of you being here disrupting this timeline. It is about what the effects of the rift are doing to this timeline and what this timeline is doing to your ship and crew as well."

She waited for him to digest this information and took in the dazed expressions of the other science crewmen who were just as confused.

[Science Lab - USS Burke]

Pfizer's pacing came to an abrupt halt as he looked at the data on T'Lara's tricorder, causing him to frown as he worked through the information he was seeing.

"So, you are saying, because of the way we transitioned from our time to your time, our frequency signature is no longer in sync with the universe. My God, for that to impact living cell and non-living molecular cohesion, it would have to occur at the quantum level!"

It was as if Pfizer's legs went out from under him and he flopped into his seat, shaking his head, his expression one of despair.

"Then that's it then. There's no way to reverse something like that." When he looked up at T'Lara, his face was a study in anguish. "We've been found after being missing for 90 odd years, only to die from massive cellular decay."

He stood and began to walk leadenly for the exit of the science lab.

"I've got to tell the captain." He voice husky with barely restrained emotion.

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 24, 2020, 12:04:55 PM

[Bridge - USS Burke]

When Tekin mentioned the Klingons as allies Franklin laughed until he realized it wasn't a joke.

"You're serious! The Klingons are our allies now? What the hell kind of universe is this one of yours? So the Star Empire collapsed after their home world went nova and the Klingons are our friends, so do we have any enemies now?"

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Burke]

Nevir chuckled.  "Its been... up and down.  Klingons have a way of doing things.  But overall, as long as you understand how to deal with them, you can handle it.  The same can't be said about other species." he said, reaching down, and connecting a chip, causing the sound of a connection hum that affected the illumination of the light to slightly brighter.

"There.. that should help divert power to the shield network.  It seems everytime we make peace, there is a new enemy on the horizon.  The Cardassians of the Beta Quadrant were at war with the Federation for a time, and occupied my word for over 50 years.  There is a scary cybernetic race from the Delta Quadrant known as the Borg... they are still one of the worst groups we have faced.  For the most part the Delta Quadrant is unexplored, but we did find a stable wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant, and there we found another enemy for a while.  The Dominion.  That was a threat large enough to unite almost the entire Quadrant... Federation, Cardassian, Klingons, even Romulans."

=/\="Tekin to Ainsley, hows that power restoration?  We need shields up now." =/\=

Don Damien Addams


[Sickbay - USS Discovery]

ON hearing Dr T'Charr speaking to her patient, Dr Jessica Fellows moved to stand beside Addams' biobed.

"You look decidedly better than you did on the bridge Lieutenant. I hope you know that we do not offer a frequent flyer program here, so all your visits will not pay off in the long run. I am glad to see that your neural pathways are intact and based on the announcement we just got from Dr Thane, I'm going to clear you for duty as we need the bed for the survivors of the Burke.

"Now, off you go to the bridge and due try not to run into anything else this trip, either with the ship or with that thick skull of yours."

Fellows said with a deep frown, that she could not hold as she laughed and helped Don to his feet.

[USS Discovery - sickbay]

Don snorted as he sat up to hop off the bed. "I was hoping to live here. You know I come here often enough. Put my bed in that corner and no worry about me returning," he joked. "I try keep big ships hitting us."

The man was shook his head. Rare for him to be in sick bay from on duty injury. That was not his fault for that U of a ship hit them. That sort of thing does not happen every day. If so he would quit this clown suit they call Starfleet.

[USS Discovery - bridge]

Don marched to the helm chair and release the lucky individual back to their other duty. He told them good job. Then Don sat down and check things where fine. So far he saw God that was a awesome site and a sad site. He pulled his jaw back up.

"Wow," he said. "I guess it was worth getting smacked off my bridge like that."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 25, 2020, 05:24:28 PM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Burke]

Nevir chuckled.  "Its been... up and down.  Klingons have a way of doing things.  But overall, as long as you understand how to deal with them, you can handle it.  The same can't be said about other species." he said, reaching down, and connecting a chip, causing the sound of a connection hum that affected the illumination of the light to slightly brighter.

"There.. that should help divert power to the shield network.  It seems everytime we make peace, there is a new enemy on the horizon.  The Cardassians of the Beta Quadrant were at war with the Federation for a time, and occupied my word for over 50 years.  There is a scary cybernetic race from the Delta Quadrant known as the Borg... they are still one of the worst groups we have faced.  For the most part the Delta Quadrant is unexplored, but we did find a stable wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant, and there we found another enemy for a while.  The Dominion.  That was a threat large enough to unite almost the entire Quadrant... Federation, Cardassian, Klingons, even Romulans."

=/\="Tekin to Ainsley, hows that power restoration?  We need shields up now." =/\=

[Bridge - USS Burke]

Franklin listened carefully to Tekin and could only shake his head at what he was hearing. Finally throwing his hands up in mock surrender as he replied.

"You've explored the Delta and Gamma quadrants? The charts of those areas might as well have said 'here there be dragons' in our era. We knew nothing about them, we didn't know about the Cardassians and they're in the Alpha quadrant.

"I can't imagine the threat this Dominion must have posed to get the entire Alpha quadrant to get along long enough to fight them off. And here I thought a Klingon battlecruiser was a threat."

Before Franklin could continue, Pfizer stepped out of the turbolift and the captain knew instantly it was bad news just from the expression on the lieutenant's face.

"If it's that bad, go ahead and say it Bill."

Pfizer's eyes met Franklin and the younger man choked out.

"Sir, our transition through time has, for lack of a better term, thrown us out of sync with this space time continuum. Our quantum frequency signature no longer matches that of the universe and it's what's behind the cellular and molecular decay. I estimate we have less than three hours to live."

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on April 25, 2020, 11:35:55 PM

[USS Discovery - sickbay]

Don snorted as he sat up to hop off the bed. "I was hoping to live here. You know I come here often enough. Put my bed in that corner and no worry about me returning," he joked. "I try keep big ships hitting us."

The man was shook his head. Rare for him to be in sick bay from on duty injury. That was not his fault for that U of a ship hit them. That sort of thing does not happen every day. If so he would quit this clown suit they call Starfleet.

[Sickbay - USS Discovery]

Jess laughed at Don as she moved behind him to give him a friendly nudge toward the exit.

"I'm fairly certain that even with that thick skull of yours that you know Doctor Thane will never allow that. Besides, I know your wife would never approve, so you go do what helmsmen do. We've got casualties coming in."

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on April 25, 2020, 11:35:55 PM

[USS Discovery - bridge]

Don marched to the helm chair and release the lucky individual back to their other duty. He told them good job. Then Don sat down and check things where fine. So far he saw God that was a awesome site and a sad site. He pulled his jaw back up.

"Wow," he said. "I guess it was worth getting smacked off my bridge like that."

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Ian looked up as the turbolift opened and smiled despite being bone weary from the fight on the Borg Cube, which now seemed to be forever ago, as Don entered.

"Good ta have you back Mister Addams. We are currently still at station keepin' with a subspace field around the Burke which seems ta have more goin' on than just collision damage. I suspect as soon as they can get a handle on that, we'll tractor them out of this bloody nebula and get back ta our business."

Charles Stratton

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on April 20, 2020, 10:19:02 PM


NPC Lt jg T'Charr
[USS Discovery - Deck 10 - Sickbay]

M'rrow listened to the ops crewman make excuses and fixed him with an unblinking stares waiting on his reply.

Finally he answered.  Her ears perked.   "Wonderful. One moment." She turned to the medical console tapped out the sickbay discharges notice.

"There you go. You may return to your duties."

[ USS Discovery - Deck 10 Sickbay ]

Stratton inwardly gave a sigh of relief, the Doctor hadn't taken offence. This was his third assignment in less than 3 months of active duty. He certainly did not want to screw up here. Not that he had been put on report or even reprimanded on his other duty assignments. He had been told, 'sometimes it just happens that way, don't take it to heart'. But deep down he was taking it to heart.

[ USS Discovery - Deck 10 Operations Console ]

He gave the Doctor a curt nod before hastily, though not running, from Sickbay. As soon as he was outside of sickbay he headed for the closest Operations console he could find. Stratton fully intended on going back to his duty stations, but he wanted to know what he was going back to. The sooner he knew the current ship situation, the faster he could start formulating his priorities.

He found a console and quickly tapped in to see the general status of the ship, and more importantly, their status with the Borg. He checked the chronometer. He had been unconscious longer than he had realized. Several hours had gone by. The Borg were no longer the issue. There had been a spacial rift it had been pulled through. Stratton relaxed somewhat. The ship, however, was still at red alert, and there were other issues at play he wasn't privy to. But there was ship damage that needed to be repaired. His priority was set. Get back to his duty station, help with repairs.

Nira Said


[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Transporter Room One | Deck Six | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

On her way to the transporter room, Nira had been thinking where the evacuees had to go. The sickbays were going to be crowded, and where would they go after their clean bills of health? Space was going to be a little limiting, given the force fields were still up and around a certain extent of the ship to protect against the radiation.

Shouldn't be a problem, thought Nira to herself. There's plenty of empty spaces.

Once at the transporter room, Nira tapped her comm badge.

=/\="Lieutenant Said to Bridge. Commander Galloway, will it be possible for you to relay to anybody members of the crew back aboard the Burke to relay to the Burke's head of security that the Discovery's security personnel are ready to receive evacuees at our end? Now that we know the Captain is all right, we've been sent back to receive evacuees at our end. They'll be standing by at their end." =/\=

Chain of command notwithstanding, Nira still hasn't heard back from Commander Felder, nor does he likely know what's going on. Commander Galloway was bound to understand better.

Turning to Petty Officer Strider, Nira said, "Mister Strider, your job is to guide the evacuees to Sickbay. Hopefully, there will be other security officers setting up checkpoints to get our guests there. Once they receive clean bills of health, they are to be guided to any available spaces in our safe zones."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Danjar-Torra Addams

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Burke - Transporter room]

With the couple batches of personnel beamed over to the Discovery, Torra and Horg arrived in the transporter room to assist with arranging the patients on the transporter pad.

While she waited with her patient, Torra couldn't help marvel at the ancient console design.

She'd learned about transporter controls 'on the job' when she got transferred over to Operations a year ago.  But this older style were completely foreign to her.  Torra watched as the transporter chief worked the controls.  She noticed that this terminal didn't have the usual controls for adjusting the quantum variance.   She supposed those features were added after the many numerous transporter anomalies that cropped up over the past century.

This thought tweaked another... that maybe the cellular decay she was seeing in the crew of the Discovery might be actually even deeper .. a problem at the quantum level.  Should she mention this possibility?

Torra gnawed on her lip a moment then tapped her comm badge.  She'd call T'Lara not the Burke Science officer.

=/\= "Danjar-Addams to Lt T'Lara.   Ma'am, I'm sorry to interrupt again... but I was just wondering is there a way to check for Burke crew for anomalies in their quantum make-up?  That might present as cellular and molecular decay, correct?" =/\=

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Evandav Bervarn

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on April 25, 2020, 03:41:24 AM

NPC Lt jg T'Charr
[USS Discovery - Deck 10 - Sickbay]

The coughing fit drew her attention, and the Caitian doctor looked away from her medical scanner to assess at a distance whether she needed to intervene, but it seemed the coughing fit passed and Mr. Addams was once more conscious as well.

Unlike the other, whose injuries had been treated while unconscious, Don's injuries had yet to be treated.  Which was evidenced by his headache and confusion.

"Lie still Mr. Addams.  Your injuries have yet to be seen to -  I'll be with you in just a moment." she ordered the pilot, her whiskers twitching in smile at hearing him berate the Crewman in her defense.

M'rrow turned back to Evandav and looked up at the medical scanner and compared its results to that of the biobed display at the head of the bed.  "Doesn't seem like it was caused by undetected brain damage.  And seeing as you've already been reprimanded by Mr. Addams that should take care of the insult."

She intended to say more but Dr. Thane's voice sounded over the medical comm system informing Sickbay personnel to prepare for a large number of injured and evacuees from another vessel.   Her ears flattened once more.  She turned to Evandav. "You are discharged from Sickbay, however I encourage you to rest in your quarters.  Not that I expect you to listen.. no one ever listens when they feel." She said as she placed her thumb print to the discharge 'papers'.

Then she turned back to Don, hoping to get him treated before the expected rush of patients began arriving.


Evandav groaned in frustration when he was reprimanded by Don. Hey, it looked like a cat! He hadn't seen someone like that before! He thought so anyways. But apparently empathy was a missing skill in the Lieutenant, so he raised a hand in apology. Thankfully, the damage to him, as such, wasn't too bad, and he was discharged fairly quickly. The advice given to me had been to go to his quarters and rest. She also predicted very accurately that he wouldn't listen, as he immediately contacted Lieutenant T'Lara for orders pretty much the second he walked out of sickbay.
"Lieutenant T'Lara, where do you need me?"

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 26, 2020, 11:23:53 AM

[Bridge - USS Burke]

Franklin listened carefully to Tekin and could only shake his head at what he was hearing. Finally throwing his hands up in mock surrender as he replied.

"You've explored the Delta and Gamma quadrants? The charts of those areas might as well have said 'here there be dragons' in our era. We knew nothing about them, we didn't know about the Cardassians and they're in the Alpha quadrant.

"I can't imagine the threat this Dominion must have posed to get the entire Alpha quadrant to get along long enough to fight them off. And here I thought a Klingon battlecruiser was a threat."

Before Franklin could continue, Pfizer stepped out of the turbolift and the captain knew instantly it was bad news just from the expression on the lieutenant's face.

"If it's that bad, go ahead and say it Bill."

Pfizer's eyes met Franklin and the younger man choked out.

"Sir, our transition through time has, for lack of a better term, thrown us out of sync with this space time continuum. Our quantum frequency signature no longer matches that of the universe and it's what's behind the cellular and molecular decay. I estimate we have less than three hours to live."

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

The present day Captain stood silent, stunned by the words coming from the science officer.  Obviously such a statement had to have come with the blessing of his own science officer.  But it sounded so chilling, and final.

"No.. that... that can't be right..." he said, slapping his badge.

=/\= "Tekin to Cadbury, what have yo-" =/\=

=/\= "Captain, I'm getting the same readings here... I can confirm it.  If we use the deflector at full power, I can delay it by one, maybe two hours tops, but right now, because their signature is so different, the very hydrogen molecules around the ship are giving off lethal radiation to both the ship and its occupants.  The only thing that is background radiation to them is anything that was with them to begin with." =/\=

Nevir looked at the older Captain... technically much older Captain.   =/\= "Are you suggesting that maybe this Burke and crew may just be from another universe?  Maybe they just crossed through to the wrong one?" =/\=

=/\= "No, Captain.  If they were from a different universe, they would read with a different quantum signature, but it would be stable.  This isn't.  Its not that they have a different universal fingerprint, its that they don't have a fingerprint anymore... or at least, they have one, but its smudged.  Its probably repairable... but it would take time.. time that the Burke just doesn't have." =/\=

Nevir balled a fist and slammed it down on a console.  "Damn!" He looked around, trying to see if there was something he missed.  Something that could help.  "There has got to be a solution, there always is." he said, reaching his hand up to his mouth as he started coughing, probably due to to the dust he kicked up.  What he was didn't expect was to pull his hand away to see speckles of red on there, and a single drop fall from his forehead... the same place he was hit when the ships first collided.

"Weird... I thought I mended that before we came aboard."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on April 26, 2020, 07:41:16 PM

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Transporter Room One | Deck Six | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

On her way to the transporter room, Nira had been thinking where the evacuees had to go. The sickbays were going to be crowded, and where would they go after their clean bills of health? Space was going to be a little limiting, given the force fields were still up and around a certain extent of the ship to protect against the radiation.

Shouldn't be a problem, thought Nira to herself. There's plenty of empty spaces.

Once at the transporter room, Nira tapped her comm badge.

=/\="Lieutenant Said to Bridge. Commander Galloway, will it be possible for you to relay to anybody members of the crew back aboard the Burke to relay to the Burke's head of security that the Discovery's security personnel are ready to receive evacuees at our end? Now that we know the Captain is all right, we've been sent back to receive evacuees at our end. They'll be standing by at their end." =/\=

Chain of command notwithstanding, Nira still hasn't heard back from Commander Felder, nor does he likely know what's going on. Commander Galloway was bound to understand better.

Turning to Petty Officer Strider, Nira said, "Mister Strider, your job is to guide the evacuees to Sickbay. Hopefully, there will be other security officers setting up checkpoints to get our guests there. Once they receive clean bills of health, they are to be guided to any available spaces in our safe zones."

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Through his fatigue, hearing that they were ready to beam over survivors perked Ian up, if only slightly as he replied.

"Understood Lieutenant, we're transportin' them over now."

Both the Discovery and the Burke had three transporter rooms, but the ones on the newer ship didn't have to receive those transported at transporter room, they could beam directly to other parts of the ship. Therefore, the casualties in the Burke's sickbay were beamed directly to the sickbay of Discovery.

However, regardless of having used the older or the newer models, on arrival, the same thing happened. Those transported immediately doubled over in agony with many vomiting blood. Every doctor on Discovery went into instant crisis mode and started injecting the most potent anti-radiation medications into the stricken crew of the Burke.

As she frantically moved from patient to patient with her hypospray, Jess had a moment to tap her commbadge.

=/\= "Doctor Fellows to bridge! Medical emergency! Stop the transporting! It's killing them!" =/\=

On the bridge, Ian swore, but didn't hesitate, he immediately issued a command override to shut down the Discovery's transporters and then activated the comm system.

=/\= "Discovery ta Burke! Stop transportin' your people, the transit has caused a medical emergency! Repeat! Stop all transporters!" =/\=

Although both crews were surprised, they reacted quickly and no further crew from the Burke were transported. However, that left the Discovery overwhelmed with 36 critically ill patients that the medical staff wasn't certain they could save.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 27, 2020, 09:32:29 AM

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

The present day Captain stood silent, stunned by the words coming from the science officer.  Obviously such a statement had to have come with the blessing of his own science officer.  But it sounded so chilling, and final.

"No.. that... that can't be right..." he said, slapping his badge.

=/\= "Tekin to Cadbury, what have yo-" =/\=

=/\= "Captain, I'm getting the same readings here... I can confirm it.  If we use the deflector at full power, I can delay it by one, maybe two hours tops, but right now, because their signature is so different, the very hydrogen molecules around the ship are giving off lethal radiation to both the ship and its occupants.  The only thing that is background radiation to them is anything that was with them to begin with." =/\=

Nevir looked at the older Captain... technically much older Captain.   =/\= "Are you suggesting that maybe this Burke and crew may just be from another universe?  Maybe they just crossed through to the wrong one?" =/\=

=/\= "No, Captain.  If they were from a different universe, they would read with a different quantum signature, but it would be stable.  This isn't.  Its not that they have a different universal fingerprint, its that they don't have a fingerprint anymore... or at least, they have one, but its smudged.  Its probably repairable... but it would take time.. time that the Burke just doesn't have." =/\=

Nevir balled a fist and slammed it down on a console.  "Damn!" He looked around, trying to see if there was something he missed.  Something that could help.  "There has got to be a solution, there always is." he said, reaching his hand up to his mouth as he started coughing, probably due to to the dust he kicked up.  What he was didn't expect was to pull his hand away to see speckles of red on there, and a single drop fall from his forehead... the same place he was hit when the ships first collided.

"Weird... I thought I mended that before we came aboard."

[Bridge - USS Burke]

Ensign Atcharaporn gasped and spun in his chair to face Captain Franklin.

"Sir, there has been some sort of transporter accident! Our people arrived, but seem to require immediate medical attention! Discovery has ordered a halt to further beaming."

Franklin, who didn't look well, closed his eyes in defeat.

"So that's it then?"

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on April 27, 2020, 12:12:47 AM

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Burke - Transporter room]

Torra gnawed on her lip a moment then tapped her comm badge.  She'd call T'Lara not the Burke Science officer.

=/\= "Danjar-Addams to Lt T'Lara.   Ma'am, I'm sorry to interrupt again... but I was just wondering is there a way to check for Burke crew for anomalies in their quantum make-up?  That might present as cellular and molecular decay, correct?" =/\=

[Bridge - USS Burke]

T'Lara had followed Pfizer to report to Captain Tekin their unfortunate findings. They had just arrived when Torra called her and there was something about the term 'quantum make-up' that danced just outside of coherent thought.



Pfizer's pacing came to an abrupt halt as he looked at the data on T'Lara's tricorder, causing him to frown as he worked through the information he was seeing.

"So, you are saying, because of the way we transitioned from our time to your time, our frequency signature is no longer in sync with the universe. My God, for that to impact living cell and non-living molecular cohesion, it would have to occur at the quantum level!"

It was as if Pfizer's legs went out from under him and he flopped into his seat, shaking his head, his expression one of despair.

"Then that's it then. There's no way to reverse something like that." When he looked up at T'Lara, his face was a study in anguish. "We've been found after being missing for 90 odd years, only to die from massive cellular decay."

He stood and began to walk leadenly for the exit of the science lab.

"I've got to tell the captain." He voice husky with barely restrained emotion.

[Science Lab - USS Burke]

T'Lara watched as the realization hit of what she had been trying to tell him. She hadn't been certain of how the difference in frequency signatures would affect the Burke crew, but she had a very strong suspicion that it wouldn't be good. She just didn't know how to tell the science chief. She had no idea how she would react if she was in his shoes...before she could try to give some form of comfort Pfizer was out the door.


[Bridge - USS Burke]

Franklin listened carefully to Tekin and could only shake his head at what he was hearing. Finally throwing his hands up in mock surrender as he replied.

"You've explored the Delta and Gamma quadrants? The charts of those areas might as well have said 'here there be dragons' in our era. We knew nothing about them, we didn't know about the Cardassians and they're in the Alpha quadrant.

"I can't imagine the threat this Dominion must have posed to get the entire Alpha quadrant to get along long enough to fight them off. And here I thought a Klingon battlecruiser was a threat."

Before Franklin could continue, Pfizer stepped out of the turbolift and the captain knew instantly it was bad news just from the expression on the lieutenant's face.

"If it's that bad, go ahead and say it Bill."

Pfizer's eyes met Franklin and the younger man choked out.

"Sir, our transition through time has, for lack of a better term, thrown us out of sync with this space time continuum. Our quantum frequency signature no longer matches that of the universe and it's what's behind the cellular and molecular decay. I estimate we have less than three hours to live."

[Bridge - USS Burke]

She followed behind Pfizer as he delivered the fatal news. She didn't know how to follow up, didn't know what to contribute. She felt a wave of fatigue pass over her and swiftly suppressed it, but as she did she looked over to her captain knowing that he would understand as much as she did, that he would know she had done all she could but sometimes having the wisdom of the future couldn't stop the inevitable.


This thought tweaked another... that maybe the cellular decay she was seeing in the crew of the Discovery might be actually even deeper .. a problem at the quantum level.  Should she mention this possibility?

Torra gnawed on her lip a moment then tapped her comm badge.  She'd call T'Lara not the Burke Science officer.

=/\= "Danjar-Addams to Lt T'Lara.   Ma'am, I'm sorry to interrupt again... but I was just wondering is there a way to check for Burke crew for anomalies in their quantum make-up?  That might present as cellular and molecular decay, correct?" =/\=


[Bridge - USS Burke]

T'Lara had followed Pfizer to report to Captain Tekin their unfortunate findings. They had just arrived when Torra called her and there was something about the term 'quantum make-up' that danced just outside of coherent thought.

Before she could attempt to give her confirmation to Captain Franklin, just in case he actually valued her opinion as much as he valued his own officer's, she received a comm message. It seemed like the medical team was connecting the dots as well. She took a concentrated breath before responding.

=/\= T'Lara to Danjar-Addams. Lieutenant Pfizer and I have just discovered that the frequency signature of the Burke crew does not match that of the Discovery. We do not know exactly what this means, but you can see the evidence if you compare your own molecular makeup to that of one of the Burke patients using your tricorder. This is likely the cause of the symptoms you are seeing, and is in correlation with your theory about quantum makeup. T'Lara out. =/\=



Evandav groaned in frustration when he was reprimanded by Don. Hey, it looked like a cat! He hadn't seen someone like that before! He thought so anyways. But apparently empathy was a missing skill in the Lieutenant, so he raised a hand in apology. Thankfully, the damage to him, as such, wasn't too bad, and he was discharged fairly quickly. The advice given to me had been to go to his quarters and rest. She also predicted very accurately that he wouldn't listen, as he immediately contacted Lieutenant T'Lara for orders pretty much the second he walked out of sickbay.
"Lieutenant T'Lara, where do you need me?"

Raising an eyebrow, she eventually put a name to the voice but was still confused since he was on the Discovery and she...wasn't. She also did not know where Evandav was on the ship, but she tried her best to give him a quick response.

=/\= T'Lara to Evandav. I do not know where you are currently located, but if you could report to Lieutenant Cadbury he will be more able to tell you where you are needed. To my knowledge Sickbay could potentially use your assistance if there are complications with transport, but again I implore you to communicate with Lt. Cadbury. T'Lara out.=/\=

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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