S2 M2: "Pursuit of Yesterday"

Started by Julia Rellek, August 04, 2017, 02:54:18 AM

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'Tracking...' Jada acknowledged, closely monitoring the sensor feed of activity on the fifth planet as they settled into orbit. The fighters' heat and radiation emissions were a give away, especially on an undeveloped world, but she couldn't give them time to hide or cool down. 'I recommend geostationary orbit over coordinates 31.9Á,° S, 115.8Á,° E, a large rift valley, so we can keep an eye on them.'

Academy Chief of the Boat  (Personnel File)

James H. Hawk


James felt uneasy and a bit uncomfortable leaving the Bridge during combat. He was so used to being a Tactical officer that it just didn't feel right. However, he knew that the captains order was reasonable and so didn't question it. He simply nodded "Aye, ma'am quietly and turned on his heal and headed back into the turbolift to head to engineering.

[Main Engineeing]

"Report," James said as he entered Main Engineering and approached the officer on duty.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Julia Rellek on August 14, 2017, 03:34:11 AM


"This could explain a lot." Julia conjectured. "Lets hold position here, Lieutenant. I want to figure out what we're dealing with before we go chasing them into that atmosphere. Chief Jada try to keep track of them. Odds are we're going to have to go get them." Julia was eager to hear the report from the chief science officer, regarding the chroniton waves. She was starting to wonder if the quesiton wasnt where these soldiers came from but when they came from.

Quote from: Jada on August 14, 2017, 03:48:29 AM


'Tracking...' Jada acknowledged, closely monitoring the sensor feed of activity on the fifth planet as they settled into orbit. The fighters' heat and radiation emissions were a give away, especially on an undeveloped world, but she couldn't give them time to hide or cool down. 'I recommend geostationary orbit over coordinates 31.9Á,° S, 115.8Á,° E, a large rift valley, so we can keep an eye on them.'


Ian pulled the Tempest out of the dive and leveled off smoothly.

"Aye Ma'am. Holdin' at 800 kilometers above those coordinates."

Based on the pause, Ian spoke to Klizh softly as they waited.

"A 'braw dust up' is a good fight. Sometimes I let my standard slip further than I should ta expressions from my youth. If'n we'd stayed on those bloody Jem'Hadar and mixed it up, that would have been a braw dust up as well. Might still be one. The only thing that concerns me is this bollox with the chroniton particles. I'm no fan of temporal mechanics and who needs those wankers from TIA muckin' about?

"Switchin' topics, please keep power distribution as you have it. I'll need maximum output from thrusters ta maneuver in this soup. The Tempest will need the reinforced structural integrity, and we'll all need the inertia dampeners if'n this turns into a proper dog fight."

Michael Deus


"Mortier to Bridge. When you have the time, you should send a security team to inspect Torpedo Tube 1."

The Ensign looked up from his screens as this came over the comms and gave a slight frown, before glancing over at the Chief as she swore. "Ensign, you found it, you may check it out. You may take your Security team."

He gave a slight nod in acknowledgement, "Roger that, Chief." He added as the two security crewmen moved over to him as he continued to work his console. He glanced over at the Commander as he asked for a report, but didn't have the time to answer before everything kicked off and the Captain sent her First Officer to Engineering.

Once everything settled down and the Captain had ordered the ship to take a minute, he stepped away from his station and the three members of Security strode over to the turbolift and entered, the doors closing quickly and quietly behind them, following the Commander to Engineering.

[Main Engineering]

They exited the lift and turned the corner to the main chamber as the Commander once again asked for a report, this time from the chief Engineer on duty. They stopped and waited to hear what had to be said before figuring out how and where to proceed.

"Great men are forged in fire. It's the privilege of lesser men to light the flame."


Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 14, 2017, 10:14:02 AM


Ian pulled the Tempest out of the dive and leveled off smoothly.

"Aye Ma'am. Holdin' at 800 kilometers above those coordinates."

Based on the pause, Ian spoke to Klizh softly as they waited.

"A 'braw dust up' is a good fight. Sometimes I let my standard slip further than I should ta expressions from my youth. If'n we'd stayed on those bloody Jem'Hadar and mixed it up, that would have been a braw dust up as well. Might still be one. The only thing that concerns me is this bollox with the chroniton particles. I'm no fan of temporal mechanics and who needs those wankers from TIA muckin' about?

"Switchin' topics, please keep power distribution as you have it. I'll need maximum output from thrusters ta maneuver in this soup. The Tempest will need the reinforced structural integrity, and we'll all need the inertia dampeners if'n this turns into a proper dog fight."

K'lizh groaned at he mention of Temporal Investigations. "I think I would rather face the Jem'hadar in hand to hand combat than endure another debrief from DTI. Our 'incident' with the future Tempest gave me a headache for a week afterwards, and they expected us to be able to explain what happened? My people have a saying, 'The riddle riddles the riddler.' It's a bit more self-explanatory than 'braw dustup.'

I'm giving structural integrity all the power it can handle," he added. He was maxing out SI as well as ship's thrusters. Hopefully it would allow this behemoth ship to survive whatever hellish maneuvers Galloway would be forced to put her through. "Try not to break the ship, please. I dreamed about serving on a Galaxy-class ever since I was a child."

"Here is the blackness of space, the myriad stars gleaming like diamond dust or, as some people would say, like great balls of exploding hydrogen a very long way off. But then, some people would say anything." - Terry Pratchett

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Klizh on August 14, 2017, 02:23:20 PM

K'lizh groaned at he mention of Temporal Investigations. "I think I would rather face the Jem'hadar in hand to hand combat than endure another debrief from DTI. Our 'incident' with the future Tempest gave me a headache for a week afterwards, and they expected us to be able to explain what happened? My people have a saying, 'The riddle riddles the riddler.' It's a bit more self-explanatory than 'braw dustup.'

I'm giving structural integrity all the power it can handle," he added. He was maxing out SI as well as ship's thrusters. Hopefully it would allow this behemoth ship to survive whatever hellish maneuvers Galloway would be forced to put her through. "Try not to break the ship, please. I dreamed about serving on a Galaxy-class ever since I was a child."


Ian laughed at Klizh's last comment before he replied.

"I was just an ensign durin' that mission and never left the ship. I'm not sure if I out flew my counterpart on the future Tempest or not, but I do know I got the better of whoever it was.

"The TIA didna lean on me very much as I had very little ta report. All I knew was we encountered a battered Galaxy-class claimin' ta be from our future. It was all over my head. I leave that temporal stuff ta the science boffins.

"However, I am wounded ta the quick that you would think I'd hurt our girl. I do intend ta use some maneuvers the Jem'hadar have never seen before, but she can handle it. Especially with a reinforced integrity field, just remember ta leave a little fer the inertia dampeners or someone might just be meetin' the overhead the hard way."

Nicholas Mortier

Quote from: James H. Hawk on August 14, 2017, 07:48:23 AM


James felt uneasy and a bit uncomfortable leaving the Bridge during combat. He was so used to being a Tactical officer that it just didn't feel right. However, he knew that the captains order was reasonable and so didn't question it. He simply nodded "Aye, ma'am quietly and turned on his heal and headed back into the turbolift to head to engineering.

[Main Engineeing]

"Report," James said as he entered Main Engineering and approached the officer on duty.

Turning from his console to his young boss and the security crew, whom he generally regarded as Starfleet's hired muscle, Mortier spoke to the XO.
"There's something jammed in Torpedo tube 1, but all other systems seem to be up to shape. SI is roughed up, but it's small potatoes to fix." He took a sip of his Raktajino and continued, "In fact, I think we'll have it up to speed before whoever the hell it is has a chance to blow another hole in us."
He considered these remarks adequate, and then let the XO answer.

Isabella Waters

[Medical Bay - Counselors Office]

Isabella's first day had been going fairly smoothly up to now. Fairly quiet, no patients (because it was her first day), and most of all she had time to learn her surroundings. But now the ship was at red alert. There wasn't really anything she could do about it either, if they needed someone with a background in psychology, they'd call her. All she could do was go to the sickbay to try to lend a hand there. Unfortunately, she was fairly limited in her medical knowledge beyond psychology, so even that was hit or miss. All the same, she quickly left her small office and made her way to the sickbay.


Waters entered to a surprisingly quiet sickbay. Her help was far from required, as a matter of fact, the red alert got more staff there than probably necessary. Silently she stood off to the side out of everyone's way in hopes she could find somewhere to help.

Ngara V'kee

Quote from: Nicholas Mortier on August 14, 2017, 11:33:10 PM

Turning from his console to his young boss and the security crew, whom he generally regarded as Starfleet's hired muscle, Mortier spoke to the XO.
"There's something jammed in Torpedo tube 1, but all other systems seem to be up to shape. SI is roughed up, but it's small potatoes to fix." He took a sip of his Raktajino and continued, "In fact, I think we'll have it up to speed before whoever the hell it is has a chance to blow another hole in us."
He considered these remarks adequate, and then let the XO answer.

Hearing the nearby conversation, Ngara decided to ask the elder engineer if he needed any help with some of the repairs. "Excuse me chief,
I was just wondering if you needed a hand with anything involving the repairs?"

"We are always here, in our past and future lives."
                                               -Aldous Vanderboom

James H. Hawk

Quote from: Nicholas Mortier on August 14, 2017, 11:33:10 PM

Turning from his console to his young boss and the security crew, whom he generally regarded as Starfleet's hired muscle, Mortier spoke to the XO.
"There's something jammed in Torpedo tube 1, but all other systems seem to be up to shape. SI is roughed up, but it's small potatoes to fix." He took a sip of his Raktajino and continued, "In fact, I think we'll have it up to speed before whoever the hell it is has a chance to blow another hole in us."
He considered these remarks adequate, and then let the XO answer.

[Main Engineering]

"Very good," James said. Before turning to Ensign Mikaelson to adress him. "Take your team and inspect the torpedo tube. Work with the engineers," James ordered emphasising with. As a form Tactical officer he knew that somtimes they could get a bit...overzealous at times. He then turned to Ensign V'kee, "Ensign, if you could accompany Mr. Mikaelson and his men to help from the Engineering side that would be good," he said, "Unless Leftenant Mortier has any objections?" James asked turning once more to the older engineer. "I want that torpedo tube cleared and ready to fire as soon as possible."



Jada kept a close watch on their Jem'Hadar suspects, not sure what to make of the talk of time travel. Really? It sounded like she'd missed some interesting times prior to coming aboard. She wondered what it would be like to meet her future self. Probably less crazy than meeting her Mirror self... 'Our friends are circling each other like wing-slugs in mating season. Probably working out what to do next.'

This lull in the battle gave her time to research her enemy, calling up specs on Jem'Hadar fighters. Sturdy, highly manoeuvrable, impressive array of weapons and options. Shields were reported to be weakest at the dorsal junction, so Jada marked that point as a preferential target. 'Reports from the Dominion War suggest they can't dogfight in sub-orbital flight. We might get them there.'

Academy Chief of the Boat  (Personnel File)


Quote from: Isabella Waters on August 15, 2017, 01:45:13 AM

Waters entered to a surprisingly quiet sickbay. Her help was far from required, as a matter of fact, the red alert got more staff there than probably necessary. Silently she stood off to the side out of everyone's way in hopes she could find somewhere to help.


Despite a Jem'Hadar strike force attacking, things were going relatively well in Sickbay. Kintiss counted only four casualties with minor injuries, and no fatalities. That could all change, of course. Anything could happen on a red alert.

Speaking of happening, here was a crewman he didn't recognise.

"Our new counssssselor, yesss?" he asked her. The most recent department briefing had mentioned they'd be getting a new one. "I imagine thissss wassssn't how you expected your firsssst day to play out."

Suddenly, the lights flickered off and all the monitors went blank. Kintiss went to the nearest monitor and pressed a hand against it. No response.

=/\="Kintisssss to engineering,"=/\= Kintiss began, tapping his combadge =/\="Main power'ssss gone out in Sssssickbay. Any chance of a repair team?" If the situation became worse with the power out, he and his team wouldn't be able to treat the injured as effectively.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Jada on August 15, 2017, 08:59:11 AM


Jada kept a close watch on their Jem'Hadar suspects, not sure what to make of the talk of time travel. Really? It sounded like she'd missed some interesting times prior to coming aboard. She wondered what it would be like to meet her future self. Probably less crazy than meeting her Mirror self... 'Our friends are circling each other like wing-slugs in mating season. Probably working out what to do next.'

This lull in the battle gave her time to research her enemy, calling up specs on Jem'Hadar fighters. Sturdy, highly manoeuvrable, impressive array of weapons and options. Shields were reported to be weakest at the dorsal junction, so Jada marked that point as a preferential target. 'Reports from the Dominion War suggest they can't dogfight in sub-orbital flight. We might get them there.'


As Ian had nothing to do at that moment, he had time to reply to Jada's comment with a smile.

"Aye Lass, if'n they thought divin' into an atmosphere would give them an advantage, then they had the bad luck ta encounter the Tempest. There isn't a pilot in Starfleet that has as much experience in atmospherics than I do and I'm more than ready ta dance this particular dance."

Ian smiled again as he thought.

"And people thought a holodeck simm of the Flyin' Tigers was a waste of time. Well, now all that flight time is about ta pay off. I just wish I knew what was goin' on with these bloody chroniton particles."

Isabella Waters

Quote from: Kintiss on August 15, 2017, 09:04:54 AM


Despite a Jem'Hadar strike force attacking, things were going relatively well in Sickbay. Kintiss counted only four casualties with minor injuries, and no fatalities. That could all change, of course. Anything could happen on a red alert.

Speaking of happening, here was a crewman he didn't recognise.

"Our new counssssselor, yesss?" he asked her. The most recent department briefing had mentioned they'd be getting a new one. "I imagine thissss wassssn't how you expected your firsssst day to play out."

Suddenly, the lights flickered off and all the monitors went blank. Kintiss went to the nearest monitor and pressed a hand against it. No response.

=/\="Kintisssss to engineering,"=/\= Kintiss began, tapping his combadge =/\="Main power'ssss gone out in Sssssickbay. Any chance of a repair team?" If the situation became worse with the power out, he and his team wouldn't be able to treat the injured as effectively.


Isabella shook her head as the power went out. "I'm honestly not entirely sure what I expected out of my first day, but it certainly wasn't this." She laughed slightly scratching her head. "I'm Doctor Isabella Waters. People call me pretty much any variation of Isabella though, Issy, Issa, Bell, Bella..." Her voice trailed off f or a moment before she got back to the point of what she was trying. "As you guessed, I'm the new counselor on the ship. I came down to both introduce myself and offer help if you needed it, but full disclosure, I have very limited medical training outside of psychology. But I'll do whatever I can to lighten your load."

Julia Rellek


Julia made her way to the back of the bridge as she listened closely to her officers. "The only problem is that our ship is even less maneuverable in a sub orbital environment." She added to the conversation as she approached the station. She looked more closely as K'Lizhs scans and worked to delve further into the chroniton readings he had picked up. Chronitons were a tell tale sign of time travel. "I'm measuring the chroniton particles now. See if i can figure out whats going on here."

As she reviewed the scans her results seemed to defy logic she continued to check and recheck as a look of concern crept onto her face. "If my calculations are right, and for once I hope they aren't, these fighters are Dominion War era. That would explain why they fired on us without communication. K'Lizh, can you confirm?" Julia asked hoping he would find a flaw in her math. 

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan

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