Season 3 Episode 2 - The Price of Pleasure

Started by Naira, November 01, 2018, 04:42:22 AM

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The Emerald Enclave Pleasure Resort, The Oasis - Room 942

Sherri shook her head.  "Not here... not specifically..."

She glanced between the suddenly very in-control woman and the subservient Dotelo.

"I was sent to track down the source of packet loss in the network.  My supervisor didn't seem to think it was very serious.  But he will, in time, wonder where I am.  In an hour or so.  He isn't very keen with the computer,  so I don't think he can duplicate my work tracking the packet loss.  But I tried to escape once before.  He will come looking for me, eventually."

She wondered whether that would save her or doom her with these people.

Odelot opened his mouth to say something, and then closed it again.  The Captain's admonition to 'say nothing' was fresh in his ears.


[Rough Diamond Casino - Back Room]

Naira glanced down at the screen again. Their account was not without limits. There was only so much money that had at their disposal. They had had to carefully transfer those funds through numerous shell companies, corporations and accounts that couldn't be traced back to Starfleet. It had taken far more effort on her part to convince those in command of the need for what they had been granted. Too many of them had become lax in their idea of utopian cultures thought to transcend such notions of wealth, greed, power and control that they seemed to have forgotten how the seedy underbelly of organized crime worked.

If she didn't think quickly, they were going to be outbid again and be escorted from the room, thus losing any opportunity to apprehend Boref. In her mind, there was only one option. She had known it might come down to this from the very beginning, but that didn't make it any better.

Naira leaned over to whisper into Adeyemi's ear. She encouraged him to stall as long as possible and then to get to safety. She was trusting them to see that their people got out.

"Perhaps we can arrange something," she looked up and batted her eyes at the Bolian. "The Caitian and myself if the Ferengi leaves negotiations."

"Interesting," Boref took a moment to weigh his options, then walked over and removed the PADD from the Ferengi's hands.

"Hey!" He squeaked.

"You're excused here, collect your things and go."

One of the Ferengi's Nausicaan body guards reached for his boot in what was likely a concealed weapon, but before he had a chance to pull it pull it free and brandish it he received a disruptor blast to his chest from one of the casino's guards.

"Escort them out of here," Boref directed the guards. "Well," he said turning back to look at Naira and T'Rell, "are you coming?"

Naira nodded to the security officer before following the Bolian out of the room.     

Felicity Ellis

Quote from: Judith Eastman on November 27, 2018, 05:04:52 PM

[Rough Diamond Casino & Bar]

After the purse made impact, with a force and accuracy that Judy could attribute to her golfing, swimming, and regular prayer, its wielder examined its contents. Everything seemed in place, from the weapons to the snacks.
For a moment, Judy contemplated having a chocolate-covered prune, but noticed the woman she just hit calling in armed goons and decided against it.
Instead, she pulled out an old-school taser and handed it to Ellis.
"Electroshock weapon. It stuns them," she explained, her Hebrew accent all but gone in favor of an American one with hints of upper-class Manhattan. The New Yorker assumed, of course, that figuring out which way to point a weapon shaped like a type-2 phaser was simple enough.
For herself, Judy drew a can of mace and spritzed at the goons.

After a round of spritzing, she began to back away before she could be surrounded. She was a little too old for jail, and was naturally relieved to make it to an emergency exit door. If only she had a spare hand to pull the fire alarm with right now...

[The Rough Diamond Casino & Bar]

"Excellent," Felicity said to Judy as she took the taser from the woman and studied it for a moment, before sticking the business end of it into the chest of an approaching bruiser. His entire body shook and he fell forward to his knees, so Felicity did the only thing she could do in that situation, she kicked him. Nearby Volskene was getting into the swing of things, literally, as he lashed out with limb and claw at the security personnel threatening to surround them.

Judy was expertly wielding a weapon of her own, which had also been pulled out of her very useful handbag. Felicity followed suit as they backed away and didn't stop moving until they closed in on an emergency exit. At that stage chaos was reigning around them. 'Innocent' bystanders had been drawn into the fray; some enthusiastic enough to get involved, others unwittingly taking an aimless flying punch or two. In the midst of the melee she could still make out Galanna, looking disheveled but upright and moving herself away from the action. Felicity narrowed her eyes.

Quote from: Leanna Mazal on November 28, 2018, 05:21:42 AM

Finally she managed to grab hold of Flick.

" Oops sorry there" she said apologetically maintaining her cover but the quick look that she gave her best friend suggested that they move.

"Oh not to worry," Felicity responded, a little breathless from their exploits and experiments in the artform that was distraction, "These things are bound to happen during bar fights." Who said brawlers couldn't be polite?

Naturally though, she fervently agreed with what Leanna's very pointed look was suggesting. Felicity glanced toward the exit, then back to the growing throng in front of them, some of whom seemed to have forgotten their original orders in their excitement. She threw her own pointed look toward Galanna, who was shouting over the din and trying to redirect some of her security team.

"I think it's time we pull a Houdini." She began moving toward the exit, keeping their enemy in sight. Galanna was the only one who could finger them as troublemakers, and they couldn't risk the Captain's portion of the plan going wrong as a result. Theg's busty brunette partner would just have to be kept quiet.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
Bio: Felicity Ellis

Aryn Corliss

Quote from: Odelot on November 28, 2018, 01:32:15 PM

The Emerald Enclave Pleasure Resort, The Oasis - Room 942

Sherri shook her head.  "Not here... not specifically..."

She glanced between the suddenly very in-control woman and the subservient Dotelo.

"I was sent to track down the source of packet loss in the network.  My supervisor didn't seem to think it was very serious.  But he will, in time, wonder where I am.  In an hour or so.  He isn't very keen with the computer,  so I don't think he can duplicate my work tracking the packet loss.  But I tried to escape once before.  He will come looking for me, eventually."

She wondered whether that would save her or doom her with these people.

Odelot opened his mouth to say something, and then closed it again.  The Captain's admonition to 'say nothing' was fresh in his ears.

[The Oasis - Room 942]

Aryn released a relieved sigh and rubbed her hands on the skirt of her dress, looking around the room.

Mr...Dotelo, would you offer our guest something to eat and get us all some tea or something? I'm going to check on our other friend.

Take this, she added, handing him the torch.

Aryn was confused to hear crying coming from the bathroom. The Klingon didn't look like any she'd ever met, and he certainly didn't act like any she'd heard of.

She tapped lightly on the open door and peeked around the edge to speak to him. Erm, are you all right, Mr. Dihiq? The proper pronunciation of his name rolled off her tongue and she had the urge to address him in Klingon, but wasn't sure if it would be welcome. In the back of her mind she realized this must be another language she knew.


[The Rough Diamond]

Alec had seen the brawl beginning from his position near the bathrooms and was going to involve himself when he saw several members of the Columbus crew making their way to an emergency exit. He changed directions and met them at the door.

Ladies, he greeted, ever polite. Are we making our final exit?

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on November 28, 2018, 09:37:22 PM

[The Rough Diamond Casino & Bar]

"Excellent," Felicity said to Judy as she took the taser from the woman and studied it for a moment, before sticking the business end of it into the chest of an approaching bruiser. His entire body shook and he fell forward to his knees, so Felicity did the only thing she could do in that situation, she kicked him. Nearby Volskene was getting into the swing of things, literally, as he lashed out with limb and claw at the security personnel threatening to surround them.

Judy was expertly wielding a weapon of her own, which had also been pulled out of her very useful handbag. Felicity followed suit as they backed away and didn't stop moving until they closed in on an emergency exit. At that stage chaos was reigning around them. 'Innocent' bystanders had been drawn into the fray; some enthusiastic enough to get involved, others unwittingly taking an aimless flying punch or two. In the midst of the melee she could still make out Galanna, looking disheveled but upright and moving herself away from the action. Felicity narrowed her eyes.

"Oh not to worry," Felicity responded, a little breathless from their exploits and experiments in the artform that was distraction, "These things are bound to happen during bar fights." Who said brawlers couldn't be polite?

Naturally though, she fervently agreed with what Leanna's very pointed look was suggesting. Felicity glanced toward the exit, then back to the growing throng in front of them, some of whom seemed to have forgotten their original orders in their excitement. She threw her own pointed look toward Galanna, who was shouting over the din and trying to redirect some of her security team.

"I think it's time we pull a Houdini." She began moving toward the exit, keeping their enemy in sight. Galanna was the only one who could finger them as troublemakers, and they couldn't risk the Captain's portion of the plan going wrong as a result. Theg's busty brunette partner would just have to be kept quiet.

[Rough Diamond]

Through this entire episode, Judy kept her cane with her. It wasn't just a style thing; it was a "hip-replacement-surgery-four-weeks-ago-and-still-recovering" thing too. As it turned out, it was a self-defense thing as well, for even as it was cumbersome to keep the cane and handbag in one hand while Judy wielded her can of mace, it made up for that later. Judy dropped the mace, grabbed the cane, and swung at Galanna, aiming for the jaw.
She hit some toilet paper that was previously assumed to be the woman's D-cups. It had stayed in place remarkably well so far, but direct impact was too much.

"At least she can wipe the blood with that," Judy quipped to her fellow brawlers. "Now let's scram."

Quote from: Aryn Corliss on November 28, 2018, 10:12:11 PM

[The Rough Diamond]

Alec had seen the brawl beginning from his position near the bathrooms and was going to involve himself when he saw several members of the Columbus crew making their way to an emergency exit. He changed directions and met them at the door.

Ladies, he greeted, ever polite. Are we making our final exit?

"Yeah," Judy informed Alec. She then pushed the door open and walked out.

Quote from: Aryn Corliss on November 28, 2018, 10:12:11 PM

[The Oasis - Room 942]

Aryn released a relieved sigh and rubbed her hands on the skirt of her dress, looking around the room.

Mr...Dotelo, would you offer our guest something to eat and get us all some tea or something? I'm going to check on our other friend.

Take this, she added, handing him the torch.

Aryn was confused to hear crying coming from the bathroom. The Klingon didn't look like any she'd ever met, and he certainly didn't act like any she'd heard of.

She tapped lightly on the open door and peeked around the edge to speak to him. Erm, are you all right, Mr. Dihiq? The proper pronunciation of his name rolled off her tongue and she had the urge to address him in Klingon, but wasn't sure if it would be welcome. In the back of her mind she realized this must be another language she knew.

[Room 942 - Throne Room]
Dihiq didn't want to be seen or spoken to.
"I-I'll j-just g-g-go," he stuttered, and then left.

[Imperial Suite]
By sad, sad coincidence, Judy and Dihiq showed up at the door to the suite she'd complained up to at the same time.
"Report," Judy ordered. Her ball gown was still clean, her hair mostly in place, and her voice as steady as always.
"O-Orion s-slave, O-Odelot's room... Aryn... under control... confused," Dihiq mumbled. He ran into the suite, then into the smallest bedroom to cry some more.
Judy went inside as well. This dress was fabulous, but it was also uncomfortable. Judy all but sighed with relief as she replaced it with a solid-blue suit and let her hair down. She had, in effect, slipped into something a little more comfortable, but not much less formal.

At last, she felt prepared to set off to relieve Aryn, but not before wheeling one of her suitcases with her - they could leave at any moment, so she wasn't letting her French press or her guitar get away. The corgis, off-leash, followed.

[Room 942]

Some minutes after Dihiq's escape, Judy came in through the door he'd left unlocked.
"Door was open," she joked. "Mind if I join you?"

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol



The Emerald Enclave Pleasure Resort, The Oasis - Room 942

Odelot nodded when Aryn ordered him to get refreshments.  "Okay! Dotelo go."   Apparently, his orders to 'say nothing' were now forgotten.  Or perhaps superseded.  It was not always clear how the Pakled processed information.

Leaving his post by the doorway, he took the offered phaser torch and went to the room's replicator.  He replicated some Blue Leaf Tea, a Cardassian alternate to Red Leaf Tea which he'd only become aware of on account of it being blue.  Odelot had drunk Blueberry juice, Blue Tea, Blue Moons, Bluefruit smoothies, and just about every other type of blue beverage ever concocted by the denizens of the galaxy.  To him, color was almost as important as flavor.

Once the teas were replicated, he also replicated some chocolate and blueberry muffins.  Then he found a round silver shield being displayed on one of the walls.  Taking the shield down, he used it as a platter and placed his replicated food atop it, and used it to carry the food around with him.  The tea sloshed a bit, revealing Odelot's inexperience with the service industry.

Bringing the platter first to the Orion girl, he said, "Dotelo is sorry.  You scared Dotelo.  Dotelo is not mean.  Have drink and food!  It is brown and blue.  They are the best colors.  But green is okay, too."  He did not want to offend the girl.

Sherri regarded the Pakled with confusion and wonderment at how his entire demeanor had changed.  He'd gone from intimidating crime boss to lowly waitstaff in the span of minutes.  Tentatively, she took a blueberry muffin and a Blue Leaf Tea.  "Thank you."

Odelot beamed happily, and then went to the bathroom.  "There is food and tea for you, too!  Dotelo is very happy you come to save Dotelo.  Dotelo was very scared.  You do not need to be scared, Dihiq.  You were brave and strong and saved Dotelo!  Have muffin.  Chocolate is good for being sad.  It is brown."  But Dihiq fled to one of the bedrooms.

Sherri stopped mid-chew, listening to the bizarre dialogue of her captors.

Who were this people?

Not long after, Judy arrived.  Odelot brightened immediately upon seeing another friend.

"Tea and Muffins," he declared, brandishing the shield enthusiastically.

But she was here for Dihiq.  That was good.  Dihiq was sad.

Leanna Mazal

[Rough Diamond]

At Flick's suggestion of pulling a Houdini, Lea nodded eager to get away from the growing mob that had almost surrounded them and the security team that was trying to capture those from the Columbus. Following behind her best friend as they reached Judy, watching as the older woman launched a well played attack on the woman who wanted to stop them from leaving.

They were soon joined by Alec, Aryn's husband and once more followed Judy as she led them out of trouble and up to their suite.

[Imperial Suite]

Once inside, Lea didn't even think about changing as Dihiq told them what had happened in Odelot's room before Judy was changed and back out of the door. Quickly she gathered her belongings and spoke to the others.

" I'm going to contact the Phoenix and get them here asap then I think we should follow Judy" she said as she then used her transponder to speak to her ship.

=/\= Red Phoenix this is Lea, we need you here immediately and prepare for extraction =/\=

[Red Phoenix]

Both Kaydaya and Idris had been monitoring the team's transponders and as soon as the Argellian heard Leanna and her request, she turned to Oliver.

" Winch, Lea's gave the signal"

The Freighter Captain soon launched into action.

" Send an acknowledgement"He said then turned to S'Ree. " Take us in, maximum impulse and set us down at the pre arranged extraction point"

S'Ree acknowledged Winch as did Kaydaya as she responded to Lea informing her boss that they were on the way.


Quote from: Naira on November 28, 2018, 08:26:10 PM

[Rough Diamond Casino - Back Room]

"Escort them out of here," Boref directed the guards. "Well," he said turning back to look at Naira and T'Rell, "are you coming?"

Naira nodded to the security officer before following the Bolian out of the room.

[Rough Diamond - Passage beyond the back room]

T'Rell followed behind "An Orion and a Caitian, few men have ever had the pleasure" she purred, even saying the words made her feel dirty, and not in the fun way, she doubted she would ever feel clean again, still it separated their target from the rest of the room, she could feel the eyes of almost everyone in the back room on them as they left, the door closed behind them and T'Rell grinned any second now, patience she told herself and purred, unsheathed her claws and stepped closer to him

"i have something for you" she said and stepped closer again to him, she draped an arm over his shoulder and pressed herself up against him, he gave a chuckle

"Steady on Kitten" he said "there is plenty of me to go..." she hated the term Kitten used as he just did, dismissive, little more than the word whore or slave with a steady calmness she placed a paw near his exposed neck and pressed the razor sharp claws against his skin, she hissed low and scrapped his ear with her teeth,

"How about a quick change of plans" her voice was hard "i could gut you like a fish right here and not lose a second of sleep..." she hissed pressing her claws harder against his throat "...or you can keep quiet and do what you are told..." T'Rell said indicating the Cap "...I'm personally hoping you chose option 1 but it's your call" she finished of with a Caitian curse word that thankfully the universal translator didn't recognize.  Every scared look in every slaves eye she had seen tonight, every innocent that could suffer with the sale of this information, every injustice, she snarled and looked at the Captain,

"say the word and turn away..." she said simply " one would miss him"

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing."

Aryn Corliss

Quote from: Judith Eastman on November 28, 2018, 10:44:15 PM

[Rough Diamond]

Through this entire episode, Judy kept her cane with her. It wasn't just a style thing; it was a "hip-replacement-surgery-four-weeks-ago-and-still-recovering" thing too. As it turned out, it was a self-defense thing as well, for even as it was cumbersome to keep the cane and handbag in one hand while Judy wielded her can of mace, it made up for that later. Judy dropped the mace, grabbed the cane, and swung at Galanna, aiming for the jaw.
She hit some toilet paper that was previously assumed to be the woman's D-cups. It had stayed in place remarkably well so far, but direct impact was too much.

"At least she can wipe the blood with that," Judy quipped to her fellow brawlers. "Now let's scram."
"Yeah," Judy informed Alec. She then pushed the door open and walked out.

[The Rough Diamond]

Alec followed the others out the exit and trailed behind Judy as she returned to the hotel. He was certain racing off to check on Aryn was a bad idea, so he returned to their rooms and retrieved the couple of items they'd brought along that they'd want to keep. All of the clothes had been replicated for this assignment, and they were hideous, so Alec didn't think Aryn would care about bringing them back to the station.

After this, he headed to Odelot's room, not knowing Judy had already done so, to offer help if needed. Just to offer help...really!

The scene upon entering was interesting, to say the least.

Quote from: Odelot on November 28, 2018, 10:52:44 PM

The Emerald Enclave Pleasure Resort, The Oasis - Room 942

Odelot nodded when Aryn ordered him to get refreshments.  "Okay! Dotelo go."   Apparently, his orders to 'say nothing' were now forgotten.  Or perhaps superseded.  It was not always clear how the Pakled processed information.

Leaving his post by the doorway, he took the offered phaser torch and went to the room's replicator.  He replicated some Blue Leaf Tea, a Cardassian alternate to Red Leaf Tea which he'd only become aware of on account of it being blue.  Odelot had drunk Blueberry juice, Blue Tea, Blue Moons, Bluefruit smoothies, and just about every other type of blue beverage ever concocted by the denizens of the galaxy.  To him, color was almost as important as flavor.

Once the teas were replicated, he also replicated some chocolate and blueberry muffins.  Then he found a round silver shield being displayed on one of the walls.  Taking the shield down, he used it as a platter and placed his replicated food atop it, and used it to carry the food around with him.  The tea sloshed a bit, revealing Odelot's inexperience with the service industry.

Bringing the platter first to the Orion girl, he said, "Dotelo is sorry.  You scared Dotelo.  Dotelo is not mean.  Have drink and food!  It is brown and blue.  They are the best colors.  But green is okay, too."  He did not want to offend the girl.

Sherri regarded the Pakled with confusion and wonderment at how his entire demeanor had changed.  He'd gone from intimidating crime boss to lowly waitstaff in the span of minutes.  Tentatively, she took a blueberry muffin and a Blue Leaf Tea.  "Thank you."

Odelot beamed happily, and then went to the bathroom.  "There is food and tea for you, too!  Dotelo is very happy you come to save Dotelo.  Dotelo was very scared.  You do not need to be scared, Dihiq.  You were brave and strong and saved Dotelo!  Have muffin.  Chocolate is good for being sad.  It is brown."  But Dihiq fled to one of the bedrooms.

Sherri stopped mid-chew, listening to the bizarre dialogue of her captors.

Who were this people?


[Room 942 - Throne Room]
Dihiq didn't want to be seen or spoken to.
"I-I'll j-just g-g-go," he stuttered, and then left.

[The Oasis - Room 942]

Aryn threw up her hands in exasperation after Dihiq took off again. With a sigh, she accepted tea from Odelot. Thanks O...Dotelo.

Taking a bracing sip of the tea, Aryn headed back into the bedroom, deciding not to castigate the Pakled crewman for leaving their prisoner unguarded, especially when she saw the Orion girl still sitting on the ottoman with tea and muffin in hand. She'd say something to him about it later, once they were away and out of danger.


[Room 942]

Some minutes after Dihiq's escape, Judy came in through the door he'd left unlocked.
"Door was open," she joked. "Mind if I join you?"


Not long after, Judy arrived.  Odelot brightened immediately upon seeing another friend.

"Tea and Muffins," he declared, brandishing the shield enthusiastically.

But she was here for Dihiq.  That was good.  Dihiq was sad.[/size]

Aryn offered a relieved smile to Judy, then noticed Alec coming along behind her. Her relieved smile turned to one of those secret expressions couples who have been together forever might share. She wasn't really aware of it, but Alec was thrilled to see the pleased expression on her face at seeing him.

Aryn brought herself back to the task at hand and gestured to Sherrie. She wants to leave with us. I told her I couldn't make promises and we'd have to see.

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Odelot on November 28, 2018, 10:52:44 PM

The Emerald Enclave Pleasure Resort, The Oasis - Room 942

Not long after, Judy arrived.  Odelot brightened immediately upon seeing another friend.

"Tea and Muffins," he declared, brandishing the shield enthusiastically.

But she was here for Dihiq.  That was good.  Dihiq was sad.

[Room 942]

Judy looked at Odelot and the food he offered, and had to admit - it was tempting. However, she also couldn't keep up her old exercise routine so soon after her surgery, so she had to cut her calories as well.
"Oh, no thanks," she said. "My doctor doesn't really want me putting on weight."

Judy sat down on the couch, content to rest after such a busy evening. She crossed her legs, stretched her arms, and unbuttoned her jacket. The blouse underneath was in the same electric-blue color, so it was hard to tell from afar where one part of the ensemble ended and another began, but it was more breathable this way.

Quote from: Aryn Corliss on November 29, 2018, 09:34:44 AM

Aryn offered a relieved smile to Judy, then noticed Alec coming along behind her. Her relieved smile turned to one of those secret expressions couples who have been together forever might share. She wasn't really aware of it, but Alec was thrilled to see the pleased expression on her face at seeing him.

Aryn brought herself back to the task at hand and gestured to Sherrie. She wants to leave with us. I told her I couldn't make promises and we'd have to see.

Of course, there was no rest for the wicked. Judy supposed that, although she didn't outrank Aryn, the occasional grey in her blonde mane gave her an air of authority.
"We can't make any promises," she said, "but we'll try."

Realizing that she wasn't going to get a nap, Judy moved and got her guitar out of her suitcase. It was a nice, acoustic one, still in great shape after years of use.
"Would you mind if I make a little music, just to pass the time?" she asked.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Felicity Ellis

Quote from: Aryn Corliss on November 28, 2018, 10:12:11 PM

[The Rough Diamond]

Alec had seen the brawl beginning from his position near the bathrooms and was going to involve himself when he saw several members of the Columbus crew making their way to an emergency exit. He changed directions and met them at the door.

Ladies, he greeted, ever polite. Are we making our final exit?

Quote from: Judith Eastman on November 28, 2018, 10:44:15 PM

[Rough Diamond]

Through this entire episode, Judy kept her cane with her. It wasn't just a style thing; it was a "hip-replacement-surgery-four-weeks-ago-and-still-recovering" thing too. As it turned out, it was a self-defense thing as well, for even as it was cumbersome to keep the cane and handbag in one hand while Judy wielded her can of mace, it made up for that later. Judy dropped the mace, grabbed the cane, and swung at Galanna, aiming for the jaw.
She hit some toilet paper that was previously assumed to be the woman's D-cups. It had stayed in place remarkably well so far, but direct impact was too much.

"At least she can wipe the blood with that," Judy quipped to her fellow brawlers. "Now let's scram."

Quote from: Leanna Mazal on November 29, 2018, 03:33:48 AM

[Rough Diamond]

At Flick's suggestion of pulling a Houdini, Lea nodded eager to get away from the growing mob that had almost surrounded them and the security team that was trying to capture those from the Columbus. Following behind her best friend as they reached Judy, watching as the older woman launched a well played attack on the woman who wanted to stop them from leaving.

They were soon joined by Alec, Aryn's husband and once more followed Judy as she led them out of trouble and up to their suite.

[The Rough Diamond Casino & Bar]

The events of the evening may have been unraveling, though certainly not as fast as Galanna's boobs. Felicity found it difficult not to stare, aghast, as Judy lashed out with her cane and destroyed the other woman's once impressive cleavage. She turned from Eastman at the arrival of Alec, who had appeared by the exit, apparently also keen to make a swift exit.

"Sure are," she confirmed to him as she changed directions and headed through the door. Once safely on the other side, and with some distance between themselves and the fracas behind, Felicity turned to Judy and Leanna and encouraged them to go on without her. "There's someone I need to grab. I'll meet you all back at the hotel. Be safe."

The group split into two directions, with Felicity swinging a right in order to circle back around outside the Diamond. She not only had a crewmember unaccounted for, but it was also her intention to stick around for support should the Captain, Adeyemi and T'Rell require it. She stepped behind an adorned column and into a small alcove. Somewhat hidden from cursory glances, she tapped her secreted commbadge and whispered a request.

=/\= "Abi'Ddon, what's your location?" =/\=

She was using Cadet Four's alias, of course. She took advantage of the short break between the transmissions to check in. =/\= "The party back at the hotel is winding down, but I'm told there might be some action still to come here at the casino." =/\=

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
Bio: Felicity Ellis

Leanna Mazal

[Imperial Suite]

The acknowledgement from the Red Phoenix eased some of the tension that had began to build up since escaping the baying mob in the Casino. However Lea knew that they still needed to get out of the hotel and to the Freighter without further interference from not only the Targets security but also any others that might of been watching.

She looked at the case she had brought with her and decided that it would only weigh her down so instead took out what she wanted to keep mainly a purse filled with valuables and discarded the rest. Securing it to herself so it wouldn't get in the way, Lea then left the suite but not before calling out to Dihiq.

" Dihiq the Phoenix will be here soon, be prepared to leave quickly, I'm going to warn the others" she said before leaving the Suite.

Taking off her shoes as she reached the lift, Lea held them in her hand and quickly called for the floor she needed and waited impatiently as it moved. As soon as the doors opened she almost ran along the corridor before stopping outside room 942.

[Room 942]

Walking in she took note of those present including an Orion woman she had never seen before, however didn't stop to ask questions about her at least not yet and no doubt someone would fill her in.

" Looks like I'm late for the party " she stated as a familiar voice called through her transponder and everyone else's.

=RP= Did someone call for a lift?=RP=

Lea almost groaned at the call from Winchester as he continued.

=RP= Resort Control were easy enough to bypass but we don't have a lot of time, we'll be directly outside between the Casino and the Hotel =RP=

The Betazoid looked at the group and knew it would be time to exit sharply as soon as they were all ready.

Four of Twenty

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on November 29, 2018, 02:36:40 PM

[The Rough Diamond Casino & Bar]

The events of the evening may have been unraveling, though certainly not as fast as Galanna's boobs. Felicity found it difficult not to stare, aghast, as Judy lashed out with her cane and destroyed the other woman's once impressive cleavage. She turned from Eastman at the arrival of Alec, who had appeared by the exit, apparently also keen to make a swift exit.

"Sure are," she confirmed to him as she changed directions and headed through the door. Once safely on the other side, and with some distance between themselves and the fracas behind, Felicity turned to Judy and Leanna and encouraged them to go on without her. "There's someone I need to grab. I'll meet you all back at the hotel. Be safe."

The group split into two directions, with Felicity swinging a right in order to circle back around outside the Diamond. She not only had a crewmember unaccounted for, but it was also her intention to stick around for support should the Captain, Adeyemi and T'Rell require it. She stepped behind an adorned column and into a small alcove. Somewhat hidden from cursory glances, she tapped her secreted commbadge and whispered a request.

=/\= "Abi'Ddon, what's your location?" =/\=

She was using Cadet Four's alias, of course. She took advantage of the short break between the transmissions to check in. =/\= "The party back at the hotel is winding down, but I'm told there might be some action still to come here at the casino." =/\=


Too many bodies converging on one point would be a rather obvious move. Four stayed back, making small talk in the lobby whilst keeping an ear to the events as they transpired. If anyone needed to make a quick exit, or the situation became volatile, Four was going to make a distraction. Something eye popping that made everyone lose their focus.

It was a classic strategy, but one of the safest bets to ensure the safety of Starfleet lives. The last thing he wanted was to see his first mission become a failure. An Orion was holding some conversation when the chime of the Commander's message came in. He gave a rather apologetic smile as he looked to the Orion.

"Well, this has been lovely, but I need to refill my drink."

With that, he turned and left, making his way back to the Casino.  =/\= "Yes, of course. Located at the Lobby. I'm making my way back now."  =/\=


Quote from: T'Rell on November 29, 2018, 04:47:55 AM

[Rough Diamond - Passage beyond the back room]

T'Rell followed behind "An Orion and a Caitian, few men have ever had the pleasure" she purred, even saying the words made her feel dirty, and not in the fun way, she doubted she would ever feel clean again, still it separated their target from the rest of the room, she could feel the eyes of almost everyone in the back room on them as they left, the door closed behind them and T'Rell grinned any second now, patience she told herself and purred, unsheathed her claws and stepped closer to him

"i have something for you" she said and stepped closer again to him, she draped an arm over his shoulder and pressed herself up against him, he gave a chuckle

"Steady on Kitten" he said "there is plenty of me to go..." she hated the term Kitten used as he just did, dismissive, little more than the word whore or slave with a steady calmness she placed a paw near his exposed neck and pressed the razor sharp claws against his skin, she hissed low and scrapped his ear with her teeth,

"How about a quick change of plans" her voice was hard "i could gut you like a fish right here and not lose a second of sleep..." she hissed pressing her claws harder against his throat "...or you can keep quiet and do what you are told..." T'Rell said indicating the Cap "...I'm personally hoping you chose option 1 but it's your call" she finished of with a Caitian curse word that thankfully the universal translator didn't recognize.  Every scared look in every slaves eye she had seen tonight, every innocent that could suffer with the sale of this information, every injustice, she snarled and looked at the Captain,

"say the word and turn away..." she said simply " one would miss him"

[Rough Diamond - Passage beyond the back room]

Naira had to shake her head when the security officer offered to end the life of the known criminal. As bad as he was, killing him would make them no better than the likes of him. They were Starfleet officers, they were sworn to duty and they had a job to do.

"As much as I might agree with you, we have orders to take him alive."

In that instance, her entire demeanor changed. She stood up straighter, she squared her shoulders and walked with an air of confidence. She was no longer the Orion slave girl that could be bought, borrowed or traded for goods and services, she was a Starfleet captain that had captured a highly dangerous criminal and would soon be turning him over to the proper authorities.

"Who are you people?" Boref demanded to know. "You're no slave and I doubt you work for some warlord. You weren't here to bid on the auction, you were here to steal it!"

"You're only half right in your assumptions," Naira responded.

While T'Rell held the man under threat of slashing his jugular open, Naira fished through his pockets for any communication devise he may be hiding and a PADD he had controlling the auction. She dropped the communicator to the floor and smashed it with her foot. Then, she brought up the display on the PADD and tapped away the controls.

Quote from: Leanna Mazal on November 29, 2018, 03:06:08 PM

=RP= Did someone call for a lift?=RP=

Lea almost groaned at the call from Winchester as he continued.

=RP= Resort Control were easy enough to bypass but we don't have a lot of time, we'll be directly outside between the Casino and the Hotel =RP=

=/\= Perfect timing, we'll be there.  =/\=

She held the PADD up for Boref. "Place your thumb here," she instructed him.

"Why should I?"

"If you don't, my security officer here is directed to use any means necessary to make you comply."

He thought about his options for a fraction of a second before pressing his thumb to the screen. The display changed and with it the auction was closed. No funds would be directed into his account. The detailed maps and information pertaining to the location and routes of an entire fleet of ships remained secure on his PADD.

"You're to come with us and provide us with the location of your weapon stash or you'll have far bigger concerns than my officer here."

She led the way down the narrow passageway that served as what was possibly a hidden corridor for casino staff to move between rooms and some of their more nefarious clients to sneak out unnoticed. They passed several doors that had to lead out into the main casino room, somewhere she was hoping to avoid, before they came to a point where she was sure they met up with an external wall.

"This way," She approached a door. It slid open and the dark passageway opened up until a courtyard illuminated by only a handful of dazzling flashing lights advertising the casino's many attraction. Few would notice a couple of people wandering around outside at night. More than a few guests made their way between the resort and the casino. With any luck, they could blend and not draw too much attention to themselves.

=/\= Meet at the extraction point and be ready to leave,  =/\= she addressed the crew.

Leanna Mazal

Quote from: Naira on November 30, 2018, 03:24:06 AM

[Rough Diamond - Passage beyond the back room]

=/\= Meet at the extraction point and be ready to leave,  =/\= she addressed the crew.

[Room 942/Red Phoenix]

Not long after the cheery but welcomed voice of Oliver had spoken, another comm was received this time from the Captain ordering them to get to the extraction point and be prepared to leave. Knowing Oliver he would be quite keen to make a quick exit before there was any trouble especially from authority control when they realised what was happening.

Then again they should never underestimate what her crew was capable of in situations like this and grinned at the thought before responding.

=/\= Understood, will meet you there =/\=

" Looks like its time to go home" she said to the others and not wanting to waste any time, turned and  began to lead the way towards the Phoenix.

Hoping that everyone wouldn't be too far behind, Lea continued until she spotted the familiar red appearance of her ship.

=/\= Oliver it's Lea, lower the ramp, the others should be here shortly =/\=

There was no reply only the hissing sound of the lamp being lowered along with Idris and Pieter walking down it weapons ready should they need to provide cover for those from the Columbus plus their guest.

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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