Columbus Stories 1.5 - A Party to Remember

Started by Naira, October 15, 2018, 06:27:37 PM

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[Captain's Quarters]

Naira stood in front of the mirror in her quarters repeatedly readjusting the newly-made formal uniform she was wearing. While it was custom made to her exact measurements, nothing felt as if it fit correctly. She had know not to expect to lose all the added baby weight right away, but she felt as if she still looked pregnant despite what weight she had lost. Her skin was flabby in places it had never been flabby before. She felt like she could stack the entire collection of PADDs that were piling up on her desk, on top of her chest, if doing so wouldn't result in the most excruciating pain of her life.

She had only been back to work for three days now, Lunn had tried to convince her to take several weeks off, but there was no way she could allow herself to fall that behind on work. The week she allowed herself off was hard enough for her to justify, but she knew if she had tried to return to active duty right away that he'd declare her medically unfit and enlist the help of security to confine her to her quarters.

As it was, she had hardly slept. She dabbed a bit of cream she managed to buy off a traveling Orion cosmetic merchant under her eyes to hide the increasingly noticeable dark circles. She oiled her hair, that she had managed to wash during one of the baby's quick powernaps, and gave herself one final look in the mirror before sighing and leaving the room.

She had only just gotten notification the day before that Admiral Adeyemi would be coming to stay on the station for an extended stay. Oh joy. It wasn't that she didn't like her former captain or his style of managing things, but the two of them had very little common interests outside of work which made for awkward interacts, not to mention having an admiral around seemed to bring about feelings that command might not trust or be pleased with her management style.

The Ynari incident didn't really look good on her record and the fact that the Cardassians all but said they'd be holding this against them when their alliance was already shaky, she needed to make a good impression on the admiral.

Her mind was so focused on getting to the Docking Ring to meet the admiral upon arrival that she walked right passed a group of children dressed in the strangest attire before stopping in her tracks to turn around and stare. The things people allow their children to wear! Luckily, her daughters were spending the night over at a friend's quarters and the baby was set up with a highly qualified sitter that she had thoroughly vetted.

Then, it dawned on her, wasn't there something else going on? Something she had forgotten?

"Analyn, what day is it?" She called out to the empty air around her.

"It's Halloweeeennn!" The toddler-sized AI suddenly appeared beside her, dressed not in her standard pink Starfleet uniform but some odd-looking aquatic creature that seemed as if it would fit in perfectly with one of the many creatures housed within the Aquaponics Bay. "I'm gunna twick or tweet and eat lots of candy!" She began to bounce around, imitating some of the other children that Naira suddenly took notice to, running around with little to no adult supervision.

Damn. She had forgotten about that Human tradition. She had given her permission for a party to be arranged within the Observation Lounge for adults, but had also scheduled a reception for the admiral there as well. With the man's strict religious leanings, she wasn't sure how exactly he'd take it to sharing his party with carved squash and flying nocturnal mammals, but she guessed they'd find out sooner rather than later.

[Docking Ring]

At least she made it to the Docking Ring and didn't immediately find the admiral waiting around for her to show up.   

Aryn Corliss

[Crew Quarters]

I'm glad we've had this time, though I think Dr. Lunn was irritated with me for getting put on the roster, then immediately requesting time off.

I know. I'm sorry. I should have decided sooner. But I just suddenly couldn't stand to act like everything was normal. Aryn pounded her fist on the arm of the couch in frustration. I had so hoped that some extended time together would trigger my memory.

I wish it had too, love. Alec took his hand from Aryn's and cupped her cheek, kissing her forehead tenderly. But we'll work it out. If I have to tell you everything about our lives together, I'll do it. And if you want to take things slowly and just 'date', we can do that too. I do think we should see Felicity or another counselor, though. She might be able to help us out with working through things, and you said you'd intended to see if she and Lea could help with your memory.

Right, Aryn said. Well, we've got that party in the Observation Lounge tonight. We really ought to come up with costumes for that. I don't know or remember much about the holiday.

Alec grinned mischievously. I actually have an idea. And I replicated the costumes, actually, several for you to choose from. But if you don't like it, we can do something else.

Aryn raised an inquisitive eyebrow and beckoned for him to continue.

Clearing his throat, Alec explained, In ancient Earth media, there's this character called Doctor Who. He's an ancient alien that changes faces occasionally and travels through time getting into trouble. And supposedly helping people. Seems to cause more trouble, really. Anyway. He encounters this woman named River Song who knows all about him, but he doesn't know who she is. Turns out, she's traveling backwards through his timeline.

I don't want to tell you more because I'd actually like to watch it with you. It would be something we can do for dates. What do you think? Alec looked hopeful.

Aryn couldn't help smiling at Alec's enthusiasm. It actually did spark something familiar, so she couldn't deny him.I suppose that would be fine. I don't know that I know enough to do it justice, though.

Alec checked the colorful chronometer Aryn had acquired from a vendor on the station and said, We have enough time, if you wanted to watch the first episode where they meet.

Sure! Then I can choose an outfit.

An hour later, Aryn was as excited as her husband about their costumes. Alec laid out the costumes he'd replicated - the first being the space suit River had worn in the episode they'd just watched. Then there was a white jacket with trousers and some kind of energy weapon. A couple of fancy dresses...but what caught Aryn's eye was a long, sleeveless tunic with leggings, tall boots and a wide, leather belt.

As she dressed, Alec donned a pinstripe suit with a long, brown trench coat and a strange little device that lit up and made chirping noises. I'll have to shave the beard, he said, quickly adding at Aryn's pout, I'll use a follicle stimulator tomorrow and grow it back.

Aryn nodded with satisfaction.

You know, Alec said. I didn't have a beard before.

She laughed and patted his still-beared cheek. Well, maybe I would have liked it before, too.

Once they were both dressed, and Alec shaved, the couple made their way to the Observation Lounge.

Leanna Mazal

[Observation Lounge]

Everything was ready and in place for the Halloween Party and even though her and some of the Puzzles staff would be attending and working in the Observation Lounge, the bar hadn't been left out. For the last few days Leanna and her team had worked tirelessly to ensure that both the bar and Lounge were lavishly decorated with all kinds of Halloween related decorations and whilst the Lounge party was for adults only, the children of the station had been catered for in the bar.

In fact the Betazoid had divided her time between both areas to ensure that everything had gone to plan including the last minute notice regarding Admiral Adeyemi's return. She had agreed with the Captain that it wouldn't go unnoticed so amongst all of the carved pumpkins, bats and cobwebs, there was a large sheet cake placed on a separate table with Welcome Home Admiral iced onto it.

Since the incident with the Ynari Warship and listening to Oliver's boasts about how the Red Phoenix helped, Lea had pretty much spent the time working and organising the party although had made sure to catch up properly with her best friend Flick. She always enjoyed those get together's and with the Captain giving birth to a little boy, had also sent her gifts, a large Targ plush teddy for the baby and a basket of live grubs and such for Naira.

It had also made Lea think of her own daughter who would be returning to the station in a couple of weeks as well as extending her knowledge and skills. So before she got ready for the party, she had sought out Dr Lunn to ask about starting medical training which he had agreed to. A date had been set for when she would begin and feeling like she had made the right decision, had left Sickbay to meet with Meredith who had made her costume and with her magic was now almost unrecognisable and she couldn't wait for reactions to what she had done.

In fact she had accidentally scared Kit when she had arrived in the Lounge and since Divine Temptation were entertaining the crowd in Puzzles, had enlisted some of their friends to provide the music and as they played a couple of songs was definitely impressed with them.

Now she just had to wait for the guests to arrive and stood ready to greet them.

Malcolm Adeyemi


"Can I say how glad I am, admiral, that you have decided to visit the house of God before a tavern or a party?" Friar T'Vol said as he handed over an earthenware glass filled with a dark purple liquid. "So many of our station's Christians forget the feast days and pagan connotations of this holiday."

"And yet you still celebrate it." Adeyemi wasn't in costume, and had been hoping to avoid that entire debacle. Thankfully, Analyn was with the captain. If she hadn't been, it's likely he would have been wearing a giant squid or squirrel outfit or something right now. Instead, he wore a gray business suit, the kind an off duty Starfleet officer much less his rank might wear. He still managed to pull it off fairly well, he thought.

The pre-service crowd mingled one another, eating cookies, sipping from their cups. Whatever the friar had poured him was warm. Adeyemi dunked his nose into it and began to drain it, as was his wont, when he realized it was hot spiced wine. A perfect autumn treat. That was unlike the friar. He took a more measured sip.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome. We are about to get started. I know all of us want to go to the Promenade to be with our families, so I will make this quick." Friar T'Vol caught the admiral's glance, closed his left eye, and opened it.

Adeyemi sat, fuming. That old fraud. He was going to do a cursory service and then release them all to revel and party. He knew that Vulcans sometimes developed a sense of humor after prolonged contact with humans, but he didn't know it could be this cruel.

Felicity Ellis


[Passageway through Crew Quarters]

Ahead of her and coming from the opposite direction, was Doctor, no Chief Lunn. And he'd seen her. It was too late to hide. She shifted her newly tailored and hanging dress uniform to her other arm as the surprisingly graceful man approached and then glided to a stop. She could have cursed her vanity then, for that was the reason she was out and about in the first place. Felicity could have replicated her dress clothes like a normal person, but she did believe that there was really no substitute for the sharp eye of a professional, and no fit quite like a uniform that was completely made to size from the most up to date measurements. And so there she stood, facing down the aggravating Lunn, dressed in her comfortable black leggings, running shoes and vest top, with only the fresh smelling occasion garment as a shield.

Felicity wished she didn't have occasion to wear it; she would have liked nothing better than to lounge in her new quarters, crack open one of those bottles of Irish whiskey that McIntyre had gifted her and finally get around to reading the new spy novel her father had sent her last month. But the universe conspired against her and her laziness. She had the themed party for the Admiral to attend, and to add insult to injury, she now had Kece Lunn to contend with.

"Flick!" His greeting was effusive and Felicity's jaw was clenced. Let it go. You're in your civvies.

"Chief," she responded with a nod as she kept walking.

Lunn didn't get the message. "I've just come from Ensign Edair's quarters. I know, I know, I'm not even on duty, but with everything that has been going on I had to find some time to complete my rounds! I don't know how I managed it, but I miraculously did." Felicity had finally stopped and turned around, trying to school her expression into something that didn't reflect the growing bout of temper that was bubbling up inside of her. Still heedless, Lunn continued prattling, obviously thoroughly enjoying the sound of his own voice. "Speaking of miracles, there was no sign of Mr. Dorset when I visited Helena, which was unusual, I must say, I've almost gotten used to his constant presence in Sickbay... No doubt that the pair will be wanting to attend the party later together. I wonder what costuming they've decided on... Have you spoken with Leonora recently?"

There was a strange buzzing noise in Felicity's ears, and her eyes had begun to lose focus. Lunn's voice fell away as she turned her head to stare down the passageway.

"I have decided on the most wonderful costume myself. Really quite simple to replicate once I'd decided, it consists of a black cloak and-" Lunn stopped speaking very suddenly when he realised that Felicity had turned her back to him and was practically stomping down the corridor. "Well! How very rude!" He blustered. Though the more he stared, the more he watched her leave, the more he felt. "Hmm." His eyes narrowed a little as he considered her strange behaviour. Understanding slowly dawned on his face, along with a keen little smile. "Ah."

[Outside Xander Dorset's Quarters]

The countdown had well and truly ended. Felicity was angry. The last week or so had been difficult and she had struggled. She hadn't foreseen that adjusting to her new position would be so exhausting, but if she were being truthful with herself, she knew that the transition from counselor who safeguarded the emotional well-being of one patient at a time, to Executive Officer who made decisions based on a collective whole, had not been smooth. She was tired and she was tightly wound. She felt the coil of tension inside her, straining against all carefully constructed barriers.

You're an idiot. This is idiotic. What is wrong with you. It's just a cactus.

A cactus he'd stolen. Her cactus. She was going to get it back. And then Xander and Helena could go and...

"Computer, override door lock. Autorisation Ellis-Omega-Pi."

She didn't falter at the threshold, instead she strode inside, tossed her dress uniform on a nearby chair and began making demands. "Where is she?" She was already pacing, back straight, shoulders taut, like a caged tiger. "I swear Alexander Dorset, I'll turn this place upside down, and then your girlfriend's place upside down until I find her, I don't care, I'll bloody do it!"

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
Bio: Felicity Ellis

Xander Dorset

[Personal Quarters - Xander Dorset]

Xander set his tea latte on the table and leaned his chair back onto two legs as he inspected the tall, narrow cage set up in the corner of the room. Mormor had helped him set it up earlier today - a temporary measure until their little friend was able to move into his permanent home. Over the past few weeks, Mormor had made impressive progress in emptying Dr. Nassaney's Zoological Exchange, and, with a little bit of help from her grandson, (most of the science department were now happy pet owners after a little bit of encouragement from their department head), there were only two individuals still in need of a home: Franklin, the vocal, hybrid raven, and the furry little thief currently perched on Xander's knee.

Xander had opted to house 'tjuv' (as he was referring to the fuzz ball on his knee) while Mormor fostered Franklin. He was convinced that if he had taken the bird in, the two of them would have ended up trying to kill each other. As it was, however, little tjuv was proving to have a mischevious streak, and his quarters offered too many places for the beastie to hide, and both Xander and tjuv were learning all-too-quickly that the science officer was a pushover when it came to dealing with the little guy. Xander was half-convinced that tjuv could get away with murder at this point. Luckily, he already had a plan for the little monster; he was just waiting for the right time for his surprise.

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on October 16, 2018, 11:55:54 AM

[Outside Xander Dorset's Quarters]

The countdown had well and truly ended. Felicity was angry. The last week or so had been difficult and she had struggled. She hadn't foreseen that adjusting to her new position would be so exhausting, but if she were being truthful with herself, she knew that the transition from counselor who safeguarded the emotional well-being of one patient at a time, to Executive Officer who made decisions based on a collective whole, had not been smooth. She was tired and she was tightly wound. She felt the coil of tension inside her, straining against all carefully constructed barriers.

You're an idiot. This is idiotic. What is wrong with you. It's just a cactus.

A cactus he'd stolen. Her cactus. She was going to get it back. And then Xander and Helena could go and...

"Computer, override door lock. Autorisation Ellis-Omega-Pi."

She didn't falter at the threshold, instead she strode inside, tossed her dress uniform on a nearby chair and began making demands. "Where is she?" She was already pacing, back straight, shoulders taut, like a caged tiger. "I swear Alexander Dorset, I'll turn this place upside down, and then your girlfriend's place upside down until I find her, I don't care, I'll bloody do it!"

Speaking of surprises.

At the sound of his locked door opening, Xander jumped to his feet, sending his chair falling to the ground with a loud clatter. He snagged tjuv before he could scamper off somewhere, but froze as the sound of a familiar voice carried through the room. Xander's eyes widened for half a second before he jumped into action, hurriedly pulling the cover down over the cage and allowing tjuv to burrow into the deep pockets of his uniform pants.

He quickly righted the chair and ran a hand through his hair to smooth it into place (even if it had the opposite effect) and stepped into view of the door. "Have you heard of this thing called knocking? Most of us humans practice it before barging into one another's space... Although, if you really wanted to visit my quarters, you could have just asked me, and I would have been happy to oblige." He specifically ignored Felicity's demands about her cactus - and that word everyone seemed to be throwing around lately.

"Impossible is nothing

Felicity Ellis

Quote from: Xander Dorset on October 16, 2018, 01:50:24 PM

[Personal Quarters - Xander Dorset]

Speaking of surprises.

At the sound of his locked door opening, Xander jumped to his feet, sending his chair falling to the ground with a loud clatter. He snagged tjuv before he could scamper off somewhere, but froze as the sound of a familiar voice carried through the room. Xander's eyes widened for half a second before he jumped into action, hurriedly pulling the cover down over the cage and allowing tjuv to burrow into the deep pockets of his uniform pants.

He quickly righted the chair and ran a hand through his hair to smooth it into place (even if it had the opposite effect) and stepped into view of the door. "Have you heard of this thing called knocking? Most of us humans practice it before barging into one another's space... Although, if you really wanted to visit my quarters, you could have just asked me, and I would have been happy to oblige." He specifically ignored Felicity's demands about her cactus - and that word everyone seemed to be throwing around lately.

[Personal Quarters - Xander Dorset]


Is he actually SERIOUS?

Felicity glared at Xander, disbelief almost threatening to overtake anger as the primary emotion. Almost. Was he being purposely obtuse? Was it a male thing? Could someone really be that clueless?

Her fingers curled into fists as she stared at him. "I don't recall you asking me if you could take my property. Or enter my office. You have some bloody cheek, Dorset."

She wanted to wrench her eyes away, to look for Dericka herself, but she found that she couldn't. She didn't move, save for pointing her finger at the object of her ire and narrowing her eyes. She stood, eyes locked, a picture of righteous fury. A tiny, pragmatic part of her knew she was blowing this all entirely out of proportion, and an even smaller part of her had begun to understand why. But she didn't want to address that; she wanted to shout at him instead.

"You ignore me for over a week, yet have the time to visit Sickbay every damn day. Your ensign gets flowers, yet I get mine stolen!?" She paused to take a breath and then relaunched, her voice raising again in volume. "Where. Is. The cactus."

[NPC - Crewman Kellen Gates - Observation Lounge]

Kellen Gates loved Halloween. He also loved inappropriate costumes, and crashing fancy parties he hadn't been invited to. He was controversial like that. As the medical crewman entered the Lounge the crib mobile he was wearing attached to his head danced with the movement. Ships of various shapes and sizes bobbed all around his face. There were models of fleet craft attached to the mobile, along with a Klingon Bird-of-Prey, various model freighters and a very familiar looking warship; one that had paid a very recent visit to the Starbase.

Affixed to his cheeks were two large horns. They affected his speech a little, which was unfortunate, but Kellen decided that what he had to say with his words was less important than the volumes that his outfit spoke. On the white tshirt he wore was a picture of a warp core with a large, red 'X' through it. He gave Leanna a little wave and moved toward her, the ships attached to his head bouncing around on their flexible plastic connectors.

"Hi Missurs Purzzles," he greeted, speaking around the horns and nodding with satisfaction at her costume. She was almost completely unrecognisable, and Kell wouldn't have known who she was had one of her minions not referred to her by name. "Am the Y'nari," he announced proudly, pointing to himself.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
Bio: Felicity Ellis


[Docking Ring]

Naira paced the Docking Ring, looking for signs that a shuttle was about dock, but the only vessels she saw bore the markings of civilian travel and cargo freighters, nothing that an admiral would likely be seen on.

"You there," she flagged down a passing flight officer. "Can you tell me when the admiral's shuttle is scheduled to land? I was sure he should be here by now."

The young man pulled up the PADD he had been carrying and she waited patiently while he scrolled through the list of arrivals. "It looks like he arrived about an hour ago. His shuttle is currently undergoing routine inspection and maintenance, over there...." he pointed down the long line of docked vessels. "If you'd like I can forward the report to you once it is done."

There was an awkward pause as the man looked down at his PADD, after receiving an incoming message.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" he asked.

"Do you have any candy?" Analyn produced a rather sizable bucket in comparison to the size of her body and held it up in front of the petty officer.

"I" The confused man looked to Naira for clarification.

"It's fine, you can return to your duties." Naira turned to Analyn and squatted down to her level, even though doing so was still not entirely painless or easy to do. "I'm sure we can find you some candy later, but can you tell me where we can find Admiral Adeyemi in the meantime."

The AI lowered her bucket and brought one hand up to cup her chin as she appeared to ponder the question for the moment. "Mack 'Em's in the chapel."

Of course.

She should have guessed. If there was one place she was sure to find the admiral it would be the chapel. She wasn't sure if the man had spent more time occupying his old office when he had worked on the station or the tiny storage space that had been converted into a place of worship.

"I guess we better go find him."

Quote from: Malcolm Adeyemi on October 16, 2018, 09:41:51 AM


"Can I say how glad I am, admiral, that you have decided to visit the house of God before a tavern or a party?" Friar T'Vol said as he handed over an earthenware glass filled with a dark purple liquid. "So many of our station's Christians forget the feast days and pagan connotations of this holiday."

"And yet you still celebrate it." Adeyemi wasn't in costume, and had been hoping to avoid that entire debacle. Thankfully, Analyn was with the captain. If she hadn't been, it's likely he would have been wearing a giant squid or squirrel outfit or something right now. Instead, he wore a gray business suit, the kind an off duty Starfleet officer much less his rank might wear. He still managed to pull it off fairly well, he thought.

The pre-service crowd mingled one another, eating cookies, sipping from their cups. Whatever the friar had poured him was warm. Adeyemi dunked his nose into it and began to drain it, as was his wont, when he realized it was hot spiced wine. A perfect autumn treat. That was unlike the friar. He took a more measured sip.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome. We are about to get started. I know all of us want to go to the Promenade to be with our families, so I will make this quick." Friar T'Vol caught the admiral's glance, closed his left eye, and opened it.

Adeyemi sat, fuming. That old fraud. He was going to do a cursory service and then release them all to revel and party. He knew that Vulcans sometimes developed a sense of humor after prolonged contact with humans, but he didn't know it could be this cruel.


Naira quietly stood at the back of the room, with her back up against the wall as she watched the proceedings. Despite the numerous invitations she had received to attend services, Naira made it a point to avoid associating herself with any of the various religious groups on the station. The last thing she needed was to be seen as showing favoritism to one of them. It was bad enough that she had to sort through all the requests to host one religious holiday after the other, especially on the thankfully rare occasion that two of them happened to coincide.

With a number of people sitting and listening to the old Vulcan reciting a text considered old by even Vulcan standards, she'd wait for the admiral to finish before greeting him. 

Malcolm Adeyemi

Quote from: Naira on October 16, 2018, 03:49:28 PM


Naira quietly stood at the back of the room, with her back up against the wall as she watched the proceedings. Despite the numerous invitations she had received to attend services, Naira made it a point to avoid associating herself with any of the various religious groups on the station. The last thing she needed was to be seen as showing favoritism to one of them. It was bad enough that she had to sort through all the requests to host one religious holiday after the other, especially on the thankfully rare occasion that two of them happened to coincide.

With a number of people sitting and listening to the old Vulcan reciting a text considered old by even Vulcan standards, she'd wait for the admiral to finish before greeting him.


Analyn knew how to behave in church. She'd been many times with Mack 'Em. It was never important to her. She didn't see how it made sense or was needed. But she knew that it was important to a lot of people, and so the little girl swayed in her fish costume and waited.

Adeyemi was ending things with Friar T'Vol. The Vulcan had not enjoyed so devout patronage from any Columbus commanding officer, before or since, and genuinely had warmth for the admiral. But he also had an agenda.

"—must have a word with the captain, really." Adeyemi was saying when he saw Analyn and the lady herself enter.

"Excuse me," He said, but  the first indicated he would follow.

"Hello my dear," The admiral said with barely restrained delight at the sight of Analyn and her costume. The little girl gave a squeal and rushed into his arms.

"Imma CuddleFish!" She shouted happily, and was swept up into a hug.

"Very clever, sweetie." Adeyemi told her as he settled the little girl onto a hip. "Captain, how strong you look."

His vaguely sexist, awkward compliment hung in the air for a few moments. Thankfully, T'Vol went to the rescue.

"Analyn, it is a joy to see you on this holiday." The Vulcan said, with a dip of his shaved pate, salt and pepper head. "Perhaps you would accompany the admiral and the captain to services on Sunday?"

"Why?" Analyn drew out in an annoyed toddler voice.

Adeyemi bounced her gently. "For your everlasting soul, Analyn. So that it may be saved."

"How do you know my soul isn't saved already?" The AI wanted to know.

Having no textbook answer to that one, Adeyemi turned to the captain, desperate for her to speak.


[Personal Quaters]

Halloween was one Terran holiday she never understood, while she enjoyed a good party, when she was invited, dressing up as something else and celebrating paranormal beings seemed silly, that said she wasn't going to miss this one.  A quick search of halloween costumes presented little that either appealed to her or suited her non human appearance, and narrowing the search gave her only one option, but it seemed almost kismet, an Ancient Earth goddess named Bast.

T'Rells first attempt to recreate an accurate costume was, to put it mildly, lacking something, based purely off the murals and statutes of Bast remaining the period accurate costume consisted only of a long skirt and an elaborate headdress, while T'Rell herself would have felt little shame wearing it, human standards were a little different and the addition of a tunic finished it, Both the skirt and tunic were bright white with a gold thread stitched along the edges, it was she felt looking at the records a tad anachronistic but she doubted there were any Ancient Egyptian experts among the crew.   

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing."

Xander Dorset

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on October 16, 2018, 03:16:36 PM

[Personal Quarters - Xander Dorset]


Is he actually SERIOUS?

Felicity glared at Xander, disbelief almost threatening to overtake anger as the primary emotion. Almost. Was he being purposely obtuse? Was it a male thing? Could someone really be that clueless?

Her fingers curled into fists as she stared at him. "I don't recall you asking me if you could take my property. Or enter my office. You have some bloody cheek, Dorset."

She wanted to wrench her eyes away, to look for Dericka herself, but she found that she couldn't. She didn't move, save for pointing her finger at the object of her ire and narrowing her eyes. She stood, eyes locked, a picture of righteous fury. A tiny, pragmatic part of her knew she was blowing this all entirely out of proportion, and an even smaller part of her had begun to understand why. But she didn't want to address that; she wanted to shout at him instead.

"You ignore me for over a week, yet have the time to visit Sickbay every damn day. Your ensign gets flowers, yet I get mine stolen!?" She paused to take a breath and then relaunched, her voice raising again in volume. "Where. Is. The cactus."

[Personal Quarters - Xander Dorset]

Xander's head jerked back a little in surprise as he registered the genuine anger in Felicity's expression. That surprise was quickly overtaken by confusion - and frustration over his confusion. Me ignore her? I had to hold her bloody cactus hostage to even get her to interact with me! And what does Helena have to do with any of this?

He lifted his arms out to the sides in a placating gesture as he protested, "I'm sorry I didn't get you flowers when you weren't sick??" highlighting the absurdity of her argument. He raised one hand and ran it through his hair in agitation before he continued, opening his mouth before he could think through the words that came out. "Goodness, Felicity, I'd ask if your cactus was up your ass, except I know she's sitting safely on my bedside table."

While the words came out in an aggravated drawl, Xander had a sinking internal suspicion that he had just made a very big mistake. He leaned against the wall behind him - strategically guarding the entrance to his sleeping area, just in case - and folded his arms as he stared down the woman in front of him, trying to think of something to diffuse the situation. "As for your other accusation, I didn't steal her; I borrowed her - and, I'll have you know that she's in perfect health and blooming. So I fail to see why you're so upset."

"Impossible is nothing


Quote from: Malcolm Adeyemi on October 16, 2018, 07:59:11 PM


Analyn knew how to behave in church. She'd been many times with Mack 'Em. It was never important to her. She didn't see how it made sense or was needed. But she knew that it was important to a lot of people, and so the little girl swayed in her fish costume and waited.

Adeyemi was ending things with Friar T'Vol. The Vulcan had not enjoyed so devout patronage from any Columbus commanding officer, before or since, and genuinely had warmth for the admiral. But he also had an agenda.

"—must have a word with the captain, really." Adeyemi was saying when he saw Analyn and the lady herself enter.

"Excuse me," He said, but  the first indicated he would follow.

"Hello my dear," The admiral said with barely restrained delight at the sight of Analyn and her costume. The little girl gave a squeal and rushed into his arms.

"Imma CuddleFish!" She shouted happily, and was swept up into a hug.

"Very clever, sweetie." Adeyemi told her as he settled the little girl onto a hip. "Captain, how strong you look."

His vaguely sexist, awkward compliment hung in the air for a few moments. Thankfully, T'Vol went to the rescue.

"Analyn, it is a joy to see you on this holiday." The Vulcan said, with a dip of his shaved pate, salt and pepper head. "Perhaps you would accompany the admiral and the captain to services on Sunday?"

"Why?" Analyn drew out in an annoyed toddler voice.

Adeyemi bounced her gently. "For your everlasting soul, Analyn. So that it may be saved."

"How do you know my soul isn't saved already?" The AI wanted to know.

Having no textbook answer to that one, Adeyemi turned to the captain, desperate for her to speak.


Naira stood quiet, watching the exchange between the two men and the AI. It was kind of charming in a way, the way the admiral treated the AI just as he might treat a child of a similar relative age. A part of her was tempted to interrupt the men to state that Analyn had been in fact 'saved,' on a regular basis in fact, ever since the station was infected with a nanovirus and they had to resort to using an older backup after purging the system of the virus. However, she had a feeling that neither of the men would find her comment funny or amusing.

Then, the old Vulcan had to pull her into the conversation with yet another invitation to attend service. Great. Now she had to think of an excuse on the spot to get out of it. She could use the baby, he was a great excuse, but there was the off chance that they might tell her to bring him along. The religious type seemed to love having babies around. She could say she had a meeting, but if she lied and the admiral found out about it, it might make their working relationship even more strained than it already was. She was running out of time as they waited for her reply.

"I'll have to check my schedule."

That was it! Not a yes, not a no, but the perfect answer to appease everyone.

"In the meantime, I believe Ms. Mazal has gone ahead and put together a party to help welcome you back to the station, Admiral. Knowing her, she has likely gone all out to help you feel more at home."   

Leanna Mazal

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on October 16, 2018, 03:16:36 PM

[NPC - Crewman Kellen Gates - Observation Lounge]

Kellen Gates loved Halloween. He also loved inappropriate costumes, and crashing fancy parties he hadn't been invited to. He was controversial like that. As the medical crewman entered the Lounge the crib mobile he was wearing attached to his head danced with the movement. Ships of various shapes and sizes bobbed all around his face. There were models of fleet craft attached to the mobile, along with a Klingon Bird-of-Prey, various model freighters and a very familiar looking warship; one that had paid a very recent visit to the Starbase.

Affixed to his cheeks were two large horns. They affected his speech a little, which was unfortunate, but Kellen decided that what he had to say with his words was less important than the volumes that his outfit spoke. On the white tshirt he wore was a picture of a warp core with a large, red 'X' through it. He gave Leanna a little wave and moved toward her, the ships attached to his head bouncing around on their flexible plastic connectors.

"Hi Missurs Purzzles," he greeted, speaking around the horns and nodding with satisfaction at her costume. She was almost completely unrecognisable, and Kell wouldn't have known who she was had one of her minions not referred to her by name. "Am the Y'nari," he announced proudly, pointing to himself.

[Observation Lounge]

Lea had found it slightly amusing when several people entered the Lounge and not realise who she was at first and that made the Betazoid happy as she wanted to make more of an effort and go all out with her costume this year. Besides if felt good to do the unexpected and take a risk although would probably not feel that way when it came to washing the green makeup from her face, hands and arms later.

Not that she was worried about that right now as she had every intention of enjoying herself and letting her hair down without having to think too much. However when Crewman Gates approached and acknowledged her and guessed that one of her staff must of pointed her out. The Betazoid didn't mind and  had even become accustomed to Gates's name for her.

Besides she saw no point in correcting him and was glad that Alex wasn't around as she knew Kellen didn't like him much. This caused her to smile as Gates then gave her costume a nod of satisfaction before proudly declaring that he had come as the Ynari.

She had to admit it was a good if different choice of costume and appreciated the effort he had gone too as she answered him. " Hello Mr Gates and I like it, its certainly unique".

Felicity Ellis

Quote from: Xander Dorset on October 17, 2018, 12:37:10 AM

[Personal Quarters - Xander Dorset]

Xander's head jerked back a little in surprise as he registered the genuine anger in Felicity's expression. That surprise was quickly overtaken by confusion - and frustration over his confusion. Me ignore her? I had to hold her bloody cactus hostage to even get her to interact with me! And what does Helena have to do with any of this?

He lifted his arms out to the sides in a placating gesture as he protested, "I'm sorry I didn't get you flowers when you weren't sick??" highlighting the absurdity of her argument. He raised one hand and ran it through his hair in agitation before he continued, opening his mouth before he could think through the words that came out. "Goodness, Felicity, I'd ask if your cactus was up your ass, except I know she's sitting safely on my bedside table."

While the words came out in an aggravated drawl, Xander had a sinking internal suspicion that he had just made a very big mistake. He leaned against the wall behind him - strategically guarding the entrance to his sleeping area, just in case - and folded his arms as he stared down the woman in front of him, trying to think of something to diffuse the situation. "As for your other accusation, I didn't steal her; I borrowed her - and, I'll have you know that she's in perfect health and blooming. So I fail to see why you're so upset."

[Personal Quarters - Xander Dorset]

She wasn't so far gone that she didn't register his confusion, but unfortunately that, along with his apology for not buying her flowers, only seemed to further frustrate her. "That's isn't... I didn't... That's not the point, Xander!" Had her anger stolen her ability to string a coherent sentence together? "UGH!" Felicity felt thwarted, and the noise she'd made suggested that pulling her hair out or throwing kitchenware around wouldn't be too shocking of a next step.

His next sentence though, elicited a very different kind of reaction.

Her raised, clenched fists fell to her sides and her expression slackened. The high colour began to drain from her cheeks and she studied him for a few moments, drawing out her silence for longer than absolutely necessary as she considered. Outwardly, she suddenly looked every bit the calm, put-together officer she was supposed to be, while inside the tightening pain in her chest grew. "My ass is no longer something that's appropriate for you to consider, under any circumstances." Her voice was lower, but no less harsh. She stepped closer toward the bedroom, where he'd claimed Dericka had been hidden. All the while she was mentally preparing to cut herself off, rebuilding those walls that kept everyone from glimpsing anything too real beneath the surface. "For that matter, neither is this friendship. You're in a relationship now, Xander. The way we are..." She gestured between them, taking another step closer to the doorway, "Wouldn't be fair on Helena." Or me. Charged banter, games, competitions and pranks, and not to mention barging through locked doors to shout at each other - not exactly harmless.

At first, she hadn't understood why she was so upset, either. Her initial reaction to finding the picture had been to laugh aloud, but that had quickly faded. In its place was something a lot more complex, but she wasn't about to give that any further airtime. "I just am, okay?" The anger was returning with force. She had come in swinging, she'd go out that way. She wanted the cactus and she wouldn't leave without it. "She has sentimental value." Felicity didn't even know what 'blooming' meant in regard to Dericka; she had no idea that cacti had flowers.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
Bio: Felicity Ellis

Felicity Ellis

Quote from: Leanna Mazal on October 17, 2018, 05:38:47 AM

[Observation Lounge]

Lea had found it slightly amusing when several people entered the Lounge and not realise who she was at first and that made the Betazoid happy as she wanted to make more of an effort and go all out with her costume this year. Besides if felt good to do the unexpected and take a risk although would probably not feel that way when it came to washing the green makeup from her face, hands and arms later.

Not that she was worried about that right now as she had every intention of enjoying herself and letting her hair down without having to think too much. However when Crewman Gates approached and acknowledged her and guessed that one of her staff must of pointed her out. The Betazoid didn't mind and  had even become accustomed to Gates's name for her.

Besides she saw no point in correcting him and was glad that Alex wasn't around as she knew Kellen didn't like him much. This caused her to smile as Gates then gave her costume a nod of satisfaction before proudly declaring that he had come as the Ynari.

She had to admit it was a good if different choice of costume and appreciated the effort he had gone too as she answered him. " Hello Mr Gates and I like it, its certainly unique".

[NPC - Crewman Kellen Gates - Observation Lounge]

"'Sackry wha I was goin' fer!" He said happily when Mrs. Puzzles declared his costume to be unique. "An' migh' I say, very brave o' you for goin' green!" She was supposed to be a witch, he knew, but he appreciated the controversial choice of colour, considering who their Captain was.

He made a sucking sound suddenly, trying to control the amount of saliva building up in his mouth and threatening to drip down his chin. He looked around the lounge, bobbing his head with approval as he studied the decor and noted the band setting up. "Looks grea! Supah spoopy!" He gestured around him, the model ships on the mobile dancing around with his enthusiasm. It was unusual to see the crewman quite so excited. He began to ask another question, but struggled to pronounce the words properly. With a good-natured eye-roll, he removed the horns and grinned at the woman. "Where is Second-in-Command Seamus this evening? I would like to buy him a beer for all of his capable assistance during the virus."

He popped the horns back on immediately.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
Bio: Felicity Ellis

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