Season 3 Episode 2 - The Price of Pleasure

Started by Naira, November 01, 2018, 04:42:22 AM

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Aryn Corliss

Quote from: Judy Eastman on November 04, 2018, 07:35:39 PM

[Mess Hall]

"A linguist in only the broadest of senses," Judy quipped. "I spend so much time managing my department, that I hardly have time for my own affairs. And in several months, when I take up grandparenting, I doubt I'll have any time to do worthwhile research at all."
Judy smiled as she imagined herself as a grandmother. It was still in the distant horizon, and she'd left before having the chance to even tell Saya, but the thought made her giddy with excitement.
Dihiq smiled too. He had a feeling the witch as a grandmother would be too busy with that to belittle him."Certainly!" Judy exclaimed. Especially now that she was in expectant grandma mode, she found the Pakled to be adorable in his childlike ways. "Just please, call me Judy. Friends don't call friends by clunky titles."

"Really magical, isn't she?" Dihiq asked Odelot with a thin note of sarcasm that, to a keen observer of the human mannerisms that the Klingon had spent his whole life imitating, made clear that he and the witch weren't friends in any sense of the word.

Judy, meanwhile, reoriented herself back to Aryn and Alec. She didn't seem to recall Aryn mentioning a husband before.
"So, I'm guessing things have happened since we last met," she said. Her eyes made it clear that this was a very roundabout way of asking about the hubby.

Judy took her evening meds, bit into the burger, and listened for one or both of the Listeners to answer.

[Red Phoenix - Mess Hall]

Oh, are you going to be a grandmother? Aryn exclaimed. That's exciting! Congratulations!

The way Judy phrased her question made Aryn realize that she probably thought she and Alec were newly married. With a small chuckle she answered, You remember that I told you I have almost total amnesia? One of the things I forgot was that I had a husband - for a hundred years. I found out about him quite accidentally in a database search and a short time later, he showed up himself. He'd been a prisoner for ten years, from the time I woke up with amnesia, and had been trying to get back to me since he'd been freed. That involved a pirate ship, by the way. Quite an interesting story.

Anyway, I still don't remember him on my own, except for a few flashes, but we're working on it. She bumped her shoulder against Alec's and took his hand for a moment, but gave it back so he could finish his meal.

At Odelot's announcement that the ship was slowing, Alec rose hastily. If we're almost there, I'd better go change into something that goes a little better with your outfit.

Malcolm Adeyemi

Quote from: Lyric McDaniels on November 04, 2018, 11:55:00 PM

[Red Phoenix - Mess Hall]

Lyric slid into the chair fluidly, some of the tension in her body leaving with an audible, but small sigh. She wasn't sure exactly how to explain her misgivings about her assignment to this mission. It was probable that he would shrug off her concerns as complaints and give her a line about how she was supposed to do her duty. However once she started talking, the words just seemed to tumble out.

"Thank you, Malcolm. I do not think this is meant to be a trip for enjoyment. However the engine room on this ship is nice, and the chief engineer is also very nice." The Changeling hid her hands inside her long sleeves, but looked down on them, lightly placed on the table top. "I think my being here is a mistake. I am not good at lying and being... sneaky."

There, she said it. On the one hand, it felt a little better to have it off of her chest, but on the other, Lyric felt almost certain he'd judge her for it. A part of her desperately wanted his approval, but other than a few rare occurrences, Adeyemi usually seemed to keep her at arms-length, looking down his nose at her. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

"Also... I think I may be dressed wrong." She raised her head then, and it was easy to follow her green eyed gaze to several various female crew members. "Nearly everyone else seems to be dressed fancier... with... less clothing? I don't think I can do that." She made a small squeak like a whimper, clearly distressed at the concept.

[Red Phoenix - Mess Hall]

When it became clear that Lyric had serious concerns, Adeyemi put his fork and knife down and focused on her only. A little trick his sisters had taught him: when a woman talks to you, give her your undivided attention. The security chief wasn't the best with the fairer sex. Far from it, actually. But this one simple thing, giving someone the courtesy and attention they deserved, had worked wonders in the past.

He blotted his lips with a cloth napkin and sipped some water, noting that it had lemon juice squeezed in it. Adeyemi was glad that the Phoenix had a top of the line chow hall: his breath probably stank just as richly as his body after exercising. He swished around some tart lemon water in his mouth as Lyric finished up.

"There is a very good reason you are here," He told his friend in his accented voice: mostly the King's English but with a foundation in working class London, and underneath it all, flavored with the richness of West Africa. "You are a member of the crew, and we depend on you with our lives. And same goes on us for you. If you weren't at the top of your game, Lyric, you wouldn't wear the uniform, let alone be assigned for this mission."

When she spoke about her clothes, he had to smile. "Don't worry. I am a plain dresser, as we both know from our time in church together. You won't be the only one."

It was quiet a speech for him. He was suddenly aware of how much he had spoken, who he had spoken to, and how freely, without reservation. Adeyemi felt his face flame. Lyric always did that to him, made him step outside of himself, and say and do things he normally wouldn't. Embarrassed, he turned away from her slightly under the pretext of pushing around some food on his plate.

Leanna Mazal

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on November 03, 2018, 10:35:17 AM

[Mess Hall - Red Phoenix]

"Captain Winchester," she greeted Oliver with a cheeky grin, emphasizing the fact that she was using his full, proper name, and not the nickname he pretended to hate. Once she passed she caught Leanna and Derek's eyes, and gave them both a wink before she swept outside and into the corridors beyond. She made a mental note to ask Lea if she ordered all of her staff out of a catalogue, because they were all ridiculously attractive, and to catch up properly with her former Chief later, hopefully over a sociable drink or two.

[Mess Hall - Red Phoenix]

[NPC - Captain Oliver Winchester]

The way she uttered his name in that delightful accent of hers, was enough to send a pleasant chill down Oliver's spine and his normal fun demeanour was easily forgotten. Not even the fact she had used his full title bothered him then again whenever Felicity Ellis was concerned, he didn't care what she called him and was pretty sure she knew that too.

Flashing her his trademark grin as he fully prepared himself to play her game by simply replying with " Commander Ellis". Watching her closely for a moment as she then left the Mess Hall purposefully ignoring the looks exchanged with both Lea and Derek. He knew that Lea was likely to tease him later but he would deny it as usual as he preferred to enjoy the chase.

Recovering from his moment of weakness, Oliver then proceeded to speak to Pieter, quiet words and conversation both personal and professional before he made his way back through the small crowd in what was usually a fairly empty room. As he moved the Freighter Captain noted the shift in vibrations, knowing his ship well enough to feel the change as it went from warp to impulse.

Deciding now was a good time to get back to the Bridge, he quickened his pace but not before informing the room.

" Attention everyone, we've dropped out of warp and are now at impulse"He stated then continued. " S'Ree gave us an estimate of an hour but now that we've entered the system I expect we'll be arriving at the planet within the next 20 minutes, I'll be on the Bridge should anyone need me".


[Mess Hall - Red Phoenix]

T'Rell pushed the now empty plate away from her, and savoured the aftertaste of the meat, she wanted more but it made her cagey, made her feel more Caitian and she longed for a hunt, something told her she wouldnt have to wait long, she gazed over her companions sitting around her, paying no real attention to the conversation, just picking up on the under current, those words that weren't said, she tried to follow along with the reasons for the unsaid words but found it difficult, the lack of obvious body language frustrated her, she blamed the food, she should have stuck to the salad she told herself but it was too late now for such regrets, 20 minutes until docking gave her a little time to ready herself, she stretched, unsheathed her claws and checked her disruptor she was set, and itching to get this over with.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing."

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Aryn Corliss on November 05, 2018, 10:28:44 AM

[Red Phoenix - Mess Hall]

Oh, are you going to be a grandmother? Aryn exclaimed. That's exciting! Congratulations!

The way Judy phrased her question made Aryn realize that she probably thought she and Alec were newly married. With a small chuckle she answered, You remember that I told you I have almost total amnesia? One of the things I forgot was that I had a husband - for a hundred years. I found out about him quite accidentally in a database search and a short time later, he showed up himself. He'd been a prisoner for ten years, from the time I woke up with amnesia, and had been trying to get back to me since he'd been freed. That involved a pirate ship, by the way. Quite an interesting story.

Anyway, I still don't remember him on my own, except for a few flashes, but we're working on it. She bumped her shoulder against Alec's and took his hand for a moment, but gave it back so he could finish his meal.

At Odelot's announcement that the ship was slowing, Alec rose hastily. If we're almost there, I'd better go change into something that goes a little better with your outfit.

[Mess Hall]

Judy could think of quite a few sarcastic things to say about marriage (as a divorcée with an acid tongue, she had more such remarks in store than even a 20-something who insisted marriage was pointless), but she figured this audience wasn't going to love that sort of joke. She was also well on her way through another bite of burger, and now of the opinion that this was way too much food for her.

When she noticed the ship slowing down and Alec leaving, she gently cocked her head towards the door.
"I'd absolutely love to hear more about what that's been like, re-discovering your marriage. Walk with me?"
Judy had to pick a few things up from her quarters, both for the sake of her appearance, and because two of those things would go crazy without her.

Quote from: Odelot on November 05, 2018, 09:26:04 AM

Red Phoenix - Mess Hall

Odelot chewed with much greater certainty, satisfaction, and glee now that he and the Witch were friends.  Everything was always better when people were friends.  Especially on a small ship like this.  Or the Yadyam.

"Okay, Judy," Odelot agreed.  Then he nodded to Dihiq after glancing around, "Yes!  Joy is still gone."

Presumably, the missing woman would appear at the conclusion of the magic show.

Though, even without the ability to make people vanish, Judy was a magical friend because she ordered lots of fries and then gave them all away.  It reminded Odelot of a story he'd heard on Mars from a human roommate.  It was a story about a wizard who made enough bread and fish for a whole crowd to eat.  There were other magic tricks, but that was the wizard's best magic trick.

And that included coming back from the dead after being nailed to a piece of wood and being thrown in a cave.  Some magic tricks were just too hard to bother with.

There was a very subtle shift in the vibrations coming up from the deck plates.

"We were going fast," Odelot declared, "But now we are going slow."

It was Pakled small talk.  Like discussing the weather.

"I-I think we're getting there," Dihiq observed before the Phoenix's captain confirmed it.

Truly, Dihiq was terrified of going to the Syndicate. It scared him far more than Eastman and her corgis, or even Chief Jada and her apple (Jada was one, the Syndicate were many), but he tried to keep his cool around his dangerous boss. The fries and the beers helped cool his nerves a little.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol


Quote from: Felicity Ellis on November 05, 2018, 09:51:20 AM

[Passageways - Red Phoenix]

"I know." Felicity suppressed a sigh as they approached the quarters the crew had been assigned, their footfalls making entirely different sounds as they echoed off the corridor walls. Sometimes she felt as though she'd made progress with Volskene, only to receive a quick, and complete reminder of just how dissimilar the two were.

She stopped at the locked door of one of two communal sleeping areas, and leaned on the bulkhead outside, her hand poised over the keypad. "Do you recall when you found out that I was no longer Primary Medical Castemember?" She was sure he would, it had taken him hours to 'reboot' after that news. "You didn't understand it, you weren't familiar with it, but you eventually accepted it, and somehow managed to combine my two titles into one." She tapped the code into the panel and the doors slid open to reveal nobody inside. She wasn't all that surprised; everyone was supposed to be in the Mess Hall. She leaned through the doorway and gave the room another quick scan just to be on the safe side. "In fact, what you call me now describes what I do much better than my current title." A huge part of Felicity would always belong with the Medical department, she thought, no matter the level she climbed to.

"You've told me about your Lattice, about how you live on Tholia. I could never be familiar with any of those experiences, but I can accept their existence, and by extension, respect the concept."

She pulled back and allowed the doors to close before moving on to the next room and repeating her search.

[Passageways - Red Phoenix]

Volskene could not venture to guess at the aim of the current search, but the Tholian continued to follow. Each successive chamber seemed to get narrower and narrower, and he felt even more cramped than usual, with the low dingy corridors adding to the feeling of being trapped within his environmental suit. Volskene again took some time to process the Primary Medical Ruling Castemember's exercises in philosophy. To be brutally honest, he disagreed with her idea that Volskene had accepted her caste upheaval... he still felt it was blasphemy. But, prudence was a tenet that Tholians held in spades, especially in dealing with outsiders, and he let those threads stay within his thoughtspace. His constant, expressionless gaze certainly didn't harm the façade he constructed. His lack of argument, for once, betrayed that he had at least listened.

At this juncture, the Tholian felt he had to inquire, "Is this search a mission component?"

Aryn Corliss

Quote from: Judy Eastman on November 05, 2018, 05:06:23 PM

[Mess Hall]

Judy could think of quite a few sarcastic things to say about marriage (as a divorcée with an acid tongue, she had more such remarks in store than even a 20-something who insisted marriage was pointless), but she figured this audience wasn't going to love that sort of joke. She was also well on her way through another bite of burger, and now of the opinion that this was way too much food for her.

When she noticed the ship slowing down and Alec leaving, she gently cocked her head towards the door.
"I'd absolutely love to hear more about what that's been like, re-discovering your marriage. Walk with me?"
Judy had to pick a few things up from her quarters, both for the sake of her appearance, and because two of those things would go crazy without her.

[Red Phoenix Mess Hall ---> Quarters]

Sure, Alec replied, taking his tray to the recycler, then heading out the door. It's certainly been interesting, finding Aryn. I spent more than ten years not even knowing for sure if she was alive, hoping she'd escaped. We'd been in the Gamma Quadrant and the Dominion took a dislike to us. I ended up on a prison planet but Aryn escaped in a stolen shuttle.

When I was able to escape, it was on a pirate ship. I ended up facilitating our capture by a Starfleet vessel and got myself to the starbase. He paused a moment, looking down with a sad expression. One thing that had never occurred to me was that Aryn wouldn't remember who I was. So we've been talking and spending time together. Meeting with Flick. Aryn has remembered a few small things, but we continue to hope that she'll recover her full memory at some point.

Alec's voice became rough near the end and he stopped speaking, clearing his throat several times as they continued down the corridor to their respective quarters.

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Aryn Corliss on November 05, 2018, 10:32:43 PM

[Red Phoenix Mess Hall ---> Quarters]

Sure, Alec replied, taking his tray to the recycler, then heading out the door. It's certainly been interesting, finding Aryn. I spent more than ten years not even knowing for sure if she was alive, hoping she'd escaped. We'd been in the Gamma Quadrant and the Dominion took a dislike to us. I ended up on a prison planet but Aryn escaped in a stolen shuttle.

When I was able to escape, it was on a pirate ship. I ended up facilitating our capture by a Starfleet vessel and got myself to the starbase. He paused a moment, looking down with a sad expression. One thing that had never occurred to me was that Aryn wouldn't remember who I was. So we've been talking and spending time together. Meeting with Flick. Aryn has remembered a few small things, but we continue to hope that she'll recover her full memory at some point.

Alec's voice became rough near the end and he stopped speaking, clearing his throat several times as they continued down the corridor to their respective quarters.

[Hallway -> Quarters -> Hallway]

"I think what really matters is if you love each other. That's all you really need," Judy commented, trying to bring in a bright spot as they turned a hall to the correct quarters. Judy found hers, opened the door, and was nearly knocked off her feet.

Out of the room came two fuzzballs, one visibly pregnant, dragging their leashes behind them. They heard their mommy's footsteps, but then they saw a more interesting stranger. They sniffed and licked Alec, as dogs do.
"Oh, I should have expected that," Judy said apologetically. "These are Bridge and Tunnel, my dogs. Pets, therapy animals, and hungry mouths for me to overfeed."
The second role was obvious from their vests (on a ship like this, covering all one's bases was a good idea), but Judy felt the need to elaborate.

The dogs followed her inside as she went to make herself look slightly flashier. She grabbed some pearls and a jewel-encrusted "pimp cane" she'd replicated for the occasion, and examined herself in the mirror.
"Missing something," she muttered. The something was a nice, big hat.

Judy then re-applied some of her perfume, did some light makeup (no point hiding her age, so she might as well just do a little and compliment it), and downed a cup of coffee. She was ready to do battle.
Corgi leashes in one hand and cane in the other, she went out to check if Alec was done.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Felicity Ellis

Quote from: Volskene on November 05, 2018, 07:51:27 PM

[Passageways - Red Phoenix]

Volskene could not venture to guess at the aim of the current search, but the Tholian continued to follow. Each successive chamber seemed to get narrower and narrower, and he felt even more cramped than usual, with the low dingy corridors adding to the feeling of being trapped within his environmental suit. Volskene again took some time to process the Primary Medical Ruling Castemember's exercises in philosophy. To be brutally honest, he disagreed with her idea that Volskene had accepted her caste upheaval... he still felt it was blasphemy. But, prudence was a tenet that Tholians held in spades, especially in dealing with outsiders, and he let those threads stay within his thoughtspace. His constant, expressionless gaze certainly didn't harm the façade he constructed. His lack of argument, for once, betrayed that he had at least listened.

At this juncture, the Tholian felt he had to inquire, "Is this search a mission component?"

[Passageways - Red Phoenix]

"Not directly." Felicity actually stepped inside the next room, which was comprised of half a dozen bunks, a small table and a couple of chairs. She stood in the center of the room, her arms folded against her chest. "I'm looking for a missing engineer," she explained to Volskene, her expression and tone showing a little mild irritation. "He wasn't at the briefing." She neglected to provide the name for the Tholian. Considering the fact that he could barely tell the majority of the humanoid crew apart, she didn't believe it necessary to further bombard him with irrelevant information.

She pushed the chair back in underneath the table with a toe, before turning with a sigh and exiting the quarters, arms still folded. "Could be that he never made it on-board the Phoenix at all. And I'm out of time to conduct a search of the engine room and cargo bays."

Felicity emerged back into the corridor and switched directions, heading for the Bridge. "The mission must go on." She glanced at Volskene, wondering how he would react to the upcoming deception and the unusual goings on he was no doubt going to bear witness to at this pleasure resort. "Any questions or concerns you'd like to discuss before we arrive?"

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
Bio: Felicity Ellis

Aryn Corliss

Quote from: Judy Eastman on November 05, 2018, 11:00:48 PM

[Hallway -> Quarters -> Hallway]

"I think what really matters is if you love each other. That's all you really need," Judy commented, trying to bring in a bright spot as they turned a hall to the correct quarters. Judy found hers, opened the door, and was nearly knocked off her feet.

Out of the room came two fuzzballs, one visibly pregnant, dragging their leashes behind them. They heard their mommy's footsteps, but then they saw a more interesting stranger. They sniffed and licked Alec, as dogs do.
"Oh, I should have expected that," Judy said apologetically. "These are Bridge and Tunnel, my dogs. Pets, therapy animals, and hungry mouths for me to overfeed."
The second role was obvious from their vests (on a ship like this, covering all one's bases was a good idea), but Judy felt the need to elaborate.

The dogs followed her inside as she went to make herself look slightly flashier. She grabbed some pearls and a jewel-encrusted "pimp cane" she'd replicated for the occasion, and examined herself in the mirror.
"Missing something," she muttered. The something was a nice, big hat.

Judy then re-applied some of her perfume, did some light makeup (no point hiding her age, so she might as well just do a little and compliment it), and downed a cup of coffee. She was ready to do battle.
Corgi leashes in one hand and cane in the other, she went out to check if Alec was done.


Alec nodded in agreement with Judy's sentiment and stopped when she did outside a door. When the corgis came to inspect him, Alec crouched down to give them some attention. Hey-oh, doggos! You're brilliant! Aren't you just the fluffiest things? Alec did the requisite baby-talk as he addressed Bridge and Tunnel. He'd had various pets over his life and enjoyed dogs greatly.

He cleared out of the doorway as Judy went inside and went a few more doors down the corridor to the small room he was sharing with Aryn. In the couple of moments he'd spent petting the dogs, he'd gotten hair everywhere, so it was just as well he was changing.

Alec looked through his things, wondering what would be best. He didn't have anything as flashy as Aryn's dress (she must have replicated it before they left the station - he knew it wasn't what she wore normally). Alec didn't think he needed to be quite as bold as she was, but he should complement at the very least.

He chose a charcoal suit with a darker pinstripe. It was slim and well-fitted and looked good on him. For a shirt, he replicated one that was not the exact green of Aryn's dress, but a close match. They wouldn't clash at least. He left it open at the collar, and examined himself in the mirror. He smoothed his hair and gave his beard a quick trim just to tighten it up and look fresh, then emerged back into the corridor and headed back toward the Mess Hall, seeing Judy already waiting outside her room.

What do you think? he asked her. It's not very exciting, but I think I'll do.

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Aryn Corliss on November 06, 2018, 11:31:58 AM


Alec nodded in agreement with Judy's sentiment and stopped when she did outside a door. When the corgis came to inspect him, Alec crouched down to give them some attention. Hey-oh, doggos! You're brilliant! Aren't you just the fluffiest things? Alec did the requisite baby-talk as he addressed Bridge and Tunnel. He'd had various pets over his life and enjoyed dogs greatly.

He cleared out of the doorway as Judy went inside and went a few more doors down the corridor to the small room he was sharing with Aryn. In the couple of moments he'd spent petting the dogs, he'd gotten hair everywhere, so it was just as well he was changing.

Alec looked through his things, wondering what would be best. He didn't have anything as flashy as Aryn's dress (she must have replicated it before they left the station - he knew it wasn't what she wore normally). Alec didn't think he needed to be quite as bold as she was, but he should complement at the very least.

He chose a charcoal suit with a darker pinstripe. It was slim and well-fitted and looked good on him. For a shirt, he replicated one that was not the exact green of Aryn's dress, but a close match. They wouldn't clash at least. He left it open at the collar, and examined himself in the mirror. He smoothed his hair and gave his beard a quick trim just to tighten it up and look fresh, then emerged back into the corridor and headed back toward the Mess Hall, seeing Judy already waiting outside her room.

What do you think? he asked her. It's not very exciting, but I think I'll do.


Judy wasn't a fashion fanatic, but she was a sharp dresser. As such, Alec's fashion choices rubbed her the wrong way.
"Don't take this personally, dear, but that outfit is a mess," she insisted. "Those colors don't contrast nearly enough; they almost blend into each other. No, no, that doesn't work. You look like you do my taxes."

She motioned for him to follow her back into her quarters and towards the replicator.
"The shirt is fine, but the suit needs to be a lot lighter to work with it. Tan, light grey, even white could do the trick. On top of that, you'll need some ostentatious belt and maybe more exciting shoes. Yes, that'll do the trick."

At this point, Judy caught onto how ridiculous she was about this. She was making a mountain out of a molehill.
"Oh, sorry, I... didn't mean to start ranting," she said. "You look fine."

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Lyric McDaniels

Quote from: Malcolm Adeyemi on November 05, 2018, 11:48:37 AM

[Red Phoenix - Mess Hall]

When it became clear that Lyric had serious concerns, Adeyemi put his fork and knife down and focused on her only. A little trick his sisters had taught him: when a woman talks to you, give her your undivided attention. The security chief wasn't the best with the fairer sex. Far from it, actually. But this one simple thing, giving someone the courtesy and attention they deserved, had worked wonders in the past.

He blotted his lips with a cloth napkin and sipped some water, noting that it had lemon juice squeezed in it. Adeyemi was glad that the Phoenix had a top of the line chow hall: his breath probably stank just as richly as his body after exercising. He swished around some tart lemon water in his mouth as Lyric finished up.

"There is a very good reason you are here," He told his friend in his accented voice: mostly the King's English but with a foundation in working class London, and underneath it all, flavored with the richness of West Africa. "You are a member of the crew, and we depend on you with our lives. And same goes on us for you. If you weren't at the top of your game, Lyric, you wouldn't wear the uniform, let alone be assigned for this mission."

When she spoke about her clothes, he had to smile. "Don't worry. I am a plain dresser, as we both know from our time in church together. You won't be the only one."

It was quiet a speech for him. He was suddenly aware of how much he had spoken, who he had spoken to, and how freely, without reservation. Adeyemi felt his face flame. Lyric always did that to him, made him step outside of himself, and say and do things he normally wouldn't. Embarrassed, he turned away from her slightly under the pretext of pushing around some food on his plate.

[Red Phoenix - Mess Hall]

Lyric looked down at her hands again. Malcolm had started to make her feel a little better, then he did that same pulling away he always did. She wasn't entirely sure what she expected of him, or why she tried to pursue anything with him. Lord knows, he rarely encouraged her, beyond the occasional kind word or two.

"Thank you, Malcolm." Her voice was quiet, with a small waver as she still wasn't quite convinced. However she would do... whatever she was supposed to do. The briefing hadn't quite outlined what role she was to play in all this. Perhaps once she received more defined orders, she would feel at least a little better about this operation. In a steadier voice, she continued. "I'm sure you want to finish your meal and get cleaned up. From the sounds of things, we'll be arriving shortly. I... I'm uhm, sorry for bothering you." The Changeling stood up quickly, and ducked her head. As she scurried out of the room, she wasn't sure where she'd go, but away sounded good.

Species: Changeling

If you could be anything you wanted, why wouldn't you choose to be happy?

Leanna Mazal

[Red Phoenix Bridge]

[NPC - Captain Oliver Winchester]

After leaving the Mess, Oliver had gone straight to the Bridge, not only to confirm what he knew regarding their imminent arrival but also because he wanted to be the one to speak directly with the resort authorities.

Now would be the time to find out if the price they paid to gain access to the resort was worth it and if their cover story would be accepted. Making a beeline straight for his chair, Oliver then looked towards both Kaydaya and S'Ree before speaking.

" Okay S'Ree am I right in thinking we only have about fifteen minutes left before we arrive ?" He enquired, knowing it was probably a question that didn't need to be answered but still they had guests and they had to play this carefully.

" You are correct and don't worry Winch we've got this"S'Ree replied full of usual confidence which did help Oliver a little before he turned his attention to Kaydaya.

The silver haired Argellian didn't have to wait for him to say anything as she spoke.

" Already one step ahead of you hotshot, I have a channel ready and waiting direct to traffic control".

Oliver simply grinned as he then asked Kaydaya to open the channel. However the voice on the other end wasn't what he was expecting.

=P=  Who is this? and why are you encroaching on our space ? =P=the unknown male voice demanded earning a confused look from Oliver but he soon recovered and spoke back.

= RP= This is Captain Winchester of the SS Red Phoenix, we're carrying supplies and passengers to the Pleasure Resort and I'm sure if you checked your records, we are scheduled to arrive today =RP=.

= P = Red Phoenix, nope ...... =P=

The other voice cut off for a moment and Oliver exchanged glances with his crew, wondering if their cover had been blown.

= RP= Look whoever you are, if we don't land and deliver these supplies, as well as escorting our passengers who I might add are here for the big party later, then I will hold you personally responsible if a price is put on our heads =RP=

That seemed to do the trick as Kaydaya then received co ordinates to their designated landing spot before the channel closed.

Oliver sat back clearly relieved as another voice sounded from the corner near the Security console.
" You should of let me deal with them Winchester, I would of showed them that we meant business" .

Oliver turned in the direction of where the voice came from and scowled slightly at their Security Expert.

" That's all well and good Idris, but then you would of had to explain to Lea why you had ruined the mission".

All 6ft 3 and defined Idris Foxwell considered Winchester's reply and whether it was worth it or not as he certainly didn't trust those who worked in the resort they were headed too. His distrust of Orions and anyone associated with the Syndicate or Twenty Six Cartel deserved to meet a sticky end after too many disastrous encounters and personal loss. However he was trying to turn over a new leaf and Leanna Mazal had been the only one willing to give him a job despite his background and as much as he wanted to fire a warning shot, thought better of it as soon as his boss was mentioned.

" Okay they win this time and only because of Lea and no one else".

Oliver simply nodded in agreement, knowing all to well not to get into a deep conversation with Idris and instead focused on landing the Phoenix safely without any further problems.

Aryn Corliss

Quote from: Judy Eastman on November 06, 2018, 12:06:08 PM


Judy wasn't a fashion fanatic, but she was a sharp dresser. As such, Alec's fashion choices rubbed her the wrong way.
"Don't take this personally, dear, but that outfit is a mess," she insisted. "Those colors don't contrast nearly enough; they almost blend into each other. No, no, that doesn't work. You look like you do my taxes."

She motioned for him to follow her back into her quarters and towards the replicator.
"The shirt is fine, but the suit needs to be a lot lighter to work with it. Tan, light grey, even white could do the trick. On top of that, you'll need some ostentatious belt and maybe more exciting shoes. Yes, that'll do the trick."

At this point, Judy caught onto how ridiculous she was about this. She was making a mountain out of a molehill.
"Oh, sorry, I... didn't mean to start ranting," she said. "You look fine."


A grin crept over Alec's face as he realized that this woman, who looked older than he was but was actually centuries younger, was mothering him. It was novel. His own mother had died in the Borg attack on the El-Aurian homeworld.

He followed her obediently into her quarters and listened as she criticized his entire outfit. Once she was done, with her final turnaround, he chuckled and responded, Light grey suit, but you can do anything else you want. I appreciate the help. It's been a few years since I've had a choice and I was never much for fashion anyway.

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Aryn Corliss on November 06, 2018, 02:55:58 PM


A grin crept over Alec's face as he realized that this woman, who looked older than he was but was actually centuries younger, was mothering him. It was novel. His own mother had died in the Borg attack on the El-Aurian homeworld.

He followed her obediently into her quarters and listened as she criticized his entire outfit. Once she was done, with her final turnaround, he chuckled and responded, Light grey suit, but you can do anything else you want. I appreciate the help. It's been a few years since I've had a choice and I was never much for fashion anyway.


Judy was relieved to see her rant was going over well.
"Right. Let's go with a gold watch, a big one. Add in a belt with a stupidly large buckle, and you'll be good."
She replicated items that met her idea of flashy Syndicate garb and handed them to Alec, before realizing that her own look still wasn't quite there. It just needed a touch of bonus conceit, something about as subtle as the elongated nose on her face. Something like shades! She reached for a pair of aviators from her collection, put them on in a smooth motion, and then turned to leave.
"Let me know when you're ready," she told Alec.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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