Season 3 Episode 2 - The Price of Pleasure

Started by Naira, November 01, 2018, 04:42:22 AM

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Aryn Corliss


"Enter," she called out.


T'Rell nodded, "The PADD also contains my evaluation of the ship and crew and my recommendations for the mission" with that she saluted and left, give Corliss a grin as she did so, the door slide to a close behind her and she stopped as she crossed the bridge taking a few seconds to look over the pilot, finding a Caitian on a freighter was not uncommon, but she herself hadn't met one of her kind since she left the academy and she vowed to at least say hi before things inevitably went pear shaped.

Aryn started to enter the office, but paused as she caught sight of the Caitian exiting at the same moment. She returned the security officer's grin with an answering one of her own, then entered the room.

Captain, Aryn greeted politely, even though they were both far from being in uniform. I have a request, or perhaps more of a suggestion, if you will. Alec would like to accompany us to the resort. He's not active Starfleet, of course, but he was. And he's got a great deal of experience with integrating himself onto different planets and in different situations. It's actually a skill that all El-Aurian's develop, though mine is sadly lacking. He's fine staying aboard, if you'd rather. He can help out in their medical bay or find some other way to make himself useful. Aryn finally stopped her flow of words, realizing she'd been babbling just a bit, and wondering where this infernal nervousness had sprung from so suddenly.

Lyric McDaniels

[Red Phoenix - Engine Room]

Lyric found herself poking around the ship's engine room. Although Federation starships varied in sizes and styles, a distinct sameness could be found in many of the working parts. She loved to watch the machines work, the perfection and precision tended to calm her, everything timed and measured to obtain the maximum output and most efficient use of materials.

She was so absorbed in her study of the various mechanisms, she didn't notice the ship's engineer and nearly bumped right into her.

"What exactly are you doing in my engine room?" The woman asked quizzically, a single eyebrow arched. Lyric looked up from her examination, startled.

"Oh, sorry, so sorry. I didn't realize anyone else was in here. I just wanted to look around." She wrung her thin pale hands in front of her, anxiously. "I don't really get to work with ships too much, spend a lot of time fixing abused replicators lately." She gave a small chuckle. "I noticed you have a few, ah, unorthodox routing systems."

The other woman crossed her arms, and tossed a strand of long curly black hair behind her shoulder with an irritated flick of her head. Looking closer, Lyric noted she had the dark eyes common to Betazoids.

"Listen Starfleet. I don't go poking around your engines critiquing the handiwork. I'd appreciate it if you'd lay off mine."

"Oh no, ma'am. That wasn't my intent at all. I found myself wondering how you had managed to balance the input/output ratio so it didn't put a strain on the conduits. You're obviously talented."

The other woman visibly relaxed, the tension dropped from her shoulders as her arms fell to her sides with a sweeping shrug. "So you're a gearhead too, eh Starfleet? Not bad. Name's Malia, obviously in charge of all things mechanical around here." She offered a hand, and the Changeling shook it earnestly.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Malia. I'm Lyric."

Malia gave a quick nod to the patchwork of repairs she'd been working on. "To be completely honest, that ratio equation gave me a devil of a time." She grinned remembering the challenge and was glad to finally have someone who understood just how brilliant of a fix it was.

Species: Changeling

If you could be anything you wanted, why wouldn't you choose to be happy?


Quote from: Aryn Corliss on November 01, 2018, 09:05:48 PM

Aryn started to enter the office, but paused as she caught sight of the Caitian exiting at the same moment. She returned the security officer's grin with an answering one of her own, then entered the room.

Captain, Aryn greeted politely, even though they were both far from being in uniform. I have a request, or perhaps more of a suggestion, if you will. Alec would like to accompany us to the resort. He's not active Starfleet, of course, but he was. And he's got a great deal of experience with integrating himself onto different planets and in different situations. It's actually a skill that all El-Aurian's develop, though mine is sadly lacking. He's fine staying aboard, if you'd rather. He can help out in their medical bay or find some other way to make himself useful. Aryn finally stopped her flow of words, realizing she'd been babbling just a bit, and wondering where this infernal nervousness had sprung from so suddenly.

[Captain's Office]

After watching the Caitian take her leave, Lieutenant Corliss made her way into the office. While she was happy to see that the Ops officer was dressed and her conversation didn't appear to be about getting permission to wear another type of outfit, she listened intently while the woman carried on.

Naira pondered her request for a moment, unlike the previous request, this one required more consideration on her part. "I won't lie," she addressed the lieutenant. "I'm hesitant to further involve more civilians in this operation than we already have. We don't know exactly how dangerous it might be down there. However, considering his prior experience and his Starfleet career, I am willing to make an exception for him if you think he may be able to help."

She pushed herself up, off the desk and headed back around the large piece of furniture taking up space in the middle of the room, to retrieve one of her PADDs in exchange for the one she had been holding. While she dug through her little pile, she continued to speak with the other woman.

"I'll be sure to have a quick word with him when I brief the rest of the crew here shortly, but I hope he understands the importance of this mission and just what kind of danger he may be walking into." She looked up from her search to make eye contact with Lieutenant Corliss. "While we may be at a pleasure resort, this is not a vacation on Risa. It is likely that most, if not all, the people we encounter may work for the Syndicate in some capacity and they won't take kindly to having Starfleet meddle in their affairs."

She didn't want to have to issue any sort of threats or ultimatums, but she had seen first hand the sort of tricky situations other officers could get into when they mixed work with their personal lives. She couldn't let that happen here.

"If however, his presence will be a distraction to you completing your job or if you believe he will cause a problem, he should stay behind. If I have to step in and separate the two of you because your relationship jeopardizes the mission, I will see to it that he will not be allowed to accompany us on any future away missions."     

Felicity Ellis

[Mess Hall - Red Phoenix]

"How have you been?" She asked Dihiq, her voice automatically slipping into that tried and tested 'Counselor' tone. The young Klingon's response had been somewhat delayed, it seemed, and she thought he must have been very surprised indeed to see her. His companion though, he was not so reserved.

"... Hi there, Odelot." With each pump of his arm she was pulled closer and closer, her fingers paralysed in his impressive grip. But with each shake, the corners of her mouth twitched, until finally she was smiling cheerfully at him, despite almost having her arm ripped off. "Thank you, it's lovely to meet you," she said in response to both his compliment and his offer to join them.

She slid into a seat across from the pair, head cocked to one side as she listened to the Pakled's chatter, the corners of her eyes crinkling a little. It wasn't long before she'd found herself unexpectedly charmed. She'd had limited dealings with the species and she found herself wracking her memory of their documented culture for mentions of etiquette regarding food sharing. The very last thing she'd want to do would be to offend by refusing the kind offer.

"Blue is my favourite colour, too," she said, eyeing the fork in his hand. She'd subconsciously tilted her upper body away from the arm wielding the utensil like it was a weapon, but once she realised what she was doing she leaned back in toward the table. "It reminds me of Earth." The brown of the gravy, however, reminded her of something else that she really should not mention while in polite company.

"I would love to test it." She held out her hand for the fork before continuing, "I have heard good things about Pieter the cook here on the Red Phoenix. But you should eat the meatloaf, Odelot, you'll need your strength for work."

Quote from: T'Rell on November 01, 2018, 06:25:47 PM

"Felicity, care for some company?" she smiled politely at the pair, ensuring once again that she didn't bare her teeth.

Felicity's eyes snapped up toward the familiar sound of the Caitian's voice. "T'Rell, of course! Have a seat." She gestured toward the empty chair beside her, and then set to a round of introductions. "This is Odelot, and this is Dihiq. Gentlemen, this is my friend T'Rell."

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
Bio: Felicity Ellis

Judith Eastman


Quote from: Felicity Ellis on November 02, 2018, 09:01:08 AM

[Mess Hall - Red Phoenix]

"How have you been?" She asked Dihiq, her voice automatically slipping into that tried and tested 'Counselor' tone. The young Klingon's response had been somewhat delayed, it seemed, and she thought he must have been very surprised indeed to see her. His companion though, he was not so reserved.

"... Hi there, Odelot." With each pump of his arm she was pulled closer and closer, her fingers paralysed in his impressive grip. But with each shake, the corners of her mouth twitched, until finally she was smiling cheerfully at him, despite almost having her arm ripped off. "Thank you, it's lovely to meet you," she said in response to both his compliment and his offer to join them.

She slid into a seat across from the pair, head cocked to one side as she listened to the Pakled's chatter, the corners of her eyes crinkling a little. It wasn't long before she'd found herself unexpectedly charmed. She'd had limited dealings with the species and she found herself wracking her memory of their documented culture for mentions of etiquette regarding food sharing. The very last thing she'd want to do would be to offend by refusing the kind offer.

"Blue is my favourite colour, too," she said, eyeing the fork in his hand. She'd subconsciously tilted her upper body away from the arm wielding the utensil like it was a weapon, but once she realised what she was doing she leaned back in toward the table. "It reminds me of Earth." The brown of the gravy, however, reminded her of something else that she really should not mention while in polite company.

"I would love to test it." She held out her hand for the fork before continuing, "I have heard good things about Pieter the cook here on the Red Phoenix. But you should eat the meatloaf, Odelot, you'll need your strength for work."

Felicity's eyes snapped up toward the familiar sound of the Caitian's voice. "T'Rell, of course! Have a seat." She gestured toward the empty chair beside her, and then set to a round of introductions. "This is Odelot, and this is Dihiq. Gentlemen, this is my friend T'Rell."

[Mess Hall]
As the beer he just shotgunned took effect, Dihiq got more confident.
"I'm cool, dude," he answered the terror counselor. In the meantime, he ordered some food and some more beer. He thought he'd heard the term "Dutch Courage" once to describe it. Was it Eastman's son who told him that booze makes him invincible?
"How's your meatloaf?" he asked Odelot, out of politeness.

Then, his eyes turned to the Caitian. He liked that species - thanks to K'lizh, they all seemed to respect him.
"Nice to meet you," he greeted T'Rell, in an unusual show of confidence.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Aryn Corliss

Quote from: Naira on November 02, 2018, 04:21:38 AM

[Captain's Office]

After watching the Caitian take her leave, Lieutenant Corliss made her way into the office. While she was happy to see that the Ops officer was dressed and her conversation didn't appear to be about getting permission to wear another type of outfit, she listened intently while the woman carried on.

Naira pondered her request for a moment, unlike the previous request, this one required more consideration on her part. "I won't lie," she addressed the lieutenant. "I'm hesitant to further involve more civilians in this operation than we already have. We don't know exactly how dangerous it might be down there. However, considering his prior experience and his Starfleet career, I am willing to make an exception for him if you think he may be able to help."

She pushed herself up, off the desk and headed back around the large piece of furniture taking up space in the middle of the room, to retrieve one of her PADDs in exchange for the one she had been holding. While she dug through her little pile, she continued to speak with the other woman.

"I'll be sure to have a quick word with him when I brief the rest of the crew here shortly, but I hope he understands the importance of this mission and just what kind of danger he may be walking into." She looked up from her search to make eye contact with Lieutenant Corliss. "While we may be at a pleasure resort, this is not a vacation on Risa. It is likely that most, if not all, the people we encounter may work for the Syndicate in some capacity and they won't take kindly to having Starfleet meddle in their affairs."

She didn't want to have to issue any sort of threats or ultimatums, but she had seen first hand the sort of tricky situations other officers could get into when they mixed work with their personal lives. She couldn't let that happen here.

"If however, his presence will be a distraction to you completing your job or if you believe he will cause a problem, he should stay behind. If I have to step in and separate the two of you because your relationship jeopardizes the mission, I will see to it that he will not be allowed to accompany us on any future away missions."

Aryn listened gravely as Naira laid out her concerns and expectations and nodded at the conclusion. Understood, Captain. I...don't think it will be an issue. Alec can do what needs to be done. That's how I ended up here and he ended up on a prison planet. He let himself get captured to allow me to escape. What I've learned of him since he arrived here, I believe he would do the same for anyone he was responsible for, not just me. He's just that kind of person. She offered a wry smile.

I'll swing by our quarters and pick him up on my way to the briefing.

[Personal Quarters ---> Mess Hall]

Aryn made her way back to the small room she was sharing with her husband-stranger.

All right, sweetie, she said cheekily as she entered. You get to come along to the briefing. The captain wants to talk to you about some concerns, but I assured her that you could do whatever was necessary.

Thank you for that endorsement, Alec answered. Is that good or bad, what you said?

Aryn tilted her head at him, surprised by Alec's sudden uncertainty. It's a good thing. I'm glad you're here and I want to get to know you again. But I, and the captain, need to know that your feelings for me won't interfere with the mission.

I see. And I understand, he said slowly. The look on his face said he wanted to say more, but wasn't sure if he should.

Aryn raised her eyebrows in question.

Alec shook his head. I don't think I'm ready to hear the answer to that question yet.

Your choice, I suppose. I don't know if Flick would find that a particularly healthy attitude, she teased mildly. Anyway, we're due in the Mess Hall for a mission briefing. You're invited.

Should I change now?

No, you should have time after.

With a nod, Alec trailed Aryn out the door and to the Mess Hall where several people, both familiar and not, were already gathered.



Red Phoenix - Mess Hall

Mondo's smile brightened when Felicity Ellis said she liked Blue, too, and that it reminded her of Earth.

"Earth is pretty!  It is better than Mars.  But good ships come out of Mars.  They say Mars is red. But it is not very red down there.  Only a little.  I learned on Mars.  There is a School there for Enlisted.  They made me very smarter.  Did you go to school?  You look smart."

He slid his drink closer to her, because it was blue, and she liked blue.

"Pieter is my friend, because he gave me extra gravy.  Now you are my friend, too, because we like Blue."

Felicity Ellis said he should eat the meatloaf to keep his strength up, and he nodded, "Odelot is very strong.  He eats a lot!"

Pakled had evolved from a fairly inoffensive species of large omnivore.  Their bodies were covered with a protective layer of dense, fiberous fat tissue that required copious consumption in order to maintain.  These biological details were unknown to Odelot, however.  He just knew that he was often hungry, and pleasantly plump.  He shoveled some of the meatloaf into his mouth and chewed happily, but made sure to leave a portion untouched for Felicity Ellis.

Felicity Ellis introduced a new arrival, and Odelot swallowed- as he had been taught on Mars not to speak with a full mouth- and greeted them.  "Hello T'Rell.  You are furry!  I like cats!  They had some on Mars.  Cats are like a little you."

Then Odelot realized Felicity Ellis had forgotten to mention someone present.  He gestured to her with his spoon.  "This is Felicity Ellis!  She likes Blue and she is my friend, too."

That's when Dihiq asked about the meatloaf.  Odelot swiveled about and scooped up another spoonful of the stuff. "It is good.  You can have some.  We can be meatloaf friends."  Was there a reason not to be friends with everyone?  If there was, Odelot did not know it.

He extended the meatloaf-festooned spoon towards Dihiq.

Malcolm Adeyemi

[Mess Hall - Red Phoenix]

Adeyemi usually partook in the more upscale places on the Promenade when he was on the Columbus, but sometimes a good whack of standard issue rations. Especially after a workout.

The Starfleet physical training uniform, an unfortunately cut, gray, one piece jumpsuit of sorts. Thank God, he didn't have to wear that on the Phoenix. Instead, he had on a simple sleeveless shirt, shorts that ended below his knee, and specially designed squat shoes. Adeyemi had just finished moving hundreds of pounds of weight wherever he damn well pleased. He was pumped up, his skin stretched out over bulging muscles, perfumed with a heady, masculine scent. At over six feet tall and two hundred pounds in weight, the 50 year old officer still cut an imposing figure, one that struggled to find its way through the crowded mess hall in the small freighter. He had been ducking under low bulkheads and turning sideways on the Red Phoenix since they had departed. It wasn't that Adeyemi was an especially big man, but the freighter was a lot less room than the Starbase Columbus he was accustomed to.

He was queuing up in an orderly way like any proper Brit, tray at the ready. Ahead of him, passengers were getting pasta ladled onto their plates, along with choice hunks of meatloaf, and a green salad. Evidently that was today's special, and it was popular. He opted instead for leaner, cleaner protein: a quiet word with the cook did it, Pieier, a workout buddy whose 6'4", 220 lbs body also needed no glopping up with unhealthy food. Soon, Adeyemi was seated, and Pieter himself brought over a tray filled with cuts of fish, chicken, and steamed veggies. The perfect post workout meal. He tucked in eagerly.

Quote from: Aryn Corliss link=topic=10481.msg196999#msg196999

[Personal Quarters ---> Mess Hall

Aryn made her way back to the small room she was sharing with her husband-stranger.

All right, sweetie, she said cheekily as she entered. You get to come along to the briefing. The captain wants to talk to you about some concerns, but I assured her that you could do whatever was necessary.

Thank you for that endorsement, Alec answered. Is that good or bad, what you said?

Aryn tilted her head at him, surprised by Alec's sudden uncertainty. It's a good thing. I'm glad you're here and I want to get to know you again. But I, and the captain, need to know that your feelings for me won't interfere with the mission.

I see. And I understand, he said slowly. The look on his face said he wanted to say more, but wasn't sure if he should.

Aryn raised her eyebrows in question.

Alec shook his head. I don't think I'm ready to hear the answer to that question yet.

Your choice, I suppose. I don't know if Flick would find that a particularly healthy attitude, she teased mildly. Anyway, we're due in the Mess Hall for a mission briefing. You're invited.

Should I change now?

No, you should have time after.

With a nod, Alec trailed Aryn out the door and to the Mess Hall where several people, both familiar and not, were already gathered.

[Mess Hall - Red Phoenix]

Adeyemi was wading into his lunch two fistedly like a starving man when he saw Lieutenant Corliss enter. He had met the woman, briefly, with her husband, back on the Starbase Columbus. He caught her eye, nodded briefly. It was either an invitation to join him or just a passing courtesy, she could take her pick.

Judith Eastman


Quote from: Odelot on November 02, 2018, 11:41:32 AM

Red Phoenix - Mess Hall

Mondo's smile brightened when Felicity Ellis said she liked Blue, too, and that it reminded her of Earth.

"Earth is pretty!  It is better than Mars.  But good ships come out of Mars.  They say Mars is red. But it is not very red down there.  Only a little.  I learned on Mars.  There is a School there for Enlisted.  They made me very smarter.  Did you go to school?  You look smart."

He slid his drink closer to her, because it was blue, and she liked blue.

"Pieter is my friend, because he gave me extra gravy.  Now you are my friend, too, because we like Blue."

Felicity Ellis said he should eat the meatloaf to keep his strength up, and he nodded, "Odelot is very strong.  He eats a lot!"

Pakled had evolved from a fairly inoffensive species of large omnivore.  Their bodies were covered with a protective layer of dense, fiberous fat tissue that required copious consumption in order to maintain.  These biological details were unknown to Odelot, however.  He just knew that he was often hungry, and pleasantly plump.  He shoveled some of the meatloaf into his mouth and chewed happily, but made sure to leave a portion untouched for Felicity Ellis.

Felicity Ellis introduced a new arrival, and Odelot swallowed- as he had been taught on Mars not to speak with a full mouth- and greeted them.  "Hello T'Rell.  You are furry!  I like cats!  They had some on Mars.  Cats are like a little you."

Then Odelot realized Felicity Ellis had forgotten to mention someone present.  He gestured to her with his spoon.  "This is Felicity Ellis!  She likes Blue and she is my friend, too."

That's when Dihiq asked about the meatloaf.  Odelot swiveled about and scooped up another spoonful of the stuff. "It is good.  You can have some.  We can be meatloaf friends."  Was there a reason not to be friends with everyone?  If there was, Odelot did not know it.

He extended the meatloaf-festooned spoon towards Dihiq.

[Mess Hall]
Dihiq looked at the meatloaf, then at Odelot, then at the meatloaf again. On the one hand, this Klingon did not eat meat as a matter of principle. On the other hand, he didn't want to turn down the offer of friendship.

"I'm a vegan," he said. "I don't eat food from animals."
He felt some guilt at shooting down the Pakled (he himself was often shot down, and not just by the witch), and glanced at his plate. It had a chopped salad on it.
"We can be salad friends, instead," he offered, heaping some salad onto a fork.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Lyric McDaniels

[Mess Hall - Red Phoenix]

Lyric had to step quickly past the freighter's door as it slid closed behind her. She had been following along, a half step or three behind a large, bulky alien. With luck she'd avoid having to talk to even more people she didn't know. She had managed to get into the mess hall and no one had noticed.

The Changeling went to put her hands into her sleeves, stopped herself, and realized she wasn't in uniform and could do so. Still, it felt strange. This entire mission did. Why was she selected for this? She didn't even know what sort of clothing was appropriate, her idea of civilian clothing was a creamy oversized bulky wool tunic sweater with leggings and boots. Lyric was no undercover operative. When the chief engineer had told her to report to the Red Phoenix in civilian clothes, she had held up the spanner she had currently been holding, as if to say, No, I am only the engineer! It hadn't worked.

She was surrounded by the unfamiliar, not a feeling she had ever liked. Had she been able to cry, Lyric McDaniels would have.  It was one of the purely human things she just couldn't manage. She limited herself with a very human-like swipe of under her nose with her sleeve, a habit she had picked up from other anxiety ridden people on the Columbus. She wished she was back there.

She spotted Malcolm in his workout outfit, seated at a table, wolfing down hunks of meat and vegetable dripping with butter. He seemed to be enjoying it, although it was simpler fare than some of the fancy meals he usually ate. Eating was another thing she couldn't do, something that set her apart from the solids. But still, she needed him... someone familiar amidst all of this unsettling newness.

"Hello, Malcolm," Lyric said in a tiny voice that barely carried over the commotion of trays and conversation. "I see that you're, uhm...may I sit? I mean, if it's not too much trouble..." She bit lightly at her full bottom lip, worried that she had overstepped herself again with him. They hadn't talked much lately and sometimes he tended to be a bit standoffish.

Great, good job, she told herself. Had she the capability, she'd have blushed. Lyric hugged herself about the waist and waited for his answer.

Species: Changeling

If you could be anything you wanted, why wouldn't you choose to be happy?


[Mess Hall]

Quote from: Odelot on November 02, 2018, 11:41:32 AM

Red Phoenix - Mess Hall

Felicity Ellis introduced a new arrival, and Odelot swallowed- as he had been taught on Mars not to speak with a full mouth- and greeted them.  "Hello T'Rell.  You are furry!  I like cats!  They had some on Mars.  Cats are like a little you."

T'Rell nodded, smiled and sat, Pakleds we rent a species she had experience with, from what she could remember they were much more cunning than they appeared, "Feline species are common on many worlds" she agreed, most Caitians got over the oft repeated lines about their ancestry and many, like T'Rell took pride in it, cats were often beloved companions and it did at times make integration easier.  She gazed down at her food, Meat, almost raw and starting to turn, unseasoned and in this cut into easy to handle chunks, which made the proposition of eating it in front of her crewmates much more palatable, she lifted a chunk from her plate and ate it, savouring the taste, it had been sometime since she had allowed herself meat.  As she chewed she gave the Klingon a look and a smile, Klingon's she knew, her people had long conflicts with the Klingon's but at least you knew were you stood with them,

"bIpIv'a' (how are you)" she asked, in grammatically correct if accented Klingon, she picked another piece of meat from her plate and chewed it.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing."

Aryn Corliss

[Mess Hall]

Aryn caught Adeyemi's look and nodded in return, but steered Alec away when she saw Lyric approach him. She didn't know exactly what there was between the two, but it looked like a moment that shouldn't be interrupted.

Glancing around and seeing the larger group that included Flick and T'Rell (the only two at the table that she recognized), Aryn said to Alec, Let's get something to eat and join them.

The couple went through the serving line, getting trays with meatloaf and sides, and carried them over to the intended group.

Hello Flick, T'Rell, she greeted, smiling. Looking at the others she added, I'm Aryn and this is my...husband, Alec. She wasn't used to introducing him to people and it felt awkward to acknowledge that she did indeed have a husband.

Greetings, all, Alec added with his easy smile. He was good at putting people at ease, an excellent trait for a doctor. Mind if we join you? He carefully didn't react to Aryn's stumbling over what to call him. It had only been a short time for her even knowing she was married and she wasn't used to it. He didn't blame her in the least.


Red Phoenix - Mess Hall

"V-e-g-a-n."  Odelot spoke the word slowly and softly, with a sense of wonderment and horror.  He glanced about, as if to be sure that no one heard him repeat the offending word.  "No animals?"   Why would anyone limit themselves only to the least tasty things in the galaxy?

Then came the dreaded offer: Salad Friends.

This was a grave moment in the life of the Pakled.  He had rarely refused a potential friendship, and yet no potential friend had ever made so heinous and wicked a demand before.

It was a big thinker.

However, Odelot was smart, and he soon divined an answer to the most challenging puzzle of his life.

"Okay," he said, nodding at his new Klingon friend.  It was a hard-won friendship, but he had figured it out.  "Odelot will be your salad friend.  And Dihiq will be my meatloaf friend.  BUT..." he leaned forward, giving Dihiq a Very Significant Look meant to convey the limitless bounds of Pakled intelligence, "You can eat Odelot's salad.  And I can eat your meatloaf."

Odelot paused, as though for the inevitable applause.

When T'Rell mentioned that feline species were common, Odelot nodded, "Good things are everywhere!"  Then he shoveled some more meatloaf into his mouth.   After all, he was eating for two!

Soon, a new woman came, and she brought her husband.  "Hello Aryn and Alec!  I am Odelot.  This is Dihiq!  This is Felicity Ellis!  Who is Flick?"

Before anyone could answer, he looked down at his plate.  "Odelot is sharing meatloaf with Dihiq and Felicity Ellis.  I do not have enough for you.  Do you want something Blue?"   He picked up his mug, which was quite substantial in size, and held it out.  "It is Blueberry.  Blueberry Smooth!  There is enough for all to have some!"  He glanced to Dihiq and added, very quietly, "It is V-e-g-a-n."

Well, he thought so, anyway.

Hust Kinun


A year and a half. It'd been a year and a half since Starfleet had ruined his life. A year and a half ago, Hust Kinun had been in Starfleet, as a lawyer and officer. A year and a half ago, he'd been picked up by Starfleet Intelligence to search into something he shouldn't have, and that order had ruined his life. He'd been ordered to look into a shadow organization that allegedly had been pulling some strings into events around the Federation. And at that moment, his career in Starfleet was over.

A year and a half ago, former-Ensign Kinun had been assigned to Starbase Columbus and had developed several issues. His arrogance and stupidity had gotten him into several binds, not least of which had been the time his mind was almost shattered by an unknown entity, the time he'd been almost turned into a zombie or countless other events that had pushed him toward the breaking point. The combination of these events had worn down his natural Betazoid mental shields to almost nothing, and that made the noise of a place like Columbus almost deafening.

So he'd turned to substance. He'd used chemical neuron blockers to block out the noise. Illicit, addictive, but effective. He hadn't had to deal with the noise or distraction of a big populated area, and he could focus on his job. It hadn't quite worked out. As soon as he'd been approached by a few Admirals and ordered to investigate this shadow section, he'd begun his task with gusto. Perhaps he'd thought this was his big chance to prove himself to the Admiralty, and it had cost him everything. He'd used a scythe where a scalpel was needed. Almost instantly his side habit had been exposed, and he'd been hauled away by Starfleet Security in disgrace. He'd lost his license to practice law, his career, his place in life, and had earned himself a year and change in a Federation penal colony.

He'd only gotten out recently and had been having trouble finding work. There weren't many places in need of his skills, especially without his license. So, he'd found himself working at this resort - sorting papers and reviewing them off-the-books for a roof over his head and food. While he couldn't sign the papers, he could review them and have the resort spend less time billed to their own legal lawyers. Other than that, Hust had kept his ear to the underworld, acting as a person people could come to with their questions, which he'd answer... for a modest fee. It wasn't glamorous living... but it was away from Starfleet, and hopefully they wouldn't bother him. Hopefully, he could just be left alone.

Ex-Starfleet Lawyer (Disgraced)
Alt of Dylan Torngate.

Judith Eastman

Quote from: T'Rell on November 02, 2018, 09:16:53 PM

[Mess Hall]

T'Rell nodded, smiled and sat, Pakleds we rent a species she had experience with, from what she could remember they were much more cunning than they appeared, "Feline species are common on many worlds" she agreed, most Caitians got over the oft repeated lines about their ancestry and many, like T'Rell took pride in it, cats were often beloved companions and it did at times make integration easier.  She gazed down at her food, Meat, almost raw and starting to turn, unseasoned and in this cut into easy to handle chunks, which made the proposition of eating it in front of her crewmates much more palatable, she lifted a chunk from her plate and ate it, savouring the taste, it had been sometime since she had allowed herself meat.  As she chewed she gave the Klingon a look and a smile, Klingon's she knew, her people had long conflicts with the Klingon's but at least you knew were you stood with them,

"bIpIv'a' (how are you)" she asked, in grammatically correct if accented Klingon, she picked another piece of meat from her plate and chewed it.

[Mess Hall]
"I'm fine," Dihiq answered in Standard. He disliked the harsh sounds and intonation of his mother tongue, but he didn't make a show of it now. It was still better than French, the dead language he'd studied for a semester and which Eastman was so fond of.

Quote from: Odelot on November 03, 2018, 12:00:43 AM

Red Phoenix - Mess Hall

"V-e-g-a-n."  Odelot spoke the word slowly and softly, with a sense of wonderment and horror.  He glanced about, as if to be sure that no one heard him repeat the offending word.  "No animals?"   Why would anyone limit themselves only to the least tasty things in the galaxy?

Then came the dreaded offer: Salad Friends.

This was a grave moment in the life of the Pakled.  He had rarely refused a potential friendship, and yet no potential friend had ever made so heinous and wicked a demand before.

It was a big thinker.

However, Odelot was smart, and he soon divined an answer to the most challenging puzzle of his life.

"Okay," he said, nodding at his new Klingon friend.  It was a hard-won friendship, but he had figured it out.  "Odelot will be your salad friend.  And Dihiq will be my meatloaf friend.  BUT..." he leaned forward, giving Dihiq a Very Significant Look meant to convey the limitless bounds of Pakled intelligence, "You can eat Odelot's salad.  And I can eat your meatloaf."

Odelot paused, as though for the inevitable applause.

When T'Rell mentioned that feline species were common, Odelot nodded, "Good things are everywhere!"  Then he shoveled some more meatloaf into his mouth.   After all, he was eating for two!

Soon, a new woman came, and she brought her husband.  "Hello Aryn and Alec!  I am Odelot.  This is Dihiq!  This is Felicity Ellis!  Who is Flick?"

Before anyone could answer, he looked down at his plate.  "Odelot is sharing meatloaf with Dihiq and Felicity Ellis.  I do not have enough for you.  Do you want something Blue?"   He picked up his mug, which was quite substantial in size, and held it out.  "It is Blueberry.  Blueberry Smooth!  There is enough for all to have some!"  He glanced to Dihiq and added, very quietly, "It is V-e-g-a-n."

Well, he thought so, anyway.

Dihiq was pleased that his offer of friendship had been accepted, if not with joy. He was less pleased at the appearance of Aryn. Eastman had mentioned someone of that name, and asked him to say hi. But first, the blue had to be consumed or not. Dihiq downed another beer, more Dutch courage, and then accepted it.
"I'd love to try some, if we can have another straw."
You had to be sanitary when sharing food. The danger of getting various diseases from mouth to mouth via utensils was a rare thing that Dihiq and the witch agreed upon.
Then, he turned to Aryn.
"Aryn Corliss, by any chance? My boss asked me to say hi if I saw her."

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

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