Columbus Stories 1.5 - A Party to Remember

Started by Naira, October 15, 2018, 06:27:37 PM

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Lyric McDaniels


[Stables - Riding Paddock]

The small child, no more than 3 or 4, clapped her pudgy hands and squealed in delight as the pink pony with a sparkling golden horn pranced through the small riding enclosure. Delicate golden hooves lightly stepped around grinning jack o'lanterns and silly white sheeted ghosts that decorated the area. A special 'spooky' ride had been organized for the youngest group of SBC equestrians that Lyric liked to volunteer with. And through special 'Halloween' magic, they had a unicorn for a day. Lyric didn't mind her shapeshifting abilities being put to use like this, the happiness on the little ones faces was worth it.

Once riding time was over, and all the little riders had left, Lyric resumed her usual form and hurried to her locker to retrieve a medium sized duffel bag. It contained her favorite part of this year's Halloween costume, a creation she was most proud of. She couldn't wait to show it off at the party Lea had put together.

[Observation Lounge]

Lyric stopped dead in her tracks outside the Lounge. In her rush to get to the party, she forgot to 'change' into her costume. With a ripple like light reflecting off the surface of a pond, her usual gold Starfleet uniform was replaced with a regal looking gown of pale blue and soft cream accented with gold. The full skirt fell in soft pleats to the floor. Her soft brown hair now hung in pale blonde ringlets, well below her shoulders.

The dress swirled around her legs gracefully, as she entered the Lounge in a few quick steps. She found the decorations charming, and the atmosphere a lot nicer than the last time she'd visited the area. The lively music put an additional sway in her step. She was unfamiliar with the songs, but she always did enjoy a tune. She spotted Rixxy dressed as a rakish pirate, complete with brightly feathered hat, her bionic metal leg on full display and dashed over to her.

"Rixxy! Look at these! They're my babies!" Lyric emptied her duffel bag onto table, causing the silverware to clatter. Three small winged lizards began to stir, sleepily. One let out a small hiccup with a puff of smoke.

"Woah, hey, what are those? Changelings don't have... babies... Also don't put your lizards on my tables please." The Klingon lightly picked one up and it gave a tinny purr.

"I built them, out of some... spare tech. They're baby dragons!" It was probably best if she didn't broadcast that she had built the tiny androids from discarded parts of the alien insectoid ship. Lyric's eyes twinkled and she looked inordinately pleased with herself as she picked up one of the tiny dragons and gave it a cuddle. She did indeed look like a proud mama.

"Ah... I guess they are kinda cute." Rixxy raised an eyebrow as the dragon she had picked up scurried up her arm to perch on her shoulder.

Species: Changeling

If you could be anything you wanted, why wouldn't you choose to be happy?

Aryn Corliss

Quote from: Malcolm Adeyemi on October 18, 2018, 11:17:47 AM


Analyn saw the man dancing and joined in. The man talked and smelled and moved funny, but he looked to be having a good time. So was she. The tail of her costume repeatedly thumped into the man's ankles as she danced, threatening to topple him over onto the dance floor.


"I see." Clearly, Adeyemi wasn't having any of it. Orion were known for their larger than life personalities and emphasis on social gatherings. But then again, Captain Naira wasn't a typical member of her species, just as he wasn't of his own.

"I suppose, as it is Halloween, I will get into the spirit of things." It was one night, and Analyn was having a great deal of fun. Then again, she had fun staring at a fish tank for minutes on end.


And so it began. Adeyemi braced himself with a prolonged swig of Seamus's Irish but still acceptable ale.

"Pleased to meet you, Doctor. Lieutenant." Was all the admiral said. When the question about the party came up, Adeyemi could only mildly grunt.


"I quite remember." The admiral favored the couple with a small, genuine smile, an unusual expression for his usually stolid face.

Another scantily clad server, this one a human with bright aquamarine hair who was nearly as tall as he, sauntered by with a tray of sandwiches. Trying not to look, the admiral scooped up a tiny egg salad tea sandwich and stuffed it into his mouth to cover the slightly awkward moment.


Not wanting to make things even more awkward, Alec also grabbed a sandwich from the scantily clad server and chuckled as he watched the funny little girl dancing enthusiastically.

Laying a hand on his arm, Aryn asked, Do you want a drink?

Yes, thanks. An Aldebaran whiskey.

Aryn nodded and headed off to the bar, dodging other party-goers as they danced and moved about in their costumes. An Aldebaran whiskey and a Risian mai-tai, she requested of the bartender. When the green whiskey and the orange cocktail were delivered, Aryn carried them back to where Alec still stood near Captain Naira and Admiral Adeyemi, handing Alec his drink.

How is your baby doing? Aryn asked Naira. I'm sorry, I don't know that I ever heard the name.

Attempting to make conversation with the Admiral, Alec asked, Do you come to the station often? Or are you based here?

Xander Dorset

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on October 18, 2018, 08:08:24 AM

[Personal Quarters]

It really only took half a second, and Felicity had actually stopped when she reached the bedroom, trying to spy Dericka among everything else. For a big bloke, Xander was pretty speedy. She barely had time to enjoy how messy the room was; though from a quick first scan she thought she recognised one of the posters, and she found the various terrariums quite arresting. It prompted a little feeling of disappointment at her constant failure to keep any plantlife she'd ever had alive. She'd had little Dericka for all of six months, and that was the longest she'd ever managed to keep any plant.

Pretty... She thought, taken by the colourful array, right before her back met a solid form with a vice-like grip.

She could feel his voice in her ear, and the shiver it coaxed down her spine. It did little to relieve her temper, however. "You should hold your breath in anticipation for that," she bit back, wholly unimpressed. He'd be waiting a while for any apology from her. As if... the arrogance! "Let me go, Xander! I won't touch anything, I swear, just give me the stupid plant so I can leave!"

In the strength department there was no contest. Her arms were pressed into her sides but that didn't mean she was totally useless, her legs were somewhat free, after all. She'd started to kick backwards at his shins, wishing that she was wearing her boots and not her runners, and also that she hadn't just lunged into his bedroom without being sure exactly where the cactus was beforehand...

Initially she'd discounted the flowers on the bedside table, thinking that Xander had misled her. On an accidental second glance though, it did look familiar. There was her pudgy, little short-round self, with three flowers blooming atop her. "That's... Dericka?"

She had movement in her forearm and was able to wrap her hand around Xander's wrist and tug it a little, as though she was looking for his attention. She'd stopped trying to fracture his shins at least. "What did you do? Xander." Her voice confused, her expression borderline suspicious, she turned her head against him in order to get a better look at him and gauge. "Why are there flowers coming out of her head?"

[Personal Quarters - Xander Dorset]

As Felicity began protesting and squirming in his arms, Xander tightened his grip a little bit and returned, "I don't care so much that you touch things, but I do care if you leave. Besides, like I told you, Dericka and I have a b- ouch!" He flinched as Felicity's heel made direct contact with his left shin, but he stubbornly refused to let go, instead opting to actually tighten his grip and reposition his stance so that it was less in danger of flailing feet.

Luckily, however, her assault didn't last very long once she actually spotted the blasted cactus. "That's her," he confirmed, squinting down at her in suspicion as he cautiously loosened his grip a little bit. A bemused smile spread across his face as she tugged at his wrist and began questioning him. "I didn't do anything - honestly," he promised as Felicity turned to look at him. He couldn't keep his smile out of his voice.

"She has flowers 'coming out of her head' because she's an angiosperm. That's kind of what they do." He leaned back a little, giving Felicity a bit of wiggle room so he could better see her face without letting go of her yet. "She's reproducing. She'll flower, then produce little fruiting bodies with seeds - and then you can consume her babies." He winked rather inappropriately, hoping to elicit a laugh and diffuse some of the tnesion between them while Dericka distracted her from her war path. "They taste sort of like strawberries. Sort of." Xander shifted his legs a little, his left shin was starting to ache where Felicity had made contact, and he was sure he'd have a nice bruise to show for this encounter. That little movement, however, seemed to be enough to encourage tjuv to do the same, and he started squirming in his pocket, trying to wiggle his way up to the top which was currently pressed shut between Xander and Felicity's bodies.

"Impossible is nothing


Quote from: Malcolm Adeyemi on October 18, 2018, 11:17:47 AM


Analyn saw the man dancing and joined in. The man talked and smelled and moved funny, but he looked to be having a good time. So was she. The tail of her costume repeatedly thumped into the man's ankles as she danced, threatening to topple him over onto the dance floor.


"I see." Clearly, Adeyemi wasn't having any of it. Orion were known for their larger than life personalities and emphasis on social gatherings. But then again, Captain Naira wasn't a typical member of her species, just as he wasn't of his own.

"I suppose, as it is Halloween, I will get into the spirit of things." It was one night, and Analyn was having a great deal of fun. Then again, she had fun staring at a fish tank for minutes on end.


And so it began. Adeyemi braced himself with a prolonged swig of Seamus's Irish but still acceptable ale.

"Pleased to meet you, Doctor. Lieutenant." Was all the admiral said. When the question about the party came up, Adeyemi could only mildly grunt.


"I quite remember." The admiral favored the couple with a small, genuine smile, an unusual expression for his usually stolid face.

Another scantily clad server, this one a human with bright aquamarine hair who was nearly as tall as he, sauntered by with a tray of sandwiches. Trying not to look, the admiral scooped up a tiny egg salad tea sandwich and stuffed it into his mouth to cover the slightly awkward moment.

[Observation Lounge]

Following in the admiral's example, Naira grabbed a sandwich off the tray. For a moment she merely held the thing in her hand, not sure if she actually wanted to eat it, but she felt awkward just standing there making small talk when the admiral appeared as if he'd rather be anywhere else. Bringing the spongy substance up to her face, Naira discreetly tried to sniff the lumpy yellow mass squished between the two pieces of bread. It had a slight smell of sulfur, that caused her nose to slightly curl upwards. However, the longer she held onto it, the mushy filling tried to spread closer to the edge, threatening to drip down her arm, possibly staining her white uniform.

Quote from: Aryn Corliss on October 18, 2018, 11:25:58 PM


Not wanting to make things even more awkward, Alec also grabbed a sandwich from the scantily clad server and chuckled as he watched the funny little girl dancing enthusiastically.

Laying a hand on his arm, Aryn asked, Do you want a drink?

Yes, thanks. An Aldebaran whiskey.

Aryn nodded and headed off to the bar, dodging other party-goers as they danced and moved about in their costumes. An Aldebaran whiskey and a Risian mai-tai, she requested of the bartender. When the green whiskey and the orange cocktail were delivered, Aryn carried them back to where Alec still stood near Captain Naira and Admiral Adeyemi, handing Alec his drink.

How is your baby doing? Aryn asked Naira. I'm sorry, I don't know that I ever heard the name.

Attempting to make conversation with the Admiral, Alec asked, Do you come to the station often? Or are you based here?

In the awkward silence that persisted throughout the lieutenant departing to retrieve drinks, Naira took a chance and nibbled the corner of sandwich. It was soft, mushy, tangy and contained a few flavors she couldn't identify, but it was far better than she had expected. She quickly devoured the rest of the sandwich, not realizing just how hungry she had been until she found herself reaching for a second sandwich.

Of course, as soon as she began to eat it, that was when the lieutenant asked her a direct question. Naira had to finish chewing and swallow the food in her mouth before answering.

"Ehiss, his name is Ehiss. Though the General wants to complete this official naming ceremony thing."

Leanna Mazal

[Observation Lounge]

The Admiral's cake was good to go but given the initial reaction to the party, Lea decided to not make too big a deal with it so instead decided that when the time was right, she would present it to him when there was less people around. Unless the Captain asked her to bring it over but either way it was ready for when it was needed.

With that done and the tables replenished, something she was keen to keep topped up as they didn't want to run out of food, Lea looked around the room as more people arrived. She noticed that the Captain and Admiral had taken some of the sandwiches that Anya was currently taking around the room which was a good sign.

It was then that Leanna spotted Rixxy talking to someone she didn't immediately recognise and decided to check in with her Head Bartender. Walking over she came to a stop near the pair and realised it was Lyric and that both seemed to be holding baby dragons.

" Rixxy, I trust everything is okay " she said before turning to Lyric. " Hi Lyric, I love your costume and those baby dragons are adorable".

Felicity Ellis

Quote from: Xander Dorset on October 19, 2018, 01:17:04 AM

[Personal Quarters - Xander Dorset]

As Felicity began protesting and squirming in his arms, Xander tightened his grip a little bit and returned, "I don't care so much that you touch things, but I do care if you leave. Besides, like I told you, Dericka and I have a b- ouch!" He flinched as Felicity's heel made direct contact with his left shin, but he stubbornly refused to let go, instead opting to actually tighten his grip and reposition his stance so that it was less in danger of flailing feet.

Luckily, however, her assault didn't last very long once she actually spotted the blasted cactus. "That's her," he confirmed, squinting down at her in suspicion as he cautiously loosened his grip a little bit. A bemused smile spread across his face as she tugged at his wrist and began questioning him. "I didn't do anything - honestly," he promised as Felicity turned to look at him. He couldn't keep his smile out of his voice.

"She has flowers 'coming out of her head' because she's an angiosperm. That's kind of what they do." He leaned back a little, giving Felicity a bit of wiggle room so he could better see her face without letting go of her yet. "She's reproducing. She'll flower, then produce little fruiting bodies with seeds - and then you can consume her babies." He winked rather inappropriately, hoping to elicit a laugh and diffuse some of the tnesion between them while Dericka distracted her from her war path. "They taste sort of like strawberries. Sort of." Xander shifted his legs a little, his left shin was starting to ache where Felicity had made contact, and he was sure he'd have a nice bruise to show for this encounter. That little movement, however, seemed to be enough to encourage tjuv to do the same, and he started squirming in his pocket, trying to wiggle his way up to the top which was currently pressed shut between Xander and Felicity's bodies.

[Personal Quarters]

Her expression of doubt morphed gradually into surprise as she listened to him speak, her head cocked to one side, realisation dawning on her still flushed face. "Oh." She felt Xander's grip loosen a little and she glanced over at the flowering Dericka, and back up at him in time to catch the inappropriate wink. A smile was spreading across her face and much to her annoyance, she wasn't able to do anything about it. "Mmm. Delicious infanticide."

She could feel herself relaxing slightly; some of the tension from the argument and all of her pesky heightened emotions leaving her body. She still felt all of the irritation from before, but she suddenly felt too tired to deal with it. Her face had softened a little as she looked at the little cactus, now obviously a mature lady. "She's all grown up." She wrinkled her nose then, not all that sure if she was too overjoyed at that notion. Felicity was about to ask if they could grow more of her instead of consuming her babies, when something rather solid pressed against the small of her back.

She stilled immediately. Her eyes widened. What was... That can't be... Stay very still, maybe it'll stop... "What the f-" There it was again, insistent, and moving. "Xander Dorset! Really!? At a time like this?" Her voice was tinged with total shock, but her shoulders had started to shake with laughter. Now that she had a little wiggle room in that grip of his she squirmed and turned to stare up at him in amazement. "You're a sadist. Who knew?" She gave his wrist another tug and leaned as far away as she could. "I think I hear a red alert, I should go check."

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
Bio: Felicity Ellis

Felicity Ellis

Quote from: Malcolm Adeyemi on October 18, 2018, 11:17:47 AM


Analyn saw the man dancing and joined in. The man talked and smelled and moved funny, but he looked to be having a good time. So was she. The tail of her costume repeatedly thumped into the man's ankles as she danced, threatening to topple him over onto the dance floor.

Quote from: Lyric McDaniels on October 18, 2018, 03:19:14 PM

[Observation Lounge]

"Rixxy! Look at these! They're my babies!" Lyric emptied her duffel bag onto table, causing the silverware to clatter. Three small winged lizards began to stir, sleepily. One let out a small hiccup with a puff of smoke.

[NPC - Crewman Kellen Gates - Observation Lounge]

Kellen was having a great time cutting a rug on the dancefloor. He found keeping up with the AI challenging, and he'd had to sidestep out of the way of her fishtail so frequently that he'd turned it into a slick dance move. He'd clasped his hands together and behind his neck and was swishing around, pretending to be a rhythmic shark, when he spied a white-haired woman empty a bag of what looked like dragons out onto a nearby table.

"Analyn! Look!" He stopped his excited prancing and pointed to the small group. "Dragons! Shall we go closer and study them?"

He arrived just behind Mrs. Puzzles. "Hello." He said in simple greeting to the Klingon, the white-haired woman and Mrs. Puzzles. "May I examine your dragons?" He stepped a little closer to the table in anticipation and bent over a little in effort to get a closer look at the fascinating creations.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
Bio: Felicity Ellis

Malcolm Adeyemi

Quote from: Aryn Corliss on October 18, 2018, 11:25:58 PM


Not wanting to make things even more awkward, Alec also grabbed a sandwich from the scantily clad server and chuckled as he watched the funny little girl dancing enthusiastically.

Laying a hand on his arm, Aryn asked, Do you want a drink?

Yes, thanks. An Aldebaran whiskey.

Aryn nodded and headed off to the bar, dodging other party-goers as they danced and moved about in their costumes. An Aldebaran whiskey and a Risian mai-tai, she requested of the bartender. When the green whiskey and the orange cocktail were delivered, Aryn carried them back to where Alec still stood near Captain Naira and Admiral Adeyemi, handing Alec his drink.

How is your baby doing? Aryn asked Naira. I'm sorry, I don't know that I ever heard the name.

Attempting to make conversation with the Admiral, Alec asked, Do you come to the station often? Or are you based here?

[Observation Lounge]

"I was formerly a resident here," Adeyemi said dryly in response to the doctor. "I can tell you aren't in Starfleet. We'd say 'I was stationed' here. Which I used to be. Now I try to get back whenever I can."

It was quite a speech, for him. Perhaps he was making too much of this. Though, to be fair, the entire Columbus knew that he was not the most sociable man. He and Captain Naira were alike that way. Perhaps that was the only way they were alike.

Secretly amused,he glanced over at the Orion officer, noting that she was very gingerly trying out an egg salad tea sandwich of her own. The admiral's beer was nearly empty, and his belly was growling. To show the captain how it was done, he grabbed a fistful of the little things: smoked sturgeon, cucumber and watercress, curried tuna. Emboldened, he moved up to the big guns: a palm sized crab salad sandwich, ham, brie, and apple, pea and prosciutto. He was on a roll, and and smiled at the captain when he was finished, wondering if she was feeling adventurous.

"How about yourself, Doctor Alec?" The food was making him feel expansive, and as if on cue the Bolian server minced by with a refill for his beer. "How are you finding the starbase?"

Xander Dorset

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on October 19, 2018, 09:16:14 AM

[Personal Quarters]

Her expression of doubt morphed gradually into surprise as she listened to him speak, her head cocked to one side, realisation dawning on her still flushed face. "Oh." She felt Xander's grip loosen a little and she glanced over at the flowering Dericka, and back up at him in time to catch the inappropriate wink. A smile was spreading across her face and much to her annoyance, she wasn't able to do anything about it. "Mmm. Delicious infanticide."

She could feel herself relaxing slightly; some of the tension from the argument and all of her pesky heightened emotions leaving her body. She still felt all of the irritation from before, but she suddenly felt too tired to deal with it. Her face had softened a little as she looked at the little cactus, now obviously a mature lady. "She's all grown up." She wrinkled her nose then, not all that sure if she was too overjoyed at that notion. Felicity was about to ask if they could grow more of her instead of consuming her babies, when something rather solid pressed against the small of her back.

She stilled immediately. Her eyes widened. What was... That can't be... Stay very still, maybe it'll stop... "What the f-" There it was again, insistent, and moving. "Xander Dorset! Really!? At a time like this?" Her voice was tinged with total shock, but her shoulders had started to shake with laughter. Now that she had a little wiggle room in that grip of his she squirmed and turned to stare up at him in amazement. "You're a sadist. Who knew?" She gave his wrist another tug and leaned as far away as she could. "I think I hear a red alert, I should go check."

[Personal Quarters - Xander Dorset]

The longer Felicity looked at Dericka, the happier she seemed to become - and the more relaxed Xander became as a result. A happy Felicity was a Felicity who wasn't trying to run away or break his legs. Everything seemed to be going well - until he remembered who was with them. He froze as tjuv chose that moment to start wiggling around. Xander stilled in hopes that the wee beastie might do the same, but that didn't seem to be helping. He could only hope that Felicity didn't noti-

She noticed.

Xander felt his face involuntarily redden as he retorted, "Oh, don't flatter yourself. I have no control over what he does!" He knew it was probably a bad idea, seeing how eager Felicity seemed to run, but he released his hold on her and backtracked a few steps so that he was still between her and the door. He immediately started fishing around in his pocket, seemingly muttering to himself. "You dramatic, little bastard. You just had to ruin the surprise, didn't you? You couldn't wait..."

Xander pulled the top of his pocket open and glanced up at Felicity with an exasperated smile, and seconds later, tjuv's furry head popped out of the opening to blink up first at Xander, then at Felicity.

"Impossible is nothing

Felicity Ellis

Quote from: Xander Dorset on October 19, 2018, 03:22:58 PM

[Personal Quarters - Xander Dorset]

The longer Felicity looked at Dericka, the happier she seemed to become - and the more relaxed Xander became as a result. A happy Felicity was a Felicity who wasn't trying to run away or break his legs. Everything seemed to be going well - until he remembered who was with them. He froze as tjuv chose that moment to start wiggling around. Xander stilled in hopes that the wee beastie might do the same, but that didn't seem to be helping. He could only hope that Felicity didn't noti-

She noticed.

Xander felt his face involuntarily redden as he retorted, "Oh, don't flatter yourself. I have no control over what he does!" He knew it was probably a bad idea, seeing how eager Felicity seemed to run, but he released his hold on her and backtracked a few steps so that he was still between her and the door. He immediately started fishing around in his pocket, seemingly muttering to himself. "You dramatic, little bastard. You just had to ruin the surprise, didn't you? You couldn't wait..."

Xander pulled the top of his pocket open and glanced up at Felicity with an exasperated smile, and seconds later, tjuv's furry head popped out of the opening to blink up first at Xander, then at Felicity.

[Personal Quarters]

The grip vanished and Felicity, who had been applying her weight to the arms that had held her captive, stumbled forward. As she righted herself and spun around, Xander was already backing up toward the exit, while he spoke to...

He was talking to...

She couldn't decide if she was more bewildered or delighted. This, after all, was some seriously juicy ammunition, but she wasn't at all sure that she could ever use it against him. Her nose crinkled as she listened to him prattle away to himself, wondering if such a practice was really as common as others might have her believe.

The way he was admonishing it, she almost expected it to talk back. And then he finished messing around in his pocket, and a furry creature with whiskers and the cutest little ears popped out of it. She stared, mouth agape, looking at it, then up at him, then back to the pocket, and the penny dropped.

"There is a ferret in your pants." She observed, as if he didn't know. "Xander." She bit down on her bottom lip, hard. She looked up at the ceiling, avoiding everything else, trying to compose herself. Her shoulders shook and her cheeks turned an even darker shade of red as she tried, and eventually failed, to keep in the laughter.

"I'm sorry," she said after a several moments, once the uncontrollable giggles had calmed and she could take a breath. "You are very handsome," she said to Xander's pocket. Quickly swiping at the tears in her eyes she stepped back towards the two creatures in front of her, both equally unexpected, ducked her head slightly and offered her open hand for the ferret to sniff.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
Bio: Felicity Ellis


[Private Quarters]

The headdress was awkward at first, but she quickly felt she had the hand of if, although it was rather obvious that ancient Egyptians hadn't though of the the difficulties of a feline headed god actually wearing one, sitting the head dress slightly forward meant while comfortable it did cover both of her ears and made haring difficult, pushing it slightly back from center rested on her ears painfully, in the end she did a little bit of handywork and let it sit naturally if even more historically inaccurate.

She breezed off the turbolift and crossed the promenade, the skirt and tunic being thin cotton allowing her a certain freedom she didn't normally experience in this part of the station and she was rapidly being to like Halloween.  The last time she was here she had waited out the front, embarrassed by her presence, things had changed since then however and she stepped eagerly through the doors into the club beyond, she hadn't been mistaken with her choice as she saw the wide variety of costumes, recognising most of the crew in various stages of undress, and for once she felt overdressed, she smiled widely at the decorations and the potential that this party, unlike the last one, had of becoming rowdy.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing."

Aryn Corliss

Quote from: Naira on October 19, 2018, 04:31:22 AM

[Observation Lounge]

Following in the admiral's example, Naira grabbed a sandwich off the tray. For a moment she merely held the thing in her hand, not sure if she actually wanted to eat it, but she felt awkward just standing there making small talk when the admiral appeared as if he'd rather be anywhere else. Bringing the spongy substance up to her face, Naira discreetly tried to sniff the lumpy yellow mass squished between the two pieces of bread. It had a slight smell of sulfur, that caused her nose to slightly curl upwards. However, the longer she held onto it, the mushy filling tried to spread closer to the edge, threatening to drip down her arm, possibly staining her white uniform.

In the awkward silence that persisted throughout the lieutenant departing to retrieve drinks, Naira took a chance and nibbled the corner of sandwich. It was soft, mushy, tangy and contained a few flavors she couldn't identify, but it was far better than she had expected. She quickly devoured the rest of the sandwich, not realizing just how hungry she had been until she found herself reaching for a second sandwich.

Of course, as soon as she began to eat it, that was when the lieutenant asked her a direct question. Naira had to finish chewing and swallow the food in her mouth before answering.

"Ehiss, his name is Ehiss. Though the General wants to complete this official naming ceremony thing."

[Observation Lounge]

Aryn sipped at her drink, enjoying the fruity alcohol. Naira didn't seem particularly thrilled about the naming ceremony, but she decided to leave that be. Instead she asked, Ehiss? I like that. Is it Orion, or Klingon? Or did you branch out completely? I don't recognize it.

Analyn seems to be having fun, Aryn added with a chuckle.

Quote from: Malcolm Adeyemi on October 19, 2018, 02:43:56 PM

[Observation Lounge]

"I was formerly a resident here," Adeyemi said dryly in response to the doctor. "I can tell you aren't in Starfleet. We'd say 'I was stationed' here. Which I used to be. Now I try to get back whenever I can."

It was quite a speech, for him. Perhaps he was making too much of this. Though, to be fair, the entire Columbus knew that he was not the most sociable man. He and Captain Naira were alike that way. Perhaps that was the only way they were alike.

Secretly amused,he glanced over at the Orion officer, noting that she was very gingerly trying out an egg salad tea sandwich of her own. The admiral's beer was nearly empty, and his belly was growling. To show the captain how it was done, he grabbed a fistful of the little things: smoked sturgeon, cucumber and watercress, curried tuna. Emboldened, he moved up to the big guns: a palm sized crab salad sandwich, ham, brie, and apple, pea and prosciutto. He was on a roll, and and smiled at the captain when he was finished, wondering if she was feeling adventurous.

"How about yourself, Doctor Alec?" The food was making him feel expansive, and as if on cue the Bolian server minced by with a refill for his beer. "How are you finding the starbase?"

Alec grinned at the admirals response. You're right, I'm not in Starfleet. I was about a hundred years ago, though. He shrugged easily. When you live as long as we do, you change careers a number of times. I like it here very much. So many different people, and Doctor, I mean, Chief Lunn has been kind enough to allow me a position in Sickbay. Though I have yet to take it up. The best part is being with Aryn, of course.

He looked over at his wife with a sad smile, watching as she spoke to the captain.


Quote from: Malcolm Adeyemi on October 19, 2018, 02:43:56 PM

[Observation Lounge]

"I was formerly a resident here," Adeyemi said dryly in response to the doctor. "I can tell you aren't in Starfleet. We'd say 'I was stationed' here. Which I used to be. Now I try to get back whenever I can."

It was quite a speech, for him. Perhaps he was making too much of this. Though, to be fair, the entire Columbus knew that he was not the most sociable man. He and Captain Naira were alike that way. Perhaps that was the only way they were alike.

Secretly amused,he glanced over at the Orion officer, noting that she was very gingerly trying out an egg salad tea sandwich of her own. The admiral's beer was nearly empty, and his belly was growling. To show the captain how it was done, he grabbed a fistful of the little things: smoked sturgeon, cucumber and watercress, curried tuna. Emboldened, he moved up to the big guns: a palm sized crab salad sandwich, ham, brie, and apple, pea and prosciutto. He was on a roll, and and smiled at the captain when he was finished, wondering if she was feeling adventurous.

"How about yourself, Doctor Alec?" The food was making him feel expansive, and as if on cue the Bolian server minced by with a refill for his beer. "How are you finding the starbase?"

[Observation Lounge]

Malcolm was far more adventurous when it came it shoveling food down his throat than Naira was. Then again, his digestive track was also much more accustomed to indulging in such rich Human foods. If the provided selection had included more moss, algae, insects or fungi, she was sure she could keep up with him, but as it was, she didn't want to end up with a stomachache as the result of what appeared to be her former captain egging her on.

She met his gaze as he devoured his vast collection of food, grabbing only a crab sandwich from the selection. Too bad it wasn't quite as good as eating a fresh crab straight from the aquaponics bay, but it would do.

Quote from: Aryn Corliss on October 19, 2018, 11:07:39 PM

[Observation Lounge]

Aryn sipped at her drink, enjoying the fruity alcohol. Naira didn't seem particularly thrilled about the naming ceremony, but she decided to leave that be. Instead she asked, Ehiss? I like that. Is it Orion, or Klingon? Or did you branch out completely? I don't recognize it.

Analyn seems to be having fun, Aryn added with a chuckle.

Alec grinned at the admirals response. You're right, I'm not in Starfleet. I was about a hundred years ago, though. He shrugged easily. When you live as long as we do, you change careers a number of times. I like it here very much. So many different people, and Doctor, I mean, Chief Lunn has been kind enough to allow me a position in Sickbay. Though I have yet to take it up. The best part is being with Aryn, of course.

He looked over at his wife with a sad smile, watching as she spoke to the captain.

Naira alternated between eating and talking to the ops officer as she listened to the exchange between the admiral and the doctor, only butting into the other conversation at the end.

"Ehiss is a Klingon name, but it does follow along traditional Orion naming conventions. I didn't so much care what sort of name we chose, but the General was insistent on a 'strong Klingon name' and my mother wanted something Orion after learning that the dominant Klingon genes would likely result in him looking far more Klingon. I really just didn't want to hear them keep fighting about it."

When Dr. Trenzal used the word 'kind' to describe Dr. Lunn, Naira nearly choked on a bite of her sandwich. She cleared her throat by coughing into the back of her hand, then exhaled. "I don't know if that would be the word I'd use to describe our Chief Medical Officer, but I am happy to know that we have another accomplished doctor working in Sickbay. If there is anything you need or if our 'ambitious,' new Chief gives you any trouble, you can come to me."

Aryn Corliss

Quote from: Naira on October 20, 2018, 02:44:16 PM

[Observation Lounge]

Malcolm was far more adventurous when it came it shoveling food down his throat than Naira was. Then again, his digestive track was also much more accustomed to indulging in such rich Human foods. If the provided selection had included more moss, algae, insects or fungi, she was sure she could keep up with him, but as it was, she didn't want to end up with a stomachache as the result of what appeared to be her former captain egging her on.

She met his gaze as he devoured his vast collection of food, grabbing only a crab sandwich from the selection. Too bad it wasn't quite as good as eating a fresh crab straight from the aquaponics bay, but it would do.

Naira alternated between eating and talking to the ops officer as she listened to the exchange between the admiral and the doctor, only butting into the other conversation at the end.

"Ehiss is a Klingon name, but it does follow along traditional Orion naming conventions. I didn't so much care what sort of name we chose, but the General was insistent on a 'strong Klingon name' and my mother wanted something Orion after learning that the dominant Klingon genes would likely result in him looking far more Klingon. I really just didn't want to hear them keep fighting about it."

[Observation Lounge]

Oh, that's good that you found a name that worked for both cultures, Aryn said.  It must be difficult to find a balance.


When Dr. Trenzal used the word 'kind' to describe Dr. Lunn, Naira nearly choked on a bite of her sandwich. She cleared her throat by coughing into the back of her hand, then exhaled. "I don't know if that would be the word I'd use to describe our Chief Medical Officer, but I am happy to know that we have another accomplished doctor working in Sickbay. If there is anything you need or if our 'ambitious,' new Chief gives you any trouble, you can come to me."

Alec chuckled. I have heard some stories, he amended. But thus far, he's been accommodating. I'd requested a coordinating schedule with Aryn so that we can spend time together and continue working to retrieve her memories.

It's in my best interest to keep the CMO happy, since he controls whether I can work in Sickbay or not, though I won't let him treat me badly. Alec's smile turned wicked. If he decides to make things difficult, I can always establish my own clinic under one of a dozen or so specialties I've studied over the years.

I'd rather not do that however.

Aryn stared at him with a slightly stunned expression. This was the first indication he'd given of having any kind of vindictiveness. Though it was of such a nature that one would almost welcome being revenged upon by the easygoing doctor.

Xander Dorset

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on October 19, 2018, 04:07:59 PM

[Personal Quarters]

The grip vanished and Felicity, who had been applying her weight to the arms that had held her captive, stumbled forward. As she righted herself and spun around, Xander was already backing up toward the exit, while he spoke to...

He was talking to...

She couldn't decide if she was more bewildered or delighted. This, after all, was some seriously juicy ammunition, but she wasn't at all sure that she could ever use it against him. Her nose crinkled as she listened to him prattle away to himself, wondering if such a practice was really as common as others might have her believe.

The way he was admonishing it, she almost expected it to talk back. And then he finished messing around in his pocket, and a furry creature with whiskers and the cutest little ears popped out of it. She stared, mouth agape, looking at it, then up at him, then back to the pocket, and the penny dropped.

"There is a ferret in your pants." She observed, as if he didn't know. "Xander." She bit down on her bottom lip, hard. She looked up at the ceiling, avoiding everything else, trying to compose herself. Her shoulders shook and her cheeks turned an even darker shade of red as she tried, and eventually failed, to keep in the laughter.

"I'm sorry," she said after a several moments, once the uncontrollable giggles had calmed and she could take a breath. "You are very handsome," she said to Xander's pocket. Quickly swiping at the tears in her eyes she stepped back towards the two creatures in front of her, both equally unexpected, ducked her head slightly and offered her open hand for the ferret to sniff.

[Personal Quarters]

Xander observed as she stared, a cheshire grin slowly stretching across his face as he watched her brain attempt to process what her eyes were seeing. When she finally commented on the ferret in his pants, he couldn't help but roll his eyes. "You don't say," he drily responded to Felicity's observation, that wicked grin still playing around his lips. "And here I thought I was just happy to see you." By the time he finished speaking, however, Felicity was already laughing so hard that he doubted she even heard what he had said.

Xander watched her as she laughed, an uncharacteristically soft look in his eyes, but as soon as Felicity started speaking again, a familiar mischievous glint returned to them. "Why, thank you," he purred, despite knowing full well that the compliment wasn't intended for him. "This little guy is pretty cute as well though." Tjuv creeped further out of Xander's pocket as Felicity held her hand out, his pink nose twitching as he sniffed her in introduction - or, more likely Xander suspected, to search for any treats she might have.

The little ferret struggled to crawl even further out of his pocket, and Xander didn't hesitate to scoop the fuzzy creature up in his hands before he started using his claws to find purchase - as it happens, ferret claws go right through the pocket lining of Starfleet standard uniform trousers, and for something so small they can hurt when placed in the wrong spot. He let tjuv climb up onto his shoulder, where the ferret could properly shoot inquisitive looks at the new human in front of him as Xander also returned to looking at Felicity.

"This is tjuv - well, that's not really his name, I guess. The beastie just caused enough mischief over the past week or so that the little thief's title just stuck. He and Franklin were the only one's left at Dr. Nassaney's. Franklin is temporarily staying with Mormor while she finishes up things at the shop, and I found the perfect home for this guy." Xander reached up to pet tjuv, but the ferret dodged his affection, scurrying over to Xander's hair instead where it hung loose, and using it to climb onto the science officer's head.

Xander froze, trying to balance the creature long enough to reach up and pluck the creature from his perch before he held him out to Felicity. "Here, hold still." With his free hand, he brushed Felicity's loose hair off of her left shoulder and then gently set tjuv down. The little ferret was hesitant at first, sniffing around for a few seconds, then immediately scurried over to Felicity's neck, trying to crawl around the back of her neck into her loose hair. "Well?" Xander asked, a laugh bubbling in his voice. "What do you think?"

"Impossible is nothing

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