Season 3 Episode 2 - The Price of Pleasure

Started by Naira, November 01, 2018, 04:42:22 AM

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Judith Eastman

[Room 942]

"Let's get going," Judy said. Then, she turned to their Orion guest. Their security was, of course, a major concern, but Judy was raised to act morally when she could. Rescuing this woman from a life of crime, slavery, and probable rape was morally right.
"You can come with us. We'll keep you safe," she said. Judy's caring side absolutely came through as she spoke, because she did feel compassion for this woman. She intended to give her a new life, even if she had to bankroll it for a while. Putting her through college was absolutely something Judy considered.
"If you could just help me with my suitcase here, that'd be great."


Judy spent the rest of the trip to Columbus socializing. She was rather fond of this bunch, and she was definitely going to miss them.

[Eastman Family Vacation Home, East Hampton, New York State - a while after]

As Judy and her mother Diane both had some time off, they chose to spend some mother-daughter quality time in the family vacation home. The two of them had a strong, healthy bond, helped in large part by how similar they were. Both women were intelligent, educated, and well-read. Both could be anywhere from nurturing to ruthless, depending on what the situation called for. With their light New York accents, blonde hair (both were once natural, but needed dye now), and long noses, they could even be mistaken for each other.

The two women walked out to the landscaped garden of the family vacation home, carrying a bottle of chardonnay, and settled down on a pair of lawn chairs to talk. Being a pair of old Jewish women, they excelled at that.

"Rescued a slave?" Diane asked her daughter.
"Well, it was a team effort. She went in to get one of us, but two others came and overwhelmed her, so she gave in and begged to be rescued. How could I not?" Judy recalled.
"I'm proud of you, Judy, and I like the sound of this crew. I wonder if they have room for you there?"
"I don't know. They have a chief science officer already, and I don't like the sound of a demotion."
"You could do something else. You have so many degrees and titles in so many fields."
"Ima'le*, forget about it. I'm fine where I am."
"Just think about it."
Diane made a mental note to talk to some of the Admirals who owed her or the politicians she'd worked with some favors. Her only daughter was too precious to waste away on a ship where she wasn't happy or appreciated, and where her life was in constant danger.

*Hebrew term of endearment for one's mother.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol


[Outside the casino/Red Phoenix]

Naira waited for the Phoenix to touch down before ushering her people out into the open, towards the ship. It wouldn't take long for the resort security to take notice of the ship and attempt to dispatch it. She waved fellow officers passed her as she took a mental head count of each individual that boarded the vessel. Even if she didn't know each officer and crewman personally, Naira had taken the time to learn each of their names and their faces, from the pictures in their files, before asking them to take part in this dangerous mission.

Her heart raced as the seconds went by and there were those yet to be accounted for. Each moment seemed to drag on as she waited for everyone to arrive. Her mind raced with the varied possibilities that not everyone had managed to get out. This complex mission was one unlike any they had done before. There was so many varied parts to it, so many people had been tasked with various little parts.

Perhaps it was too much.

Maybe something happened?

What if they didn't all make it out?

She glanced back across the courtyard as two more officers ran for the ship. Armed security guards were closing in. Their ship was being surrounded. They needed to leave, but she wanted to wait as long as possible. She still had hope that more would show up.

Just a few more.

Just when she was about to give up hope, a door swung open and out came the unmistakable forms of both the chief security officer and the chief medical officer. One looked as if he had to fight his way out of the casino brawl, the other appeared to be fighting gravity in an attempt to stand upright while moving forward.

"Hurry," she called out to them.

When everyone was boarded, the ship took off at such speed the mounting forces at the resort seemed unable to follow.

Naira made her way up to the bridge and directed the captain that they'd need to make a quick stop. Starfleet had a ship ready and waiting to receive their prisoner, then they could head home for a much needed real vacation.

End of mission.

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