Season 3 Episode 2 - The Price of Pleasure

Started by Naira, November 01, 2018, 04:42:22 AM

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Judith Eastman

Quote from: Leanna Mazal on November 16, 2018, 02:54:33 AM

[23rd Floor - The Ladies Room]

Despite Judy's comment about passing on the wine because of her age and liver, Lea had a sneaking suspicion that the older woman enjoyed the odd tipple or three, however respected her choice as she ordered a glass of wine from the replicator. When Judy then asked Lyric to check her bag regarding her medication naturally the Betazoid was concerned but it seemed that everything was under control.

Taking a moment to check out Judy's room, she had to admit that she was impressed with what she saw and looked forward to trying out her own room a bit later. But then with Dihiq contacting his boss and Judy informing her and Lyric that they had been upgraded, Lea had to admit that this Imperial Suite would definitely be more fitting for the three of them.

" Excellent, let's check it out, then we can head to the tournament as it should be starting soon" she said thinking of the mission and wondering if a certain individual would be present. If he was then it could prove to be an advantage when it came to seeking out more information and if not then she would still play her part well.

[Imperial Suite]

Judy led the way to the Imperial Suite, where she found their bags waiting.
"I'll go get a different outfit, a different accent, and a different name, and then we'll go to the tournament," Judy announced. Then, she cracked open her suitcase, got out a blue ball gown (a proper, modest one, suitable for an expectant granny), and went to one of the rooms to change.

"I will use a diffeRent identity, to confuse dem," Judy said. She pronounced her vowels in a way that was slightly off, bringing out sounds that were ever-so-slightly wrong, in the manner of a native Hebrew speaker. Those, however, weren't nearly as offensive as her almost comical Rs and the manner in which she murdered the "th" combo. It was an almost comical accent to her native anglophone ears.

Nick Dixon

Quote from: Aryn Corliss on November 17, 2018, 09:04:02 AM

[The Rough Diamond]

After settling into their room and discussing how they were going to play off each other, Alec and Aryn headed to the Rough Diamond. Entering the ballroom was an assault of the senses. There were people of all types, from Andorians to a single Tholian. The couple studiously avoided the Specialist. The smells were overwhelming, as was the noise of gambling machines and all the various beings talking.

Alec and Aryn paused inside and took a collective breath as their intrinsic feel for life was also assaulted. They were playing human, to be less conspicuous, so they had to take care not to allow themselves to be overtaken with Listening. But it would be oh-so-fascinating to just sit in the midst of the action and feel. They would have to be more subtle, however.

They made their way to a blackjack table as a game was finishing up. A couple of people left and Aryn and Alec slid into the vacant seats. There were some others there already, including someone who looked human and a Romulan.

A closer look at the latter, however, caused Alec to tense perceptibly as he sat. The visceral reaction to a Borg drone, even someone so obviously former Borg, was impossible for him to control. The destruction of the El-Aurian homeworld and ensuing flight for safety was indelibly ingrained on his mind.

Aryn noticed his reaction and glanced around for the cause, noticing the former Borg herself and realizing what it must be. She put one hand on his arm and raised a brow to ask if they needed to leave.

With a slight shake of his head, Alec forced himself to relax and plastered a smile on his face. Fortunately, his reaction to the Borg was not that unusual. People might notice, but it shouldn't cause them difficulty.

Do you want to play yourself, my love? Alec asked in his slightly altered accent.

Oh, yes! Aryn responded in a twittery, excited voice. Only I don't know how to play. Can you show me what to do? They'd agreed that she should play slightly silly. Not to the point of idiocy, but she technically only had ten years of knowledge at her disposal. She'd crammed a lot in those ten years, but gambling hadn't been part of that. So she would let Alec be the knowledgeable one and she wouldn't be expected to know anything. That way if she were asked something she couldn't answer, Aryn only had to simper and refer them to her husband, who knew so much more than she did.

Of course, Alec answered superciliously. You want your cards to be equal to or less than twenty-one. The face cards equal ten and an Ace is either one or eleven.

It can be both? Aryn interjected.

It can, indeed, Alec continued. But if you go over twenty-one you lose. Everyone can see your first card, but your others will be face down. Those are the very basics. Maybe you should watch one hand first to get the idea?

Okay, Aryn replied cheerfully, taking Alec's arm and clinging to him.

A waiter came over and asked if they wanted drinks.

Alec considered a moment before saying, Saurian brandy. Do you want anything, dear?

Oh...champagne, please! Aryn giggled. We just got married! she informed the table.

[Rough Diamond]

Nick's attention was piqued by the newcomers, especially by the mention of marriage. Honeymooners were great marks.
"Congratulations," he said with fake warmth. "What a very happy moment. Are you new around here?"

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Leanna Mazal

Quote from: Judy Eastman on November 17, 2018, 12:30:49 PM

[Imperial Suite]

Judy led the way to the Imperial Suite, where she found their bags waiting.
"I'll go get a different outfit, a different accent, and a different name, and then we'll go to the tournament," Judy announced. Then, she cracked open her suitcase, got out a blue ball gown (a proper, modest one, suitable for an expectant granny), and went to one of the rooms to change.

"I will use a diffeRent identity, to confuse dem," Judy said. She pronounced her vowels in a way that was slightly off, bringing out sounds that were ever-so-slightly wrong, in the manner of a native Hebrew speaker. Those, however, weren't nearly as offensive as her almost comical Rs and the manner in which she murdered the "th" combo. It was an almost comical accent to her native anglophone ears.

[Imperial Suite]

Lea had followed the others once more as Judy led them to their new temporary living arrangements and again was impressed by what she saw when she stepped inside. She couldn't fault the Resort's efficiency with having their bags already waiting for them and thought Judy had the right idea when she told them that she was going to change before they headed to the tournament.

She also didn't blame the older woman for also wanting to change her name and accent as the Betazoid decided that she would also wear something different. " Sounds good to me Judy and I'll change outfit too" she replied before Judy found what she wanted and left them for a few minutes.

Lea then quickly selected a mid length deep red gown with a slit up each side, short sleeves and a section showing her toned mid riff along with matching high heels. She then went off to change and thanks to her years performing, it didn't take long and was soon back in the main part of the Suite as Judy then chose a different accent.

Lea smiled and when asked if she was ready, grabbed the purse that went with her outfit and answered Judy " I am " she said thinking of this just like being back in the Clubs.

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Leanna Mazal on November 17, 2018, 01:45:55 PM

[Imperial Suite]

Lea had followed the others once more as Judy led them to their new temporary living arrangements and again was impressed by what she saw when she stepped inside. She couldn't fault the Resort's efficiency with having their bags already waiting for them and thought Judy had the right idea when she told them that she was going to change before they headed to the tournament.

She also didn't blame the older woman for also wanting to change her name and accent as the Betazoid decided that she would also wear something different. " Sounds good to me Judy and I'll change outfit too" she replied before Judy found what she wanted and left them for a few minutes.

Lea then quickly selected a mid length deep red gown with a slit up each side, short sleeves and a section showing her toned mid riff along with matching high heels. She then went off to change and thanks to her years performing, it didn't take long and was soon back in the main part of the Suite as Judy then chose a different accent.

Lea smiled and when asked if she was ready, grabbed the purse that went with her outfit and answered Judy " I am " she said thinking of this just like being back in the Clubs.

[Imperial Suite]

"I'll go get a head start. I do walk a little slower, especially after that hip replacement," Judy said, never one to miss an opportunity to kvetch. "I will see you both at the tournament."

And so, Judy set off. For this walk, she actually used the cane. After all, it wasn't so long ago that she broke her hip, and she still had physical therapy sessions. As Judy disappeared down the hall, Dihiq appeared into the room with a stain down his pants.
"S-s-s-sorry, I-I'll j-just, ch-change," he said. Man, how terrified he was of beautiful women.

[Rough Diamond]

At the tournament by the registration booths, Judy recognized a face from a personnel file she'd reviewed a while ago - Ellis. Oh, how she wanted to speak to this woman about a certain Klingon, but how she couldn't do it now. She had to keep up her character, which meant accent and everything.

"Evening," she greeted. "De line looks long. How bad is it?"

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Leanna Mazal

Quote from: Judy Eastman on November 18, 2018, 02:07:10 AM

[Imperial Suite]

"I'll go get a head start. I do walk a little slower, especially after that hip replacement," Judy said, never one to miss an opportunity to kvetch. "I will see you both at the tournament."

And so, Judy set off. For this walk, she actually used the cane. After all, it wasn't so long ago that she broke her hip, and she still had physical therapy sessions. As Judy disappeared down the hall, Dihiq appeared into the room with a stain down his pants.
"S-s-s-sorry, I-I'll j-just, ch-change," he said. Man, how terrified he was of beautiful women.

[Imperial Suite]

When Judy told them that she would go first owing to walking slower due to a hip replacement, Lea had no issue with that as it made sense for them to go down to the tournament separately and not arouse suspicion.

" Okay see you down there" Lea replied before the older woman left and Dihiq then nervously informed her and Lyric that he was going to change. Again the Betazoid felt sorry for the young Klingon but figured that if she tried to comfort him, he would probably feel intimidated. However she would at least show kindness towards him.

" Hey don't worry about Dihiq and we'll wait outside for you" she said kindly turning towards Lyric. " We'll head to the lift and wait for him there".

With that Lea opened the door and led the way towards the lift, thinking she would give Dihiq chance to decide whether he wanted to join them or not and wouldn't blame him if he stayed behind a little longer.

Felicity Ellis

Quote from: Odelot on November 16, 2018, 10:26:58 AM

The Emerald Enclave Pleasure Resort, The Oasis - Room 942

Odelot nodded enthusiastically, =/\= Uh huh!  They have finder-crawlers on the sub-space-net-work. =/\=  That was a hard word, chewed into very specific syllables.  At the Technical Services Academy, he'd had to learn a lot of words that way.  =/\=  We can pretend they found something.  Something for your file. =/\=

The next few minutes were spent helping her to add details of a medical addiction to the file.  It added a degree of depth and Pakledness- er, Humanity, to the person she was meant to be.

[The Oasis - Princess Suite]

Felicity found herself smiling at Odelot's very exact enunciation. Absently she swirled the colourful liquid in her glass while she eyed the console's screen, waiting for that flicker of life to appear in her file. Before too long some scandal began to spread into her backstory. Quite tame in comparison, all things considered, but her character was a damn sight dirtier now than she had been five minutes ago.

=/\= "Thanks, Odelot. You're the best." =/\=

Her smile grew as she methodically closed every open file and stepped away from the computer. Her mind was already on those vials in her case as she returned to her spot at the bar and deactivated the video loop.

[Later: The Rough Diamond Casino - Grand Tournament Ballroom]

Felicity had lost Volskene. That wasn't unusual, for whatever reason the Tholian had a tendency to get distracted and wander off. He normally returned with questions. She hoped he'd be able to recognise her among the Diamond's morally bankrupt clientele.

She'd joined one of the registration queues, her expression betraying what she considered to be a normal amount of interest. She looked around with a kind of detached curiosity, eyes seeking one of half a dozen faces that she'd memorised. She caught sight of Theg, the Tellarite engineer who'd turned weapons smuggler about a decade ago. On his arm was a very attractive brunette, whose sharp eyes flashed around the throng as she whispered words that seemed to be of great importance to Theg. One to watch.

Quote from: Judy Eastman on November 18, 2018, 02:07:10 AM

"Evening," she greeted. "De line looks long. How bad is it?"

At the unmistakable sound of a distinct Earth accent, Felicity tore her eyes away from her study of the lithe brunette and turned her head toward the voice's origin, curious as to its owner. When she looked at other woman, the very ghost of a frown flickered across her brow. It lasted for as long as it took Felicity to identify the Lieutenant.

Eastman. She recalled her from her personnel file; the very same one she'd studied that first time Dihiq had arrived on Columbus, and then once thereafter. There was no mistaking her. The Klingon's Wicked Witch of the Eastman was in the Rough Diamond. Felicity had many, many questions, and she was dying to ask them, but alas, undercover work wasn't exactly conducive to a decent confab. That would have to wait.

So instead, Felicity adopted a polite demeanour as she looked at Judy, but when she gestured toward the top of the queue and the registration consoles, she allowed some impatience to seep into her expression and tone. "It is long," she confirmed, referring to the queue, "But it is moving, I suppose." As soon as Felicity spoke, a gap opened up in front of her and she stepped forward to close it.

"All of these people, queuing up for the honour of having all their latinum taken off them." Her smile turned a shade wry at her words, and the irony of her being one of them. "Will you be joining us in divesting yourself of a small fortune?" She stepped to the side a little, making room for Judy beside her in the line, should she decide to join.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
Bio: Felicity Ellis

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on November 18, 2018, 08:28:11 AM

[The Oasis - Princess Suite]

Felicity found herself smiling at Odelot's very exact enunciation. Absently she swirled the colourful liquid in her glass while she eyed the console's screen, waiting for that flicker of life to appear in her file. Before too long some scandal began to spread into her backstory. Quite tame in comparison, all things considered, but her character was a damn sight dirtier now than she had been five minutes ago.

=/\= "Thanks, Odelot. You're the best." =/\=

Her smile grew as she methodically closed every open file and stepped away from the computer. Her mind was already on those vials in her case as she returned to her spot at the bar and deactivated the video loop.

[Later: The Rough Diamond Casino - Grand Tournament Ballroom]

Felicity had lost Volskene. That wasn't unusual, for whatever reason the Tholian had a tendency to get distracted and wander off. He normally returned with questions. She hoped he'd be able to recognise her among the Diamond's morally bankrupt clientele.

She'd joined one of the registration queues, her expression betraying what she considered to be a normal amount of interest. She looked around with a kind of detached curiosity, eyes seeking one of half a dozen faces that she'd memorised. She caught sight of Theg, the Tellarite engineer who'd turned weapons smuggler about a decade ago. On his arm was a very attractive brunette, whose sharp eyes flashed around the throng as she whispered words that seemed to be of great importance to Theg. One to watch.

At the unmistakable sound of a distinct Earth accent, Felicity tore her eyes away from her study of the lithe brunette and turned her head toward the voice's origin, curious as to its owner. When she looked at other woman, the very ghost of a frown flickered across her brow. It lasted for as long as it took Felicity to identify the Lieutenant.

Eastman. She recalled her from her personnel file; the very same one she'd studied that first time Dihiq had arrived on Columbus, and then once thereafter. There was no mistaking her. The Klingon's Wicked Witch of the Eastman was in the Rough Diamond. Felicity had many, many questions, and she was dying to ask them, but alas, undercover work wasn't exactly conducive to a decent confab. That would have to wait.

So instead, Felicity adopted a polite demeanour as she looked at Judy, but when she gestured toward the top of the queue and the registration consoles, she allowed some impatience to seep into her expression and tone. "It is long," she confirmed, referring to the queue, "But it is moving, I suppose." As soon as Felicity spoke, a gap opened up in front of her and she stepped forward to close it.

"All of these people, queuing up for the honour of having all their latinum taken off them." Her smile turned a shade wry at her words, and the irony of her being one of them. "Will you be joining us in divesting yourself of a small fortune?" She stepped to the side a little, making room for Judy beside her in the line, should she decide to join.

[Rough Diamond]

Judy decided to mirror the same politeness. It wouldn't serve her character to be an asshole, nor would it serve her own interests. With a command staff that didn't like her, having some friends or at least some people with a positive opinion of her somewhere would be beneficial.
"Not just a small fortune," Judy answered, pronouncing the last word as "for tune" with her thick, fake accent. "In my business"[spoiler](biz-nuss)[/spoiler]"dere is biiig money to lose."
Judy laughed at her own joke. It wasn't that good, but she was playing a character rather than her usual self, so low comedic quality was to be expected.
"You been here before?" she asked, making small talk in character.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol


[Rough Diamond]

T'Rell was on edge, she had stood on the promenade enough times back on Columbus to not be worried by the crowd itself, it was the mass of smells sounds and flashing lights one the gambling floor that made her job that much more difficult, thankfully an armed and obviously angry Caitian has a way of ensuring no one gets to close, she had walked ahead of the Captain and security chief, keeping them in range but far enough away to scout out any trouble and find the most secure seat for the command officers to take.

She never understood gambling on games of chance, games of skill she understood, but chance was a fickle thing and betting against it seemed counter productive, it didn't help that she had a terrible poker face and her few attempts to play poker had ended in her losing everything.  Still she wasn't going to be expected to do much but keep people at bay for now, she stopped in her tracks and glanced around waiting for the command team to close up before nodding towards one of the tournament tables, the seat backed onto a wall giving cover if needed from that direction, it also had a good view over the entire floor, the Denobulan currently occupying the seat would be of little bother.

"There's our best position" she said keeping her voice low and the purr from it "just say the word and it's ours"

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing."

Felicity Ellis

Quote from: Judy Eastman on November 18, 2018, 12:40:45 PM

[Rough Diamond]

Judy decided to mirror the same politeness. It wouldn't serve her character to be an asshole, nor would it serve her own interests. With a command staff that didn't like her, having some friends or at least some people with a positive opinion of her somewhere would be beneficial.
"Not just a small fortune," Judy answered, pronouncing the last word as "for tune" with her thick, fake accent. "In my business"[spoiler](biz-nuss)[/spoiler]"dere is biiig money to lose."
Judy laughed at her own joke. It wasn't that good, but she was playing a character rather than her usual self, so low comedic quality was to be expected.
"You been here before?" she asked, making small talk in character.

[The Rough Diamond Casino - Grand Tournament Ballroom]

"First time at the Emerald Enclave," Felicity responded, unable to quite mask her amused grin. She was positively dying to know if that was Eastman's natural accent, and was admittedly quite enjoying the in-character exchange. It might have just begun, but already she was ten times more comfortable than she had been in the lobby with Dihiq and Volskene. She continued as they moved forward again, filling in the gaps in the queue at a steady pace. "Though honestly, these tournaments are all the same. You come, spend your money, lose your money, do a little business, move on to the next."

She waved her hand to snare the attention of a passing server. They might as well have some refreshments while they waited.

"And yourself? What business is it that you're in, Ms...?" Felicity inquired politely as the waiter approached. "Whiskey, neat," she ordered before glancing expectantly at Judy.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
Bio: Felicity Ellis

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on November 19, 2018, 05:50:23 AM

[The Rough Diamond Casino - Grand Tournament Ballroom]

"First time at the Emerald Enclave," Felicity responded, unable to quite mask her amused grin. She was positively dying to know if that was Eastman's natural accent, and was admittedly quite enjoying the in-character exchange. It might have just begun, but already she was ten times more comfortable than she had been in the lobby with Dihiq and Volskene. She continued as they moved forward again, filling in the gaps in the queue at a steady pace. "Though honestly, these tournaments are all the same. You come, spend your money, lose your money, do a little business, move on to the next."

She waved her hand to snare the attention of a passing server. They might as well have some refreshments while they waited.

"And yourself? What business is it that you're in, Ms...?" Felicity inquired politely as the waiter approached. "Whiskey, neat," she ordered before glancing expectantly at Judy.

[Rough Diamond]
"A sad, but true, metaphoRa foR life," Judy quipped. If her words weren't funny, her thick accent certainly made up for it.

Then, as the server came, Judy thought of a drink order. It was clear that she should have booze, but she knew she needed some coffee. The solution - her usual.
"IRish covfefe,"[spoiler]pronounced "co-fé-fé"[/spoiler] she ordered. The confused waiter took a moment to decipher the accent, but ultimately acknowledged.

"Zehava Meir," Judy introduced herself, using a pseudonym derived quite directly from one of her personal idols, 20th-century stateswoman Golda Meir. "I'm in commerce. You?"
"Commerce" was intended as a euphemism for any number of illegal trades. It was more likely to be snuff than stem bolts that Judy's Israeli alter ego smuggled, after all.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol



Emerald Enclave Resort - The Oasis Hotel - Gilded Lily Restaurant, Bar, and Lounge

Odelot paused before entering The Gilded Lily, and the maitre'd- a primly-dressed Benzite in service to the Orions- sniffed his environmental supplement module with disdain.  "Sir.  If you are planning to dine at this establishment, you should be aware that we have a dress code."

Odelot looked down at himself, and observed that he had correctly remembered to get dressed in his utility jumpsuit.  Then he looked up at the Benzite.  "Dotelo is dressed," he explained, "Dotelo is rich.  Dotelo can eat here."  He dug deep into one of his pockets and produced a handful of latinum strips to illustrate the point.

"Then perhaps Dotelo is wealthy enough to purchase a suit at the Hotel's Bespoke Clothier?" the Benzite suggested, pointing across the huge lobby.

Odelot turned to look, thought for a moment, and then shrugged.  "Okay."

With that, he gallumphed over to the 'Oasis Bespoke Clothiers.'

Emerald Enclave Resort - The Oasis Hotel - Oasis Bespoke Clothiers

As Odelot walked in, he hooked a thumb back in the direction of the restaurant.

"A man at the eating place... Be-Spoke... about your Clothes.  I am Dotelo. Dotelo is rich.  Dotelo needs a suit to eat."

The look of the Orion saleswoman at the shop suggested that she wished there was a dress code required to enter the clotheirs as well.  She further hesitated as she wondered whether the Pakled was making a joke.  However, she quickly composed herself and smiled.

"It is our pleasure at the Oasis Bespoke Clothiers to meet all of your clothing needs.  Tell me what sort of suit you need, and we will create one that will exceed all of your expectations."

Odelot shrugged, "Dotelo needs a suit to eat in."  He considered further and added, "Lots of pockets.  Big ones.  Dotelo likes big ones."

Another look of strained composure came across her face, and she nodded, "Here at the Oasis Bespoke Clothiers, we can make them as big as you can handle..."

Odelot smiled.  He had definitely come to the right place.

Emerald Enclave Resort - The Oasis Hotel - Gilded Lily
It was an hour before the 'Express Tailoring Service' completed their measurements, made their cuts, finished their sewing, and provided the massive tan-colored suit and vest festooned with all the deep pockets that he had insisted on. His original utility jumpsuit- a Pakled favorite design- was now in  a large oversized shopping bag he held in his left hand.

"Dotelo has suit.  Dotelo has money.  Dotelo will eat."  He gave the maitre'd a glowering look that suggested he shouldn't argue the matter further.

The Benzite took a breath from his supplement unit and sighed.  "That IS technically a suit.  Though I wonder, since you have waited for a table for so long, and this is our busy time... perhaps you might prefer to dine at the bar?  No waiting necessary."

Odelot shrugged, "No waiting is better than Yes waiting.  Dotelo will eat at bar."

The maitre'd ushered him over to the bar of the restaurant.  Odelot noticed that there were lots of free tables, but he did not say anything about it.  He took a seat next to a human man who seemed very upset.

The bartender- another beautiful Orion woman- took his drink order: Chocolate milk.  Large.

The human turned to look at him, his eyes not quite fully focusing.

"Great Bird!  Are you a Pakled?"

Odelot smiled, "I am Dotelo. Dotelo is a Pakled.  You are a human?"

The human nodded, "Troy Tavert.   Though my name will be Mud when my wife finds out."

Odelot's eyes widened slightly.   The barkeep brought his drink, and he added an order for Salad with Grilled Chicken.  It was a great and terrible sacrifice, but he had to maintain his cover.  Odelot would never eat salad, but Dotelo had to be different from Odelot.  Dotelo clearly had bad taste.

He ordered Sesame Dressing.  It would be sort of brown.  At least that was something.

Odelot extended his hand and continued smiling in the hopes of making the man feel better.  "Hello Troy Tavert.  What will wife find out?  Why will your name be Mud?"

Troy shook Odelot's hand, "Ugh.  I lost a fortune at the prelim card games over at the Rough Diamond.  Then I let this smooth-talking shuttle salesman sell me an eighty-year-old warpshuttle.  He showed me pictures.  Looked like a great ride.  Plush interior.  Like a modern runabout, but at a tenth of the cost."

"I used the little bit of latinum that remained in my account.  Tapped me right out.  Don't know what I was thinking.  This drink?  The one I'm having right now?  This here represents the last of my resources until next month's stipend.  But it gets worse.  The shuttle has a set of bad antimatter injectors, and her Sarium Krellide backup powercells won't take a charge.  The damn thing won't even turn on, and I can't afford to fix her.  Vulcan engineering my ass."

Troy waved around expansively.  "I can't afford another night at this resort, and I can't afford a ticket home.   I'm going to have to call the wife and beg for an advance on my allowance.  It's going to be humiliating."

Odelot was in the middle of taking a long sip from his chocolate milk.  He swallowed and set the drink down.

"Dotelo is famous Salvage Man.  Dotelo will buy bad shuttle."

Troy blinked, not immediately understanding.  "You want to buy an old broken-down warpshuttle?"

Odelot nodded, "Dotelo is Salvage King of Cralus Sector.  Will strip for parts.  You have Title?"

Troy shifted on his chair and patted his pockets, finding and retrieving his personal PADD.  "Don't you want to see it?  And, uh, how much will you give me for it?"

Odelot took the PADD and said, "Dotelo trust you.  Ten Strips.  Enough for ticket home?"  He pressed his thumb to the title, and handed the PADD back.  If Troy did likewise, the deal would be done.

Troy looked down at the PADD, then up at Odelot.  He frowned slightly.  "I guess this is the best deal I'm going to get..."  He pressed his thumb to the PADD.  A beep sounded on both Travis' PADD and Odelot's.   The title was transferred.

Odelot reached out and slapped the man's back, smiling at him.  "Now we are shuttle friends!"

Troy stared at Odelot with some degree of bewilderment.  Odelot simply grinned happily.   He was the owner of a long-range Vulcan Warpshuttle currently sitting on Shuttle Pad 13.

Then the salad arrived.   Odelot's mood dampened somewhat by the sight of all the green.

He began eating, doing his best to pretend that he was enjoying the leafy badness.


Quote from: Malcolm Adeyemi on November 15, 2018, 12:26:01 PM


It took all the years of Adeyemi's Starfleet training and discipline not to let the loathing he felt in his heart show. He didn't speak, he didn't contort his face. He could only shake his head, and rely on his captain to do the talking.

But he realized that that would not be expected. He was allegedly her master, and would speak for her. He owned Naira, as inconceivable as that was to think, body and soul.

"I'm fine, thanks." Was all Adeyemi could muster out. He realized he did not sound at all lecherous like the other man, but couldn't even fake it. He sounded like he was refusing another lump of sugar for his tea.

"We'll be attending the tournament." The chief said briefly, not wanting to converse with this person anymore, hoping he would just go away.


"I'll look forward to seeing you there," the Bolian cracked a half smile out the side of his face before eyeing up both Naira and T'Rell once more. "I'm sure you have plenty to do in the meantime." Brarr Boref checked in with the front desk, made a show of asking for the most expensive room still available and ordered what Naira could only assume to be an excessive amount of lavish alcoholic beverages imported from all corners of the quadrant.

After having checked into their own room and ensuring that Odelot's security features were properly in place and that they could speak freely, Naira filled her security officers in on her plan. They were to attend the tournament that night, mingle among the crowd, attempt to fit in and establish themselves as potential buyers. Brarr Boref was making use of the event to scout out buyers for his weapons and valued information. While most of the gathered crowds would spend the night happily gambling away their money, drinking and partying in excess, they were there to get invited to exclusive, invite only, auction to take place behind closed doors.

Boref was known for having a head for business, but a reputation for thinking with the other one. If rumors were to be believed, with the right level of persuasion, they could talk their way into an invitation to the auction. Adeyemi was to pose as a potential buyer looking to secure valuable information and the weapons needed to squash any potential uprising against his harsh tyrannical rule on a small moon along a popular trade route. T'Rell was to be his eyes and ears as she posed as his personal bodyguard. Naira was but a slave, but as such she was hoping to be disregarded as anything other than a possible bribe.

After loading up on another dose of Dr. Lunn's pheromone blockers, Naira doused herself in a powerful perfume meant to simulate the natural pheromones of an Orion woman in heat. She took a page right out of her mother's playbook and decked herself out in all manner of flowing silks, bangles and shiny baubles meant to catch the eye and display a sense of wealth. Surely if one was able to afford to outfit a mere slave in such a way, they certainly had the money to spend on more important things.

Quote from: T'Rell on November 18, 2018, 05:15:54 PM

[Rough Diamond]

T'Rell was on edge, she had stood on the promenade enough times back on Columbus to not be worried by the crowd itself, it was the mass of smells sounds and flashing lights one the gambling floor that made her job that much more difficult, thankfully an armed and obviously angry Caitian has a way of ensuring no one gets to close, she had walked ahead of the Captain and security chief, keeping them in range but far enough away to scout out any trouble and find the most secure seat for the command officers to take.

She never understood gambling on games of chance, games of skill she understood, but chance was a fickle thing and betting against it seemed counter productive, it didn't help that she had a terrible poker face and her few attempts to play poker had ended in her losing everything.  Still she wasn't going to be expected to do much but keep people at bay for now, she stopped in her tracks and glanced around waiting for the command team to close up before nodding towards one of the tournament tables, the seat backed onto a wall giving cover if needed from that direction, it also had a good view over the entire floor, the Denobulan currently occupying the seat would be of little bother.

"There's our best position" she said keeping her voice low and the purr from it "just say the word and it's ours"

[The Rough Diamond Casino - Grand Tournament Ballroom]

Upon entering the grand room, Naira found herself greeted by the garish decor, bright flashing lights, the sounds of laughter and joy from those on a winning streak and curses and tears of those who had just lost the last strip of latinum to their name. On top of it all, there was the unmistakable musk of other Orions that hung heavy in the air. It was no doubt being employed by the resort owners as a way of subtly influencing the jubilant mood about the room. Had they all not have been treated against it, it was likely their people would have been swept up in the wave of emotions and unable to complete their tasks. As it was, even with the blockers in place, Naira found her attention wavered to the corners of the room as she watched some equally scantily-clad slaves weaving through the crowds and introducing themselves to the big winners.

No doubt to help the resort reclaim some of their lost funds.

Her nostrils flared and her eyes dilated as she took in a deep whiff of musk, smoke and a mixture of body odors and their assorted perfumes, soaps and lotions. It wasn't until the security officer spoke that she pulled her attention away from a rather shapely female slave and glanced at the table in question. She nodded to the Caitian but also made her way over to stand beside the Denobulan currently engrossed in the game. Naira leaned over him and placed a hand upon his shoulder as she whispered to him.

"My master wants your seat and his Caitian doesn't like to be made to wait." She tilted her head in the direction of Adeyemi and T'Rell, allowing him to take a long hard look and weigh his decision in regards to if his seat was really worth the trouble.

While she waited for a response, Naira looked around the room for the rest of their people. Each of them had their own cover story and a task to do. The others were to enter the tournament, pose as gamblers, scout the resort, undermine their security and be ready to distract the resort staff and extract Boref when the time came.   

Four of Twenty

Quote from: Judy Eastman on November 17, 2018, 12:31:54 AM

Nick Dixon[Blackjack Table]

This was a game Nick practiced often. Gamblers were oh-so-fond of betting, that he found it easy to make side-bets with them and thus socialize with them. Clients could be had this way.

"Good evening," the old salesman addressed the man next to him. "The name's Nick Dixon. Are you new around here?"
Nick's manner was blunt with his deep voice and steady intonation, but he wasn't particularly intimidating. Perhaps a little seedy, with the receding hairline, but not intimidating.

"Abi'Ddon." the Romulan replied, taking a few more puffs of the cigar. The smoke rolled around in his mouth and throat a bit before he exhaled. It was an acquired taste. A fundamentally Terran taste. But, one that helped him mingle well with the snobby cadets at the Academy who were always a step or two behind him.

They had the hopes and dreams of youth, but he was armed with knowledge and experience. It simply had to be reshaped to fit within Starfleet. "First time here, actually. You seem like you belong, however. Career gambler?" A slight accent on the final word might have hinted towards feigned interest, but ultimately, his demeanor was quite cold.

He was never one to really socialize.

Quote from: Aryn Corliss on November 17, 2018, 09:04:02 AM

[The Rough Diamond]

After settling into their room and discussing how they were going to play off each other, Alec and Aryn headed to the Rough Diamond. Entering the ballroom was an assault of the senses. There were people of all types, from Andorians to a single Tholian. The couple studiously avoided the Specialist. The smells were overwhelming, as was the noise of gambling machines and all the various beings talking.

Alec and Aryn paused inside and took a collective breath as their intrinsic feel for life was also assaulted. They were playing human, to be less conspicuous, so they had to take care not to allow themselves to be overtaken with Listening. But it would be oh-so-fascinating to just sit in the midst of the action and feel. They would have to be more subtle, however.

They made their way to a blackjack table as a game was finishing up. A couple of people left and Aryn and Alec slid into the vacant seats. There were some others there already, including someone who looked human and a Romulan.

A closer look at the latter, however, caused Alec to tense perceptibly as he sat. The visceral reaction to a Borg drone, even someone so obviously former Borg, was impossible for him to control. The destruction of the El-Aurian homeworld and ensuing flight for safety was indelibly ingrained on his mind.

Aryn noticed his reaction and glanced around for the cause, noticing the former Borg herself and realizing what it must be. She put one hand on his arm and raised a brow to ask if they needed to leave.

With a slight shake of his head, Alec forced himself to relax and plastered a smile on his face. Fortunately, his reaction to the Borg was not that unusual. People might notice, but it shouldn't cause them difficulty.

Do you want to play yourself, my love? Alec asked in his slightly altered accent.

Oh, yes! Aryn responded in a twittery, excited voice. Only I don't know how to play. Can you show me what to do? They'd agreed that she should play slightly silly. Not to the point of idiocy, but she technically only had ten years of knowledge at her disposal. She'd crammed a lot in those ten years, but gambling hadn't been part of that. So she would let Alec be the knowledgeable one and she wouldn't be expected to know anything. That way if she were asked something she couldn't answer, Aryn only had to simper and refer them to her husband, who knew so much more than she did.

Of course, Alec answered superciliously. You want your cards to be equal to or less than twenty-one. The face cards equal ten and an Ace is either one or eleven.

It can be both? Aryn interjected.

It can, indeed, Alec continued. But if you go over twenty-one you lose. Everyone can see your first card, but your others will be face down. Those are the very basics. Maybe you should watch one hand first to get the idea?

Okay, Aryn replied cheerfully, taking Alec's arm and clinging to him.

A waiter came over and asked if they wanted drinks.

Alec considered a moment before saying, Saurian brandy. Do you want anything, dear?

Oh...champagne, please! Aryn giggled. We just got married! she informed the table.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed his superior officer approaching. He unfortunately did not have the time to make proper introductions to her, and this was certainly not the place to do that now. No, formal introductions would have to be made at a later time. For now, he had a facade that needed to be maintained.

Straightening his silks, he couldn't help but feel like he was being watched. He turned ever-so-slightly as he locked eyes with Alec for just a moment. The fear the man had was palpable. Like a fine sauce drizzled over a perfectly cooked cut of meat. Sweet and savory, enveloping the flavors of the dish and making it something truly magnificent to enjoy.

The rather visceral reaction was quite common. The Borg were a thing of nightmares, afterall. Unthinking. Unfeeling. They just consumed. Their drive towards perfection becoming an obsession that engulfed the entirety of the species. Harvesting the technology, and citizens, of the various species of the Galaxy into one collective hivemind.

Trillions of voices speaking in unison.

The Operations Chief quickly dissolved the situation, however, as she began to ask questions about the game. The cadet halfway listened as the various questions came about. "Another thing to take into consideration is table etiquette. When you want the dealer to draw you another card, you simply tap the table. If you want to stay, then you make a slight wave."

His hand came up over the table as he made the stay wave. A member of the wait staff came through to get drink orders. The Romulan patiently waited his turn as a light smirk crossed his lips. "Is that so? Well, congratulations are in order. Please. let me buy this round. I'll take an Old Fashioned. Nick, anything for you?"

Aryn Corliss

Quote from: Judy Eastman on November 17, 2018, 12:30:49 PM

Nick Dixon
[Rough Diamond]

Nick's attention was piqued by the newcomers, especially by the mention of marriage. Honeymooners were great marks.
"Congratulations," he said with fake warmth. "What a very happy moment. Are you new around here?"

[Rough Diamond - Blackjack Table]

Oh, Aryn said, turning her disgustingly cheery grin on the man. Yes, it's our first time here. I've never gambled before and my sweetie here agreed to bring me as part of our honeymoon. I thought it would be fun and different. Aryn was nearly disgusted with her performance, but was grateful it seemed to have taken the man in. He was most definitely a shady character. Whether he had anything to do with their mission remained to be seen.

Quote from: Four of Twenty on November 19, 2018, 08:26:00 PM

"Abi'Ddon." the Romulan replied, taking a few more puffs of the cigar. The smoke rolled around in his mouth and throat a bit before he exhaled. It was an acquired taste. A fundamentally Terran taste. But, one that helped him mingle well with the snobby cadets at the Academy who were always a step or two behind him.

They had the hopes and dreams of youth, but he was armed with knowledge and experience. It simply had to be reshaped to fit within Starfleet. "First time here, actually. You seem like you belong, however. Career gambler?" A slight accent on the final word might have hinted towards feigned interest, but ultimately, his demeanor was quite cold.

He was never one to really socialize.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed his superior officer approaching. He unfortunately did not have the time to make proper introductions to her, and this was certainly not the place to do that now. No, formal introductions would have to be made at a later time. For now, he had a facade that needed to be maintained.

Straightening his silks, he couldn't help but feel like he was being watched. He turned ever-so-slightly as he locked eyes with Alec for just a moment. The fear the man had was palpable. Like a fine sauce drizzled over a perfectly cooked cut of meat. Sweet and savory, enveloping the flavors of the dish and making it something truly magnificent to enjoy.

The rather visceral reaction was quite common. The Borg were a thing of nightmares, afterall. Unthinking. Unfeeling. They just consumed. Their drive towards perfection becoming an obsession that engulfed the entirety of the species. Harvesting the technology, and citizens, of the various species of the Galaxy into one collective hivemind.

Trillions of voices speaking in unison.

The Operations Chief quickly dissolved the situation, however, as she began to ask questions about the game. The cadet halfway listened as the various questions came about. "Another thing to take into consideration is table etiquette. When you want the dealer to draw you another card, you simply tap the table. If you want to stay, then you make a slight wave."

His hand came up over the table as he made the stay wave. A member of the wait staff came through to get drink orders. The Romulan patiently waited his turn as a light smirk crossed his lips. "Is that so? Well, congratulations are in order. Please. let me buy this round. I'll take an Old Fashioned. Nick, anything for you?"

Thank you! Aryn twittered. That's so nice. I didn't think we'd meet such nice people here. My honey said we probably wouldn't. She giggled and squeezed Alec's arm tightly as he smiled down at her indulgently. While he was ostensibly the lead of their pair, he was content to let Aryn take control here. Her overly-friendly personality was far more of a distraction than he could conjure up and would go a long way toward putting anyone off their scent. No one would suspect her of being a Starfleet officer with the way she acted.

He added his own sentiments to hers, however, Thank you, sir. That is most kind of you. I just want to show my love a good time, and she wanted to try gambling. He offered a helpless shrug as if he were unable to resist anything she requested.

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Four of Twenty on November 19, 2018, 08:26:00 PM

"Abi'Ddon." the Romulan replied, taking a few more puffs of the cigar. The smoke rolled around in his mouth and throat a bit before he exhaled. It was an acquired taste. A fundamentally Terran taste. But, one that helped him mingle well with the snobby cadets at the Academy who were always a step or two behind him.

They had the hopes and dreams of youth, but he was armed with knowledge and experience. It simply had to be reshaped to fit within Starfleet. "First time here, actually. You seem like you belong, however. Career gambler?" A slight accent on the final word might have hinted towards feigned interest, but ultimately, his demeanor was quite cold.

He was never one to really socialize.

[Rough Diamond, Blackjack Table]

Nick cringed inwardly. He never liked telling mostly-sober people about his work - it put them off. However, he was saved this time by banter.

Quote from: Aryn Corliss on November 19, 2018, 08:50:25 PM

[Rough Diamond - Blackjack Table]

Oh, Aryn said, turning her disgustingly cheery grin on the man. Yes, it's our first time here. I've never gambled before and my sweetie here agreed to bring me as part of our honeymoon. I thought it would be fun and different. Aryn was nearly disgusted with her performance, but was grateful it seemed to have taken the man in. He was most definitely a shady character. Whether he had anything to do with their mission remained to be seen.

Thank you! Aryn twittered. That's so nice. I didn't think we'd meet such nice people here. My honey said we probably wouldn't. She giggled and squeezed Alec's arm tightly as he smiled down at her indulgently. While he was ostensibly the lead of their pair, he was content to let Aryn take control here. Her overly-friendly personality was far more of a distraction than he could conjure up and would go a long way toward putting anyone off their scent. No one would suspect her of being a Starfleet officer with the way she acted.

He added his own sentiments to hers, however, Thank you, sir. That is most kind of you. I just want to show my love a good time, and she wanted to try gambling. He offered a helpless shrug as if he were unable to resist anything she requested.

"It certainly is an experience," Nick acknowledged. "You get to see all sorts around here."

He turned to the waiter to place his drink. He really wanted tea, but he knew that in this environment it would be unwise not to get buzzed with everyone.

"I'll have some bourbon, neat," he said to the waiter, before continuing the conversation with the marks he'd attracted.
"How was the trip here?"

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Leanna Mazal

[Rough Diamond - Bar]

After leaving Lyric and Dihiq at the entrance, Leanna had made a beeline straight for the bar as experience often taught her that it was usually the best place to gleam information from hushed conversations and those who had one too many. Plus it gave her a good vantage point to observe the goings on and if she caught the attention of those who frequented the gambling spots and blackjack tables then she wasn't going to turn them away either.

No she was now Maura Brahms, former Federation Scientist turned Warp Drive and Weapon's Specialist working primarily for the Omicron Delta Mafia but occasionally went freelance and was at the resort to spend her latest payment for helping defeat one of their rivals and to also offer her services to those who wanted them.

Maura liked the fine things in life and this resort was the perfect way to for her to indulge. So with that in mind Lea took a seat at the edge of the bar, perfect for her to observe and engage in small talk. Her quick scans of the room had reassured her that the others were present before she turned her attention to the Bartender.

" A glass of your finest Champagne please " she said with a hint of a playful smile.

" Certainly and might I add how ravishing you look tonight"the Bolian hunk replied as he poured a tall glass of Champagne then handed it over.

" Thank you and yes you may " Lea said playfully as she took a sip of the champagne before engaging in small talk with the Bartender.

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